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What You Always Wanted To Ask Your Pastor

February 11, 2014

One of the best things a Bible teacher ever told me was, “Me too.” That two-word statement stopped a vicious misperception I had that church was only for perfect people. And because I was so hyper aware of my imperfections, I determined church didn’t work for people like me.

I used to be the girl who walked into church on Easter and Christmas thinking everyone else had it all together. I looked around and felt like such an outsider.

No one admitted their struggles so I assumed that meant they didn’t have them.

I would hear whispers inside my head, “If they knew about your abortion, they’d shun you. If they knew about your chaotic emotional struggles, they’d avoid you. You don’t belong here. You’ll never fit in. No one else has a laundry list of issues like you do.”

When you think you’re the only one who has messed up, Satan can really do a number on your heart. I think that’s his strategy… to make us feel alone so he can divide and conquer.

But when a Bible teacher dared to admit their issues too, it opened my door to the hope of Jesus in a whole new way.

Honest conversations… I think we all need more of those in our lives. So, this week I thought you’d find it interesting and helpful to peek inside some honest conversations I recently had with an amazing Bible teacher… my pastor.

(If you are reading this blog from your email, you may need to click here to see the video.)

Like I mentioned in the video, the publisher of Crash the Chatterbox is offering a great “buy one get one free” deal today. For more information, click here.

And to enter to win one of the copies I’m giving away, leave me a comment below with how this interview helped you today.

Be sure to tune in tomorrow as the honest conversation continues. But if you can’t wait that long, you can tune in today to a live Crash the Chatterbox broadcast with Pastor Steven and me from 10am-6pm EST. We would love to have you with us. Click here to join in!

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  1. Jennifer

    So can relate. I found the ministry associates I was always drawn to were the one’s who used a testimonial style discipleship approach. Not to focus on the negative, but to show that they were sinners, too, and point to the amazing blessings and Grace of God that was offered to me, too!

  2. Amanda

    Wow such a good reminder being a Bible study leader right now. I’m learn to made to crave at my church. Just last week God taught me an important spiritual lesson about my good struggles. I gathered up the courage to tell them about it in hopes it would help them learn from my mistakes and that they wouldn’t make that same mistake with their food struggles! But oh the response after I sent it, realizing it happened for the Kingdom and it’s growth 🙂 it was hard to admit you messed up when you’re the one teaching these things and feeling responsible for holding them accountable and what not. Anyway I truly believe it helped the growth of our class, with the leader, myself, being real and raw and open with them. 🙂 God is good! He works in mighty ways 🙂

  3. Lisa

    What a blessing to see your pastor being real. Such an encouraging word today. Look forward to reading the book.

  4. Lorrie

    I am in a pit of insecurity at this very point in my life. Deeply struggling. Pastor Steven’s comment, “knowing my inadequacy but not staying stuck in my insecurity” is a big bite for me to chew on.

  5. Tori

    I can definitely relate. I’m in the fitness industry and all the people around me sees the rewards but no one sees the blood, sweat, and tears I put in daily. I been through a lot and condemnation is a struggle for me. I’m learning to accept God’s grace.

  6. Rochelle Anderson

    Many years ago …nearly 50 … a campus pastor told me he’d rather be at a
    football game than in church on Sunday morning. That was real! It made an
    impression on me that moved me from being a Christian because of my family
    to a relationship with Jesus Christ.

  7. Nikki

    I totally relate. Although I am not a leader or speaker I can’t even speak up in a class or a discussion with multiple people because my insecurities. I feel or what my head tells me is that no one will care what I have to say or that I may be wrong or that they won’t get it. It’s been like that since I was a child. I asked a question in Sunday school and got made fun of because I didn’t know what circumcision was, which we were studying that section of commands. Ever since then I don’t talk in class, or if I feel like I could really say something helpful or answer, I literally panic! It’s unfortunate that I have let moments go because I felt panic and insecure!

  8. Melissa

    I can definitely relate to the message in this video. I wish those thoughts of uncertainty would not enter my mind. But, sometimes, they do. I try to stop and pray to God because I know He is holding me in His hands. That always brings a sense of peace over me.
    One example of being uncertain, or anxious, is about being Liturgist. Sometimes, I fear I may say a word wrong or speak too fast, or do something silly. But, then, I pray to God for me to show His love and glory in all I say and do and being Liturgist at church is really an honor for me. 🙂 It’s one way to show thanks to God.

  9. Nancy Silvers

    Wow, this was so insightful! I would have never thought that your Pastor had feelings of insecurity. Thank you for your transparency and willingness to share your own weaknesses that are made into strengths through Jesus Christ. Ioo forward to reading this book 🙂 Love His dependance on Jesus!

    • Nancy Silvers

      Oh and I definitely relate 🙂 have prayed for rapture many times and prayed for fresh vision too.

  10. gloria

    Can relate. Comparing my inside to other people outside!! Leads to much anxiety, insecurity, and in my case depression. Getting help and turning to God is bringing about transformation but continues to be a struggle, some days more than others.

  11. Sandy

    Thanks for admitting to something I have felt for so long. I appreciate you and Pastor Steve being “real”. Thanks for the encouragement.

  12. Amy

    “We don’t have to be perfect to speak encouragement.” What a great reminder that as Christians we must own our truth and allow God to use it to speak life to others.

  13. Darla

    I loved what you said about the running ticker tape – what a great mental image! So nice to hear Pastor Steven share struggles that we all have and often forget that people in leadership have – very encouraging! Can’t wait to read this book…and share it with others!

  14. Karen S Vaughn

    Isn’t it fantastic to see a pastor share his/her thoughts on the truth of insecurity? We all have insecurities even if we can’t see each others. My pastor is the same way, truthful about his feelings. It makes it easier to sit next to other people in church and finally realize that they may LOOK like they have it all together, but no one REALLY does. =D

    Thank you Lysa for sharing the book with whomever is blessed to receive it <3

  15. Leighanna

    I totally can relate!

  16. Mary Eilers

    I can definitely related. Lots of negative chatter in my head.

  17. Connie Teague

    I can relate with feeling insecure. Part of me wants to host a small group from church to my house but the other part is like “NO way, your house isn’t clean enough, you don’t know enough about anything to have a small group, you are not an expert on anything.”
    So I don’t….. even though I know it’s not about a clean house or how much you know……

  18. Kendra George

    I have struggled greatly with insecurities in the past two years. I was a social worker for ten years the last five were in my love, my calling, and niche…hospice social work. Then we moved to the Deep South in mississippi, and I became a stay at home mom for my 3 and almost 1 year old….not only was I missing my old friends and coworkers, but I missed what I had learned to do well. Here I was with my sweet children everyday, and I had no idea how insecure I was going to feel as a mother, the comparison game, the guilt, the monotony. I’m thankful to say I’ve come along way in the past two years, but it has come with much hard inner work with my husband, my counselor, and my friends. I will always struggle with insecurities but I’m learning to find my value in God, and not my accomplishments. I would love to have an opportunity to win this book to continue to help me in my journey to emotional and spiritual wholeness.

  19. Stephanie Corley

    I agree that Satan tries to make you feel alone so he can “divide & conquer”. He has used that plenty of times in my life. It took some time for me to see it & learn that other people struggle with the same things I do. However, I still find myself falling into that trap over & over! Being open & honest with each other as Christians is so very improtant. This book sounds great!

  20. Natalie

    I can SO relate to this…thanks for sharing To be honest, it wasn’t until I saw transparency at the pulpit that I began to realize it was ok to not have on that ‘everything is ok because I’m a Christian’ mask. I am thankful for a transparent pastor, who encourages me to work through the insecurities…laying them down at the foot of the cross.

  21. Jenny

    I can relate as well. I don’t know if there is anyone who doesn’t, whether they will admit it or not. 🙂
    I’m very much an introvert and I have to really force myself to be an extrovert. And when I do force myself to be more outgoing or speak in front of other, even just in a small group, I always feel those insecurities sneaking in and sometimes prevents me from doing things or speaking things I know I need to share with others.

  22. Pam

    Your and Steven’s realness about this issue is so refreshing. Just because one is in a public spotlight doesn’t make you any less vulnerable to the tactics of the enemy in regard to insecurities than those of us who aren’t. What Steven said about allowing our “can’t” to become God’s “can” is so very powerful. I can so relate to this topic. Thank you for the opportunity for a chance to win a copy and the heads up on the B1G1 deal!

  23. Linda

    I definitely relate to feeling inadequate; as a follower of Christ, as a wife, as a mother, as a friend, etc. I’m especially feeling inadequate right now because I’ve been looking for a job. I graduated in May 2013 with a master in school counseling and I thought for sure I would have a job by now. Every time I leave an interview I question if I showed the interviewer that I would be a good candidate for the job. Thank you for this video.

  24. Heather

    Thanks Lysa and Pastor Steven. I so can relate. As an insecure mom, I now see my oldest son (who’s only 8!) struggle with his own insecurities, which feeds mine even more! Did I cause him to feel these things? Am I doing something wrong as his mom? And the tape rolls on…

  25. Kathy

    Well, I love your Pastor , I know this from previous video’s and comments you have made on your blog. Unfortunately, I am at work, so I can not view this right now. Later tonight, YES!!! But , I would LOVE to win this book. I lead a Bible Study in our very secluded mountain Community, Big Elk Meadows in Colorado. Yes, we were recently impacted by the Colorado Floods, September 12, 2013. Our Study has not resumed yet, not many have returned home. Praise the Lord, we are home. Have been now almost 5 weeks. We were out of our home for 100 days due to the flood. !!! God has been good! Always!!!!!

  26. Latosha

    I was just thinking on this very topic while my husband and I were driving home from church this past Sunday. Our Lead Pastor, has spoken occasionally about how things can become stressful for him, but how he is honored and blessed to have a loving church family and associate Pastors to help uphold his arms during difficult times. I remember growing up in church and I would hardly find anyone in leadership admit their struggles, but would preach and teach how we were to live before God. I believe that they all meant well, but it made it hard to live up to the teachings, so it was like I would put on a facade and continue with teaching Sunday School, but yet was struggling in my flesh. I felt like a hypocrite and was too afraid to let others who appeared so spiritual, in on what I was going through. I was ashamed to even ask for prayer, because I thought I would be judged for my wrong. Today, knowing that Jesus was judged for my wrong on the cross has helped and encouraged me to not be afraid to share and be open with others, even while serving and ministering in a leadership position myself. Thank you Lysa and Pastor Steven for sharing in video blog today. Blessings!

  27. Andrea

    This video is a healing balm. I have struggled my whole life with anxiety and the issues related to it. It is very isolating and easy to feel like you are the only one who struggles this way. I have often been guilty of assuming that other Christians don’t feel like this or that I’m really bad because I do. It’s nice to know that I’m not alone. I’d love a copy of this book to learn more….

  28. karen

    Wow…can I relate…as a person who has been called into a role of giving weekly lectures, I battle the negative self talk weekly…I am also an introvert who is stepping out of her comfort zone weekly to become an extrovert…But the One who called me is faithful and equips me each “shaky” step. Look forward to reading this book.

  29. Frances

    I didn’t realize you went to Elevation church. I love listening to the sermons online sometimes to shake up my quiet times. I love when Pastor Steven said its a good place to be when you say to yourself, “Knowing my inadequacy but not staying stuck in my insecurities.” and I am learning to embrace that in daily conversations and relationships. I’m learning to not allow my insecurities keep me from growing with people in community.

    Thanks so much for this!

  30. MaryAnne Constantine

    You are encouraged me to share my testimony so that other women can be set free from guilt and shame. Forgiven by the blood and set free!! Love you Lysa!!

  31. Shirley Beesmer

    Lysa, it is always a blessing to me when I see a pastor being real. I love your Pastor when he speaks. I first became acquainted with him when studying Made to Crave. I still suffer from insecurity and it rears its ugly head most when I’m ready to lead our Bible Study group. I have to guard my life closely because I know that Satan uses this in my life. I am anxious to get this book. Thank you so much for your ministry and for being real with us!

  32. Margaret

    Boy, can I relate!

  33. Daria

    Yes Lysa, I can totally relate to insecurities plaguing me! Not that menopause in upon me it is worse than ever. Normally I can brush off that little voice that talks about something I can’t control but with this hormonal imbalance, it is crushing. Crushing to my self-esteem and to my confidence. But I continue to pray for comfort and guidance and respectfully ask that you pray for me as well. This is something, how long does this last? I’ll take hot flashes over this any day!

  34. Laura

    I totally relate!! I love the 2 of you for your honesty to us and your love of Jesus!!

  35. Shalena

    I so can totally relate! No matter how hard we want to fight it, there is always that little voice inside you that is trying to tell you that you can’t do or say what you feel your heart led to do. Scripture says “we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us”. I always try to remember that and just stop, speak Jesus and breathe in His peace. Thank you for sharing! As always, I love hearing God’s word spoken through you Lysa!

  36. Rubi

    Yep. I can totally relate. The negative chatter seems to totally take over sometimes. 🙁

  37. Charlotte Hammer

    I can relate…and I find it comforting as well as discouraging to hear that Pastor Furtick and you still struggle with this. I really had hoped that at some point I would “get” it. And be done with that struggle. God has been speaking to me to “do ‘it’ afraid.” I just had hoped the fear would go away at some point. Darn it.

  38. Amaris

    THANK YOU so much for this! I can totally relate – if this chapter of my life had a title, it would be “Meet Your Insecurities!”

  39. Megan

    Thank you so much for sharing this video. I definitely think we all struggle with insecurity at one time or another in our lives and sometimes continually. The saying that really spoke to me about insecurity was, “Do not compare your insides to other people’s outsides.” We all want to look like we have it together, when really each one of us struggles with insecurity, fear, doubt, etc… I know it helps me to see that I’m not alone in my struggles, so i have made it a point to try my hardest to be open and have that honest communication with people and to admit my struggles. This book is one that I would love to have.

  40. Heather

    Yes! I relate! Sounds like a great book, thanks for starting this dialog.

  41. Lenora Schaber

    Some days it’s easier to quiet the negative voice, but fatigue, stress and fear seem to fuel its volume. Every day I must seek God’s voice to speak truth to me over all the critical noise from within. I look forward to reading this book!

  42. Marsha

    Oh how I can definitely relate. Being a pastor’s wife – well, enough said. I would love to have a copy of this book. It sounds like something that would be an encouragement to me.

  43. Jennifer H

    Thank you for the encouragement. This is simply a forever struggle. I ordered the book immediately and will remind myself that even Lysa is an introvert forced to be an extrovert which seems to feed the negative chatter. That is totally the same for me!!!

  44. Robyn

    totally relate to this. I loved what Pastor Stephen said in the clip about leveraging your insecurities…great advice.

  45. Lisa

    I RELATE!! Pastor Steven’s vulnerability always encourages me; I don’t feel quite as alone when I listen to him speak …

  46. Laura

    I can relate! I often have the feelings of not belonging and being the only person in church with issues. Thank you so much for sharing!

  47. Cindy Neubecker

    I can relate so much. I minister the Word of God to the women of our church at the women’s ministry each month. Every time I get ready to walk up to the platform I feel the same way with that same question in my head “Can I do this again”?

  48. Frankie

    I can so relate to this. I was a youth pastor for years (I miss it by the way) and I found that I got through to those young people the most when I admitted that I wasn’t perfect. That I too had struggled in the past with some of the same things they were going through and that I still had struggles. Thank you for posting this.

  49. Gloria Todd

    Even as a well seasoned 68 year old senior I can totally relate!

  50. Angie

    relate, relate, relate!
    thanks for another relevant struggle – so good to know “you’re not the only one”!

  51. Penny Wood

    I sure can relate..

    • Maria

      Oh !!! I can relate!! Thanks for the talk, and I will be ordering the book.

  52. Angie

    Insecurity…too often, holds me back. Way back. :/

  53. Liz C

    I often think of this when I pray in a group setting. I feel I don’t have the impactful words/sentences when I pray. I find myself thinking of the words I am planning to say before I pray. Kind of like think before you speak. I get tongue tied often. This past Sunday I was asked to close in prayer for my class. Even though it was simple, it was the first time I didn’t feel paranoid afterward.

  54. Amee

    I completely relate to this. Thanks for posting – I needed to hear this more than you know.

  55. Amy Booth

    I’m ONLY the children’s pastor! Yep, I’ve used that one a few times. God has had to literally push me out of the boat! Being hired on staff as children’s pastor without any bible college really put me in a spot. What am I to do? I can’t do this? Think of the responsibility and accountability for this kind of position. All I could do was get up early and spend time with the Lord–everyday pouring myself out knowing he was the only answer. More and more I did this because of my insecurities . . .then I began to realize he was pouring his Spirit into me more and more. Oh the overflowing presence of God! Still–he pushes and pushes and still I’m learning. But my prayer has become don’t let me get comfortable I always want to depend on you.

    Today, God is calling me out to do more. To intercede for others, to minister to women (but God they’re adults!), to reach and teach everyone in my path, to lead prayer meeting. Who am I? I’m the children’s pastor. . . and I stand with the strength and courage of my God! (on most days!)

    A moment I will never forget. . . an evangelist giving an altar call and then saying, “If you will excuse me, I’m going to respond to my own altar call.” He got down on his knees and began to pray.

  56. Sherry

    Yeah. I can relate.

  57. Dena

    I have such insecurities, it keeps me from attending church a lot of the time…

  58. Kathy

    Yes, I can definitely relate.

  59. Sue M

    I am 60 years old, and have been dealing with ‘negative chatter’ all my life! From the outside…it appears that I have been successful in many things…but on the inside, it is a very different story! I have been leading a Bible study group for moms of older and adult children for 4 years…and even now, Satan will try and convince me that I am not worthy to help others seek God in their parenting struggles. I know Satan’s LIES are just that…lies! I am looking forward to reading this book!

  60. Melissa

    I have some major chatter going on inside my head and have to intentionally replace it with God’s truth…Oh yeah, I can relate!

  61. Heather B

    I can relate to this more than I care to admit! Thank you!

  62. Cheri

    I can relate! My inside chatter has been a problem forever….I am better than I was because of God’s grace. There is always room for improvement

  63. Maria

    Yes, I can relate!!!!

  64. Krista

    Knowing my inadequacy but not staying stuck in my insecurity…… really is both, somehow, thank you Lord for the strength.

  65. Toni

    Thanks Lysa for sharing and please thank your pastor as well. Insecurities can keep me from giving my all to God because I just don’t believe he can use me with them. This is obviously a lie I have to fight Satan on time and time again. I look forward to hearing more!

  66. Liane Bastion

    I can relate!! God has been showing me so much these past few days about insecurity and how the enemy uses it to drag us down. Thank you so much for this!! I am so excited to read this book and watch Steven Furtick’s sermons on “Crash the Chatterbox”

  67. E.

    I just went through a rough couple of weeks. I completed my MSN at 58 years old and failed at the next step….In a dream I dreamnt that I had failed the next step so I prophesied this into reality….. I beat myself up for over 2 weeks….
    Another humbling experience….thank you Lord Jesus!

    Today, listening to the audio/broadcast was reinforcing on my way back uphill filled with more humility, greater faith, and with God all things are in his time….not mine! I am worthy and it was all his idea, so he will complete the work he started in me!

  68. Martine Bykowski

    Thank you for sharing this real and personal video with us. We are all human and I’m sure Satan knows our weak points to bring up to us. Like you, I’m more of an introvert, but willing to be out of my comfort zone in obedience to the Lord.
    I get nervous before speaking or singing solos at church. A brother in Christ once told me to take that nervousness and turn it into excited energy in Christ. It works for me. Yes, I still have my insecurities about if I will remember what I want to say or sing, but know the Holy Spirit is right there with me.
    Little by little we can direct that chatter or confront it with God’s truth.
    Looking forward to reading the book!

  69. Mardi Savage

    I am in ministry and can totally relate! Looking forward to reading this book.

    Thanks for your ministry and your heart!

  70. Tami

    Yes, I can so relate!!!

  71. Brenda

    I relate. I second guess most things that I say and find my self apologizing a lot to people who say, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”

  72. Charity

    I relate every day of my life!! Am I doing this parenting thing right? Am I doing the best for the clients I serve at work? Am I teaching this Sunday school class the way you want me to, Lord? Did I just say the right thing? On and on and on…and honestly, I believe it holds me back from so much…the fear of doing it wrong, that someone else can/will do it better 🙁

  73. Debbie

    I can relate so much that it scares me how we are manipulated by Satan.

  74. Teryl

    I’ve just taken over teacher a Bible study at church and feel so insecure while teaching adults.

  75. Jessica Nelson

    Never heard it expressed in a more real way….love it! And I CAN relate!!

  76. Elaine Segstro

    I CAN relate! An imperfect person trying to reflect a perfect God in what I say, do, and feel, but “I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.”

  77. Cathy McCoy

    Wow, honest conversations. How scared I used to be with being honest; about being ‘real”. I didn’t know what real was for a very long time. I grew up playing the “perfect” little girl saying and doing all the right things, not rocking the boat, etc. I’ve known God pretty much all my life but never had much of a close relationship with Him until the last few years when I finally realized that the closeness with Him was what I needed, wanted, and what I had been missing for so long. Talk about light bulb moment! I thought by following all the rules I grew up trying to maintain then no one would know any part of me that makes mistakes and wouldn’t know I’m not perfect.
    I’ve gone to church most of my life but was never encouraged to grow closer to Jesus and delve deeper into His Word and really learn about Him and how much He loves me. What Joy to finally realize I am loved despite my flaws and Jesus knows all about them and it doesn’t change a thing. I thank God for the people He put in my life to be a part of honest conversations, to hear “me too” and know I’m not alone in my struggles.

  78. Anna

    I can relate! I have been hesitant to take some steps further in ministry because I am aware of my own shortcomings. I have a fear of starting and having people say, who are you to do this? You make mistakes, etc.

  79. Kim Stewart

    Love this conversation, Lysa. I can’t wait to read your pastor’s book and hear more from him tomorrow. I too struggle with insecurity and as an inspiring writer I love what he said about writing words that encourage others that we might not fully live ourselves. Lots to learn! Thank you!

  80. Carol Ann

    I can relate! …and I love a contest! I’m most insecure in my job as a teacher and I’m constantly comparing myself with my colleagues. Everyone seems to do it better than me. I’m sure that that isn’t true, but when I compare my internal dialogue with their external performance I often feel inadequate. Thanks for your message.

  81. Michelle

    Can totally relate!!

  82. Shan

    I can relate. I’m silently coming undone.

  83. Sharon K

    Yes, this speaks to my heart. So many insecurities – thank you for this candid and real video! None of us are alone in this struggle!

  84. Kim

    My husband is a pastor. We talk a lot about being real in front of our congregation, and how so many think of us as “superhuman”. I can’t wait to read this with him! Thank you!

  85. Dawn

    Yes, I can relate too. Thanks for sharing.

  86. Stephanie H

    I HAVE dealt w these issues my whole life and continue to have to squash them on a regular basis. As a social worker I see kids that deal w these issues as well and am also trying to help them through. I think this book would be an invaluable asset to me & my practice.

  87. Sheri

    WOW! I can really relate. My internal dialogue often encounters the comparison trap. Thank you for sharing this message. I am looking forward to reading this book.

  88. Angela Walker

    I can so relate. Throughout my life, I’ve felt like I didn’t measure up as a friend, wife, & mom. It’s amazing how the enemy can try to tear you down. Thank you God for always being in my corner! I would love this book!

  89. Jennifer Myatt

    Wow! I can relate. It’s so nice to see that a pastor and public speaker have these same thoughts! Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t have it all together. It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one!!

  90. Nanci D

    Oh how I can relate!

  91. Brandi

    I was so relieved to know that it’s not just me. How refreshing to hear “me too!” I can’t wait to read this book.

  92. Jess

    Your honesty amazes me. I love hearing your views on things, it makes me feel much better about my struggles to know that you’ve went through struggles & overcame them through Christ. I’ve also had a lot of ups & downs. Jesus has made me new again.

  93. Kasa Hollingshead

    I honestly feel like this book and Steven Furtick’s new message series is going to shed so much truth in my life! I already feel like some shackles have fallen off because of the message shared!

  94. Casey Bearden

    Wow… Knowing my inadequecies but not being stuck in my insecurities. Love love love that!!!!!!!!!

  95. Kristen

    After watching that interview I can’t wait to read the book!

  96. Jen Mc

    I love when Pastor Steven says “it’s ok to start with ‘I don’t have what it takes'”. I feel this do often when I’m doing something God calls me to do. It’s such a scary and humbling place to be, and the only way I can give God ALL the glory!

  97. Angela Woolverton

    Yes! I can relate

  98. Kacie Fox

    I can relate!!! Insecurities can cause so many problems with raising kids, being married, in my career, with my relationship with God, & so much more! We all need to stop listening to those lies & embrace who we are in Christ!!!

  99. Jennifer Ransom

    I can definitely relate! What things I was once insecure about I may be o.k. with now, but new insecurities always arise with new decisions/ paths of life! Thank you!

  100. Shelley

    It is only recently that I have been able to quiet some of those “voices”. It is incredible how much we can accomplish, but still listen to and believe the voice in our head that tells us we are not good enough; that everyone else seems to be successful & accomplished, “Why can’t you?”

  101. Jennifer Gearheart

    Oh I can really relate!! I love when he quoted Philippians 4:13. My favorite verse. I have really enjoyed watching his Sticks and Stones sermons online and they have really spoken to my heart. I can do this……..goes perfectly with the Made to Crave study I am doing now!!! I am really looking forward to reading his book!! Thank you for sharing!

  102. Jennifer Serrano

    I can defenitely relate to being insecure.

  103. Lauren

    Ohhh how I relate, and how refreshing to hear honest conversation about stuff like this. It’s much needed. Thank you!

  104. Charity

    Boy, can I relate, especially in this current season. God is stretching me WAY out of my comfort zone, so I’m both excited and terrified! 🙂

  105. Sheri

    Enjoyed this video. I am making a genuine effort to challenge myself to not just read insoirational quotes and oasis them along…but yo truly spend time in ?Bible study as well as personal quiet time to seek things in my life that ?God wants to change…or wants me to change. I have been blessed by so many things…people…in my life…but
    I am searching to find how id God using me…how can he use me…and how am I doing in God’s sight. This article encouraged me yo keep on working at it!

  106. Michele

    The transparency and honesty is so refreshing. I encounter people often who comment that they don’t want to go to church either because they don’t feel worthy or they say they don’t want to sit next to a hypocrit. It is frustrating because church is for souls that need healing but many of the unchurched don’t see it that way. This level of honesty would help bridge that gap. Would love to read this book!!!!!

  107. Stephanie mckay

    I argue with myself constantly that I’m not doing what God has called me to do. I don’t know what it is I am to do. I always second guess myself when I do things I think I’m suppose to be doing- like teaching Sunday school. It’s a constant battle with the mind. But there are times when someone tells me I’ve helped them and then I think well maybe I am on the right path.

  108. Amanda Smith

    A friend directed me to your blog tonight. I had an abortion and later became a Christian. It was a struggle attending church knowing that I have done something so wrong. And it’s still hard sometimes.

  109. Sarah

    Thank you for sharing this article. I have been up and down this road of “comparison” & the feeling of inadequacy my entire life. From childhood hurts, adulthood hurts, & church hurts, I have run the gammet of hurts…I have learned that others are hurting too. When we fall to the Holy Spirit, we fall into His arms- not the arms of those we think are going to hurt us again…chances are, those people we fear are better than us, are hurting too…my church hurts are healed but I still struggle everyday with inadequacy…I’m learning that Our God desires me whole-heartedly-hurts and all:) thanks for sharing!

  110. Janell

    Oh wow…EVERYBODY lives with the same secret I do?!? Even Lysa TerKeurst and Steve Furtick?!?!?! Oh wow…oh yeah! Can’t wait to read this book!!! Even the Phil. 4:13 quote…that’s the one that’s on my phone case so that I NEVER forget it! I so relate!

  111. Irene

    I suffer from my Insecurities everyday. My insecurities and negitive chatter keeps me from living to my full potential. I had a great job helping children and families and I loved it so much i’d work 12 hour days just to fill the void in my heart. One day I decieded to give my 2 weeks notice because I convinced myself I wasnt good enough to help these families in need.
    I’d love to attend a church but I worry about not fitting in. Lysa, this is the first time i ever heard talk about this topic. Thank you for going there! I needed to hear this.

  112. Nancy

    So enjoyed seeing you & Pastor Steven talk – as a former Elevator (former b/c we moved out of state) – it was nice to share in your honest conversation about the negative chatter the enemy uses to try & keep us from fulfilling God’s plan through us for His Glory…keep up the great work!!

  113. Donna Jean Anderson

    Thanks so much for truly sharing from the heart that you have insecurities. I appreciate so much that even Pastor Stephen was just real. I don’t feel so all alone in those thoughts. I’m beginning to see others might have some of the same struggles l have.

  114. Megan Polivka

    I can definitely relate to this. I would love to read this book, when I finish my “Made to crave” study.

  115. Elwin

    The voices inside my head about my past keep me from really connecting with folks.

  116. Charise

    I definitely struggle with insecurity. Many of them!!! It’s so comforting to here there’s others that deal with the same thing and ideas I can use to work past these!!! Watching tomorrow!

  117. Mindy Agee

    I can relate!

  118. Jessica

    I needed this today!!! I can relate. Deal with the chatter everyday!

  119. Christine

    Yes – the negative ticker tape runs through my mind, even when I appear confident. I think that’s why it’s so important to be transparent in our brokenness – so that we know we aren’t alone, and so that we can reach others who struggle in solitary. God uses our messes to minister to others, and each of us has a list of insecurities. When we share them, they lose some of their power. Can’t wait to dig into this book!

  120. Lori

    Right there with you! If they knew… Some now know and love me anyway…Hallelujah!!!

  121. Deanna York

    Thank you for sharing.

  122. Virginia

    Like many of those who posted comments above, I am a woman, almost 65 years old and struggle with insecurity. I find hope and encouragement learning I’m not the only one struggling with these issues. Thank you for addressing this issue.

  123. Candace M

    Steven Furtick has insecurities??!! I can totally relate! I’ve rarely ever feel “good enough!” Thank you for sharing! I love when Steven says, that you are called to relay messages that maybe you yourself haven’t mastered yet! Because, I feel led to share truth with people often, but since I may struggle in that department, I feel as though I don’t have any right to share! As if my life would have to be perfect before I can do those things!

  124. Amy

    I can totally relate! So many of us are filled with negative, insecure thoughts when we appear to have it all together on the outside. It’s been a lifelong thing for me it seems. Thanks for blessing us with your honesty! Thanks also for the chance to win a copy of the book.

  125. AMS

    Not only have I struggled with this over the years, it’s one of the primary reasons my husband & I are separated right now. He has so many unresolved insecurities that it’s tearing away at our marriage. I am trying everything I know to get to a point where we can have a healthy marriage between two whole adults. Maybe this book could be a start. Thanks for entering me in the drawing & for the candid conversation!

  126. Kelli Frantz

    I can relate!

  127. Elaine

    Yes, I can relate – especially when it comes to public speaking at my church. But I always pray for the Lord to help me and take away my nervousness, and I try to prepare as much in advance as I can and practice, practice, practice. The Lord has carried me through every time. Praying out loud in front of a group of church friends or at a church committee meeting always leaves my feeling insecure. I think that’s because I’m a private person and always think of praying in my room with the door closed, as it says in the Bible. And I always want to avoid being like the Pharisees, who prayed long prayers out loud. I would love to feel comfortable praying in a group setting, so I’ll be praying privately about that!

  128. Vanessa

    I can’t wait to read this book! I love your honesty and openness about the insecurities that we all have to some degree or another. It so reminds me of your “Cut the But” post. We have to replace our insecurities with the Truth of our identity in Christ. “I am a child of God, THEREFORE…” Not, “I am a child of God, but…” Crash the Chatterbox = Cut the But
    Both of which are anchored in scripture which remind us of God’s unfailing love for us.
    Great stuff! Thank you!

  129. Yolanda

    Yes I Can relate… Every time I host bible study insecurity set in… I would love to get this book!!

  130. Melanie brown

    Great chat! Inspiring & really meaningful to me today!! Thank you!!

  131. Jennifer

    I was blown away when I heard you talking about leveraging insecurity. I have been having a hard time lately trying to figure out how I am supposed to use my spiritual gift when I have so many problems in my life. Thoughts like, “I need to get myself together and be in a better place before I can be a help to someone else.” But the reminder that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, was what I needed to hear today. (And it’s not a new verse to me. Just one I needed to hear again). Thank you!

  132. Amy Jo

    I so struggle with insecurity. I am so afraid that I am not being a good christian example to both my husband(who is not a not saved) or to my 5 children( only 2 of them have accepted Christ as their Savior). I fear that I fail daily at showing them Jesus through me! Looking forward to reading the book and think it would make a great gift. Thanks for sharing and being so open and honest.

  133. Hope

    I love how he spoke about not staying in the insecurities but walking in the truth that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

  134. Yolanda

    YES I can relate.. Every time a host Bible study… Insecurity set in my head but I know is not of GOD .. I would love to get this book!!

  135. Nathalia Washington

    Hi there, I would like to know which book of yours discusses the events in your life before you became a believer. The events in your life that made you insecure about going to church on Easter and Christmas.? Please and Thank you

  136. Diane

    Thanks for speaking aloud what I hear within!

  137. Tammy J

    Insecurity beats me down all the time. Thanks for sharing!

  138. Stephanie

    It’s all about LOVE…in it’s most unselfish & purest form. When we focus on loving others as Christ does then the enemy’s desire to have us compare and belittle ourselves in our thoughts turns into healing conversations that bring unity ❤

  139. Heather

    I can definitely relate to this subject.

  140. Katherine

    What a powerful message Pastor Steven had! I love how he explained that pastors are imperfect people delivering a perfect God to the congregation and naturally he feels insecure or inadequate, but through God he can do it! I love how humble he was by stating that there’s room for the Holy Spirit to work through him. Great example and message for us!

  141. Cheryl

    This reminds me of the importance of sharing our true selves, our real concerns, our ‘secrets’, with others in the body of Christ. Satan cringes when we do so, for more reasons than one. He knows that when we share these things, that are sometimes so hard to share, others will be helped, others will pray for us, the Holy Spirit will guide us through other Christian’s words. It took me a long time to understand this. This was a good reminder today.

  142. Kelly

    I certainly definitely relate.

  143. Kathy P

    Can totally relate to your comments above Lysa

  144. Lisa

    So hard sometimes to silence that chatterbox- thankful for many willing to share experiences & guide to God’s Word!

  145. Donna

    I didn’t think anyone else had the voices that condemned them! What a wonderful interview to hear. Would love this book.

  146. Raquel

    I’m the queen of mind chatter – one crown I’d gladly give up! Definitely reading this book.

  147. Susan

    It is so easy to be so overwhelmed by insecurity that we just keep retreating further into our fear. Fear plays into every deceitful ploy that Satan tries. We need to remember that nothing can disqualify us from God’s love and God’s family.

  148. Mary T

    Lysa, just getting home from a meeting that had my head spinning with the same types of insecurities and negative internal chatter that you talked about in the video. I would love to read this book! Looking forward to tomorrow and some more inspiration! God bless!

  149. Nola


  150. Donna Clark

    It’s a constant battle, those thoughts! Yikes!! And I beat myself up and always feel inadequate.

  151. Beverly

    This totally sounds like me. Would love a copy of the book!

  152. Lori

    Yes I struggle with insecurities. This is my year to deal with it. I loved what he shared about how he prepares his mind to minister to people. I felt like he was saying that he gets his security in that moment from the Lord. I can learn a lot from that!

  153. Cheryle

    Insecurity is what can keep me from sharing God’s Word with those who need to hear about Him. It is those little whispers that say, “You may not do this right, so wait”. I need to remember that God will give me what I need to share with those who need Him. We may not all be pastors or speakers, but when we are His child, He will speak through us, if we are willing.

  154. Bernadette

    The Lord continually leads me (if I’m being a Woman Who Says Yes To God!) into ministry opportunities just a bit over my head! I appear bubbly and confident, so I’m often asked to do promotions for special events at church, or teach a Women’s class, or give testimony at a Retreat. But truly, inside, I’m a little girl unsure of Daddy’s love, and often teased by older siblings. In spite of all The Lord has done for me, and in me, I find if it’s not the truth of the Word fresh in my brain, instead my thoughts are like a scary Amusement Park ride: scary, even though I know my fright is from just the illusion of “danger.” Would love a book of How To… From someone that says Me Too! SOLD!

  155. Jill Henley

    this made me realize i am not alone in my thought.

  156. Whitney

    Wow! I definitely need this book. I need to quit “comparing my behind the scenes with other peoples highlight reel”. Thank you! Can’t wait to read it and share with my friends! May God bless y’all!

  157. Jennifer D.

    I love where Pastor Furtick says, “We are comparing our behind the scenes with others hi-light reel.” This is what is going on in my mind constantly!!

  158. Susie

    I believe my insecurities are well-hidden and that I’m not perceived as such…but like most humans, I have them. I’ll never forget the day though when it dawned on me that by listening to the enemy, I was giving him a foothold…and that did not set well with me. So, I ask the Holy Spirit to help me “take every thought captive” and to wash away the ones that are from the enemy.

  159. Kelli Forrest

    I have always had some insecurities throughout life but when my husband walked out on me 2 years ago they intensified to a level that I can’t describe. I pray about them but still feel unworthy and and it’s a daily struggle.

  160. Linda

    I have had a weight problem my entire life so I have tried to be invisible ( hard to do when you weight 378 lbs). On May 11, 2011 I had gastric bypass surgery and have lost 190 lbs – my whole perspective on life has changed. Still learning that I am worthy, I do have something to contribute, I am the daughter of a King! Chatter in my head sometimes is so loud and distracting. Every day is a new opportunity to give all I have to Jesus Christ.

  161. Heidi Steinrock

    Yeah, I can relate! As a girl in seminary preparing for the ministry it was GREAT to hear his honesty about how he processes before hopping up on stage. I wrote down what he said about learning to leverage his insecurities so that he can “minister out of a place of knowing my inadequacies but not staying stuck in my insecurities.” Woot woot!

  162. Nita

    Wow!! How I can relate! I have always been confident and strong on the outside but oh my has the enemy caused crazy loud chatter in my head!!! Enough chatter that lead to anxiety at times. Between our open arms church, that doesn’t believe un shooting their wounded and the love of The Lord my anxiety is arcs minimum and I have learned to fight the enemy at keep the chatter down with prayer and scriptures. Thank you Lysa!!!

  163. Leah

    Oh yes, my negative internal chatter is always running! I see women like you And Beth Moore and think I will never have it “together” like you. I need to remember God is calling me to serve in my weakness and remember that my job is to lean on him. Thanks for the great reminder tonight!

  164. Michelle

    I love the part where He says it’s ok to start with”I can’t do this” so long as I don’t stay there. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Some times my own insecurities surprise me. Some things I could intellectually talk myself in to believing will be ok…. Until the moment arrives and I begin to falter. The one liners are the only things that I can grab to remember who I’m trusting. If I’m insecure and can’t follow through because of doubting myself- then my faith must be in myself. If I’m insecure feeling too afraid to carry forward but ask God to be my strength, and it ends in success or victory- my faith in Him is stronger. Holding a single One of God’s promises in my head repeatedly claiming it is really the deciding factor.

  165. Heidi

    Yes! I’ve failed miserably at public speaking. I even fail miserably at speaking one on one with my close friends. I just don’t communicate well. BUT I know God is using me and growing me and despite my horrible communication skills…I CAN do all things THROUGH CHRIST who strengthens me!!!!!!!

  166. JD

    Sometimes I have so much chatter in my head that I place my hands over my ears and ask my Lord to give me silence/peace. He does. Then I have to ask Him what it is I need to know/learn so that I can continue to grow in obedience and in the wisdom and knowledge of Him. At times I am amazed at what I didn’t fully realize as to what and why this is happening to me. It is so refreshing, encouraging to hear Pastor Steven admit to his insecurites. The Pastors that I’ve encountered, rarely, if at all, do so. I can so relate to Pastor Steven and you Lysa. I so take to heart our Lord’s Word in 2 Corinthians 1:4. Thank you Lysa for bringing this topic to the fore front. So many will benefit from it. Thank you Pastor Steve for your honesty. Grace and Peace to you both.

  167. Claudia

    I so resonate with the public self vs. the inner insecure self! Sometimes I feel like such a fraud. But God continues to work on me and in me…only ways that He and I know.

  168. Teresa Tompkins

    I had an addiction that was totally destroying my life over a year ago. Thanks be to God that I have been free of that addiction for over a year now because the desire of that addiction has been taken away. But I also want to thank my pastor; he was there for me and met me on the day I hit rock bottom (felt like I wanted to commit suicide). God used my pastor in a mighty way that day and he did not judge me but supported me with Godly wisdom, prayed with me, and continues to pray for me. My pastor has been by my side along with God every step of the way.

  169. Kelly

    I would love to win a copy of this book! Thanks for the scripture, “I can do all in which God who who strengthen me. ” I needed to be reminded of that today, and probably everyday!

  170. pamela b

    I sometimes suffer from insercurties even when I have totally prepared for what my purpose is whether leading prayer,scripture or teaching Sunday school. To self-diagnois the issue, I need to remember my help comes from The Lord. Passion and purpose need to be the focus,not the audiance who do foster a myraid of sometimes transferable imaginations.

  171. nancys1128

    I think we have a tendency to see our pastor’s as “perfect” people, even to the point of putting them on pedestals. It is so refreshing to see them admit they are not all that. To admit they suffer from the same things that plague us. They really are just another imperfect person made in the image of a perfect God. The candidness of this interview is key to helping us realize they really are human just as we are. Thanks so much for sharing it.

  172. Karen Schw

    I was having an old conversation with myself the other day. Wondering why this old insecurity had popped up. Am so glad that others have these types of thoughts too. Thank you for sharing. I am buying this book and sharing with a friend.

  173. Judy Muir

    I <3 this guys teaching and look forward to reading the book! Thanks Lysa…… <3 u2!

  174. Deanna E

    I also struggle with insecurities. I mean, who doesn’t? Those little voices in my head that tell me I’m not good enough, I’m not pretty enough, I don’t talk well… I know they are not from God. Praying for us women to overcome those thoughts. Most importantly I keep up with my daily Bible reading to try and fill my mind with God’s word, not Satan’s.

  175. Sarah

    Ugh! I have this negative chatter running through my mind now every single Sunday as I am filling in for our awesome song leader while she takes some time off. I can barely hold my head up while singing for fear of seeing the congregation cringe when, not if, I hit a sour note.
    I definately think this book would be worth reading. I need some uplifting positive chatter to run through my head instead of the negativity currently there. If someone would just once in a while give me positive feedback for my efforts it probably would lessen my feeling of inadequency.

  176. Michelle Rodgers

    Mind-chatter, negative self talk or whatever the choice phrase is will absolutely tear you apart. I have come to find that no one has it all together and shame on me for putting someone else in the position to have to pretend that they do. We all have “stuff” and it’s about time that we all realize it. I am definitely getting the book and hope that I can gift it when I win one from my favorite blogger/speaker/encourager 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!

  177. Sharon Okerlund

    Insecurities….So many. I have lived my whole life with insecurities. The “not good enough” is the worst. It has held me back from sharing my talents, all those voices telling me I probably would fail. Decisions were made in my life because of them also. I still struggle and felt this is just how it is. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to reading this book and with the help of your words and God’s love maybe I can knock some of the voices out of my head. Bless you!

  178. Bonnie

    Thank-you so much. I like what Steven said about comparing our behind the scenes with someone elses highlight reel. I do it all the time. Something I want to work on this year.

  179. Denise

    Thank you Lysa and Steven. I appreciate your transparency and general willingness to share your struggles and victories. Praise God I am not alone in this!!

  180. Lori

    Wow…what a new way to look at insecurity. We are always told to get rid of our insecurities, but Pastor Furtick shares that he has learned how to leverage it. Insecurities are not always bad unless I get stuck and let them paralyze me. I look forward to reading this book. I read “Greater” and is was a life-changer for me.

  181. Krista

    This book sounds excellent! God is stretching me to lead and my doubt will only slow down the work God has planned. I look forward to reading and sharing with others!!

  182. Cindy

    Sometimes the chatter gets so loud, I fall into a defness.

  183. Deb

    Thank you for your honesty – both of you. I can certainly relate, but I also have a question: What if your inner ‘chatterbox’ is telling the truth? And the truth is ugly, difficult to live with and impossible to change.

  184. Teri

    Wow. I too am in a profession that makes people assume I have it all together, that I’m fearless, and that I’m completely self confident. Nothing could be further from the truth, but I feed into that myth by playing that role. Lately though I find myself succumbing to those “chatters”, questioning my worth, and feeling myself getting sucked deeper and deeper into a dark hole. This post spoke to me. Thank you.

  185. Trezlen

    I can relate. I’m an introvert, but I’m not shy. I was raised to be able to talk to anybody. I’m in a profession where I like to say that I get paid to talk. But I have my moments of wanting to be alone and recharge. This is especially true when I’m tired and feeling insecure. But everyone assumes that I’ve got it all together, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

  186. Kellie Baker

    YES… Insecurity is an issue with me. Although I am an outgoing person, and everything looks good on the outside… smile and all, I so struggle with insecurity. I am harder on me than anyone could ever be and those voices in my head… so reek havoc. Thank you for your daily dose of positive !

  187. Carol B

    I can so relate! I deal with this most days feeling like I don’t fit in anywhere and like I’m not good enough. Would love to have this book.

  188. Stephanie

    I have a passion for Women’s Ministry. I have been called to lead different group and a number of years ago we were doing a mini leaders retreat and I cannot even remember what the question was but my answer was that I was insecure. One of my leaders emailed me the next day and said she was shocked that I said it and never thought that about me. When we lead in Christ’s power sometimes they do not see what we are saying to ourselves in our own heads.

    Would like to read this book and see what your Pastor has to say.

  189. lisa halloran

    Lysa, Hi, it’s Lisa from Denver. Just watched the video, awesome, love how your pastor was willing to be vulnerable. Would actually love a copy for my just turned 17 year old. We enrolled her in Teen Challenge for girls 2 weeks ago in Salt Lake City. My husband has said for a year she is ‘held captive by a spirit of condemnation.” To me that always sounded so ominous, I like things in simpler words. But I think everything that led up to us(4 years of trying hard to love and parent this one) had alot to do with negative chatter. Thanks, girl, have a blessed, care free day! L

  190. cindy b.

    I love the metaphor of the ticker tape –
    one of my insecurities is that people are just being nice or polite – that they don’t really like me.
    thanks so much for sharing – can’t wait for the rest of the videos and the book!

  191. Kristen

    I definitely struggle with insecurity. At times I beat myself up for the smallest thing, like messing up a project at work, or missing an appointment. I feel like those are things that I can and should control, so I get upset and myself when they don’t go the way they should. After reading “Unglued”, it helped me realize a lot that those things don’t define me, and I’m the only one who either knows about the “failure” and I’m the only one beating myself up. If I miss an appointment, its not the end of the world. It can be rescheduled. What’s most important is remembering that God is loving and pursuing me even when I don’t think very highly of myself.

  192. Carrie

    I like how he put it, that you can (paraphrased) ‘know your own inadequacies, but (allow Jesus to move you forward so you do) not stay in your insecurities.’

  193. Vanessa

    I had a bad weekend where I was left feeling inadequate. There where a lot of things running through my head Monday morning and I was really letting the voices win the battle. Then I start to listen to the sermon from Pastor Steve Furtick and it was like he was talking to me!!!! I LOVE how God will place things in our path that help us in our times of struggle. I have the Joyce Myers book Battlefield of the Mind. Now I want to get Pastor Steve’s book as well. They should both do wonders for me in this battle. I get so much from listening to both of them. But I also know that I must do some work on my own to fully use this knowledge!!!

  194. Elwin

    I am going to work on eliminating the doubt that I am not worthy in God’s eyes.

  195. Amber S

    Yes I totally relate to what you are saying. I love pastor Steven and elevation church what awesome ministry they have !!

  196. Lori B

    Can’t wait to read this book. This is a huge struggle for me!!

  197. Stephanie

    I had no idea others that I perceive to have it all together struggle as I do. Thank God for your willingness to be honest.

  198. Lee Roberts

    I totally can relate to being insecure.

  199. Marjorie

    I just watch two parts and I have yo say this insecurity has knocked me off my feet, rendered me at this point ineffective. To be honest, I haven’t spoken in ministry since She Speaks 2012. I feel like the old add. “I’ve fallen and can’t get up.” It’s so embarrassing, I just can’t do Lithuania wounded little girl grew up to be a troubled young woman. Now a wife and mother the wounded child lingers. I know you’d like to heat she’s heal and restored, but truth be told i don’t know that she’ll ever be. Time will tell but one thing I know for sure, this wife and mother has to stand up and speak for those who don’t yet know they can live a successful life beyond the wounds. I don’t want to pretend she didn’t exist, for in doing so I it. And yes the record is playing continuously. Thanks for sharing, Lysa and Pst Furtick.

  200. gloria

    This is exactly what I felt yesterday. However as I turned towards God he helped with my insecurity. Praise God!

  201. Heather

    Im always not feeling good enough for anyone to want to be with me I used to always say I wanted to be married by the time IM 25 and have kids and here Im 28 not married no kids. Ive been telling my friends I need an on and off switch in my mind and then pastor steven wrote this book and Im like YESSS THIS IS WHAT I NEED!! but my car is broken down and I have no money to purchase the book since im not working due to work comp surgery so winning it would be amazing!! I want to CRASH THE CHATTERBOX!!

  202. Kristin

    I can definitely relate to this issue. I love the quote Pastor Steven uses about comparing your behind the scenes with other’s highlight reel!

  203. Barbara Cole

    Seems like I constantly have to struggle with that inner chatter that fuels my insecurity. In a way, I am grateful for this because it forces me to turn to the Lord and seek His power for the tasks ahead because in my own strength, I can do nothing. I am looking forward to the future videos and reading Pastor Steve’s book.

  204. Meagan

    I have always struggled with thinking I have to change myself. I have always compared myself to others. And I tend to let lies get the best of me in the moment, telling me that I messed up or should of responded in a different way. So the truths that I took away today was: 1) as long as I am still in the mix I can still choose to make a situation better than how it started out, and 2) it really isn’t any of my business what other people think of me. I am only who God says I am, not who others think I am because God knows the real me.

  205. Denise

    This is awesome!!!! Thank you!!!!

  206. Robbyn R. French

    I can so relate….thank you

  207. Lana Archer

    Don’t know if I am too late.. but I can so realte.. it happens everyday.. and especially when I make a mistake.. I think.. and everyone knows your a Christian and you messed it up..

  208. Andrea

    I can REALLY relate – lately it is almost ridiculous!
    I feel like I made progress, but have gone downhill lately.
    Thank you for sharing this!

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