Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


I wanted you to be one of the first to know

July 5, 2016

If you’ve been coming to my blog over the years, you probably know that releasing a book is one of the most terrifying feelings for me. I mean really, who in their right mind opens up the most raw places of their heart for all the world to come in and stay a while?

Excuse me while I reluctantly raise my hand in the back of the classroom to claim that level of insanity.

But really, vulnerability is a small price to pay for the amazing seat I have to watch as the messages God places deep in my soul go out to women (and even some men!) everywhere.

And since you’re my blog friends whom I deeply love, I wanted you to be some of the first to hear about my newest book releasing this summer called Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely.

For most of us, the rejections of our past are affecting us more than we realize. All of us are either trying to heal a past rejection, deal with a present rejection or fear that an unexpected rejection is just around the corner. And that’s exactly why I wrote Uninvited.

With Uninvited, you’ll be equipped to:

• Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.
• Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.
• Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady your soul and restore your confidence in the midst of rejection.
• Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging.

It won’t be in stores until August 9th, but if you pre-order today you’ll receive several limited time resources that won’t be available after the book releases:

• First five chapters delivered to your inbox immediately
• 10 printable Uninvited themed coloring pages
• Lock screen collection with quotes from the book
• Exclusive bonus video from me

Pre-order your copy by clicking here.

I really believe this book will help you come to know in the deepest parts of your heart that with Jesus you are forever safe, forever accepted, forever held, completely loved and always invited in.

Today I’m giving away 3 copies of the Advanced Reader Version of Uninvited. To be entered to win, leave a comment below telling me what part of the Uninvited message resonates with your life right now.

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  1. April

    I would love to win a book so that I can use it to help my sister gain the courage to escape an abusive relationship.

  2. Manda M.

    I would love an ARC of Uninvited. I have been trampled by insecurity and fear all my life. Only now am I starting to learn how to somewhat cope and over come this fear. Unfortunately, it gets me everyday. I would love to have any possible ‘tool’ in my possession to help me with this.
    Thank you in advance.

  3. Sarah Kasch

    I look forward to reading your book.
    I am feeling lost and confused right now.
    Unloved. Not needed. I went from working (Volunteering at the park) to being stuck at home due to lupus and fibro.
    The feeling is in my head.

  4. Beverly Lawrence

    I am so insecure in relationships. I know it is from childhood experiencesdexperiencesd. I have trouble forgiving myself for things that have happened in the past even though I know this is a sin and God hads forgiven me. Looking forward to this book.

  5. Sheila

    Although I don’t remember it, apparently I used to introduce myself as a child like this, “my name is S and I’m a mistake”. Like I say, I don’t remember saying it but the truth was I was definitely a “surprise” for my parents who were in their late 30’s when I arrived. When I became a Christian I read that God had “chosen me before the creation of the world” etc which had a huge impact on how I felt about myself because I still had an abiding unconscious feeling of not quite being wanted or needed by others. It’s taken time, but God has been revealing my preciousness and unique beauty, thank you Father for your unconditional love!

  6. Christi

    I have had so much rejection in my life. It has such a hold on me. I would love to have a copy of your book and begin to learn to live free of that pain. Amen!

  7. Donna Jasso

    This book couldn’t be coming at a better time in my life. My mom recently passed away and suddenly my step family are treating me like I’m a leper and suddenly referring to my step dad as “my step dad”. He has been my dad for more than half my life and is the man who raised me. I consider him my dad. This rejection mashes me miss my mom so much more. This is not coming from him, but other members of the family.

  8. Micah Dodd

    My life sometimes feels like its been a long, steady stream of rejections. I’m so thrilled you’ve written this book! Every book of yours that I’ve read has just spoke right to my heart. I think the area of the book that seems most tailored to me specifically is learning that I’m handpicked by God even when I’m rejected by others. That is a tough truth for me to truly believe.

  9. Susan

    We have custody of a child who is in desperate need of this book. This child falls in love immediately and then tries to control that person.

  10. Kimberly

    To. Make an honest, long story short … because of circumstances.. I have felt rejected, ALL my life .

  11. Janice Paysinger

    I knew as I soon as I read the description of the contents of your book that I had to have it! Being overlooked by friends gripped me because that is exactly what is happening in my life. I need to know how to really accept that God loves me and handpicked me

  12. Gillian

    I love the idea that even when I’m feeling left out from a group of peers or am the last to know something about a friend or family member, God still picks me for His team and wants a catchup every day! And my stories never bore Him even when He’s heard them all before!

  13. Angela Rhodes

    This is such an odd coincidence, but I battled these feelings even earlier tonight! I very much despise the “left out” feeling, and I’m fiercely teaching my girls to be inclusive in everything they do, so as not to be the person responsible for making someone feel bad or left out. But I often feel like my super planned to the minute life slows down and I see other friends out having fun and let myself feel bad. I would love to read this next book, as so many before have resonated with me, I would be excited to see how I can learn and grow from this book too! Also, I will be on a plane taking a group of teens from our church to the National Youth Gathering for the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod in a little over a week, and this would be awesome to read on the plane! -@

  14. Karen

    This book looks just what I need to read right now in the hurt of my husband’s betrayal.

  15. Angela Parker

    I have spent my life feeling like I don’t quite belong….and as a result, I have struggled with feelings of rejection, in one form or another, in all areas! Some of these were perceived, some only too real….but the season I’m in now has me as the (single) mum who’s grown-up children (and a granddaughter too) moving out of the family home and moving on. They’re moving to wonderful things, my prayers richly answered for them……but I am left bereft and hurting, with my rejection ‘hooks’ snagging left, right and centre!! I need some practical help….which is where your book comes in!

  16. Karen E Bowen

    I faced so much rejection in school when I was younger. I thought when I was an adult, it would all go away. If I were to vocally share with even one person that I work with that I feel left out or rejected, they would say that I am crazy and that everyone loves me. The very hard truth is, that I come home and cry and lament because I truly feel like I don’t fit in. I believe this has so much to do with not fitting in when I was a kid. I am looking so forward to this book ministering to my heart and soul.

  17. Linda

    Rejection has alwayd been at the forfront of my life started out as a child being in the hsp from ages 10 to 13 never coming home I felt rejection inspite of the fact I had a earthly Father who came to see me everyday. This spilled over into my adult life still inspite of having a heavenly father who loved looking forward to book

  18. Valarie Bayer

    I’m dealing with this exact thing, right now, in my life (actually, my whole life). In my current relationship, I not only feel unloved, but insignificant. This is a horrible feeling. I look to God to know I am loved unconditionally and I am a significant child of His. Thank you Lysa. I look foward to reading “Uninvited”.

  19. Renee Manzo


  20. RaeAnne

    I love the thought of this book helping me to retrain my mind & heart about trusting how Jesus loves me – in spite of my shortcomings.,

    For you to say that you’re the one in class reluctantly raising your hand – to state your opinion … I genuinely adore that word picture because we are kindred Sisters.

    Thank you for sharing how our loving Lord ministers to you.

  21. Patricia Woodson

    It’s like you reached through the page and grabbed my hand and pulled me through…That ache of loneliness is palpable…I look forward to reading your book and know someone I can share it with after.

  22. Paula Howard

    Pick me, please! This is the very spot I’m in right now and feeling so very lonely. I know the Lord is very much aware of me and my situation, but more often than not these days it doesn’t feel like it.

  23. Sarah

    Lysa, thank you so much for writing this book. I so thankful for your vulnerability. I too had a lot of the same childhood struggles. After reading the first 50 pages It’s like you wrote this book for me. I look forward to reading the rest of the book in August.

  24. Sarah

    Lysa, thank you so much for writing this book. I am so thankful for your vulnerability. I too had a lot of the same childhood struggles. After reading the first 50 pages It’s like you wrote this book for me. I look forward to reading the rest of the book in August.

  25. Martha Nelson

    I have followed Proverbs 31 and First 5 and especially your ministry for many years! I have both apps on my iPhone.
    I know that the theme of your new book, “Uninvited” resonates with me, partly for myself, but moreso in my husband’s past.
    He had a very harsh father (who unfortunately was a preacher) who ridiculed and belittled him. He has a deep sense of ‘conditional love’, and a controlling and unforgiving heart that holds on to and revisits hurts all too often. He is so easily insulted and fearful of the opinions of others.
    Because of a very difficult battle with bladder cancer (he had his bladder and prostate removed and a neobladder made from his intestines to replace his bladder), he came to a Saving knowledge of Christ!
    I was ecstatic! He is growing in Christ, just recently began to understand that Salvation is permanent, and I see the healing hand of Jesus each day, and for that I am sooo thankful.
    We have been married for 35 years – a second marriage for both of us so that just inhances some issues – and we have had many struggles, but our marriage is slowly getting stronger.
    I know this is too long and this new book may resonate even more with just me than I realize!
    I have been posting daily Scripture along with “My Thoughts” on Facebook since January because of a challenge from a friend. I love writing and pray for the Lord to use what He gives me to write for His glory and to help others.
    I fear this has been a “rambling mess” but there it is!
    God has given you a phenomenal gift and I love the way you share it!
    Thank you for your ministry and Lord bless you and yours!!
    Love, hugs, and prayers, Martha

  26. Peggy Cuomo

    I am looking forward to another Lisa book!!!! The title is “inviting”!

  27. Leslie Grotti

    Your new book will help me heal from past rejections and feelings of being unwanted and unloved. I struggle with knowing I’m loved by anyone especially God!
    I have read other books of yours and love them plus get Proverbs 31 devotions in my email. Look forward to reading this one as well!

  28. Linda

    Though I am old in years, I still feel experience the sadness of the little 8-year-old girl who was too fat to be included in the groups who played and spent time together.

  29. Judi Skonieczny

    The part of your message that resonates with me is that no matter what’s going on with other people, I know I’m handpicked by God.

  30. Rachel D.

    The part that resonated most with me is, “Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.”

  31. Kelly

    I need to get up and get ready for work, but am paralyzed with fear and anxiety. Laying here trying to overcome the treatment I daily receive at my current office. Trying to reframe my thoughts, quote Bible verses, pray, etc. I still feel frozen and unable to move. How will I ever overcome? How will I escape this fear? This entrapment? Does anyone understand? Is God there? Will he rescue me? … Let me see if there is anything I my email to encourage me as I try to convince myself to get moving…. an email from Lysa announcing her new book. Every word touches my heart – someone knows – someone cares. Lord Jesus, thank you. Please help me and others this day.

  32. Traci

    We have all been uninvited and have experienced that gut wrenching feeling down deep on our soul. The older I get and more importantly, the closer I walk with God, the easier it is to work through those unwanted feelings of rejection and unworthiness. As a mother of a 14 year old girl (a girl who is experiencing all of those “uninvited” feelings), I have been praying for God’s guidance and the help and wisdom of others to assist me in steering my daughter through this time in her life so that when the uninvited feelings pop up again (and they will), she will have the ability to work through the situation and realize God thinks she is always worthy. I am so excited to read Lysa’s new book!

  33. Tia

    Hi Lysa,
    I’m so excited about your new book! Day in and day out I struggle with feelings of inadequacy and not belonging. You see, I’ve just embarked on a new career path and most days I feel like I have no clue what I’m doing, and often time I feel that my light is being consumed by the darkness of my coworkers who don’t believe in God! Some days I feel like I’m a leaper in the workplace. I find myself dreading to wake up in the morning to go to work. This feeling of inadequacy follows me into other areas of my life as well. It says you aren’t a good wife or mother or friend. It’s definitely becoming an overwhelming cycle! I can’t wait to get your book and allow God to work in my life through the words He has given to you. Thanks Lysa!

  34. Judi

    I think the need to be wanted is one of the strongest drives a woman feels. I’m regularly shocked that I still struggle with this, and that it still brings such an emotional reaction! Just recently I had a friend tell me that I hated to not be in control, but in reality the program was that I wanted to be invited and asked to do the event. It saddened me that the situation was seen as a control issue when it was really a request to be loved. I’m looking forward to the book.

  35. Roz

    I’m excited for Uninvited to be released with such heart yearning. Learning how to God process the hurt of rejection is part of the wholeness journey I’ve been praying for.

  36. Saundra

    Lysa; I make time to read your blogs and pray they reach my deepest anxiety. Good luck with your new book. I KNOW it will be a blessing to many. I have the worst time believing God doesn’t reject me like everyone else has. The doubt has a way of wiggling in. Your blogs help. Thanks so much for all you do and believe.

  37. lc

    I believe the Lord revealed the mountain in front of me I just can’t seem to be able to get over or around. And it’s the rejection of my past affecting me more than I realize. I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to heal a past rejection, deal with a present rejection and fear future rejection. It’s no way to live! I’m so ready to truly heal, learn and trust The Creator and Lover of my soul!

  38. Rhonda Smerdon

    Hi Lysa,

    I am so excited about your new book. I get your email messages and they really help me stay focus. But, I can’t wait for this book. I guess the part that really resonates with me is the feeling of belonging. I never felt like I belonged anywhere growing up. I very felt that unconditional love from my parents. It’s really hard for me to understand unconditional love. I always feel like something is going to happen and it will go away. My husband was the first person that loved me unconditional and even then, it was still Earthly love. I still struggle with why would God love me that way because I don’t deserve it. I was teased my whole life until about 18 about a birth defect that I have no control over. So, I always faced rejection from peers. I always wanted to belong, but they didn’t want me. I struggle with embracing God’s love and protection in that way and truly understand that He is the only one that will NEVER reject me. Cause I guess I figure if I did all these things and sinned, why would He? I know in my head the reasons why He does and what the Bible says, but they is always “something” that keeps me for truly feeling it. Thank you for writing this and being in my inbox.

  39. Sandra

    I can and do relate tremendously with feeling left out. I’ve went through some rough times with my adopted children and the feeling of rejection from adults because they don’t understand the whole picture leaves me insecure and feeling rejected. I am excited about your new book and what God has to say to me through your book. CAN’T WAIT!

  40. Lori

    My husband lost his job – a third time. He is looking for another and will be needing to deal with rejection. It can crush him. I think he may also be dealing with past family rejection.

  41. Bernadette

    The part of this book that resonates with me the most is how unwanted i sometimes feel. I look forward to reading this.

  42. Adrienne Zastrow

    Wow! This comes at an amazing time. Just yesterday I was discussing this very topic withy 14 year old daughter whom feels like she doesn’t fit in. She feels so left out. I shared that with Jesus she is never left out. I have been looking for a Bible study to do with her and I think I found it. Thanks Lysa for again opening your heart to share with us a biblical perspective on a topic many women face. Blessings!

  43. Maureen

    Hi Lysa, I have followed Proverbs 31 for years and it is uncanny how the devotions fit so perfectly. I will be 50 years old soon and I am in a new season of my life, yet again, and still feel like I do not belong. Now, I do know that is a lie from the enemy, but as a woman, feelings are plentiful! I will be getting this book and it will be easy to remember the date it comes out as it is my oldest brothers birthday! 🙂 God is amazing and no matter the outcome, He is still in control!! Many blessings to you and thankful for your many years of dedication to all of us emotionally filled women!

  44. Christina Z.

    We recently moved to a new state, far away from family and friends. Trying to build community left me feeling as if I am once again that school aged child on the playground chosen last for every playground game and chosen last as friend. Although I am long away from those days, the feelings still resonate when trying to break into new groups that have been forged for many years. Your book seems like the perfect opportunity to recenter and to focus God’s plan for my life.

  45. Liz Cress

    Dealing with past rejections. To know even when I am rejected by others, I am not rejected by God

  46. Pat T

    My past has affected my marriage to the point of possible separation with plans to reconcile. I will be seeking counseling to discover how to help me and our relationship. It’s a very scary step. Your book sounds like a great resource to support me in this journey. Lysa, thank you for being open to God’s nudging on your heart to write the words we need to read. Continued prayers for your healing.

  47. Heather

    I love your vulnerability and transparency, Lysa! I recently lost my Dad. Technically, he was my step-dad, but I don’t remember life without him, and he never treated me as anything but his own child. For whatever reason, my Mom kept making reference to the fact that I was not truly his child, upon his deathbed. She even spoke to him (in his unresponsive state) as though I did not exist by referencing only his biological children. I’ve never been so hurt or felt so rejected in all of my life. My Mom and I are very close, and I know she did not meant to hurt me. Even though my Dad never gave any indication that he felt this way, she made it seem as though it was a secretly held fact. This came from out of nowhere and has left me reeling in pain and insecurity. I’m excited to read your book, Uninvited, as I hope it will help me dispel these hurtful feelings of rejection.

  48. Bree

    Through many trials and storms, praise the Lord, I have grown more confident in my identity in Christ. Yet the temptation lurks. Uninvited.

  49. Kelley Kodrin

    I couldn’t believe it when I opened this e-mail and read your message about your new book. This is how I feel almost ALL the time: Uninvited, left out! I always say I’m going to go off Facebook because it makes me feel so bad to see everyone having fun when I’m either home alone or struggling to find something for my only child and I to do. Looking forward to reading this book!

  50. April

    Would love a copy…looks like an amazing book!

  51. Jill

    My 19 year old daughter is struggling with loneliness and rejection that is stealing her joy. She desperately wants to believe she is fearfully and wonderfully made but is distracted by the rejection in her past. This sounds like the book for her!

  52. Kim

    It’s easier to “not” get too close or involved with others due to getting hurt over and over in the past.

  53. Jennie

    I would love a copy. My dad left when I was 7 and at 44 I am still struggling with that rejection. I want…no desperately need to find a way to move pass that to be a better wife and mother. Thank you for sharing your gift with words with others.

  54. Tanya

    The part of this book that resonates with me is feeling left out by others and the need to understand God is all I need! I’ve really been struggling with this lately and can’t get my thoughts to remain positive. I desperately need to read this book. Thank you for writing and sharing it!!

  55. Gina

    Wow, I feel this way often. I feel left out and “different” than everyone around me. I would say this is one of my biggest struggles.

  56. Brenda Russell

    I would be interested in your new book as I have recently lost a job after 20 years of service and am unable to find something that suits me. This detail about the book spoke to be the most “Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging.”

  57. Rachelle Craig

    I am sure that when I read the book all sorts of things will resonate with me, as they do each and every time I read one of your books. But I often feel left out with my own brothers and sister. I am the only one who knows the Lord, and often I do not get invited to things. When I ask about it they come up with all sorts of reasons from, “you know your always welcome,” to, “we just decided at the last minute.” It is painful at times, but I know the real reason is that I don’t do some of the things they do, so therefore I am boring to them, or if I am included, they wouldn’t feel comfortable doing their thing.

    I have been praying for you Lysa. I am so thankful each time I see a Facebook post, or a blog in my inbox. You will continue to be in my prayers.

  58. Joan Williams

    Since becoming a widow more than seven years ago, I have felt left out and alone. I find myself going through my days seemingly without reason, lost without dreams for my tomorrows. Many times as a child I felt alone and I feel as though I’m back in that same place again. I know that Jesus is my answer, the only one who loves me like know other. I need to now move past this landmark event in my life and dare to dream again.

  59. Crystal Robinson Griffin

    Uninvited appears to be the story of my life .

  60. Trish

    I’m looking forward to this book. I feel like I’m definitely in a growing season with my relationship with the Lord. I feel like he is calling me out into waters I’m scared of going to. I, like everyone else, am fighting fears based on things that have happened in the past.

  61. Robin

    Can I just say, ALL OF THEM! Looking forward to this!

  62. Vickie Mullins

    Lysa I believe We all feel this.. Uninvited, for me turning to God many years ago keeps me with him…

  63. Karen Perkins

    As a step parent, rejection seems to come with the territory. Not being invited, left out and excuses being made for the behavior is normal. I am eager to break the patterns of my response to this rejection. I look forward to reading your book.

  64. Jane

    This is an issue I’ve struggled with since childhood – feeling left out, lonely and rejected. Now at age 52 the issues continue. It’s a difficult subject to discuss with anyone especially when others don’t relate to your situation. Your book is a perfect opportunity to learn how to let God work in this area. Thank you for all your great resources. It’s great to know we’re not alone.

  65. Melissa

    Fear of rejection is a big issue for me. As a result, I avoid certain people/situations rather than risk rejection.

  66. AmyN

    Trying to control others actions is exhausting and definitely not how God wants me to react to my hurts. I’m eager to read Uninvited to learn how to better respond to those triggers.

  67. Jane G

    I look forward to reading your new book. Even in my 50’s I sometimes struggle with feelings of not belonging. One thing, I would like to learn from your book is what to pray for to steady my soul and restore my confidence in the midst of rejection.
    Thanks for the opportunity to receive a copy of your book.

  68. Kim

    Lysa, I’m ordering this book not only for me, but mostly for my daughter. She is a junior in college, struggling with being a believer, and has forever felt not good enough. She has grown up in a Christian home, spent the first five years of school in a Christian school, loving parents and Grandparents, and just last week she told us, through tears, that she has to remind herself every day that we love her and that she always feels less than and not good enough. She has severe anxiety, depression, and, of course, a low self esteem. She struggles with her weight, has never really dated, and has only had a few friends her whole life. I pray that God will show her she is good enough, that he is always there. Thank you for being real in wanting to help others, and thank you to anyone who will pray for her.

  69. Christina

    This is such a common feeling for me, especially among my “Christian” friends…you know, the ones that are *supposed* to include and welcome at all times. I look forward to reading this book, for my benefit, as well as to help others under the same kind of attack. Cause isn’t that what it is? An attack from the enemy of our souls to distract us from understanding how fully loved we are by our creator?

  70. Cindy

    Hi Lysa
    The thought that God even sees me, let alone handpicked me, is something I just can’t comprehend. I kind of just ‘do my duty’ as a Christian but wish so much I could ‘feel’ the relationship aspect. Maybe your book could hold a key for me. Hope you’re feeling much better!

  71. Jenn Williams

    The truths of this book are so needed, by me and by others. Knowing and securing my confidence in this world, that I am accepted by Christ, is key. Thank you Lysa for tackling another personal and important theme of faith.

  72. Pam D.

    “Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging.” In the midst of some circumstances at work, I have been shaken to the core, old insecurities have risen to the surface, and I need to move on. This book is coming at the right time! Thank you!

  73. Jennifer Shike

    Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God! I hate that this rings true in too many areas of my life and robs me of joy God wants for me.

  74. Kim

    Rejected? Uninvited? After some poor choices, I feel as if my entire community, especially my church family, has turned their backs on me and my family. I need to feel a part….be a part…of a group of believers. Won’t someone let me in?

  75. Linda

    I am blessed to have a loving husband and loving children so I’m not feeling any rejection in my life at the moment. But I have two friends who are struggling with rejection. I would love to give them this book to help them realize that although they may feel rejection from people around them, God will never reject. They are children of God!

  76. Kimberley

    My life as had a lot of rejection by others particularly in regards to friendships and from what you have shared this concept resonates with me as I daily have to remind myself to look to God for acceptance and worth and not those around me.

  77. Melissa


    I cannot wait to read this book!

    Still being single while everyone I know is married
    is what resonates with me. It is a lonely journey and
    I am so thankful that you wrote this book.

    Also thankful for your healing from your recent health scare!


  78. Beth W.

    I have been fighting this insecurity for as long as I can remember:
    “Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.”
    Lysa- I have always resonated with your writing/books and this is one that I know the Holy Spirit will use to minister to my heart and….bring healing.

  79. Louise


    I firmly believe this book will resonate with many women as insecurity is fed by uninvited moments. The minute I heard about this book I knew I would want to read it. When I was 11 years old, my “best” friend asked me to join her at another friend’s house just down the street. When I got there, they showed me all their plans for an upcoming Halloween party and I was excited thinking about how much fun it was going to be. As I left to go home, they both walked me to the door, and my best friend said, “oh, by the way, you’re not invited.” Then they handed me a note as the door closed and let’s just say it was full of unkind words, remarks about how ugly I was, not liked, etc. Tears streamed down my face all the way home.
    That was 47 years ago. And I can remember every detail.
    I would love a copy of your book.

  80. Jennie

    Past rejections that lead to fear of future rejections.

  81. Lorraine

    My husband abandoned me 6 years ago. I cannot even talk about the feelings of total devastation and betrayal. I cling to Jesus, but with people I feel like the street urchin standing outside in the cold with my nose pressed to the window, watching others share a feast. I don’t want to be eating the crumbs off the floor anymore. I want to be seated at the table, included.

  82. nancys1128

    I am most in need of ways to stop feeling left out by believing that even when I am overlooked by others I am handpicked by God.

  83. Sharon

    All of them resonated with me on so many levels, but for today, what really stuck with me was the idea of being held by Jesus and belonging.

  84. Toni

    • Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.

    Struggling with being overlooked in my life today- your “Uninvited” point on believing I was handpicked by God and knowing that to heal my hurt feelings I can be using time I feel left out purposely for God !

  85. Stephanie Guignard

    The part about feeling lonely and left out resonates with me. I think as a mom it feels like so often as we serve serve and serve with little in return.. I’m looking forward to this book and it comes at the right time.

  86. Mia

    Everything about this makes me cringe, from being so out of control that I miss out on what I should be praying about, how I miss out on opportunities to glorify his name because I feel like I don’t belong, to even the anger I sometimes feel when my husband is overlooked even when I see him work so hard and give more than the ones who are picked. I pray that my Lord Jesus Christ forgives my ignorance and blesses me with that power of peace and sense of belonging that is automatic deep down in my heart and soul. Deep enough to not have to think about but to just be.

  87. Bonbon

    When I walk into my office and the huddle disperses from whispering, it’s hard to overcome not wondering if they are talking about me. I think this book is for me!

  88. Melanie Whitaker

    Though I’ve been to several spiritual retreats to deal with the rejection and spirit of rejection that has hounded me since I was a little girl, there always still seems to be a root of it there. Affecting how I react to people who I feel overlook me or leave me out and what I’ve realized lately as I’ve prayed about this, is that I’ve put these characteristics of what I’ve believed about people inn general, on to a God, who’s never left me, always been there, but because of one area of my life where it seems God has overlooked me, I continue to battle rejection.

    I’m most definitely reading this book and hope to do a bible study in my women’s group about it, as I know so many women who deal with this issue more frequently than any of us care to admit.

  89. Angie

    Uninvited would resonate with both myself and my daughter. We both struggle with feeling unloved and unwanted even when we are with friends and loved ones. I believe it will not only help us in our walk with Jesus but help us get closer to Him and each other.

  90. Patti McLean

    I’d like to give this book to my youngest daughter. The first rejection she remembers is when she was 8 and her dad didn’t come and get her for their visit. Didn’t call, just didn’t show up. That caused years of rejection, in her eyes. Her boyfriend (fiance of 1 year) of 9 years broke up with her a year ago. It plummeted her into a cycle she has yet to get out of. She is spinning and searching.

  91. Krista

    My son has been my sidekick since he was born. Always wanting to be around me or talk with me. Now that he’s sixteen and has a new girlfriend he has “uninvited” me from his world. I have a hard time just getting him to say hi. He is a good kid and I am happy that he’s growing up, I just miss being able to talk to him and hanging out.

  92. Debbie Kesterson


    When I read the title to your book I began to weep because this is my life. I have spent a number of years trying to figure out why I am rarely included in anything going on. For instance at my work (at a church) I am frequently not seen, invisible, and wondering what was wrong with me that I am overlooked so often. There are times I really feel that the Lord doesn’t want me to have friends even when I am a friend to all. This book was written for me and I would be honored to receive a copy.

    Thank you,

  93. Elsie

    Thank you for writing a book like this. I am sure that a lot of us have dealt with this and still do. I know that I have. I also finally woke up to the fact of who I am in Christ. I also know that we should not compare ourselves with others.Thanks for giving much needed encouragement on this issue. I smiled when I read that” you had Neflex shows to watch and could work on your income tax”. It is very good to make one smile while reading something that you wrote.

  94. Danielle

    I have spent a good part of my 47 years chasing approval because of rejection. I look forward to your insights.♡

  95. K

    I feel as if this book was written just for me. My greatest fear is rejection. My deepest wounds are from rejection. The tapes that play in my mind are words of rejection. God has and is continuing to heal and I believe this book will be a tool He uses in that healing process. Thank you for being obedient in writing it. I look forward to reading it with great anticipation.

  96. Donna

    Thank you Lysa for always sharing your heart with us! I pray Jesus is restoring your health! You went through a lot for sure! Rejection is awful! When it worms its way in we are left with a huge ? mark & great pain in our deepest inner man or woman The tools that you are providing are so needed in this life! I have learned that my Lord is saving me from future hurt He sees something I don’t The 1st thing I do is forgive 70. X 7 then usually turns into an infinity # Then I realize Jesus is the potter I am the clay ouch!!! I would be so honored to have your book & teach other women new concepts on how to cope! Praise sweet Jesus for you!

  97. Patti

    With my mother being the official Queen of Insecuritites, I guess that makes me the Princess. I just arrived in my hometown to spend time with her. Now having 94 years under her belt, I think she’s actually gaining more confidence! I’d sure love to learn how to care less about what others think about me sooner than later. Your new book sounds like it could help. Thank you, Lysa.

  98. Saskia Kerkhoff

    Thank you for a chance to win. Why uninvited resonates with me today? I live rejection everyday right now…In january of this year my husband of almost 12 years said he wants a divorce. We were not in a good place, but it was still a bomb that he dropt. In may we told the kids. Now in july we still live in the same house and it feels like we are going nowhere sone. Rejection is something I’m faced with everyday. But the worst rejection is felt when the kids want to go somewhere together and he says no. This book is not just for me, but also for my two boys (7 and 8).

  99. Gretchen Scoleri

    Change your tendency to either fall apart or control others and process your hurt in a God-honoring way. Wow…this is exactly where I am right now!

  100. Lori

    What to pray to remain secure and know God’s promises through all insecurities.

  101. Pat

    Prayers for the next 10 days to help deal with all the feelings that accompany rejection resonated with me.

  102. Elizabeth

    So excited about this book! If don’t fall apart, I defenitely try and “control”! As a mother of 7, there have been so many “uninvited” moments in our lives! Thanking God for Jesus as he has been our saving grace through the years! I can’t even imagine how I would have “really” fallen apart without his saving grace!

  103. Sue

    Would love this book. Have this feeling so often and would also love to equip myself so I can help my preteen daughters with their same feelings of not belonging.

  104. Deb

    “Know what to pray…” When my ‘girl-brain’ kicks in and begins thinking ‘what did they mean by that’ and I fill in the blanks, usually coming up with wrong conclusions. I’m learning to take thoughts captive but would love any additional support in this! Thanks for addressing these issues! Would love the book!

  105. Jennifer

    I have been uninvited to many things since moving to this small town; it hurts. And now, I see my 6-year old being uninvited to the birthday parties. I am planning on moving to a larger town within the next two years. Is this running from my problems? I truly don’t know. I try to tell myself it is to move to a more accepting environment but I don’t know if that is the answer or if it really just running away.

  106. Beth

    Most people don’t know, but I don’t feel like I truly belong anywhere. I feel too conservative in some groups, too liberal in others. My kids are grown and independent. I struggle with this but trust that God can use those feelings to help others and honor Him. That’s what keeps me going and pulls me out of my pity parties! The struggle is real!

  107. Rebecca

    I need this book because knowing all the right answers in my head and believing and living them in my heart are two separate worlds.

  108. Kaylee Vida

    This message hit me square in the face this morning. I am in the midst of feeling left out, not enough, searching for answers from God as to why I didn’t get an opportunity to do something I love. It hurst. It’s hard. And, honestly, I don’t know how to wade through the feelings to find a resolution.

  109. Dee

    Moving from a big city to a small town at age of 13 leaves you feeling uninvited in many ways. Not growing up with folks from kindergarten in this town makes you feel uninvited, not belonging… I’ve grown a lot in these past 30 years but it still creeps up on me & I know others that feel & struggle with this as well. Would love a free copy of this book. Blessings

  110. Faye Neil

    I often find myself in the position of being alone even in a crowd. I struggle with questioning whether it is by my design or by God’s plan to keep me from depending too much on others.

  111. Virginia hillmer

    Wow would love to have this copy to help me marriage classes we are leading.

  112. Angelyn Harber

    I am struggling with major rejection from my 17 yr. old son right now. He told me last night “he hates me”, and he “wished I wasn’t his mother”. I’ve been divorced for six years, and am also struggling with some major loneliness right now. I know God has a plan, but I’m just physically, mentally, and spiritually TIRED right now.:(

  113. Dee-Anna Lewis

    “Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.”

    Even though the other points are very good, this one is probably the most challenging to me. This concept is so difficult to really understand that how such a BIG God who is over all everything would even consider me. Especially when the all those around you send you the messages so often that you are not a part. How can a heart believe it and hold onto that belief? That is what I want to know the most and need the most.

  114. Deb

    I am in the process of dealing with hurts and rejection through my marriage. My husband has suffered through additions most of his life. Our married life went through many struggles, I was ready to leave more than once. Even after 28 years of marriage we are still struggling with the same things. I want to love him unconditionally, but, I fall short of that everyday with hurt and bitterness. I made a vow to love, honor and cherish him until death do us part. With the help of God I will be able to honor that committment. Thank you!

  115. Allison

    I would really love this book so that I could understand my mom. She has always felt rejected in he life from a little girl through today. As a result of her hurting she attempts to manipulate and control the very people she loves the most. It seems I have to choose to turn a blind eye to her control or she passes that rejection on to me so I can attempt to give her that feeling of love and belonging we feel for her. It has been seemingly a road to nowhere however. So I’d really like once again to try to understand her feelings and I’d like to pass this on to her to read as well. I want my mom to understand and feel joy in living! I want (and mostly I want her) to finally overcome the roots of her fear… Her insecurities …and FINALLY feel a sense of belonging.

  116. Beth Dockter

    I am really struggling with friendships and fitting in right now. There are moments when I feel so different and I just don’t fit in anywhere. But in order to have friends, I need to be a friend and I am not sure I am doing a good job of that right now. I am so busy being jealous, envious and critical of what others have, I am not taking time to look at the hurts in their life, the trials in there life. this is stopping me from reaching out and being a good friend to those around me. I keep telling myself I am the child of the one true King and that is all that matters, but I still struggle.

  117. Kassie S

    “Stop feeling left out” if I’m not invited to something I instantly go to the what’s wrong with me? What did I do that I didn’t get picked? Maybe if I was a better person?
    This is a very bad habit I need to break.

  118. Laura McBride

    Thanks! I have read the first three chapters and it is outstanding!
    I have been praying for some new sisters/friends in Christ, most specifically for an accountability partner.
    It is hard to live a Godly life around many of my so-called “friends” – gossipers, heavy drinkers, only call me when they “need” something, many with whom my core beliefs differ greatly. Therefore, I often feel “uninvited”.
    First 5 has helped me a lot!
    However, I am a very “sociable, talkative” lady and need personal interaction too. Thanks for listening.

  119. Cheryl

    I’m struggling, right now, to forgive family members for making me feel like I’m not part of the family. For leaving me out and treating me differently. I’ve been struggling since December and can’t find my way to forgiveness. I can’t wait to get my copy so that I can find some peace. Thank you!!!!

  120. Dawn King

    I pre-ordered through Amazon so I can have the book on Kindle. How do I claim my pre-order bonuses?

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi, Dawn! So excited you ordered the book! You can claim your freebies by visiting There is a form you can fill out when you click “Redeem My Pre-Order Gifts.” Please feel free to contact us at if you have any trouble.

      Lysa’s Ministry Team

  121. Katie

    I am looking forward to this book because, having been in ministry for 10 years, I have felt the sting o people walking away many times and seen lots of transition. It doesn’t seem to get easier but God does strengthen us. I sense that my own changes are coming in the future and will again walk through the season of being rejected by the people who I do life with now in order to pursue God’s best for our family. Thank you for this resource!

  122. Sarah Leonard

    I can relate to being “uninvited.” This past year has been difficult as I’ve dealt with the pain of rejection and being left out by someone who I would have considered one of my closest friends.I look forward to having truth spoken to my heart through your book and God’s word.

  123. Cheryl Lee Dillistone

    I saw the title of this book and began to tear up. Like most women, the idea of being left out has tormented me. The saddest thing is my feelings when my children are left out. This book is needed. It’s necessary. For me. For all women. Praying God will use this book to help us see we are not alone and to heal hurts. Thank you for following the Holy Spirit in writing on this topic. I’m looking forward to it!

  124. Cindy Prevatte

    Lysa, Your books resonate with me. I am currently reading “The Best Yes” again. This new book seems to resonate with my soul. I am 58 and though I am a Christian and I know that God brought me safely to where I am in life. I still struggle to believe that I am enough, that I am safe, that I do not have to fear being rejected and included. I can trace these feelings all the way back to being a small child. I try to shut the feelings out but they always seem to be just below the surface. I would really appreciate being able to read an Advanced Copy of your book. Thank you for listening and for considering me.

  125. Karen

    I was uninvited by my father at age 10 and have longed for acceptance since that very day. I’ve received valuable counseling and have grown tremendously in terms of my woundedness but it’s still a trigger. I’m excited to read your book because o know and trust that if you’ve written it, you’ve walked it, battled it, and learned at the Fathers feet. Thank you for being obedient to put your heart out there for us to learn with.
    Much love to you

  126. Erin W

    I would love a free copy of your book. It feels lonely at times trying to raise two special needs kids with rare and various disabilities. People think I am so strong but yet I struggle in the friendship department. Can’t wait to read your book!!!

  127. Annie

    I am an adult 58 year old woman having grown up as a child abused & neglected. From my earliest memory to leaving home at 17, we moved to 20 different houses/apartments, sometimes homeless, I’ve struggled my entire life in not feeling “invited”. I have worked on this issue for years. God’s given growth, hope & security. I still fight this stronghold. Thank you for your vulnerability and generosity.

  128. Carol

    I do not have a lot of friends because I work crazy hours. Never was part of the popular crowd in school. Used other things to feel loved before I knew Christ. And though I do not want to admit it, I think it is affecting my current relationships . My parents are gone and despite efforts, my sister wants nothing to do with me.

  129. Jen Hartmann

    Thank you Lysa for feeling led to share more of the vulnerability in your heart. Your testimony about your father personally reaches my heart because I was abandoned my my mom at the age of 6 and have not heard from her in 31 years. Your message in Uninvited resonates with me because for many years now I have known of the love of our Father in heaven but has taken a long time to truly believe His Words are personally for me and to allow Him to use my hurtful past to glorify Him. My flesh struggles to not feel angry and know why I am not accepted by her and not wanted. Having kids of my own I can never imagine leaving them. Know they have been given to me as a blessing to not carry on this generational sin and teach them the love of our Heavenly Father is enough. I pray daily to see my hurt through God’s perspective, to trust Him moment by moment when I still face rejection from my earthly father who is not a believer. Appreciate your godly wisdom that continues to show me that our brokenness is actually a blessing.

  130. Linda Krueger

    Struggling with a lack of confidence my entire life it’s easy to feel overlooked, uninvited, forgotten, not good enough. This book strikes a cord with me – I look forward to reading it! Thank you dear Lysa! Thankful for your recovery to day and praying for continued healing!

  131. Theresa S

    Wow, this book sounds amazing! Even though I know I am loved by God t still feel the hurt of not belonging and being left out of the earthly things. I can’t quite grasp the complete picture of knowing that it doesn’t matter if I don’t belong because God’s acceptance is all that matters.

  132. Roxanne

    Lysa, thanks for writting the autobiography of my life (insert embarrassed emoji here)….some days I feel as though I’ll always be that messy girl who struggles with being left behind, forgotten and left out even by God himself. While I know there are plenty of other women who would benefit from this book, I hope I can win one of those copies today….because I’m having one of those messy moments now.

  133. Shameika Daye

    Being a single woman in her 30s all of the parts of this book truly speak to me. I know what the Bible says and who I am in Christ, but the world does leave me left out, uninvited, and lonely at times. Although I do not feel that it is intentional it is something that the enemy tries to hold over my head from time to time. Clinging to the truth of the Word of God is where I find my comfort and peace. I am all about being prepared for the next challenge or attack and I am sure that this boom will do just that!

    • Shameika Daye


  134. Heather

    I’m looking forward to better understand how to overcome my insecurities so I can live free of fear!

  135. Elizabeth

    I love the idea of knowing that even when I’m overlooked by others, I’m handpicked by God! I am so excited to read this book!!!

  136. Carol

    I am the ‘Initiator’. I struggle to maintain the friendships and keep them going. If I don’t invite, call, or text friends first, then I rarely hear from them, unless I’m needed to simply fill a void until they can meet up with their other friends.

  137. Lisa

    When I saw the title of this book I said THIS IS FOR ME. I am going through all these feelings and issues right now with family members I thought would stick closer than a brother. But ohh how I feel left out, hurt, and angry at time. Thank you for writing this book

  138. Julie

    Back in December, you posted about being set apart, not set aside. That post resonates with my to the very core of my being. I am not left behind, I am not an outcast, I’m just set apart from the crowd. God has set me apart for a purpose, His glory will be seen in my life, through my life, by others who don’t yet know Jesus. There are days when my flesh feels lonely, left out, shunned. I saved the post from December, and I read it whenever these feelings try to come back. I am not set aside, I am set apart. I cannot WAIT for this book to come out!! I have my highlighter ready to go. 🙂 Thank you Lysa, for all that you do, all that you allow God to do in your life. We Jesus girls have to stick together!

  139. Lisa

    When I saw the title of this book I said THIS IS FOR ME. I am going through all these feelings and issues right now with family members I thought would stick closer than a brother. But ohh how I feel left out, hurt, lonely and angry at time. Thank you for writing this book. Thank you for your ministry and sharing your family and life with us all. Pray for your continued healing Many blessings to you.

  140. Beckey

    I think the tougher question is what part of this book DOESN’T resonated with me right now?

  141. Kathy

    Being un-invited is something I feel way too often. When I read the post with that title yesterday, the timing was incredible. I need to get my focus on Christ alone in all this crazy mess of a world. Thank you for writing this book. I’m sure there are many of us who need its message.

  142. Darlene Tanti

    As an introvert with self esteem issues married to an extrovert, most of the time I feel overlooked and forgotten. A prevailing thought at any gathering is “Would it even matter if I wasn’t here. Would anyone even miss my presence?” Can’t wait to read your new book. Sounds like it is going to be very beneficial to me.

  143. Sharon

    Praise God for your boldness to share your trials with the world, and most importantly, how He helped you to be an overcomer!!

  144. Tammie Robinson

    I all too often see the hurt of rejection in the women I mentor and would love to have a resource that is written from a place of honesty. Your writing has spoken to me and encouraged me in so many ways and I already know that after reading it I will be better equipped to encourage others. Thank you, Lisa

  145. Cynthia

    This study spoke to me as a mother. My daughter, eho began dating a boy at 17, has had a tumultous relationship for 7 years. This past winter, it appears she has finally broken free of this rollercoaster. With the breakup has come deep bouts of depression and extreme weightloss. While the road to acceptance has been long and hard, her walk eith the Lord has been renewed. Even with a stronger walk, she struggles weekly with feeling as if she is unlovable because of all of the toxic words he hurled at her for such a long time. She will benefit greatly from a book like this as she tries yo heal her heart and learn to love herself again and the Lord and others love her. Thank you for all of your words of encouragement through all outlets. You are such a blessing to so many.

  146. Jodi Chance

    Loneliest while home….in my marriage, with my kids nearly off to college, wondering how to do family when it will be just the two of us at home.

  147. Susan Marie

    Good morning! I’m so excited to read this latest book, Lysa. Your messages always resonate with me. I think what I’m most eager to read about is the feeling of being left out. I spend a lot of my time feeling invisible or overlooked, or worried that I’m that annoying person people have to be nice to b/c they are Christian but they’d really rather run the other way when they see me coming. I know in my head I’m a chosen child of God but my heart is less easy to convince. Other people’s opinions shouldn’t matter. God’s blessings on your continued recovery!

  148. RoseMary Baty-Willcox

    I so understand this feeling.
    I feel left out and uninvited in my own church.
    I still fell God has something special waiting for me.
    This would make a wonderful bible study.

  149. Elise Myers

    I would love to win your new book! Recent big changes in my life have left me feeling left out and I need to know how to fill the “holes” with the right stuff. Thanks for the opportunity and best wishes on your new release!

  150. Angela

    Uninvited—I feel like I lived this out last year at work. I even humbled myself to share with the manager that I feel like the orphan on the street staring in the picture window at the family enjoying a holiday meal. This after being harassed, intimidated, and told that what I do is worthless. This followed with a digging deeper into the word, growing closer to my true friend, Jesus, and developing a deeper relationship with God through prayer. But God’s work has only just started and is blessing this situation through prayer and with grace. Painful and joyous at the same time. This past year has ended with Jehovah Shalom walking beside me. A new year is preparing to start. . . I welcome Godly encouragement from wherever and whenever He sends it. Thanks for sharing your testimony, Lysa, through your books.

  151. Noelle

    I need assistance on God honoring ways to process hurts. Looking forward to your new book!

  152. Kari

    I read the the first 3 chapters and I was hooked! I CANNOT wait to finish this book Lisa! You are bringing ANOTHER much needed message to renew our minds and hearts to His Word! God bless you and heal you quickly!

  153. Brooke

    This message resonates with me. Shy and introverted, I have always felt like I am on the outside looking in.

  154. Helen

    I can’t wait to read this book! I struggled for a long time with a relationship with my only sibling. It was a relationship I strongly desired and yet my heart would get broken over and over again by rejection. After years of rejection, the Lord walked me through the hurt but there are still times I find myself going back there. Thanks for writing books that always speak volumes!

  155. Jennifer

    As a single mom I often feel un-invited as all the moms around me are married and have a spouse to help them in all areas of being a parent. It is often hard doing it on my own and finding ways to join in with other parents.

  156. Sue Epling

    I want to explore fitting in with blended families, where the insider stories and memories can include everyone’s input. Sounds like another wonderful book♡

  157. Evelyn

    Another Lysa TrrKeurst book, oh my, and just when I need it. I’m going through a lot of health issues and test right now, with answers yet to be determined. I’m sure not feeling like myself and my emotions are running rampant. Your books always surprise my with what I learn about myself. I’m trying to leave myself in God’s hands, but it’s sometimes difficult when I let my fears and emotion get in the way. I can always count on you to help me keep things in perspective an look forward to reading, “uninvited.”

  158. Pam

    Honestly, the whole thing resonates with me, I cannot pick one part. Can’t wait to read it.

  159. Sandy

    I am rejected often by my two adult children. The heart pain is so constant that sometimes I just want to give up, yet I know God wants me to continue to pursue them as He pursues me.

  160. Mary Bankert

    This has been a fear and reality for me my whole life. The “in crowd” never included me. I am so excited to read your book and find some peace in this crazy emotion filled world. Being a Pastor’s wife makes for many invitation-less days. Thank you for sharing how we can feel accepted when a lot of the world seems to reject us.

  161. Shelby S

    I am so excited for this book. It could not come at a better time in my life. While I know all of it will be helpful and resonate with me, the section on “Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.” will be really great to read about.

  162. Nalini

    I feel left out, uninvited, and like I don’t belong. People call on me to get something done or to pray for them but most of them just leave me out when it comes to gatherings. I long to get to know more women and hang out to fellowship, but invitations are few and seeing photos on FB hurt. I’ve questioned what’s wrong with me. I’m I not a good friend. I’ve tried to just let it go and say ok maybe God has other plans for me, but it still hurts. I’m thankful for the handful of real friends I have, but most of them live in another city and state.

  163. Michele

    The part of the Uninvited message that resonates with my life right now is: “Stop felling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.”
    Being a Chaplain at a jail means “everyone” depends on you to be all things to all people whether they are locked-up or not! Some people, including “saints” hate or never let you forget your past and you fee that its just you and Jesus! But when all is said and done that right where I want to be!

  164. Terri

    Regarding your new book on Rejection, how timely it is for me. My mother never liked me; she loved me and cared for my physical needs as a child, but it was clear she never liked me. Being raised Jewish, when I turned to Christ as an adult, she disowned me. Currently, my daughter is limiting access to my precious grandchildren because of my faith in Jesus. She doesn’t want that influence on them. I have experienced other betrayals and rejection as well —– I have attributed it to my privilege of “sharing in the fellowship of His sufferings.” But it still hurts like a big dog, leaving me longing for eternity in a sinless environment where rejection, betrayal, and other wounds will be absent! Would love a copy of this book for added perspective.

  165. Lori DeCrescenzo

    Lisa – Congrats the new book! I would love to learn more about what is feeding my insecurities when I feel overlooked. Thank you!

  166. Dawnielle

    Did I hear God right resonates with me. I facilitate the women’s group at our church and I’m repeating the “Did I hear God right” when I’m asking God to show me what Bible Study book he wants us to use next as we draw closer to God and closer to one another as sisters in Christ; when I have a study on my heart. I question if it’s God or me getting in God’s way.

  167. Amy Sabol

    At the first word “Univited”, I was choking up. I am the “Queen of Rejection” and I don’t trust myself to write about it — ever. The pain in my heart is unbelieveably ridiculous…. I want to start reading this book right now!!!!! And, with all my heart, I pray that the Lord uses my pain to help me in ministering to others who have or are experiencing rejection in their lives — it does not feel very good at all — I can SO relate!!! Thank you, Lysa, for bearing through all that vulnerability so that others can know that such a real type of hurt matters to Jesus… and that they matter to Jesus!!!

  168. Pamela Browne

    I excited about the new book. What resonates with is I need not take it personally or to heart when I’m overlooked or left out. I would love to get rid of this stronghold that really does hold me back and is indeed Gods protection. God bless your perspective and exciting tool to us.

  169. JR

    Oh my heart. As soon as I read the title of this book I knew it was for me. I’ve been in that place for so long. And my poor husband doesn’t understand why I feel these things… Now with two girls, I strive to raise them with a better self image and security of God than I actually have myself. It’s very difficult. But I don’t want them to grow up feeling “less than, left out and lonely” like I do. I definitely need this book!

  170. Anna muniz

    Omg I am uninvited and I need to read your book.. My heart feel all of those things rejected , from the past and present . My baby boys is 6 in half months and he has never meet his father . So not only am I feeling rejection for my self but for my children as well. I need healing and I’m begging God to help me now.

  171. Cindy Dullum

    This seems to be the book for me!!! I’m almost 59 and have lived an entire life trying to fit in and feel accepted! I now know that God loves even me-but still feel the battle of acceptance daily. You may have written this book just for me!

  172. Debbie F

    I think overcoming my fears and insecurities. I was always an outgoing person, included in so much and always on the go. After I got married my fears that I had in the past came along with the marriage and then became so great that I have been restricted in my life and I want so much to go do things, to be included in activities that others would ask me to do but I am so crippled by my fears I am left out. This book sounds so good.

  173. Blair

    My husband and I are planting a church (with a start date in late August), and I am constantly battling the mental attacks that sound like “You can’t be a pastor’s wife…you’re a stepmom!” or “Why do you think people will follow you? You don’t have anything to teach.” My constant pleas to Jesus are asking for His opinion to be at the forefront of my mind, not (what I think is) the church world’s opinion. Uninvited, as with most of Lysa’s books, is being released at such a crucial time in my life, and I can’t wait to dive in to her words of comfort and assurance.

    (Lysa, we are all so grateful for that vulnerability of which you speak!)

  174. Cheryl

    I look forward to reading this new book by you. Rejection stills my focus so many times as does the feeling of being uninvited! Thanks for being vulnerable and writing the books you do.

  175. Debbie

    I have fought w insecurity off and on my whole life. The sense that my presence really doesn’t matter, being the’fifth wheel’, taking up space. So the thought that there’s someone that can address those insecurities in a practical, down to earth way, that there’s someone that gets it, is comforting.

  176. Kris

    I’m the youngest of 6 and until I read the content of what you’re addressing in Uninvited, I never really thought of rejection from my father but your words hit something in me that was long forgotten or suppressed. Why didn’t he want a relation, what did I do? I’m looking forward to reading your new book and possibly uncovering some hidden hurts that have probably affected areas of my life I didn’t think. Lysa, thank you for being REAL! God has truly blessed you with a talent to communicate and reach others.

  177. Sarah

    I think the part about stop feeling like I am left out by believing I am hand picked by God! I always want to be picked or chosen. How quick I forget God chose me and does choose me every day!

  178. Alba

    I’m looking forward to your new book. The topics mentioned all pertain to me, however I would most like to know how to overcome my fears and overcome insecurity. I’ve been insecure far too long, and I’m ready to be an overcomer!

  179. Linda

    I am going through a season of deep heartfelt loneliness in my personal life and what feels like a major rejection at work. Am struggling to get to a better place spiritually and emotionally-definitely not feeling. “handpicked by God” at the moment-looking forward to reading Univited to help reframe my situation and get grounded in God’s perspective.

  180. Holly Irwin

    What a beautiful message, Lysa. I feel that it’s relevant to everyone alive and breathing. Who among us hasn’t been left out or felt like they didn’t fit in? I look forward to reading it!

  181. Katrina

    This resonates with me as I’m concerned about my nieces who are 19 and 20, and have been bullied and the one only has 3 friends as she sees two-faced girls and guys in her classes. I need to pour faith and God’s live intotgeirhearts and their lives. I need the word of God everyday to fight the devil everyday that shows up in people. Our business is even being threatened by a group of women who are opposing our current township board, which sister sits on. She is honest and do is her board. There are threats against our farm because these women wAnt my sister to join their proposed board team. Whacko threats of putting our 203 year old family farm is ludicrous. A challenge to stand in God’s truth. My nieces and myself, could benefit from your words. Rostand with God, many times it feels like we’re standing apart from the majority of people.

  182. Mary

    UNivited? Me, NAH! Well, not really. At this moment I am a somewhat healthy 75 yr old , watching a husband ( 85) get frailer, and frailer. This stubborn man of mine knows it all, yet will not seek help. I am at a loss to help him as he wont talk about those not so horrible issues that are gnawing at him.
    Yes, I feel lonely, yes, I fear what may be coming down the pike. Right now I need Jesus to come and sit by my side.

  183. Jody Rohleder

    At first, reading the title of your new book, Uninvited, didn’t really strike me as something that I would relate to OTHER than the fact that everything you write tends to hit a spot in my soul! Your sentence in your blog post that changed my mind though is “For most of us the rejections of our past are affecting us more than we realize”! I am sure this is true for me because I am by nature a true conflict avoider and so I just swallow up the hurts and move on! I am really looking forward to your new book. I continue to keep you in my prayers for healing of your precious body. Thank you for sharing your life with me through your words! My heart to yours!

  184. Debbie Lemmer

    I am in constant fear of rejection is just around the corner for me

  185. Paula Robeson

    There are several uninvited pains that resonates in my spirit . I try very hard to mask the sting of the hurts from my past like: molestation, dysfunctional childhood ( dealing with the following feelings: unloved, abandonment, insecurities,loneliness, unworthiness,and low self-esteem) hurts from a failed marriage.

  186. Carla Smith

    I’ve struggled with insecurity for 50 years. I want to be freed from the lies the enemy speaks to my heart. Lies I believed were true and became a part of me…of who I am. I want to be free…

  187. Lisa

    I struggle big time with a “less than” mentality. I am pressing into God so deeply right now to battle this sin of comparison that’s such stronghold in my life.

  188. Brianne

    This is exciting! As I embark on a new journey, creating a not-for-profit for kids with cancer, self doubt creeps up on me a lot.
    The mission of this organization is to create team spirit among peers who many times began to reject their friend who has cancer. They see them different because they are bald from chemotherapy, when in reality they just don’t understand.

    Your book Lysa will not only help me, but will provide me with tools to help these kids.
    Can’t wait to read it!

  189. Cindy

    As the years begin to add up, I begin to feel that maybe my role as a believer may be going from Active to Passive. Then I am reminded that that whatever we do we are to do as to The Lord. Prayer is The Most Important thing I can do as a Christian and prayer is Never passive! It may be through social media,, email or a handwritten notes , but praying and seeking our Lord’s will and direction is the Best thing I can do . Times change, but the Power of Prayer does not! Praise God for His love and direction!

  190. Wendy

    WOW, this book sounds great. I deal with not fitting in a lot. And at my age you wouldn’t think that would be a problem. Can’t wait to read this.

  191. Julie

    I want so badly to control the actions of others. Especially my husband and children. My biggest prayer right now is to trust God with them. My husband just told me in a not so great moment ‘you cannot get me to heaven’. That broke my heart for me and him. He realizes I’m trying to control him and I’m not trusting Jesus Christ.

  192. Angela Simpson

    Feeling lonely

  193. Julia

    Thank you for writing this book! I have felt univited since my early childhood years. Especially now in my marriage of 15 years my husband often leaves me out of events, my heart is broken. I can’t wait to read this book, sounds exactly what I need. Thank you Lisa

  194. Kelly L

    This book sounds perfect for me! As a child I often felt rejected and left out by my classmates, as I joined their private school in 3rd grade and everyone else had been there since kindergarten. I felt rejected by the small amount of girls in my class, but stayed their through 8th grade. I felt rejected by several teachers, who were also coaches for school sports, and since I wasn’t very athletic, I wasn’t even allowed to try certain sports (even if I wanted to). As an adult, I married a man and had a child with him, and he rejected me when I was pregnant because I was getting “too fat”. I have a lot of emotional baggage from my past rejections, that I know still affect me, but I can’t seem to get it out of my head!

  195. RejoicedOver

    Feeding my insecurities — which causes me to hide out in the back instead of fully engaging with those around me! Thank you for the opportunity to win your newest book — I have enjoyed Made to Crave and Unglued. Crazy and difficult as it is, I am glad you have followed God in obedience to share your heart and your struggles. He has used you in many lives (mine included) to deal with lots of issues that are hindrances to fully serving Him.

  196. Becky G

    I’m 46 and still trying to overcome rejection, the fears it has brought into my life, and how it has impacted every area of my life. My husband and I were just talking about it and what I could do to not be crippled by this. It stems from too many things in my past and has even had me waiting for my husband to be like others who have left me…thank the Lord that he has weathered this with me and we will celebrate 25 years in August. That is the good news. Deep down, I don’t have the friendships with other women that I crave and I love my husband but we all need our girlfriends. I am still trying to grow up and figure out who God wants me to be as his daughter and change this so I can inspire other women as well. I am really looking forward to your book and am glad you have written it and am inspired by your openness as Paul. 2 Corinthians 11:12 – 13 “We have spoken freely to you, Corinthians, and opened wide our hearts to you. We are not withholding our affection from you, but you are withholding yours from us. As a fair exchange—I speak as to my children—open wide your hearts also.”

  197. Cheryl Bayne

    I love the subject of your new book! I have always struggled with insecurity and feeling lonely and left out. I always thought that as I got older I wouldn’t be bothered by these things but that is not true. I can’t wait to get into this book!!! Love you Lysa!

  198. Denise

    God has truly inspired you to write what so many of us need to read right now. I, too, feel unloved, ignored, and rejected. I struggle because I know I should feel God’s amazing love, but my soul still aches.

  199. Amy S.

    I would love this book to do as a study with my daughter. The topic is things that we can discuss and grow together in.

  200. Mindy Nelson

    One of the things you deal with in the book, to
    “Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt,” jumped out at me because God has been teaching me how to process my hurt. He has brought me a long way, but I know He has more to teach me in this area. I’m very interested in seeing what He has given you to share concerning this.

  201. Emily

    I cannot wait for this book!! Every time it see the quote “you may be over looked by others but you are hand picked by God” pop up on Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook I am like YES, thank you!! I often feel overlooked or left out by others, especially my group of girlfriends. They all have babies and while my husband and I desperately want to, it’s not coming as easy for us. So, when play dates & birthday parties are all around, usually we are left out. No baby, no invite. So that it why I can’t WAIT to read this book.

  202. Stacey Marsengill

    Hi Lysa! 🙂 I am so looking forward to your book and just pre-ordered it. I have always struggled with feeling left out. I have to constantly remind myself that Christ loves me and accepts me.

  203. Kari Hallead

    I, as well as my daughter, struggle with all of these! This sounds like a great book for us to read through together. I have to say I am a bit skeptical because other books have sounded good in the past but haven’t really seemed to give me “how to”. Hope this one is different! Thank you for being so real with us.

  204. Vicki Foss

    When I was young I thought God made a mistake. I wasn’t supposed to be with this family, in this time. I don’t feel like I ever really fit in anywhere. Then I got older and found out God doesn’t make mistakes, and it was rather devastating. lol I’ve adjusted as I’ve gotten older, but do have many moments of feeling all alone and very lonely. I feel invisible and I don’t want to be.

  205. Traci

    After the weekend of the 4th it sounds like a great book. I have to talk myself into going and hanging out with in laws activities. I go and sit there no one talks to me. This last weekend two days the week before my father in law passed so I had a week long hanging out. This weekend I had a lot of anxiety I had to do this again so soon be with them again. Your book seems like perfect timing.for me. I know I need to step up my game to help my mother in law.

  206. Tonya

    YES,YES and YES! Love this .So, excited !I Can’t wait to read it!
    Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.
    Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging.

  207. Deborah S Huff

    My life forever changed when I read Made to Crave! I was able to lose 125 lbs! God is good. I want to read this book not only for myself but to help my sister understand better why she needs and inter peace in her life.

  208. Gale Thompson

    Would love to win

  209. Catherine

    I would love to read your book. I wrote a book about what the Lord has done in my life several years ago. It felt like I was standing naked in front of the world so I understand what you mean. I am always blessed when I hear how parts help people get closer with Jesus.
    Please put me in the list for possibly winning a copy. Thanks.

  210. Tina

    I have preordered my book and I am looking forward to receiving my free things.

  211. Tina

    I can relate to feeling overlooked my whole life; middle child, only child sexually abused, wrote a paper in High School “The Forgotten Child”. It has continued through my life as I have been overlooked for jobs, parties, vacations, and my own siblings. At 51 years old, I am so ready to overcome my feelings of “rejection”.

  212. Cherie

    I live this every day with the struggle of why my earthly father who says he is a believer rejects his children. He is dying and doesn’t even want his children there. The feeling of unworthiness is always just under the surface but no one sees it.

  213. Bangorn Benitez

    Sure would like to get this book. Rejection is real and it can destroy a person’s self esteem.

  214. Lynn

    I honestly can’t remember there ever being a time I felt good enough. Although I know in my head there is no good enough with God, I don’t really feel that into heart. More than once I’ve thought God is thinking “seriously, would you stop telling people you know me?”! I need heart and not just head knowledge.

  215. Kristi Austin

    Would love to read uninvited. Sounds like just what I need to feel acceptance.

  216. Jeannie

    Thank you Lysa. Just last night I wrote in my prayer journal that I felt like I was going to shrivel up from loneliness. I’m married and go to a big church, but still it’s there. I’m looking forward to reading and applying your book to my life. Blessings on you.

  217. Merry Dennison

    It is so true that we can be dealing with healing from, dealing with, or fearing an upcoming rejection. Great topic! I look forward to reading!

  218. Tammy Neufeld

    All of this is where I am now and have been for quite a while. Feeling left out and unwanted is what makes me stay in tears most of the time. The why does everyone else always get invited, what is wrong with me and why am I alone thoughts are always present.

    I am so excited to see what God has to say through this study.

  219. Debi

    I usually feel left out. And now, I feel my son has picked up my mindset. That makes me sad.

  220. Carrie

    Can always use more and help and wisdom to deal with the hurt in a Gid honoring way!!

  221. Annette

    Learning how to live with my insecurities and accept that my Father hand picked me and made me who I am despite rejection from others. Can’t wait to read this book!

  222. Dianna

    I need to over come the hurt of being rejected by my family.

  223. Sarah Means

    When to pray for the next 20 days…

    I love the idea of encouraging women to be strategic and purposeful in their prayer life. Personally, I know this is an area I need to grow in as I fall deeper in love with Jesus and see opportunity for both the busyness and business Of life to capture too much of my energy.

  224. Golda Perez

    I have struggled with insecurity all my life. My exterior doesn’t expose the self -doubting person that is within. I would love to overcome my defeating thoughts that keep me from becoming the confident person God created me to be.

  225. Amanda R

    I have dealt for years with feeling like God has ignored my prayers for my deepest desires. I feel like everyone around me is getting what they want (and what I want) while I’m just left to the wayside. I am excited about this new book!

  226. Glenda

    I know a lady who I would benefit from this book. She feels unloved and she struggles with her past. She is a dear friend of mine. Thank you!

  227. Judy

    HI Lysa, I am going through a very hurtful experience with my family right now and know your book would be helpful.

  228. Jen

    Lysa this is the part that resonates with me: Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady your soul and restore your confidence in the midst of rejection.
    Just reading the description of the book is hitting home with me! It’s something I’ve struggled with over the years and have recently been faced with again. Can’t wait to read it!!

  229. Jennifer B

    Remembering that I am hand-picked by God, even when I feel left out. Actually all of these things resonate with me — as does most of your writing so far!

  230. Tamara

    Such a strong feeling even after all these years…. learning to fall in the arms of Jesus, embrace His love and realize that His invitation is all I need to fill me and help me to fee the security I need, everyday… always His, always invited, always loved ~

  231. Katherine C

    The book in its entirety looks like a valuable resource for me as well as my19 year old twins, who struggle navigating successfully through this world. In my efforts to guide them, I often end up falling apart despite trying to stand on the promises of God. Therefore, the bullet point which reasonated loudest in my life is: “Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.” Our struggles are real and often paralyzing or send us spiraling downward. Thank you, Lysa, for giving of yourself to encourage and direct others so that their relationships with God may be deepened and life become more fulfilling on a daily basis.

  232. Amy

    The comfort of “being hand picked by God” is overwhelming and too precious for words. Thank you for writing this book!

  233. Laurie B.

    ***Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.

    I’m excited to read and lead a study for women who nee to embrace this Truth!!!

    We are captivating, loved and created for purpose…to make the world a more radiant, beautiful world in Jesus’ name!!!❤️

  234. Pam

    I have always felt my friends put me on the back burner. I just would never treat anyone any less than VIP and I guess I expect that in return. And in reality…people are not going to be like that. I just get hurt everytime. My heart breaks…they know it and dont care.

  235. Liz DeWitt

    Wow sounds like a lot of reminders that I need. I am a people pleaser. I always want everyone to like me. However, they don’t. Looking forward to your book for enjoyment to stick with the One who’ll always like me.

  236. Ashley

    I often struggle with feeling left out. Ever since 1st grade it has been a struggle point for me. I would like to see the ways to process the hurt in a God honoring way.

  237. Molly Miller

    Ever since my husband passed away after a six year battle with cancer I have felt left out from our friends. Since I am not a “couple” any more I tend to get left out. I also was let go from my job 2 weeks ago and struggling with shock, hurt, anger, rejection and trying to move forward and decide what direction God is guiding me. Feel so alone. I read you often and it helps me process some of my feelings. Thank you for your blog. It has hit home on several occasions. Bless you!

  238. Jaime H

    I am really looking forward to reading your newest book, Lysa. I think the enemy likes nothing better than to discourage us, especially within the context of friendships and feeling like we belong. Social media is a struggle for me, to see others all together in a group and I wasn’t invited. Thank you for reminding me this morning that I am handpicked by God!!

  239. Sarah Tuttle

    Just yesterday I had some emotions resurface from some events involving my immediate family. It affected my entire day with both my husband and in laws. Searching for some peace this morning before work, I looked at your website for encouragement, knowing full well God would have something for me. This book is what I’ve been looking for. At 24, I feel broken by the words and actions of my family. Thank you for reminding me of God’s love for me, even when people fail me. <3

  240. Kim

    After battling breast cancer this past year, I feel like all of my relationships have changed. I have prayed for God to speak to me in and through this as I find my new ‘normal’ with friends and family. I read about your book this morning and can’t wait to read it. Thank you for your ministry!

  241. Connie gilliam

    My daughter needs this book! She is 16 and struggles with handling emotions and feeling left out.

  242. Hilda Simmons

    Being left out and feeling lonely in my church.

  243. Carolyn Rogers

    It sounds like a wonderful book, Lysa. What woman wouldn’t want to grow or begin to learn how much her Savior loves her. I’m slowly starting to grasp this. It’s been hard to believe how our wonderful Savior could possibly love me especially when He knows me.

  244. Retia Smith

    I need to learn how to pray for my son who just got married (1 month ago) and is very unhappy as his new wife is not as loving to him as she was when they were dating. She is constantly picking fights with him and is very negative toward him. There is a 20 year difference in their ages (s 23 & h 43)and I feel that the reason he married her was not because she is with child (his) but after being divorced for 13 years, he thought he finally found someone who could love him for who and what he is. He is a very large man who is hearing impaired and during their dating she made him feel so special. I truly thought he had finally found true happiness with a wife at his side. I pray every morning and night but it seems I must not be doing it right because things are not getting better for them. I only want my son to be happy and not live with this woman miserable for the rest of his life. He will not leave her because of the upcoming child. Any suggestions on the proper way to pray to God to hear my prayer for my son and at least give him some piece and happiness. I am not one of those meddling mother-in-laws who wants to say something to this young girl. However, I love my son and I will listen to him when he wants to talk. Any suggestions on how to say the right words for Gods possible answer

  245. Kathleen

    In my younger years, I struggled desperately to fit in and felt rejection time and again. All these years later, some of those hurtful words and insecurities have stayed with me. At random times, they’ll resurface, and I replay them over in my head…I’ve let them stay. I want to let that part of my past go. Your summary of your book already seems to speak deeply to that part of my heart. I’ve read many of your other books and it always feels as if you’ve written them just for me. I’ve often said to my daughters, “Does she know me?!?! It’s like she’s my sister!” I love that about your books. Thank you for taking the risk of writing such books as these and publishing them for us to read!

  246. Terrie Walley

    I think one of the biggest things is realizing, at 46 years old, you can still feel like a teenager, not getting invited to the party. You see all your friends cars at your friends house, then you see all the fun pictures, but you’re not there, because you weren’t “invited”! Thanks to God, we are always invited into His home!

  247. Tanisha

    Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.

    Lord Have Mercy, this book comes at a perfect time when our family has witnessed a suicide and how we have to focus on God’s will instead of living in the condemnation of that family member choice.

  248. Julie M

    I am praying right now about my issues with comparing and feeling like I am never enough. Looks like your book might help me process this.

  249. Renee Batts

    I’m digging into Brene Brown’s Rising Strong right now, working to shed years of false narratives about who I am, my value and worth, all because I’ve allowed small and large rejections to tamper my growth and keep me from being who God created me to be. I’m scared to death to do more than people please, because if I don’t, I could be completely alone. The question is – am I already there and just don’t recognize it?
    For God to truly get into my heart and thoughts He has to find me through multiple sources and people. I can’t wait to read this book to see how Lysa’s message helps solidify the themes I’m already working through now.

  250. Bree

    Lysa, I’m so grateful that you are willing to step out in faith time and again, as you share raw, unadulterated circumstances of your life that have shaped you into the woman that we have come to know and love here at your blog and through your books. I am excited for “Uninvited” because it speaks to a part of me that I often try to hide. That part is that past rejections from relationships and the fact I’ve been single for the last 6.5 years leave me feeling unloved, unwanted and unworthy of the blessings that others receive through their relationships & marriages. The deep hurt of rejection often gets misdirected to God, and so I struggle to trust in His promises and fully believe that He loves me with an infinite love. It is my hope that through your willingness to be vulnerable in this book, that I might be able to find some healing, so that I can continue to move forward in a healthy understanding of my relationship with Christ. Thank you again for sharing your heart with us!

  251. Jan Gardner

    I didn’t know I felt uninvited until you I saw today’s devotional! I’ve always felt left out of my husbands life, not a top priority, his work has always come first with him. So as we talked about his retirement three years ago, we always said many of the communication problems will be gone, he won’t be worried about money and his job anymore, we’ll be able to travel and see more of the kids, life will be better, our marriage will be better. Then he retired, none of that happened, and he soon returned to work …. Out of boredom and “want”. He wanted “stuff” he didn’t feel comfortable paying for out of his retirement money; a front porch, a new tractor and garage to put it in, a new truck. Now the stress of work and paying for that truck is still with him, we hardly have time to travel or sit on the front porch, or see kids as he’s working 30 hours a week. (And the things he wanted will all need to be sold when we move to a smaller/ retirement place.) It’s crazy really how unimportant and low on his priority list I’m feeling. I know I’m not alone, and God has a plan. My Lord and my faith are my top priority, and I’m in a couple of great Bible studies with wonderful supportive sisters in Christ. I think your new book might be something I’m suppose to read at this time in my life, God is so good to me!

  252. Tara Anderson

    Realizing that I am chosen and dearly loved by God is such a better deal than having a closet full of old bridesmaid dresses (of which I’ve never had) is a truth I still struggle with. “Oh, you’re all going out of town to that big rummage sale together? How fun!” Why does it sometimes feel like those junior high insecurities never left? I can’t wait to read your new book, Lysa, just because I know that deep down we all deal with these insecurities, but dealing with them biblically takes effort and strength to stand up to Satan’s lies.

  253. Shani Harrigan

    All I did was read the title of your book and I knew I had to order it. Your soul speaks to mine and I am drawn to you. I have lived my life from a one down position…less than has defined me. I have never felt like i belonged anywhere – different, without family and on the outside. I am lonely but am also very aware of the Lord. He is slowly transforming me. I hope and pray that the Holy Spirit works through you – through this book – to help me to know Christ more. Love and thankfulness to you – for your obedience to the Lord and your calling.

  254. Stephanie

    Many, many days I feel so unappreciated, unnoticed and just not good enough! Really looking forward to your Words of wisdom!

  255. Pam leete

    This book sounds exactly what I need. I feel I go through life waiting for the next bomb to drop or next no from God. I’ve gone through a lot of trauma in my marriage and in church. I consciencely try to be positive and dream and plan but in my subconscious I’m waiting for to all fall apart. I don’t know how to release this feeling. I think it’s my minds way of protecting myself. I can’t wait to read this book. Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement always.

  256. Angie McDowell

    Oh, Lisa, please make this into a study!

  257. Christi McInnis

    I can relate to all three!

  258. Lydia

    Thank you for your service to our God and King through words. May He bless you as you continue to rely fully upon Him in all area of life. Thank you for opening up to us as readers again. Humble attitudes are few and far between these days, especially in the Family of God, unfortunately. It is refreshing and encouraging.
    I am looking forward to reading this book.

  259. Celeste P

    As soon as I read your blog, I felt that this book couldn’t be coming out at a better time for me! I am going through a very troubling time right now. I have been feeling rejected and depressed for weeks, no months. The constant thought that I have going through my mind is that no one loves me. My best friend of 10 years decided that she doesn’t want our friendship anymore and I’m having a hard time dealing. I’m feeling rejected constantly by my husband of 32 years.. and all the time I feel lonely and have this heavy ache in my chest. I’ve been trying to stuff my feelings so I don’t “feel” and I’m always on the verge of crying. A lot of this is my fault as I have not been in the Word faithfully and I know that He is the only one that can fulfill every need I have. I also know that He knows everything about rejection. I would love to read this book alongside God’s word to help me get back on track in knowing that God loves me and I am everything in Him and I am always and completely accepted by Him! Blessings

  260. Halona Luna

    Just the title says it all, Living Loved When You Feel Less Than. I have always struggled feeling like I was worthy enough. Taking antidepressants, years of therapy and lots of prayer for me to realize that I am a worthy Jesus Girl.

  261. Maurine Herman

    Hi Lysa!
    Someone suggested your blog to me about 6 months ago and I love your God centered encouragement!

    Your new book sounds AMAZING! It really resonates with me more than you can imagine! I’m 48, single, never been married with no children. I’ve had a few relationships but things just didn’t seem right so then ended in one way or another. Being 48 and single my whole life is not the choice I made for myself and I certainly didn’t intend to “do life” alone but it somehow has worked out this way for me. I get very down on myself because of this fact and have really sunk into a mid-life crisis of sorts. I try to remember (and understand) that God has a purpose for me but there are times I get so frustrated!

    The abandonment piece started at a very young age for me with my biological father. He was a non-believer and from the moment I was conceived there was lots of drugs and alcohol… along with yelling, screaming, violence, etc. My mom packed me up (and she was also pregnant with my brother, Alan) and we snuck out in the middle of the night while I was only 2. I don’t remember much of it in the forefront on my mind but subconsciously it has really made my personal life hard and having healthy relationships with men very difficult for me! I’m very afraid of men and fear being abandoned by, not only men but, my friends as well sometimes. I’m also very afraid of yelling and violence…. I was finally diagnosed with a panic disorder when I was 30 but suffered from it since I can remember. Anyways…my biological father signed off on my brother and I in court and we never saw him again until the last 7 years when he shows up at a Lenten fish fry that my family volunteers at. There are no “hellos” or communication with this man but I have served him mac and cheese several times!

    Due to all this (among other things)… I never really felt like I was truly loved and I, although I’m very busy with friends and family and have a good life… I often feel extremely lonely and just plain detached. I spent a number of years “looking for love in all the wrong places”, as they say. But that only led to more and more loneliness and depression.

    My only sibling, Alan, passed away on my birthday last November (due to alcoholism/liver failure) and that was one of the worst things I’ve ever had to endure. My Mom and (adopted) Dad are so detached from emotions that I sat there pretty nearly “alone” watching my brother’s body shut down. What I would have given to have my Mom come over and hold me as we wept together. My adopted father couldn’t even be in the room when we took my brother off of life support because he “just couldn’t handle it”. At the time, I was dating a guy (whom I thought was pretty great) who said he “would be there for me always” but……he was also very detached and unemotional. He dumped me via text message 1 month later. So alone I was… again. Story of my life….

    I often wonder why God keeps me alone so much? What is the lesson? Why do I feel left out of life and detached? How can I just be content with things how they are? How do I put my sails down and just float down the river that God has me drifting down? Sometimes I get on my face and beg for his mercy because life is so hard sometimes! I hate to complain because I am blessed. I am lucky to have good friends, a steady (yet unemotional) family, a good job, etc. But something is always missing. Someone to share life with….yet I’m so afraid to take a chance because I may just wind up alone and rejected all over again.

    Thank you for your blog! It’s uplifting, encouraging and I really look forward to seeing your name in my “inbox” because I know I’ll get a golden nugget of truth each time I read your story.


  262. Lacie

    Overcoming my fears and insecurities relating to things in my childhood and past wounds in my marriage that seem to keep cropping up. Really looking forward to reading this and allowing God to heal me!

  263. Kristin

    This could not be more timely…in this world of ultra-competitive sports, it’s so easy for our children to feel left out, and for us as parents to feel uninvited because our child isn’t considered the “best” or part of the “A team.” Can’t wait to learn more and gain the tools to stop this thinking!

  264. Rita Lewis

    I can relate to being rejected by my adult step child and husband. Even though I believe it is unintentional it still feels like the bond between them is stronger than my marriage. I always try to keep the peace and end up feeling left out! Would love the encouragement of your new book!

  265. Stacie

    Uninvited sounds like it was written just for me! Rejection and the fear of it are things that I’ve struggled with pretty much all my life. I can’t wait to read this book and hopefully learn ways to overcome it with Gods help.

  266. Melanie

    I feel like this email was sent specifically for me! This book is coming at a season in my life where the title fits perfectly. I’ve been struggling with finding my place in the ministry, with church, with friends. I’m a married stay at home mom with 4 kids, 2 who have special needs, and have no family around. Everything pretty much falls on my shoulders. I honestly never get invited anywhere and really don’t have real friends. I’ve tried reaching out but now I feel like just giving up. I don’t really know what else to do or where else to turn. I’ve been praying about it but just can’t seem to shake this lonely and unwanted feeling. This book would be an amazing tool to help me get it together and continue seeking HIM! Thank you for the opportunity. God bless

  267. Connie

    Is this an e-book? If so, I wish to preorder…..

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi, Connie!

      Thanks so much for asking! We do not have the ebook version available to order through the Proverbs 31 website, but you can purchase it in that format from any online retailer that carries ebooks. So whoever you typically buy your ebooks from should have it available for you to purchase. And then you can go to to redeem your gifts! If you have any trouble, you can contact us at

      Lysa’s Ministry Team

  268. K Hanes

    Wow, all my life I’ve felt like I haven’t fit it quite right. I’ve always felt left out if there were 3 or more people around. In school, I never had the right words to say or didn’t look the look. This carried through my adult life as well with family, in-laws. I couldn’t seem to fit into their niche. Now, I know that I’m special, that God has created me a beautiful person, who He can work through, but it still doesn’t help me be accepted by certain people. It sounds like I’m not the only one that deals with this. 🙂 Thank you, Lysa, for being raw with us – you have touched my heart more than once and I know I speak for many others as well.

  269. Mary McMillen

    I was laid off on April 16. I applied for unemployment benefits on April 18, and have not received any benefits 12 weeks later. Still, while finances remain challenging, my bills somehow are met. Four interviews happened, yet no responses. Phone calls placed with messages left, and not returned. It’s tough. A smile remains on my face as my animals and acquaintances support me emotionally. I would so enjoy pre-ordering your book. Financially, that can’t happen right now. Your writing helps me remain focused, faithful, and full of God’s love. Off to making more phone calls! Thank you for your outreach. It helps so many of us.

  270. Gaye Herrero

    I am excited to read Uninvited!! The words lonely and left out really resonate with me. I am an older mom whose circle of peers have older or grown children. To add to the lonliness I started homeschooling a few years ago which narrowed my circle of friends even more. I love this stage of my life and I am honored to be able to homeschool our son but I struggle , feeling lost and left out. It is by faith I am able to move forward daily however I could use some encouragement. God’s perfect timing getting this email today. Thank you for an opportunity to win a copy of your newest “encouragement”.

  271. Lisa

    Oh my, I was just dealing with rejection last night! I definitely NEED this book. How timely it is, God ordained!!

  272. Carmen N

    “Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely” describes me perfectly! I know this book is going to be another one that resonates God’s voice through you to me.

  273. Suzanne

    Dear Lisa,
    I’m so excited for this new book because I am in a season where I am an empty nester, and desire truth for this season. I have all of your books and would love a chance to win. Thank you

  274. Mandy

    I’m a divorced mom of a young teenager. I recently dated a lifelong friend for nearly 2 1/2 years. I really felt this relationship was a “God thing” for many reasons. He was a great Christian guy , we’d known each other & our families for years, he was great with my child , for into each others families well etcetc. But I found out he was unfaithful and lied to me. I was devestated. I knew God loves me but the physical and emotional rejection I felt from this person was just overwhelming. I’m doing much better and healing but it’s still hard feeling “unloved ” at times. I have clung to God and my family and church family during these hard times. I think your book would help me “organize ” and process my thoughts better and aid me in progressing along this healing process.

  275. Janelle

    This book sounds like another fantastic read! I’m excited to learn how to deal with past hurts of being overlooked by others, and how to deal with some loneliness now in my life from moving to a new place and starting over trying to make some friends. Thanks Lysa! Can’t wait to read it!

  276. Sherry

    I have lived my entire life feeling like I’m not good enough for everyone. I “know” that no one else matters, that I am God’s. But for some reason, it’s hard for me to live in that truth.

  277. Robin

    God honoring ways to process my hurt. Wow. I need that!

  278. KC Armstron

    This book sounds like it was written just for me. I would really love to win a copy. Thank you for baring your soul to help others like me know that they are not alone in their insecurities.

  279. Brenda

    Feeling rejected and lonely in my marriage. This is a book I need to read.

  280. Lynn

    Sounds like I need this

  281. Gina Williams

    I am in a season of feeling unloved, not good enough, etc… Actually I would say it’s an on going season from High School myself. High School was awful, and it has left scars and just like you said, it’s hard to believe at 33 I still have so many insecurities that come from that time in my life. Some days it’s unbearable. It’s followed me into my marriage and being a mom and even making friends. I just assume most people aren’t going to like me so I’m sure I come off as rude, but I’m really not. I long for Godly friendships and the courage to be who He created me to be and sees me being. This book would absolutely be a blessing to receive.

  282. Sallie

    Learning to not be offended when I’m excluded from an invite or conversation.

  283. Sunday Holley

    We have an amazing church and Bible college. We train people to leave. Yes, leave! They receive the skills needed to go start or minister in churches throughout the world. This week a couple prepared to leave. A going away party was held for the lady and I was not invited. I saw all the pictures on social media and the fun that was had. But this had happened before. It happened when another couple left. I feel very uninvited and left out. I see my friends celebrating and I wondered what God will do with me. Just last night I wondered if we left, would anyone even notice. So I bought her a gift because I don’t want to be sad for my friend. I want to learn how to be better than that. More people are going to leave. I want to prepare my heart for it. I would love to have a copy of this book! Thank you.

  284. Kristen

    I struggle with not having very many deep, fulfilling friendships. Yes, I have good friends who are also women, but they have other friends in their lives who take precedence over me. I feel like I am on the back burner oftentimes.

  285. Jennifer

    I have many of the insecurities listed above. I think within all of us we tend to think less of who we are in Christ. As with all of your books, I know that Uninvited will be just another inspiring book to meet me where I’m at and help me to grow to new levels in my walk with Jesus. Thank you Lysa!

  286. Michelle S

    Looking forward to this book! Sounds like exactly what I need at this moment in time!! Thanks for all tour hard work and pressing on with all the trials you’ve experienced! Praying God will use this book in a mighty way to bring healing to many.

  287. Mary Lynch

    Hi Lysa, All of your words touched my heart deeply. I have never felt i belonged anywhere. I am so shy and feel like i fade away in groups. Like i have nothing to offer and things would be better if I was not there. I have chronic lyme disease and it keeps me isolated because i can’t become a part of things. When i would go to church or work before lyme, i was never asked for social events and never felt good enough to think I was a part of anything. I love your blog and fb posts. I know your book would bring tears and then joy knowing that God really accepted me. I feel so sad never being invited anywhere because i don’t have the gift of “small talk”.

  288. Carla Pugh

    The need to feel wanted and loved

  289. Maura

    I can’t wait to get my hands on this. I have been feeling lately that no one notices my gifts or my calling. A few friends of mine have similar callings to be worship leaders and it is so easy to feel overlooked when I feel that their talents or abilities outshine mine. I have had to keep reminding myself that God sees me even when others don’t. I have had to remind myself of His promise that He will complete the good work in me that He has started! It’s like Francesca Battistelli sings- “I don’t need my name in lights, I’m famous in my Father’s eyes.” I can’t wait to grab a copy of this book. Thank you, Lysa.

  290. Misty

    I logged online this morning looking for answers. The first thing I opened was this post. I’ve been searching to find my place in my church, my career, even in my marriage. I thought I had it – after years of struggling in all of those areas, the last two years things started to make sense…To improve. Things were good. The last few months I’ve been feeling the familiar tug of insecurities, of not belonging, of being forgotten. Unfortunately it’s in the midst of these thoughts that satan works his way in and is louder than all other voices. I’m struggling to get back into the place that I was, I want to fight for it, but sometimes I feel like I’m the only one. (Again, the voice that should be loudest in my head isn’t right now….I’m working on it….) This book seems like exactly what I’ve been searching for, my heart is ready for the message…now it’s time to invest the time to listen to the right voice.

  291. Sandi

    wow, can’t wait to read this book. if it does anything near what “the best yes” did for me, it will be awesome. I am living in constant current fear of rejection due to some circumstances we find ourselves in with family and friends who suddenly are no longer there for us after all we’ve done for them and it makes going through crisis alone very difficult. would love to get this book early!

  292. Jodie Hill

    I look forward to reading the message God speaks through you in Uninvited. Of all your books, I will value the reassurances that come from this message the most. I certainly know too well the “feeling” of being left out. I am a 48 year old childless woman who has experienced abandonment of others more times than I wish to count, starting with my daddy at the age of 7 moving onto two divorces. I have experienced the loss of family and even friendships because I do not quite fit with most social circles. As I write this, I have to admit, I just spent the 4th of July by myself…feeling uninivited as I smelled the aromas of southern bbq (no better way to celebrate freedom than with pulled pork!) drifting through the air and as heard the laughter of families playing out in the lake. I even caught myself peering around roof tops from my front porch to catch a glimpse of fireworks. Yes, you can find common ground and supported prayers with divorced women my age. But time spent in thier company is another dilemma as most have children and even grand-children. As you pray for a text or call from a friend who just maybe today will feel the desire to commune with you as her child takes part in some activity away from home, you are left “feeling” uninvited. However, what I have learned from 15+ years of “feeling” uninvited is the truth about “Feelings” God has taught me through the many years of uninvited-ness (um…yes, I know its not a word…I double checked with google! But it works here and I believe now it will be and even maybe soon it will have its own emotion emoji) that feelings are NOT truth. He is Truth. His Word is Truth. And if I meditate on His Truth day and night, the lies of “feelings” are exposed and can be replaced with the Truth of Love. Jesus invites me. Jesus not only invites me to his freedom festival, he makes me guest of honor. He died to give me freedom of the “feelings” of uninvited-ness. And when I meditate on that Truth, I get a text or call from God, although maybe not by smartphone, inviting me to spend every moment of every day with Him.

  293. Cathy Grahame

    Lysa, I can’t tell you how God’s perfect timing is placing this book in my path. I grew up in a dysfunctional home where I was abused by those that are supposed to be trusted, was bullied and unaccepted in my school years and have been attacted and judged as an adult. Being me, just hurts. I never fit in anywhere and that message became my attitude toward God…that I wasn’t good enough for him. I am blessed, but struggling to work the pain. God is good, but I’m not has been my thought for years. Your book resonates with me to the core! I would be honored to read your pre-copy as I know God has blessed me with your ministry and books like The Best Yes. Thank you for all you do in ministry and life for His glory.

  294. Katie

    Looking forward to learning how to overcome insecurities and know I am handpicked by God for such a time as this.

  295. Sally Olson

    Thank you, Lysa! I’ve been anticipating the release of this book since I first heard you mention several months ago. I pray it’s a blessing to many, including me :/. It seems just when I think I’ve slayed the dragon that breathes a firey accusation –“REJECTION!” , its hot air singes my skin once again. It’s time to bury that thing at the foot of the Cross. Amen? Thanks for your heart to share openly with other.

  296. Kayla

    My husband and I just moved to a new state. I feel like it was God’s plan but there are days when I wonder if I will ever feel like I’m accepted. Uninvited really hits home with me right now. I know God will come through I just have to remain prayerful and trust in him.

  297. Anna

    I can’t wait to read this book! Despite being a Christian my entire life, I often feel lonely and like I have no true friends. I’m greatly looking forward to this book! 🙂

  298. Jamie Lynn Byram

    I deal with feeling left out and lonely. I moved to a new city a little over two years ago for my husband and am having a really hard time making friends. This is unusual for me because I am very outgoing. This new city seems to have a different breed of women. I joined a tennis team, two years ago, hoping this would help. It hasn’t, the team posts pictures on Facebook of their impromptu supper parties, bunco nights, book club nights and it seems to be the entire team, sans me. Seeing the photos leaves a pain in my heart. I try to see this as extra time alone with God, to grow closer to Him…but I’M STILL LONELY.

  299. Susan Lombardi

    Wow…this book sounds like something that God could use to help heal my mom. Our relationship has been destroyed over the past 12 years by her past hurts and constant feelings of “less than”. I have been praying for God’s healing. She is going to be 84 this month … I just want her to relax and enjoy the remainder of her life. Thanks for writing about a difficult subject. You share so openly. I am confident that God will use this book in a mighty way.

  300. Jackie

    Oh Wow…..when I saw this I thought…..she wrote a book about me! The title just grabbed me…Uninvited…When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely…..that’s been my whole life and I am 61 years old! It’s never too late! Thank you Lysa for writing this book! Can’t wait to read it. : )

  301. Kelly Campbell

    7 years ago this Thursday, I had a stroke at age 41 that left me paralyzed on my left side. After three failed marriages and now being physically handicapped, I believed with all my heart that I’d be single for the rest of my life. But God is good and through much spiritual growth and healing, He has blessed me with a wonderful man who cares deeply for me. However, I can’t seem to shake the feeling that the “other shoe” is about to drop. I’m fighting to not believe the lies that I’m unworthy and need to reject him before he will me. Just the description of Uninvited pierced my heart. Thank you for being open and vulnerable!

  302. Janet

    This is a book I need to read as insecurity is a battle I deal with in my life

  303. Lesly V

    I have pre-ordered this already on Amazon, and can’t wait! I don’t know when I’ll be able to read it since I am taking classes, but I am so looking forward to it.

    I resonate with :
    • Feeling left out
    • Feeling rejected
    • Feeling insecurities, and that I just don’t belong anywhere

  304. Jamie

    I cannot wait to read this book! Thank you for writing about a difficult subject that affects so many of us! ❤️

  305. Jenn

    I am excited to learn how not to feel bad when I am not invited/included! I got the misty eyes that accompany the presence of The Holy Spirit when I read your post! This book is going to do great things for God.
    Bless you, Lysa, for being vulnerable and sharing the things He brings to us through you!

  306. Tracy

    Feeling left out and lonely…that resonates through me at this time. We recently adopted, a now eight year old. Never did we realize that amidst the joys of adoption, there would be such turmoil. Our only other child has struggled greatly as have I with my momma heart shredded seeing my older struggling, trying to understand and adjust myself, and do what is right by God. And in this time of need, those who I considered good friends have all but vanished…

    I know my God is the One true supplier of all our needs. I know it is He that brought this adopted child into our family, for His plan and purpose, without question. Knowing many who have adopted we knew it would be challenging and even feel awful at times for quite a while. Yet we are thankful for this blessing, please don’t mistake that, and look forward to all God has planned for our family.

    From the trenches, it is certainly easy to be distracted from Truth and feel left out and lonely. I look forward to reading your newest book. Sounds like it might be great for staying focused on Him, which is where we all need to be no matter what the circumstance in our lives are.

    Thank you for being obedient to God’s calling for you.

  307. Carla

    I often feel ‘uninvited’/left out of my grown children’s lives. They are SO busy with work, sports and friends their age.

  308. Gina

    I’m in an amazing new job but all my baggage has come with me and some days I’m overwhelmed with fear of failure. It’s exhausting.

  309. Monica

    I really need to stop trying to control the actions of everyone around me!!!

  310. Sue T

    Almost two years ago, my family and I moved across the country to start anew. it hasn’t been a smooth transition. I’ve felt uninvited, rejected, and even criticized. I’ve been fighting these feelings and am reshifting my attitude and how I approach life in this new place. I would love to read Lysa’s words and insight into these feelings. I’m sure it would be helpful.

  311. rachel swanson

    Thank you so much Lysa! You are so generous!!

  312. Leisa Patrick

    I have struggled with feelings of inadequacy, not being wanted, left out – and the enemy has used this to attack what plans God has for me. I want to overcome!!

  313. Katy

    People who know me would be surprised that I have many of these same feelings and have since I was a child. I put on a good front and try to stay/act upbeat & in control. My mom had a breakdown after I was born, and she blamed my birth on that for years–even told me so when I was in junior high. I believed it for years until I had some counseling in college. I’m older than the people I work with, who naturally gravitate to each other since they’re close in age and have the same interests, so I often feel left out, not invited to lunch as much. I’m also an only child so have no close relatives, except for my immediate family. I loved being with my husband’s family but there was a break in those relationships after his mom died, so I lost those who had become my family. Things are a little better, but not the same. Your book sounds like it will be very helpful to all of us feeling alone, rejected, and lonely. Thank God He never leaves us.

  314. Karla

    Theres always a part of me that does feel left out or that no one likes me. It’s been that way as far back as I can remember. It’s hard to get perspective on that sometimes. Plus with a divorce where he chose someone else cuts even deeper. Lysa writes so well. I’m looking forward to this book!

  315. Maggie

    It’s really hard not to feel like you don’t matter when you are rejected. No matter how old we get we try very hard to a avoid feeling like you are not a part of something. Lysa has shown time & again that by making herself vunerable healing can come from our Lord through the Holf Spirit. I’m excited to read this new book and learn even more about vunerability, God’s grace and love for His people. Thank you for using scripture to show us a new way to live in a world where hurt is a sure thing.

  316. Mona Bender

    This book I believe will speak to me because this is how I have felt my whole entire life. I have always felt if I wasn’t good enough. I have never and still feel as if I don’t belong in everything I do. I have faith. I am a two time cancer survivor and I. Know God has plans for me, but I still feel like I don’t belong anywhere. Lysa, every book you write feels like you have written about my life. You always make me feel better.

  317. Melissa

    Insecurities is my biggest problem!!!

  318. Liane

    Oh my, the tears are already flowing!! I feel like this message was handwritten just for me. I struggle with anxiety so I often find myself worrying that I am being passed over, over-controlling of situations so I don’t get hurt, and playing the “what if” game. I cannot wait to add this book to my library!!

  319. kATHY

    I would like to read this book because I really believe it will help me help my husband who often deals with feelings of rejection. Many times these feelings are not warranted but they are still real to him. Thanks Lysa for writing this book.

  320. Stephanie

    Now that I have daughters this message is all too real again.

  321. Lura Somers

    I think no.3 applies most to me. When rejected how do I react?
    How do I not get bitter or resentful?

    I will be anxious to get this book and I believe it will help many of us as we deal
    with these feelings as women. Thank you for writing it.

  322. Shari

    I am in probably the most difficult season of my life right now. Life circumstances are causing me to cling to Him, and clung hard. Some friends know, some do not. But I definitely felt “out of the loop” most of the time…whether others are too busy to notice, or they just don’t know what to do with me right now…I am learning that God knows and He is faithful. Always has been and He will be this time too.

  323. Kindra Colgin

    I am excited about this book. I’m a 55 year old woman, still in the workforce and have always struggled with feeling “less than” in both my work life and personal life. Mostly in my personal life. I have felt judged and criticized for never having stayed at home with my children, who are now grown adults. I feel “less than” when it comes to my home and battle comparison with friends and family members. Because I’m plus size, I feel “less than” when around ladies smaller than me. I can’t wait to get my hands on your book to help me with my journey of overcoming this issue. Thank you!!

    • Monica Heidkamp

      Wow – I could’ve written your comment! Thank you for sharing and shedding light on dark places – we are NOT alone in our battles!!!

  324. Gail

    It will help me feel complete to find ways to not be rejected and alone in which I felt my whole life. I love all the scriptures and prayers which will be included.

  325. Hope S

    Wow — this is a message I need to hear. After a cross-country move, I’m building a new set of friends, but I’m also struggling with feeling forgotten by some close friends back home. Thanks for the reminder that there is One who never forgets me. I look forward to reading your book!

  326. Pam

    Rejection felt by family resonates with me. Can’t wait to read & I hope you’re feeling better

  327. Debi

    Cant wait to read this book! I am 50 yrs old and just now discovering/dealing with issues of my childhood causing me to believe i am unwanted, unloved, unworthy, and uninvited. On the one hand, I regret that its taken me so long to get her, on the other hand I am excited and expectant with what God is doing in me during this season!
    The bullet point that most touched me is to be able to ‘Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging’ – the secret of belonging…love this!

  328. Julie Jackson

    Recently widowed I have constant fears of rejection and loneliness that I did not believe would surface in my life. I am (what I thought) a strong independent woman.. Who loves the Lord . But the world and people tend to attempt to rob you of your joy to the point you want to escape and seclude yourself ….

  329. Sarah

    I find myself wondering if there is more than this all too often in my life. I am a wife, a mom to 2 precious kids, and a teacher. Sometimes I feel stuck and wish that I could be better at what I do. This new book strikes something in me that I think might give me the strength what I need in this time of my life.

  330. Tricia Garber

    Fearing the unexpected rejection waiting around the corner is what resonates with me most. At 14, just the age when girls are supposed to be learning how a man should treat a woman, my dad left my mom for the cliche’ d, younger, blonde, secretary. While I have been married to a wonderful, faithful man for 18 years, I can still be overcome with fear that someday he will go running off with someone else. Anytime I am in a crisis or state of fear I can almost always trace it back to my greatest fear of being rejected and alone. Thank you for writing this book, being vulnerable, and offering hope! I am looking forward to reading your book.

  331. karyn

    I know that I have issues with feelings of inadequacy, rejection and of not being loved that pop up constantly and cause me to not fully live my life for Christ. I have read many of your books and have been changed greatly by them, and I can’t wait to read this one!

  332. Dawn

    This sounds like what I need!

  333. Rhonda

    Six years ago my husband of 22 years said, “I don’t think I love you and I don’t want to try.” (Translation: there is another woman- he didn’t admit this until recently.). God has lead me to stand for our covenant vows. He has developed an unconditional love for my husband in me that continues even though he is saying that he will not come back. I am invited to almost every one of his family events by his parents and sister. Our kids make him celebrate Christmas together as a family. God leads me occasionally to send him a card with my love or apologies in it. BUT the rejection every time I see him is excruciatingly painful. It bleeds into other situations. I find myself afraid even to call or text a neighbor who REALLY needs a friend, because she has REJECTED my words of staying with her marriage. This feeling of rejection sticks like glue. I don’t know anyone else who is divorced but still standing for their marriage(against the opinion of many). It can be a very lonely place…..not to mention the humiliation I feel. Your book sounds like something I really need to live with or above these feelings. I’ve worked SO very hard at growing spiritually and emotionally and not letting my feelings or circumstances dictate my choices and decisions. But a girl needs some help from her community every now and then.

    Thanks for “listening,”

  334. Anita Weatherholt

    Your book cannot get here soon enough! My beautiful 18-year-old daughter is a God-designed introvert who always strives to be kind and get along. Unfortunately this year at school that translated into her being overlooked and left out on numerous occasions. When someone else in the group couldn’t make an event, it was rescheduled, but when she couldn’t make it she was told sorry, too bad. She is very beaten down and is erecting walls left and right. She says she is often depressed. She starts college this fall and we are praying for new and Godly friends to come alongside her, but my heart hurts and I try to remind her just how much God loves her. She thinks something must be wrong with her. I look forward to the encouragement your book will give.

  335. GJ

    Lysa – first I pray you are feeling stronger every day. Secondly, this resonates with me for 2 reasons. I’m a pastor’s wife and mom of grown sons. Sometimes who wants a pastor’s wife around and then the truth that sons “leave & cleave” sometimes both of these roles of mine cause uninvited emotions.
    Thank you for all you do!

  336. Monica Heidkamp

    SO excited for this book! I have struggled with acceptance my entire life. Who would’ve thought that, nearing 50, I would still be so afraid of rejection? It is tiring, mind-numbing at times. Over the past couple of years – God has really been speaking to me on this topic – so this fits right in line with what I am trying to overcome! Thank you for being raw and vulnerable!

  337. Laura N

    That title really grabs my attention. Haven’t we all felt this way at some point, or even on a daily, moment basis?
    But Lysa you are right. We may be overlooked by so many people here on our earth walk, but God looks at us and into is…..he is the one who REALLY sees us. I look forward to reading your book!

  338. Andrea

    I’m really looking forward to learning about not falling apart when I feel left out or uninvited. I want to learn more appropriate ways to respond and seek God when that happens.

  339. Lyndsey

    It seems that as of lately I have been “uninvited”. I’m a foster mom with 6 kiddos (3 of our own and 3 fosters). I’m trying to not always be a “yes” woman whether that be in ministry or over stretching my time with helping others. We, as a family, have made stances on what we know to be God’s standards according to His Word… Therefore we have been “uninvited” to barbecues that we used to be invited to, uninvited to Friday night dinners & uninvited to holiday parties. Is it because we have too many kiddos at this time? Is it because we’ve made our stance in what we believe to be True? These are the questions Satan has me guessing. COMPLETELY working withy my insecurities!!! I’d love a free copy of your book!!!!

  340. Tammi

    When I read this email this morning, I can’t tell you the hope it brought. This is exactly what I need right now, something to keep me focused on the unconditional love God has for me. I’m in the midst of a separation that I did not want and really struggling with feeling rejected and unloved. I can’t wait to read the book! I love Lysa’s writings.

  341. Amanda

    What a wonderful message you are sharing with this book. Thank you so much Lysa. The struggle that I face is the infidelity in my marriage that I discovered 2 years ago…it haunts me to this day…

  342. Linda D.

    Looking forward to your book in helping me deal with some of my past rejections that keep hindering my present relationship with my husband of five years.

  343. Molly Vance

    I am in the beginning process of going through a divorce after 30 years of marriage. The emotional roller coaster is exhausting and I wonder how I am going to get through this and be able to find joy again. I am already seeing the changes that are coming into my life and feeling left out and uninvited to events that are going on around me. I know I need to learn a new normal and find happiness in that. When I read about this new book coming out I though how PERFECT for me!! I would love to win a free copy, but if not I will definitely order this.
    Thank you Lysa for your ministry,

  344. Susan B

    Lysa, I’m so excited for your new book launch! I love all your writing and ministry. I’m also a member of Compel which has been amazing! Your writings speak the places we don’t talk about. Praise the Lord for gifting you with writing to reach out to others. I can’t wait for the blessings of your book. You are an amazing woman and child of God.

  345. Brenda

    Good Morning!! This book comes at a perfect time in my life. I am truly in need to hear from God. My husband has filed for divorce and is involved with a married woman who worked for him. My husband and I have an amazing son who was saved this week at church camp!!! I prayed for my miracle and for my husband to come back but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Then I read about your book….I need to learn hear from God and find out how I am to know exactly what to pray for the next ten days so I can steady my soul and restore my confidence in the midst of rejection. I need to stop talking about how I have faith in God and have what Pastor Furtick calls functional faith. I know this was not God’s plan for my marriage to fall apart but he saw it coming and he has a purpose for my pain. The pain of the rejection and the feeling of not being good enough or pretty enough or skinny enough is overwhelming. Id love to win a copy of your book!!! I need it badly!!

  346. Janet Trenda

    Timely. I just got a text from a friend written in the middle of the night feeling devastatingly lonely. I’ve felt it myself lately. Is this a tool the enemy is using to keep women from beingbeing All God plans for them to be??

  347. Ingrid

    I have been struggling mightily with this issue this summer. I know that Satan’s favorite lie to tell me is that I am not worthy of friends, that I am not lovable; scars leftover from my childhood that haunt me. Relationships are hard, though, and each has a season that we can’t always anticipate. Because my scars are from my mother, my female relationships seem to be the most difficult. Women carry so much more into their relationships, but also have the capacity for so much compassion and strength. I eagerly await this book, and hope it will continue the healing and coping and growing I have been working on for many years, especially through this particularly difficult period.

  348. Nicole

    As I read the description of this new book, I know in my heart that this is a must read for me even though I also know it is going to hurt, causing me to tear off some band aids and face some things I have buried deep for years. Until last December I had no idea how deeply intertwined in my heart the hurt was from past rejections I had experienced in a rocky season of my life. I had been using self medication to cover it up until I got into some trouble with the law and was forced to face it. Now, as I am in the middle of working through it, learning to live by truth and not the lies I believed from rejection in the past, this book sounds like a great tool to help work through it and become closer to Jesus. Out of the bullet pointed ways of how this book will equip its readers, I believe the point, “Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt” mostly resonates with me as I am in need to change how I react to rejection. With the leading of the holy spirit and loving arms of my savior, I am ready to tackle and overcome the hurt of rejection face to face, to stand up to the lies I’ve believed through rejection, and to learn how to walk this life where I know I will face more rejection in the future knowing that I am chosen and hand picked by God.

  349. Marcia Richardson

    I was told in 2005 by my no ex-husband that he was gay and that he no longer wished to be married to me. We had 7 and 3 year old daughters at the time. Well two weeks later I was told by the doctor that I had a huge brain tumor and had to have surgery on Valentine’s Day to remove it. I hemmoraged out during the surgery and was in a coma for 12 days. When I awoke I could not speak but could finger spell in sign language (I had known how to since elementary school) but my friend who was at the hospital says I was finger spelling so fast that she had a hard time keeping up with me. Needless to say that when my ex finally filed for divorce I was still not working and on Social Security Disability and he was working at Intel so the judge gave him full custody of the girls and they are now 19 and 15 and still live with him (at least the 15 year old does, the 19 year old is away at college and chose to stay in the town where she is going to college this summer as she was offered a job on campus for the summer). Anyway that has totally changed my life and the choice I have made or not made since then.

  350. Kaleif Olson

    This quote hit me dead on: “Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.” Almost daily I catch myself saying “they did not leave you out to hurt your feelings.”

  351. Kim

    Right now being left out of family events. There is such hurt when you are left out by our own family.

  352. Paula

    Thank you, Lysa, for dealing with these issues in your newest book. I often pray and feel like I am following God’s path but in the midst when things are not going like I thought they should, I begin to question whether I have heard God correctly. As a wife, mother of three and a full time teacher, I want to make the right decisions….those that God has ordained for me and those in my life. Sometimes when life gets messy I begin to question myself and wonder if they are God’s plans or my own. I can’t wait to read your book to help boost my confidence and ask God to help change my way of thinking and let the Holy Spirit direct my paths. Blessings, Lysa!

  353. Ardis Rivera

    Just this morning I was thinking about some very hurtful comments made by members of my family, some years ago and some just a couple of weeks ago. I guess I have always felt like I just don’t measure up to their standards, although I am currently a missionary in Mexico. My priorities are very different from the rest and I hear about their viewpoints of my choices. Once I cried out to God and asked Him how I could ever please these people and He reminded me that I should strive to please Him and only Him. I pray for my family that God will open their eyes to see that what they think is important is very fleeting and that eternity is what matters.

  354. Debbie Buettner

    Excited to read your new book! I’ve already pre-ordered through Amazon…will I still get the bonus stuff? The message of Uninvited that resonates with me is…Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God. Your books are so encouraging and instructional for living a life for Jesus. Thank you, Lysa for sharing your heart and what God has taught you!! Hope you’re healing well!

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi, Debbie! Yes! You can for sure still get the freebies. 🙂 Please visit There is a form you can fill out when you click “Redeem My Pre-Order Gifts.” Please feel free to contact us at if you have any trouble.

      Lysa’s Ministry Team

  355. Darlene

    The feeling of always being left out and waiting for the next rejection.
    Looking forward to this book.

  356. Jamie Lantz

    This book is going to be AMAZING!! I really feel like I will benefit from the rejection, feeling less-than aspects of this book. I cannot wait to read it!:)

  357. Lisa

    I struggle with feelings that people don’t like me, don’t want to be with me. I find myself shying away from being with people because I don’t want to be rejected or unliked. My very young adult children seem to be pulling away and I know that part of it is my imagination, part is a normal part of them maturing, and part because of my issues – they really are putting distance between us.

  358. Elizabeth Hitch

    I think everyone feels uninvited and unincluded a lot of the time. I sure do. Thank you for writing on a subject so many women feel but don’t like to talk about. Looking forward to reading the book. And it releases on my birthday! How cool!

  359. anjol35

    Older single mom here who feels like she’s going through a phase of uninvited right now in my life so every part of this message resonates with me and I cant wait to dive into your book to heal my broken heart.

  360. Toni P

    I so often feel left out of everything! I look at pictures on facebook and think about how all of my friends are getting together and hanging out with one another! I wish I had friends to hang out with, I think. I love reading your books, I feel like we have been friends and you know my deepest feelings. Thank you for being so real!

  361. Nikki

    This is a part that I would love to learn more about.. How to.. Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging.

  362. Rachel Quigley

    There are many times I feel inadequate to handle all that is on my plate. I assume things and expectations that others have towards me that I have made up myself and they don’t really feel that way at all but because of my own “stuff” and “mess” I assume stuff of others and I miss what God is really trying to say to me. Sad but true. I wish I was better at that whole “seeing me as God sees me.” Help me, Lord.
    Looking forward to this book! Congrats Lysa!

  363. Ann

    I have been fighting the devil on this very thing. Praying for help and guidance from God. He has answered my prayers with this book. Thank You.

  364. Ally

    I’ve felt feelings of rejection several times in my life and they’re really hard for me to deal with! I can’t wait to read this book to be able to know how to deal with them better!

  365. Laura young

    Excited to read about — Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.

  366. Pam

    I’m 66 years old and have never felt I belonged. Like I’m on the outside by the door. looking in at the other ladies. I’m good at smiling, talking but all the while I feel alone. I’ve prayed about this for many, many years. Thought it’s just something I’ve got to walk out in faith. I’ve tried and succeeded at times. I really would like to be set free!

  367. Connie Cox

    This sounds like such a needed book for me at the present time. I am walking through a season of rejection and would love to learn more about how to deal with my hurts. Would love to win. Thanks.

  368. Jen

    This book sounds AWESOME!
    so grateful that God made you vulnerable. Bless you dear lady.

  369. Nicole

    I have been patiently awaiting the release of your new book! I have insecurities that I have been fighting my whole life and I have a connection to your words that totally changed my life each and every day! I am counting down to the release!

  370. Shawn

    Being ignored by my neighbors cause I homeschool 6 children still at home. And turned away from one of them who were selling a puppy because we homeschool

  371. Leigh

    Working with junior high teens in a camp setting, I witness the “less than” feeling acutely everyday. And I am reminded of the times I felt like that at their age and still do feel like that in certain settings. I would love to be able to come along side these amazing young individuals that feel “less than” and give them biblical truths and wisdom to let them know they are amazing. And to remind them that this is a tough age, but it can and will get better. But they need faith to get them through these times – we all do. And to also let them know that they are not alone in their journey.

  372. Deb

    Wow, I am looking forward to diving in to the new book. Walking through the pain of infidelity… somewhere I never thought I would be. I am dealing with deep seeded rejection, fear, reactions that make things worse. I can’t wait to hear about our tendencies to either fall apart or control. I so relate with that. Fear has a hold on me and leaks out in ugly ways through out my day. I often don’t even realize it. But God gently reminds me of His great love and it breaks me… then my eyes are opened and I realize I am trying to control… again. I am living in fear… again. For my children who need a whole hearted mommy, for my legacy and that of my family, for the calling I know God has on my life I want to be free. THANK YOU, Dear Lysa for stepping out and being vulnerable with your book, I am looking forward to the healing I know that will come thru sharing your story. Each of the topics seem so relevant to my walk right now. May God bless you and the release of your timely message.

  373. Alice Hayden

    I have been in this place of feeling ‘Uninvited”, being used as a punching bag by the enemy of my soul. I know the torment and the feelings of loneliness, self-hate, unworthiness and UN-loved, in the presence of my belief in the Word of God which proclaims the antithesis to what I feel.
    I also have experienced the awesome, amazing grace and mercy of God when He spoke to me thru another, the truth and mandated I repeat the truth back out loud and slowly I began to believe what I was hearing and then saying which then made it possible for me to proclaim the truth to myself when the enemy lied to my mind.
    I am so thankful for what God has done in my own life and I want to see others set free from this crippling lie.
    So thankful to you Lysa, for being willing to open your heart and soul to share God’s hope to those who are suffering.

  374. Michelle Hall

    I love your blog, and have thoroughly enjoyed your bible studies and other books. I am looking so forward to reading Uninvited. It’s theme touches home for me in SO many ways. I look forward to the message God gave you for those of us who so often feel “uninvited”.

  375. Kim

    This book sounds great! I think this subject is great not only for girls & women but a subject that even guys/boys have to deal with these days too. The part about “processing your hurt” is what I need to hear.

  376. Maya

    What part of the Uninvited message resonates with your life right now – It would be feeling less than.

  377. Alicia Jackson

    Blessings love ,wow im crying right now because this is the 3rd confirmation about restoring my confidence ive lost it for a while now n asking our Lord for strength for it back your book would be a blessing to my life ,i pray im one of the winner.thank for writing this ,blessings love Alicia Jackson.

  378. Donna burk

    Finalllyyyy. Thank u in advance for your transparency. I have dealt with rejection since I was a child when my mother had me as a bargaining chip for my father to marry her. When that didn’t happen I became the object of her resentment and bitterness that was caused by him yet I was the tool. To this day, 50 years later, the enemy still pulls out the same tool and beats me with that often. And though I am a seasoned Christian, I usually fall for it. My times down are not as long as it used to be but I welcome any insight how to handle rejection of my adult children who have walked away from the Lord, continue to unintentionally use the same weapon. Actually the enemy uses them, unbeknownst to them, yet he knows the #1 weapon. So thank you again for a peek into your personal life, hurts and triumphs, along with Lessons Learned to teach others that deal with the same.

  379. Melinda Leal

    In our rushed lives…always trying to get 10 steps ahead & running around 10 steps behind between family, church, work etc… I feel like I’m trying to “do it ALL” for everyone other than me… I feel like many times I get lost in the craziness….

  380. Janet Simmons

    I so struggle with security in so many ways. It is a daily fight to accept the racket God has placed in my hand, so to speak, through the Word written on my heart, to smack the lies away from me with all of His might. Thank you for being face down at the foot of the cross to listen. What a great example and witness! I look forward to reading your book that He inspired!
    Grace, Peace and Mercy be yours. Amen!!!

  381. Sherri Steury

    I want to be able to learn how to process my hurt and disappointments in God honoring ways, instead of falling into the temptation of falling apart or trying to control the actions of others. I am in the middle of a marital separation that is looking bleak, and I need to be able to pray with confidence for God to steady my soul, to be able to stand strong in the face of rejection, with peace and confidence, and know who I am in Christ is all that matters.

  382. Mary

    Thank you for sharing information about your new book. This weekend I had a horrific pity party and would welcome your the proactive approach to countering lies. Thanks!

  383. Vicky D

    Would love to know God honoring ways to process hurt! This book sounds amazing!

  384. Marie

    I can’t say why I deserve an advanced copy over anybody else because every one hurts differently but everyone’s pain is real and the worst to them. I can’t help but believe this was a Godsend because I am in the midst of the hardest, most painful situation I’ve ever been faced with. I literally found out yesterday that the man I had envisioned and planned out my life with, was in fact, living a second relationship with another woman who believed the same thing. When I read “learn how to to change your tendency of either falling apart or control the actions of others”, that hit me hard because I am the one who falls apart and thinks back to everything I did wrong or could have done better. I’m a pretty lost soul right now and desperate for any kind of Christian advice I can get and hopefully put into this situation. Trying to figure out what to pray for in the next second, let alone the next ten days is almost impossible, I have tried to stay focused on the Lord, but my mind goes so far away. That was another part that I feel is a Godsend, He knows I don’t know what to say or ask for and I believe He led me straight to this forum to ask for help, in the form of a book.

    If you were to send me an advanced copy, I assure you, you will bring someone from the depths of indescribable pain, to hopefully seeing the light that God intends me to see from this situation and assure me, this too, is in his plans. Logically, that’s so easy to say, but to believe it is completely different. Thank God, I still have logic.

  385. Micki Christian

    This book comes at the perfect time for me. As a recent widow I am feeling less than(a whole person now that I am longer a wife), left out (we truly are a couple society) and lonely.
    Thanks,Lysa, for another blessed and timely book!

  386. Anita Glover

    It sounds like a great read and a great help on the feeling of not belonging [being on the outside] not being loved, worthlessness , being invisible unless I have something or can do do something needed at that time, not being wanted or made to feel less than.

  387. Jacinda

    Thank you for sharing on a topic that so many of us face and long for direction on. I am always amazed at how God brings you to exactly what you need, when you need it and always in His perfect timing. My heart is truly longing for his Word, seeking meaning and knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am His. Looking forward to reading your book and carrying in my heart what are sure to be lifelong gems!

  388. Lisa J

    I am so excited for this book! Feeling left out is something I’ve struggled with for a long time and I can’t wait for the prayers to “steady my soul and restore my confidence.”

  389. Nichole Cisneroz

    Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.
    *The first bullet caught my attention but then I kept reading and this one….
    • Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.
    *God is good because I am going through a lot right now and really need/want to know how to process the hurt.
    thank you.

  390. Kelli

    I am dealing with all of this in my life right now. I need to move forward from my past and having a difficult time doing that. Gettin : past the things that have happened to me and not understanding why I couldn’t seem to have a happy life and be accepted. Two failed marriages with the second husband ending up in prison for something he did but him blaming me and me carrying the blame while raising 4 kids by myself. Wanting to be accepted and loved and have a happy marriage juat does not seem to be in the works for me. I would so love win this book. I would love to preorder it bit dont have money to do that right now. Thank you for reading this and God bless you.

  391. Julie Sunne

    I exercise control as a way to feel heard. How wonderful to receive some advice that will lesson the hold of that on my life! Blessings.

  392. Renee Gilhart

    This book will be awesome. I am constantly struggling with feeling left out and I need help to stop it. Thanks for all you do Lysa!

  393. Teresa Pierce

    The new book is coming at a time in my life when I need it more than ever. Having lived through some difficult choices and left feeling rejected and now I find myself in a marriage feeling that it could be happening many days, more often than not.

  394. Jeanne

    I have always felt left out or talked over, etc. And I am now getting ready to have back surgery and I have had 1 person who really dedicated herself to help me, or help with meals, etc. I am going to be down for a while and I am worried and scared of what is going to happen, and I would like to be able to feel more confident and sure of my friends, and my value in their life.

  395. Joy

    I’m just a regular mom. (I think). I have a 13 year old daughter and it sounds like this book could ignite a mother/daughter study, devotion, prayer and talking time together time.

  396. Chris

    I can resonate with feeling left out and lonely, but am comforted knowing that being part of the world is not by goal. Being part of God’s love is all I need.

  397. Arlene

    Lysa, one of my dearest friends of 16 years has suddenly taken herself out of my life, with little or no explanation. My phone calls aren’t answered, nor are my texts, FB messages or emails. She’s going through a very tough time and I continually pray that she receives comfort and finds her strength. I also pray she finds me again. It has been 7 months now and I fluctuate between being sad and being mad. Most of all I’m hurt. I miss her so much, but I’m angry too. Sounds like your book may be perfect timing for me!

  398. A Miller

    This book appeals to me because of my childhood. My parents divorced and I was “stuck” with my grandparents. This wasn’t the best situation and love and affection were rarely shown. I’ve struggled through life feeling unloved despite the fact that I’ve been married for 28 years with two beautiful daughters. I want my daughters to feel unconditional love, but sometimes I think I over do it. I’m look forward to reading your book.

  399. Mrml

    Past rejections cause me (us) to interpret things people do or don’t do through a skewed filter…i.e. Taking things personally when they really might have nothing to do with us…expecting too much of others because we want others to meet our needs to be loved, or putting walls up and not letting others in because of fear of being hurt…this is what I continue to struggle with as an adult.
    Would love to read your perspectives on this. Thank u for writing about it.

  400. Anita Daly

    I just ordered your new book uninvited but. Have not received the first few chapters in my inbox. Hope you can help. I need to read your book as I have struggled with the past most of my life. Thank you. Anita

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi, Anita! So excited you ordered the book! Have you filled about the form at There is a button that says “Redeem My Pre-Order Gifts.” If you have any trouble, please contact us at

      Lysa’s Ministry Team

  401. Beverly Rosand

    For years, the fear of rejection kept me from understanding the immense capacity of God’s love for me. Can’t wait to see your journey through this dark path as well.

  402. Kelly Tardella

    I am going through a divorce after 20 years…finally having the courage to stand up for myself and my children. We adopted two beautiful children, but they both have “special needs” and require special attention and a lot of extra love – I know that God sent them to me for a reason and it is my life long goal to help them grow into the adults that they aspire to be. Along this journey from the divorce, there has been loss of many friends and family. Our daughter recently was placed in a residential school to help her with an anxiety disorder and it’s been such a challenging process. My children feel alienated by friends and community because of their lack of understanding of the situation. Through of all this, our faith remains strong, but I do feel uninvited and alone. I find joy in the friendships that I have, but long for the confidence of “belonging to a large and purposeful group” agin. I am thrilled to read your new book as all of your books are so uplifting in God’s word and motivate me…I often take them into my church bible study and share them with my group! My dad was just diagnosed with a very advanced stage of cancer and I plan to use this book to help me find ways to use this situation for the greater good. Thank you Lysa for all that you do!

  403. Bernice

    Hello from Canada! I’m a huge follower of your blog and devotionals and based on what you’ve shared, this book sounds amazing ! I feel that it is clearly speaking to what I’m feeling and going through. The past rejections, fears and anxiety still hinder my life and I know it hinders the destiny God has for my life. I’d love a chance to read it and grow deeper in faith 🙂

  404. Ami

    It’s really hard not to feel unloved when I look around and wonder why I am still alone. This sounds like an amazing book to help the feelings of being unloveable and to help my feelings of rejection. I cannot wait to read it.

  405. Vickie R

    I have struggled with this very issue for as long as I can remember.
    Just this week I prayed to God to help me see what was hindering me for drawing near to Him.
    Thank you for taking your time & your devotion in writing this book!

  406. Sharmin

    What doesn’t resonate with me about this book? I’ve struggled most of my life feeling like I didn’t belong and feeling rejected. In the last several months that feeling continues in my own home. Marital struggles are just bringing up all those old feelings.

  407. Deborah Cuellar

    Thank you for following the Lord & sharing what He gives you with all of us! You bless me so much!
    I’m anxious to read this book. I have been struggling with an undiagnosed illness for 10 months now, I have had to quit my job, my family is in financial distress with my lost income, I can’t drive anymore due to the medication I’m on, I’ve lost connection with most people because of that & I feel worthless right now. I do have the amazing love & support from my wonderful husband & family. I do believe that Jesus is with me & is working out a plan but I have dark days also. I would love to read what Lysa has heard from the Lord in this area. God bless you richly for your work for Him! You bless me so much!

  408. Maureen

    This book is so important. It is easy to feel overlooked but we must remember God is aways with us and not one moment of our life is missed or overlooked by God. Thank you Lysa for sharing your creative talent with us, you are truly a blessing.

  409. Debbie

    Uninvited! How many incidences have been uninvited that I continue to struggle with? Uninvited life events have a way of being excess baggage only the Lord can free us from. I would like to gift your book to my bipolar daughter struggling to find balance!

  410. Connie

    I have always had feelings of insecurity and not being good enough. A recent divorce has heightened those feelings. I know in my head that i am precious in God’s eyes but it doesn’t always make it to my heart.

  411. Carolyn Sawyer

    Hello Lysa, I hope you are feeling better getting back to 100 percent! I love you and the messages that come forth from your whole heart! I am looking forward to your next book as that describes perfectly where I am in my life. Waiting for God’s guidance and divine connections. Your writings always speak to me where I am. I thank God for you and appreciate the woman of God and author that you are! May God continually bless you and your family. You books have touched my life.

  412. Miranda

    I struggle with being left out. It has hindered me my whole life. I don’t go do most things and have a lot of friends because of it. I am so glad this was the topic of your book and can’t wait to read it!! I’m praying its our next OBS!!

  413. Sam

    “Understanding the secret of belonging” struck a chord in my heart.

  414. Annette Enkhorn

    I can currently relate with “Did I Hear God Wrong?”

    I’ve had a rough 4 yrs of unemployment and thought God was leading me recently into semi-homelessness (living in my car); but He opened a door with my son and his bride of 5 yrs…which is not natural for a 54 yr old woman.

    I know pride is an issue for me right now, and bitterness wants to get a leg in there, too. So, lots of Bible and prayer time is required, while I still need to look for work.

    And lately, when I look for work, I become very agitated. So, I’m asking God to give me discernment of the reason…so I can deal with it properly.

    God bless you and thank you for sharing your heart.

  415. Suzanne Minor

    Luda- what resonates for me is the deep rejections that continue to be at my core- interfering with my confidence and ability to be truly happy. Being barked at in high school by my grade school best friend and her new friend; always feeling less than and this not belonging; knowing when others were whispering they were taking about me! I want true freedom from these demons of the past that continue to co from my future! I believe and hope this book can help me!!

    • Suzanne Minor

      Was supposed to say Lysa- spellcheck- ugh!!

  416. Angela

    What resonates most with me is dealing with past rejections. I’ve also struggled my entire life with being overlooked & feeling left out.
    I have a to do list a mile long, but I need to read this book!
    Any chance you’ll have a book release party like with The Best Yes? I really enjoyed that night! And I’d love a second chance to meet the OBS ladies who I was too nervous to introduce myself to that night.


    God’s perfect timing. Thank you.

  418. Liz R

    The part that really speaks to me is “believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.”

    I see this happen in church all the time. Gifted believers in Christ, who are not chosen for a specific ministry or task, get so disheartened when they are not chosen to lead something they feel called and equipped to do.

    I’d like to be able to help those believers see that God is still in control, that he sees everything, and that he ultimately handpicks us for certain things and that when we feel overlooked it is because our sovereign God has another plan and purpose.

    I can’t wait to receive this book. With all the church hurt going on, and people leaving churches because of what they believe humans should or should not do, it is good to remember that we have been elected by Him, for Him, and not for man’s approval.

    Thank your for putting into words a timely subject.

  419. Leia

    It’s not easy being left out…even as an adult. I feel my child’s pain (13 yrs old) as she gets passed by or overlooked…because she is the ‘nice obedient’ one.

    I remind her that God isn’t into drama (!) and loves her for who she is!

  420. Sheila

    A couple of years ago I had a concussion and the effects have been traumatic effecting how people have treated me differently it has been harsh. I have lost a lot of respect and confidence. Through it all I have five five that I am able to remain connected to Gods word and that is good. Just not having fellowship is the lonely part.

  421. Nella Olson

    This really hits home with me as I just returned from a lovely vacation to get the “all the things I didn’t do or didn’t do correctly at work the week my boss was on vacation (the week before I was). I always feel like I am not good enough at this job. No matter how hard I try, there is always something…

  422. Laurie

    We recently moved to IL out of obedience to God from AZ after 16 years of being gone. After a time of prayer and fasting, God led us to a home in TN. It has been an amazing time of God revealing himself to us and our children. However, we have very little support for the move. I see God emerging daily through all these details, but it seems we are the only ones seeing Him. God is challenging me to live without being offended and to not seek validation in others but in Him. Feeling alone at times in this and the rejection of God’s plans from others is God’s tool right now, shaping my life.

  423. Lori Welker

    I see this theme played out to different degrees in the women of my life. As I grow more seasoned in this world, I try to see rejection as God’s blessing of grace and protection and personal hope for the “better situation” around the next corner. I am continually learning to appreciate the opportunities of rejection as a reminder that the world is really NOT All About ME!
    It helps remind me of the rejection and sacrifice of Jesus, the Perfect One. People’s rejection or non inclusion reminds me that we live in a broken and self-centered world and we all have the need for a Savior. May we use the things that break us down to lift the world’s eyes up to Jesus. AMEN.

  424. Allison

    The thing that resonated the most for me was the timing of this–rejection is deeply embedded in my heart and mind simply because of my life growing up, and has thus been the underlying experience of the rest of my life, but it has been building recently until this weekend and this morning when the latest rejection seemed to push the pain of it over the edge. Reading your blog, which was somewhat coincidental, hit the nail on the head and offered a glimmer of hope. Rejection is just hard, and being the uninvited one is super painful. Having a way to process that for both current situations and lifelong core rejections is very hopeful. I just wish the book was available right now! 🙂

  425. Karla

    51 and STILL DEALING with the same insecurities I did in high school. I mean, really. No words for going through menopause and feeling like I’m still in high school all at the same time. READY to get free.

  426. Cindy Wallace

    I like the idea of having a 10 day guide line of what to pray for. Often times inspirational books don’t always give you the tools to work through the issue at hand. I look forward to a spirit filled summer read.
    In response to the blog you wrote about this new book. Its true isn’t it? Its hard to stand up and do what God has called us to do. It can be so intimidating. Satan hates that you moved past your fear and wrote the book. I remember one day walking into a fancy guitar shop in hopes of getting an answer as to what was wrong with my guitar. I remember vividly thinking to myself, “Why am I even here?? …there going to think I’m stupid for not knowing whats wrong with my instrument…after all you’ve been playing for 30 years” Then I looked up, right in front of me on the wall was a simple sign that read, “Its not how well you play, its that you play at all”
    Lysa, I immediately felt at peace as an image of the little drummer boy playing for our Jesus came to mind.
    Whether its me leading worship or you writing from your heart or anyone of us with a God anointed passion reading this blog. The answer is always the same, “Yes”
    Ultimately choosing this word will lead us to a peace as gentle as an easy flowing river.
    Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”

  427. Johnette Peck

    I’ve been struggling a lot lately with different things going on in my life. This book sounds exactly what I need right now. Thank you, Lysa, for your ministry!!!

  428. Tammy Roe

    The message of Uninvited that resonates with me the most is to once and for all conquer my feelings of “not good enough”.

  429. Chelsie

    It think this book will resonate with me in big ways. I grew up in the shadow of divorce and infidelity so the feeling of rejection or the need to please has controlled me in more ways then none. I am looking forward to reading this! Counseling has helped me along the way, but I believe something like this will help me process the hurt, learn to overcome what happened, and not allow it to control my thought life.

  430. Kristen

    This book sounds wonderful! I’ve always felt left out when it comes to friends. Even now, as an adult, I struggle with having strong friendships.

  431. Brenda

    I want to be totally secure in Jesus without feeling “less than” when I’m with others. Battling insecurities, guess that shows me I need my Savior.

  432. ANDRA

    Lisa…This what caught my attn., left out and overlooked but hand picked by God and also controlled not by what is happening but embracing the covenant promises of god while I am being healed from the inside out. This is what I prayed this morning and here your email pops up. This is the great almighty god.

  433. Jann

    You express in words what I know and have lived. I’m hoping to share your book with others in my life. Thanks for being faithful and obedient to what God has called you to do.

  434. Sonia

    Even when I am in midst of things, even as a leader, the feeling of not really belonging creeps in and hammers an invisible wedge between me and everyone else. Would love knowing that I’m not the only one this happens to and what I can do when it happens (or better, how to prevent it from happening!).

  435. Lisa

    How do we get the freebies when we pre-order? Thanks!

  436. Linda Gregory

    I am dealing with a lot of rejection and disappointment right now. Not handling it very well. I could use some guidance in dealing with it so that I am not so hurt and hopeless.

  437. Michelle S

    Because I do feel like I’m just waiting for the next rejection. It’s so hard when you do lots of planning for events and no one shows up.

  438. Alicia

    I often find myself being fiercely jealous of my friends’ other friends because I don’t want to be left out. I live in a small rural town and so often end up being left out because of my proximity to others. As result I would LOVE a copy of the book!

  439. Ekv

    How to gain confidence as you deal with rejection. Your books inspire me.

  440. Patti


  441. Lisl

    Right now loneliness is my biggest issue. We moved 18 months ago to a civilian community from the military, and it has been a long adjustment in regards to friendships. People here don’t “need” friends like those who frequently move in the military community. My kids and I have certainly been lonely. (My husband has, too, but he sees people at work.) As a result, I am doing what I can to be intentional about making friends and getting together with people here.

  442. Rachelk

    Being rejected and overlooked. I can identify with that one.thank u for blessing us with your work. ❤️

  443. Beverly Kahl

    Lysa: I am so excited to get your book Uninvited. I have
    led a Bible study in my home since 2006 and our group
    of ladies are so blessed with your studies. We recently
    finished The Best Yes and really felt you took us deep in
    that study.
    Thank you and hoping for a copy of Uninvited for use
    in our fall study. Your honesty and willingness to have
    the Lord use you is a blessing to us and many others.

  444. Sarah Merritt

    All of us are either trying to heal a past rejection, deal with a present rejection or fear that an unexpected rejection is just around the corner. Mostly past rejection, just trying to let go can be draining.

  445. Melanie Hilliger

    I would enjoy the hard copy of ‘Uninvited’ to leave around at parties or ‘get together’s’ for people who DO NOT want to feel left out; God has them there for a purpose. For them to realize that the reason may be just that one smile, look of ‘been there’ or just a being there completes them; and having a book to just pick up and look ‘busy’. That book would be ‘the fly on the wall’ kind of thing.

  446. Lori Johnson

    Your comment about falling apart or controlling actions of others, got my attention to need to read this book.

  447. Jodi

    Thanks Lisa! So excited to read your new book

  448. Jodi

    … sorry about that… It did not post my entire comment. As I was saying…I am currently experiencing an opportunity to harness the emotions that come from being overlooked and subject them to the authority of the Word. Lining up my emotions with Truth is not easy for me sometimes. Thanks for writing on this topic Lysa.

  449. Tiffeny

    I look forward to reading your new book. I think the part that resonates with me most is feeling left out or not good enough or overlooked by others but still knowing I am handpicked by God. Not relying on feelings but on God.

  450. Tiffany D

    My work has been challenging and overwhelmingly busy. As a result, insecurity has crept into this area of my life. The idea of belonging is resonating with me, too as work and family require so much of my time, I feel more disconnected from my other relationships and wonder where I belong.

  451. Janelle Keith

    I need this book more than I can say. I’ve been in every room labeled raw and vulnerable. Coming out now however it’s true we all have a few bones left that are trying to rise up fear within our souls. Fear or faith – it’s our daily choice.

  452. Jan

    Would love to see what encouraging wisdom is in this book. As was suggested in the post, I suspect that my own past may affect me more than I know. However, when I read about this book, my thoughts went primarily to my daughter. After dealing with “mean girls” in high school, and difficult college roommate situations, she’s finally out in the working world. After a great start in her new job, she’s suddenly facing rejection once again, and it pains this mama’s heart.

  453. Rickeysha J

    This new book speaks to the exact season that I am. I am grateful that God has used me to minister to a growing group of women and lead them as we do life together through various outlets. However, in the midst of this season I am experiencing rejection from others and combatting thoughts of loneliness. While I aim to remind myself each time these thoughts arise of God’s faithfulness and love, I am working on instilling consistency in my toolkit of faith. Thank you in advance for your transparency and this book, Lysa!

  454. Beth Touhey


    I am writing to ask if you could please do me a very big favor. I serve at Lifepoint Church in Fredericksburg VA. The last time you spoke at Lifepoint you were so kind to sign a book for a very special lady Judy Steadman. She was caring for her husband Scott who was suffering with ALS. Judy was so excited that day that you were speaking that she made arrangements for someone to take of her husband so she could be there. (Having someone to be there to suction him about every 20 minutes.) I would say she is one of your biggest fans and you have saved her many a day with your words. Scott lost his battle on April 13,2016 leaving behind three children the youngest graduated three weeks after his father passed. Judy’s faith through all of this made me feel so weak in my own walk with Christ. That I needed to see the big picture and not worry about small things. Judy Steadman is a Daughter of Christ that I would say many could not stand up to.
    If you could find it in your heart to please sign your book and send her a copy I will even pay for it. I just want something for her that I know will mean the world.
    Thank you for taking the time to read my note. If you can do this I can pay for the book that is not the issue. I just would like to get her this book that came from a woman she looks up to and admires.

    Beth Touhey

  455. Sabrina Joyner

    I am the “fixer” in the family. I am the one who makes everything right. I give all can to help but it never seems to be enough and it never comes back when I need help. I feel left out. Alone. Never good enough.

  456. Mia

    I would love to read this book, but mostly I would want to pass it on to my sister who is not a believer and suffers from deep hurts and emotional scars due to the traumatic childhoods that we endured growing up. Physical and mental abuse have left deep scars on her heart and I would love to see her feel valued and loved- something that she deeply struggles with.

  457. Debbie Young

    This new study called Uninvited sounds like a good one for the weekly Bible study that I lead at a rehab center for women. We all have a history of being rejected in our past and some just cannot get past it. I find this especially true with those dealing with drug/alcohol addictions.

  458. Kim Owens

    My heart is crushed. No one sees how hurt I am…except for Jesus. Am I still
    handpicked by God to be used in ministry?

  459. Katie

    When I read,feeling unloved, stepping back,and feeling rejected, all of these descriptions describe my sister and I have been feeling at a loss on how to help her. When I saw this email, today there was my answer to my prayer on how best to help her and convey how much I care. Get her your book! Thank you!

  460. Anne Abramoff

    Although at times we all feel the pain of rejection in our lives, some of us find it much more difficult to move on after an episode of rejection. Some of us are just a lot more susceptible to the pain of being the uninvited than others, but we all do share this reality of life. I’m looking forward to your new book, Lysa! I’m sure it will be amazing and in tune with each of our hearts in different ways! Thanks for your willingness to be vulnerable in order to impact our lives!

    • tamara

      I didn’t realize feelings of rejection are so common.

  461. Julie

    I identify with the lonely part. My daughter is getting married and moving away and my son is going to college. My husband and I have a good marriage but I will so miss my children. We are super close!! I feel lonely at times already and sometimes excited to be just with my husband again! It’s such a transition. I feel like I’m on a little roller coaster. I have a very close relationship with God! I still am struggling. All the changes are happening the first and second week of August!!! 🙂

  462. Elizabeth

    My family and I have just taken a huge leap of faith and moved from our home town to Cincinnati Ohio to plant a church. Most people look at us like we are crazy when we tell them we sold our home, took our kids out of a great school system, quit our jobs and moved to a City were we know very few people to follow Gods call for our family to further His kingdom. Lonely, scared and uninvited is definitely what I’m feeling right now, but I hold strong to the truth that being obedient is better than being scared to step out in faith. I can’t wait to read this book. It fits right into where my life is right now.

  463. Linda

    Every area of this book sounds like it would speak right to my heart. I have struggled with many of these areas. I love all your books Lysa. You have so much wisdom and they always speak to me. Thank you! Can’t wait to get your new book 🙂

  464. Kjerstin E Deane

    I am looking forward to reading this book. To be honest, my jaw kind of dropped when I read the title because I figured I was the only one who felt like this (ya know, past high school). I’d love to win it, since pre-ordering isn’t in the budget at the moment.

  465. Ashley

    After battling with myself and God I finally know what He wants me to do. While I am making the steps in that direction I am scared to actually take the plunge and dive in. Other than my Bible and Bible studies, I am not much of a reader. I recently completed your Bible study, Becoming More. Even though I did not read the book at the same pace with the study, I did read and finish the book. It was actually through your book and Bible study that The Lord confirmed what I was meant to do. It took me a few weeks before I actually finished your book because I knew The Lord was speaking to me through it, and I was scared to listen. I am so excited to hear that you have a new book coming out, and I will be purchasing it. The main reason I am having trouble with what The Lord wants me to do, is insecurity. I have no doubt that The Lord will use your book to help me overcome my insecurities. You really have no idea how The Lord has worked through you to help me. Thank you for listening to Him.

  466. Rachel

    Can’t wait for this book. Since moving home I feel so left out and alone. Need some encouragement in this season of my life.

  467. Lori

    I am excited about this new book. I know that my past hurts are affecting my present. I am hoping this book will help me finally break down those insecurities of not being enough.

  468. Ttacy

    Hi. I like the idea behind the book title Uninvited. It resonates in my core.
    I’m almost 50 no children and separated for 7 months – after 7 months of marriage. His 3 children lived with us full-time. I don’t know if my heart misses them more or the idea of who he represented to me..not who he was. Somewhere in my soul I’ve uninvited myself to be “okay.” I like to think I’m okay because my life is so different and not the norm – but I’m not convinced.

  469. Linda

    Looking forward to not only reading but, digesting all the truth of God’s great love & acceptance of me. Expecting this book, as all of Lysa’s books, to exhort & push me forward!

  470. Laurie

    I really would be blessed to win your book. I don’t feel handpicked or loved by God all of the time…please pick me!

  471. Eva Hyndman

    This book sounds like God speaking directly to the pain I have carried in my heart for many years. I have tried in my own poor ways to control the feelings of hurt and being dismissed and not until recently did I completely surrender that hurt to Jesus!!! I gave up on trying to ‘get over my feelings’ and instead I have had the blessing of hearing your Mothers Day Message and running into you at Capernum; so maybe God has been leading me to what HE wants to speak into my broken heart!!! and it could be through your inspired words in this new book!!

  472. Bee

    I definitely know what it means to feel less than. I would love an advance copy because the Lord currently has me wrestling with this topic so much. I would love to hear your words on how to combat the lies of the enemy and trust in the security of Christ.

  473. Liz C

    Just the fear of rejection is usually enough, yet I always wait for the other shoe to drop because it mostly does. I want to stop that. I just don’t feel I belong anymore. Most of my friends don’t have children-I “inherited” 6 children. In conversations with other Moms-I can’t share labor-war stories, so I just don’t feel I belong anywhere. Bless your heart so much for writing this book.

  474. Kathy S

    I can’t wait to read your book – I have been living a “less than” for nearly three years. Thank you for making yourself so vulnerable so that God can use you to bring healing to our souls.

  475. Patricia N

    I would give this to a friend who is going thru a divorce- feeling rejected and loss of self esteem.

  476. Teresa Dykes

    I ordered the book but the first 5 chapters were not immediately sent as you stated they would be.

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi, Teresa!

      So sorry for any confusion! If you will visit, there is a button that says “Redeem My Pre-Order Gifts.” Once you submit your information, you will receive the chapters via email. If you have any issues, do not hesitate to reach out to us at

      Lysa’s Ministry Team

  477. Lynnette Kwasiborski

    God honoring ways to deal with hurt and rejection resonates most with me right now

  478. Erica

    For me the fear of rejection,as it pertains to writing, is so real to me right now. I truly feel like the Lord is calling me to write. However, as I get closer to SheSpeaks conference I have faced some personal roadblocks and I know that in the back of my mind the fear of hearing “your writing isn’t good enoughl” is equal to “your not good enough”. I’ve had to work through the fear of rejection and continue to have to today.

  479. Leigh Starr

    I’m a 55 year old female! I have people that have left me out or hurt me in many ways! We just need to pray about it and pray for them! Go on in out Christion life and have God close to our hearts! Pray about the pain and show Gods grace to the mean at heart!

  480. Lisa

    Oh, my heavens, this book right here resonates deep in my soul. Especially, being a woman in the ministry, I face the potential of falling apart being pulled in many directions by those I’m ministering to and being controlling because I’m accountable to the call (relying too much on self!) This book sounds like it’s going to free many people and just what the Dr’s ordered, looking forward to reading it. God bless you Lysander, may the Lord continue to use you mightily!

  481. Melissa Chambers

    Wow, once again Lysa gives us a message that will so many to healing and victory! I am most looking forward to learning more about, “Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.”

  482. Connie Alder

    I have felt rejection and it tends to stay with me, always hovering around. It would be good to learn how to lose that feeling.

  483. Phyllis

    Almost one year ago my husband was in a life threatening car accident. As a result he had a severe traumatic brain injury in the frontal right hemisphere of his brain. Because of the location of his injury he no longer ‘feels.’ No joy, no empathy, no compassion, no love. Being married for 29 yrs and having this gift given to me has me feeling ‘uninvited’ in my marriage. I know that God has selectively picked us for a miraculous journey, Trusting in his providence, mercy, and love gives me hope for our future, knowing I don’t have to be invited to come to him. He is always present.

  484. Lori Rogers

    Uninvited sounds like my most heart-felt rejection from my Christian family that for years upon years I was never able to make peace with in my soul. Just recently God did give me peace, but I had to leave the rejection fully at His feet. I’ve much to learn still and relate so easily to your writings, that I’d love to hear another viewpoint. I have children who’ve also felt the same rejection and maybe your words can give me more opportunities to share with them from a different perspective that might open their spiritual eyes to God’s healing. Thank you for writing with such honesty and from the Spirit’s inspiration.

  485. Linda McCamey

    After reading the first chapter of Uninvited I can relate to a specific incident that Lysa referred to. The airport attendant that stopped her in her tracks with her negative self talk was, in my mind, indeed an angel, a unique angel too! In any case, if he was or not, he brought to her attention, a lie, at the very least. I am now aware of my own self talk, very condemning when I make a mistake, especially when under some stress like a deadline approaching or taking care of a sick animal. Definitely looking forward to my very own copy of Uninvited.

  486. Amy McDaniel

    “Live Loved” began loosening some knots that have been festering in my heart and life for a while now. It’s like I forgot that God loves me. I knew in my head but my heart had forgotten how loved it is. Just. Like. It. Is. Thank you. I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on the rest of this book! <3

  487. Tracey Wright

    When I’m overlooked by others but God sees and knows me is balm on a wounded heart. I’m excited to be a part of the launch team and I welcome it and thank you for the opportunity.

  488. Ellen Cole

    I’ve always had confidence problems. My go-to response has always been to blame myself for not being good enough. Yes…this totally resonates!

  489. Larissa

    After years of leaving a room and then not being able to sleep at night wondering what people said when I left, or how my voice sounded, was I annoying? Did they think I was funny? Were my clothes right? Were they talking about how bloated I was? Did they know my past? Were they thinking I was a hypocrite? And on, and on and on. God has been my only center, and prayer has gotten me through many sleepless nights and anxiety attacks but I’ve realized recently that my anxiety was getting a little out of control and so I sought out some help. Which Satan turned around and tried to make me feel like a failure all over again. Now people really would think I was a hypocrite. What if they thought I didn’t feel like God was enough to help me. Oh here we go again!! Do you see a pattern? But God and I are doing this thing together and I can’t wait to get this book sitting right next to my bible on my night stand as another resource of some Good Godly Love and advice 🙂

  490. Katie

    I am so looking forward to the encouragement of this book. I have been going through a difficult time with friendships over the past year. I have felt so rejected by friends that I have walked through a lot of life struggles with. It has been very difficult to not dwell on the what is wrong with me and not on God’s truths of who I am in Him. I have seen how the Lord has you to speak to me in your other books and Bible studies. Thank you for your obedience to Him in writing this book!

  491. Carol

    Really anxious to read this!

  492. Lenee

    Hi, Lysa!:)
    I pray you are well! I’ve been so blessed to hear and see you at The Grove two times!!!!
    Wow! Your book sounds awesome! Learning what to specifically pray to build my confidence and heal my hurts is exactly what I need. As a mom of 3 adult children learning how to “back off” and be “uninvited” can really break a mom’s heart especially when it’s not always communicated in the most caring way. I mean, really! Who’s got time to make sure mom’s not feeling left out?
    Believe me! I’ve been apologizing a lot lately to my mom. 🙂 Wisdom sure changes things, huh?
    Thanks for bringing God’s word to us girls! You and God make growing at 50 worth getting out of bed. ❤️
    P.S. And like Louis dad once said, “just drifting in your wake son.” That’s become my motto too!:)

  493. Pam

    I am not a reader, however, all of Lysa’s books have held my attention and blessed me beyond words. This one sounds like another winner that could help ease that pit in my stomach about all the rejection anxiety I feel. Thank you Lysa’s for using your God given talents and vulnerability to help others.

  494. Pam

    I want so much to get the confidence I once had. I need a reviving of my soul and walk with God. Cannot wait to get the opportunity to read this book.

  495. Glenda Thomas

    I know scripture says I belong, but sometimes my heart seems to forget that. I tend to withdraw instead of letting anyone in. Even when I know they are my sisters in Christ.

  496. Sheryl

    I am dealing with being on the other end of it. I am planning a wedding and I don’t like to exclude people but I know I can’t invite everyone! I tend to be a people pleaser so I want to give the best yes, doing what’s best for the situation and that God would be glorified. Help me Lord be inclusive!

  497. Hannah

    I am very excited to read this book for many reasons. But, ultimately, I cannot wait to hear what Lysa has to say about dealing with rejection. I was adopted when I was 3 months old. I carried the burden of rejection throughout my entire high school years and into my early twenties. The pain only worsened when I had a baby of my own and the rejection starting swarming back in at a speed I could not control. I’ve since learned very important steps to control this toxic thought process, but it is still a work in progress. Thank you, Lysa for sharing your insights with us. Your books always lead me closer to the Lord.

  498. Pam Blosser

    I already pre-ordered the book and I’m looking forward to reading it. I think there’s a certain amount of rejection in all of us simply because we can’t love the way God wired our hearts to be loved. Some of us, though, have deeper seated rejection. As a daddy less daughter I was rejected by my first true love as a toddler. That fueled fear of further rejection and so I adjusted my heart into a self-defensive posture. Only God was able to truly break in and set me free! Praise Him.

  499. Becki Woodsmall

    Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.
    *This spoke to me!!

  500. Betty

    I can identify with the part of my mind that wants to control the hurt in my heart, when all my heart wants is to be heard. It’s very exhausting and resolves nothing. I have recently learned to cut my dwelling time to smaller amounts as to not take up the majority of my day.

  501. a s Yarger

    Uninvited may be an encouragement for my daughter whose boyfriend of two years told her yesterday that they needed to break up with no warning or true reasons.

  502. Angela Schreffler

    The part of Uninvited that resonates with me this:
    • Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.
    We are all overlooked at times and feel rejected. Knowing we are handpicked by God is something we all need for know and remember.

  503. Susan Kintzel

    I just arrived home after several hours of heart-to-heart conversation and prayer with one of my dearest friends as I shared my struggle and desire to be loved unconditionally by my parents (I am 65 years old; my parents are in their 90’s). I sat down to read my email and found Lysa’s information about her new book. I know God’s hand when I see it; coming directly from a prayer for healing from past hurts to discovering that this book is soon to be available. I cannot wait to see how the Holy Spirit is about to break forth in my life! Not only is this book a resource for me, tonight it served as a confirmation that God, indeed, has heard my prayer, seen my tears, and provided my healing. Excited!!!

  504. Sherry Eaton

    This book really appeals to me. I have just in the past few weeks been feeling like I do not like myself. I have worked at the same place for 25 years and watch other people get together outside of work while I am “uninvited”. I have a husband that loves me, but a true girlfriend is what I need in my life. This book could help me realize I am okay because Jesus loves me.

  505. Tessa Pierce

    Rejection is a powerful tool the enemy uses to defeat and discourage believers. With that thought in mind I’m so excited to sojourn with my sisters in Christ and learn how to identify these attacks plus allow our Father God to restore the hearts that have been rejected. Always learn so much from your studies, Lysa!

  506. Marqiuita

    I am excited about reading this book. I have recently experienced some feelings of rejection and being overlooked. I thought God was pushing me in one direction but then I received a “NO.” Not once, but twice. What I have been grappling with is the feeling of still not being good enough. When I read the talking point about being handpicked by God, it reminded me that a NO is not a denial. I can’t wait to read the new book to better understand my feelings so that I can process them correctly. I think the 10 prayers will really help me as well.

  507. Sue Wiegers

    Dear Lysa,
    Thank you for having the courage to be vulnerable to share your thoughts and life experiences in your new book. I am writing on behalf of my daughter Nicole. Nicole just finished her second year of college. She is so kind and has such a joyful spirit. On the outside she looks like any other college student but she lives daily with cognitive impairments from to being born 14 weeks early, seizures and 17 brain surgeries related to hydrocephalus, which she has as a result of having bleeding in her brain from her premature birth. These cognitive impairments impact her memory and cause her to not always process as quickly as others, which impacts her socially. The reason this book resonated with me and why my first thought was “I need to get this book for Nicole” is because her two years at college have been very difficult socially as her peers did not always have patience for her difficulty in following conversations, her challenge to remember things correctly lack of social cues at times. I would often get phone calls with her saying “mom, I am not normal”, “mom, my brain doesn’t work like theirs”, “mom, why can’t they just have more patience with me”. After going to a small Christian school K-12 with peers who new her and accepted her, college has been quite painful for her. So your words of “I really believe this book will help you come to know in the deepest parts of your heart that with Jesus you are forever safe, forever accepted, forever held, completely loved and always invited in.” are exactly what my husband and I have been saying to her. I believe that Nicole hearing you speak to her through your book will give her some of the encouragement and reminders that she needs to believe that she is hand picked by God and is so very, very special!

  508. Christy

    Too raw to talk about, but I believe I would greatly benefit from this book.

  509. Debbie

    I feel left out a lot and wonder why some can have friends so easily and it’s so hard for me!! I lack confidence in myself somimlook forward to reading this book!! Thank you for allowing God to use you to help others!!

  510. MIchele

    I’m looking forward to learning how to cope with hurt and rejection,rather than falling apart!

  511. Kristi

    Feeling left out…unwanted divorce changes friendships, etc., children moving on

  512. Jo

    When I saw what this book was about I started crying. God was speaking to me. You see, the holidays are always so difficult for me. My husband of 35 years, moved out of state 3 years ago with a younger woman and her kids. I have been leaning on God but am so hurt. I know God is going to provide for me. But some days I feel so alone. Feelings that if I was thinner or prettier that my husband would not have left me. I feel like nobody understands what I am going through. I feel like I have been thrown out with the garbage. The hurt of being rejected by a spouse is like loosing a limb. When I saw what your book was about I felt hopeful that I could gain comfort and knowledge in my struggle. This book seems like an answer to my cries out to God for strength and comfort.

  513. Tina McKinley

    I have felt left out most of my life for one reason or another. I wonder what and why this has been an issue for me for so very long.

  514. Rosie

    Lysa, I came to your site for the first time 5 minutes ago after watching your video interview on Platform University, and this is the first blog post I saw. If I ever needed any more proof that God has a plan and He leads us exactly where we should go, this was it! Feeling “less than” and “lonely” describes not just my season of life right now, but how I’ve struggled with self-acceptance and receiving love for most of my life. The word “community” gets thrown around a lot, particularly at church, but lately I’ve been reflecting a lot on what that really means – and especially, what that means for someone who’s single with few close family members. Through various books, therapy and Christian leadership programs I’ve learned, in head-knowledge, that Jesus loves me and we are all worthy and wonderful human beings. Getting that message to my heart will be a lifelong journey. Your book sounds like a great companion for that road! Congratulations on having another book published, and thanks for all the encouragement you give!

  515. Didi

    I have struggled with rejection my whole life and it has affected me in adulthood as I struggle with insecurity and self confidence. This book could not be more timely as I am trying to overcome these strongholds to raise my daughter in Christ’s image by a mother who is confident and strong. I cannot wait to read this book!

  516. Sherry Pannell

    Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God. I can related really well to this one. Even when I have a great idea, I feel overlooked and that I am not good enough to even share my ideas.

    Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging. I really don’t know how to belong. I try really hard, but can’t seem to have really close friends. I believe not having sisters really had something to do with that.

  517. Kelsie H

    Needing the reminder that having God and being important to him outweighs not having many friends that live nearby. I struggle with this as many of my friends live far away and my husbands all live in the same town as us.

  518. Angie

    I am a pastor’s wife…… enough said.

  519. Amy

    One word….insecurity. Can’t wait to read this book, whether I win or not! 🙂

  520. Mary Yaya

    I feel uninvited because I have been a nurse for 20 years and coworkers that are less reliable and skill set is not as accomplished keep getting better paying jobs at the same facility.

  521. Brandie

    Thank you for writing a book that went straight to the core of my being. I have been struggling with being rejected by my family for over two years. I at one dark moment was tented to give up on my faith, thinking it would fix the problem. Thanks to God He did not let me do that. However, I feel very unloved and rejected. i would love one day to feel like I matter.

  522. Jamie

    Feeling overlooked.

  523. Tricia

    I am struggling with depression and insecurity right now. Unemployed too, so that does not help with my mental health. Plan to buy the book if I do not get a free copy.

  524. Jennie

    I am an extrovert and love being with people. I love to laugh and enjoy talking and caring for others around me. My husband is my best friend and a huge support for me. I am involved in 2 ministries at church and love those involved in these ministries. I also have lived in an amazing community for only 2 years where everybody is so friendly and caring. Even though this all sounds so wonderful and “what could be wrong,” I feel “uninvited”. These friends never invite me to lunch or to get togethers or to prayer groups. I see their pictures and pays on FB together and I feel sad, hurt, that I’m not invited or feel “uninvited”, overlooked. Many neighbors have come to sit on our front porch and just talk and laugh (last year) but, now as younger people, closer to their age have moved in, they seem to gather together but, I am not invited and rarely see them much less have them come sit on our front porch. I also have mentioned to several women who I have a friendship with and who are in a prayer group together (and have been for many years, and i am new in town) that I would love to be in a prayer group like theirs but, never invited because “their group has been together so long”. I am feeling left out and uninvited, questioning if I am a likeable person even though they seem to like me, lonely for women close friend/s who want me to be with them for lunch, coffee, going out on the boat, hanging out, bible study. I do know God loves me and is my friend. But, it doesn’t hurt any less knowing this.

  525. Kathy

    I am dealing with insecurity and loneliness. Physical issues have limited my ability to go and do like I used to. Learning to deal with the disability has made me feel very insecure and I find myself not as out going as I once was or as active. I feel reclusive. I think your book would be a blessing.

  526. Christena Dickson

    When I saw this book you wrote I knew it would be perfect for me to read. I feel like it describes my life. I have always felt like the one left out. I have never had many friends, as a mom and woman, I feel very much left out and feel as if I have no friends. I look around and see all the moms and women who schedule play dates, go to coffee or lunch, and then there is me. It’s not because I haven’t tried. I was in a moms group, PTO, Bible studies but aways was the odd one out. I don’t like the way I look and have always wondered what was wrong with me and why people don’t like me or want to be with me. Even in my family I feel like the “Black Sheep” and don’t feel accepted. How can one be so unlovable? I’d love a chance at winning the book. I hate that it don’t come out till August, because I really want to read it. Yes I know it won’t bring me friends, but I pray that it will help me deal with the feelings of rejection I have from people around me and family. Thanks, and I can’t believe I just shared all of this.

  527. Kayla

    I truly believe I was meant to open this blog this morning and gain a little hope. I love your books, and they always touch a part of me that needs healing. I’m looking forward to August and getting my hands on this one! For the past 9 years I’ve been through a lot of relationship “damage”. Recently met someone who noticed without me saying a word about it. He called it abandonment issues, which is never realized but it is true. Struggling through this, I’ve been building a wall that I haven’t allowed anyone to take down. I’ve tried to control the situations around me by not letting myself get too involved. But lately I’ve noticed my wall is hindering my life. I don’t know how to change because I’ve been this way for so long now, but I don’t want to live this way anymore. I want to be free to love those around me without fear of what might happen. And I want nothing more than to feel loved by my creator rather than feeling like I’ve messed up behind His grace. Thank you for listening to His call in writing this book. I truly believe He had me in mind! God bless!

  528. Linda

    All 4 of us, my husband, young adult kids, and I are struggling with some extent with anxiety that comes with feeling judged. We are in full time Christian work, which as you know sometimes leads to vulnerability and spiritual attack. The topics you cover in Uninvited seem directly related to the anxiety /depression we struggle with. I look forward to reading this book because I think it can help us all experience Biblical healing. God bless you.

  529. Brenda Black

    Fear of rejection has wore out its welcome in my life and I have been freed of much of its destruction in my life . Having more knowledge and power to remain free will be great ! Thank you for sharing your life through writing with the world❣

  530. Jackie Howard

    The part that seems to resonate with me is controlling my response to the actions of others. So often it’s my response that changes my heart and leads me down a dark path and not so much the initial comment.

  531. Kathy Limanen

    You have truly blessed me with your obedience to God~~~

  532. Andrea

    My past of rejection, being left out and used for convenience are coming to light again. I know it’s the eneny trying to get in the way of friendships the Lord has brought my way, but I can also feel myself pulling away in order to guard myself from what has happened in the past. Thank you for writing this book, so that we may hear how the Lord truly embraces us always and how to stand firm and strong in His truth, in His love, and in His arms.

  533. Faith

    Sounds to be a great resource for dealing w past left out feelings and also sharing the process w grand daughter who is now dealing w middle school and their growing pains of being left out

  534. Carissa D Huffman

    I want to try to control everything to “rejection-proof” my life. I could definitely use more wisdom in dealing with this very hurtful part of being human.

    Carissa in eastern Iowa

  535. Pamela Ulm

    I have been working on really believing God Loves me and loving myself. My journey has included abuse, two divorces it is hard being honest in church groups when I am feeling judged. Still trying to fit in.

  536. Brenda shepherd

    Would love the prayers to pray over myself. In the stage where my children have moved out and sometimes experience Loneliness.

  537. Tina

    This so describes me! Can’t wait to read this book!

  538. Drena Olson

    Good is so God!!!!
    WOW!!! We were just talking intensely about this last night in our lifegroup bible study. Soooo many believers deal with, past and present unresolved issues of rejection and acceptance. I can’t wait to get my hands on this book!!!
    Lysa, I look forward to reading what insights God has given you to share with your readers regarding these very sensitive matters!
    God bless you for your obedience to Him and your readers.
    Blessings ~Drena

  539. Janet Dunn

    Lysa, you don’t know how timely this book is. I just had complete hip replacement surgery on May 23rd. I had put it off for 5 years, as I felt I could not take an extended leave of absence due to my work ethic and responsibilities. I have been with the same company for 16 years and felt extreme loyalty to my job and my employer. On the 4th week following my surgery, the owner called me and asked if there was any way I could come in to the office for an hour or so, if my husband could bring me. Just a couple of issues he needed to ask about and go over with me. At the meeting, there was nothing of major consequence nor needing immediate attention but proceeded to advise it was likely he was closing our office, he was going to work with another agency and there would be nothing for me to do. On the other hand, he would be taking my co-worker whose 8th anniversary will be 8/8/16, as she has worked more with him on his life and disability applications and that is where his primary focus will be, although he will still be marketing for larger group accounts. I am a licensed Life/Accident/Health agent. It was his choice to have me working primarily with individual medical clients and group health plans at the time, as that was the greatest complexity and the coworker had no experience in that area. Now I am being told that I don’t have the necessary experience to follow him, plus I am now 61 and he is sure I will be retiring in a few years. This was not a timely announcement for me with added medical bills, a daughter and grandson that have moved in due to abandonment by a deadbeat dad. Rejection? Sure I feel that but I also have extreme anger with the situation as I look back and see how stupid I was to go above and beyond my job description and responsibilities…doing things that were considered “beneath” the coworker and not in her job description, yet I did them without complaint. Some things have to be done. I am looking forward to this book and hopefully it will bring me to a calm place in my life and consider this rejection and the black hole in my employment status just a way of God telling me He has plans far better than anything I could imagine. Love you, Lysa, and hope your are feeling much better.

  540. Kellie Johnson

    I am a writer with a heart bending lately towards new believers. Creating a place that is safe for them to ask questions in the spirit that there is no question that is too “dumb” to ask. This book is resonating with me because I believe that new believers, and even seekers, can feel uninvited or left out in Christian circles. I’d love to hear your wisdom on this subject as I think it could help as I pen encouragement for those new to the flock..

  541. Michelle Smith

    Dearest Lysa.
    I believe with all my heart, that on countless times, God has used you, your posts, blogs, books, conference talks to speak directly to me. I am 100% sure this is true.
    Rejection is by far, the single biggest hurdle I jump through on a daily basis. God has held my hand tightly and whispered in my ear many many times “it’s ok Michelle, I am with you, I love you, and you are never going to be left alone”
    I’ve had long term friends fade out of my life. I’ve had losses of family members that rocked me to my core. I was adopted by my father at the age of 2 and then my father passed only 6 years later when I was only 8. Leaving me with a void that has never truly been filled. My mother stopped all contact of family on my father’s side, and this just further exaggerated my lack of knowing where I fit it. Where I belonged. Who really loved me. I had 5 sisters who had a different father. I had a mother who was angry and sad all the time. I turned to outside friendships only to have most of them to walk away. It’s be hard at the very least. At 51 years old, with 2 grown children ages 25, and 27. A grandson age 4 and a best friend in my husband of 29 years, I FINALLY decided “if it’s meant to be, then it’s up to me” and I’m back to holding my dear Heavenly Father’s hand, allowing Him to guide me, which He just recently guided me to my very first family reunion on my Dad’s side, and I am still reeling from millions of happy, and extremely grateful emotions. You see, just like Dad loved me and chose to adopt me, I know God wants me to know that His LOVE for me is much the same way….He loves me. He accepts me. He chose me to be his daughter, and knew He loved me before I was ever born. Lastly? God knew my whole life picture from birth to death, and therefore, He is showing me even today, that He gave me strength, perseverance, and a very strong will, because He knew what I would face in life and I would need those personality traits to get through till I finally saw He has been walking beside me in life, with every move I make, and I ALWAYS been accepted and Truly Loved – Unconditionally – by Him ❤ So PS. Lysa? I would dearly LOVE a copy of this book. But just know, that whether I’m blessed to be one who is chosen to read this earlier then some, I WILL be buying multiple copies to have for myself and others God says needs a copy too. Thank you for the opportunity to share. And thank you ALWAYS Lysa, for being YOU. XO, and God Bless.. (I prayed for you when you had your health scare, and I’m so grateful to see how God helped to get you through)

  542. Jean

    Wow, what a timely book for me. My husband is not a believer and won’t have anything to do with “church” people. I always feel left out when couples from church get together and have fun. Maybe this will help me learn to let Jesus heal that lonely spot in my life.

  543. Lynne

    I am 66 yrs old. I have 3 sons and one daughter. Over the years each of my daughters- in -law have taken their turns at letting me know I have not been a good mother, mother-in-law, or grandmother. I will say that a couple of them have become more sensitive and forgiving with time and age, but the last one in her 40s continues to remind me I have tried to be what others expect me to be and have tried giving that up to be what God expects me to be. About the time I’m feeling strong something happens in the family and I’m reminded again how worthless I am to her and hers. I know God’s plan is not for me to feel worthless and left out!!!!

  544. Kelly Duck

    I am so paralyzed with fear right now…fear of not measuring up, fear of me not being the wife I need to be for my husband….just fear everyday!!

  545. LaDonna

    I definitely identify with the feeling less then. I have a very blessed life but when I make comparisons to what others have, I always feel like what I have or who I sm as s person doesn’t measure up. Social media only makes this struggle harder!

  546. Denise

    ~Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt

    My mind is definitely my worse enemy and the devil knows it.

  547. Ashley

    Just yesterday I had to have a very difficult conversation with my long time boyfriend. I was not expecting him to reveal such hurtful information. Now I’m left with knowledge of the past and an uncertainty of the future. This is a song that’s been on repeat for most of my life and I’m feeling worn down/beat up/finished. I know the God thing to do would be to pray but… I have no idea what to pray for. It would be easier to just walk away or do/say some really hurtful things!! I’ve been searching for some “Godlike thoughts/promises” to help me “capture every thought and make it obey Christ” but man… it’s rough. These two points REALLY jumped out at me just now. My hope for my future is that my default settings will be upgraded to “Christ like” when I have to deal with hurt/pain/grief, etc

    • Change your tendency to either fall apart or control the actions of others by embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.
    • Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady your soul and restore your confidence in the midst of rejection.

  548. Tammy

    Even if I’m left out, I’m still chosen by God….he will never leave left alone…

  549. J Queen

    “handpicked by God” Wow. That is a concept that I would like to fully grasp.

  550. Jenni Fong

    Overcoming the fears that feed my insecurities about belonging would be amazing.

  551. Jenn

    Because we moved so much when I was a kid, I always the outsider. Even after marriage, moving to my husband’s home area, I’ve been the outsider, now we are moving to a different state… Would love to know where I fit in.

  552. Jenevive

    This is what I have been struggling with for almost a year now. And 6 years with my husband. I feel left out, unloved, and overlooked from my husband and more so now as at church he is put on high and I’m excluded from the friendships he has with fellow church family. I feel like they look at me as if I were diseased. Excited for this book!!

  553. Trudy Bourquein

    • Know exactly what to pray for the next ten days to steady your soul and restore your confidence in the midst of rejection.
    I never know just what I need to pray for, it’s a sea of confusion of emotions…

  554. Jessica

    I’m honestly longing for the whole book, and have been since the first tweet that said you were writing it. I think the message I’m looking the most forward to is the fears the lead to insecurities and finding that sense of belonging. As a single gal in my late 30s, it’s hard to feel like I belong anywhere and it’s the thing I crave most. So excited for this book Lysa!

  555. Brandie

    The part of this book that resonates with me is:

    • Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.

    Sometimes I feel like others keep advancing in their walk/journey while I am stuck where I am even though I continue to pray, attend church, read my Bible, do studies, etc. In this way, I sometimes tend to feel like I am being left behind, left out, or forgotten about. By knowing God’s character helps me to redirect my thoughts and focus and see that during these times that I feel “left out”, it does grow my faith and patience as I cling to His Word and His promises.

  556. Michele

    Feeling unloved, unwanted. I can’t wait for your book. All your books have such a deep meaning for me.

  557. Jen Hep.

    The part that resonates with me is: “Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.”

  558. Brandy Milton

    Oh my, have never truly felt appreciated or important. I’m slowly working on it, but honestly it is a struggle…

  559. Erika

    “Change your tendency to fall apart…”
    There are certain things I deal with really well, that I remain steadfastly faithful when happens. There are other things, namely romantic heartbreak and ache, that disables me. I can’t keep letting these things of the world rule over my heart, mind, and faith. I need a new perspective–a reset.

  560. Arayna

    Everything resonates with me! This book speaks to me in this season I’ve been stuck in for months. Feeling rejected and abandoned in friendships. Not knowing how to move past the hurt and love them still. Learning to love and let go, letting God’s love fulfill me and make me whole…
    I truly look forward to this book. Its a God-send.
    Thank you for your “insane” vulnerability 🙂

  561. Kali

    Overcoming the 2 fears that feed insecurities! Would love to overcome them while I’m trying to sort out God’s calling on my life!

  562. Julie

    I wonder if your book will speak to me? When I read the Title it grabbed my heart. I’m 55, single for 20 years, empty nester. I am a teacher and coach and have so many blessings. And still, there are times when I feel invisible, used up, overlooked. I usually beat myself up for having a ” pity party” and wonder if God is disappointed in me for it.
    I cling to TRUST in our amazing God and still walking that out is a challenge. Thank you for opening your soul and hurts because it will be a blessing to so many and it will honor God. Thank you for your courage and obedience. Much love to you.

  563. Samantha C

    Right now, the “left out” portion of the subtitle hits home with my heart. On the surface, it would be easy to see how involved I am with my church, two church camps, friends, helping coordinate a wedding, etc. However, I find myself in a season where many friendships are not as close as I would hope. It’s easy to become resentful as life stages change and friendships fade, but I trust God with each season and each friendship. I trust His ability to bring, remove, and change the relationships in my life for His glory. And I trust that His plans for me are good.

  564. Kimberly

    My daughter and I have endured such hurt and rejection over the years by the very ones that should embrace and accept us in the name of Jesus. It’s been so hard to get through this and has made such an impact on my thoughts and perception of everyone, including God. I don’t want it to be so, I want to believe and see the best in every situation but need help and so does my baby girl who is only 12 and now struggles greatly with depression and anxiety. I so cannot wait to get and read this book. What a blessing it would be for the both of us, I want us to read it together!

  565. Laura Grooters

    After moving back to my husbands hometown upon his retirement from the military, it took several years for us to find couples to do things with. After five years, we were finally part of a great group of people. We went out together at least once a month and even vacationed with them. This past January my heart was completely broken when one of the women in the group–the one who I had become closest to–decided she no longer wanted to be friends with me and told me this in a restaurant as I tried to not cry. As she is the ringleader of this group, we are no longer included in the monthly gatherings, etc. It has been very difficult to see/hear of the fun things they continue to do knowing we are no longer included. After almost six months, I feel I am finally starting to heal, but now I am leery of forming a close bond with another woman for fear this will happen again.

  566. Leah

    I have an awesome husband and 4 beautiful teenagers. I have experienced rejection from my father. God has been working in my heart and I have been able to forgive and love in ways I didn’t think I could. I have made efforts to reach out to my dad and although it’s been tiny steps with very little progress, I am at a much better place because I understand my identity in Christ. By the grace of God, I have moved beyond the pain and hurt from my childhood. I still see lingering effects of my fear of rejection in my relationships and my children’s but praise God I am not where I once was.

  567. Tina

    It’s so amazing to me that I found out that your new book is coming out when at this very moment I feel that I am at my loneliest place. As a pastor and wife of the senior pastor I am not in position I can honestly express how I feel. Write now I’m feeling frustrated angry overwhelmed isolated and alone. I often wonder who is praying for me. Who do I talk to when the pastor is my husband? I believe that your book is very timely and would greatly appreciate the words that our Heavenly Father has given you to minister to women in the kingdom of God.

  568. Katie

    I’ve felt left out so much of my life. I am 33 years old yet I still feel the sting of being left out of situations that happened in middle school! I was a third wheel most of the time. I didn’t live in a very nice neighborhood, either, so my friends hardly ever wanted to come over. I am sure my own attitude needs to change, but because of my past of being left out and “uninvited” I have shut so many people out. I can’t seem to convince myself that it’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes. I figure if I just distance myself from good, solid friendships, I will never be hurt again. I know this isn’t healthy, but it’s my reality right now. Thank you for writing this book, Lysa.

  569. Danielle A.

    Of the parts of the message, this is what resonates with me the most:

    “Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.”

    There are many times in various groups that I feel like an outsider, awkward, or just generally not fully embraced by the group. This is even true among some of my closest friends. While I know that this is not how God (or usually the group) sees me and I know that it is the Enemy telling me that I am not good enough, that people don’t like me, or whatever – it still stings and holds me back in those settings. Because of that I wind up feeling left out.

    I know I am not the only one who feels like this. By opening up about this part of our insecurities, Lysa – you are doing all of us a great service. I hope it will give me (and others) the confidence to open up and feel God’s deep, individual love for us.

  570. Tiffany

    This is so needed! I think even those that appear confident resonate with having moments of rejection that hurt. Our biggest need is to be loved & belong.
    As a single in my 40s, I know those feelings – not just the lack of a mate (& I still wouldn’t settle in order to just have someone), but the struggle to find meaningful connections and friendships. I’ve finally gotten some gal pals after much prayer & effort, but I’m certain that messages like this can help to heal those feelings of being left out or unwanted.

  571. Jenny

    As a 44 year old single women, I’ve felt like a “square peg in a round hole” for years!
    I’m learning to trust God’s opinion of me more than my own and to not only shake off those feelings of “uninvited” , “unwanted ” and “nowhere to fit” , but also to reach out to others who are going through similar struggles!

  572. Stacey11

    This book immediately caught my attention because so many times I feel left out with my own family and my husbands family. Thank God I am handpicked by God. Nice to see others comments and know I’m not alone in feeling this way! Thank you Lysa! Perfect timing! God bless you!

  573. Pam

    I have been struggling with rejection from a close friend, or so I thought, for over a year now. I can say that God has taught me many lessons through it all. First and foremost that He is the only One who can satisfy and meet my every need. However, I have had the hardest time letting people in because I don’t want to be hurt again. It has been as a death. Also, the enemy has brought up all kinds of hurts from even those closet to me. I didn’t think I was bitter but after spending time with the Lord I know I have been. So I am working through forgiving!
    Looking forward to reading your newest book,

  574. Hayley

    I am looking to find my purpose in life, when everyone else overlooks my work and puts me down, I know that God has given me a purpose, that God has invited me to do something great!

  575. Ginger

    This is my life story and I’m ready for it to change!!

  576. Stephanie B

    I am in a fairly new season of life of new stay at home mommyhood and am super lonely. Seriously, why is it so hard to make mom friends? I feel like everyone is BBF except for me. I could really use this book!

  577. Giann

    When I saw the quotes shared on social media, I knew this would be my next book to read! Dealing with rejection has always been hard for me. I know this book will help me & help me help others!!

  578. GN

    I understand the part about being/feeling left out. When you are a single lady in a class of married couples who attend class together, you feel left out. They don’t invite you because you might feel like you don’t fit in, which you already feel like you don’t fit in. Being invited would at least make you feel like you belong.

  579. MaeLee

    Umm..everything! It’s like you’ve been overhearing me talk to my husband the past few months. Being a pastor’s wife I’m often found alone and uninvited to all the get-togethers and parties I see people at Facebook or hear people talking about at church from the weekend. My prayer has been that the Lord send me just one friend to have here. So looking forward to reading your book!

  580. Candace

    I think what resonates with me the most is that rejections from people is nothing compared to the acceptance of God. I can rest assured that I will never be shunned by my Father. But I struggle with that daily! I’m so looking forward to reading your book!

  581. Holly

    THIS! Yes, all of this! “Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.”

  582. Bernadette

    *Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you *

    This is huge for me. I know it’s a lie, but in the moment I have trouble acknowledging that.

  583. Rhonda Downing

    Just the title intrigues me but if I had to pick one it would be “Overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities by understanding the secret of belonging”. Being called into public ministry as a woman is not easy & I don’t want my insecurities to be a stumbling block.

  584. Marge Pollock

    Being left out, I am a single person and couples do not include single people
    in their outings, etc.

  585. Christopher Johnston

    I’m really interested in learning how to not feel left out and know that God has hand-picked me. My whole life I’ve been a bit of an outsider. I was never a joiner. I was picked last on teams in school, I didn’t join clubs or organizations or anything that required me to be subject to not being a member of the clique. Even now as a parent I’m an outsider. I abhor going to baseball games or softball games or PTA meetings.

  586. Suzanne Kanyavong

    I’m excited for this book since I’ve been struggling with infertility for a long time. I have some good days and some bad days. I want to be healed from all the hurt of society, culture, etc. I know I need forgiveness from God since I’ve been off and on angry for some time.

  587. Amanda Mae Steele

    Oh my… When I got the email about this book I thought, “Lysa can’t literally mean uninvited.” The day before I got it, I had a hard conversation with my best friend who I thought I shared a common vision with to have a small group together with our husbands. Yet misunderstanding, miscommunication, and enter in a third girlfriend left me literally uninvited – as in I was not on the email list. I watched my best friend and our other girlfriend run with the dream my best friend and I had been talking about for the past few years; needless to say, I was heartbroken.

    Looking forward to reading this. Didn’t realize being “uninvited” would hurt so much as an adult. Thanks for talking about the painful things, Lysa.

  588. Carol Graft

    Even at 55, I still struggle with feeling left out. Whether it’s a group of ladies going trail walking, or for coffee. And not being invited, whether they know I’m already busy or not. Or even doing something I don’t care to do. Just to be invited would be nice. Always think I’m missing out.
    Sounds like a great book. Thanks for the giveaway.

  589. Anne

    Thank you for fighting the unknown and writing this book!
    I really need to know how not to fall apart and learn God-centered ways to deal with my hurt, especially with a family member I have trouble dealing with. This person gives not only me trouble, but my husband also. So it causes a great strain on our marriage.
    I am praying that you can see the Godly benefits of the book, instead of the soul baring 🙂

  590. Robin Still

    Right now every single thing resonates deep within my soul. I feel that I can stand in a room of people and be the loneliest person. I want to feel like I belong. Oh how I can hardly wait to read these words that my heart needs to hear.

  591. Janette Valantine

    This entire book speaks to me as I struggle with the unexplained rejection of 2 of my 5 adult children. I try to give it over to God, but every single day it’s a hurt I can’t shake. I am disabled and homebound, so I have a lot of time for this to play over and over again in my head. Lisa, I know this book would help me a great deal.

  592. Karen

    I think all of the points listed in the book are things I need to work on. But probably the not feeling left out part is the biggest one. Thank you for all your work and how it touches me and so many others!

  593. Desiree

    What resonates with me the most is learning to deal with the fears that feed my insecurities. I live a lot of my life in fear of failure and fear or success leaving me pretty stagnant and frustrated with life and myself. I’m super excited about this book 🙂

  594. Christy Lundell

    I have a hard time feeling like I am wanted. I often feel like I am just a convenience to everyone when they need me. I have been trying to get over it and I thought with prayer my insecurities would go away. I just want to feel loved and appreciated.

  595. Nicole

    Past rejections – or fear of rejections – and how it has overflowed into adulthood. How past abuse carved out how I respond(ed) to others and the desire to “fit in”. And now feeling my redemption story come to life as I learn to forgive myself, forgive others, and know that I will always have a place, not just waiting for me, but right now next to my sovereign and gracious God.

  596. Brandi Lansdell

    I have often struggled with feeling unloved, unwanted, and alone. As a child my mom went missing. I was being raised in a home with an abusive step-mother and a father who struggled with alcoholism. I felt I was unlovable and I had to be tough and claw my way to the top. I still have trouble with this as an adult. I try to be kind and rely heavily on the Lord for guidance, but I sometimes struggle with doubt and fear. The tough girl will then rear her ugly head. I look forward to the book and just trusting and remembering that God is my shelter and salvation.

  597. Calista

    The part that resonates most with me is “embracing God-honoring ways to process your hurt.” Thank you.

  598. Samantha Burnett

    As an intorverted pastor’s wife, fitting in and finding deep, real, vulnerable relationships is hard. I long for those, even with just one. But also trusting that the in between time is a journey for me and Jesus too.

  599. Denise

    When I saw your announcement that the book could be preordered, I did right away since this couldn’t have come at a better time! I will share the additional copy of chosen to receive it. Just recently having gone through an almost identical “not invited to the party but literally everyone around us at church was”, I have really struggled with the why’s, what have we done, if it’s not me it’s obviously my husband, etc. For 9 years living in this new state we have somewhat struggled with being the outsiders but had not until recently felt as if we were purposely not invited! I know it’s a season & I’m ready to learn & grow from what God has for us in it!

  600. Laura

    To be honest, it’s not a struggle for me at the place I am in life at this exact moment. But has being left out affected me for years? Oh, boy. Has it ever. I am eager to read this book of yours, Lysa. To learn your perspective and what the Lord says about his love for me. I’m eager to share what I learn with others, and to be ready to apply my new wisdom when (not if) the feelings of overwhelming sadness come again when I feel left out. Super excited, as always, for a new book of yours! Praying for you daily.

  601. Tracy

    I’m dealing with rejection from a group of neighbors and ladies who I thought were my friends. At one time we all hung out and pretty abruptly one of them became the “leader” and picked and chose who they hung out with. I’ve been left out more than I’ve been included and it hurts. It brings back the memories of cliques and the feelings of not being good enough. Deep in my heart and soul I know I don’t need people in my life like this but it still hurts. I can’t wait to read this book. It’s exactly what I need right now!

  602. Lois

    I am so excited! I have read several of your books, and follow your blog regularly. You are so spot on, always; and God uses your words to speak right to my heart. Can’t wait to read this one.

  603. Latrelle

    It all applies to me, All my adult life. Ive felt unwanted ,,not fitting in, I would love this book !

  604. Terri M.

    To lose my dad and then my mom, and be rejected by half siblings who never cared anyway and were jealous of my birth. To be left out of eulogy as if my life was non existent. To be pushed aside regarding the estate. The triple dose of rejection, betrayal and humiliation. The lies. I could barely function for 2 1/2 years. I went through the motions. If only friends and relatives really knew. To be an only child, the only Christian among non believing half siblings. To wait almost 3 years for what’s rightfully mine, and still waiting. Where’s the justice? Where’s my hope? I do have Faith as small as a mustard seed. Jesus hear my cry. Help!

  605. Rachel

    The theme of your book is the theme of my life…it’s a constant struggle and sadness. Thanks for the giveaway.

  606. Angela Cornejo

    I would love to overcome my fears and insecurities about belonging I have felt my whole life,

  607. Pamela

    I have struggled with rejection since I was a child. I’ve used humor to cover up my fears but I’d love to live an Authentic life knowing I was accepted by the most important of them all, God!

  608. Melissa

    Wow this message is talking to me. All my life I have struggled with feeling out of place, unloved and unwanted. I was adopted and I have never felt like I belonged in my family, I have always felt alone not knowing where I came from. It seems that the older I get the more struggles of uncertainty surfaces. I keep praying for clarity on why things happen the way they do in life and pray this book can help me see things a little more clearer, bringing me closer to why God choice me.

  609. Kathleen

    À message I need to read and apply. While experiencing real rejection and true lack of care from those closest to me, it is easy to imagine it from others. Life hurts. God is faithful.

  610. Rafael S


    It’s my first time on your blog. I don’t know how to say it, but I don’t feel I belong to this world. I don’t want to kill myself, but I think I would fit better in Heaven with Mighty God.

  611. Chelsea

    I have dealt with rejection my whole life….. From the time my birth mom tried aborting me, to her leaving me after I was born. I was born with a birth defect and so I’ve had it all through out school from people I had considered friends, to even having it in churches sadly….. Sadly I have let it affect my life because I want to feel loved and wanted but I don’t. I’ve tried all my life to overcome it but it just keeps following me and getting worse and so I act out in it in ways I shouldn’t….. More ways than one……

  612. Joanne Otto

    Your timing is amazing!!! The title is me…my whole life. I’m great at putting on a mask to appear as though I’m ok, but from a very difficult childhood, and much rejection along the way since then….well, lets just say, I can’t wait to read this book! Thanks so much for being real! Love you Lysa!

  613. Rachel

    I’ve always been left out or left behind. I am chronically ill, & have been for 14 years, & am not able to do a lot of things that most people my age (27) are able to do. And to top it off, my husband of 9.5 years told me last weekend that he doesn’t love me anymore, feels nothing for me, can’t stand to see me sick or deal with it anymore & is done with me. I’m devastated.

  614. Candace

    Is this resource something that could be used with preteen age also? Thanks!

  615. Tammy

    Today I met with my early morning bible study group and a friend shared your devotional from today’s Proverbs 31 Devotion (7/7/2016) entitled “There’s a Lady at the Gym Who Hates Me.” It was one of those moments when I knew God was communicating with me personally. I just returned from a two week vacation with my husband’s entire family that, though good in so many ways, also left me contemplating for the past 5 days how much I “think” I know what they are thinking of me (always negative) and how much I let that affect me and my striving to “improve” and “be better” so they’ll like me. You’d think I was new to this family with a comment like that, but we were celebrating our 20th anniversary! And the truth is that things are mostly good with them. But the minute I sense that someone is unhappy, I assume I did something to make them feel that way and I strive to improve, or I feel terrible and unlikeable, or I make up stories in my head about how they are misunderstanding me. And the truth is that they probably aren’t thinking about ME at all! Anyway, this devotion was SO needed because I was slipping into my depressed, “how can God love me” mode. Then I opened my email this afternoon to find that it’s not just this one devotion, but you have an entire book coming out, where God is (AGAIN) using you to speak to me. It’s incredible. Lysa, Thank you for following God’s plan, for listening to Him, and for sharing!

  616. Princess-TaLaiah

    I have a very difficult time seeing myself as chosen. I don’t get how there could be this special reason behind anything in my life or anything about me. I guess I’m logical and I realize the millions of people ever in existence and how God obviously wants an extra large family, and I just see myself as part of the group. Not as an individual. Not as an integral part. But here because how could Jesus say No to any of us? So I’m included by default (that does sound extremely impersonal now that I put my view into words, I just don’t know how to believe something better).
    I struggle with fatherhood and seeing God as my perfect, good, loving Father. I met my Dad when I was a teenager.
    I want to know that I belong, whether or not my Dad raised me. I want to know that I belong because I was chosen specifically by God instead of thinking it’s impossible that He thought of me in that way.
    Thank you for this post!

  617. Linda

    Feeling left out, left behind, rejected is a constant battle for me in most areas of my life
    I attempt time and again to change my thought patterns. It’s so challenging, and perseverance is the key. God help me please

  618. Nancy M in NJ

    I can relate to all the points you mentioned, but in particular, the last one “overcome the two core fears that feed your insecurities… ” I am disappointed in myself that at this point of my adult life (I am 55!) I still have insecurities and fears about belonging and fitting in.

  619. Tatiana Council

    Recently, I have been struggling with overwhelming waves of insecurity, and feeling extremely unvaluable. The last couple of weeks have been rough as God has showed me how I have allowed insecurities to effect some of the most important relationships in my life. I have gone to God as my refuge; crying out to Him for relief, for answers of how to overcome. I too, have a mustard seed of faith that God’s promises and truth will reign in my life, and pull me out of this dark pit. I would be forever grateful for a copy of your new book. Thank you for the opportunity to even participate in the giveaway.

    With love,


  620. Kristin Sommers

    I have recently ended an almost 20 year unhealthy friendship with my best friend ,and I feel that this book would help me with that process.

    Thanks for all of your great books Lysa!

  621. Laurie

    I was searching for a new bible study for my woman group and came across your name. I think rejection from people is big in my group of ladies. We are from a small town where the majority of people grew up here and know everyone and are related to everyone, so when you are new, even if it has been 20 yrs, your still considered an outsider. So the ladies feel when they go to a school function, or town event, that they are being ignored and have built up quite the walls. Thanks for such a great subject.

  622. Katie

    This is awesome and needed for all women! Thank you for being obedient in writing the hard and real stuff. This topic has been on my heart. I have a friend who is a Christian leader in my city – when you are with her, you feel like you are with Jesus. She told me that she never gets invited to anyone’s parties, but is the first they call when someone is in the hospital. I am a new believer (five years) and in becoming outspoken about my faith, I find I have recently been left out of certain crowds. It makes me sad because I have no desire to judge (I have had my share of messes, that’s for sure), but an honest friend pointed out that when a “Jesus friend” is around, there is an unspoken level of accountability. I get this because I have those people in my life too! In all of this, I feel Jesus is giving me empathy for what he must feel. He is the first I call when there is something heavy or a crisis, but is he the one I want to have fun with? Do I want to bring him around those crowds, conversations, etc.? Doesn’t it hurt him to be left out like it does me? The good news is he doesn’t get offended or retreat like I sometimes too, but pursues and loves us still and keeps leaning in…beautiful! Thankful! Can’t wait to read your book!

  623. Makena

    I request for prayers for God to bless me with a fruit of the womb, a second born after I miscarried in 2014.

  624. Perri Cook

    Actually the book would be for my twenty two year old daughter, she is questioning reality, and is struggling with anxiety and depression. I feel this book would be good for her.

  625. Amy

    I think we all struggle with rejection at times and worse, have done the rejecting. I would love to read with an open heart in effort not just to heal my own insecurities but also be more proactive in my life and church so that I come across as accepting. Our churches sometimes appear to reject and in fact have that reputation and i want to combat that and show the world what Christ is really about. I have a feeling this book would help.

  626. Kaylee

    Wow, what a necessary message. I’m a cross-cultural ministry wife and it’s amazing how lonely you can feel when surrounded by a language and culture that is not your own. Sometimes the feeling penetrates so deep that I just want to board a plane and return to what I know. Women don’t “do” friendship here the same way I’m used to and it makes the feelings of vulnerability rise inside of me. But God is gracious and faithful. Thank you for writing!

  627. Sandy Gobrogge

    Touch is one of my love languages, and for whatever reason, it seems in my life that humanly it has never been fulfilled in the way it should be, and I do desire. I know that God is the only One capable of fulfilling that need completely within me. Your book sounds like the forever held chapter may be just what I need to read. At 72 I am always willing to learn.

    Thank you, Lysa, your so willing to put yourself out there for us.


  628. Andrea Parker

    I Love the part of knowing what to pray for over the next 10 days. With all the drama in the world especially I just want to pray some mighty and very effective prayers. The book looks fantastic – avid fan and reader – I love your devos, love the books and love your videos! Keep reaching out and blessing us all. Thank you

  629. angela

    its hard feeling like I have been left out, even at church. I so want to fit in and be loved, and I need those reminders.

  630. julianna

    I think for most of my life, I wanted to be apart of something. All my life I saw the “popular” people in public school and strived to be like them. Giving my heart to Jesus, and coming to church, I realized there was also a “popular” crowd there to. I just never felt good enough, I never felt worthy or holy enough. There was always someone who was a little more outspoken, better at praying, had better leadership skills then me, made fewer mistakes. That made me put labels on myself I shouldn’t of. It drowned the voice of God, and made the enemy have a hold on me for awhile. Now, I’m getting there. I’m trying to not feel judged, and feel good in who I am and who God says I am. I think this book will give me good tips and insight. I’m really excited for it!

  631. Denise

    I have been rejected on so many levels, and feel so alone. Trust me, I get it, Jesus is with me wherever I go… Still the rejection by the very people who say they love Christ and are then those that tell you they love you?? My heart hurts beyond comprehension yet again in my life. I lift it all before His Throne, every ounce. Jesus you are the Healer, the Deliverer, the Prince of Peace. Restore me yet again.

    I’d be honored to win your new book Lysa.
    Thank you for putting yourself out there the way you do for us your sisters and brothers in Christ.

    Blessings to you~

  632. Lynnmarie

    All three parts resonate with me. I am dealing with past rejection in my own life. It is affecting how I am able to relate to my adopted child. At the same time, I am dealing daily with rejection from her because she struggles with Reactive Attachment Disorder, and I fear that the rejection will continue forever into the future. I am hanging on to my faith in God, but I am weary and heartbroken. I have never heard you speak or read any of your books, but my friend told me that your 10 day prayer guide was helping herself and her adopted daughter, and she texted me your website address, so here I am.

  633. Judy

    So we all do feel the hurt of rejection. And not being included. I guess I just hoped I would come to the place in my life where it would not hurt so much. Continually be in my thoughts. I’d mature. Shake it off. I never gave into the belief that it wouldn’t happen as I got older, but I was given to believe that maturity brought some self-security/the inner ability to shield myself from noticing. But that doesn’t happen. And so I am left still struggling with the same insecurities that come from rejection or being excluded, which are more like building blocks making the mountain of recovery ever greater. Lysa, cannot wait to read your new book. I am a true believer in self-help books like you have given us and further believe God uses what you have gone through to help others (like me) and point us continually back to Him. Thank you for being faithful!

  634. Melinda Pridgen

    Hi I am feeling depressed and I just started following you. I just saw your first video unglued and it was amazing.It has helped me alot . I would love to win the book I have felt un invited these passed weekend with my family but im not going to tell them that I have held it in.I just felt like i want part of the family i felt left out. I know I have jesus and thats all i need.

  635. Heather Nordland-Page

    Stop feeling left out by believing that even when you are overlooked by others you are handpicked by God.

  636. Deborah

    Earlier this year, my boyfriend of almost 4 years broke up with me out of the blue. I thought he was going to propose this summer. The heartbreak is even worse when I see so many friends and acquaintances getting engaged and married, and it makes me feel like my chance is gone and my dream of getting married and having a family is over. It’s hard to see what seems like everyone else getting what I desperately want.

  637. Barbie

    Hello I preordered the audio book at, am I eligible for the fun stuff? smile

  638. Tammi

    Dear Lysa,
    I was fortunate to have met you at a conference a little over a year ago. I had already read your book, Unglued, and immediately knew we were soul sisters in Christ. There I had purchased your book, More than a Good Bible Study Girl. It sadly sat on my bookshelf for a few moths while the demands of life and three kids took over. Last summer I was asked to lead a bible study at my church that I was new to (me? really? ) and immediately this book over several others popped into my mind. I was so grateful for meeting you, having your signature in my book, and having the Holy Spirit guide me when meeting with ladies of different backgrounds, many who shared small tokens of their pain. Ironically, as I was leading the study I started to feel like a fraud. I felt as though people were seeing on the outside a smile face, head nodding, praise Jesus girl when down deep there was this nagging thought that I’m just not sure I’m really good enough for any of this. The pain and rejection of a parent leaving has left a sting in my soul that so far nothing can heal. I struggle with why I am not allowing God to fill it the way He sees fit, it is as though I am going to keep allowing the morsels left over from others fill the void until it wears thin and then search for another. Well I just turned 40 and those tactics are not only exhausting but they are prideful. I am hurt by my own desire to be loved by so many and not feel rejection from school moms, family, friends, etc. I am realizing that I am on a path to complete unhappiness. That is not at all the way I want my beautiful children to view their momma. I want to learn, gain, and even savor the words Lysa that the Lord we both serve has led on your heart so that maybe, just maybe this girl up north can get over herself and focus on the life He gave and chose for me and use it to His glory. There is a hope of burying pain, but what I seek the most is a mind-shift that doesn’t need to escape those hurts, but can use them to help others or to be more sensitive when I see them happening in general. In other words, I know this world is full of disappointment, let’s together go on the journey of realizing just how precious life is. I truly do not want to spend moments of mine wondering why my children and I were not invited to the park, seriously that sounded so ridiculous even typing….. but it is the reality of so many women. Why? Why aren’t we just nicer to each other? I just don’t understand. When I saw your new book, Uninvited, honestly Lysa, I knew it was for me (by the way when I met you I told you that about Unglued too, you really seem to know me). This book can’t get here fast enough!
    Lysa, I pray that as each lady reads this book it soaks into their souls and creates change in their hearts and minds. That we as a group of “uninvited” guests can feel as though we belong not only to each other in spirit, but to an almighty God who will take our breath away when we meet him and we will have forgotten all about rejections or hurts. Come on friends, sisters, let’s join together and make this the best life we can, after all it is going by fast. My 6 year old told me 40 is like being 100….thanks sweetie!
    Love and hugs Lysa, get well!!

  639. Lisa Cox

    I’ve struggled with feeling less than for so long I can’t seem to remember a time when I haven’t felt that way. In my head I know that’s not true but I my heart I just can’t seem to stop feeling like I don’t measure up. If I was prettier maybe they’ll notice me, maybe if I was smarter they’ll listen to what I say and it’ll matter, the list goes on….calling off my wedding and disconnecting from a very unhealthy relationship that had gone on for years longer than it should have really did a number on me…I’m puttingup walls because there’s that part of me that figured I must not be good enough or worth it…I’m tired of feeling that way…I want to be loved, to find that special relationship but I need to work on feeling better about myself and fix the heart/mind connection

  640. Erica

    I want to be well for my daughters so that I can help them with their rejection experiences. I try to help now and I say all the “right” things but deep down I know I am not recovered from my life’s rejections. I want to be genuine. God does the healing through his word, prayers, and through people. I thank Him for working through you.

  641. Laura Whitt

    Did I hear God wrong? It must have been me…my wild imagination conjuring up hopeful dreams of who I am to God, only to be 52 years old and seeing no great destiny has ever unfolded. It’s bad enough to be rejected by your parents, spouse and children…or am I delusional? Is something wrong with me? Have I been believing lies all my life? Why hasn’t God delivered me? Yes, I need this book… I need all of your materials! I’m half way through facilitating the Unglued series. You have a beauty to be able to take what the enemy has tried to use to destroy you and help others. This is what I believed I would be doing…and has yet to happen. I am about an hour away from you in Hickory, NC. I have just discovered you this past summer. Do you have any events?

  642. Dawn

    Excited to read this book! Thanks Lysa for your awesome ministry! One of our ministers once said in a sermon that “comparison is the thief of joy” & I think social media makes being “uninvited” much harder…

  643. Traci

    It resonates with me that rejections of the past could still be haunting me today. While at 45, I am more content with myself than ever before, it is true that my insecurities stem from rejections in my childhood and youth. I would love reading this book!

  644. Mel

    I cannot wait to read your new book. God always orchestrates the right timing for your words. Thank you.

  645. Christy

    I really want to read this book because I have a lot of these same issues going on in my life but you seem to have written ways to help me see God is all I need!

  646. Suzy

    I ordered the book but haven’t received the first 5 chapters and other freebies. When do they come available?

    • Lysa TerKeurst

      Hi, Suzy!

      You can go to and click on “Redeem My Pre-Order Gifts.” After you fill out the form, you will receive an email with the chapters in it! 🙂

      Lysa’s Ministry Team

  647. Tina

    We have a blended family that has gone through some really tough issues. I have had to let go and let God. I struggle with this daily. It is so hard when you want what is best for your children, and others actions are negatively affecting them. When they hurt, I hurt with them. I would more help with giving it to God.

  648. Joretta Windham

    Your description of your book touched a nerve just now. I’ve been struggling as a single parent to a son who once was loving, enthusiastic, and a lively conversationalist, who in his teens has become unrecognizable. He is a Christian, even though he doesnt often act like one. My desire now is to keep seeing him as God designed him, believe that God will see him safely through these stormy years, and keep praying for his good. But it breaks my heart almost daily to be disregarded and disrespected by him. I could use some encouragement right now and look forward to your book.
    Blessings to you for faithfully feeding and encouraging the bruised hearts and parched spirits of our Father’s children!

  649. Karen

    Hi I preordered my book but haven’t received any of the chapters, coloring pages etc… Will this come later? Karen

  650. Lucie

    I can not believe God’s timing once again in my life. Thank you so much for writing this book Lysa, how I want to read it right now.

  651. Rebecca

    Wow, this seems to be a struggle that many people, including myself, have! Thank you for writing this book and I trust it will be a help and blessing!

  652. Lynlee

    My husband left me this year. I was told to get a job. I found a job and convinced him to go through with therapy. Within the span of two days, I lost my job and my husband quit therapy. I have since found another job, but I know my marriage is over. Uninvited seems to be my theme for this year. I can’t wait to read this book and see what God does in my life! I know He has carried me so far and I know He will continue to do so.

  653. Nicki

    Left out and lonely seems to be the lingering cloud over my head. Although I may seem to have had some restoration in some areas, the pain still creeps up often tempting me to react badly to those emotions. Hearing about the God-honoring ways to process the hurt sounds like a good start in the direction of real healing.

  654. Ann

    Powerful Truth: Knowing the Love and Character of my God…
    I thank God for using you to remind me (no matter how I feel) I am indeed Set Apart by God vs Set Aside, in Jesus Name.

  655. Patty

    I am afraid of the rejection that’s bound to come being married to a younger man…. The day he realizes his wife is old & he still has many years left……

  656. Jill

    I wasn’t invited to a major (small) family event. My feelings of rejection stole 3 to 4 days from my life.

  657. Carol

    The part that states even when I feel left out ( which I do alot) that I am still hand picked by God!! I am going to start reminding myself of that everyone I feel left out because no matter how I feel the only thing that truly matters is that God has hands picked me & loves me!!!

  658. Kathy Ensworth

    I preordered “Univited” but did not get any of the promised free resources. Please assist me in fixing this.

  659. Nancy

    As I sat this morning sipping my coffee with tears in my eyes, seeing these words about your book touched my heart. I’ve just moved across country with my family and am struggling with the transition. The feeling of loneliness and the unknown has been crippling me. With that being said, I am a strong woman who has a gift to help others and have ran a free support group for women for years and my job is helping people. I feel I am failing and have doubted everything about myself lately. (Even down to my mothering) I feel I do not even have the ability to help anybody else these days. My faith has helped me through many sad days in my life and as I sat today with that hopelessness again, I read about your new book. Thank you for your books, and your daily reminders of how with God anything is possible.





    Do you have a address I can send a check to order your new book please.
    I need to pay and get it down and I don’t want to order y on my credit card so I get it down.
    my email…

    Virginia Stewart 304-986-2207

  662. Miriam Gueck

    I was divorced three years ago. The message of your book resonates with me because I am no longer invited to gatherings that I used to be such a part of.

  663. Labaysha

    I heard you on the radio this morning….while on my way to work. Tears filled my eyes as you beautifully spoke into my life. Thank you for sharing your story and healing…. I must read “Uninvited ”
    Two words God has recently spoke to me are….. Resentment and “set apart”.
    I know God is calling me to a new place in my life.

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