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When I Don’t Get What I Want

August 4, 2015

Have you ever wanted something so badly your heart ached with each thought of it? It seems life would be so much better if you had that.

There would be more happiness.
More contentment.
More fulfillment.
More satisfaction.
More peace.

We can envision ourselves with this thing, this person, this opportunity. And all things are better. So, why doesn’t God give us this longing of our heart?

Because He wants us to willingly release it to Him.


Not the answer we want. Why would God let the aching desire linger and not make things happen? He could. He’s certainly able. But when He doesn’t, it seems unfair. Not good. Confusing.

It’s easy to get down when we’re constantly let down.

We hope this thing will happen … we’ll meet this right person … we’ll get this job … we’ll finally be healed … we’ll get that chance … we’ll see that family member turn their life around. Time and again it doesn’t happen. That’s when it’s easy to slip.

We can so easily slip into feeling a little distant from God because we feel hurt by God.

That’s what happened when the man I thought I was going to marry told me he met someone else. That’s what happened when I didn’t get the job I was so certain was going to be the answer to all my financial problems. That’s what happened when my son didn’t get into the charter school we were so certain would have been perfect for him.

But, in each of these things, I eventually had to make a choice. I could either be consumed with my unmet longing or trust the plans of our loving God.

As an offering of trust, we must give up that which could so easily bring us down.

Not give up as in a discouraged surrender. But giving up as in placing this desire in the hand of God and saying, “Either way, I will see Your answer as the good answer and walk in trust.”

The Scriptures promise He rewards those who honestly seek Him: “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him” (Hebrews 11:6).

Sometimes I get so consumed with seeking my unmet longings, I don’t earnestly seek Him. But then I miss out on His reward. And His reward is the only thing that will fill the void in my heart.

Yes, I still struggle with unmet desires.

But not as much today as I did yesterday.

And that is good. Not easy. But good.

Learn more about trusting God’s plan instead of ours with my book, The Best Yes. I’m giving away 5 copies today! To be entered to win, leave a comment below with what unmet longing you’ll be releasing this week.

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  1. Susie

    Giving up two prodigal sons into the Lord’s hands and placing them at the foot of the cross so that He can do only what He can do in turning their lives back to Himself.

  2. Joi

    The unmet longing I’ll be letting go of is the desires I have for the direction of my church. They are genuinely good desires and I believe that they are God’s will ultimately, but right now in this season the church is still finding its way and it frustrates me the more I get involved. I’m going to continue to pray about this issue. Not so much that everyone else around me change; but that I would.

  3. Sharnta

    It is our desire to own a home. Toughest thing for me was to be independent, living on my own with my two beautiful daughters and with God doing great to then get married and a year later in an effort to save money and clear debt to move in with someone else. Talk about crushing yet it would be the way to clear debt and save. Well almost 3 years later and one more item to clear we are still living with someone. My words and actions have been since day one of moving in, “I’ll be glad when we have our own place.” Not that I’m not grateful to have a place to stay to do this but just wanting it to happen sooner than later. So todayI’ll continue to declare that we will own our own home and I’ll continue to do what I can in clearing debt, doing my part and encouraging my husband to do the same. However as we do our part…going to be more intentional with leaving the results to God!

  4. Ebunoluwa Balogun

    I leave to God sponsors and investors for “magic of the musicals” Broadway show.

  5. Therese

    The job I have been waiting for for over seven years and just this past month was given to someone else. The fact that they didn’t let me continue on in the position I have held for those years was a bitter and unexpected blow. Being unemployed with no savings is devastating. But, I said God’s will, not mine. He knew what I wanted, what I saw as the answer to all my prayers. I only hope I see what He has for me, something much better, I am sure!

  6. Ashley Galbraith

    I’m leaving our desire for a home of our own in His hands today. He knows our needs and is always faithful to provide. Thank you for this reminder today.

  7. Maria

    It’s been a year and 3 months now since I completed my college education and I have no job. There was a time I had surrended this desire to God, I was content and at peace and I was so ready for either results because I knew He orders my steps but lately I’ve been feeling frustrated, desperate and discouraged. Thank you for this reminder that I need to once again release this desire to God and this time choose to trust Him in my “now what” phase :).. God bless you

  8. Donna

    I pray that my daughter will find Christ’s salvation, embrace the power of the Holy Spirit and find a healing so that making her daughter the priority in her earthly responsibilities comes effortlessly

  9. Roxanne M

    I’m releasing my desire to be married, I’m a single mom and this was never the life I planned. My child keeps getting older and older. I don’t understand why I can’t get rid of the desire to get married and have more kids yet it’s as though God is intentionally keeping me single. It’s hard watching not to be discouraged. Especially because it seems like it won’t be changing anytime soon. Almost 9 years and no change….

  10. Susan Douglas

    Waiting is the hardest thing to do. I too have struggled with God’s timing and God’s perfect plan…because of course I have all the answers. But I have found that when I turn that upside down and focus instead on what God has blessed me with and HIs answers and in His timing…. there is a change in my discontented heart. .And I am at peace knowing my Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Mighty One….Father’s plan where I may not see all the pieces is the path He has for me.

    Time shows me how all His
    puzzle pieces fit..

  11. Krystle Bailey

    My unmet desire is marriage. We have been together 6 years and have 2 kids together and I know I’ve done it backwards but man, how my heart desires to give my life to him in marriage. Thank you for this !

  12. Rachelle

    Between my hubby and I, we have 5 adult children, and only 1 of them knows The Lord. I have carried guilt around for several years for not raising my kids to know Him. Last November my youngest daughter came to Christ, and it was such a beautiful blessing. I have treasured watching her grow in her walk, but I still have the guilt with waiting on the other 4 to see the light. Today, I surrender my guilt to God, and pray that in His perfect timing these 4 will see the beautiful changes in their sister, and realize that without Him, their lives are nothing, but with Him, they have hope and the promise of eternity.

    Thank you Lysa for this post today. You are a blessing! ❤

  13. Mariah

    I’ll be handing over to Him my desire for marriage. This really hit home, recently I slipped because I felt like God was ignoring my desires for a husband… I tried to do things my way…. Just ended up heartbroken with a soul full of regrets.

  14. Katie

    I am giving up control and anaxity today… Two things that I struggle with daily. I try and control all aspects of my life and I so desperately need to give that up to God.

  15. Amy

    I was told at the age of 25 that I would not become a mother. I told the doctor that I would. That was 13 years ago. I am now currently a step mother, but I still long to experience pregnancy, and have a child of my own. I have argued, screamed, cried, given the silent treatment, bargained and fought with God to have my way- but to no avail. I do not know better than Him, and it’s time I handed over the road block that I’VE set up in my life and our relationship.

  16. Michelle

    I have been waiting on a response for 3 weeks for a job that WAS going to help my family tremendously and I just received the letter that I was not accepted for it.

  17. Cathy

    My husband and I have an adult prodigal daughter. The hardest thing for me is feeling I need to DO something. Giving it all over to Him, including praying for the safety and protection of our grand-daughter, is not just a daily trial for me, it’s hourly, sometimes moment to moment. I have to look to Him in faith, with trust, that He’s working behind the scenes. I claim His promises, but it’s so hard.

  18. Andrea

    I will be releasing my desire to leave the job I am in and to “bloom where I’m planted”. I want so badly to be in the center of Gid’s will for me and while this position doesn’t seem to me to be the right place, God has shown me that this is where He wants me for now. I have to respect and trust that.

  19. Wendy

    My unmet longing for a godly spouse is a desire I frequently release to Christ. Sometimes it’s a daily release, and abiding in Him helps the ache subside.

  20. Lizeth Franco

    I have been separated for 5 years and although I have tried why I think has been the best of the best yesterday I realized I can’t change him or control him or make him a better father. I must let go and trust that God’s way is the best way, his plan is perfect and this week I decide to let go, focusing on it is magnifying it, focus on the lord and magnify his glory not the problem! I chose to believe to tidy and to have faith, I have to!

  21. Christina

    I see all around me, people (women mostly) attempting to live up to an unspoken expectation. I tend to walk to the beat of my own drum, and that is frequently in contrast to the, at times deafening, rhythm that draws us all in….pressuring us to be/act/dress/decorate/live a certain way. I suppose I am giving this deafening rhythm to God and asking Him to let me only hear the cadence of His voice…to sync the drum beat of my life with Him. Then I will walk…run…….dance in Him and for Him.

  22. Helen Woodward

    That was exactly what I needed today.

  23. Lori Grimm

    Healing for my husband, his financial strain and an unhappy job situation. It spreads like a cancer through our lives , he has a bitter angry heart bra use of it, which makes him unpleasant to be around and absent to the needs of the family .. Praying and relying on God are the only way to get through each day .

  24. Cynthia

    I am releasing my desire for a better work schedule with higher income over to God. I release any anxiety over our child’s behavior and fears, knowing that God has her in the palm of His hand and He will show us as guardians, the best answer for her specific needs.

  25. Kam

    I thought it was time for me to leave teaching in the traditional setting so I applied to reach virtual school. The Lord’s closed that door so I’ll be content and trust His choice. He has a plan that I will be open to.

  26. Loretta

    Peace in our family! The trails with my adult son have been the hardest thing for me. To trust that God is working on him. To trust that God will protect him. That I can not fix this but God can in his time. Trusting in the knowledge that God loves him more than I do!

  27. Rose

    The sooner I can release the disappointment , longing and pain, the sweeter the healing and hearing Father say”Trust Me, I love you”

  28. Mary

    I would love this book. I love the lord with all my heart but I feel my faith has been shaken due to a financial situation that is extremely hard on our family of 5. I keep telling myself the Lord has something better for us but in my worldly eyes I don’t understand and see it.
    Please pray for our family and our financial needs to be met.

  29. Doreen

    My husband being the spiritual leader in our home.

  30. Jennifer

    Growing up I always thought I would be a mother of girls. I relate best with girls and boys have always been to rough and mean for my liking because I’m truly a girly girl. Then I married my husband and he is a rough and tough man so I was sure God would give us girls to melt his heart. Well it turns out we have two boys! We began praying for a girl either through adoption or trying again for a girl. I prayed a bold prayer several months ago that if God would give us a girl by natural means that it would just happen without us trying. I have many friends who’ve tried the tricks to get the gender they wanted. I desire to give all the glory to God so when I got that girl I could say it was all him. Well I turned up pregnant not even two months later after that prayer. We find out the gender next week. I want so badly to believe that it’s a girl but I know he will give us what’s in his plans. I am wrestling right now wanting to completely give this to him. We will be content no matter what gender he gives us. If it’s another boy I am trusting he will fulfill my desire for a girl in another way.

  31. Jen Shoalmire

    I am giving up worry. I spend a lot of thinking time trying to figure out the “puzzles” of my life: debt, sharing Gods word, work, health…God will take care of my family and I. I will focus on praising Him and letting Him take my worries. Thank you!!

  32. Brennelle

    I know all too well that aching in your heart for unmet longings that consumes your every moment. If God would only mend the hearts so that restoration of my marriage could take place a little quicker; if He would allow the scars on my body to heal more quickly after breast cancer so I could feel whole and “normal” again; if He would only bring my children back to serving Him and allow us to be a family again; if He would finally allow me to get this position at work I have been wanting for for so long; and if He would only grant me my lifelong desire to be a writer…then maybe this crippling aching in my heart would finally go away…but would I depend on Him as much then?

  33. Grace

    As of this minute, I’m giving up my desire to pass my CPA exam. There are 4 tests. So far, I’ve sat 6 times to take these (separately) and have just passed two. This morning, they posted the grades for the last one I took, but I can’t bring myself to log on to the webpage and look at it. I don’t want to endure another disappointment. I need to let this go. This word was for me. No doubts about it. Thank you, JESUS! And thank you Lysa for being a willing vessel.

  34. Jennifer Waddle

    My unmet longing has to do with financial gain. I would love to make money doing what I love! However, it is time to release it into the Father’s hands, thanking Him for meeting every single need and so much more.

  35. Karen

    Every day for the past 5 years – multiple times per day – I have been praying for our family to expand via pregnancy or adoption. God has blessed me with 4 pregnancies in that time, but no live births. I struggle with praying more – and truly having faith that He will make it happen – and surrendering to His will, whatever that may be. I don’t know if surrender means to stop praying for it???

    • roxy

      Waiting and wondering if you are ever going to have kids is such a hard thing and almost impossible to truly empathize unless you have personally experienced it. I have as well. I had the same question as you regarding prayer. God led me to the point where he was indicating it was either a baby or him (Not literal, just a thought that he knew would move me in the right direction). I then understood I had to put the desire for a kid/family UNDER my desire for God. The desire for a kid was becoming the winning contender. I went a little too far & put it in more drastic terms (if I never have kids, I will love,trust & serve God). I think we do that to protect ourselves. I had a lot more peace and God let me go on for awhile like that. Then God surrounded us with people with faith beyond our own. They prayed for us after bible study one night & my heart was more revealed when my thoughts were “that’s great. You’re a little late in the game, but sure.” I felt convicted and decided if these people can have faith for this than so can I. The message to still prioritize God 1st rang true, but I needed to add true trust & hope. My story had a happy bouncing boy ending 1.5 or so years later. Prioritizing God & putting my desires under & my hopes in him have been an ongoing lesson of life. I hope this has been helpful. I know it’s not easy!!! I will be praying for you.

  36. Naomi Holloman

    This week, I am giving up my desire to foster children again. God wants me to work on my marriage and the three adopted children I already have. The time to foster again is not now. I must wait for God’s time.

  37. Janet

    I will release my heart aching desire to see my son happily remarried and my grand daughter confident in a mother’s love that she has never experienced to God who knows what they need and when and loves them more than I do. I trust your plan, God. Please help me when I forget to trust. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  38. lc

    I chose to give up striving and forcing my desires for a godly husband and to place my life in God’s hands. …..again. I chose to trust my loving and faithful heavenly Father!
    Praying for you, Lysa. You’ve been on my heart in recent weeks. Because you’re well known, I’m sure the attacks of the enemy are relentless. Be encouraged. Our God is more than able to save and keep you and your family, no matter what may come! ♡

  39. Kristen

    The dream house we missed out on because of the underhandedness of the realtor. A year later, and I still haven’t let go.

  40. Carmen

    My marriage ended in divorce this past February. I still held out hope for reconciliation but my former husband told me he was getting married and expecting a child. It was like a kick to my heart. I am believing God that the rest of my life will be the best of my life but sometimes that’s scary and hard. I’m going to do the best I can to release my future to the Lord and let go of control.

  41. Sandra Powers

    I struggle with living with Lupus. I fight the disease everyday and sometimes ask God why. I need to give it to him and just trust.

  42. Cindy

    It is a hard lesson for me to learn. I give my troubles to God & then take them back. I do it because I think I know better. Who am I?! I’m trying to learn to trust God more & me less.

  43. Tony

    Disappointment with how life turned out.

  44. Bridget

    The unmet longing I’ll be releasing this week is the financial freedom I’m seeking with the business I started. I love this reminder, and appreciate this reminder. It’s all His, the earth and everything in it. I’m working towards trusting Him more, instead of myself. I’ve tried to do it alone, and let me tell you, it didn’t work out so well! Thank you!!!

  45. Dana Blackert

    We lost a house that I loved this week, the sellers accepted another offer. The disappointment has been consuming me and I am now letting it go. I know that God has a plan for us.

  46. Patti Wentling

    My unmet need that I need to give to God? Quit looking to others to complete my joy, I KNOW that they can not, but hard for me to not be so disappointed when others can not meet the need that only He can fill, only He can take my burdens, only He can take care of the stress, etc! Thank you for this much needed devo today!

  47. Linda

    Wanting a husband after 20 years of widowhood. Trusting God that He will meet all my needs.

  48. Amy

    I’m having such anxiety about my youngest going to kindergarten. What will I do without her constant babble? She will do great and is ready.
    I’ve been looking for a new position in my company for quite some time. I’m grateful for my current position just incredibly bored and unchallenged.
    I’m thankful for so many things in my life but this anxiety is wearing on me. I know God has a plan I just want to quit climbing the walls in desperation for a change.

  49. Vannette Hart

    This email could not have come to me at a much needed time. For me it seems like my whole life all I’ve ever wanted was a mate to be there for me. Make me feel safe. A husband, a mate, a friend and a partner like my sisters have. I have such struggles with my daughter’s father who does not show his daughter love, does not check on her, no shows he cares. I walk with double hurt, hers and mind. I’ve tried to release the pain, i pray when I wake up (reading the word, before I leave the house). I pray on my commute to work, I pray at night and still wonder why my hearts desires have not been met. I pray that God teaches me how to release it fully to him. In his Holy son Jesus Christ name Amen. Thank you Lysa for these articles. They are usually speaking right to my heart to help me another day get over my pain.

  50. Joan

    Hwaling for my daughter in law’s chronic illness.

  51. Kate

    For my 14 yr old daughter to be well loved by all those around her…to be admired, sought after, celebrated, and honored. I long to trust God with her life, her friends and her activities. Praying I can step back and allow Him to step in.

  52. Elizabeth P.

    What future I believe I should have..

  53. Elaine Segstro

    I have in the past longed for the “perfect” job, but I now feel that God has brought me contentment in that area. I do long for, and pray for, Godly spouses for my sons.

  54. Rosalie

    I long for my family of origin (mother and siblings) to be one of love and compassion not of hurt and selfishness.

  55. Gretchen Scoleri

    For my son to come to know the Lord personally

  56. Shayna

    Thank you for this wonderful piece of encouragement. My husband and I have been seperated for 1 yr and it seems like there is no hope for reconciliation. I grew up in a single parent home and ive always wanted to raise my children in a loving 2 parent home. Well for the past year that has not been the case for my 2 yr old. My prayer this week is that i can let go of my marriage and trust that God knows what is best for me and my family. Yes i want my husband to come home but God may have something 10 times better in store for me. I need to step back and let God be God. Through all the lonely nights and the longing that I have for my family to be restored, God is still good and he will see me through this.

  57. Crystal

    Striving to let God find the new job for me. I have been working towards a new career move and at every turn I am disappointed. I KNOW God has a plan and will place me where I am needed most. I say it but my heart breaks every time I don’t get an interview.

  58. Leisa

    I long for God to restore my marriage. Waiting for this has been the most difficult thing I have ever done. Having faith this will happen has been the most difficult thing as well. I pray for patience, wisdom, and guidance while God works in our lives.

  59. Bravo

    Grief over a strained relationship between father and son. Realizing I can’t fix it; only God can – so hard to hand that over.

  60. Tina Rains

    After a restless night, your words were exactly what I needed to start my day fresh. Thank you. I am people pleaser. Up side? I am the first to welcome you to any new event, include you in introductions and remember your name, etc…Down side? I am often disappointed when met with indifference, or downright hurt when rejected. I have come to accept not everyone will be a friend, but I have been praying for polite acknowledgement from one in particular. I must release this unfulfilled relationship, and learn to trust God in His work, rather than internalize this feeling of worthlessness. Again, thank you!

  61. Kim

    We have a 14 year old daughter and always thought we would have more children. It didn’t happen and due to medical reasons I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago. I would like to adopt but my husband doesn’t. I am releasing my longing to the Lord!

  62. Amy

    I will be releasing the longing for a husband.

  63. Megan

    Thanks for this post. I would love to win a copy of your book!

  64. Nancy

    My children were attending a Christian school, which closed last year, a month and a half after opening. They had to finish their school year at home. This year I was sure we were going to be able to get our older one into an excellent public school around our area. Many prayers later and seeking God’s counsel, that hasn’t happened yet and school starts in just a few days. We’re getting desperate at this point but we’re still trusting we’ll be able to see the hand of God moving.

  65. Ann Shepherd

    I am not sure where to start. Our daughter, whom we adopted when she was 6 months old is now an adult. We have tried to instill in her good morals. She has been baptized and says she is a Christian. She also has Aspbergers, although she is high functioning and extremely intelligent. We have continued to love her through all of the hard times we have had in raised her, but her heart and actions toward us have for a long tie been very cold. We have had to rescue her from various wrong decisions she has made. During this last year she has lost several jobs, gotten a DUI, lost her license, been kicked out of several places to live because she couldn’t pay her rent, has made very poor choices for friends, has been raped twice in the last 6 months, and is now seriously depressed and angry at us. She is a chronic liar. In the last 4 months she got hold of our account number and password for our life savings in money market account and has stolen all of our retirement money (a lot), used every penny of it, plus has pretended to have no money , and keeps asking us for financial help. Meanwhile she has lived high on the hog, going places and doing things that we would never have the money to do. When we went to the account to get some money out to pay some medical bills we found we had nothing. The bank did some investigating and found out the money was going to her account and they urged us to have her arrested and prosecuted, but we couldn’t make ourselves turn her in because they said she would go to prison for life. She promised to pay us back but we have yet to see any money. While it hurts to have no money, we will survive. It is not about the money because if it was we would have let the bank prosecute. It is about trust being destroyed and the lack of remorse on her part for what she did. What we are having a hard time with is the feeling of betrayal, and lack of respect she has shown us. There is a coldness and lack of love in her that is very deep. I have prayed for God to work in her life and give her that loving heart so many times I am sure He is tired of listening to me. I have tried to give it all over to him and leave Him in control, but then something else happens and I get sucked back in again to try to fix the situation. I know God has a plan for her and for us, and I know I need to give it to Him and let go because obviously my husband and I have tried may times to help her and to keep on loving her. I know there will always be a bond there between us and her, but each new cut hurts a little more and is taking away a portion of that love. I would pray that God will give us a clear answer as to which path He wants us to take, whether to step away and let her suffer the consequences of her actions or to keep picking up the pieces and help her get back on track. He needs to make his answer very clear because if he has answered it already I missed it. Thank you Lisa for your post today. I got up very early because I couldn’t sleep and I needed to be reminded of the importance of turning it all over to God.

  66. Karen

    I felt completely let down when God said No to completing my seminary degree.

  67. Valerie

    For my daughter to realize her unhealthy eating habits and the long term effects that will have on her health. I’ve been in the place she is and have struggled for years. In my attempt to “save her” or have her “learn from my mistakes”, has only made it worse and has created a strain on our relationship.

  68. Jen Townsend

    I’very been unemployed for 7 months now. Every day I get up and apply for jobs which are a good fit for me. No responses received or rejected on interview. God doesn’t seem to be interested in helping me. I’m a single working mom with no other resources. It’s excruciatingly discouraging and depressing.

  69. Sara Miller

    I long for financial stability! Not living paycheck to paycheck. God always provides, but it’s not without much worry and stress on my part. I try to give it to him, but have trouble believing it! Even after he’s proven faithful! I’m so ashamed! And I think hurt. I focus so much on doing the right thing, reading my bible, prayer, giving so that God will provide and not because I want to be closer to him. I feel like if I check off the boxes, he will provide. If I miss something, then I lessen my chance for his provision. I’m still working through it all, but am encouraged by this post! Thank you!

  70. Lynn M.

    My to-do list at work is way too long! Oh, how I want to work more hours, work faster, shut out my co-workers, to try to bridge the gap. I long to have turn around time be a bit shorter. I hate being this far behind. But I am only one person and can do only so much in a day. Thank you, God, for a good job that I truly enjoy.

  71. Heidi

    This really hit home for me. We are in the process of adoption and it is taking much longer than we thought it would. By the time our daughter is home it will have taken over 3 years. I have experienced “feeling a little distant from God because we feel hurt by God.” I needed this today. Thank you!

  72. Donna

    I’m struggling today to find peace about my youngest son’s annoucement to get married this November. I am overwhelmed right now with moving business and home, new church, new gran baby etc…It is wasn’t in my plans to have to help plan and pay for a wedding. She is a beautiful girl who loves the Lord and wants to serve Him next to my minister son. I just be happy. But I just feel overwhelmed and not ready. They have sought God’s will and direction all summer and feel they know they are doing the right thing. So who am I to stand in their way? (As if I could) So my heart and mind is troubled and my eyes are pouring tears. I am seeking His will, His way and His peace. Would love to have a copy of your book. Thanks!

  73. Dena

    The longing in my heart is someone to answer my questions on my job search, my husband’s needs with young-onset Alzheimer’s, and my son’s school needs. Do we move back home? Do we stay? When do I place my husband? ???

  74. Linda

    Trusting the Lord in releasing my feelings of relatives not helping with my mother.

  75. Ann-Marie

    Thank you , thank you, thank you. I really needed this today. There are a few areas of my life where I struggle with this, but I know that God has a plan and His ways are better than my ways. I am learning more and more each day to trust in Him, be patient, and know He will take care of everything when the timing is right. Oh how hard this is some days.

  76. Guia

    Please pray for my sister Julia that she will be enlightened in making wise choices /decisions in every aspect of her life!!! thank you!!!

  77. joyce

    I know sounds crazy, but giving to HIM that my husband’s dog will ever become house broken.

  78. ROBBYN

    I love when I am totally struggling with something and God will put an email, a word and a friend to speak truth into me. I have decided to put allot on my plate and take control. This post spoke volumes to me. God has always provided what I needed not my wants in his timing. Thank you for this truth, I am leaning into God a little closer in prayer, trust and reflection.

  79. Dawn

    God always gives me just what I need. Not always what I want – really needed to be reminded of this today.

    Facing uncertainty in the work place with fear guiding my actions. Faith. I am brining those fears to Him and praying I can be willing to follow His will for me. Not mine.

  80. anjol35

    I long for the husband and 2.5 kids-so much so that I let it stop me from living the life I have right now. But this is my year to not only live the life God has given me now but to live it to the fullest!

  81. Jessie

    To move….both out of this house and out of state. I’m embarrassed to admit to how long I’ve tightly held this desire. For the past several days I’ve cried out to God, “Please just speak to me. Give us clear direction on how we can GET OUT of here.” I’ve hunted in His Word….and today this comes in my email. Not exactly what I wanted to read. 🙂 But I’m letting it go into my Father’s loving hands. I trust His Love for me. Thanks Lysa for your honesty, your obedience, and being the deliverer of the word I needed today.

  82. Angie

    My unmet longing is marry the man I just knew I was supposed to marry. I still have a desire to be married but I know I have to give this over to God. Remember He knows what’s best for me so if it’s His will for me to get married it will be, if not He will keep me to be content with being single & doing what He has for me to do while I’m here on earth.

  83. Amanda

    Thank you for that encouraging reminder. My husband and I are currently rebuilding our credit in order to buy our first home. We want this more than anything and it seems like the more we try and the harder we work something is always going the opposite direction or our dream seems so far away. I needed to read this today and remind myself to let it go and focus on God and his will for us. =) Thank you!

  84. Tammy Madril

    I will release the desire of being a stay at home mom, our family can’t afford it

  85. Christy

    I’ve struggled my whole life with using food as my comfort. It’s always been my go to especially when feeling difficult emotions. I’ve been reading Made to Crave and am slowly realizing that desire to be free of my food addiction is not about losing my weight once and for all. It’s about growing closer to God. It’s so challenging for me for me to surrender my food in order to grow closer to Him. I need prayers! Thank you!

  86. Rachel Saunders

    I’ll be letting go of fear of my finances. Trusting in God to take care of us!

  87. Kimberly

    For many years I struggled with infertility. I longed deeply for children – with the desire to give them back to God. I prayed Hannah’s prayer daily. God did bless me with twin boys. What a joy! Every day I gave them back to God. I did my best as a single parent to raise them in His truth..attend church regularly…live a life pleasing to God…teach them to love God first and everything else after. They served God as teens. As they have entered young adulthood they have wandered far from Him. It breaks my heart a million times a day. I pray all day – every day – that they return to Christ. Sometimes it seems like they just walk further away…but I have to TRUST HIM. I know He loves them more than me. He is always working, and this mama will NEVER stop praying.

  88. Elanna Hylander

    I am surrendering my comfort zone… Thank you for your message this morning. It was so needed!

  89. Ann Souza

    Seeking God to fill my unmet needs where my family is concerned, we are not close & I don’t want to pass that on to my girls & grandson

  90. Kimberly

    I thank you for this today. I was just saying last night to my husband that it’s hard to understand why we seem always to be striving but never really arriving to where it is that we are trying to get…a more secure place financially. I needed to hear this today and so I will be releasing this longing and will continue to hope and trust in God and His plan!

  91. Haisley

    Today I give God my desire to have a daughter. I recognize my future is in His hands and He will fulfill His will for my life in His perfect timing. I must release control and trust in Him that loves me and knows the true desire of my heart.

  92. Gwendolyn Jones

    I need to leave at His feet my frustrations with current inability to walk after medical mishaps in the last year. I am currently in physical therapy and it is coming along, albeit slowly.

  93. Michelle

    Thank you so much for this reminder… I have two that I need to completely release. 1. My health.. I just had major back surgery and am still struggling with numbness in my legs and feet preventing me from fully walking. I am so much better than I used to be but I am impatient and need to trust in God’s timing for complete healing. 2. To move on without friends, who because I left my abusive husband, no longer speak to me because they feel that I should be home working on my marriage and that I didn’t take their counsel, I am working on it but until I feel safe we are living in separate homes. Thank you… Praising the Lord for His goodness.

  94. Sheila

    I’ll be leaving my expectations about my relationship with my husband to God … I desire and pray for more intimacy, yet need to leave it in His hands while I seek complete fulfillment in HIM!

  95. Tiffany

    I got teacher assignment for my 6 yr old and I had been praying for weeks to get a specific teacher and not a specific one I thought wouldn’t be a good fit. As my mom friends got their daughters (my daughters friends) assignments and it was the teacher I wanted I thought for sure she would too. The mail showed up and to my dismay she got the teacher I didn’t want, out of all the other teachers. I am giving it to God and trusting that as I prayed for the right teacher for her that he picked her teacher and the year will be awesome but also trusting God if it isn’t a great fit/year that she will grow from the experience as will I. It seems so small but to a mom we always want the best for our kids but we have to trust God that what we think is best isn’t always what he thinks is best and I Want what he thinks is best!

  96. Donita

    I’m leaving my desire for a different job or retirement I. his hands.

  97. Tina

    How convicting your morning devotion was for me today. I need more truth in my life. I must learn to “let go and let God”, praying, believing, trusting HIM. I want to reflect God’s attributes to my family and others but I so disappoint. Why? Unmet longings – absolutely! Where do my ideals come from, the expectations, the obsessions, certainly not God. I thank you for pointing me back to God and giving me motivation to pursue Godliness TODAY. TRUSTING THE PLANS OF MY LOVING GOD, THE CHOICE IS MINE.

  98. Anna

    today I am leaving at the feet of the savior my desire for my husband to love me. For the past 4 months he has been dealing with clinical depression and he cannot love me in return right now. I understand that mentally but emotionally hadn’t really given it up. I know in this season of life that I can have my soul fulfilled by the Lover of Souls. I can love my husband without expecting love in return. And I ask God today not to change my husband but to change me. Give me peace, love, kindness, self-control, patience, long-suffering and a joy that comes only from the Holy Spirit.

  99. Kristen

    It has been really hard for me to release to God my future husband. All I’ve ever wanted us to get married and be a mom, but I’m not anywhere close to that at this point in my life. I’m trying to trust God and have faith He will fulfill those desires for me.

  100. Carrie

    Recently I have had to let go and trust God to take care of my boys. God hates divorce. For 6 years it has eaten me up inside, stolen my joy and peace, and consumed my thoughts. My boys stayed with their dad against all our will. I realize now that God has a perfect plan and is the only one that loves them more than I do. He has perfect plans for all our lives. Trust.

  101. Marcella

    I want my friend to not get divorced. I want them to grow closer together and experience God’s grace and love. But I need to let go of this longing, give it to God and trust He’s got this.

  102. Gracia

    I am happy for those who are giving their unmet desires to Him as difficult as it is. I find it really difficult to keep hoping when those desires are unmet for years and years. Just as was stated in the devotional.Right now I am at a place where I am not even sure if HE cares about me as I have been in the same monotonous job for years and am still waiting on marriage. Maybe for some the concept of ” letting go and just trusting Him ” is easy for some, but for me it is not. I hope and hope, yet nothing changes. I give them over to HIM and then take them back within a matter of hours. I feel quite frustrated and very much discouraged. I want something to change but it hasn’t yet.

  103. Kellie

    My release is that my son will come home!! That he will desire more to be a man of God than a man of this world! I want to release my timing for God’s timing!

  104. Patti

    My greatest desire was to be a wife and mother…no other personal aspirations. I got depressed every year around my birthday because I knew I was one year closer to not being able to have children. The Lord brought me to a place of peace when I was 50 at not having children and having Him and Him alone as my husband. I just turned 60 and am at peace with my life know that He knows what is best and I don’t need to know the whys. By the way, He has blessed me with many spiritual children! And of course, He is the best blessing! and the best Husband I could ever have.

  105. Melanie Whitaker

    My unmet longing? Hmm, at 43, the list could get long of I focus on that instead of Jesus. He’s been so faithful even through my temper tantrums of kicking and screaming, wanting my way instead of His. I’d have to say the biggest unmet longing o have currently is the desire for my own children. I’ve always wanted my own and I love working with and teaching others’ children. The well-meaning statement of “look at all the spiritual children you have touched and ministered to,” doesn’t seem to comfort me quite as much as it used to and I want to release this desire so that if the Lord never gives me my own children, I’m able to fully trust that is His perfect will for me, knowing that if I needed children to fulfill His purpose for me, he’d give them.

  106. Melissa

    This week I’m leaving my oldest son in God’s hands. I can no longer be consumed with his decisions and direction in life. It’s been a hindrance in my spiritual life and my physical and emotional well being. I’m letting go. Well, learning to let go. A decicion I made to do this week. Big sigh…

  107. Donna Warner

    I’m longing to be united with the sibling group from the Philippines that my husband and I are adopting. We have been Skyping with the three since June, but were matched way back in February. They normally should have been here by now. There has been one delay after another thus requiring that my husband and I surrender the whole process over and over- (this is His project – not ours.) I mostly think of the longing of our children. They have been in the orphanage going on 4 and a half years now. They thought that paperwork would happen much faster than it has. It has now been well over a year since we sponsored them for a visit last summer and invited them to be a part of our family. It was hard to put them back on the plane, but we thought we’d have to wait no longer than 6 months to be re-united. Paperwork has been completed for a long time. So we wait… for God’s timing. I think my heart aches for our 2 girls and boy more than it does for myself. Last week they were told that their visa interview date was delayed another month. I pray for their hearts and lift them up. They have already had to wait so long. I commend them to Jesus. Jesus, I trust in you!

  108. Denise

    I would love to have a copy of the Best Yes because I want to put all my desires in the Lord and seek him in all matters. It is so easy to keep falling back and trying to take control of everything. Today I am letting go of that unmet longing for my desires for a mate. In his timing this will happen and not my own. Therefore I choose to just reach out. For I know he will take care of me. Thanks so much for this opportunity Lysa.

  109. Julie

    A home in the country, big enough for a horse.

  110. Lisa

    My greatest desire has been for my sister in law to heal and for my husband to find a job that he loves. We lost my sister in law to Suicide this year and my husband lost his job again. I have been close to God my whole life until recently. I have questioned all that has happened in my life and feel like he does not have a plan for me or my family. I read your article today and know all of it to be true. I still struggle with releasing my husband to God for God to take care of him. So today I’m going to release the thought that he doesn’t have a plan for me and trust that he will and is taking care of us.

  111. Tess G

    I lay at my Father’s feet the desire that my son become the man that God created him to be and that he would fulfill his God-given destiny.

  112. Kayla

    I have been a single mother of two girls for years and I’ve longed for a husband. One that loves God and will lead us spiritually and will help me raise my girls. I keep thinking they need a father-figure here, to see what marriage should look like, to know what to expect when the time comes for them to marry, and to see what devoted love truly looks like. It’s hard to do everything alone (especially attending weddings!). My heart’s desire is to have someone to walk through life with, to share things and time with, and to show love to my girls that don’t have that love from a man. I know God’s timing is perfect, but sometimes my heart aches even more watching all of those around me and knowing I may not ever have that, it may not be His plan for me. Either way, I’m giving it to Him. Even without a man in this household, I do have one that loves me, loves my girls, and shares life with me. I will be okay no matter what He has chosen for me. I owe my life to Jesus. My life is not mine, but His. And I trust Him.

  113. Jody R

    Thanks Lysa for this devotional today. I am releasing a deep longing that my family will come back to church with me. We spent the better part of two decades worshiping together but then our family was hurt by the church family and have not overcome that wound yet to return to church. I continually have to give this God and believe that in HIS timing my husband and 4 children will return. I appreciate your words to focus on Jesus first and not the unmet longing. I choose to say YES to God!

  114. Alishia

    My unmet longing is for my husband to see how his often harsh words and anger/bitterness push me away and make me feel unloved. We have 3 beautiful children and I love him and I promised for better or worse, but I’m simply tired of the same fights and lack of compassion from someone whom I know has taken my feelings to heart in the past, but who no longer seems to care who he hurts so long as his point it made. I feel lost and betrayed. I miss him and the man he used to be. I still don’t know what changed or where things went wrong. Please be in prayer with us and for us for a restored marriage. We’ve been married 14 years and have managed to make it through so much and I’d hate to see our downfall be stubbornness and pride. I am trusting God to work on my husband in a way that only He can. It’s become obvious to me that my words aren’t enough and may actually do damage because I’m lashing out of my own hurt and lack of understanding. We need the Lord’s guidance and I trust in Him to restore my marriage and our family and make us stronger than we’ve ever been.

  115. Lydia

    I have just gone through a difficult divorce. Despite all my prayers and reaching out for help. I did all that I possibly could but I am learning to trust God. I am releasing that broken marriage into the hands of my loving heavenly Father knowing that if He wanted our marriage to survive He would make that possible but His plans are not always our plans. I continue to pray that God will help me and our children. God knows my heart and He will meet all our needs. I appreciate this devotional. God bless you Lysa!

  116. TLC

    There are a couple things I need to give God control of that I keep picking back up (even though in my head, I KNOW I really have NO control).

  117. Kim

    I’m releasing my son and his choices to God who loves him more than me. Believing God for a good outcome.

  118. LNT

    Lysa – thank you for your encouragement each day. I hope to join a growth group at church this fall that will study “Made to Crave!” YAY!! In response to my unmet need I am giving to God this week: Well, this post comes at a time where I have struggled for three years trying to gain my husband’s love. I reached my point this weekend in which I know there is nothing more I can do but give it all to God, either way. My need for love is met by Him each day, I just never really accepted it. Not discouraged surrender, just letting go of trying to do it myself. It hurts, and I have to keep reminding myself “Jesus loves me, God pursues me” every other minute..

  119. Diana

    Reconciliation with my former Husband. It’s been five years and we would have celebrated our 30th anniversary in June. I am a controller and He has really been working on my heart, mind and soul. This last year I realized that I MUST trust Him 100% with my feelings and desire for total reconciliation with Terry and He has given me peace over it. I know He knows what’s best for me and whatever the outcome it will be what He knows is best. Will I be hurt if Terry marries someone else down the road? Yes, of course, but He will be with me, just as He has these five years, and if I keep my eyes on Him, then my fulfillment will be complete in Him.

  120. Traci

    My husband moved out of state for a job about 6 weeks ago. Our house has been on the market since January with no luck. We need our house to sell so our family can get back together. This has been a stressful situation. I get more depressed every time someone looks at the house and doesn’t buy it. I know God has this and I have given it to him but I believe it was a “discouraged surrender”. That’s where I am. I need to embrace that either way – it is God’s good and perfect plan.

  121. Barbie Bohler

    On July 29th, my boyfriend for 1(1/2) years broke up with me and I have been devastated ever since. He is such a great guy. Not only did Iose my boyfriend, my daughter and I lost our best friend. For what has been almost a week now, I have been begging him to rethink his decision and to pray about it. Everyday I get the same answer, “I have and I’m sorry. There just isn’t that connection.” Deep down inside it is so difficult because we hardly ever argued, we always had fun and he says nothing but good things about my daughter and I. It has been extremely difficult to let go and give to God because I really have been so depressed and want this relationship to work out. Being a single-mother in her mid-thirties, living in a college town seems almost impossible to meet anyone without them already being married or extremely young. Starting all over seems so difficult. Beginning today, I am leaving this unmet longing to God and giving it to him!

  122. Debbie Rousey

    I have found it hard to remain joyous because of my circumstances..sometimes I feel unstable like it talks abt in James so today I will be releasing my two daughters into the loving arms of my Father..They are in the throes of addiction and one is on the streets and hasn’t been heard from lately…BUT GOD IS ABLE…..

  123. Kim

    The gentle reminder I needed this morning.

  124. Veronica

    The Lord has put some things in my heart concerning the call on my life. Sometimes I long to be right in the midst of it. But knowing who God is I know His timing is perfect and He’s more concerned about my heart and the path I’m taking to get there. Thank you for the reminder of how not to long for the desire but to long for the one who put the desire there.

  125. Jamie springer

    I am releasing the problems of my grown daughter (who &my granddaughter live with me) to take more responsibility. It is a problem that consumes our lives everyday. She has met with hard times as we all have. Her financially & her car breaking down. Not saying she is lazy, she works two jobs. Putting your NEEDS in front of your WANTS. that is a hard lesson to learn. When you feel like all you do is work, yes you would like to buy you nice are pretty things. Getting her to see that. But my problem in the past is I give it over to God, but I take it back & try to fix it. I can look back and see where alot of this is my fault. When i went through a divorce with her dad, at times it was easier for just to do things, just to get it done. Its just hard all the way around.
    Lisa THANK YOU for all that you do at Proverbs 31, you just don’t know the times I’ve reread some of your devotionals with tears running down my face, because I am so tired of the worry & struggle are just feel so lost. Your incouraging words have lifted me up many, many times.

  126. stacy

    Great reminder today. Thank you. I have applied for a job that seems so “perfect” on paper. The schedule seems just right for my family. I have wanted this type of schedule since my children started school. When the position became available I applied and waited. And waited. I haven’t heard anything. I have prayed for God’s will. I have prayed that God would “please let me have the job”. And still nothing. I have released my worries to Him only to pick them up again two days later. Today, I am going to truly give it to God. I am praying for peace in my heart and a renewing of my mind in regards to the job that is right for me.

    • Pat

      Maybe He has something better lined up for you! Trust Him…praying for you

    • tina kirby

      I am going to give it to God if it is meant for me to learn piano. I am 47 yrs. old and want to still learn. unmet desire. it will be in God’s hands. also, I am placing my unmet desire in my husband getting help for his alcohol addiction. I cannot do it for him and I know God will take over!!!!!! my husband in good hands!!

  127. Millie

    Thank you Lysa for this. I’m placing my unmet longing of getting my own house in Gods’ hands.

  128. Julie Shrauger

    My sister and I were just discussing this last night, so this article was very timely. Thank you for the insight! I will be releasing my desire of traveling to the Lord.

  129. Felicia Belkholm

    My unmet desire is to be healed from grief. I don’t even know what that exactly means. I lost my husband unexpectedly 2 years ago. My heart needs to heal because this was not in MY PLAN. I thought we would grow old together. He had just turned 40. It’s not easy to see that GOD has bigger plans for me and that He knows what is best for me. I’ve never been angry at GOD for what happened because unfortunately death is a part of life. I keep telling myself that He is for me all the days of my life and He alone will fill that hole in my heart. I need to release this to Him knowing that His promises are true and never changing. Praise God!

  130. Courtney laing

    I am placing my unmet longing of having a healthy child and “normal pregnancy” in God’s hands. We are expecting a baby girl with Down syndrome and there are many risks involved in our pregnancy. I am constantly worried but need to leave it all up to God!

  131. Becca

    What an awesome reminder! I get so wrapped up in the wanting and achieving that I forget that His timing is perfect, as is His plan for my life… I am placing my unmet longing for a child in the Lord’s hands today.. Thank you Lisa

  132. Destinee

    I have struggled with contentment for a long time. There seems to always be something that I thought if I had, I would have the “perfect life”. It’s so easy for me to be angry with God for not giving me what I want, but I know that when he says “no”, it means he is protecting me from something else. I pray every day for God to make me content with my life and trust his plan, but it really is very hard to do when it seems there is one thing after another in our financial situation. When we seem to get ahead, an appliance breaks, or the car breaks. I started a photography business a year and a half ago and because of start up costs, I have yet to make a profit from it, but I work about 60 hours a week doing it. I have been looking for a part time job with consistent weekly hours so that I am still able to run my business. I have been waiting to hear back from the one job that I think would be PERFECT for my business schedule. It’s been weeks and it is so hard for me to trust that everything will be okay. So this week, I am going to give up worrying about it and just pray that God shows me how to be content with my circumstances and gives me opportunities to be content. I would love to win this book so that it would help me. Thank you for this devotional!

  133. Gail Dorroh

    I need to let go of my financial worries. God is and always has met every need and I need to trust fully the He will continue to do so.

  134. Vicki Witcher

    Thank you Lisa for this post. Giving up my longing to return to Tennessee, to wait on God and seek His contentment and guidance.

  135. Glenda

    I have been seeking God’s plan for my life and struggle to be confident in His leading and to act in obedience to it. Right now I am trying to trust that he has a perfect job and place for me to minister. I am struggling not to try to have a “plan b” but to trust his perfect plan and say “Yes” to it.

  136. Aubrie

    Lysa, thank you for reminding me today that God loves me and is working my heartaches and disappointments for my good and His glory! Today, I lift up my husband’s heart to the Lord. I pray that God will give me rest and strength in Him as I trust Him to work in my husband’s heart and life.

  137. Janice Bittner

    When my now ex-husband was 14, he was sitting next to his father when his father had a heart attack and died. He has never ever dealt with his grief. We had been married only 5 years when I had a near fatal illness. Although I didn’t die, it sent my ex into a tailspin, and he ended up having an affair, then filed for divorce. I didn’t want the divorce. I believed we could work through what happened. It has been 6 years since this happened, and although my ex keeps saying that he wants to be a part of my life, so far, nothing has changed. I keep telling myself that I’ll be fine no matter what God decides, but there are days when I don’t think I am being truthful. So, once again, I am going to give up, give to God, my desire to have my marriage restored. He was and is a good man, but I know I need to want what God wants for me, even if that means I “go it alone” for the rest of my life.

  138. Crystal Castillo

    This week I will be leaving the desire to be with a man that I truly, honestly, and hopefully prayed I could date and God willing eventually marry. It seems like he’s already dating someone else, and knowing I didn’t get my way hurts to my core, but I trust God even when I don’t understand why things are unfolding differently than I expected. I’m trying my best to seek his will for my life and doing exactly as he asks of me.

  139. Baylie

    Lord, I will give you my husbands employment search.. I trust that you have a plan for our lives and I know you will take care of us! I pray that you would put him in a place where he can be a light to others and minister to those in need of your love! I trust that you will provide him with a job and that you will provide for us! Thank you for your many blessings! In your heavenly an gracious name I pray, amen!

  140. Tonya

    I absolutely love your post today. I have shared it to my facebook page in hopes that the ones who truly need to see it, will come across it today or in the days to come. I know for me and my family, we have been struggling financially and with our jobs. Through your post, (and I shared it to my husband’s page) I see that we need to wait on God. It’s his doing, not ours and we have to stop being upset when things don’t go the way we think they should. So many times our emotions are triggered by if we get what we want or not and we need to work on that. Again, thank you for the post and I would love to read your book. Thank you!

  141. Gail

    God is working on proving to me that his plan is perfect and that the only way I’ll find joy is to release my “perfect” life plan to him. I needed these words today. Thank you.

  142. Ivette

    I’m letting go my job and being a stay at home mom. I was a stay at home mom and needed to head to the work force. With my 3rd child entering daycare my heart crushed. Then I found out I was pregnant with my 4th child. My heart was so stretched to leave him in care after 6 weeks. I’m currently working but seem sobitter and not a job that I like. God did open the door to provide an income, but I have so much stress being there and coming home to care for my kids. I would love to go back home. I just feel so stretched in every direction that I perform so poorly. I’m really tired. Did I say yes to the work field because I was in need. Confused!

  143. melody camas

    thank you for your words and the words of God. I think I need my children to come back to the united states after moving overseas and I want them to come back to Jesus, because they walked away. I miss them so much. I weep every day about it, but after reading this, I am surrendering them to God. and trusting God to direct their path and I turn them over to God and I will let God have his way because I know Gods way, not mine, is the best way matter what. Thank you, In Christ Melody

  144. April Kelly

    I’m placing my unmet desire of my husband getting a better job, over to God. I know I can’t do it for him and with God in control of the situation it will turn out great.

  145. Denys

    Lysa, thank you for your post today, how timely it is for me. We have struggled with a house sale for the last three years. Each time finding a house and prospective buyers only to have the negotiations collapse in the 11th hour. Our family is weary of the process and even though we feel God must have another plan for us, it’s difficult, especially for the kids to work through the disappointment. Your post reminds us we don’t get what we want, when we want it, even though we pray for it and work for it, God is in charge and has the right house and lesson for us in all of this. Trust in Him and His plan, not ours.
    Thank you.

  146. Melanie Philips

    I think that not knowing if you will have enough financial means to do what you want to/need to do in the future is so hard. Giving up that fear that you are secure and trusting that God will provide.

  147. teresa

    okay so here it goes, my longing…the one that my husband placed in my heart over seven years ago to move from California to the hill country of TX after we moved from our forever home eight doors up to move into a space with my mother-in-law after her husband died. She use to be my best friend now I cant get her to eat or spend time with our family. so we live separately in one house. we’ve been here for a decade and ive grown my girls up here with the silence and walls. They’ve listened to her want to die and go “home” where she’ll be happy, but now those words have planted seeds and my one who questioned her grandma’s words the most has now herself tried to take her life. In the time wasted of not moving to a small plot of land where we could live much richer with less financial stress another one of my girls was in a cheer accident losing her long and short term memory. And still my baby who’s twelve is growing up in an environment of confusion and lack of morals. Only heaven is perfect, and yes we live life as a mission field, but is it worth the sacrifice and character of my family? so this longing i pray over daily and release to God knowing that its truly His will I want to live, I’m holding tight to the hem of His garment…my only hope.

  148. Deb

    The unmet goal I have and need to release concerns my 89 year old mother. She fell and broke her hip recently and, well, that says it all. I so want her to bounce back to her usual self, but she tells me “I’m ready to go whenever the Lord is ready for me. And when I go, I want you to be happy for me!” Wow! She and I want two completely different things! I will release this to God and know the outcome we receive is His will, for our good and for His praise and glory. Thank you for this message today. It’s exactly what I needed!

  149. Tammy Beyer

    my marriage.

  150. Mary Wright

    The teaching job I wanted that would help with finances. I keep telling myself that if it is God’s will I will get a job this year and that this is finally the right time for me, but it is hard to keep believing that when you get the let down of being passed over again.

  151. Denise

    After much turmoil over taking a job too far from home and my kids I have finally accepted a position close to home that will allow me to be home more with my kids. However this new position comes with less money and benefits and I have been in turmoil over whether this was the right move for me and my family – I finally have released it to God and am taking the leap of faith that He will see us through this and show us the importance of allowing Him to lead the life we live and the decisions we make. It is very hard to not feel in control – but I have made the decision to let God be in control. My kids will not remember how much I made but how often I am with them. Praise be to Him!

  152. Kate

    I am releasing the longing that my fiancee, who left me a week before we were to be married, will return and all will be right.

  153. Stacie

    This is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today! I am working on releasing my work and relationships to God’s plan. It’s a work in progress but I know that it will be worth it.

  154. Jalessia M.

    Thank you so much for sharing this. This is on time for me. I’m struggling with this very thing right now. I have a few unmet desires that I think about every single day, having a family, owning my own home, establishing financial stability. All things that I KNOW that if I tried to do on my own, it will not work out. I was just thinking about this this morning as I was dropping my daughter off at daycare and it brought me to tears. I get so frustrated with myself for now being able to “get it right” and also not being able to trust God completely. I want God’s will for my life, I just don’t know how to relinquish what little control I thought I had over my life.

  155. Ana

    Hello. Great message and perfect timing! Thank you.
    My unmet longing that I struggle to put in God’s hands is meeting my husband/being married. I have been divorced for many years, single mom of 1. I have desired to be married again and perhaps expand my family with more kids. As the years have gone by and I’ve gotten older (39 tomorrow), the reality of more children seems less and less likely. I decided to remain pure, but it is hard to date when people are so worldly, so I have not dated much in the past few years. It is hard and gets lonely.
    I recently thought I had it under control (the desire over coming me) until this past weekend when I had a girls out of town weekend and all my friends there are married or have significant others, all 9 did except me. At one point, all my friends took turns calling their men and putting them on speaker and we were being silly. Going around the table when it came to me, I just joked saying I could call my son or a friend, but we moved on to the next person. It made me sad inside and since then, I keep wondering why out of all us girls, I am the one that is alone. But right now, I am praying for God to give me the strength to turn it over to him and each time I think about it, to pray I can overcome the feeling the loneliness and defeat. There’s a reason I am single… I have to trust God has an amazing plan for me that I could never do on my own. Thank you again Lysa!

  156. Joy

    Needed this today — thank you! I release our (my husband’s and my) unmet longing for what seems like the perfect property for realising our God-given dream of having a clinical counselling centre for all, and safe place of retreat for those in ministry to ‘come apart and rest awhile’ … just a little out of our reach, but well within His. It’s all Yours, Lord. There, or elsewhere. And if not there, or not yet, please help us accept this as Your protection of us, and to be content in the waiting.

  157. Liz

    I long for a job like my last job. I was laid off from my last job and I was unemployed for 10 months. I was so faithful and prayerful during that time, knowing that God would take care of us. He provided a job for me, but it is so different from my last job. I have been wrestling with God over it. Why, when I was so faithful, did He not give me the job I wanted? I will trust Him, knowing that this must be where he needs me to be right now. His ways are higher than our ways.

  158. Susan

    Over this past month and a half, I have been yearning to teach at a new Christian, classical school opening up in my neck of the woods! So exciting! Well I felt like the interview was ok, but not my best responses to questions they asked . . .So I waited and waited to hear back . . . and waited. I called and had to wait longer because she was still in the process of interviewing. By this time I was actually considering being a paraprofessional rather than a full-time teacher. Renee, the headmaster was very open to that, and asked me to ‘give her time.’ (She has been crazy busy, with school starting on September 10th). Well, I was supposed to hear from her by the end of last week, and didn’t, so I called her – no call back. By this point I had given up on the whole thing, resigning myself to having to look for a different job completely – not something I wanted to do! I gave up to the Lord. This morning I gave her one last call, just in case, and she told me that she is still very interested in having me work as a para and teach in the afternoons first and second grades, plus wherever else I’m needed, Renee said that I have a lot to offer!! She still wants me! So, I am exciting and praising and thanking God for his answer in His time. Thanks! ~Susan~

  159. Amanda

    I am releasing the man I have believed God spoke to me as my husband. (sigh)

  160. elizabeth

    I am giving up my expectations of what I think my marriage “should” look like.

  161. Gay Boston

    “… we’ll see that family member turn their life around.” I keep trying to release her to Him, then snatch her back (figuratively) when He doesn’t “fix” her quickly enough to suit me. Lord, I know she’s yours. Help me to release her to Your care.

  162. Michelle Magee

    I’m having to trust God’s plan for my kids getting accepted in a charter school that seems perfect for them. School starts in a little over two weeks and I still don’t have an answer. I truly want God’s will but my kids want it so much. Praying I know something soon.

  163. Andrea

    I’m giving God my desire to get a job with a better schedule for raising my children. Hard to be a working mom and especially so during school vacations when the kids are home but I know God knows best.

  164. Tracey

    Ahhh taking in this devotion to my heart&soul ! My husband and I wanted a 3rd child. Many things and reasons pointed to a NO answer. Ok I had a heart to adopt but finances and even my husband said NO. Very sad about answers God has revealed. However I am still praying for Him to soften my hubby’s heart. BUT in meantime I will deliver this unmet longing to my God who I trust. Please Lord take this one-I know You got it covered.

  165. Lisa

    Our home schooling. I have a teaching degree and taught at a private school for 3 yrs but this is so much harder. Giving it to God every hour! 🙂

  166. Denise

    I recently made a decision to end a marriage to a man that I do love, but am not happy and fulfilled with as a person. More than anything I would want to live the rest of my days with my husband, but there are too many obstacles in our way that requires a great deal of change on his part that I do not see happening any time soon. This is not to say that I am perfect by any means; however, I am also not the horrible person he makes me feel I am when I am with him. As hard as this is, I know I need to trust in God’s plan for me and that he will guide me on a path meant for me.

  167. Darlene Benally

    I had no idea that is what you have gone thorugh. The part where you wrote about the man you were supposed to marry. That really hit me. Wow. You just encouarged me today. Actually it was a splash of cold water in my face. I’m not alone. Thank you for sharing.

  168. Kim Lewerenz

    My husband is about to take is oral examine (in about 20 minutes) to see if he graduates on Saturday. He is changing careers, went back to school 4 years ago…and now we wait. This journey has brought us through lots of winding roads. I’ve seen when my husband had a certain plan, and it didn’t happen the way he wanted it to….but then you see why. We were so glad it didn’t turn out that way. So this is just one more bump that God will get us through. He has the plan and it’s for good. Waiting – not knowing the outcome….that’s the hard part.

  169. Teresa Barbe

    Have been hoping for a marriage based on God’s plan for the past 39 years. That my husband would become the leader of our home in all ways: physically, emotionally and spiritually. It has been hard to let go and let God. I give up and then I hope again. I feel like a yoyo. Faith vs unbelief.

  170. Amy

    The relationship that my daughter is in.

  171. Sherry Hall

    I want to let go of seeking relief on my own from a difficult relationship with a coworker. I want to rely on Him to work it out and give me peace in this stressful situation.

  172. Rachel

    Acceptance from others. Letting others views of me fuel my life or desires. I don’t want to be seen as weak or subpar because then, what would my worth be.
    In reality HIS love is all that matters and I mean the world to HIM.

  173. Sallie

    Wow, every piece of readable material God is placing in front of me today is about trusting the plan which God has for me. Gosh, think He is trying to tell me something? But, finding it so hard to do – not finding opportunities for promotions/new job when so many others are getting promotions into positions which have not even been posted; not having a pay raise in 8 yrs because I work in a gov’t agency and so lots of cutting going on; hard to find new job as we live in a small community and very limited opportunities are available here; hubby who is so patient and calm (has never raised his voice in the 20+ yrs I’ve known him) yet sometimes it would be nice if he would step forward and take the reins. I know there are so many others who are far worse off than I so, keep working to stay focused on the things I’m thankful for – I have a job; a paid for house; money in the bank; an automobile to drive to work; mostly good health; etc. etc. etc. Thanks for the word of encouragement today.

  174. Dana

    I have been waiting for 2+years for God to bring us to a more stable financial situation . I’ve accepted the fact God is in control but everyday is a struggle. I’m praying for the ability to fully surrender this to Him.

  175. Jenn K

    I am struggling in many aspects of my life. Mostly I am trying to let go of issues in my marriage and be content with my husband being a good provider & friend but lacking in many other areas. When we were engaged, we had plans for our life but I feel like he did a “bait and switch” on me as this life was not at all in those plans. I know that I am right where God wants me to be, but I long for a different life and for my husband to be more affectionate. This article hit home for me today.

  176. Tammy

    Right now, I’m going to let go my concept of a happy marriage – not getting divorced, but God will be enough to sustain me. Praying that God will give me strength to get through these tough times. Praying that I will not let allow Satan to let my thoughts run to the negativeness of my situation.

  177. Suzanne

    I am leaving two specific things in His care… the land we are about to sell and what life looks like now with my husband’s health issues.
    Jesus, I trust in You.. I believe only, Lord help me with my unbelief.

  178. Frances

    I’m hoping to be a wife again. To have a closer family with my long distance relationship and with my step daughter. We grow closer even though there is distance between us. I surrender my desire to be with each other in the same place. Lord God, your will be done. I journey on, Yes!!!

  179. Nancy

    For my daughter to turn back to God and realize He has more blessings for her than she can imagine.

  180. Marcia

    I am placing my unmet desire of that job I was so confident would take care of all my financial problems.

  181. Tristina

    I had to let a few things go recently. Like you Lysa I also was frustrated that I ended up on the wait list for a preschool program for my daughter. It was really my fault for dragging my feet and for not being an adult and communicating with the preschool teacher with my concerns from the year prior. I also have been worrying about a job change. I have contemplated quitting my job because I am so unfulfilled and I feel like I am taking valuable time away from my children with a job I don’t enjoy. I have to give it to God daily when I start to get anxious with these thoughts. This blog is perfect timing for me.

  182. Dee Pate

    I would love a copy to read I am trying to lay all at his feet and have faith that he will give me the best for my life, not what I want always or think I want.

  183. Jo Ann Walton

    I am dealing with that right now. I have to learn to be calm and wait for an answer.

  184. meg

    we have been on the long international adoption road for nearly 5 years. it wasn’t supposed to be THIS long. “12-18” months, they said. we had 3 boys when we started this process (now 4!) and my heart is longing for a little girl. but we were recently presented with an opportunity to adopt a baby boy from the same country. my heart grieved for that unmet desire, as the completion of this adoption will complete our family (at least that’s OUR plan). but the best yes is saying yes to what God wants and trusting Him with those unfulfilled longings of my heart. He can handle them. if only I could be this certain on the daily choices of the best yes. this book is one I need to read.

  185. Frankie

    One of the hardest things for me to give up is my kids. My son 22,and a US Marine-I struggle daily with his safety, not being in contact with him. It seems like I have said a thousand times…Lord he was yours before mine, keep him safe, I am giving him to you…yet 2-3days down the road I am back to being worried. Same goes for my Dght 24, bi polar, 4 states away from me, worry.
    Why do we do this to our selves? I trust the Lord, believe he has their hearts in his hands..

  186. Jill

    That my husband would completely give up alcohol and realize he has a problem….

  187. Crystal

    Thank you sooo much for this! I can very much relate to this, especially in this moment. I have just graduated college and in my mind I had this perfect plan of getting a job by a certain time and everything would be great. Well Gods plan is different. I have not yet found a job and I was getting worried but I know Gods plan is better. God knows the perfect job for me and he will give it to me in the perfect timing. I love what you wrote “I can either be consumed with my unmet longing or trust the plans of our living God” I am trusting Gods will for my life he is in control!

  188. Roberta

    I love Lysa’s refreshingly simple honesty. I am placing my longing to live closer to my grandbaby in God’s hands. I became a widow 3 yrs ago. My ailing mother lives in a home close by which allows me to spend time with her everyday. My 4 month old grandbaby lives in another state. I’m watching her grow on video which I am very grateful to be getting. I pray for His will.

  189. Leslie K

    I always gain so much insight from your posts, but this one is very timely, thought-provoking, and as always, so inspirational! Thank you for all you do! God bless!

  190. Stefanie Cook

    Wow how powerful! I am going to release the desire that one day we will be homeowners and that my husband’s grandmother will no longer be living with us.

  191. Sally

    I desire only God’s best for my life. So often, I live my life in my own strength not His. But by faith, I believe God is working and changing me.

  192. Beth Page

    Loved this post! I am placing my unmet longing of where I would live and what my life would look like at this stage in the Lord’s hands and trusting He has me right where He wants me!

  193. Miranda White

    I have give a lot to God but some how I take it back this has been a year and a half that seems like I am living in a nightmare. I know God can take care of them all I live in a lot of pain A year a go a day before my birthday my mom unexpectedly passed away I was in shock.My house was foreclosed on My sister want talk to me because I found out her husband stole my moms insurance policy my dad left her 9 years ago.I told them I forgive them but I have no respect for my brother- in-law. He said she could not talk to me until I respected him I will love and pray for him beacsue he is so mean I just can’t be around him until he earns my respect,I live in my moms house so it is so hard to forget the day she died. My husband dose not understand me I have a chemical in balance that is hereditary. I can’t help it when I feel bad and he just hurts me and makes it worse.Please pray for me.

    • Eva

      Dear Miranda, I’m sorry for the sudden death of your mother. That alone can make someone so sad. As believers in Christ, we can be assured that your mother is with our Lord Jesus Christ. I read what your feeling about your brother-in-law. I see that you’ve been hurt. These are just feelings, as those we can change. You want God to change the heart of your brother-in-law, but it’s not your brother-in-law that hurts people, it’s spirits that use him to hurt people. You must see that the Devil uses bad spirits to manipulate people around us. Love the person, hate the Devil. Focus on loving your sister, and release the unforgiveness. Other wise the Devil wins, and disrupts your life. You will harbor ill will towards your sister and her husband, and that’s exactly what the Devil wants. We must have a heart of forgiveness, the Holy Spirit dwells inside of us as born again Christians, and he will help you learn to forgive if you ask him too. I pray you receive this in the spirit it’s been sent. God Bless you sister in Christ.

  194. Lisa J

    I’m giving my worries over my son’s life right now to God. I know he has a plan for him that is much enter than I can ever imagine.

  195. Christina Rinaldi

    I am giving my unmet longing for my husband to want to work our marriage out.

  196. Niki

    My prayer is my grandson finds what he needs, make wise choices, and be considerate of others.

  197. Pat

    I am giving up to God my desire to stay @ home. Since my children were small, I’ve always wanted to be a full-time “keeper at home.” This has never happened. I have prayed for years for God to make a way, but I have always tried to “help” Him do that. As a result, I have suffered depression, not been the wife or mother I should be, & have only made our financial situation worse. I am the primary bread-winner, and have hurt my husband countless times by accusing him, in one way or another, of not doing enough. I think he has given up. Our marriage is strained at best, and we both need to be much closer to God. I have always felt that God wants more from me- from us as a couple, but I work so much that I cannot see a way out or way to offer a better service to God. I almost feel like it’s a lost cause now, as my daughters are both grown, and my sons are in high school. I have been bitter, and have pretty much given up on God helping us.
    However, I know He is a God of second chances (and third, fourth, fifth…). I now choose, with His help and by His grace, to stop giving up on Him and give up to Him- whether He “fixes” our situation as I have always envisioned or not. While I have let Him down, I know that He is faithful. I pray that He will strengthen me and help me to live for Him through & in spite of our circumstances.
    Thank you, Lysa, for your encouraging words.

  198. Cathy

    I open my hands and release my 21 year old son to the Father trusting His love is greater for my son than even mine, trusting that He is at work in my son’s life as he is in college and questioning his faith.

  199. Linda Christison

    I release the 350 acres, 100 acres and the land we rent that I have so desperately wanted to the Lord. Wherever you put me and my family I know I will be happy and it will be the best. I release it to you today Lord.

  200. Cindy M

    Your message is very timely. So many times during the day when I find myself focusing on my needs and wants, I have to remember to say – ‘You know best, God, I don’t. Your ways are better than mine.”
    Thank you for this!

  201. Pattie Plaster

    This was sent to me by my precious daughter. It speaks to almost all I am dealing with right now. Not specifically but generally. Letting go and letting God is becoming very hard for me. I think because I am in the last stages of life here and I want desperately for my children and grandchildren to know God and be ready for what is to come. I feel pressured and guilty because I know God is in control. You are so young but so wise. Thank you for your work and encouragement. I hope to get to know you better to see if you ever speck to the older women and their situations. I could have been you when I was young but women speaking out in any area of life was not popular back then. Praise God for women like you today. Thank you.

  202. Maya

    I release my desire to move, to change locations, but most importantly I release my fear and believe fully in the forgiveness of God’s loving Servant.

  203. Laura

    My unmet longing for my husband to become the breadwinner instead of me so I can be home with our children.

  204. Karla

    Companionship…such as in a relationship. Most days im ok since my divorce but i still have days. I know i need to bring it to the Lord. He’s my one true companion and will never leave me.

  205. Randi

    My husband has worked overnights for all 15 years of our marriage. My greatest desire is for him to quit working for someone else and begin his own company. While it seems we’re so close, things keep cropping up preventing us from being able to take this leap. I’m giving it to God. In His time, if He so desires it for us.

  206. Sal

    Instead of having one issue to give to God, I have many. Marriage, health, finances, dreams. Thank you for opening my eyes to the fact that God is greater than all my problems combined and there is nothing better to do than to give them all to Him. I know it won’t be easy but there is no better time than right now to be truthful and say I can no longer carry all of these things on my shoulders.

  207. Dreama Luber

    I will release the dream of my adult children getting married . my daughter is 26 and my son 23 and they do not even have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend. All there friends are married . And most of my friends are grandmothers. I am trusting God in this. Letting go.

  208. Monica

    This week I am working on releasing my finances. I feel like I’ll never be successful enough to have a job that will allow me to pay all my bills with out being in a pinch.

  209. Anna

    Thank you for this reminder that God is the only one who can fill the void and that my longing should be for Him! Today, I am releasing my unmet longing to have more – more money, more stuff, more anything. I am learning to be content in Him.

  210. Teresa

    Today (with tears) I release my continuous longing for my health to change back to before I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. It has changed ALL my plans and longings. Thank you Jesus for being with me through it all. I do trust You.

  211. Nicolette Choi

    With tears in my eyes I am releasing the pain of my body issues to Him and the worry of our finances. I so desperately want to want Him more than I want these things!

    • tubailey

      We are in the same place, My dear Sister. I’m waiting for physical, marital restoration and financial healing in my family, too.

      You’re in good company

  212. Georgea Green

    I need to leave my daughter @ the feet of Jesus and trust Him to take care .

  213. Shannon linde

    I am need to release my desire to have children as it is no possible for us. Y
    This has been very hard for me.

  214. Cindy

    I am trying to give over to God my desire to move, along with my husband and kids, closer to my family and back to a place that I feel has more to offer for all of us. This is a daily struggle for me as I feel lonely and out of place in my husbands hometown where we have been since we were married.

  215. Alyssa

    My husband and I have been married five years and recently discovered we will not be able to have children of our own. The journey has been difficult to say the least, but even though it’s not the path we would have chosen, we’re choosing to trust the One who has chosen it for us. I want to release this desperate longing for children to Him. It’s certainly not easy, but it can be good. Because He is good.

  216. Stephanie

    Right now, I’m very much struggling with my singledness but trusting God to fulfill that desire as He sees fit.

  217. Beth

    I have always longed to be a wife and mother. I trust God for His timing and His perfect plan for me. I am giving that unmet desire to Him today and trusting Him for His best for me.

  218. Elizabeth

    Thank you so much Lysa, for this entry. This week I’m giving God my desire and want for a husband. His word states He is my Husband. I’m also surrendering my health and finances to Him… And all unsaved family and friends to Him, they’re Yours God. I love You and praise Your holy name. amen

  219. Brittany

    I so needed this today. Thank you so much for posting, Lysa. Seeing all these kiddos and teachers head back to school has been an absolute battle for me. For the first time in four years I won’t be getting a new classroom of sweet babies to love and teach for the year. I lost my teaching job in May and my heart has been broken since. I had interviews, but didn’t get the job. I know GOD has put me where HE wants me to be for the time being, but I’ve really been struggling with letting go. I’m back in my home school district doing Adult Ed and subbing. I’ve been praying for contentment with this blessing from GOD, because I know there are other teachers, my friends, who didn’t get any form of teaching position back. The LORD has also laid upon my heart for me to pursue one of my all-time biggest dreams, and that’s to become a Children’s Christian Counselor and Play Therapist. I start my classes in October. I know there’s a reason for me losing my job, being placed back at home in this new postion, but the devil is fighting me with letting go. If you could send up a prayer for me that I will find contentment and peace where I’m at now, because I know that the LORD will knock my socks off with a blessing of my hearts desire when the time is right! Also, thank you for your ministry and all that you live for! You’ve been a great inspiration for me!

  220. Melissa Cosgrove

    The timeliness of your email is like a knock on my heart. Lord I know I have many things I need to release to you. I need to start with my doubting mind. And return to your loving arms. Carry me through Lord this place I have arrived at. I am tired.

  221. CC

    I have so many unmet longings that I don’t know where to start. I guess the biggest one is that I’ve been struggling with deep anxiety this year-I overextend myself and want to please everyone, and wind up bitter, anxious, and envious of those around me who seem to have things so easy. I want to listen more to my needs, stop saying yes to everyone, and release some of this pent-up anxiety.

  222. sarah

    I recently had our first child. My desire is to be able to stay home with her. It just isn’t possible right now. Right now I am working. I release my desire to stay home with our daughter. Gods timing and plan are so much better than mine. I trust his plan, even if it’s not my plan. He knows best!

  223. Nicole

    I am releasing my unmet desire for healing and a better job. I am so tired of feeling bad everyday. I just want the joy of Christ in my life.

  224. Heidi

    I want to start a Youth Club ~ I have prayed about it and I know this is the way GOD is leading me…I just keep hitting walls. I really thought I would find a way to make things work smoothly but I either hit closed doors or get no response. I am praying earnestly, asking GOD to show me how this is going to work, asking him to open someone’s heart to sponsor our group. I am trying to trust that GOD has a plan, I know he does! I just need to hand it over to him, keep praying and find the patience to know that in GOD’s time, everything will work out for his glory.

  225. Elissa

    My teenaged children have gone to live with their manipulative father who is poisoning them against me. God I give them to you today, please guide them, protect them and love them. Shine your light of truth on them.

  226. Chloe

    I am in love with a man that I believe is my one. I feel it with every inch of my heart. But he is not in a place where he can commit to me and might not ever be. It is tearing my heart apart, daily. I throw myself on the alter of the Father asking for forgiveness for not trusting that His plan for me is the best plan. I ask for a quantity of grace that will help me to trust God and not rely on my own perceptions and deductions of this situation.

  227. Ashley Townsend

    I am releasing the stress of finances. I know that God will take care of me and my family.

  228. Samantha Dobbins

    I am hoping for a job in our school district. I’ve taken the classes to be qualified, and have put in countless applications. I even had an interview, but they chose someone else. As the school year quickly approaches, I am still jobless and struggling to keep the faith. I know that God already knows the answer & my future, but with each passing day without a phone call for an interview and a job…I find myself worrying. I want this job for myself, and my family. Not really for financial reasons, but more for happiness in a career. God knows the desires of my heart, and His Word rings true through my heart every time I begin to worry.

  229. Amy

    I’m giving up my longing for my husband to get professional help & stop mistreating me. I give up. I’m completely broken, & I give up.

  230. Anna

    I am also releasing my unmet want for a job. I know it will come in His perfect timing!

  231. Beth

    Definitely needed This today, I know God has my family plans for our home
    In his hands even though this week it seems so far away

  232. Angela

    Giving Him my (so far) unmet need to get our finances in order enough to build a house. Living in an old home with no insulation and not so great windows makes for over $400 in electricity but still no cooler than 80 degrees in the Texas heat. Thanking Him for what we do have and for lining up His plans.

  233. Brittany

    How timely your post is for me today. I have been on the job search all summer desperately needing the insurance and income increase of a New job. With every rejection letter it has become easier to become discouraged. Thank you for this reminder to place it in God’s hands.

  234. Stacey Massey

    Great article that speaks to my heart right now as I learn to put my faith in God that I’m where I’m supposed to be, job-wise…

  235. Tricia

    I am 20, going on 21.

    I am a full-time college student, part-time babysitter, and in charge of the Senior High Youth Group at the church I attend.

    If there is one thing I desire, it is a relationship. I have never had a boyfriend; in fact, I have never been on a date.

    Until just recently, I had been pretty content with that, knowing God was in control.

    As I am approaching 21, however, I am feeling as if will never happen.

    But, through the First 5 app last night/this morning, and this post now, I have spent the last two days in prayer, surrendering this desire to God, knowing that He is in control and His plans are good.

    I have just recently stumbled upon your work, and it has been a blessing.
    Thank you!!

  236. Hannah

    Wow this is unbelievably true, I struggle with contentment and my main focus this summer was to seek God and let go of everything else, let HIM bring me joy and peace. I’m letting go of the longing for a relationship and companionship because I’m trusting our Loving God!

  237. Kristin

    My health! Thank you for these words and reminders.

  238. Melisa

    Thank you for this! I am feeling exactly these feelings that you have described in your post. I graduated college last year in order to make a better life for my family. To Take some of the financial burden off my husband. I have yet to even come close to finding a job and I have gotten very discouraged. I have prayed about it and In Jesus name I will release this desire! He will provide for my family in His way and in His time!

  239. Jaime

    I am 36, single, and childless. All I have ever wanted and begged God for is a husband and children of my own. My arms ache from the emptiness and can’t even begin to understand why I can miss and long for something I’ve never had. I also don’t understand why I have always had such a strong desire for this if it isn’t part of God’s plan for my life. It’s so hard to not get discouraged as each day passes and watching friends and family walk down the wedding isle and getting birth announcements while I sit here alone. I question what have I done that is so wrong and everyone else is doing right because God answers their prayers and mine seem to bounce off the ceiling and go unanswered.

  240. Sarah

    My husband, 1 year old, and myself are currently living with my parents. We are trying to renovate my grandparent’s old home but have come into some financial fallbacks. I keep telling God to provide the money instead of trusting his plan for our current financial situation. So, I wi be releasing this into his hands and trusting him fully.

  241. Lindsey

    I’ve been divorced for 4 years, as of tomorrow, and my ex husband has chosen not to participate in my children’s life. He has not seen them in 4 years and that weighs heavily on my heart. They want a dad, see their friends with their dads and don’t understand the situation. I’ve done my best and they are VERY well adjusted kids, but it’s hard on both me and them. I’m giving it to God to put the right person in our lives in His time. I know His plan for our lives is so much greater than I could ever write, and I will stop worrying on when and just pray and trust.

  242. Cathy

    What I am having to release is our desire for another child. We are pregnant after several miscarriages and we just need to remember this child is his no matter whether it’s born in 9 months or 2 months. Praising Him for his blessings regardless.

  243. Gail manley

    Today I am once again releasing to God control over my son, Luke’s future. He’s 19 and never finished high school, living on his own and struggling with his next step in life. At 15 he began struggling with addiction and chemical dependency…
    Someting that was unfortunately passed onto him by his dad. It’s been a rough few years trying to help him but I have felt God’s presence through it all. Luke is not strong in his faith and questions how God can let people suffer. I pray that he will be blessed with God revealing His plan for Lukes life and that he will know that it was made possible through God.

  244. Sarah H

    I am leaving my unmet longing for moving to a different area of the U.S. in God’s hands. He knows what’s best for my husband, children, and I.

  245. tania

    My longing I release…..I want my non speaking child to be able to talk. That was extremely difficult for me to even type. I’m going to be wondering what to do with my thoughts as I am completely immersed in that longing almost every hour of every day.

  246. Cathy w.

    I guess my unmet thing would be to find my one true love. To be faithful to God n to raise my kids right with all the challenges of teenagers. I want to surrender to God but for some reason I have failed.

  247. Tracey

    I’m placing my family in Gods hands. I’ve done literally everything I could think of to reunite my children’s father with us to no avail. Today, I had enough. I couldn’t do it. I gave up. I’ve felt that if we were back together everything would be fine. Today, its tims to Let Go and Let God do his thing.

  248. Jen Kimbro

    Thank you so much for this! I just applied for a job a couple hours ago and have been nothing but stressed sense. My husband was medically discharged out of the army and is now working full time. This job would allow him to not have to work so hard and save him from pain. I want so badly to be able to save him from his worries and pain. But this was eye opening. No matter what “I” can not fix or save my husband from anything. Only God can do that. If I get the job or not, at the end of the day I will praise Him and trust Him. Thank you for the reminder!

  249. Lara

    My wayward son.

  250. stacy

    I release my longing for a boyfriend/husband/job.

  251. Kate

    I’ve been living in this place of “giving it over daily” for three years. Here’s to trusting that even if I never have a child, that God’s thoughts and ways are higher than mine, and so His plan must be way more than I could imagine! Thank you for the encouraging reminder!

  252. amanda

    Im needing a restoration in my marriage. 3 years now and things just have been continuing to go downhill. I felt like u were writing this srraight from my thoughts. Lately I have been so discouraged. A loss of hope in things changing. My life just feels so dead. Holding on, but just not as strong as I used too. Prayers appreciated. Would love a copy of thos book. Thank you and be blessed.

  253. Mae

    My husband and marriage. My husband to truly accept God into his life as his Lord and savior. And that my husband have completed healing for his bad childhood.

  254. AxaCarnes

    I have been surrendering my family situation to God on a daily basis,. Our family is fractured right now because my 18 year old daughter has left home and is living in a bad situation away from God and from us. This morning, I spent some time writing down who God is to me. I wrote what I could think of and then went through the Psalms using David’s words (my stronghold, the rock of my salvation, my deliverer, the God in whom I trust, etc.) When I could not think to write anymore attributes of God, I read my list and felt so in awe and wonder of who MY God is. I was able to confidently say to Him “Because of who you are, I can trust you to take care of this situation”. I left it in His hands and I have reaped the benefits of having peace that surpasses all understanding all day. I have not felt grief today, though I probably will again in the days to come – it’s only natural as a piece of my heart is gone temporarily. But, what a relief to be able to drink from the living waters of his oasis for my soul today. The First5 today was about living waters, so that tied in nicely with my thirst for God.

  255. Angela

    I earnestly needed this devotion. I m sitting here crying my heart out to God and praying He answers my prayers or change the desires of my aching heart but my heart continues to ache over and over again. I have tried letting go and casting it into Gods hands but I also worry and hurt and sometimes wallow in self pity. I want to work on my relationship and marriage with my husband but I am not sure if God wants me to want this. I am committing to being obedient to God and committed to my husband to honor our marriage vows. We have been separated for a long time but we still communicate and I am hopeful God will restore our relationship and marriage but like tonight I am not sure. My job is relocating me further away from him and its making it harder.

  256. Nicole

    This is exactly what I needed to hear. I have a situation that I clearly see in my mind and believe will happen… I have been working really hard to surrender it every day. I have faith that this will work out, but I have to continue to allow God to grow & sustain me in the waiting.

  257. Sue Ulbrich

    6 out of 8 of my grandchildren live out of state. They are 4 years old and under. I am having a very difficult time seeing the good in this because these young years are so short. I don’t see the benefit of them being so far away. But I will with God’s strength do my best to give them and this situation to the Lord. I know He knows what is best. I cling to Isaiah 55:8-9

  258. Brittany

    There are legal barriers stopping the man I love and I from being together. It’s a constant wait… court date after court date. I struggle with time. When will this all be over? When will it be our time together? When will it be my time as a mother? I pray and pray, and yet, here I am, still waiting. I trust in Him, but sometimes I need the reminder, His plans are not my plans… in God’s perfect timing.

  259. Megan

    I am releasing my longing for having a child of my own and for my cousin to turn his life back around.

  260. Jennifer Ryan

    My job search. The constant rejection is painful. Searching for months so that I can provide for my boys. I will keep applying but release this into His mighty hands. I thank Him for keeping me away from what He does not want for us. I need to remember with faith, that the job He wants for me, He will bring it in His timing. So hard but I need to keep my eyes on Him.

  261. Elizabeth Rivera (Ellie)

    This is a timely word. My youngest child will be entering KG this coming school year. After her birth I battled a depression that lingered around for a long time. My goal was to head back to work when she entered school. The idea of staying home all day alone makes me worried. I was sure God would’ve placed me somewhere. My situation is a little different. I have been offered a job, but God does not give me the go. It’s mind boggling to think that He would have me stay home alone. At the same time I know that God wants me to trust Him. This week when I’m tempted to apply for jobs for fear of the future I will surrender.

  262. Jennifer

    I have had a year of struggles it seems – we moved to help family and thought we were following God’s will…but our house in another state hasn’t sold, my family is living in my mom’s basement that has flooded 3 times since moving, and I found out today that I didn’t get a job that would have enabled me to be home when the kids are out of school. I know that we followed God’s will, but it’s hard to tell myself that everyday when it seems we can’t catch a break. Turning it over to Him.

  263. Kristi

    Wow! That stepped all over my toes. I recently received a sizable unexpected pay cut, and I have been fervently looking for another job for nearly 3 months; however, after reading your post, I realized that although my job search was fervent, seeking God in the midst of it probably wasn’t. Since I’m 45 and never been married (probably need to let go of that one, too), I’m the sole income in my home. When another job didn’t arise, I was devastated. I’m still hoping and seeking, but with a new mindset. Thank you for being His vessel.

  264. Suzanne

    I have been in and out of a relationship for the last 8 months which I thought would lead to marriage. It’s a long story but we are taking a break to seek God’s will and obey Him. I also just moved to VA to spend time with my Mother who has dementia. I am seeking a job. I am giving theses two areas to God and trusting whatever happens is His will for my life. I have been struggling for months with both of these issues.

  265. Annie

    My Mother recently passed away and my step father had promised that her life insurance would be split between himself and I…… this has been almost 6 months ago. I love my step father very much. He has raised me since I was a young girl. But since my Mother’s passssing, he has pulled away and made comments that ” I wasn’t his family ( which broke my heart) but was ” her family”. I dont think my Mom had any idea that he felt this way and they were married for 40 yrs. I visit him regularly despite his distance, I check on his well being and help anyway I can. My husband and I want to purchase a home and I just want my dad to do the right thing and give what he promised to give so I can purchase the home and I hope this doesn’t sound greedy because I truly am not. He has 3 children of his own and he is 78 yrs old….. if he should pass, all of my Mom’s insurance which she intended for him to make sure I was taken care of…. will go to his natural children…… I’m hurt, but as I said I love him despite what he’s said and how he’s made me feel after raising me for 40 yrs of my life. I just want to him to do the right thing and I have stated over and over that no matter what he does, God will take care of me, he always has. I just wish things would be done the right way.

  266. Jessica

    Letting go of my desire to be married. And fully giving God control. And remembering that He is good, and does good things in His timing. And His timing is perfect.

  267. Alison K

    My husband lost his job second one in 5 years, his fault, pride and ego. He didn’t think about me or the kids.He can’t find another one and its been almost a year. After 20 years together I think this is the final straw. I have put up with his bad behavior for way to long. I have no idea how he’s going to pay child support with out a job. There’s so much happening to me at one time is overwhelming. Money is almost gone I haven’t worked in 15 years. Our life is a mess because of my husband’s behavior and to top it off I’ve had no support from anyone even from our christian friends. Just don’t get it. I just don’t.

  268. Bethany

    I have several longings. 3 of the absolute biggest are a husband, children, and a genuine family of my own. But besides just a family of my own to cherish with a husband, I have had a huge desire to be a part of a family as a child. I long for a relationship with a mother a father figure. I long to be a sibling that is loved. I long to have guidance of parents, shopping dates and quality time with a mother figure, heart to heart talks, with them, hugs and I love you’s, and quality family time, etc. I have sought this out throughout my lifetime from different families I have encountered. My heart is invested and I want to be a part of the family bond so bad. But it doesn’t stick. I remain on the outside looking in. Eventually, the family disappears altogether and a huge hole remains. Feelings of rejection, no value, abandonment and more are left. My heart is broken and this void has yet to be fulfilled or healed. I am going through this situation again right now. I am becoming too old to be stuck in this adolescent state. I don’t want to run and try to find another family. I don’t want to look in the wrong places only to remain broken and further cast aside. I want to get through this, heal, and be where I am supposed to be so this cycle can finally end. I want to give it to God to be healed so I may be able to move on and be in a place to be ready to be a wife to the right man and a loving, selfless, mother if the Lord will grant me such blessings. I cannot do this on my own. I am powerless and this issue is just to big for me. I need Him to take it. I need Him to deliver me out of this mire. Dear Lord, You know my heart. Please help me through this.’

  269. Robin

    I am giving over my desire to birth my own children. Just typing this is so hard. I know God has called my husband and I to be parents and I pray that God’s plan includes us being able to have our own children or adopt

  270. Kristi

    Today I strive to release “feeling loved” by worldly things.

  271. Janice

    I’m going to find continentment with where we are. We have had our home on the market for about 10 months in hopes of building our dream home. I’m giving it up to Him and stop trying to take control of it.

  272. Alisa

    Thanks for this post today. My 20 year old son has struggled with drugs for the last 4 years or so and has walked away from God. He has put up walls with anyone who speaks any negativity into his life about his decisions and anyone who truly loves him and wants to help him. He rarely talks to us anymore, and he broke up with the sweetest girl who we all loved and thought was “the one”. I beg God to ‘fix’ my son, bring him back to Him, restore our relationship and heal our family. I can’t imagine that that’s not God’s will for our lives – but I need to give this up to Him, quit dwelling on what isn’t right and trust His timing.

  273. Amanda's

    We have been struggling with the home buying process tonight I give it to God. All my fears my anxiety my worries I trust you Lord, I trust in your will and your goodness ❤️

  274. Casey

    God called us to adopt without question. We are perfectly fertile and had our daughter without trying to become pregnant. Then God called us to adopt. We have been waiting for almost six years now. We had a failed adoption through Ethiopia. It’s heartbreaking when an agency won’t let a momma adopt an orphan because she was a victim of abuse as a child. We have cared for 11 children in foster care. None of them have been adoptable to us. Not even the newborn twins we cared for and loved as our own. Waiting is exhausting work. Waiting is painful. I have not yet learned how to wait with expectation and not become discouraged when what I long for does not come to pass. I trust God’s plan and I want His will and His way….I just want it now! Releasing that impatience and frustration this week. He is not in a hurry and He is more interested in my character than my comfort. I praise Him for the work He does in us while we wait.

  275. Angie

    I prayed for my parents to both come back to church for several years. They were both Christians but stopped going to church when I was young. My Dad passed away almost 5 years ago and then we realized that my Mom has dementia almost 3 years ago. I have also seen several people I care about go through tremendous trials including my uncle passing last fall unexpectedly due to an infection and one of my college friends dying from recurrent breast cancer last August leaving behind a 17 year old daughter and 19 year old son who she raised as a single mom. I know that God is sovereign and that ultimately each of these people were or will be ultimately healed and in the presence of Jesus. There have been times that I have felt distant from God because of the grief I have experienced. One thing that I have learned is that my feelings do not determine my relationship with Jesus. This devotion spoke to me tonight.

  276. sherry

    I am a recently divorced Christian, who simply can’t understand why this happened. Being a single mom is so hard and my son is my world, but I.still miss my husband. I desperately wish I could just move past this. I pray and believe my faith continues to grow stronger. I just have to cling to God.

  277. Beth Wolf

    My pastor husband of 20 years had an affair and left myself and our 2 children. The kids and I moved 2 states away to start over. I just lost the job I only had for 3 months. I’m going back to college online to finish my bachelors degree and graduate next summer. I need a job. I’m a single mom to 2 amazing and beautiful children. So I’m letting it ALL GO!!! The hurt, pain, insecurity, job, past, ex husband, betrayal, fear, doubt, uncertainty. I give it all to God and trust him. He knows those things which I do not so I give it ALL to him. He is faithful. I love reading your posts. They are so encouraging. Thank you for obeying God and following his guiding hand into your destiny.

  278. Ginger

    God is working in my heart to believe Him, not just as my Savior, but to believe that He is who He says He is and that He knows what is best for me…even when it is not what I think is best. I have struggled with losing a baby and the tug-of-war with my husband about wanting another child. I deeply desire one but He doesn’t. God is definitely seeking to do a work in my life over this and I am learning to give it completely to Him.

  279. L

    I have been (and continue) working to release to God my unmet longings to be a stay at home mom, to have another baby, and to have the kind of husband I always dreamed of. I’m trying to focus on being respectful to my husband by continuing to work (and seeking gratitude in doing so), being grateful and the best mother to the two children that I do have, and to accept my husband for who he is… seeking to make our marriage the best that it can be with who and where we are.

    Thank you for this post, Lysa!

  280. Jessica

    Financial and career.

  281. Alana

    I release (again) to my Savior my husband’s drug problem and all the times I think he’s really quit and the heartbreak and fear that happens every time I find out that he is still using.

  282. Nancy

    Reconciliation of my marriage.

  283. Stephanie

    I wanted a job so badly that seemed perfect- something I had been looking for for a while, the pay was great and the timing was ideal. When i found out I didn’t get it, i was confused and upset as to why. But i also remembered I had prayed that God would shut the door on the opportunity if it wasn’t in His will- so I am working on not looking back and wondering what if, but handing my future over to God and trusting him completely.

  284. Sandy

    My unmet longing is my marriage and the closeness I want and need. I must stop and listen because HE speaks so clearly to me, I just haven’t figured out the “right way” to let go and let God! Follow his lead!!!

  285. Karen Yanes

    My future is in God’s hands and I need to stop holding on to the Matheson and live trusting in His perfect plan.

  286. Nancy

    I found out I had breast cancer last September, and in the process of dealing with it I got addicted to Adivan, which I have been in the process of withdrawing from for the last five months and have seven more to go..this is considered a brain injury and causes lots of chemical fear and anxiety…each day is a hell all it’s own, but I cling to my Father and get thru, I have been praying for a miracle or at least relief, but so far none…it is hard to give it all to Him, when you are this miserable…but I can see that it is something I need to do, I will be doing this, even if I have to do it over and over and over every day….thanks for the reminder. Still praying….Nanc

  287. Monica

    I’m giving him my unmet longing of owning a successful business of my own. I trust his plan for me and will patiently wait for His direction.

  288. Lisa

    My highschool aged son wanted to try school this year after having always homeschooled. Having homeschooled for 20 years, having some health problems, and with this being the only school aged child left, I was ready for him to go to school also. The wonderful Christian school he applied to didn’t have an opening after doing an all day visit and deciding this was a perfect fit for him and me.

  289. Katy

    I’m placing my unmet desire of being able to pay off our last loans from my masters in the timeframe I want.

  290. Samantha

    I have been trying for almost 3 years now, to conceive with my husband. We have not sought help, due to our financial state. However, we have been actively trying and trying. The more I go out into public and on social media, the more I see people having children, and getting pregnant. And it is frustrating and discouraging, because I can’t help but think, “Why not me? Why do THEY get to announce a pregnancy, and not me? Why is it so easy for them, and not us?”. These questions bother me day in and day out, and until this moment, I don’t think I’ve completely put that want, that longing, in God’s hands completely. Thank you for reminding me.

  291. Stacy

    There are so many things I want to see happen in my life right now. I want that instant gratification and find it so easy to become depressed when it doesn’t. Your blog reminds me to look at myself and how I am reacting. I think of my own children and how they react when their demands are not met the instant they are made. As much as they WANT something, I want to guide them to what is best and what could protect them. That is just how God sees me, I think, when I become so consumed with having those desires of my heart RIGHT NOW. Thank you for your encouraging words. 🙂

  292. Lori

    I place my deep longing for a husband in the hands of God. I’ve been depressed and extremely lonely since my divorce. It’s been difficult watching my friends get married or have boyfriends while I go about my life feeling invisible. I’m a couple of years away from being an empty nester and I am afraid I will be alone. I’ve been working on placing my faith and trust in Him that He will fill that void in my life.

  293. Kari

    I am trying to let go of the desire to be a mom, I will be 39 in a few weeks and not married. And in a relationship for the past 7 years that I’m not sure will make it the rest of the year.

  294. Stephanie O

    I am releasing my unmet desire for God to provide a job and house in the area I wanted to live in, closer to family and in an area I love. (He did provide a good paying job, a house, just farther than we thought it would be from family. Thank you Lord for these blessings.)

  295. Stacey

    I am giving my oldest daughter to you Lord. I am giving this custody fight to you completely and God I know you are real and I trust you with this situation.

  296. Ramona Ross

    What I am giving to God is that I can’t change how people feel about others but I can change how I feel about everyone around me! No matter what is said how I react is what matters most. I either react in a godly way or in a worldly way and I choose to react in a godly way because this is the way to show God’s love!

  297. Teri

    Thank you! The death of my husband and my mom was definitely not what I prayed, asked, begged God for. I believed in Him and knew He was capable of saving them but my plan was not His plan. I became angry, hurt, and discouraged. Distant. Today, I am learning to walk in faith knowing Jesus is right beside me holding me up on the days that feel like too much. God has a plan – just not my plan. I am learning to give up the control of my life I never had.

  298. Beth

    I’m 44 yo and have very patiently waited for Mr. Right and having my own family. This year I decided to foster/adopt children. It has been a very rough road trying not to doubt Gods purpose for my life. I deeply yearn to be a mother and don’t understand why it hasn’t happened.

  299. Angela Williams

    I placed my desire to truly surrender EVERYTHING over to God…and submit totally to him..after years of holding on to unhealthy habits …. I have discovered that I held myself hostage for 19 years since the death of my marriage. I want to in ministry and I want to be married but not to just any man but to my “Boaz” so I turn it all over to the creator.

  300. Kelly

    I’ve been though a very long, dark tunnel these past 3 years. As I traveled down the road that God had for me with my eyes always on His light at the end of the tunnel. But that tunnel just kept on going until I realized that I needed to stop asking God to give me what I wanted, and just accept what He had for me. God’s plan was so much better than mine!

  301. Jessica

    This spoke to my heart in a huge way! I have had reoccurring dreams of having a daughter since I was 18. These dreams are so vivid and I can see her face in these dreams. I thought that meant she would be mine someday. I had my first son and then my 2nd son and I adore them with all my heart but this longing for this daughter has never gone away. I am currently pregnant and don’t know the sex yet. At first I thought I would surely die if I did not have a daughter but I’ve been praying and praying for God to change my heart. Recently I have been ok with having another boy if that’s what God has for my life and this just confirms what I have been feeling lately! I know that God used you to speak to my heart about this today Lysa and I am so thankful! I know that God’s plan is greater than my dream!

  302. Kelly

    My desire for a second child.

  303. Courtney

    Thank you for this. I’ve been looking for an answer to give to my son as he faces a let down, but was struggling because I’m facing my own unmet desires. My husband & I have battled financial problems for our entire 21 year marriage, with no end in sight. I release that to my Heavenly Father, who loves me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  304. Carmen Rentas

    I’m leaving my unmet desire of my ex giving his life to the Lord so that he could one day be a man of truth and integrity for the sake of our children. I felt like I poured so much love and support throughout or whole relationship only to prepare him for another women. After years of broken promises he left me for another girl the three months after I waited for him to get out of jail. I’ve been shipwrecked for months now and I just wanted to give up as a believer. The most precious thing I could have ever dreamt about (a family) was taken. I felt like I failed my kids because all I saw was division in my own family. My ex said all the right things. You name it. Sometimes I still hope he’ll call and ask me back but deep down I know I really always deserved Gods best Yes.

  305. Claire

    Give up the desire to have a second child

  306. Jennifer

    Beautiful, gorgeous words, Lysa! I was married for 11 years to a man who wouldn’t be intimate with me. No joke. I gave away those “best” years to a man who seemed so spiritual but wasn’t who he said he was. I implored God to explain to me how someone could be so in touch with His Word and ministry and, yet, not be a true husband. Eight years later after finally divorcing him in 2007 and with no children with anyone, I still wrestle with being single and wondering how I could have been so blind-sided by the “spiritual” in regard to marrying. Oh, I have grown immensely, and God has been MORE than generous and gracious to me. I am not bitter, but I need to hear your words today.

  307. Crystal

    I am letting go of the disappointment of God not healing by unborn child. I lost my baby girl on March 24, 2015. She had a slight arrhythmia that is not normally a big deal…it normally corrects itself at birth. We prayed every night that God would heal the baby’s heart. ( we didnt find out what we were having). However, on March 22, the day after we had maternity pictures made, I didn’t feel the baby moving. We went to the hospital, and doctors confirmed my worst fear…there was no heartbeat. Throughout this entire devastating time, we have been so blessed and God has definately given me a peace that passes all understanding, but I still am left aching with a pain that is unfathomable unless you have experienced it. I pray for comfort and peace every day…and He graciously gives it to me when I am so undeserving.

  308. Claribel Rodriguez

    I am placing my unmet desire in the hands of God. I want to spend more time with my family but still make money to help provide. I also want more time to minister.

  309. Kassie

    An unmet longing I’ll be releasing this week is: I’ve always wanted a “normal family”. And I’ve finally realized that I don’t have this and I have to let this go; so that I can continue on with my dreams and well-being. Thank you Jesus for showing me this is possible to get passed even though it will be difficult.

  310. Jen

    I release my longing for my father’s cancer to be treatable. It has been up and down for 2 years as he has been lucky enough to be a candidate for surgery, and even go temporarily into remission. Now it has reached his liver and we have been given a year (best case). I really hope to release this so I can stop yearning and driving for a solution and enjoy the time we have left – celebrate his life.

  311. Hannah

    Wow! God is an on time God, for sure. Thank you for your words of enlightenment and encouragement. I’m placing the desires of my heart to have a husband and family into God’s hands. It is difficult for me to understand why I haven’t met the man He created for me when my heart’s desire is to so badly have a husband and family, but I’m trusting Him because He knows me better than I know myself, and His plan is good.

  312. Katie

    I am a high school teacher and last year was a particularly bad year for me. I was miserable and decided in December that it would be my final year at this school. From that point on I dedicated myself to prayer and seeking God’s favor and will in my job search. I applied to 30 jobs, had nearly a dozen interviews, and even have a job offer that I had to ultimately turn down. I am heart broken and devastated to be heading back to my same school for this year, but I know that I prayed that God’s will be done and clearly his will is for me to be there at least another year. I am struggling with my attitude and resentment and general unhappiness, buy am leaning into God continuously through it.

  313. Kaitlin

    I have a neuro muscular disease. There is no cure. The few doctors who even know what it is can only treat the symptoms. There’s no way to prevent them from happening or stop them. I’m 32 and wear braces on my legs and have many physical limitations. Today has been especially hard. My husband and close circle of friends are all on a fitness journey and I can’t join them. Today has been my most challenging day yet. Reading this blog was exactly what I needed to remind me that God does have a plan for my life. It may not look like what I envisioned but it’s there. Thank you Lysa.

  314. Linda

    I am blessed in many areas of my life, including my job, but I have reached my mid-50s and have never been married. And I have no prospects for such. A relatively short-term relationship didn’t work out in the last few months, and it made me realize how much I missed having that kind of companionship. I had put up walls to make me think I was ok being alone. Menopause hasn’t been kind and I’m not as attractive as I once was (and I wasn’t all that great to begin with – ha). But being with someone was so appealing – it just reminded me how lonely I am and how much I really want someone special in my life. Leaving it all to Him.

  315. Lori

    Health and issues of pain wearing down our family and what this has done to the finances and dreams we have.

  316. Vanessa

    My hair falling out, my singleness, my health. Realizing God loves us and is loving us in spite of not having the things we think we want is amazingly freeing. So thankful for going thhrough these trials to comprehend this gift.

  317. Liz

    I was passed over for a promotion recently and my husband’s job has no future and an undesirable schedule. While things could certainly be worse, I have been praying for solutions for some time with no clear answer. Tonight I’ll give it up – these desires won’t fill my heart, only God will.

  318. Sally M

    I feel so rejected and unwanted by most human. I look plain, I have flat chest and tummy fat. I probably study/work too much. People don’t want to talk to me – not even my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ – because I am so socially awkward. Every day I have this ache in my heart longing for someone that will genuinely love me and appreciate me for who I am. I am already in my 30s, and I am still single and lack dating experience.

    God knows my concern. He knows that my loneliness. But He has not yet given me a partner, because He wants me to devote all my energies on what He wants me to do now. I trust God has the best plan for me, including my marriage or singleness. May I be the tool that God wants me to be.

  319. Sally M

    My Marriage….. or My Singleness

    I feel so rejected and unwanted by most human. I look plain, I have flat chest and tummy fat. I probably study/work too much. People don’t want to talk to me – not even my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ – because I am so socially awkward. Every day I have this ache in my heart longing for someone that will genuinely love me and appreciate me for who I am. I am already in my 30s, and I am still single and lack dating experience.

    God knows my concern. He knows that my loneliness. But He has not yet given me a partner, because He wants me to devote all my energies on what He wants me to do now. I trust God has the best plan for me, including my marriage or singleness. May I be the tool that God wants me to be.

  320. Missy

    We moved to a new town last summer. I left behind my family, my friends, and a job I loved. I’m looking for a new job. I’ve been consumed with getting employed-mostly to make connections and friends. I’ve let my desire for a job take away the joy I could be experiencing with my children and my husband. I’m letting it go tonight. I trust that God has a plan for me.

  321. Sarah B.

    I’m learning to release my unmet longing to be a published author. It’s a dream and a longing I’ve had since childhood, but I have to trust God’s timing and plan.

    Maybe it will happen someday, and maybe it won’t. All God asks of me is to be faithful today. Tomorrow is in His hands.

  322. Kristi

    I’ve suffered from anxiety for some time and have a very hard time with not over thinking. As a divorced single mom, I struggle with wanting everything to be perfect for my son and I…the perfect house, perfect relationships, the list goes on. I set expectations and often feel like I’ve let my son and myself down when they are not met. I promised myself that this year I would embark on a faith walk and trust God for all of my needs. This is so hard, as I just want things to be “okay” right now. I observe friends and family and often think that if I had their life, I’d be happier. I often tell my mom that I wish I could just find some “peace and contentment.” My mind is constantly racing, trying to find a way to make all the pieces of life’s puzzles come together. I try to repeat Jeremiah 29:11 as much as possible. I know that God has a plan for my life, but struggle daily with this season of waiting.

  323. Victoria

    I am giving over the longing for a husband and a relationship. Trusting God to do what’s right in his timing, not my own.

  324. Melissa

    I must say that this is where I am at in a few circumstances!!! First and foremost custody court for my two small children which is absolutely an absurd thing for their dad to do but that’s just the kind of person he is!!! Then my current relationship where I struggle with telling this man the gory details of the encounters with my ex husband bc of this mans previous reactions to these things!!! Do I pray about more than i talk about it??? Absolutely!!! Do I leave it in God’s hands and trust His plan??? Of course!!! But that doesn’t make the worry go away!!!

  325. Heather Morgan

    What a timely word this was for me today!!! Thank you!
    Two months ago my husband and I, along with our 3 children and 2 pets, moved away from our home, church, friends, and life of “stable” comfort…We knew God was calling us to minister as pastors of a small church revitalization in a city three hours away. Our house sold within one day of being on the market, and we excitedly prepared to move. God began growing us and stretching us as we packed our entire life into storage and prepared to temporarily move in with family since the house sold so quickly…Now, as August begins we are still in temporary housing, very thankful our family has graciously allowed us to stay. However, I have been longing for a house of our own so deeply, that I have often failed at giving this desire to God. In the waiting, I have felt forgotten and stuck, yet I knew we were obeying…I just couldn’t understand why He hadn’t moved us completely to our new city and His mission field. Reading your blog today, I have been encouraged with the answer to my question, “What do you want me to learn in this process, God?” The answer is one I already knew, but needed to be reminded of: TRUST and release it into His hands.
    We will continue to minister as we travel the highway between our “temporary city” and our future home, yet instead of asking, “Why aren’t we living there, yet?” I will trust that He is with us in the journey!
    Thank you for sharing YOUR journey with us as we look together at the Word!

  326. Amy

    Such the perfect message for me today…we battled infertility and now are starting the process to adopt. Giving it over to God – He has it all planned out.

  327. Christina

    Thank you! Your blog is always so encouraging to read!

  328. Andrea

    I have been longing for my daughter to come home. She has been gone for over a month and everyday I pray that God will speak to her heart and I promise to trust Him and his plans for her. But then, I worry about her all day long. I go over all of the scenarios in my head instead of truly giving it up to and trusting God. Tonight, I want to completely give my worries about my daughter over to God.

  329. Jeri Mick

    My heart has been longing for 2 things. One to move back to my husband’s home town and the town I lived for 13 years to be closer to his family. The other is to be a stay at home mom and take care of my children. I have prayed many times for the Lord to release me from thsee desires and to be at peace with His will. I’ve come to trust each day with Him but sometimes the longing is so much that I get consumed. I’m so thankful to see this post on fb and very much need to leave this in His Hands. My prayers are with each woman that have posted here. Thank you for your words of encouragement Lysa!

  330. Michelle S.

    I have been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and have recently started chemo. I’m a wife & homeschooling mom of two beautiful girls. To say this is not how I expected our year to turn out would be an understatement. But, I am choosing to trust the Lord.

  331. Jane

    This hit exactly where I am tonight. I am sure God put this on your heart just for me. Well, sure for others too. 🙂 I am stuggling through finding my joy after a hurtful divorce. I felt so close to the Lord through the storm, but somehow feel distant and alone now. Psalm 16:11 says my joy will be found in His presence. That is where I am trying to be. To trust Him with my shaky future. To really believe He Will bring beauty and goodness from these ashes.

  332. Amy Marcy

    I am releasing my desire for my husband to have a new job. Waiting and trusting in Him as he guides and leads our family. Waiting to hear back from a job. Knowing God will open or close that door according to His will. Releasing that….

  333. Megan

    I’ve been praying that my husband would change his mind about not wanting to be married and he would come home. It hasn’t happened yet and I’m completely heartbroken and devastated. If he would just go to counseling and try to work on things, they are all fixable.

  334. cara

    i so want to meet someone to share my life with. at 42 i never thought that i would still be single. i keep praying that god brings someone onto my life but it continues to not happen. i give it to god now.

  335. Ana

    I’m releasing to God the job that I had always dreamed of getting, and actually got last month, but then 2 weeks later, it was put on hold for possibly a year (because they couldn’t find a replacement for me). This whole week I’ve been asking God how I should feel and pray about this situation, and finally I think I can still believe and hope for a miracle while at the same time surrendering to him and the possibility that he doesn’t want me to get it just yet. It’s been tough because it’s the 2nd year that this has happened to me.

  336. Bess

    This seems impossible; I’m honestly not sure that God is trustworthy anymore. I am overwhelmed by clinical depression and anxiety. I’m struggling to make new friends in a new town while working from home. Now I’ve lost that job. We joined a church and a small group, but when we finally shared my struggle with depression they prayed for us once, told us how brave we were, and now act like nothing is wrong.

    My husband doesn’t take any action. He looks on the therapy I’m doing with a psychologist with condescension and keeps insisting that I see a psychiatrist and explore medication. I don’t object to medication, but I think at the heart of it, he just wants someone else to fix it so he can enjoy a better me without the work. I’ve tried to find one, but the one’s I’ve called aren’t taking new patients and my husband makes no effort to help me find one. When I moved to his city, and even now, he keeps saying “Oh you’ll love X’s wife/gf! We should hang out with them sometime” yet never makes those plans. He takes no steps to be proactive and help, then gets frustrated with me because I’m not making progress.

    I’ve tried to draw near to God, but He just seems to keep pulling further and further away. My eyes are weak from so much crying and my whole being is tired from grief. I’ve prayed that I at least won’t be alone. But He remains silent, and I remain very alone.

  337. Djeranie

    I Will let go of my desire that my husband will make a choice to follow Jesus. I honestly think it would make my life easier as when we can do this Christian life together. Sometimes I just long for that time when God moves Him to do so, especially when I read of hear the women I admire write/talk about how their husbands are leading their families to make the right choices for example in godly giving and volunteering in church etcetera. I feel like I’m being hold back because my husband just don’t understands why I’m so eager to help around in church of want to give as often as I do.
    But I will release this longing not like giving up or in but honestly giving it to Jesus! Thanks Lysa for your encouragement!

    • Fantacy

      I am praying for your husband (and you) in agreement. My husband has accepted the Lord (22+ years ago), but does not act like a Biblical husband, and I feel the same way when other Christian women talk about their husbands leading their family….

  338. Debra

    I’ll soon be 50 and never married, it’s always been my hearts desire, soooo I’m placing my unmet longing for a husband into God’s hands

  339. Rebecca

    After a VERY long intense, draining, just don’t have any more fight left in me day – I read this pulling into my garage. In the midst of selling a home, purchasing another – last minute stresses where you say – forget it, deal off…. a child who by court order was told had 24 hours to move in with me to serve their 24 month probation…. the man I believed when told I was it… he was done looking, communicating a future, blending our families…communicating he would always be in my corner, not going anywhere… overlapped relationships with someone new and all of the sudden everything I believed in to be truth, full of integrity, safety, security – in an instant – vanished. How quickly it seems all of that was forgotten and discarded not just the words but me as a person. That gut wrenching feeling of not truly being cherished – HUGE HURT! Talk about overload in the last 6 months.
    So… I commit to daily saying and working through, “God’s Got This!” Even the days I want to grab it back and take control. Keep working at prying my fingers away & releasing all of it and not just saying but LIVING it – “God’s Got This!”
    Releasing my child – praying for an open heart & spirit and a radically changed life!
    Trusting with my unmet longing in the area of a relationship! (Can I just say — that REALLY is a tough one!) Trusting Him truly knowing the desires of my heart to fill that void in HIS timing.

  340. Courtney

    Scrolling through these comments, my “thing” is so minuscule compared to what other people are facing. Eye-opening! Wow! I have a longing for a husband and children one day; to have a marriage that reflects The Lords love for His church. I’m placing it at His feet.

  341. Nicole

    My broken heart from my broken marriage.

  342. Aimee

    I’m letting God lead my career. I will seek him then obey.

  343. Brandi

    Thank you so much for this powerful message. My unmet desire is meeting an amazing man, and getting married. I’m a single mom, who has never been married. My child is now 5-years old, and she has been asking a lot lately, “Momma, when are you going to get married.” I’ve been with someone for 6 months, but lately he feels like he is not going to be happy with having a child in the mix. I am now 38-years-old and I pray all of the time that God would bring a man into my life that not only loves me, but loves my child. Unfortunately, that desire has not been met yet.

  344. Tracy

    Having a baby with my husband. ❤️

  345. Rachael

    I need to give up my desire for a boyfriend. I am so tired of my family questioning me about it, and I desperately want a family of my own. But I need to trust that God will have everything okay out in his perfect timing.

  346. Tammy

    Oh how I needed this reminder today. My fiancé, and father to my son is struggling with addiction. Time and time again he’s lied to me about his recovery. He’s lost his job over it. How can I marry this man? When he has chosen this over God and his family? This struggle has been going on for a year now. I keep asking God, why why why won’t you fix this?? And just bring everything back to normal? Its time to leave it in God’s hands and walk away and trust Him to handle it, and having faith it will be for the good for me, for my son and my fiancé.

  347. Shirley Williams

    I’m releasing my longing to be married. Since I was 15 I’ve had a dream in my head and my heart to fall in love and be married. I desired a family. I’m not sure why but it’s always in a stronghold for me. Even with wonderful counsel from Christian friends, I’ve still fail to completely give it to the Lord. I have to go to Him daily with the struggle. Satan has used it against me for far too long. I’m 39 now and Satan wants me to believe that God doesn’t care and that He has forgotten me. But, deep down I know it has been my lack of trust in the Lord and my lack of understanding His desires for me. Because God’s will and gifts for me are far greater than anything I could imagine. So, if marriage is not a gift He has for me, I know there is another more fitting gift for me. God is good! He is a giver of good gifts!

  348. karina rachelle alfonso

    Wooooow 🙂 i really love this entry. I need this one. Thanks ms. Lysa. Thank you for sharing all the wisdom and thoughts that God has given you. Thank you for letting him speak through you. Mwah. God bless all your books and ministry. I hope that i can have the chance to read your book. I am here in austria, it is hard for me to find english books that will help me grow closer to Him. And being away from my family is eased by reading your works. Thank you.

  349. Lisa

    It’s a biggie a long with another one. But right now I’ve been struggling with finding a job in my chosen field. And getting discouraged. I don’t know my future because I was dignosed with a herniated disk. I’m scared for my future. So, I would say right now this….issue. Thanks.

  350. Nichole

    I’m not sure if I can truly do this…I want to…I want to trust him but my mothers heart always intervenes. You see, my third child was born with a very rare condition. He’s 4. He can not walk, talk or eat. I have holes in all the knees of my clothes begging God to allow these simple things for him we all take for granted. Every single day. Every single hour. Every single minute…all through the night I plead. It’s a process. Thank you for the reminder that I need to do this…the ache is real deep.

  351. M. Zaki

    Daily i remind myself to give up to the Lord my small broken family. That my husband, who’s separated since 3 years, is cured completely from his alcohol addiction and becomes a believer. Our marriage restored. My daughter to heal from all that has happened and healthily release all her pent up anger, blame & sadness. That i accept whatever outcome God has in store for us as i know His plans are the best for each of us.

  352. Sunshine

    Fear! I need to release the fear of letting it go to God and trusting His will.

  353. Jo Ann

    I am leaving my unmet job seeking…I will leave it in his hands…I will also leave the unmet desire to be with my daughter’s father because of wanting to feel like a family , which is a huge void a feel in my heart…I am also letting go of the unmet desire to have my own place/house as i am living with a friend…I have to put my trust in the Lord…

  354. Kristen S

    The deepest desire of my heart is to married. I am a single mother of 2 girls…never married. I know it is Gods will for them to have a father. I also know that my choices play a role and these are my consequences. But I also feel God telling me I will be married. I focus so much on making that happen that I forget to seek God. Lord, please help me to seek you first. I know you’ll take care of my desires. Help me to trust and rely on you for your timing. Amen

  355. Sarah

    Unmet Longing:
    To be married…I am 26 and I have never been in a relationship. Trusting God!

  356. Rosa

    Thank you for this great reminder of handing my desires over to God. For me that’s the desire to be a mother. Feels like their are many roadblocks yet just when we think He wants us to not be parents something comes through that only God could do to make a way!!!! He has the perfect plan!!!

  357. Shirley Hamilton

    Turning the decision about a car over to the Lord tonight May His will be done.

  358. Gina Hull

    I will release having a baby to the Lord.

  359. Rachel

    I am the mother of 2 beautiful girls. But I’ve had the longing for more children. I left it up to God that if it is his will for us to have more he will make a way. In no way has it made since for us. Complicated pregnancies and births, financial stresses, and hard years. When one day this spring we were sitting in church and I heard a wisper to my heart. “I have one of yours, take one of mine.” Now I didn’t know what it meant for sure but I told my husband and we decided to throw our cares to God and try for another baby. Now a few months later we are happily pregnant. Feeling so blessed that my hearts desire was lined up with what God wanted for us. I’m still not sure how everything will be worked out. If I put it on paper it’s troubling. But I know God is great! And he will grace us threw it. He has plans to prosper us and I can not wait to see his amazing work. ❤️
    Thank u so much for writing this blog! Your work is always a blessing to me.

  360. Daron

    I’m seeking a Proverbs 31 woman and release that to God today.

  361. JDeane

    Thank you. Your blog post really spoke to my heart. I’ve wanted and applied for another job – not once but twice. I just knew it would be perfect because it was at a place that is two minutes from my home. I was offered the job once but would have had to leave my current job without proper notice and didn’t feel right doing so. The second time I was interviewed but passed over. This stung at the time, but now I am accepting it was not God’s plan for me. I’m handing it over to Him. Bless you for helping me with this.

  362. Barbara Lamb

    Psalm 37:4 Decided on this scripture and its more satisfying than my desires to delight in Jesus because He is so delightful! Sometimes oh desires aren’t always the best for us and others. But the ones that are, such as salvation of family members are priorities and agree with Gods desire to save my adult children and fulfill His desires in their lives which is for my children to know Him and love Him back. There are other desires that God cares about…like my career and relationships He created for me specifically. I learned that even when God gave me a desire I asked for and thought would be best for me, He let me discover wasn’t the best. This taught me to just simply trust Him. That is peace and joy today…no anxiety over unfulfilled desires resting in my confidence of Jesus. He is good and perfect and knows all things. Now I have peace and joy trusting I my leader.

  363. nikki

    I am giving my all to God that in His perfect timing for clarification right location where supposed to serve full time with CEF.

  364. Simone

    Thank you for this devotion. It is so easy for me to be consumed by my desires, instead of truly and whole heartedly seeking God. I daily have to release my desire to be healed of an eating disorder, trusting that I am whole in God even if physically I do not have the healing I long for.

  365. Jessica Orrender

    We have been trying for 2 years now to have a second child and this blog post felt like it was written directly from God through you to me. I have been trying to release this to God and my prayers are “Whatever your will is please let me be at peace with that” but it just feels like the longing in my heart to have another sweet baby grows stronger and stronger. Even my son who is 5 will speak up lately out of the blue and day things like “when we have a baby can it sleep in my room” ” when we have a baby can we name it Olly James Spurgeon” ( not our last name, it was funny that this was so random of a name 🙂 it just seems like God is growing the desire in all our hearts(my husband, me, and our son). So it’s been hard to be patient and not let the fear of possibly not having another biologically over take me and crush my spirit. But i continue to pray for God to clearly show us if we are to keep trying and trusting in Him or look into adoption. We are perfectly open to adoption it’s just the finances we are not sure how that would happen. But again God can do it if that’s His will. Thank you for this devotional to help me give it to God and let Him calm my heart knowing He has the best yes for me even if it’s different than what I think it’ll be or should be. I will give to Him the longing in my heart to be pregnant and lean on His understanding.

  366. Brigitte

    I really needed to hear this today. Today I am laying down my dreams for my daughter and trusting God that His dreams for her life is better then what I can dream for her.

  367. Laura

    There are so many: a school I want my son to go to, healing for me and my son

  368. Catie Bushman

    I almost feel like whatever you are going through right now it mirrors my thoughts and worries. I love your post but recently it almost feels like you have a view of my thoughts and you are speaking right to me! Thank you for this one today and we will get through this!

  369. Katherine

    The desire to get out of the rough neighborhood I live in.

  370. Ty

    My desire to be a stay at home mom. When I had our first child I agreed to continue to work while my husband stayed home to raise our daughter. I made way more money than him and it made logical sense. We have had another child and now I cry everyday bc I desperately want to be the one who stays home. We made poor financial decisions while dating and early in our marriage and sacrificed my ability to stay home for going out to eat living above our means. Time is ticking and only a miracle would allow us to switch roles and still pay everything that needs to be paid. But God is good and has a purpose for me where I am.

  371. Christianne McCall

    I’m giving my longing to have my husband meet all my emotional needs up to God. I struggle daily and need to know that the Lord has something planned for us.

  372. Kelly D.

    The desire to have my writing recognized.

  373. Tammy

    Praying for a loved one to give their life to the Lord…have to give and release it daily as I often pick it up and drag it around with me. Thank you for the great reminder.

  374. Amanda

    I’m releasing my finances and relationships. Both have caused a lot of stress, worry and heartache. I need to release it completely to the Lord.

  375. Jennifer M.

    I really thought I’d have a life with less financial worries by now. Leaving that with God.

  376. Jenny

    This is right in line with what God has been calling me to. Loving my husband regardless of whether he chooses to believe in God or lay aside his journey of faith. God is good and my disappointment may one day be my greatest joy.

  377. adeline

    I long for my godly father to be healed of a three year long headache! I’ve started to feel a bit angry with the Lord for not giving relief to someone who has served Him since 1969. I don’t want to be bitter…I don’t want to be angry…I just want my 75 year old dad to be able to enjoy these years. It’s hard…but
    Lord, today I place it back in Your hands trusting that You have a reason and today I trust You again.

  378. A Snow

    I am a very career driven individual and “my plan” was to have a family and have a successful career. You know, have it all! It has been 4 years since I left my VP position to be a SAHM and I still struggle with my decision. I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason and God has me right where he wants me but I continue to want a career and not just a small one. I’ve prayed about it for years but I don’t think I’ve really given it to Him to take care of for me. As of today, I am releasing this unmet longing desire of returning to the workforce and giving it 110% to Him. The plan for my life is “His plan”, not mine.

  379. Pam Frusha`

    I am working on releasing my unmet desire for healing in my marriage, my husbands denial about diagnosis of Bipolar II and all the pain my 3 adopted children struggle with due to their abuse. Praise only to God my Father!

  380. Alexis

    I am placing my unmet longing of getting a husband and father for my children. I thought I had found him but it ended horibly. Im also giving him my unmet longing of getting my finances straight.

  381. Shiloh

    Healing for my husband and another baby for our family

  382. Tammy

    My husband and I were both laid off from the same company two months ago. Things have been tough financially. I have a new job, a better job. My husband is not fairing so well. We have a deadline of August 15th for him to find a job that can support the family. If one doesn’t come through, he will take a job driving coast to coast. We’re sure God’s hand is in all of this it’s just hard to think that taking my husband away from his family is what God actually wants. We still have 10 days!

  383. Angela

    I have applied for a teacher assistant job in the district my girls attend school. I keep thinking it would be perfect to be off when they are, work with kiddo’s and make a difference each day. Feeling fullifilled by my work, as I don’t really feel that now. But I’m giving it all to God and praying in his will this is the right job for me. Perhaps it’s just not my time or it’s not as perfect as I think it will be. Father God, I pray your will and wisdom is precise and perfect, and I will be satisfied with however this works out, because I know your timing and your way is the perfect way for me. Thank you for being such an amazing Father, I pray I am a light for you today and always. I love you! In your precious name Jesus, I pray, Amen!!

  384. Angela

    We have been watching our youngest son struggle for 5 years. Anger, addictions, bitterness. It’s like a roller coaster. After about a year of riding that roller coaster, I realized I couldn’t do it anymore. I had to give it to God and not try and “fix” it. Every now and then I try and take it back, but this was a good reminder that God is in control, and no matter what happens, God is working it out.

  385. Erica Dunomes

    My daughter is about to go to high school and I don’t want get there without a phone. So I’ve decided to give her my current phone with the hopes of getting another phone. Something that my husband and I discussed. Since his decision is the ultimate deciding factor, I have decided to cast this care over into God’s hands. He had made a decision that I wasn’t happy with. And I could feel my flesh man rise, because I really wanted what I wanted. Yet, I didn’t like the response I was giving off. I knew that response was not of God. So I decided to give it to God and to trust God in my husband.

  386. Mandy

    This is perfect and just what I needed today. Thank you. This is something that I am struggling with as my husband and I wait to be chosen by an expectant mother to adopt a child. It feels like we have waited so long. Just when we get our hopes up, it feels like we are only disappointed again. I know God has a perfect plan, but waiting for his timing can be very difficult. Thank you again for you encouraging words. I have read your other books, but I am really exited to read The Best Yes.

  387. Cinnamon

    My husband and I have been married for 10 years and right before we met he started a job as a youth director for a church. I cant say it has been an easy time with this church and for most of the years me and my kids have not attended there. A new pastor came on board last summer after his sweet pastor passed away from cancer. The new pastor does not seem interested in the last 10 years of how things were done and has ‘let go’ or made it very difficult for many of the staff to continue, like my husband. He will be wrapping up his time there this month and it has been such a hurtful and sad time.
    In all of this, we have found solace in friends who planted a church in our town a few years ago, and low and behold, they have an opening for a youth pastor/assistant worship leader! My husband fits this description perfectly, on paper. But we have not been called for an interview and we are hearing that they are flying in candidates and know that one of them is a really amazing musician with a musician wife, cool look, the whole ‘band front man’ deal.
    I am struggling with comparison. I am struggling with unanswered prayers and unrequited desire to do full time ministry with my husband. I am devastated to see my husband get a second part time job where we will never see him to make ends meet. I cry out to God, I pray and cry in the shower, I pray specifically, I quote scripture to God, I get angry, sad, hopeless, confused. My emotions are running the show all over the place and (surprise) I am not getting the answers I want or hearing from God at all…
    The only way I find any peace and hope is being CONTINUOUSLY in the word, listening to sermons, reading encouraging blogs or devotions… I understand full well all the right attitudes and scripture but walking it sure can be challenging!!! Thank God for grace. Thank Him that He knows better than we do the where, and whys, and whens of it all…. Thanks for this devotion today. It is right where I am.

  388. Melody B

    I’ve always known it secretly in my heart that God is wanting me to surrender it to Him but I didn’t want to admit it. Time and time again I thought that I could find the right man for myself, that even though he wasn’t a Christian and pursued Jesus if he made me happy at the time he was the right man for me, because every relationship isn’t perfect right? Wrong. Jesus I surrender my unmet desire for a significant other to your feet. I will lean on you and seek Your Face and rely on your perfect timing. Thank you God for showing me the only way to Love. With the love you have shown me. Amen.

  389. Shanna

    I am leaving my unmet longing of my business taking off. I have been absolutely consumed with it and keep asking God to help me, me, me. I am battling between this self-consuming spirit and accepting what God has planned for my life. I am tired of trying to make it happen in my own strength and then giving it to Him and taking it right back! I am giving it to Him and to Him be the glory! Amen.

    Thanks Lysa for the blog post today!

  390. Amy Swafford

    I am releasing trying to have a baby to the Lord, it is in His plans if He blesses my husband and I with a child.

  391. Tammy

    the results of an upcoming biopsy for my husband and my need for a job.

  392. Potlako

    Mine sometimes makes me feel as though I should actually not even voice it because “other people are going through much more than me”. but I am the cliche and its double fold. My unmet longing is finding the right person… The knowing you need to let go and the actual letting go is tough especially when the main cause is because you are also comparing your life with other people. “Not by my power, not by my might”

  393. Nikkie Clark Vogel

    I understand this so much. The desire to want a baby is so strong and I allow that desire to cloud my mind & not see Gods will sometimes. I have given this adoption process to him and have taken back the control a few times but I truly believe he has created me a baby and we will soon be meeting that baby…My fear what if my desire is so strong and I don’t see Gods will is not for me to adopt.

  394. Monica Hogan

    My unmet longing is in short for my kids, all of them. I have 2 of my own and 4 who are my husbands adopted children from a previous marriage. We both have raised them in the church, done our best to live out our walk with Jesus although not perfect. So I am believing and standing on the promises in the bible that one day that they will have a personal relationship with Jesus.

  395. Ria

    I’m releasing and letting go of my unmet desire to have a baby. I place my desire in God’s hands knowing that his thoughts and ways will always be higher than mine. And that His love is enough.

  396. Erika

    Thank you for the wonderful timing of truth. I have been so discouraged about my job search. And I have given it over to the Lord in discouragement and disappointment, but not in trust. So now I will be giving it to God in His timing, for His glory, and because I trust Him with my life. Thank you Lord.

  397. Olivia

    I am a single mom of 4 beautiful kids. My ex husband is not a part of my kids lives & it’s been really hard on all of us because more than I long for a good man they long for a father. And it is so hard because I can’t give them a father. I am leaving these unmet longings w/ God & trusting He has bigger & better plans for me & my children.

  398. Chris

    I just finished Lysas little book What Happens when Women say yes to God- I have learned why I have been struggling so much with having joy and contentment. I believe this book would be a great extension and follow up for me to follow through with seeking Gods plan for me as I strive to set a Godly example for my teenagers as well.

  399. Melissa

    I’m leaving the unmet desire of a man that I thought would make me happy, and I’m seeking God for my happiness. I’m trusting His plan and not my own.

  400. Amy

    My daughter will be living with her father for the school year-10 hours away. It was a mutual choice by he and I that this was the right thing for her-for this year. But… She’s of the age where SHE can decide with which parent she want to live. My fear is that she’ll choose her Dad… I am releasing my fears into God’s hands and my daughter into her earthy and Heavenly Father’s care…

  401. Avrey

    Thank you so much for this Lysa! I am putting my unmet desire for marriage in the hands of My God today

  402. Amber Stone

    I’m releasing my mom’s problems. I have taken them on myself & I need to give it to God. Today I let go! Thank you God. You know the desires of my heart & I trust you. Thank you, love you. Amen

  403. Robin Weinrich

    Thank you for your encouragement. I’ve struggled with this very thing for several years. It is indeed a daily reconcilement with God about His plan and not my own.

  404. Kathy

    The desperate need of getting my own place to live!!! Giving it to Jesus right now, I decided to trust in his perfect plans!!

  405. Anne Fernandes

    The quote, “Let go, and let God”, is not Biblically verbatim; however, the quote’s intent is scriptural. I Peter 5:7, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” The tricky part is that our flimsy human brain, as well as the enemy of our faith, snares us into fearful thinking quicker than lightening. Reframing our thoughts takes time and diligence. Phil 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” is the Godly way to reframe your thoughts, but you must be ready to GRAB the negative, and replace it with the right, the pure, the lovely, the admirable, the excellent and the praiseworthy. Personally, after 34 years of salvation, I’m still working on the “casting cares” part of my walk, but that weakness keeps me up close and reliant on the Lord! Don’t forget to put your armor on, Ladies (Eph 6:10-18, “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” Fight the enemy with the sword of the spirit, God’s word.

  406. lea

    There’s just so many things I could write here. Thank you for the reminder.

  407. Fantacy

    The Lord reconciled my husband and I 8 years ago, after a long term affair and after years of neither of us being Biblical spouses (we have both been Christians since before we met, but didn’t LIVE like it).
    The Lord changed my heart and stripped away the arrogance and pride that was keeping me from being a Biblical wife, and I thought the same had happened with my husband. I found out 3 months ago that is not really the case. My husband has been nicer and happier, but I found out it is because I am being a Biblical wife, not because he has any interest in being a Biblical husband. He has said so in not so many words and his actions have proven it over the past few months. He likes being “in charge” and knowing that I submit the final decisions of the household to him (he is not a “you will do THIS!” kind of guy, but knows that if we do not agree on how something is to be handled, I submit to his final decision without any “whatever”s or “I told you so”s if something goes wrong), but has no desire or motivation to give up unhealthy friendships (esp an opposite sex one…and yes, they are just friends) or anything he doesn’t “feel like” or “want to” sacrifice.
    The Lord has shown me that we BOTH need to be willing to do what the Lord commands as far as marriage goes, but I seem to be the only one willing to listen. Right now I am so weary and tired of trying to be a Biblical wife AND make sure my family is in church and studying the Word and praying and the only one who is willing to sacrifice “self” for the Lord and for our marriage…my husband does not care if we go to church or not (says he does but makes no effort to make it happen), does not make praying or Bible study/reading a priority, and does not do much to encourage our kids (ages 20-does not live at home anymore, almost 17 and almost 10) to seek the Lord, and has made if painfully clear that he is not willing to sacrifice any part of “self” that he enjoys for our marriage (and the Lord is revealing to me that it is not just for our marriage, he is unwilling to sacrifice it for his relationship with the Lord also…he is happy with how things are and sees no need to change regardless of what the Bible or his spouse says)…
    Anyway, I have struggled with the Lord on this because I am so let down and “ugh” because I don’t understand why conviction doesn’t strike my husband like it has struck me so many times. I don’t understand why God isn’t pushing harder on my husband or why He doesn’t do something to really get my husband’s attention. I know we aren’t to put ourselves in God’s position and say “God, you HAVE to do this!” I am just so broken and torn as to why I forgave infidelity and held on to our marriage 8 years ago if God wasn’t going to change my husband’s heart as much as He did mine. Back then, the only reason I held on to our marriage was because I felt like God showed me that our marriage was going to be a witness and testimony to others as to the great things God can do with people who just submit to His will and Truth….now I question if we will ever be that couple, since I am seeing that this past 8 years it has only been me and is still only me.
    Sorry for the novel, but those are the things that I am struggling with and know that I need to completely surrender to God (I keep trying to do it myself because I am afraid that if I don’t speak it to my husband, no one will because my husband acts like everything is amazing in our marriage and that my issues are the only issues there are). It’s hard to let go, even when it is to God.

  408. Cindy Horton

    I want to sell my house but I need to ask God what HE wants! AND I want my business to flourish! But I need to seek God in prayer and listen to what HE wants for my life. My issue is with control I need to control it all but I need release it all to HIM and put all my trust in HIM! Struggling daily but Trusting God daily too.
    Thanks for the great reminder!

  409. bel

    Letting go of selling this house to downsize and finding the right smaller home.

  410. Sharayah

    My unmet longing is to be a mom. It’s been the biggest desire of my heart since I was a little girl. My husband and I both know that right now, we are just not financially ready. It’s been such a struggle for me, because so many of our friends and family are having kids, and it’s difficult for me to be patient. I know that in this time, God is working in me and making me into the woman I need to be in order to be a great mom AND a great wife. I know He is in control of it all. I just need to be patient and wait on His perfect timing.

  411. MB

    I release the unmet longing of finding my life partner and starting a family. God is the only Partner I truly need; he walks beside me always

  412. Whitney Wagner

    I am so in this place right now. Thanks for the reminder that I need to keep up my end of the bargain and just have faith that what He has in mind is best.

  413. Mandie

    My husband has been in the police academy for the past year. He works full time then goes to academy each evening. Our three boys have really missed their daddy this past year. Our finances are horrible and we really thought once he found a position with a department things would get much better. He interviewed with two departments in our area but wasn’t offered either position. This was SO hard. We really thought this was it and everything would finally be okay. No more debt, collectors, charging tuition or groceries. When the answer was no it was hard to accept and I blamed God for not making it happen. This week I’m going to give our finances and my husband’s job over to God. I will pray for Him to lead us and that I would trust His direction. I will also pray for contentment where I am now.

  414. Ashley

    My life has not turned out the way I thought it would. I thought I would be “happily” married (whatever that is), a teacher, and attending a church where I was actively involved in the church. I have a new job and my marriage is in the upside, but the most important part…being involved in a church is still like its never going to happen. My children are almost grown and haven’t had that experience like I did growing up. My hope is that one day God will touch them in a mighty way, but unfortunately it doesn’t happen on my time.

  415. Pam McClemons

    This is a good one and helps me a lot with trying to decide if I stay where I am at, in an established home and town where my family lives, or move to Montana with my boyfriend, who has a really good job there. I’m trying so hard to “Let go and Let God!” And watch as things unfold on thier own. I have found some things that have happened very interesting, but I still have this lingering desire to take control…..!

  416. Kim

    My husband has been working on a specific job change for a few weeks now. It seems like all the signs are there. We prayed about it. This employer seems to be a Godly man with integrity and character; something we have had difficulty finding. It just doesn’t seem to be happening. It would help some financial difficulties we are having as well. This is tough for me but I’m trying daily, to give this to God. Please pray for my family. 🙂
    God bless!

  417. angie

    Trying to let go of several things, but focusing on feeling dissatisfied in current job and asking Godto allow for a new one.

  418. Stacey Hatten

    I needed this so desperately today. We have been going through CPS to foster to adopt two children and found out today that they will be going to someone in their biological family. So heartbroken, but I will trust Him. His ways are always perfect.

  419. Mel

    my marriage

  420. Megan

    Thank you for sharing this. I have been praying this week and trying hard top five up my desire to understand why certain things have happened recently. I think it is important sometimes to be okay not understanding just trusting that God knows for me.

  421. Stephanie

    Im leaving my unmet longing of being healed from Alopecia which i’ve been suffering from for the past 8 years in His hands.

  422. Ashlee

    Thank you for this Lysa. I needed this so much right now. I have been praying for The Lord to guide me in knowing when I should move cross country to be with my family. Also, I am praying for everyone and their struggles in this comment feed!

  423. Kari

    I’m hurting and trying to heal from a relationship that ended abruptly.I feel as if I’m in mourning for this man I love so much.In a lot of emotional pain

  424. Susie

    I’ve been longing for our financial situation to change for the better for at least 4 + years now. Really tired of struggling. My husbands company had a client bail on a project and left owing us a LOT of money. Now we have huge tax problems, bills and not a lot of work. Had to cut salary BIG time. We should be saving for retirement but just paying bills is tough some weeks. I know we still have it good but it’s so hard at times to not get anxious about what will happen next. During this time I’ve lost my mom and we are now helping to care for my dad. We’ve also lost my husbands dad. But we have gained our first 2 grandkids! They are heaven sent!!

  425. Megan Richey

    Great reminder!!

    I was so badly hoping we would be able to buy a house this year. When we were approved for much less than we hoped it was really hard for a while. Especially because we are a family of four with another on the way and we are in a two bedroom apartment. This happened a couple months ago, and I still have to remind myself daily that this is all part of His plan. Things will come together through His will. He definitely has much bigger plans for me and my family.

  426. Renee

    I have been fighting a battle for two years over my son. It is a spiritual battle because he is called to do amazing ministry. He has been running for two years and I’ve been praying and fasting and fasting and praying. As a Christian we pray “God let me know your will and I’ll do it” or “show me your way and I’ll follow”. Only until April did I learn that praying such prayers can be hard to obey. I never imagined when I heard from The Lord it would be to do something so painful. I can’t put my emotions into words but my son starts his senior year without living at home. Thank you Lysa for reminding me everything in my life belongs to God, even my only child. This week I lay my child down at His feet and will not return to pick him up so that The Lord can finish the work He has started.

  427. Dina

    My health…I’m letting go and giving it all to Him!

  428. Donna

    This is so hard. I’ve been praying for a loved ones salvation since i was a child. I’ve been praying for another to turn their life around and both are unmet. I’ve held on to hope and God’s promises. Yet so much of how i see myself is the woman with unanswered prayer. Oh God if my prayers are never answered, i trust you. You are real to me. I am yours and you are mine.

  429. Sherry

    I must place my unmet need/desire for a better job and finding his will for my life, in God’s hands, in order to get balance and peace back into my life. There is so little time. money and energy in my life. I can’t do things I need and want to do. There also is not enough of me. My parents need me in one state and my kids need me in another. I cant be here and there too. I’m feeling confused, hopeless and spread thin. There is nothing left for me to do to fix some of brokenness I am experiencing. If God isn’t here fixing it, it won’t be fixed.

  430. Mary

    I constantly feel down because my daughter and husband are trying to adopt after 7+ years of infertility. It is so expensive and so heart-breaking to wait to be “picked.” I have not been able to let go of it. Also, my son hasn’t found “the one” yet, and it is hard to see his loneliness. I need help letting go of these things.

  431. Missy

    Probably to personal to put on the “www”, but is love to be entered in the drawing for a book… I long to be appreciated.

  432. Samantha Hoffpauir

    I have been struggling with a relationship. I went through a really dark period in my life and during that period, I said some things that came off hurtful, though at the time, I just didn’t see it. I have since done everything I can think of to try and mend that relationship, especially since it is family. However, that person chooses to avoid me and ignore me, in the same church and everything. I am tired of being hurt by this. I know God can bring together the broken pieces, but I keep holding on to one or two. Call it my control freak thing. Every message from Godly women I have heard recently is to give God ALL THE pieces, it’s amazing what He can do. So my prayer today, and for the next fewdays, weeks, or however long it takes is for God to take ALL the pieces, though my heart my try to hide a few, please take them all.

  433. Helen

    My daughter has refused relationship with me and I cannot understand why. I haven’t seen her or my grandchildren in years. We are both believers. My heart breaks over and over as I am rejected with each attempt to connect.
    I will trust God with this now, His perfect timing, and If it’s no relationship then I must test that He has a better plan. Still, my heart aches.

  434. Anj

    I feel really blessed upon reading your post. It reminded me a lot of the many heartbreaks in my life-those times when God clearly said NO to my prayers. During those times, I kept asking God,”why?” Why can’t I work in the best company? Why can’t I pursue my childhood dream? Why did He place me in the work I’ll never enjoy? There were just countless questions I raised to God. It all seemed to me that God didnt want me to be happy. Only now that I realized how selfish my prayers were. It revealed about the true condition of my heart. That I wasnt really seeking God, I was just thinking about what He can do with my life for my own convinience. Now, it’s clearer to me that God has called me to a greater purpose, and that is to serve Him, worship Him and glorify Him with my life.

  435. Deedee

    Wow. This hits home on so many levels. You see, I was a SAHM when my husband was laid off from his job. The circumstances surrounding his lay off have been filled with resentment, anger, and animosity towards those who were allowed to keep their jobs because, in all honesty, several of them had stolen from their company. Regardless, my husband and I were left to figure out how to support ourselves, a 5 year old, and 7 month old baby. We had little savings and had to sell many of our belongings to get by. Fast forward 1 year, my husband finally found a job after 5 months of unemployment, but making only half of what he earned before. I returned to work at a much lower salary than qualified because I had chosen to stay home with our children for 4 years. We are still struggling financially and cannot seem to keep afloat. Most recently my husband was passed over for a promising job with a very prominent university. We put all of our faith into this opportunity only to find out that door was closed, too. It broke us. I know there is a reason we are going through this, but it is so hard to see right now. I feel like our life has been filled with nothing but unmet desires. I know my husband and I need to trust in the plans God has for our life, but when we cannot afford to put food on the table, we revert back to feeling angry at how this all came to be. Please keep our little family in your prayers.

  436. Lyn

    My unmet longing is for my daughter. She has been through two weeks of grueling tryouts for over 6 teams and has not received an offer. My heart hurts for her so much. Last night with tears, she turned to me and said, ” Do you have any idea how hard it is to go time and time again and be told you are not good enough? This was one thing I knew, or I thought I knew I was good at.”. That you are not enough. Oh sweetness you are worthy of so much more. My heart hurts so much. Daily, I am begging God to hear me, begging that He will show her His grace in this. That she will hand it over to Him in prayer.

    This is so hard, as a parent, we want to do the right thing and make sure we open the right doors for our children, or at least knock on them. But at the end of the day, we have to leave the results up to God.

    His will, not mine. His will, not hers.

    Oh Lord, please give me Your strength to know that deep in my soul.

  437. Regina

    *a new job!

  438. Kim Duvall

    My hearts longing is for my husband to stop belittling me with his words and God to transform our marriage

  439. Laura

    I need to surrender my expectations in our marriage.

  440. tubailey

    I’m learning to just be open to what the Lord allows to come my way. I need to seek HIS FACE first, and he’ll bring everything together.

  441. Kathleen McIntire

    Dear Lysa: Thank you so much for this amazing post. It was an answer to my prayer. You see I have been disappointed and angry at God for not answering my prayer to get me out of my broken marriage, for not delivering my husband who suffers from addictions and from the broken heart that I carry with me every day. I didn’t understand why God would want me to suffer in such loneliness and sadness, why wouldn’t he want his daughter to know and experience true love???? Your post spoke directly to my struggle and my broken heart and gave it life as I came to the realization that I must surrender these dreams and then trust God that what he has for me is good! I still struggle but I know that if I take this one day at a time and trust God in that moment, in that day that I will see that the plans he has for me are good, even better than what I imagined. Thank you, for being the vessel that God used to speak into my complete despair.


  442. Alicia


  443. Sharon

    The longing of my soul is to experience lasting peace and freedom from my food issues. As I read “Made To Crave”, I praise God for the wisdom and insight that he gave Lysa. I am filled with hope but I’ve failed so many times before that I’m afraid to dream that this time things will be different. I cling to JESUS, my hope!

    • Sharon

      The longing of my soul is to experience lasting peace and freedom from my food issues. As I read “Made To Crave”, I praise God for the wisdom and insight that he gave Lysa. I am filled with hope but I’ve failed so many times before that I’m afraid to dream that this time things will be different. I cling to JESUS, my hope! Today I place my longing in God’s hand.

  444. Sandi Lane

    Thank you for the pretty picture with the comment….”be consumed or trust God”…I printed it out and put it in a frame next to my station (I am a hair dresser). Others to see, but also for me to keep being reminded who I am trusting in. Thank you. There is always and still hope – Hope in the One!

  445. Amy

    I have read and pray for all of the ladies who have left comments today. I pray you would as well. This post is perfect, even a couple of days late. Today I give my deep longing and desires for a complete healing and gracious reconciliation with my beloved J and our family, that continues to burn in my heart, in the hands of our loving Abba Father. Either way I will see His actions as the good answer and walk in trust. Some moments are easier to live in peace with this than others, but hearing the Scripture and being reminded that when I’m willing to walk in faith, EARNESTLY seeking HIS will, I am rewarding beyond measure in each moment. Just reading that brought an immediate calm to my anxious mind and heart. I have spent a lot of my life wasting God’s precious blessings because I was too busy looking for something I thought was better and missed them. Jesus, take my hand and heart today and guide me in each moment to see your presence and power. Help me to trust and accept the love you and our Heavenly Father have for me today. Make me small so that I can see how big YOU are. In Jesus’ precious name, I ask that His will be done. Amen!

  446. Halona Luna

    Been in the hospital twice and doctors seem to be clueless as how to treat my condition. They tell me that there is no cure and I am in complete misery. I need God’s hand of healing, comfort and hope. I am seen as a fat person but it is because of the growths that have been caused by my disease. The pain and depression seems to be swallowing me up and I cant get out like I once did for church, especially since I have to be in bed with my legs elevated for life.

  447. Tammy

    Weight and excerise are my big unmet’s and have been for a long time. I feel awful most of the time, to be honest I am so lazy I can’t seem to get going. I have prayed and asked God to show me what to do. I guess I just am not a good listner. I need some quidelines to guide me in what direction I should go. Because believe me I am really lost.

  448. Pam

    Wow I needed this! I am behind in reading but I have this longing in my heart to meet someone who will love me for who I am that I can share my life with. I have spent my life being afraid to let anyone in that might hurt me and feel like I missed out….I was hurt as a little kid and at 50 years old finally able to feel like I have worked hard to heal from my past. I have always had the desire to meet mr right. I need to give this to God and know he has the plans for just what I need. How do I let go? And let God?

  449. Stacey W. Moore

    I would like to meet the right person and start dating and learn to write again, like with everything in my life I have let fear get in the way. I seem to get paralizied by it, which is something I have to learn to turn over. I am very blessed though with my family and the Christians. Have a blessed day.

  450. Jennie

    Releasing the feeling of needing to be loved & valued by others. I know that God is enough for me but it’s so difficult to really walk in it each day.

  451. Vickie Jameson

    Appreciate your comments. I struggle each day with my husband’s cancer and wanting so much for God to say yes to healing him. Even knowing that no matter the outcome my husband is going to be okay. But the knowing doesn’t make it any easier and giving my husband to Him and trusting is so hard some days. It is a constant testing of my faith.
    Thank you for this post.

  452. B smith

    You encourage me so much. For a month now I have been praying your prayers out of made to crave devotional. I surrender lord

  453. Loren

    I am longing for peace and joy and to know my purpose Lately, it just seems like nothing is going as I want it to. My relations, career, finances, and I could go on. I trying really hard to stop and have faith that my God is working it out. But in the mean time I can’t shake the self pity. Just feeling defeated.

  454. Sharon Jones

    I have Tarlov Cyst Disease in my sacral spine. I underwent surgery in January 2010. This was after years of pain that affected most parts of my body (head to toe). By the time I was diagnosed and God lead me to the only neurosurgeon in the U.S. with the expertise and know how to help me, a great deal of nerve damage had already occurred. I suffer with daily pain. The only relief comes from pain meds and sleep. I have just recently found a wonderful physical therapist who trained in Australia and helped me immensely several years ago with an old neck injury. I had lost touch with where he was working now. Praise God! He led me back to him through an Internet search. I have to believe this is God’s hand at work. I am so weary of pain having so much control over my life. At any rate, I am giving this over to God. I have no doubt He has a more perfect plan for my life; however, I know in my heart that OUR time of reference isn’t necessarily God’s. I believe in my heart that there is a reason and a message to be found in my suffering with this. I am resigned to live with my pain if this is God’s answer to many prayers.
    God bless you.

  455. Eva

    My physical pain. My father, mother, brothers and sisters, and mostly my daughter and her family. I know that God calls us to him. I’ve been praying for them, waiting. I know it’s in His hands. With my own bodily pains, God has healed them. I know this to be true. I must believe it though. Yes, If I walk with the Holy Spirit in me, and am a new creation, then he’s healed me, inside and out.

  456. Crystal

    I love how God leads me to reading the right things just when I need them. I’m letting go today of the unforgiveness I feel for myself. A very hurtful past that has contributed to the broken relationship between my daughter & myself. I’ve heard Lauren Daigal’s song “How can it be” several times on the radio, but it wasn’t until recently that I really payed attention to the words of that song. It brought me to tears, realizing that when I should have been condemed he was there to make my wrongs right and plead my cause. Today I am going to let go of these feelings. Allowing God to come and heal me, change me & mend the relationship that is broken.

  457. Yinet Montesino

    I’m giving up the desire to find the right one. I’ve been a devoted disciple of Jesus for 8 years now. Doing mission work, denying myself, inspiring others and living the hardest life out there yet the most rewarding- being a christian. I figured that with proving my faith trustworthy and myself a reliable servant of Christ… that God would have given me this desire long time ago. But perhaps God sees this desire as becoming an idol. And he strongly dislikes other masters being involved. I’m learning that he has 3 answers- yes, no or not yet. In the moment it seems like a no but perhaps it’s a not yet. But either way I just have to let it go and if it happens it will be a pleasant surprise and if it doesn’t not a bitter disappointment. So amen. Reminding myself to going back to being fully devoted to my only husband.. Christ.

    • Yvette Williams

      You are right, Yinet-God does not want us to make desires into idols!Thank you for sharing your experience and insight.

  458. Carol Anne

    Giving up my unmet desire for my daughter to find true Salvation and completely turn her life around for God to have the full glory.

  459. GG

    I don’t get to my emails as soon as I would like to so that’s why I’m just getting to this today. My “longings” list is quite long. My husband and his relationship with me and God, my young adult children (25, 23, 21) and their relationship with God (most importantly), but my oldest daughter who has had a desire to be married and/or out on her own since she graduated from high school-neither has happened and it doesn’t look like it will any time soon, my middle daughter who has moved out but is sharing a home with her boyfriend of 9 yrs and his sister (we don’t really think he’s the right one for her but that’s not our call and we’ve prayed for them about various things but “no change”, my son and his job situation which I truly believed that God laid out perfectly (partly because all three of my children started their jobs on the 25th day of the month-thought that was a sign) but now he hates his job. MY job/job situation-long story here. I hate it, I’m miserable, It’s awful. We own our own business (25 yrs.) and I work with my in-laws and we are also dealing with some legal issues. Again, long story, too long to explain but I’ve pleaded with God to do something; change me, change my circumstances, change our situation, change my perspective-something-but nothing has changed. Financial problems-personal and business. And I’m sure I could keep going. I want to release these things (longings), and I thought I had but my heart aches.

  460. Catherine

    I am midstream in my transformation, at least in this latest stage:) God has given me more peace, joy, love as I’ve never known before. (I was born 3days shy of 1961:) which gives everyone a clue as to my age:) Before it was crushing depression, grief, loss and shame….years of autoimmune illness and CFS. Still healing, but learning to pick up the sword…to rejoice and fight. My promise is on the other side. Renew old skills and learn many new, dying to the old and embracing a new life. Oh, how hard the flesh dies. Here’ s to new life:)

  461. Angie S

    I’m releasing my unmet desire of paying off debt, having peace in my family. I know in ALl things God’s will always is done.

    Thank you for the reminder!

  462. Alyssa

    My unmet longing is for the life I want in my head versus the life that is currently in front of me. I have a feeling God wants me to surrender to Him and say yes to Him here but I just don’t like it here and am afraid if I say yes I’ll get stuck in this place that doesn’t look anything like the place I want to be… 🙁 Help?

  463. Kay

    I have struggled long and hard with laying down my desire to manage my husband’s time and priorities. When I’m not doing well in this area it causes so much tension between us and he feels like a failure for not pleasing me. It’s not that I doubt his abilities, but it’s the when and how that I can’t seem to let go.
    Your post today comes at a time when we are in the midst of looking for housing and he is looking for a different job. High stress for both of us! I have been praying for him and trying to resist the temptation to nag him about both changes. You have just confirmed that I need to keep resisting my natural impulses and let the Holy Spirit be my husband’s guide.
    Can’t wait to read your book!

  464. Judy

    What a great post! Perfect timing for me. I find that it’s when I’m relying on myself that I get easily discouraged and feeling down. the reminder to trust God and His plan and His timing is exactly what I need! Thanks!

  465. Leah

    This was like an arrow to my heart, thank you. I am releasing my unmet longing to be in a relationship and get married. After a decade of wishing and hurting and pursuing and wondering if God even has marriage for me, I want to let it go.

    I honestly don’t know what the future holds. He may have it or he may not, but I need to be able to say to myself: “Either way, I will see Your answer as the good answer and walk in trust.”

  466. Risa

    I’m leaving several things in God’s hands…restoration for my family, including my adult stepchildren and unsaved siblings…our struggle in selling our current home and purchasing a different one…my son’s diagnosis of autism and adhd…the desire to become a stay-at-home mom to focus on my family…my own spiritual walk and growth in Christ. A favorite song from my childhood says “I put it all in His hands…no matter the burdens, or problems…I know He can solve them. I put it all, yes, I put it all, I put it all in His hands.” Thank you for this timely and much needed post. May God continue to bless your ministry!

  467. Angelica Berthiaume

    I will be releasing the unmet desire of my mother being proud of the person I have become. I am beautifully and wonderfully made and I seek God every day. I want to grow but I have to grow to be good enough for God and not just my mom.

    • Libby

      You are “good enough for God” through his son. He sent his son to make all of us “good enough.” The only one who really matters is God because he is the ultimate power. We all long for our parents to accept us for who we are, but sometimes parents don’t want us to be who we are. They may not have ever wanted us. God is the one who really matters when it comes to being wanted. God wants us to continually improve in putting on his character, loving him and loving our neighbor equal to ourselves (not more than, not less than.) With God’s help you will get there.

  468. Julianne

    This post has perfect timing in my life, I feel so often like the discouraged surrender happens in my life. I’m choosing to joyfully trust the Lord with the sale of our house to purchase my mom’s house. It would be a safer environment for my 3 boys, especially my oldest that has Autism, more space for everyone, and better area or town. I’ve been struggling for 4 years since my son was diagnosed and I feel like everything I have asked of the Lord has not been met. My faith has been challenged and I am weary and frustrated.

  469. Jenn

    I was reminded of God’s love in an unmet longing over 10 years ago. Long story short, I was down to the final two in an interview for a teaching position at the high school I had gone to. I knew the principal; I was confident; And I didn’t get the position. The other candidate was “more polished” than me. I was devastated! It was all part of God’s amazing love. A few weeks later I was hired at the most coveted high school in the area.

    Today I am reminded that God’s greatness shines brightest in our surrender. After the most stressful school year in my 10 years, I have gained 15lbs. This summer I have been tormenting myself about getting to the gym, eating this and not that, throwing tantrums when I go to put on my previously cute outfits only to find they’re way too tight . . . Today I surrender! God has me where I need to be. Enjoy life. Listen to his voice. And watch His LOVE unfold 🙂

  470. Ann M

    Thank you for this Lysa. My unmet longing is for a job I applied for. I have a toddler and a 4 month old baby and I have been praying for this job since the salary, the schedule and the benefits seem perfect and fit for me and what I want for my children. I will be letting God take over this unmet longing as hard as it is on me.

    Thank you again. 🙂

  471. Lori

    My longing to adopt from China. I have been talking to my husband for over 10 years about adopting–it is not on his heart. Accept that it might not be God’s plan for our family, stop longing and feeling sad.

  472. YDR

    I will be letting go of all the fear and insecurities which hold me back in every aspect of my life. I will trust God and myself!

  473. Jessica Hauf

    My husband and all his strongholds…especially alcohol and demonic influences (by choice). Also my overwhelming fear for our 5 young children who are all home and feeling rejected.

  474. Janel

    I’m releasing wanting my husband to get a job that would provide us with more financial security and stability. Also, waiting for an open door into ministry and better living situation.

  475. Sara

    The unmet need I am releasing today is a place to live. We have to move by the end of this month and we have been (unsuccessfully) searching and praying for a place to live… I know God will provide for this need in his perfect timing!
    Also I have such a desire to homeschool my children but am unable at this time due to financial and other family reasons. I pray God provides comfort during this time for me. And hopefully the ability to be able to do this in the future!

  476. Mary M.

    I miss my beloved husband who died many years ago, but I give thanks for the time we had together. I pray for my children and their spouses every day. One of these is under the care of Hospice and I pray for the end of their pain and suffering.

    • Stacey Leach

      My Son and daughter are addicted to drugs. My Husband is dieing he has infusions once a week. My husband gets very angry. very verbally abusive.

  477. Kelly

    I don’t know how you do it, but when I need your posts to touch me the most they do. I’m chin deep in this struggle of trying to control a situation and get the outcome I want. I desperatly needed the reminder that it’s not for me to control. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, for saving me today. #learningtounmother, #deepbreaths, #onedayatatime

  478. Michele Jones

    My son Jared is 21 years old. His father left us when Jared was 11 years old. Jared has struggled with depression and rejection and feeling inadequate. He says that he is agnostic. I hurt and pray every day and sometimes throughout the day. I beg God to open Jared’s heart to see and hear and believe the truth that he is fully loved by an awesome God. I pray for him to believe in Jesus. This desire I have can consume me at times. I am choosing today to give this over to Jesus. I release it to him now! Thank you Lyssa

  479. Charlotte

    In the past month, 3 job opportunities presented themselves to me completely out of the blue. All were in the field of adoption, the field I have been longing to get into for years. I applied for each opportunity and prayed that Gid would open the door that would be best. Within the past week, one position was filled internally, another was decided by the board not to be filled and the 3rd closed without further consideration. I have felt discouraged and questioning God’s reasoning for all of these and the timing. I am struggling to learn how to be free to hope for things while not putting my hope IN them. Thank you for this reminder and I am choosing to place my desire for a job in this field, my desire for a husband and family in His loving hands.

  480. Elaine

    It is funny how we wait and wonder and then are surprised when God answers. I have been praying for my son to come backvto his relationship with God and the first time I knew he was truly back, he sent me to his church’s site to watch 4 videos. After watching the first 10 or 15 minutes I texted him 4 ahas. It was such a joy. Now he is playing drums for praise andbworship when the regular drummer is out. God is good all the time amen

  481. Stacy F.

    Having another baby.

  482. Sara Snatchko

    So many unmet longings that I try so hard to hold onto but can’t. A few would be my financial burdens, my irresponsibility, my husbands’ faith and trust with God and not going to church with me.

  483. Catherine

    Returning to college, my head and heart have been muddled with worries about money, the future, classwork, my relationship, friends, my attitude, and so forth. Every little thing becomes an ordeal and I easily get so worked up, causing myself to forget that God has me. A recent Jesus Calling devo spoke about putting all of those worries to bed by trusting in Jesus and his mighty power. Those problems seem like everything now, but in comparison to the the plan I know he has for me, they truly are nothing to worry about. I give those worries to him today.

  484. Lisa

    This is such a great reminder. I really needed this. I have an adult daughter who has walked away from God. This is not something that has happened recently, it has been going on for quite a few years now. I pray earnestly for her eyes to open to her need for Jesus in her life yet she holds him an arms length and digs her heals in. Recently she broke up with this man (not a believer) who she has been living with. I hoped that maybe this would help her realize that is not the life she was created for. Nope, she still chooses to turn to other things to help her cope or help her feel better. I have to admit I feel discouraged at times. I long for her to choose to follow Jesus. She was raised in a home where she was shown and taught to love God. Sometimes my heart just aches for her! Each day I have to physically lift my arms and hand her back to Jesus. This is where she needs to be anyway.

  485. Ann

    It is so hard to trust God when I have prayed for what I want, conversion forgiveness and healing for my family members. I must trust God knows what he is doing on waiting for answered prayers. I must turn it all over to him in faith.

  486. Dee

    Release from an ungodly relationship!!

  487. Michelle

    I am waiting for a potential job offer either today or tomorrow. I truly believe that God will present the perfect opportunity when the time is right. But I am human and pray that this nursing position is God’s will for me and my family. I really, really, really want to work in that department. now.

  488. Melissa

    I had a recent “break-up” that I am currently dealing with. Long story but this is the same man I almost married 27 years ago. I have loved him….truly loved him for many years. I can’t explain my excitement to finally have him back in my life after all these years but more importantly….to have him back in church & getting his life back on track. I really felt as if God “gave him back” to me. Hmmmm…..Just realized as I typed that last line that he was never mine to have…..He’s God’s son…he belongs to God….for his glory! I am saddened to have him leave my life again but continue to keep my eyes on the “real” prize…..God’s purpose for my life. I know that he is still in control & no matter what……I will serve him!!!!!!! I release my love into his arms & trust God’s plan is far better than I can even conceive. Can’t wait to see what God has in store….I keep telling myself that I am “fearfully & wonderfully made”!!! The tears will end & my heart will mend as my knees continue to bend in his prescence! God Bless!!!!

  489. Pam Parker

    I am releasing all my unmet needs today generationally, spiritually, physically, in my soul — my mind, will and emotions and in all my desires, heart longings and disappointments and ask Jesus fill the void in my heart as I trust in you today by faith in Jesus name. All things are possible with you. Amen

  490. michelle

    I have have an unmet longing to make peace with the scale. I’ve let that number dominate my thinking for 38 years. i’m releasing this obsession today.

  491. Elizabeth Corey

    To find a job and move to Houston. I now want to end up where God wants me, with the job he wants me to have!

  492. Jesica

    I have found myself reading and re-reading this particular post/blog over and over again. It came to me on a day that was particularly hard for me. Long story short, like you, Lysa, the man I thought I was going to marry walked out on me (not because he found someone else, but the pain isn’t any less). To say the least, I have never gone through anything so difficult or painful in my life (and I have been through some very tough times). Its been extremely hard to just let it all go and completely give it all up to God, but I keep turning to your post to remind myself that I need to do so.

  493. Kai A. Pineda

    I love what you shared today as it impacted me personally. My heart agrees with every word written because I remember the days I sought the longings in my soul, more than I sought the lover of my soul. God spoke to me one day as I was ranting about the thing I wanted. I said “I want…” He replied; “I WANT YOU!” I was stunned, but now surprised. I was focusing on my want rather than resting in God’s Will and timing. I would be lying if I said I still do not desire the thing I asked for, but now I rejoice in knowing God’s plan is greater than mine, and when He deems it so, it will be. Thank you Lysa!

  494. Lauren

    I know the Holy Spirit allowed me to “stumble” upon this precious post today! We just found out we’re having a second boy join our family this January, and I have been wrestling with feelings of disappointment. Today I was reminded to relinquish my desire for a daughter into the hands of my Heavenly Father. I know He can transform this barren place of unfulfillment into a sacred space of joy if I will trust His heart and let Him have His way in my life.

  495. Mom2em&coop

    I struggle with financial instability. I try to lay it at the feet of Jesus but then always seem to pick the burden back up.

  496. Cynthia Solis

    I would like to release the struggle of being financially challenged. All my adult life has been that a struggle as,a single mama. I am a very hard worker and do not shy from working to make the money to make ends meet, but I’m tired. Lord through you, everything is possible, your known my hearth aND my needs, i trust in you.

  497. Maryann Scopaz

    Just like one of the previous posts, I struggle to let go of the life I want that is in head vs. the life in front of me. so many unmet desires and so many longings of my heart.

  498. Yvette Williams

    Thank you’Lysa, for discussing the subject of unmet desires. I was reminded of Proverbs 8:11 which mentions all the things we desire can not be compared with wisdom. Perhaps it is the lack of wisdom about our desires that leaves us feeling empty?

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