No one wants to have their heart crushed. But being wounded in deep places happens. Sometimes it just seems to be part of the rhythm of life.
And when these hard times come, we feel it all so very deeply. And we wonder if others have these hard, hard moments. After all, we don’t snap pictures of the crushing times and post them on Instagram.
We just wonder if we have what it takes to survive …
… when the doctor calls and says he needs to talk to me in person about the test results.
… when the teacher sends one of “those” emails about my child.
… when someone I love closes their heart and turns their back on me.
… when I feel so utterly incapable and unable and afraid.
I suspect you know the tear-filled place from which I speak.
So, let’s journey to the olive tree and learn.
To get to the place I want to take you, we must cross the Kidron Valley in Israel.
John 18:1-2 tells us, “When he had finished praying, Jesus left with his disciples and crossed the Kidron Valley. On the other side there was an olive grove, and he and his disciples went into it. Now Judas, who betrayed him, knew the place, because Jesus had often met there with his disciples” (NIV).
Jesus often met in the shadow and shade of the olive tree.
The olive grove mentioned above is the Garden of Gethsemane. This garden is where Jesus, just before his arrest, said to Peter, James and John, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” (Mark 14:34, NIV).
Jesus knew the crushing-heart feeling. He felt it. He wrestled with it. He carried it.
And I don’t think it was a coincidence the olive tree was there in this moment of deep sorrow for Jesus.
The olive tree is such a picture of why our hearts must go through the crushing times.
The crushing times are necessary times.
First, in order to be fruitful the olive tree has to have both the east wind and the west wind. The east wind is the dry hot wind from the desert. This is a harsh wind. So harsh that it can blow over green grass and make it completely wither in one day.
The west wind, on the other hand, comes from the Mediterranean. It brings rain and life.
The olive tree needs both of these winds to produce fruit — and so do we. We need both winds of hardship and relief to sweep across our lives if we are to be truly fruitful.
The crushing times are processing times.
Another thing to consider about the olive tree is how naturally bitter the olive is and what it must go through to be useful. If you were to pick an olive from the tree and try to eat it this month, its bitterness would make you sick.
For the olive to be edible, it has to go through a lengthy process that includes:
sometimes salting,
and waiting some more.
It is a lengthy process to be cured of bitterness and prepared for usefulness.
If we are to escape the natural bitterness of the human heart, we have to go through a long process as well … the process of being cured.
The crushing times are preservation times.
The final thing I want to consider about the olive is the best way to preserve it for the long run. It must be crushed in order to extract the oil. The same is true for us. The biblical way to be preserved is to be pressed. And being pressed can certainly feel like being crushed.
But what about 2 Corinthians 4:8, where it says we are “pressed … but not crushed”? Let’s read verses 8 and 9 in the King James Version: “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;”
This was one of the biggest “aha” moments for me standing in the shadow of the olive tree: crushing isn’t the olive’s end.
Crushing is the way of preservation for the olive. It’s also the way to get what’s most valuable, the oil, out of the olive. Keeping this perspective is how we can be troubled on every side yet not distressed … pressed to the point of being crushed but not crushed and destroyed.
I think I need to revisit these truths often:
When the sorrowful winds of the east blow, I forget they are necessary.
When I’m being processed, I forget it’s for the sake of ridding me of bitterness.
And when I’m being crushed, I forget it’s for the sake of my preservation.
I forget all these things so easily. I wrestle and cry and honestly want to resist every bit of this.
Oh, how I forget.
Maybe God knew we all would forget.
And so, He created the olive tree.
If this spoke to your heart, I recently filmed a teaching in the Garden of Gethsemane for the Uninvited Bible study, and I’d love to share it with you. That’s why I’m giving away 10 Uninvited study packs that include the Uninvited book, study guide, and DVD! To enter, leave a comment below with how this teaching helped you today.
Just today I was lunching with two close friends and two of us were trying to encourage the other of putting the past hurts behind her and going forward. Your lesson today was so “right on!” I’m going to send it to my hurting friend to reinforce what we were hoping would encourage her. It’s always good for me to remember that harsh winds will continue to come my way if I really want to continue to grow – even as I turn 70 years old! Wow! that was fast! lol
Wow. God always knows just what I need to hear and when. This past 18 months have been incredibly crushing as I watched my beloved husband fight and ultimately lose his battle with pancreatic cancer. I find myself laying here awake in the middle of the night just wondering what is God’s plan for me and what is his purpose in my pain. How do I explain to my precious 12 year old daughter and sweet 15 year old son that despite all this pain God is a good and loving Father? I know that I know that I am highly favored and richly blessed because of Jesus but how do we make sense of all this fallen world stuff. Thank you Lysa for continuing to be the voice of God as you abide in His Holy Spirit and follow His will for your life. Your faith is inspirational.
I loved this- perfect reminder on WHY we need both the good and heart breaking events in life. That even when it seems as though everything is going 100% in the opposite direction of what you were aiming for, or even praying for; God still has a purpose through it. And He will use ALL circumstances for the good of those who love Him. He is the only one who knows EXACTLY what each of us must face and push through to get us on the other side of being USEFUL for His purpose and plan. And we can continue to rest in that, even in times of discomfort.
Thank you
Lysa I am years old and live in South Africa.
God is using you in my life in a very big way.
God Bless your obedient Listening to what the Spirit of the Lord is saying and helping me(us).
Dear Lisa,
It is early morning where I am. I thank you for your post today. I have been really pressed lately. I have had a bad fall, horrible insomnia, joint pain, numerous doctors appointments, etc. Yet, I grow stronger in the Lord each day. Thank you for the reminder of being crushed for preservation. God bless you!
It helps put into perspective what I’m going through right now , thank you for being so inspiring
Wow…the last two years almost crushed the life out of me, failed marriage, the death of my twin grandsons, almost losing their mother my daughter, shunned by family & friends, and character assination. BUT God!
Looking for love from man which left me barren & broken, seeking acceptance, feeling unloved…until I opened His Word…changing me from the inside out…
I know crushing times! This is something which would help immensely and would love to win one but wondering if eligible…I live in Canada.
Thank you for this post Lysa. A sister in Christ of mine was encouraging me just before I read this post. I’ve carried a lot of trauma from these moments of “the point of being crushed.” Of course, the enemy knows just where our weak points are and so I’ve had to wrestle with reoccurrences of past pains. And like you said, it is a process. A long process. I have just recently been learning on how to take care of myself and be a friend to myself (I am one of those kinds of people who loves to give but does not know how to accept love and encouragement). I am in the process of learning what kinds of friendships are best for me, again. I am also going through the process of letting it all go to God. With trauma comes fears, comes hurt, comes loneliness, comes sadness, and none of it is ever fun. My sister in Christ reminded me to keep finding those small victories to celebrate. Like so many others, I have gone through my share of hardship and will face many more, but if it were not for these present sorrows and trials, I would not be fighting and struggling to have stronger faith in God. Thank you for reminding me that Jesus felt all of this and more. Your posts always encourage and inspire me to keep up my faith despite the hardships.
Oh what a timely message! Thank you. Your message spoke to my heart as I am going through heartbreaking sorrow following the death of my only brother at Christmas – a Godly man- who suffered horrendous brain injury falling from a ladder. I cling to “the pressing of the olive”.
I have also been reading about the production of the Holy Olive Oil for lighting the Temple Menorah. The process involves the pounding of olives to extract the precious oil ; then the olives sit for several days allowing time for the oil to drain out naturally. Is this demonstrating the time of waiting for”all things to work together for good”. Be Blessed
Longing to journey with Uninvited…
Today, was a recurring image that I’m studying and unlocking beautiful truths from the olive tree. Resonates deeply within…
Hi Lysa,
I’m going through this time right now and I thought that I was being stretched, however; after reading this I think maybe I am going through a “crushing” season. I quit my job very suddenly this past week as a result of an extremely volatile situation with my supervisor and director of my department. After months in a working environment that left me feeling anxious and devalued, and then to go through a meeting where it was me sitting in my directors office while the 2 of them stood over me screaming-that was enough. I can no longer compromise my principles for such a horrible work environment. What has impacted my thoughts more than anything is the overwhelming guilt and burden I’ve laid at the feet of my precious husband now to carry the financial load for our family. He has been 100% supportive and assured me that we will be fine and has asked me to let him have the burden but it’s still so scary. I’m blessed in so many ways and I know that there is a plan for me and that God wasn’t taken by surprise by this. My goal for right now is to put both feet in and serve God like I’ve never done before. Hopefully, like the olive, the best of me is yet to come. I’m going to praise Him through the crushing, expecting a breakthrough!
Thank you for sharing this incredible blog!
Love the olive metaphor and so true.
This is a great reminder. Thank you for posting it today!
I know the tear filled place from which you speak. I got yet another phone call about my 12 year old son. This time he missed a detention. I didn’t even know he had been given one. I would love to journey with you to the olive tree and learn. Necessary, processing, preserving are not 3 words that come to mind when I receive yet another phone call or email – but I want them to be. I need them to be.
Lysa, this blessed me more than you know! Thank you!
Woke up feeling very overwhelmed, grabbed my phone and noticed the title “The Crushing Times.” Oh, how I feel so crushed – yesterday was a month that we said our earthly goodbyes to our son – he was born October 4, 2016 with a heart defect, HLHS, that required him to have 3 open heart surgeries. He had his first surgery on October 13, 2016 – the Lord was so very faithful in sustaining Everett and us through these hard moments – there were several other times, but after 2 months in the hospital, we were able to bring our son home. On December 5, we left the hospital with our precious, yet oh so fragile little boy. We were excited, yet anxious, but the Lord was still with us. We enjoyed so many special moments with Everett – his eyes spoke to you and his smile warmed your heart. On December 31, 2016, the Lord called him to his eternal home – his precious, little physical heart went into cardiac arrest – we performed CPR, rushed him to the hospital via ambulance, and the medical team did all they could do, but it was his time to go, so here we are feeling crushed, hopeless, questioning ‘why’ our little guy was taken so soon, but God is good and Everett is with Him. And because of our Hope in Christ, we will spend eternity with him. Please pray for my husband and I during this time – pray that we would continue to lean upon the Lord, being confident that this time, that seems so very overwhelming and despairing, is not our end – the Lord has so much in store!
Oh Jessica… this story touched my heart more than you know. I am on Lysa’s ministry team and I will be praying over your family during this unbelievably difficult time. I am so so sorry for your loss.
Many blessings,
Mary Scott Mercer
LT Ministry team
I have been praying recently about a situation that has caused so much bitterness in my heart and asking God how on earth do I get rid of it. To see those times in a positive light, as growth opportunities, fills me with hope. Thank you for the words. Your timing is impeccable!
It’s been a long season of crushing but God has been faithful even when I’m not. Would love to be able to do this study with some friends that are going through some tough times too.
Once again Lysa, you have spoken God’s truth into a situation going on in my life with perfect timing. Thank you for your ministry.
Thank you Lisa, This devotion spoke to my heart.
This spoke to me this morning. It was a good reminder that the good and bad – WHat we see as good and bad God has a hand in. SP it make it all good because HE is making us useful – whole – complete!!
Thank you Lysa! I am in the middle of one of those crushing times and was having a hard time this morning wanting to continue on, it’s seems so much easier to give up some days. This devotional was the encouragement I needed to lift up my head and keep on walking today and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate it! Thanks again!
Thank you Lysa! I hesitate to say this but right now I’m not going through a crushing time! But have and definitely will be again. Will mark this so I can refer to it when those times come and will share this with friends who are going through crushing times right now! God bless!
Thank you for that encouraging devotion. I have wrestled with God a lot the last few years after going through a long string of one hard thing after another. The loss, rejection and abandonment of people have made me question God’s presence in my life. I would love to have the Uninvited study to dig deeper.
Thank you for this….widowed at 41 and left to raise a 9 month old, 6 year old and 10 year old. Six years later and I still have very hard days, especially as I try to help my children. The illustration of the olive tree will stay with me and I will share it with my children. Thank you.
I love this! When I read this it actually makes me think of a girl that I work with. She has recently gone through a break up and has really had a difficult time. I know she believes in Christ but doesn’t have a close relationship with him. We have prayed and prayed with her and it is amazing how she will not just let God take control. She will not just give it to God. So when I read this I immediately thought of her. I have told her many times there is a reason for this storm. Thank you!
Kay Smith
Would love the uninvited bible study, I am so enjoying the Finding I am study!!
I feel like I am in the crushing time. It must be the time of preservation and remember what the Lord has done for me in the past. To know He is right beside me always and is carrying me right now when I cannot ‘walk’. Thank you Lysa, God gives you perfect timing for me to hear!!!
I am so crushed right now that I can’t feel anything.
I am so crushed right now that I can’t feel anything.
Sometimes….like today – I am so lost
Wow! This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you Lysa for the word, you are so right, I have been crushed and pressed, but not broken. Christ has been there for me always- so I know He wants me to be the best!
This lesson helped me realize that I’m not alone thatvthere are brothers and sisters that are experiencing far more crushing times then I have been through. It also was enlighting
as to the comparison of an olive tree, to learn that what the olive tree needs to bear fruit and to be cured of is exactly what we need as a follower of Jesus.
What a great visual your description of the olive tree is! I would love to do/share this study with friends.
This was perfect timing as I just got the call from the doctor yesterday telling me to come back for some additional tests.
This topic so deeply touched me. I know that feeling and how it is to be crushed on every side. I have been hurt, betrayed, and taken advantage of. I don’t believe that anything happens by mistake. When some of the things that happened in my life took place, it really hurt me very deeply. All that I could do was cry and pour my heart out to God. I know that things happen for a reason and I don’t take it lightly. I know that God is teaching me and preparing me for something bigger. He either wants to strengthen me, to grow me, or to build character in me. When I am feeling crushed, hurt, or abandoned, I try to remember that I am not alone, that God is right there beside me. He comforts me with His word and reminds me that He loves me more than I could ever comprehend and that all hope is not lost. Yes I will go through hurts and disappointments, yes I know that there are times in my life that have been down right hard. I know that it may be for a day or even for a season. But, joy comes in the morning. I continue to put my hope and trust in God knowing that He sees me, cares deeply for me, and that He knows what’s going on. I will never give up on God because God never gives up on me.
I remember making Greek olives as a child with my mother. She would always say the salt is so necessary for drawing out the bitterness and that this process will take time. I have been praying for a loved one for over 20 years. I will not stop because hope may be just around the corner. The olive tree is a great word picture for me of perseverance, yielding delicious fruit. Thank you for sharing this much-needed, heartfelt message.
I’ve certainly experienced seasons of crushing, and didn’t even realize that I’ve been in one until recently. Thank you for this message of hope to continue moving towards Christ in this season. I love that we need both winds….such a great analogy for life.
I sure needed this today. My husband and I (with 6 children I homeschool) are going through some difficult times– he lost his job last month and he is struggling with hope …….
My middle daughter is going through very trying times in 7th grade. Between her bad decisions, her distractability, and her learning disabilities, she is facing disciplinary action from the administration. To the point that we are being forced to switch her from the school she’s at. It’s such a trying time! On the one hand, my daughter was at fault… on the other hand, she is my daughter, who I love, who loves God,… how to make this a growing experience for her? How to show her acceptance in the face of such rejection!?? Talk about a “crushing time”! 2Cor. 8-9, 16, 18 has fit me like a glove!!!! Lord! I need your direction! Allow my daughter to feel my love and yours!!!! That unconditional love ❤
Wow, Thank you, I never thought of it that way, God is always good and I am thankful!!!!!!!
I love this beautiful pictures of why we must endure the hard times in life. It is so fitting for me right now with some tough issues. I have gone through the Uninvited study, but would so love to do it again and even use it with a group of others that I feel it would help tremendously. Thanks for the opportunity.
Thanks for the lesson on olives. I have a friend whose husband was in a motorcycle wreck in November. It’s been a terrible trial during the recovery. I want to share this post with her. Thank you
Thank you Lysa for sharing this teaching! The crushing is so hard to endure but knowing it’s for my greater good and God’s got me is what always gets me through. My crushing has mostly happened through the very thing (human) I was promised early in life, my marriage (husband). We’ve been married for almost 25 years! As I’m coming through the crushing I’m finding my identity is definitely in Jesus. He truly is my strength and my salvation, my deliverer and the one I can trust with every little part of me!!
Thank you for being Radically Obedient! (The first book of yours I ever read was Radically Obedient Radically Blessed and it helped change my world!!)
Thank you Lysa,
This is just what I was looking for to hear from God..
I am being crushed now to know that a healing is on me from the MS and all the hurt in the past year..
I am a strong women of faith and your teachings have opened my heart and spirit to growth I did not know I had in me.
I would love to share your Uninvited Book with others that I am growing a relationship with.. You see I don’t have a close friend and the family I grow up with and my Mother are the winds in my world.. Yes it hurts to a point of feeling like a failure and will never have a relationship with them.. They are all close together but I’m the black sheep and now God and you are showing me why..
I can not thank you enough for being in my head.LOL
Your words and thoughts are mine we are one.. You have been a Blessing to my walk on this path that the light seems to go dime and next I’m reading your words of encouragement that are in the Bible.
May everyone around you be Blessed,
Thank you,
Joy Renzelmann
920 374 4923
Manitowoc, WI
Thank you Lysa, for your wonderful messages! I just started reading “Uninvited” . My family is a mess and I am trying to pull them together and stay strong and feel myself growing bitter. I am trying to survive the desert winds right now! Help!!
I am Jewish and have been crushed by family relationships for the last 44 years because I received Jesus as Savior and Lord. I lost family and friends. My only sibling wants nothing to do with me. My mom passd away 2 weeks ago, so we have had to have close contact. Without Jesus, I could never have made it this far.
The Lord has used this teaching to touch my heart and remind me that He knows every step of my walk and has never left me. He is continuing to make me into he image of His Son.
Amazing how God know what I need to hear. I awoke this am with a “crushed” heart from a family member, a child. These words keep me from caving into to how the enemy wants me to feel, beat down and forgotten. I will be renewed by His words and knowing Jesus too felt as I do so I can overcome and continue to pray for this child. Thank you.
Wow! I never imagined when I checked my email this morning to find exactly what I needed to help me through this day. Thank you for all you do.
You speak to my heart. It’s like God is saying to you …. “Hey, Claire needs to hear this.” Thank you for serving God through your ministry. I’m plan to do your Uninvited study even if it’s by myself.
Thank you, this is right on time. Alot of things pressing me and this is a great reminder of how God is at work in the painful t things in life.
Thank you for the information on Olive tree that was helpful during my time of what feels like crushing.
Wow how timely this is and even though I am so thankful for these true words I am still feeling crushed. I believe God is trying to teach me to not be consumed by others thoughts of me and to only been concerned about pleasing Him, but I can’t please my boss (or anyone right now it seems) and it’s consuming me, crushing me. You see, I’m a teacher, it’s my tenure year (yes, I know in my mind that God will put me where He wants me, but I’m struggling with concern over where that will be) and I want to do what I’m supposed to do but it’s so hard to be positive because I feel I don’t do anything”right”.
It breaks my heart to read some of the previous comments regarding the crushing times some individuals are going through. I’m very blessed to not being in those times at the moment though we all know they will come. I send up prayers to all those who posted earlier who are struggling. God is good!!
A few months ago when you did a devotional on the Olivetree it really touched me because I was out of my house due to the flood in August and also I’m going through a separation from my husband. I desperately needed an Olivetree! So I asked my daughter to paint me one for Christmas. She gave me a beautiful picture with olive branches and The verse from 2Corinthinians 4:8-9. I I am now back in my home and have this picture hanging on the wall over my prayer chair. I sit under my olive tree daily in prayer!
My Dad has cancer and has been very sick. We found out he was sick 3 days after I came from the hospital from having my second child. It was as you said a crushing moment. His odds were not good and he was going to have to start treatments immediately. I nor my family were prepared. We thought he had hurt his back in a dirt bike accident…NOT CANCER. The last year and a half has been very overwhelming with him being sick, 2 stem cell transplants, and losing so much weight. My Dad who had always been so strong was and is still very frail. I feel like we have been pressed and crushed from every angle. Dad is finally starting to feel more like himself and has been a really good month compared to the last year and a half. However, we know it will come back it is just a matter of when. We are trying to appreciate the good times while preparing for the bad to come back. I really needed this lesson this morning and I thank you for taking the time to write it!
Thank you for sharing. Today made it so real why I am being crushed at times…it is because it preserves me. Your analogy was the perfect word picture for me!
So appreciate your teaching and breaking the Bread of Life for us, Lysa!
Thanks Lysa. I know I’ve been through difficult times. And I know more are coming. But in the end, I can see His pressing and shaping of my heart.
My heart is softening. My heart is understanding thanks to you. I love this blog post and the Finding I Am bible study. You have a gift of touching hearts!
A very timely reminder that God loves me and won’t crush me. EvEven though it may feel like my heart is broken and unrepairable. Lord, hold me, let me feel your love flow into my soul. Lysa, may God’s love and blessings continue to flow over you and your family.
My heart is sad, as you talk of the crushing of the olive tree, I had some one very close, who I cared about , took care of her children at the drop of a hat, was like a 2nd mother to her and her family, and at the drop of the hat, she no longer knows me, speaks to me, or even acknowledges me. like I never existed. Now in the past week, we lost a very dear friend, suddenly,, and our nieces’s son underwent a stem cell transplant, in very serious condition, will be hospitalized for months to come,,So we pray that his body will not reject this donor marrow,. what a lot of things to deal with, on one huge pile..So Many prayers have been repeated over and over,, I just need to know that God hears my prayers..
My oldest son has recently turned his back on me, my husband, his two brothers and essentially the whole family. The pain is almost unbearable. I never dreamed this could happen. Your story of the olive tree makes sense. I’d love your book. Maybe it would help me understand a little more. Thank you.
Dear Lysa,
I am a school teacher. I teach second grade. I love these children! Some days I feel pressed. The pressure of trying to get it all taught to prepare them for the next year, the pressure of behavior concerns and the pressure of making sure they know how very important they are. I teach public school. I can’t tell them that they have a Heavenly Father who loves them, but I can show His love to them. I ask God to show me every day what I need to do to show His love to His precious children. I know He’s with us, because I invite Him into my classroom every day. Thank you for your lovely encouragement and strength you share with us every day. ❤️ Love,
This teaching is times just right for me. My family has been going thru a rough time for the past 3 months on many sides, from financial to kids struggling in School behaviorally to being pulled in different directions at my job. All of which has put a strain on my marriage. Thank you for reminding that this is all part of me being preserved!
What an awesome analogy and reminder!
Just last night I logged out of all social Media. This morning alls I could do was check my email & there was your email. I get them all the time but to be honest I never take the time to read them cause I’ve just been so wrapped up in social media that I shorten my time in the word for it. I read your email this morning and it really touched me because I slso struge with understanding God’s process in our lives. I desire a very personal intimate relationship with him in hopes that I won’t question his motives for my life, I have just been unsucessful in that. Last night I told myself I was gonna put down my phone and pick up my bible & I’d love to do your study. I hope youll consider me. Thank you
This lesson comes at a time in my life when life seems somewhat “blah” and dreary. It’s actually difficult to pinpoint the actual description of my “now”. I don’t feel my best, I am concerned about the “what next”and I am trying to hold on to the promise of Jeremiah 29:11. I long to walk in the peace of God’s purpose yet, found hope in today’s lesson. Thank you.
Tks Lisa,
Just what I needed to hear this morning. Having a. very min or surgery today and am stuck in fear.
However I know I must take these steps in order to feel better.
Being crushed is part of the process to get perfection.
Thank you for your continued work and words.
Recovering from surgery from cancer diagnosis and feeling pressed going down this unfamiliar road. I was so encouraged by this essay.
Thank you for being sensitive to God’s leading and sending this my way this morning. My daughter is going through one of those crushing times in her life right now, so subsequently I am as well. When we dedicate our children to the Lord as babies, we know that God is always with them. It just seems that all of the other influences sometimes take over and God’s presence is crowded out by difficult circumstances and heartaches. I’ve encouraged her to rest in the Lord and allow Him to carry her through this difficult time and I believe God is faithful and will help her to do so. I just want to be the best mom I can be and point her to the Savior. Lord Jesus, forgive my unbelief. Thank you, Lysa, for being a dedicated servant to Christ and using your passions to further His kingdom. Have a blessed day.
This encouraged me by reminding me that this is a biblical truth, that we all are pressed like the olive. I need to revisit this anytime I feel like life is getting too hard.
Your words today spoke to my heart and give me hope. In the last 2 and a half years I have grieved many losses. My mother in law, my mother, my father, my dog that I had for fourteen years, and most recently one of my dearest friends to suicide. My husband and I have both dealt with health issues through it all. My emotions and my very being have been on a roller coaster. In the midst of all the grief, pain and heart wrenching questions God has provided some of the greatest blessings I’ve ever known; moments that were nothing short of a miracle. Thank you for this beautiful analogy about life and hope.
Lisa, thank you for this devotional. I am going through a season of grief. My sister went home to b with the Lord unexpectedly 2 months ago and the death angel has called quite a few of his seasoned saints at my church home to be with the Lord. This devotional spoke to me this morning and said ” Be Still !!!, I will see you through all this heart ache and pain. Just as there is a process with the Olive to make it edible, there is a process for Grief. Please lift me in prayer. I need the dry and the rain to help me grow stronger in the Lord and not become Unglued!
Such good encouragement today…. years into a painful home situation, and bitterness tries to creep in again and again. So good to be reminded of the olive press and Who is doing the pressing. Thank you Lisa for your spot on words every single time.
Dearest Lysa and Proverbs 31 Ministries: truly your olive tree words and writings spoke deeply to me and served as the balm of Gilead to my heart and soul a few moments ago. You are ALWAYS a joy to me. Our dear son, whom I died for – and was revived again by the Lord – 30 yrs ago, left our ministry with his wife, crushing abt 10 young people they were mentors to – as well as us (and especially the 4 youth who we adopted 10 years ago who were healing from abandonment issues).
We are all going through exactly what you described and even though I feel numb in many respects, I understand the heart of our dear Lord in all of this now, because I read your email this morning upon awakening.
Having been to Israel 22 hrs ago and being in the Garden of Gethsemane – it was an anointed and deeply moving spiritual time. But no one had ever explained the life and significance of the olive tree like you have, ever before. After your trip to the Holy Land and as I vicariously read your takeaways from the trip – WOW – what greater illumination you brought to the surface that helped understand things I’d skimmed over as a younger Christian in my earlier walk 22 yrs ago. So today, I sit here feeling pressed, heartbroken and crushed – and I’m sure my dear miracle son and his wife do as well – as there is a void in our relationships, the grief that my husband (Pastor daddy…) feels is deep and threatens his health as he seems to become bitter toward them – Lord have mercy – and I don’t know quite how to fix it. So I will wait on the voice of the Holy Spirit and I thank Him for talking to me today through YOU. May you and yours be continually blessed and please keep us lifted in prayer. I would love to share your Uninvited teachings with our ladies and youth. Love you in Jesus’ name,
Kathy Crawford
Greater Loving Word Church
Thank you for this today as I feel I’m being pressed from all angles and trying to not fall down
A beautiful reminder of God’s fullness for our lives.
I’ve never read suffering from this perspective before. Thank you. I have always thought about burning off the dross as Peter taught. Thank you for this teaching. I’ll be reminded of it when I use olive oil to cook. 🙂
I have been enjoying and sharing snippets and stories from Proverbs 31 since I found you several months ago. I volunteer at our local prison and offer bible studies and counseling for the incarcerated women. I would love to be considered for your offer of the UNINVITED study guide and teaching! I want to encourage you in your journey, Father has gifted you with insight and the written word. You encourage and enlighten your fellow journeymen for sure. Keep rowing Lysa :0)
This is so true! The crushing, the pressing, the ways God works in us to get us where He wants us. Those times can be so painful, but after going through some this past year, I can look back and see what His plan was. I used “Uninvited” in a group of sisters in Christ and saw amazing things happen in our lives.
Would love to share the study with an angry, bitter sister who needs truth, repentance and healing in her life. She has “uninvited” me and many others who love her; she needs Jesus so badly right now.
I needed a reminder of God’s purpose through the pressing times. It’s so easy to lose sight of the bigger plan. Praying for each of us being refined today.
Thank you for the needed reminder. When pain comes I want to run. I have been learning recently that is where the good comes from. No deep sorrow right now but I pray for when it comes to remember what I have learned. Thank you for posting…it’s a blessing to me that touches the deep places if my heart. God bless
Yesterday was a crushing day for me. I cried more than I have in years.. wounded by the ones I love. This message today helped in a way that nothing could yesterday. Lysa seems to always have a timely message for me. God uses her to speak to my hurting heart. Thank you, Lysa, and thank you, Father, for words of hope and healing!
I’m already reading Uninvited and doing the Broken Way study online! They so go together, it’s great! Thanks.
A friend recently lost her husband to cancer and my mind goes round and round with all she is dealing with. I pray for her every day, but now I will add that during this time she will grow as well from this pressing in on her. thank you
My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. I find myself trapped in my partner’s sins. Sadly the complexity of it and financial stickiness has put me so that I have lost my extended family as I once knew them. I am holding it together for my husband and kids as best I can, but it is difficult. I have few to talk to. This passage was hopeful and I appreciated the lengthy processes/time/faith it takes to push through to yield those olives. I am thankful I read your passage today.
Yes. This plus the proverbs 31 devotional reminds me that sometimes things die, sometimes we feel crushed but God always gives good and perfect gifts. My marriage turned abusive but I am out and God has a perfect plan for me & my disabled son. Amen!
Thank you Lysa! Your teachings always speak to my heart!
I have been in this place for the last week or so. I finally broke down yesterday and had a really good cry. I couldn’t figure out what was going on in and around me. Then I opened my email and saw this post. This post reminded me that God is simply preparing me for the next transition of my life. He is allowing me to persevere right now so that I can truly see all that exists within me. It’s my cleansing process so that the oil that will begin to seep out will be good oil. Thank you for this implanting of hope into my spirit.
Thank you for the message and lesson that I can apply to my life as well as share with others. There are so many people who are hurting, but this message will give them hope. Also, now I see why the pictures of the olive branch is on your book “Finding I Am.”
I’m going through some tough health issue, just the reminder I needed, thanks.
A great analogy to have for those times when I’m being refined by the trials of life! Opportunities for growth…aren’t they wonderful? Thanking God for again providing for every circumstance.
Crushed to be preserved. Crushed by years of spousal caregiving followed by his death 3 months ago. Crushed during that season but preserved for this one.
Lysa, this particular devotional helped make it more understandable why God has taken me through the things He has. In 3 years I lost my mother, brother, a cousin and my 2-year-old grandson. I had just come out of a year of unemployment with family and friends supporting me with a place to stay, food to eat, and many prayers. My new boss would prove to be harsh, critical, and unethical. I have prayed so hard to understand why God lead me through this journey, but sometimes we are too close to the situation to see. I can now look back and see His hand through all of it and know that like the olive tree, I can produce fruit that is useful. I can offer support to those who are heartbroken, to those who feel they have no hope and to those who are walking the journey of grief. This reading today confirmed His love for me and the reasons I needed to be crushed, processed, and preserved.
Thank you, Lysa!
I so often forget! I am definitely standing in the harsh wind these days at my job. Trying to balance the hardships at work, with being a mom to a toddler and being pregnant again has seemed too much to bear at times. My heart’s desire is to stay home with my babies while they are babies. I feel that Satan knows that and is causing even more disarray in my workplace. There are times I don’t know how I can go back the next day. I know that I am supposed to be the light in a dark situation, and that I am being pressed but not crushed. I know God has placed me here for a reason and I am trusting Him to fulfill His promises. I needed this today!
I love the illustration of the olive. It helps to understand why we go through the things we do & to know that Jesus experienced the same feelings & heart aches for us!
Loved this devotion this morning, I can think of many times that I have been crashed and now I better understand the purpose of that. Thank you so much. My Bible study group is doing what happens when women say yes to God right now they love it. We would like nothing better to go on from this into the study you are offering Uninvited! Thank you for saying Yes to God
I thank you & I thank God for you. This was such a beautiful illustration for us visual learners. Going through a season of grief, as I have experienced those winds of change, as my husband drew farther away and God placed people around me who could love me well. The “processing” was certainly the most difficult time of questioning and learning and waiting. Now, divorce, the “crushing”. But thank you for reminding me this is not the end, but a new beginning.
Thank you for this message! This was exactly what I needed to start my day with. I really did feel like this was another crushing time right now but now I have a different perspective. It’s not crushing and I need this pressing time to grow and thrive.
I never understood the timing and specific process an olive had to go through to be ripened. The parallel between the olive and the difficulties/process we have to go through to be fully ripened is amazing. Seeing the importance of each stage and how there is a purpose behind it makes it so much easier to understand, press sin and go through. Thank you for this “ah ha” moment!
I am crushed today. It is my marriage, again, which interestingly I thought wouldn’t happen. I needed to be reminded that not only will I go through tough times, I must go through difficult times because it strips me to humility and at God’s feet where I am loved so deeply. My question today has turned from “how do I get rid of this pain the fastest way?” to ” How do I grow today?” Thanks Lysa
I feel as if I’ve been in the crushing phase for so long that I must be missing what I’m to learn or just caught up in so much sin I don’t even realize. It’s very difficult to not be dismayed yet I hope Lysa’s study would help me find a new perspective.
Your thoughts about the olive and the need to get the best through the pressing and processing struck a chord with me. We are going through some tough times and its easy to just want to give up and end it. I will use this perspective to Press On!
This was beautiful. I am a mother of two daughters and married to Stephan. Life is not always what I thought it would be. My husband got saved a few years ago and I thought things were going to get better. We would go to church together and show a unified front for our daughters. This was not the case. Things got worse. My expectations were depleated and I have struggled with anger and bitterness for a long time. You see my husband is alcoholic. I teach bible study and it is my passion but I do struggle with how to live the life of a Christian and love my husband when I can’t hardly stand to be intimate with him. He is a very caring person…tender and loving but this anger has taken root and I need forgiveness and direction from God to stay. I stay because I don’t want to hurt him but I worry I’m hurting my girls. They are 20 and 13.
But thank you for this word. It is encouraging. I know God sees and knows all of this. And He is still God.
How astonishing is God’s timing? This specific blog post has come to me at a time where I’m being “pressed” for a much bigger purpose. God is making this olive into the lavish oil she needs to be. It’s so hard and I want to quit at every turn, but He is beside me encouraging me to move forward. And what is so great is that He is showing me that my “pressing” is not only for myself. It is to help others that He has entrusted to me. I am so blessed that our Heavenly Father confirms our “pressing” over and over again, if only to reassure us that it is His will! Praise Your Holy Name Lord! You are Almighty and I will praise You through the “pressing”!!
I should have lots of olive oil by now!! If not for the storm, however, how could I call Him my Shelter?
So much processing needed in this life. Thank you Lysa for reminding me!
This is just what I needed to hear today. We have been going through a really hard time with our granddaughter being sick for months and the drs can’t seem to figure out what is wrong. I feel my daughter is being crushed and pressed on every side but this reminded me, it is for a reason and there is something greater to come out of this. Thank you for your words, they always touch my heart.
I loved the way you used the olive process to connect to our own “gasemitie” moments. The feeling of despair rids the bitterness from our souls. And leads us to depend on the Holy Spirit for supernatural grace to heal our wounds and give us hope!!
Thank you for this I so needed it! I am feeling crushed right now.
I am not new to loving God but I am new to practicing Christianity. I have studied Hinduism and Buddhism and returned full circle to Christianity. My soul longed for the fellowship of Christian Women. There is nurturing found in the lap of Christ that I cannot duplicate elsewhere.
I am not trying to play catch-up. Not with God, he knows my heart but with the language of fellow Christians. I am trying to communicate with a greater understanding of Scripture and its references. I am allowing the Word to permeate me and grow my heart.
I started going through this crushing phase 2 years when I started getting sick and ended up having to quit my job in order to get a handle on all that was going wrong. But God is Faithful and has helped me to see the fruit of what is coming out of this crushing. Surely we don’t understand when we are in the midst but how sweet when we are able to finally see the work that God has done and is doing.
This was perfect for what my daughter and son n law are going thru right now with him starting a new job. Most of 2016 he was out of work and is now making very little. Praying daily this new job will develop into a career.
I would like to win for her.
Wow! This is great truth to speak into all, but especially those of us that are pastor’s wives/in ministry. Thank you!
Thank you. The lesson from the olive tree couldn’t have been more perfect for the season of life that I am in right now. God is sovereign and so faithful but I am weak and in need of encouragement. Your post was a gift.
This was a wonderful reminder that my past choices are a part of who I am becoming. I tend to beat myself up for not making better choices in the past and feel that my children’s suffering today is because I wasn’t a better mom when they were young. Thank you for sharing.
I love olives especially the little green ones in the jars at the grocery store. Your thoughts on the olive were very insightful not only the information about the olive and how they grow. Also you compared their growing under the harsh conditions to our lives and the situations that we often find ourselves in and want to give up rather than going through them and reaching out to God for help .Thank you for sharing your God thoughts through your various Bible studies..
Truly an amazing “aha” moment for me. The scripture makes perfect sense. Enduring hardships and difficulties are for our benefit. It all comes back to a relationship with the Savior. Knowing Him, trusting Him and doing life with HIM everyday should be my desire…everyday!
I am in a crushing time right now with my son. I need to sit under the olive tree and feel the weight lifted off. Thank you for this hope.
The crushing is so hard but the sweet smells of life and a fresh look at the future began to emerge and vague glimpses of a new day are dawning . As a child of God He holds me and then I hold Him –under the blanket of His word.
The times we live in are crushing times. Thank God for His promises to make us holy through them. Thanks for your words, Lysa.
This spoke right to me since we have a friend battling cancer. The ways God uses things in our lives. Thank you Lysa.
I like the east wind/west wind thought, needing both for growth! Thanks so much for the insight you’ve offered. Would love to participate in the giveaway.
The times we live in are crushing times. Thank God for His promises to make us holy through them. Good word, Lysa!
Oh to remember that to be pressed doesn’t necessarily mean to be crushed though it may feel like it in the moment! I pray that I the pressing, I will be refined like olive oil!
I know that God is my resting place whenever my heart is crushed. The phrase “Go to the place that is higher than I” sticks in my mind.
Praising God for his strength and the women who are willing to share their stories so that it may give hope and encouragement to others. Thank you Lisa for this soul searching Bible Lesson that has truly touched my heart. May I be reminded that God is with me when I feel overwhelmed by trials. God Bless You!
Thank you so much for this article. Our Women’s Ministry is putting together our 2017 retreat and planning for the year. Our theme for the year is You are not alone, Jesus is always with you and the theme for the retreat will be Lonely but not alone. This post offers a great explanation of some of the crushing times when we do feel alone. I would love to look into doing your bible study with our wonderful ladies this year.
Thankful that He is always with us,
Martha B Galletta
Penn Yan Bible Church
Penn Yan NY
I recently went through ovarian cancer. I am in remission right now for 4 months. I have 4 years 8 months to go before cancer free. Cancer is my olive tree. I will be fine no matter what happens. God has me in his palm.
The “Uninvited,” series was what God used to begin the process of healing from a deep rejection I had dealt with for a year. Lysa, thank you for being vulnerable and allowing the Lord to use you through sharing your heart and directing us to the true Source of healing. Next week I will begin leading this series with seventeen women. I look forward to the work that God will do in their lives. To Him Be the Glory!
Lysa I am a different person today because of a rare brain disease, with no treatment.
Thanks for your encouraging words. I have been through so much ( like the Olive!) but feel blessed today knowing God is so close to me.❤️
Oh this reminder was needed today! Our family moved recently so our children are in a new school and don’t know anyone. My daughter (3rd grade) has truly struggled this year and there have been lots of issues to work through which are crushing my heart. Thank you for this reminder Lysa!
Full of truth, hard truth, especially about the bitterness that settle in. Great reminder that there is a purpose in the painful times, times of work and not ease. Passing this one along to a friend as well. Thank you.
Thank you for the reminder of how hard, difficult times – refine us to be more like Christ. What a great analogy of the olive tree and those hard times in our lives. I love how God uses every day things to teach and grow us. I would love to walk with you thru the Holy Land on this study.
Lysa, I went to the Israel about 18 years ago. It was one of the most special times of my life. Just wish we had you in our group. Although our tour guide was excellent as far as knowing the area and history, he sure didn’t know the Bible, nor did he know Jesus. I can’t imagine how much wonderful that trip would have been if you had been along with us. I did the Uninvited study and it was fabulous, however, somehow, I missed the video. Can I purchase the DVD? I would love to have it and keep that as a reminder of that awesome trip but most importantly of how God uses these hard, hard times that I have been through in the last 9 months to refine and preserve me. Love you and may God continue to bless your ministry.
Thank you, Lysa for this perspective on trials. It is very timely.
Every time I enter of season of crushing I go into panic mode. I’ve served the Lord a long time – you would think I’d have learned by now that the pressure I feel, the crushing, is God’s way of doing a work in me. Thanks Lysa for the reminder.
This message is so timely. Thank you Lysa for the powerful words and illustration on how we need BOTH types of “wind” in our lives in order to produce the fruit God desires of us. I needed this perspective this morning!
Food for thought – equally important to realize there are steps to processing so keep pressing forward in order to not get stuck in, say, bitterness. Not always easy for me – the recent trials in my life are almost overwhelming. Thank you for this word today.
Lysa, I honestly feel for you. I’ve been where you are and I know how crushed and in despair times will be, but like you said, it’s like an olive that needs to be crushed before it can be preserved and become the beauty that it ends up being. While things are being crushed on all sides, just remember to rest in God’s arms and His peace. He will give you strength…
I searched and searched for a devotional this morning using different avenues of spiritual resources. One resource offers spiritual video’s and so I typed all types of keywords in for how my heart was feeling…sad, tired, upset, angry, help. The media tool did respond with video suggestions to watch for each keyword that I put in, but none of them pulled on my heart strings enough for me to click on them. And so I read a chapter in a spiritual book…it was a good message…but still…no heart strings. Then I opened up my email. I saw a title in the subject of my inbox…crushing times. The first thing that I thought to myself was “really, this title seems to be so appropriate for what I need right now.” And so I clicked on the email and read through it. With each paragraph that I read, two things happened…my heart cried and I felt a sense of peace.
I want to thank you for this devotional this morning. It is exactly what I needed, and will still need for the rest of this week; and maybe even this month. I will share it, print it, post it, and re-read it because God gave you this message, and you listened, and shared it with the many women who needed it today. And for that, I thank you and I thank God.
Much love for what you do*
I thank you for this lesson. I have been the primary care giver for my mom for the last eight months. My mom has dementia and Alzheimers. Since she’s been diagnosed I have visited her for weeks and months at a time. I experienced the negativism, and meanness first hand. When I got my mom I thought that is what God would have me to do. I believed that God had prepared me to be her primary care giver. Needless, to say this has been the most difficult assignment that God has given me. The winds blew on both sides and the storms prevailed in my face. I know this process was to preserve and refine me so that God can get the glory. In due season this olive will be fruitful, processed, and preserved.
My husband and I have been through those times many times over our 40 years of marriage. I needed the reminder that God uses those times. I’ve seen Him within the test, but still panic when a new test comes.
Thanks for the inspirational words this morning. I loved the analogy of the olive tree to our maturing spiritually.
Right now my family is going through the crushing process. Our 12 yr old son has depression and emotional issues. WE as a family are taking this on headfirst…Jesus said it wouldn’t be easy but that he would walk right beside us. I am holding on to that hope and truth. Your Bible study this morning just reminded me of this principle. Thank you Lysa for not being afraid to go deep.
Its hard to understand… why God? Its so incredibly painful to have your dreams crushed when the answer is “NO”. I’m heartbroken but I still cling to Him who is my hope.
This is a read I really needed this morning. Thank you so much. Oh how we don’t want to go through these hard times but we do and it seems after we get through one storm there will always be another. We do come out stronger but they are so pressing and weary. I would love to win and need the teachings.
This really ministered to me this morning
Lysa, WOW! The Lord knows exactly what we need to hear and when we need it! Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts today – it is my birthday – feeling very old today –
I am truly blessed beyond measure and I know the Lord still has a plan for me and my life. Feeling crushed today – but knowing God is at work and He is planning a hope and
a future for me!
Thank you Lysa for speaking truth into our lives and making it relevant!
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 have always been my go to verses when going through hard stuff. Thank you for your perspective, it has brought a deeper meaning to the way God teaches us trust, hope, patience and most important, dependence on Him to preserve us. Looking forward to looking at your new study. This looks like something to pursue with my ladies group.
I love the correlation of the olive tree and situations in our lives. We may be crushed but we are not destroyed. God uses EVERYTHING for the good of those that love him.
This spoke to me after reading this morning, exactly the understanding I needed after the last week I’ve had…Would love to have the study pack!
I loved how you related the process the Olives go through to be of use with what our hearts go through to be prepared for God’s use. This is a very good reminder for when one is walking through the valley with dry bones and a broken heart.
As a mother of 3 small children, I have recently started struggling with anxiety and depression. There are times where I have felt that the darkness is so heavy, there is no escaping. Thank you for sharing this and allowing me to see another perspective.
what an encouragement to read this, as I have a chronically ill adult daughter who has been sick all of her life and many times I ask why. My husband who was offered a job back in the fall with the Gov’t, completed the whole process and was given a hire date of Feb 6, just to be told last week the job is frozen. Now we wait
Thank you so much for sharing your heart. Your post speak to me every time and even more now recently. I am in a season of feeling unloved, unheard, and abandoned by the Lord. So many doors in our life have been closing and none are opening. There are many moments when I feel like I am suffocating and I don’t see any hope ahead. Your posts have convicted me, have helped set my thoughts and mind on TRUE things and have encouraged me. The Lord uses your words to speak into my life. Today’s post was another one that the Lord used. I am so grateful for you and your ministry. Your honesty and transparency speaks to so many. THANK YOU!
Wow, this was so powerful. I never would have associated the olive tree in such a way as you present Lysa. This is definitely one of my favorite posts that I will keep close to my heart as I move through phases of my struggles.
At some point I would love to dive into the Univited Bible Study. I’m fairly new to P31 bible studies and they have helped me learn so much in a way I’ve struggled with in the past. Because of you and P31 my relationship with God is growing stronger every day. Thank you Lysa and the P31 team!
I have been asking God to speak to me and I really feel that this message was his way of speaking to me. My heart is crushed from news I received this week and I will read this message daily to help me understand why this is happening.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
I’ve been trying to survive for a long time with a crushed heart filled with bitterness…reading this today gives me hope that maybe God hasn’t given up on me yet…
This spoke to me this morning as I am struggling with so much conflict right now. My heart is shattered by loved ones, circumstances and events. I see now I need this bitterness, I need to be crushed, but afterwards I will rejoice that God has used this and shaped me, and maybe through me, his light will shine and minister to the ones, events and circumstances that broke my heart from the beginning. I would love to be able to do this study.
Thank you, I now realize what I already knew. There have been many crushing times for me in the last five years, but today I am more aware of God’s plans for me. The “crushing” times have allowed me to be stronger, more at peace with the knowledge, that yes, God is present right with me…always. The best is yet to come, in Jesus’ name??
As always, you follow God’s perfect timing.
Thank you so much for your amazing insight.
I would love to win the study pack. I started the OBS but life got in the way and I wasn’t able to finish. I’d love to be able to go through the whole study. Thank you for all you do. P31 blessed and encourages me in so many ways every day.
Thank you, Lysa for your words!! Thank you, Lord, for the olive tree. For the reminder. For you words of life and reassurance and hope and grace and mercy. I feel very much crushed and very much perplexed right now in our family situation; however I know I will not be crushed or destroyed. Using both the east and the west winds to refine me, to make me fruitful, and giving God glory so His work may be displayed in me.
Hi Lysa,
Beutiful teaching and comparison of the olive! Knowing that once the crushing process is completed I will be restored, will bring life to those in need through the power of Jesus, makes me keep persevering.
I love this story because it helps to remind me that hard times and good times go hand in hand and both are essential for growth and learning. I have learned so much from my struggles past and present. God always has a plan even in the hardest of storms
I’ve never heard a teaching about the importance of the olive tree before. What a wonderful lesson!
I have been experiencing a soul crushing, heart wrenching time in my life for quite a while, and I have yet to find the joy in the journey. I cling to the Word of God, His promises to me, & His daily voice to me. This article really encapsulates what this journey is all about. Thank you. (Tears)
How I can touch, feel, smell and visualize this lesson! Thank you for sharing as the Lord shares with you. I am blessed. This helps me on my journey to focus better, to naturally stop to think and consider these moments in my life and to also let go and bask in the wisdom our Lord freely gives…giving me His peace. A welcome “breathing” lesson. I pray that the Lord would continue to bless you, your ministry and your family with His Peace that truly passes all understanding. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
What a beautiful picture and reminder of how God makes beauty from ashes. 8 years ago everything I knew about my life changed. I discovered my husband was having an affair…with someone I considered a close girlfriend at the time. All the dreams for my life, our life, were shattered. Everything I thought I knew about myself, about God, about my need for control, the foundation I built my life on, all came crumbling down. 8 years later I am here to say how incredibly grateful I am for the pressing and refining that came from that season of my life. My foundation was rebuilt on Christ, my true identity found in Him new hopes, new dreams came to life in my heart and as I look at my life today, there is an incredible richness and restoration. A part of me died 8 years ago, but it was a part that needed to so that I could live fully in Christ. Yes I felt crushed, I felt broken into a million tiny pieces. But in those pieces God put me together and created something much better, more genuine and dependent on Him.
To anyone going through a pressing time, lean in to Jesus, He shapes and molds and makes all things new.
Thank you Lysa for sharing your gift of describing so beautifully, how even the hardest seasons of life can also be the most defining, the most precious.
Wow..God really used you to speak to me this morning. I just read 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 yesterday for encouragement to endure what I’m currently going through. This is confirmation again that He is with me to go through my trials, but I won’t be destroyed. I also liked Psalm 56:3-4 to trust Him and not live in fear. Thank you for your honesty and integrity. It is encouraging as well as refreshing to the soul to know that I am not alone in my thoughts…
In my very busy schedule, I usually quickly glance through my morning emails before I begin my work. Your message today really spoke to me and had me concentrating on every word, visualizing the olive tree blowing in the east and west winds. My parents had a ‘shelter belt’ of olive trees planted around the acreage where I grew up. I had never before put any significance into those olive trees, until now. Thank you for your messages that somehow always speak to me so clearly and are always so easy to relate to. I have been crushed, but I am preserved.
I’ve worked at my job for 24 years and may be losing it in June. I have knee problems that seem to just get worse. My husband has health issues we are dealing with. My aged parents are suffering with dementia and heart issues (among other issues). All of this seems to be crushing me at the moment. But…I am not destroyed! God is able. He is loving, He is faithful and He loves His own. I will be satisfied with that! Thank you for this message. I will be sharing it with my staff this week!
Wow, I would love to get this book and study! I have myself walked through many life crushing, life ending experiences…your words captivate the reason so much better then i could the reason we go through stuff. I’ve always landed with there is a purposes for me because I’m still here…God must have something I need to do yet! Which is a statement my Great Grandmother would always say..she lived to 105 or just a week or 2 shy of it.
I have a few new ladies God has sent into my life that I’m pouring into. These ladies are all facing tough challenges…they are facing LIFE. I will share this article with them. But, I would love to gather them together for this study Uninvited. 🙂 Thank you for considering me for a FREEBIE. Blessings back to you and your ministry for sharing.
Thank you so much for this devotion. I have been weighed down with worry lately, and I know what I need to do is turn to God. I am seeking a devotional or study that reassures me that God’s got this, whether it’s my personal life or what’s going on in our nation and the world. What would you recommend?
This study really spoke to me today. I have been going through a lot of things in my life. Difficulty in my relationship and also health wise. It is a good reminder that we need these things to grow even though they are hard. Even when we feel pressed down God promises that we will not be crushed and He promises to be there with us in the good and the bad. Thank you for the uplifting message today.
The idea about how the olive first needs the winds to bring life, the processing so it is not bitter and the crushing so as to preserve the oil is very enlightening. I’ve read this post from you before and was thankful to receive it again today by email. Appreciate your insight into the verses. Have a blessed week!
Often it has felt like I am crushed because I am a frail human in a fallen world. It was good to remember that it’s not destruction of me God desires but the changing of me into the image of the One who has made me. The oil of the olive is achieved through its pressing and its uses continue on. But it would be limited in its usefulness if it were not pressed. Thank you for the reminders. I would share this with my BS group if I won it. Thank you for the opportunity.
Thank you Lysa, I am in crushing time, watching my elderly mom become frailer every day. I also work at Biola University and the Lord places many girls in my life that I minister to and hopefully with the Lord’s help, make a difference for them, supporting and encouraging them in their walk as they further their education. I would love to win the DVDs and workbook so that I could share it with our students. It would be a great small group study I would live to lead a group of these girls. The college years can be so brutal for many of them, even in a Christian environment. Most of all thank you for your ministry to all of us! I copy many of your devotions and make them handouts for the girls, making sure I give you credit so they can research your many helpful books, blog and other writings. God bless you greatly in all you do. Love, Peggy
Hi Lysa. My hard part is not letting these hard times and east winds not make me bitter. The weariness of it all makes me hardened and bitter instead of making me more like a delicious olive.
This message about the olive tree spoke to me right where I’m at. For me most of my life I have delt with crushing anxiety and depression and it is only now when I have fully submitted my whole entire heart every part, to the Lord submitting to the process that I am finding healing, peace, joy, and purpose.
Thank you for sharing Lysa! 🙂
When I am going through a storm and feel as if I am being crushed by something; health, work, famimy, friends, there have been many times I felt completely alone and crushed. That the wind was knocked out of me. I WA s asking r he question why Gid? Thinking I must not have value, I have worked my way past that, (yes, it happens again) and start to turn more to God realizing He is my strength to hold.on to. He will guide me to where He WA ts me. He is what I need most and all of the forces that seemed against me were to help me recognize I needed Him, more than. I thou c ht. I was thinking king prior to it all, I can handle what is coming my way. He has made me stronger in many areas, and yes, always still.more to do, but I contusion ue to grow because of my faith I. Him and similar to the love, I have to face the hard wind and get the life in me to make a complete and valuable lesson learned and be able to be more productive to my community, family and self!
“For the olive to be edible, it has to go through a lengthy process that includes:
sometimes salting,
and waiting some more.”
Life with Jesus is constantly about letting Him fix our messed up hearts. I love this quote!
Thank you for this Lysa. My family was sick the whole month of January and it has had me down. Reading this gives me a fresh perspective on remembering the steps needed when we go through hard times.
I am reminded that even though I need to think about the hard things- I need to be more compassionate- more willing to stand with the suffering and shoulder the burden with them.
Crushed or broken and preserved or repaired by God has shown me that I am stronger than before.
So beautifully spoken. I’ve recently been in a place of pressing, feeling like I’m failing in some areas of my life. How encouraging it is to be reminded that these are the times that God is preparing us to extract our greatness! I am learning to rely on him more and more
I feel the crush daily as I take care of my special needs child who is now a young adult.
I visited Israel last year and we were so blessed to have the gardener present when we were in the Garden of Gethsemane. He actually cut each of us a branch to take with us. I heard the story of the olive tree but your article has brought it to life for me and my family as we are experiencing the divorce of my daughter and her husbands 16 yr marriage. Thank you for this article and the reminder of Gods Word…..
“When the sorrowful winds of the east blow, I forget they are necessary.
When I’m being processed, I forget it’s for the sake of ridding me of bitterness.
And when I’m being crushed, I forget it’s for the sake of my preservation.”
How awesome to know that it is sometimes through those refining moments in life that we are given new perspective and even new life. Thank you for being so faithful in teaching and expounding the Word of God!
So fitting! You seem to always know what I’m needing to hear/read. I would love to win.
Today is definitely a crushing time. Found out yesterday that my dad is not able to have surgery on his tumor. He is battling Stage 3 Pancreatic Cancer. The prognosis is not good without surgery. My heart is broken for him and my mother. Holding fast to God’s Grace & Mercy.
Oh how I needed this today! Endured 6 deaths since Christmas, family & friends have been given devastating news regarding cancer, helping my parents with doctor appointments, dialysis and taking care of my 8 y/o grandson … feeling crushed and under pressure. What a refreshing take on this season of my life. Thank you for opening my eyes!
I am inspired that we are pressed but not crushed. He is our refuge! Thank you, Lysa, for this book in this season of my life. I am clinging to it. 🙂
I, too, am in the ‘crushing’ phase of life. Though it seems unbearable, I continue to cry out to and worship my Lord. He’s delivered me many times from this place and I know He is faithful. Thank you for speaking from your heart, Lysa. It is encouraging to me to know others have been where I am and have come through!
“Crushing is the way of preservation for the olive. It’s also the way to get what’s most valuable, the oil, out of the olive.”
I’ve never heard of this before, but what an eye opener for me! Trials, while not exhilarating in the least, are sure to help chisel us into God’s masterpiece.
Thank you for always keeping it real with us!
Thank you for sharing this timely encouragement this morning. I was feeling failure in my role as mother and pastor’s wife last night and this morning. I was feeling crushed by how my inadequacies seemed to be affecting my children and their responses to me. Thank you for the reminder that God can use these experiences to strengthen and better me for the long journey. Thank you for writing the truth God reveals to you.
This reminder- that the process is necessary and beautiful. It’s just what I need so often. I get so tired and lonely as a stay at home momma of 3. Seeking out genuine friendship and remembering Jesus is enough. Yes-we need relationships- but in the waiting-Jesus is there. And he’s turning me into something that will last!
Today’s lesson is a lesson in reality for me. I was “crushed” when I heard that I had been laid off from my job. Never a good time to get the news when you need to keep working and support your family. This lesson tells me that being crushed is to force me to move on and be better. God has a plan for me, and I am being prepared for the next step.
Thank you Lysa for your spiritual guidance.
Uninvited spoke to me during a significant time of struggle in my life. I didn’t realize just how much of my life was centered on approval from other people until the Holy Spirit used your book to show me. My validation came from compliments, attention, etc and when I didn’t receive them, or when the interaction was negative, so was my opinion of myself. I’m a work in progress and there are days I need more reminding than others, but there is unimaginable freedom in looking to God alone as our validation. Thank you for sharing your heart and your journey.
I have in a crushing before and watching someone close to me in one now. Love the visual of the olive tree and oil.
I love the olive tree. I love how The Lord shows us we will come out victorious by saying “pressed” but not “crushed”, it reminds me of when The Lord says trials produce preserverence. God bless you Lysa!
This is a beautiful analogy on how God refines us. It’s so easy ask why when times are bad or to soar through life when times are good. But it takes maturing as a Christian to see each time as part of the journey to get where God wants us. Not for our purpose but for His.
I am really excited to share this thought at church tonight. Our church has been in a “processed and crushing” period for the past few years. When we lost our pastor, when the finances became a constant concern, when several of the older “backbone” members passed away, when a trusted and adored member betrayed our trust, when fallout from that betrayal cased a major split. But it is part of the process and part of God’s plan for our growth and I am thankful!!
Wow-love this perspective! I try so hard to trust God’s plan for my life but there are some days, and even weeks, where I doubt my abilities and my self-worth because of something I wanted so badly but didn’t receive. It makes you want to crawl into a hole and never come out because you’re not worthy but, eventually, you start to see clearly and that it wasn’t your time or in your plan. It’s so hard but at the same time, freeing in a way because you know that it’s all in His hands, not yours.
I am in a season of the “unknown” right now. I feel like like the olive tree being blown in different directions. Reading this just gave me hope that God IS pruning me for something greater. Thank you for always sharing!!! I really feel it helps more people than you know!
What an awesome post, so incredibly timely for me. Crushed in spirit, crushed/broken heart, crushed life that I once knew as normal — this article resonated with me all around, and now I finally have an analogy to explain how I feel. Currently I’m the olive…hard and bitter. Now begins the process of washing, breaking, soaking, and waiting until being pressed to be preserved. Thank you for reminding me there is Hope.
Wow, Lysa! You have such a way with words and write about things that I so relate to! What a beautiful picture of something that feels like the opposite of beauty. I am going through crushing times right now (in fact, among other things, I got one of “those” emails from my daughter’s teacher last week!!!) and I have been SO resistant. Thank you for reminding me the pressing isn’t destroying me, it’s preserving the most valuable part of me. This was exactly what I needed, right now. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you!!
This is a great message for me, this past year has been the hardest year of my life. February 3, 2016 I gave birth to my 4th child, a wonderful surprise to us considering our other kids were 14, 17, and 18 at the time! Eleven weeks into the pregnancy we learned he had trisomy 18, a fatal chromosomal abnormality. His defects were severe and I’m a NICU nurse and knew all too well what I was about to face. The only prayer I was brave enough to pray for the 25 weeks we knew about his illness was that he would be born alive and that we could spend some time with him. And against extremely high odds he survived a vaginal delivery and lived for 2 beautiful hours. In 2 days we’ll celebrate his first birthday as well as the anniversary of his death. But I still know God is faithful and full of grace and love.
The past two years have seemed to be nothing but storms within storms. I lost my dad to cancer, and I became angry all the time. My marriage suffered greatly. Then my husband took a job I didn’t agree with. That job turned out to be a disaster, resulting in us losing our car and home this year. But about a year ago, our kids wanted to attend church. Reluctantly, I found one and took them. The day I stepped into that church I found God again. He touched me in a way I never knew possible. I watched my kids grow in Christ and it is the most amazing sight! Our marriage is stronger. Our 3 kids, my mom, my husband and myself have each accepted Christ as Lord and savior, and been baptized in that church.I know God has a plan for us, and He has blessed us abundantly. As we lost our home, we found nothing but peace in Him. We will praise Him in the good and the not so good. Thank you Jesus!
This book is an amazing tool that has started an eye opening and healing process that has been much needed in my life. I bet the video and study guide take it to a whole new level. This set could be used to cause a ripple affect in so many women’s lives. I would love to share this with others.
The key for me is remembering that God is with me during the crushing times, and that He maybe using this time to prepare me for something so much better than I could have dreamed of for myself. So often when I go through struggles, I forget to lean on God and try to fix the problem myself. God is using the crushing times to prepare us for the plans He has for us.
This is a beautiful devotion, beautiful AND hard. I went through an unusually tough season that lasted a few years and ended with my worst financial nightmare coming true. What I learned by having to go through that season completely changed my heart and my head (most of the time). I see Jesus in a way I hadn’t known him. I want to be willing to be crushed, processed, but my tendency seems to dread and resist. This devotion is a refreshing reminder and new way of understanding the necessity of “Crushing times”.
Thank you!
Great reminder! I try to keep in mind that He is in control when I feel “pressed.” The olive tree is such an excellent metaphor. Like a diamond, we can’t become what He wants us to be without the testing and refining.
I’ve been feeling this crush for months…in my own anxiety, my husband’s health and job issues, my son as he begins to navigate the tween world, my daughter as she adjusts to kindergarten, and being a bigger girl…thank you for this reminder that we are being molded and shaped, pressed to be made more like Jesus.
“It’s a lengthy process to be cured of bitterness & prepared for usefulness” Oh what a wonderful statement! I may never look at an olive in my salad the same again!
The hardest times in life involve my adult children. One of them has been going through a really difficult time and it breaks my heart. But God in His awesomeness is using this time to bring my son back to Him. The changes are amazing. I intend to share this article with him. Thank You!
This is so meaningful in this season of my life. Last spring, my husband was somewhat rejected in his coaching profession after servicing so many young men and women in the athletic arena with a huge amount of success. We were devastated along with the community around us. We took a leap of faith, and he decided to resign from his leadership position and take a year off from coaching and spend more time with my daughters and me. So many unexpected things happened during his time off, and we both spent so much time reflecting and mediatating on his word. He had been more resistant than me, and I had been praying for many years about it. We both became more connected and grew deeper in our faith than we ever imagined and each other just by completely trusting in him. A position that he always had dreamed of opened up and we truly know that God used the time off to prepare him and us for this new season. We will serve even better than before. I also plan to create a bible study for other coaches’ wives to handle the highs and lows of our daily walk which can be so lonely at times while our husbands are away. The olive is a perfect symbol of God’s impeccable timing and that his is good always. Thank you.
Thanking God today for using this message to give me hope and remind me that I am not forgotten. I was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago and 10 months later my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 Rare colon cancer. During this time we have lost our home and support of some close family members. I feel crushed and need to release and heal. Also, when we are Uninvited or left out it seems to affect our daughters too. I try and teach them that rejection from man is inevitable but God always welcomes us with open arms amd love. This study would be a tremendous Blessing to me!!!
What a wonderful reminder of His wonderful plan for us and our need to wait for the finished product in our circumstances. I was in very deep need of this today.
I have a prodigal son and as a mother I have gone through so many winds of strums watching my son destroy his life. It’s the most unbearable crushing feeling a mother can go through. But with God’s help, He is helping me to grow, stand and live again.I don’t have to go through this defeated, I can allow God to wash me, break me and wait in victory!
Thank you for this post about Gethsemane and the analogy of the olive and the olive tree.
I love reading your posts and your perspective which speak to my heart although I am Jewish and we usually do not read and study the New Testament.
I am going through a time where I am feeling buffeted by the East Winds. and pressed to the point of being crushed and being afraid that there may be no life after this, that I have no idea how to go on.
Reading this has reminded me that I am His vessel and I am not broken,that I am like the olive, pressed only to know and trust, again, that G-d is working through me and that I may be peaceful and not afraid.
Thank you.
WOW this spoke volumes to me! I have been struggling with my “crushed” heart for over a year due to a situation with my daughter. Thank you for sharing this message!
This really spoke to me as I’m still delinf with the physical pain of a miscarriage…a very long process-3 months to be exact. God has taugh me so much through this Trial that I’m so thankful for. He has definitely “crushed” me and I can honestly say I’m thankful for it because I’ve grown. He’s taught me to fully trust Him, how to endure emotional and physical pain and given me a whole new perspective on life and motherhood. God is good all the time!
Hi Lysa.
Thanks for the encouragement in a difficult season of my life. I’ve been following you for a few months and I’m amazed at how many time God uses you to speak the truth I need to hear at that moment. I’m learning to seek him in the crushing moments and fill my mind with his word instead of the present circumstances. Thank you for being vulnerable and speaking truth!
This message is exactly what I needed to hear. I have been going through many trials and wondering why? I am definitely being pressed and hopefully I will be able to become a better person through this time. I have been praying for me to be able to see what God is showing me. This message hits me right where I need it. Thank you.
Thank you. It was a good word that I needed to hear today. ❤️
This is exactly what I needed today. Thank you. God is using you to speak life to so many may he continue to use you.
Thank you so much for this message…
My dear friend of 30+ years has had two surgeries and is now going thru chemo for breast cancer. My goal is to help keep her positive and knowing that God is not absent from her life right now. She is 2.5 hours away and it seems like an eternity between our visits. I shared your message with her this morning as soon as I finished reading it.
My husband was recently ordained as a pastor. Eight months ago, he was laid off from his job in the oil and gas industry. God has been faithful to provide for us but the fear of ‘what’s next’ and how long can we stay safe, keeps creeping in.
I know God promises… I know how powerful God is… I know God loves us. I find myself singing this line from ‘Jesus is Better’: … make my heart believe!
Thank you again and God’s continued blessings…
Like you said, “We need both winds of hardship and relief to sweep across our lives if we are to be truly fruitful.”. I believe that we all go through times of struggle and times of joy. It also struck me in a way that reminds me that I could be a impact in a person’s “wind”; whether it be negative or positive. I just want to be a haven for someone in their struggle or an encouragement in their joy! Giving a fellow believer or non-believer encouragement through Jesus is a goal i strive towards!
Thank you.
Yes! Learning the rhythms and processes to healing from the crushing times, and being expectant of the lessons that can be learned instead of being paralyzed by them! Embrace the process of being crushed! All for our good and his glory!!
In the last year I have felt that crushing to the point of thinking I would never survive. It is a feeling of despair I can’t put into words. This scripture I had never read! I am seeking God’s strength and guidance in my time… but it honestly has taken me a long time to get to this point! Thank you for the encouragement!
Lysa, this resonates so much within me today. Going through so much crushing and breaking and pain right now with family circumstances, church issues and work situations and sometimes it feels like there is no way out. This really spoke to me, to the point I am going to print this out and keep it with me. Would so so love to receive the uninvited product, especially the book.
I just went through the biggest heartbreak of my life. I have spent the past two days weeping over the loss of a very special relationship. To be honest, the only thing getting me through is my faith. And although I don’t even know what to pray or think right now, I know (deep down) that I have a God who loves me and doesn’t want me to hurt. In fact, I know that He’s using this to mould me and grow me (even though I feel stuck in the deepest, darkest hole). This post reminded me that Jesus (the ultimate sacrifice) felt exactly what I’m feeling today. That I’m not alone (even though I feel very alone), and that He is faithful in the midst of our unfaithfulness and hurt.
Lisa, I was honored to hear you speak in Houston last Saturday. You are deep! You explain things that I honestly could never even imagine understanding until I hear you say it. Thanks for being a blessing.
I have a prodigal son and as his mother watching him destroy his life has been the most crushing pain I’ve ever experienced. But I know that with God I don’t have to wait in defeat. I can allow God to wash me, break me and wait in victory! Thank you Lord for the olive trees.
Thank you for this.
This olive tree teaching helped me today as my husband and I begin the trial for the man who murdered our son. The forces of fear and anxiety are raging in us, pressing us. Our faith in our just God to do the perfect thing for justice is carrying us, though we are fully aware that justice may not look like what we expect or want. All for His Glory and the bigger picture…..
Thank you for sharing your amazing gifts, many of the things you teach are confirmations to the word God gives me as I journey thru with Him, but learning it and being able to teach it is not the same. I love the way you are able to keep it simple, you explain in just a few words what my heart understands but struggles to express. I’m glad for what He teaches me but I don’t want to keep it for myself, I want to be able to express the timely word to others and bring hope and healing to their hearts as God has to mine.
I am being crushed right now. Finances, family issues, marriage issues…it never ends. But Jesus is in the process of bringing out the most valuable traits inside of me. I needed this reminder. Thank you!
This spoke to me today, not just as a reminder for me, but for my daughter. She leads a bible study for her teammates in college and has a few that are currently going through some “crushing” moments. She came to me yesterday, unsure of how to respond, and I can’t wait to share this with her today.
Thank you for this great reminder. I often find myself trying to avoid the “crushing” times because they are often uncomfortable and messy. However, I am learning that is where the growth comes from.
Lysa thank you, this teaching has helped me to put what the evil one wants to use against me to loose hope and to create doubt into perspective. It has help me to look at what I am going through as a challenge instead of feeling as if God has forgotten me. It has helped me to look pass the now and to keep pressing through.
It seems I have faced rejection all my life, being a child from divorce parents,where I didn’t feel loved in our own home. Sometimes I forget that Jesus went thru the same thing , and I can go to his word and find the truth. Thank u.
Lysa, please add me to the comments. Without going into detail, I feel God is calling me to do another study in my home…is this one it? Thank you and God bless
I am being crushed right now and this makes me look at it in a different light .
Thank you.
I did this study when my heart was crushed and I had friends turned there back on me. This study was such a good part of my healing.. I would love to have a group of women do this study with me.
I sit here with tears streaming down my face. Walking thru this now. Sometimes there are no words to describe the pain, but god is faithful to send just what we need, just when we need it.
You have shared this before but oh how I needed it today. I needed the reminder but I also needed it to share with some sweet sisters who are going through some crushing times. Both lost children last year. One mother is a seasoned Christian, a woman of deep faith. The other mother is a new Christian and struggling for hope.
I think this lesson of the olive tree can be a blessing and a reminder to both.
Wow this spoke volumes to me today. I took a class last night about excess baggage. What’s weighing you down in life.
I’m reflecting this morning about my life and I feel my life is running me instead of me running my life. This article gave me a visual of the necessity of what we’re going through. Kind of gave it meaning and purpose. Thanks Lysa keep doing what your doing it’s touching lives in ways you will never know.
Thank you Lysa. Your message was so timely and encouraged me today as I am going through what seems like a very long “east wind” season. I needed the reminder of the God’s goodness in everything.
Thank you for this incredible reminder that the Lord is using these times when harsh winds blow to grow me up, to strengthen me in Him! I needed this today! Love the “crushed but not destroyed” reminder, too, and how the best part of life will come from those times of being crushed!
This spoke to my soul today as my husband lost his job last week, he also told me he wanted a divorce. I am just slowly recovering from a job loss myself and am working for half the income I was. My 13 year old son tried to commit suicide last September due to bullying. It’s been a very rough couple months. The more I pray the more piece God gives me. I needed this strength this morning to understand. Thank you!!
I’m being crushed by my current situation and really needed to read this! Thank you and God bless.
devastated but not destroyed, oh how that is true. I have been separated for 4 years and divorced for 7 months now. How long does the bitterness and devastation last. The olive tree is our restoration, I know but how long do I go through the process. I think at times I will never reach the other side. But I know with Gods help I will. Thank you for your encouragement.
Exactly where I am. Thank you for the lesson from the olive tree.
So needed to hear this message today! As a new mother in a new town I have had difficulty finding peace during such a huge transitional period. This has affected my relationship with my husband. The analogy of the olive tree reminds me that God uses everything for His good. Thank you for the reminder that these trying times will produce the best version of me! The best wife, mother, friend, and Christ follower because my hope lies in God’s promises.
After raising our nieces for 8 years and then circumstances leading to to them returning to their mother, I was left feeling depressed, rejected, and, to use your word, crushed. There was no peace anyone could speak to me to make it better. I had no desire to seek God in anyway. But, by His grace, I did (am doing) it anyways… little by little, day my day it is getting easier to view the situation and see that God is good.
Thank you so much for this fantastic word! I can’t express, how much I needed this.
I am currently going through a couple of crushing moments. My finances, trying to TRUST GOD to provide and Not lean unto my own understanding. Second, God, recently convicted me, in the area of not trusting men; therefore, not trusting God to send me a Godly husband because of my previous failed marriage. I have been divorced six years this July. Your message, was confirmation, from God, that I have been and am going through a Lengthy crushing time to be cured and prepared for usefulness, which I know is for God’s Kingdom and His Glory.
Great article. I’ts really tough during those times.
Today as I was going thru my newsfeed on Facebook, something made me stop and read the entire ah moment about us being like an olive tree. Never thought of myself being able to connect to the unforgettable definition of how we are goingthru life like an olive, I feel so down most of the time alwasy wondering if Im doing the right thing for ny children in raising my boys as a single parent. We have been going to church for over an year and we became members just last month. I can say with going to church and reading your blog and doing a study group to your book “Made to Crave” as truly enriched our life. I say the Jesus girl prayer I even have a copy of it taped to my car sunshade so I can recite anytime. My boys also have one but we changed it to Jesus boy. Your inspiring blogs have kept me keeping the faith and has inspired me to be a better mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and most of all a Jesus Girl.
Now I can say im like an olive tree too. Thank you so much.
(I seen you in a video televised speech last year in Lubbock, TX at Hillside Christian Chirch–
At 45, I recently participated in my first women’s Bible study group, with Uninvited being our study material. It literally changed my life. Lysa’s words reach right into all the cracks that life makes in a woman’s heart, and soothes the hurts, showing us there is a Great Healer that can take all this pain away. I will treasure this book all of my life. THANK YOU. <3
Thank you for sharing this teaching. It helps me to have a “visual” to “get it”! I appreciate you and P31 Ministries more than you can know.
This is me right now. At this stage of life, having been stripped of everything to the point of returning to my childhood home. But, as the days and weeks pass, I am seeing the hand of God move in such a profound way. I am learning that God has to bring us back in order for us to move forward. I was reading about the olive tree a few days ago and your post confirmed what the spirit has been placing my heart.
Thank you so much!
Its easy to forget or retreat and stay in the “crying” moments to the point of being paralyzed. I am going through a crushing period and so thank you for reminding me that it is for my own good and that when I come out of it I will be better and stronger. I always look forward to your posts on social media they have really been helpful in this season of waiting and sometimes wondering why. Everyday I find something that speaks directly to my heart and helps me renew my hope and shift my perspective. Thank you Lysa.
We want life to be easy and stress-free. We think living “right” will gain us favor to have that easy life but it is not God’s way. In fact, thinking we deserve an easy life is prideful and something that needs to be crushed out of us. I am walking through a difficult season. I have realized that I have spent a lot of my Christian walk having my relationship with Jesus kind of sitting on my head. It was the standard I strived for but in my own strength fell short often. Then I used Jesus to cover my failure because, of course, that is what He died for. Now, my walk with Jesus is about letting Him seep into the core of who I am. I no longer have Him just sitting on top as a standard or just as my sin covering. I still fail Him but the relationship/fellowship with Him is more important what I can get out of Him as my sin covering. I could only have learned that through the crushing times, the times that I needed Him to make it through the dark dark nights. Now when the winds blow, the sinking feeling of failure, the heartache of loss comes I reach not for a standard but for a Heavenly Father who loves me to my core. Your article so beautifully portrayed the process of crushing to get us where need to be to fully understand what God is doing in and through us. You used a wonderful illustration with the olive tree. I would love taking a group through your new study. As women I think most of our crushing comes from a fear of rejection and abandonment. Thank you for your ministry, Lysa!
I need to go through the necessary to become what God longs for me to be and no matter what we may go through his outcome will be far better
My niece is just beginning a long recovery after a tragic car accident. Her journey will be long and her spirits are down. Her faith is being tested and Satan’s lies are seeping in. I would love to give her resources to help her dig in deep and hold on tight to Jesus as she journeys.
What a beautiful way to look at the difficult times life has to offer. I am experiencing one of those times, and I am so thankful for the perspective you presented. These times are necessary. I can feel God at work and although painful, it is a beautiful experience.
I’ve seen this space called Unemployment before. Only this time, it was after my dad’s death. I was his primary caregiver. Laid off, I found myself having time. Real time, alone with God, to read His word; to meditate; to contemplate my life now & moving forward; and to grieve, not just the loss of dad, but loss of my job, my dreams, my opportunities & accomplishments. God definitely has me right where He wants me – bent but not broken. I know He’s working behind the scenes for my good. He’s building my character. He’s prepaing me for my next assignment. Each day the bitterness improves & the preservation abounds. I’m grateful. This teaching absolutely spoke to me. Thank you. Your Tweets have kept me going for a long time. You and P31 have been a major blessing in my life & I tell everyone I can about you. I bought your book, Unglued. But that’s a whole separate posts! Thanks & God bless.
I can say Yes and Amen to this! It has been both through the hard, crushing/pressing times and the times of refreshing that I have learned Who my God is, and my roots have grown ever deeper in Him through them!! HIS Faithfulness Overwhelms me!!!
I too am going through very crushing times right now with my marriage, my family (grown children), finances and I thank you Lysa for reminding me that this is a time for processing, to step outside my comfort zone, to grow and bring me closer to God and my true destiny. I thank God everyday for this lesson even though I still feel like I am in the ashes and have faith everything is for my highest good.
Trying to understand relationship stuff and Gods will, knowing when to hold on and when to walk away (it’s not a marriage thing). Wondering why this guy never wanted me to leave but didn’t want me as a girlfriend and all I can come up with is I’m ugly. I just lost 130 pounds this last year and a half no surgery i did it on my own and i want to feel pretty but i just can’t stop the voice in my head that says what’s wrong with me. So yeah I’ve been a little crushed lately. Thanks for a great read. I always love your posts. ❤️
Oh, how the hardships make me weary and bitter. Not the godly response I know. Could use some insight on the this…
This is exactly where we am at in in your book “Uninvited
I have been reading this chapter for a couple of weeks now because I feel there is so much God is trying to say to me!
Trying not to he bitter after my second divorce… how did I get this way? Why must i go thru such trials? What is God preparing for? I seek God’s path for me, however I feel so alone and crushed. Praying for guidance and wisdom. Thank you for your words, its like you are speaking into my life.
Your teaching always finds a place in my heart. Thank you for letting God use you, to speak through you. I had the opportunity to hear you speak a few years ago and was so blessed! I’ve been following your First 5 since it was implemented except for a period of time last year when I was going through treatment and I got a little behind. Thank you for that wonderful app! May God bless your every endeavor! I would love to have this bible study to share with others.
This helped me so much today. Between my Systemic Lupus, my husbands heart issues and stage 3 COPD, medical bills we are drowning in and more bills to come with specialist we have to see 3 and 4 times a month. Each visit with medication to be filled and high heating bills right now, I cant stretch our disability checks any further. I sit up and think how…how will we make it? How can we possible get through another month, week or even day? The physical pain of my illness is often times debilitating and the depression my husband suffers with all his maladies sometimes is just almost too much.
My only child battles alcohol and cocaine addictions and my mom is in a nursing home with dementia. We lost my dad suddenly to cancer in 2015 a man who had never been sick a day in his life.
Words today help me to see that in the middle of all this, on the worst of days…God is still with me. those winds are blowing from each side, I can feel the presses Lysa…physically feel them and tears stain my I AM book right now.
I wont give up, I will hold on to God’s promises, I will remember your words today and I will re read this often.
thank you
This study wowed me today. It brought to life an explanation of what is happening withinr church. We are experiencing some challenging times in our church. Some of our members are not able to see the opportunities that are being presented during this trial. It is heart breaking to see our family members get puffed up about not getting their way or their flawed thinking that their way is the only way. Satan comes to kill steal and destroy. Through all of this many hearts have been broken. At the same times hidden things are being revealed. I personally believe that myself and my church family is being in the restored and refined. God is doing some extensive painful heart surgery on us. I know because of His love we are in the process of “becoming”!. As painful as it is, I rejoice and give thanks knowing that there will be a mountain top experience once our heart surgery is complete and as a church we will be able to serve and minister in a mighty way.
Our ladies bibles study that I facilitate in my home is planning on doing “Uninvited”
with an expected start date of March 6. I would be honored to receive the “Univited Package”. Your devotion has really ministered to me this day. The scripture shared is going to be displayed on my computer at work so I can remember to stay focused and keeping our eyes on Jesus. He is our very help in times of distress.
I love this so much. It’s packed with so much truth that I’ve never thought about! It makes so much sense. It speaks to me because I have a friend going through a really hard time. I don’t have the words to say but I feel like the lord has spoken to me through Lysa and I know how I can encourage her. Mu husband is a youth pastor. I would LOVE this series to lead our youth through. Many are graduating and about to enter into a fun but challenging and often life changing season. Thank you for the beautiful reminder of how the father using the crushing times for our good. He is always good and always faithful.
Lysa, this spoke to me and comforted me to know that all of the crushing times and situations are what have made the “better” me that I am today (and still growing and changing daily), and that I am so much better off than the “bitter” “old” me that I once was…God works mighty miracles with every blink of the eye…and I am one of those. Thank you for being a constant sunshine in my life daily…you inspire me to live for and love God more!!! God bless you beautiful lady!!!
Oh yes, this is very, very timely indeed. I am also sending it on to my son, a pastor, who often said he felt like olives being crushed. He’ll appreciate this post. He has very severe health concerns right now and it is affecting me greatly. I’ve gone through some very rough days because of this.
This is such an encouragement to me today. In sharing love with people, Jesus and the gospel I am in a season of being continually rejected, pressed down and crushed. I am increasingly aware of the hatred of the enemy and when God is at work, Satan is working too. God is bigger. Jesus experienced the pain of rejection and betrayal. He was falsely accused and condemned. Thank you for this post.
I am holding on to and thirsty for every bit of scripture about these hard times.
I have been broken in spirit for some time. My mother passed on Mothers day last year and so many of my other dreams and expectations and prayers seem to fall on deaf ears as well. Hearing the scripture so helps to remember who Jesus is. I need it constantly.
So many other things going on and the fears that I am trying to shake. I am currently doing the I AM study and I cannot get enough of it. Thank you Lysa for the books and studies to show that we are not alone and that God has sent someone who understands and tries to help others with your bible studies.
Oh, how useful we can become if we’re willing to go thru His process! Thank you for this reminder!
Hello Lysa. This has truly given me hope & lifted my spirit today. I was just talking with the Lord in the wee hours this morning that I don’t understand but I know he does. He has allowed it because he has greater for me. I’m going thru divorce. I told the Lord that I know I have to go thru the grieving phase and I’m giving it all – including myself – to him to see me thru this. I’m going to fight everyday to get/stay in his peace and trust him to take care of everything else. God bless your ministry and thank you for what you do.
Thank you for the vivid analogy of my current crushing time to the Olive tree. It is nice to at least have the hope that something good can possibly come from this terrible experience.
what an inspiring post! Crushing is definitely the right word for me right now… betrayal in my marriage and man is it painful. this has been the hardest journey I have ever gone on, but I am trying to trust God through this process and through the pain. sometimes it is just so overwhelming. I would love to do this study and would be grateful for the opportunity.
This went with my devotional so well today. I think He’s trying to tell me something. Thank you for being a voice for His message today.
Thank you for this truth. It was a salve on my soul this morning. I’ve received unexpected news this week that I felt, had absolutely crushed me. But now I realize I’m just being pressed. Thank you for giving us all Godly perspective. I’ve already sent this to two friends who I know are feeling crushed this week…
I am going through hard times (family/marriage issues) right now. I want to thank you for reminding me that the good comes with the bad and we must weather the storm and stay strong in our faith. In bad times I seem to get moody and give up all together. When that happens I lose sight of what really matters, so thank you for this email today and gentle reminder to never give up.
I live in an area where many people grow olive trees. I see them as I drive to work. I guess I can relate as I have this mental picture of the olive trees that line the roads and I think of experiences in my life that are like that of being pressed.
This was good for my heart today. We recently lost a child at over 15 weeks gestation and just had to go through the procedure to help that baby pass yesterday as my body was not moving it along naturally. It had been heartbreaking and crushing but this and other truths from the Word have helped to keep our family’s eyes on the Lord and His provision and love.
Thank you for your insight and wisdom from the Lord.
I am so blessed by this message today! I see with my heart eyes how crushing and yet beneficial trials are in my own life when I look at what God’s purposes are for me. Thank you for drawing me in to remember the beautiful analogy of the olive tree. I am glad to be able to see, when the winds of life blow, how God is still at work in me. Thank you for your message to us today! God Bless!!
Crushing times are inevitable for everyone! Thank you for the wonderful analogy using the olive tree. I hope I remember this the next time hard times come my way !
I wrestled with whether to do the I Am study (through the online Bible studies) at this point in my life because I was just starting another study on trust–my word for the year. I felt God leading me to focus on that area for now. After reading today’s post, I realize I would still love to eventually do the I Am study. Lysa’s Biblical truths are an encouragement to me. Thank you.
I really learned a lot about the olive, I don’t like them because of their bitter, salty taste but after reading this lesson I have more appreciation for them. I may not like them but God uses them in his way to teach us how to weather storms of this life and not be crushed. I would love the opportunity to enjoy the teaching you have filmed. Thanks for this special message and God Bless you in making more lessons that enlighten us.
Truly helpful today. I was praying this morning for our Lord to help me with some discouragement, knowing full well that difficult things make us stronger if we yield to
Him. Thinking also of several friends experiencing very hard life events, one in particular who are expecting a child, who is not expected to survive. Thank you Lisa for kneeling to God in what He puts on your heart. I know a lot of women who’s lives have been changed by your wisdom. Today is a reminder and now an expectation of what the Lord is pressing our of me, so I can glorify Him more.
I am healing from a very unexpected and heartbreaking rejection from a friend that I still don’t understand. The timing of this book is so perfect. Thank you for your honesty and your heart for us.
I would love the chance to read your book! This message today I felt as though it was meant just for me… This past year has been so trying for me ?. My only daughter was rebellious, got engaged, turned 18, moved out, got married, and got pregnant all in a matter of a few months time. This times were difficult as parents we had to make hard decisions for our daughter. Now our daughter is clinging to her mother in law more than ever, and the mother in law is very accepting of this calling our daughter, her daughter now. My daughter has been pulling further and further away from us to the point where we aren’t even speaking anymore?. Thank you for this message to help remind my heart!!
Thanks for this word. I have certainly been in the crushing time lately. God is working it all out for good.
Oh thank you. This is so helpful to me!
I’m being crushed, again, after having suffered numerous crushings. And yes I am bitter. My name is Dorothea but call me Mara for I am bitter. Ruth 1:20
I will keep your message in the back of my head. But right now I am VERY angry and hurt at God for allowing yet more pain into my life of loss, grief and heartbreak.
It is endless. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Thank you for listening.
I’ve done the Uninvited study through Proverbs 31 Ministries on line this fall! It was fantastic! Need to do that study again & again through out my life! I’d love to win this giveaway today!! I could give it out to other people! It would be such a wonderful blessing!
What an excellent analogy of our hard times. So needed this reminder. Thank you for using your hardships to encourage and help others–I hope to do the same some day.
I don’t know how you do it but you always seem to speak to me right where I am. It is truly a gift!
I’ve been feeling crushed for a while now. Struggling with my marriage and wondering wether God wants my marriage to survive or if God just never meant for us to be together and is now punishing me for going against His will for me. I try to listen and follow God’s will for me but some days I just feel completely lost. Thank you Lysa for today’s post,
Appreciate your words and thoughts in this area. As most of us can attest to in life, I, also, have had those areas in life where I indeed thought I would cease to breath. Thru those times, God was there, waiting, for me to really look at life and actions. I have learned much and gained wisdom and understanding from those times. When those painful times comes again, as we know they will in life, I pray my thoughts first turn to God’s word, not last, as in them he will guide and strengthen me in handling whatever may be set before me.
What a great lesson of the olive tree today … great imagery. Thank you for sharing! I would love to do the Uninvited bible study. I’m in need of a bible study so I’m reading the bible & studying daily. Use to be in Precepts bible study where we met weekly & those were some of the best times for me.
Your lessons always speak to me on a deep and meaningful way. Just saw you in Houston. Wonderful night!
Wow, Wow, Wow! This is exactly what I needed today. The last two months have been the toughest trials I have been through. My heart has been crushed by a loved one and he turned his back on me and my kids. I literally wanted to die BUT I have rested in God the last month and let Him show me His love. He has been! Lisa, you have been an answer to prayer! I feel like your messages speak directly to me. The story of the olive tree is an Aha moment for me! We do have to go through the hard times to be all God wants us to be. Thank you!
I am in a trial that has lasted for over 18 years and lately have been feeling weary and I have allowed hope to dry up. But I such a beautiful picture of the olive tree now. I surely can do all things through Christ who strengths me! I can keep on keeping on!
This spoke volumes to me. My heart has been crushed and I’m currently waiting on God to move in a situation. I never even thought about the importance of the olive tree and how it relates to us. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you.
I am being crushed by family matters
Definitely have felt crushing times but I know what it’s producing! This is right in line with what I’m currently going through. I’m excited for who God is making me to be 🙂 I’m also leading a group through Uninvited starting on the 21st. !! I would love to win the study resources for it!
Sometimes I forget too. However, I am trusting my LORD to bring good and growth from all of this pain. Please pray for my daughter’s heart to be softened to the only Savior and One who truly satisfies. This momma’s heart is begging.
Your teaching, Lisa, showed me there is a divine purpose for my crushing heartache. Thank you for sharing this wisdom from God! Blessing to you, sweet sister!
Wow! I really needed to be reminded of this today. I am a homeschooling mother of 3. There are so many moments that I feel “crushed” and despair while going through this “process”. These words have spoken to my heart! Praise be to God is everything!
Thank you for sharing! I’ll never look at olives the same! 🙂 This helped me put some tough things I’m going through into perspective. I should be grateful for being crushed and perplexed because things will truly be better because of the struggles. Thank you, Jesus, for this truth!
thank you for your words of comfort, they always seem to meet me right where I am with God’s promises that I need to hear.
once again, you’ve explained something in a way I will remember and made sense out of something I often wonder why it has to happen. Thank you, Lysa!
This was such a fitting topic today!, my husband lost a baby at full term, his wife at the time forbid him to talk about it. He has carried this burden for 29 years! Since he finally confided in me this deep soul wound, I have encouraged him to share with me and with others so he can begin the healing process. The last two days have been extremely tough for him as he has reflected back and wondered what his Baby Rose would be doing now and what she would be like. This is a great reminder that God is in control and know and understands our extremely difficult times. We can go on knowing we are not crushed but still held gently in the palm of his hand. Please keep him in your prayers as he walks this road of restoration and me to be able to encourage him through this.
I really needed this today and at this very moment. Crushed almost feels like an understatement.
I definitely am going through a time of processing. A lot of changes in my family. It had helped to remind me that God has a purpose for everything.
Your devotions always seem to speak right to me.
I’ve been feeling crushed for months now following the death of my mom who I was very close to. Our family has been through a lot this year and I am feeling very alone in it. I am standing on Gods word to get me through this difficult season. Thank you for being obedient to God and always sharing what He speaks to you as it has blessed me many times.
Oh, this is just what I needed to hear! After a very hard year with lots of life changes I needed to know that it’s all necessary. A person who has always had a loving heart for others, I have a lot of bitterness right now. I don’t like the person I am right now, but I understand God is still working on/with me!!
If I didn’t experience the crushing I could not understand 2 corinthians 12:9. Only God could make you (eventually) praise him for the crushing hearbreaks.
Going through cancer treatment for the second time, relational difficulties with my husband, and major uncertainty about our future have left me feeling pretty crushed. Thank you for the reminding that He brings good out of these times.
The crushing times, oh I’ve had them and as I sit here with my sister trying to plan and arrange our father’s funeral I read your devotion. Thank you. The reminder were needed and the verses were very needed. Thank you.
I love 2 Corinthians 4:8,. Its the truth of where god leads us and shows us how he protects us and helps us grow!
I feel like I am being crushed financially and health wise. I need to do this study. Thank you for it!
I was diagnosed 18 months ago with Stage 4 Colorectal cancer. God told me that he brought me to this for a reason and I believe in my healing. This is going to be used for a great and amazing testimony!! Satan has tried to take my marriage in the past, he’s attacking our business and he’s come after me… I waiting, not so patiently, for the day the Lord shoes his mighty power in this situation!
Thank you so much for this reminded. It the midst of marriage problems, it’s so easy to get discouraged and forget that God uses everything for good!
You always have inspired me with every single blog of yours.
And it’s the same now. I’m being thru a tough battle.
The words “Cast down, but not destroyed”,
Says me that, “These are all just doubts, I’m not dead yet”
This is what came in my mind.
And by the way, they are soo many secrets in Bible.
This story about “Olive Tree”, is another secret which no one have even thought about.
Because of u mam, we have known another secret.
I’m soo thankful to GOD that he have given u for us.
May GOD bless you and your family.
Definitely needed this today. It’s so easy to sink in despair and hopelessness, but I have to remember God is working through the pain to produce something beautiful that will bring glory to Him.
I am so thankful that you have chosen Jesus and trust him. He has given you an incredible gift that we all get to share in. Thank you for all you do. Proverbs 31 has been so helpful with all the things you share on Facebook and your bible studies. I’m currently doing finding I am and the east snd west winds are blowing hard. It feels impossible. My heart is so heavy right now in this s season of life and I do want to let Jesus become my I AM. ZOA!! The olive tree! What a great word picture! I desperately need pray for a couple of my kids. Thank you!!
I recently found your blog and posts, and I have connected to your heart in a way that is unreal! I would love to share this book and study with my closest friends who are presently walking through heartbreak.
2016 was a difficult year for me, 3 surgeries and then ended by me losing my brother in a house fire. Some days are just hard, but I do realize I need to rely on God and his grace to get me though. But how to lift the dark on my life so it doesn’t consume or stay to long is what I am finding hard to do. Thank you for your “real” devotions. They really talk to me and help me. Hoping 2017 will be a great year.
I’m being crushed and prepared for further work for God. Your message helps me to see that better. Remove my bitterness Lord!
I am feeling crushed right now! It feels like i am broken inside and sometimes feel as though i will never be whole again. I know i have so much on my life to be thankful for but this gapping wound is suffrocating my existence. I really needed to hear the words of God today because in my heart i know he will help through this darkness i feel.
Beautiful and exactly what I needed to hear during my times of feeling crushed.
Thank you Lysa!
This was a beautiful reminder of God’s grace given freely to me. I have never once thought about the process of an olive!! It makes perfect sense that it is similar to our walk with the Lord..I just love your devotionals and thank you for loving Jesus!!
Loved this blog post today and it really spoke to me. When going through trying timesit is easy to become bitter but we need to remember that God is in control and has a plan for us and means us well.
I have been fighting some battles recently. Problems in my marriage that God knows about and others. I just started your online Bible study “Finding I Am” and it seems as if the devil is trying to discourage me. I have never been so determined to find your book and do the study so I know it must be from God. This week my dad was diagnosed with bladder cancer and will have to start chemo treatments. My mom passed a little over two years ago and I am not ready to loose anyone else. I am feeling so overwhelmed and I know that I have to give this to Him because I am not strong enough. My mornings doing “Finding I Am” have been so uplifting!
Thank you for that “Uninvited ” reminder Lysa.
Wow..that was really thought provoking. It’s amazing how often we forget when we go through many trials. But through it, Jesus leads the way and is constantly with us. So very encouraging.
This lesson is so, so timely for me today. I’ve just found out about some things that have hurt me very badly. Every moment is different-anger, sadness, regret,- but, I know God has a plan. He will carry me through. Thank you for this beautiful reminder that the crushing is not the end.
“It is a lengthy process to be cured of bitterness and prepared for usefulness.” This line caught my soul this afternoon. After years of walking through some very difficult and almost debilitating life issues, I hadn’t realized the bitterness that crept inside. Very thankful for timely words to sink into my soul and realize my need to repent and praise God for the process.
This is a great picture of what is happening during these pressing times. Thank you for these words. This is a book a few friends of mine have been talking about reading together. It would be nice to use the study materials.
Hi Lysa,
I am currently going through a time that feels like I am in limbo… up against the wall, and anxiety is taking over. I am waiting to hear if 18mos of hard work, pouring myself into school, will result in being accepted into nursing school. Every little trip makes me think of the possibility that it won’t happen, and what do I do. Trying to lean on my faith.
I appreciate your continued hard work to write such encouraging words?…..I was challenged to not resent my trials!
Lysa thank you ! I love how beautiful and bold for the kingdom of heaven God has created you to be! Thank you for reminding each person of who they are in Christ! I saw you on TBN and went out right away and purchased copies of “uninvited” to read, share and give away- its so good! I am praying that my 30 year old daughter would read it and be healed of the rejection she has suffered through awful events that have taken place in her life. That she would walk into her life assignment equipped with the reminders from God’s word that you have shared through your story. Praying for you and your ministry! I would love to be gifted the package you mentioned above – as I would love to continue to equipt others with tools to help them be who God created them to be and not listen to the lies of the enemy!
My husband and I have been going through hard times the past couple years. So many negative things have been happening. I keep reminding him that God has a plan for us and this is the journey he is taking us on. I know he feels crushed and disappointed most days. I’m hoping this message will help him as he goes about his days. I’m new to Bible studies and am currently doing the Finding I AM OBS. I’m loving it! I feel God has brought me to you to teach me more about him. Thanks!
This subject of how we respond to the hard times has come up quite of Lottie me lately. Studying Ruth and talking about Naomi’s bitterness but yet she continued to have hope has brought up a lot of wonder in my head as to what will happen next in my life that I will need to be prepared for in this way. Your comments here really help and I very much appreciate the symbolism of the tree as something to look to and learn from and remind us how God redeems so many things that seem irrevocably broken to us
Awesome sharing. Feel lifted up by it. I felt peace in my problem now. I know it happen for a reason. My good days will be coming soon.
Times are tough! True friends are few. And most of the time we forget why we ‘suffer’. But this is reassuring. There is a light in the tunnel. Thanks for reminding me. Thanks for sharing. God bless
This teaching encourages me to persevere during my own crushing time. Thank you for sharing the word of God with us.
All I need to need to do is remember what Jesus endured for me. I can endure anything because I know that I am never t alone. I just need to remind myself. Thank you for the reminder.
Thank you for this post today. My husband of 9 years and best friend of nearly 20 years (that is over half our lives) has decided that we need to try a trail separation. I am crushed. I am afraid. I am heartbroken. Not only for myself but for our children. This message helped me today because I can relate that this is something that may be needed to help us grow. I have wanted to purchase your series for a long time and it is sitting in my amazon cart LOL but finances just haven’t allowed. I would love to be selected to receive this special package. Thank you for blessing so many with your ministry.
I am being crushed with the circumstances in my life but your blog writing so encouraged me to “keep moving”. God’s ways are higher than my ways. Thanks a ton!
This spoke right to my heart! Thank you so much! I stumbled upon your posts and your Uninvited book when I was “crushed”. It helped me so much and although it’s still hard I can feel God’s peace over me and when I reach out to Him feel my anxiety and heartache easing. Thank you so much for blessing me and so many others with your words!
I am reading Ininvited and absolutely loving it! THANK YOU so much for being vulnerable about your struggle with feelings of rejection. This has been a struggle for me my entire life. God is doing a good work! Praise HIM!!’
Such a good reminder to know that when hard times or moments of despair come that God is making us stronger through this. Thank you!
I appreciated this reminder today, that when I feel crushed, Jesus really does understand how I’m feeling. What a great truth that we are crushed but not destroyed.
This is so true and so timely to our current circumstance. Thank you!
Tears. Pressed so hard right now.
Not realizing that the crushing is for preserving..the enemy is so crafty as He uses it to cause shame..
thank you for sharing this today, I needed it to be reminded that I a work in progress..
“We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;”
Not distressed. Not in despair. Not forsaken. Not destroyed.
I need to write & read this slowly and often….thank you.
This is such a beautiful picture of our hope in times of distress. Thank you for the reminder that even when we feel we cannot endure, that if we turn and look to Jesus and trust Him, He will preserve us, give us hope and strength, and someday we will see the good that came from the difficult times. Oh, how I needed reminding of this today as I watch my daughter go thru the most difficult of circumstances that I cannot do anything about.
Very timely message. We are currently going through a crushing process with our adult son right now.
I needed to read this right at this moment. I feel so crushed. i need to realize that even though I love my daughter, God loves her so much more. Only He knows why she refuses to have anything to do with me. I feel blessed to have be her mother but she belongs to God. Since she is my only child…I feel completely alone. Please pray for me. And I would love to read this book. It seems like one thing after another keeps crashing in on me. Is there hope?
Thank you for letting God use you to express this vital part of life… the pressing times. A year ago my church found out our pastor had acute myeloid leukemia. He had brought so many new members in and gave a thirst for the word I had never experienced.
He went through procedures, ups and downs,and chemo. He would preach a Sunday and then be out for a while due to illness or being weak. This period our church prayed. We lost members and our faith shaken. This man whom loved God and was so equipped by him to lead and share Gods word was going through a terrible storm.
I do have a bright side. We are still being pressed but our Lord has healed this man. He is in remission and still with full force preaching the gospel. Anyone in any situation can be pressed it’s who we turn to that shows how our relationship with God stands. Do we stand on his word and pray prayers of only the impossible God size prayers or move to the next church ?
Thank you! The visit to “The Garden” in Jerusalem in 2015 was an overwhelming experience as I was walking in an unknown situation in my marriage. The symbolism in the Holy Land makes the Bible read in color. Love the olive tree story! Shalom.
Hi Lysa – thank you for sharing this article about how God can use hard times for our ultimate good and benefit. I have been reading Uninvited and gave it to 5-6 close friends this Christmas. I am hoping to possibly use the book and workbook with some of the young women in the youth group at my church. Would you recommend the workbook for all ages? I think it’s even harder to handle and process the hard crushing things when you’re 12-16. Thank you!
I read this a short time back on FB and loved it. It is no coincidence that it arrived in my in box today. It is my favorite. I printed it the first time I read it and have it in my office and at home. I also purchased a small olive tree and have it in my kitchen window. I see it every morning as I make coffee and every evening as I clean up. It helps me to almost welcome the tough times as a reminder that God isn’t done with me yet. He is using these times to shape me into the person he has always intended me to be. Today I learned of some hurts my sister is going through. I was sitting at my desk struggling with how to help her and in came your the story of the olive tree. I am going to print it and give it to her with my little olive tree. I hope she finds as much comfort in it as I do. Thank you for all your stories and teachings. I look forward to them everyday.
Lysa, this is my first visit to your blog, I’m reading your book, “Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl” and saw your blog mentioned there. I’ve been praying about how I can reach out to a dear friend who is going through a very crushing time in her life. Today’s blog has given me some insights to share with her. I so appreciated the verse, Mark 14:34….reminding me that when I’m feeling crushed, Jesus has been there. He knows exactly how I feel and He is holding me in the palm of His hand as I go through these trials. Being in the refiner’s fire is never easy, but becoming more like Jesus is our joy. God bless.
Thank you. I was in my counselling appt today talking about the ongoing crushing that is happening in my life and my Counsellor asked what was I learning from what was going on. I said I didn’t know. Your post today was bang on for what I needed to hear today. I am being refined in this process. God has a purpose for me. I must not give up hope. Thank you!
Our middle son, Kevin, who is 30 and married and has 2 daughters has chosen to leave. They have no contact with any of us and it’s the cry of our heart to be together again. We have tried to reconcile but they want nothing to do with any of us or the entire family. Their has been life (births) and deaths and still no contact. We send cards to their home which are unanswered but not returned.
I/we are trusting God to take this precious family and heal all of us from the inside out. To be a loving family as we once were. The “whys’ and how’s” don’t matter as Jesus knows. In His time all be right. It’s just waiting that has taken a toll on me. A mothers and a grandmothers love is like non other. I’m saddened but I know His truth and His promises are for us. For now we carry on the very best we can.
I’m on the study of “Finding I AM” online and it’s simply amaising.
Thank you for letting me share a small part of my life!
God Bless You today and always!
This is such a very timely reminder that God has me in the palm of His hand, even in this very trying time. There’s a purpose to the pain. Thank you!
This sounds so true of my friend Carey right now. She is in jail and trying to find answers to so many life questions. She is studying and trying to live out what she learns in a very harsh environment. I would love to be able to share your insights with her.
Thank you for this post today! I’ve been really wrestling with how and why these things in my life are happening. But then as God only can, he gently and firmly reminds me through this post and His amazing word that there are reasons for these seasons. His promises are still truth and life. His faithfulness and grace still reign. I can’t do it on my own and that’s ok because He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is with me through it all and he provides all I need. Thank you Lydia for such a timely word!
God has used pressing in my life to help teach me to abandon/surrender that which seems on the surface to be ready to crush me but in His divine plan to refine me. I praise Him through the storms and give thanks for the answered prayer of Uninvited. I have read it but need so desperately to dig deeper and heal a 40 year hurt that has paralyzed me. I’ve had progress but am praying for more. I saw you speak in Lafayette, LA in October at Our Savior’s Church conference. YOU were the reason I went and a God sent. I would be humbled to be a student of the word under your guidance and to finally accept the rejection was actually God’s protection.
Praise be to God. His Word is life and alive. I love how God shows us how the spiritual work by giving us a natural pattern and picture.
Oh how my heart and soul needed this word. I’ve been feeling the crushing feeling and the agony that comes with it due to circumstances in life from a messy divorce to a sick father and many other things in between and it feels sometimes as if I won’t be able to go on. The refreshing reminder that God is sovereign and on control and is using the sin of this world for good to refine me eases the pain. Thank you for your insight and constant reminder that God is good through it all.
I feel crushed right now. I just ended a 5 year relationship. But it’s been even harder than my divorce. My heart hurts. I know God is near, and I’m learning to trust. I’m trying to move on, into whatever His plan may be. It’s hard not to struggle. I describe it like being in a “mental straight jacket”… Fighting, pushing, pulling… Anything to stop the pain. And then I read God’s word, and He always has something to tell me that is perfect for my moment. And then, I rest.
I’m not being crushed at the moment…thank you Lord, but I have been deeply crushed it feels like so many times in my life. I see loved ones being crushed so intensely and feeling so helpless in their struggles. Your article helps me remember, helps me to never forget that it is only by Gods grace I am here today. where God has me now is for his purposes and I will try my best to be sensitive and pray, pray, pray for those I can help thru their crushing times.
Thank you for this timely post and words of wisdom. An aha moment for me was when you wrote : “Crushing is the way of preservation for the olive. It’s also the way to get what’s most valuable, the oil, out of the olive. Keeping this perspective is how we can be troubled on every side yet not distressed … pressed to the point of being crushed but not crushed and destroyed.”
We can’t always see the why of the trial or the why of the crushing to where it feels like death, but we can be reminded that we will not be destroyed but pressed and pushed for the best, what is yet to be seen.
After a lifelong cycle of abusive relationships and substance abuse (clean 3 years!), I finally have had my ah ha moment about the men I allow into my life…I have been beaten down mentally and emotionally over the past 7 years and God simply removed him from my life on Dec 17. At almost 34 (Feb 28th), I am at a place where I am ready to be alone and work giving myself the love I so freely give to men. I made the decision on Dec 17th that I would be single and celibate for at least a year. I love your ministry and the things you post are very often the exact thing I need to hear at the exact time I need to hear it. Thank you for all you do.
I am really encouraged by reading emails from you. I would really love to read the uninvited book that you wrote. I have went through something like uninvited so often and I believe this book will really help me <3 Thank you for your wonderful messages from God <3
Today has been one of those “hide from the world” kind of days. So many issues, sometimes we just get tired & forget that God is using this situation/ season to grow us & prune. Your words were such a great reminder for me today! Thank you!!
Thank you for the encouragement! I’m trying so hard to trust and follow Jesus in the this time of my life. I have survived drug addiction, an abusive relationship, and divorce. I’m a single mom and struggle everyday with health issues and the ups and downs with raising kids. I know that God will give me what I need each day. I just have to trust and praise Him.
This is exactly what I needed to read. In fighting legally to keep my grandson in my home as his mothers house it’s not safe. I’m crushed because I have to fight my own daughter…leaving me feeling crushed. It it’s great to know that our Jesus understands because he’s been there. My battle has just begun and I know the victory is his. I would love this study fighting depression and tears..feeling alone being a single it’s challenging. Thank you for your encouragement.
Tina Downey
I am in this moment now. I believe God has called me to a particular vocation. I am at a loss over what to do next. I keep thinking that if I just do “enough” God will open the last door to the maze for me. It’s been almost three years and nothing has seemed to work out. So, of course, I question God and myself. Did I hear Him correctly. And I always sense that He is saying, “Trust Me, wait on Me.” I feel as if my life is wasting away waiting on God. I am 41 after all. And I question if I should just get a corporate job for the meantime. But each time I sit to fill out an online application, I feel the HS pressing me, knowing this isn’t the way. HUGE SIGH!!!!!
Thank you for the reminder that even through this crushing time of my marriage falling apart, God is using it to take me from bitter to useful!
I’ve been crushed down by loads of challenges these past couple of months, stucked into decisions that almost made me awake all night but despite of all of what I’ve gone through, I hold on to this verse – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9. Even if I’m losing myself, the hope and love God has poured me made me keep moving forward. I am truly blessed and grateful that those crushing moments made me feel how God can turn things completely the other way around, in His perfect time. There is no mountain He cannot move.
This really speaks to my heart right now. I have been going through a difficult time for the last two years. Often I find comfort in your words and they are often from this book but I have not yet read it. I would love to be chosen for this pack. Thanks!
I have been fighting a battle inside myself for so long. One year ago today I tried to take my own life. Today on the anniversary of that my husband moved out. He wants a divorce. I have been working so hard on me, on centering my life around God, trusting God. Today I am clinging to Univited. My friends have sent my scripture but this, this is the first bit of peace I have felt. I am reminded that there is value in me because of Him. I am reminded I only see a small piece of His plan and I’m going to be ok.
I appreciate that your teaching blog showed up in my email today. A year ago I lost my oldest daughter to melanoma. We were devastated. While we know that she is with our Father, the loss of her has been at times overwhelming. She was only 31, a wife, a mother of two small children, a daughter, a sister and sister-in-law, a granddaughter and a psychologist. But has hard at is has been dealing with this loss, I sense God’s presence in so many ways. I understand that I may never understand why God did not heal her on earth, but I know He had a plan for her life and He has a plan for her death. I thank you for your words – I would to be like the olive tree and use what I have been taught this year to honor God.
Honestly, I am not disciplined in reading these emails everyday. Too busy in my mind to stop and breath and read. Something stopped me today to read this and it came at the exact perfect time. Some things are pressing on me and my family right now and this just reminded me that there are some things that we go thru to grow, to be better even if it seems that they are breaking us, they my just be bending and turning us to the right direction. So that we may stay on the path to him. thank you so much for your guiding words today. To bless is the greatest blessing. Thank you
Such timely words for me.
My Brittany text to the family.
I posted on Facebook and Twitter ?
I recently lost my little boy.. To say that I am crushed is an understatement. However, when I am weak he is strong. I can have hope because of Heaven. Thank you Lysa for your words.. I feel like God is using you to speak to me in every post I read.
Such a timely read for me. My friend texted it to me as I’ve been in such a feel battle of depression. I just told her yesterday I feel such a spiritual darkness and I’m wrestling with God as fight bitterness and anger with some recent and past hurts with my mother. Thank you Lysa for this truth. I’m going to print it out to re read it when often!
This definitely struck deep in my heart. It has been so overwhelming sometimes it’s hard to breathe. This will be something I come back to daily to keep before my eyes. The east wind is very painful. So ready for the west wind. Thank you for sharing this article.
I know for sure, if I hadn´t read and heard what Lysa teaches, I would not have survived the circumstance I´m in right now. I have meet Jesus in a way I did not know it was possible, and Lysa helped me to find this Jesus, to have a relationship with Jesus. I am so glad I found Lysa Terkeurst, I know for sur it was Gods way that lead me to her. I can so relate to Jesus´ sentence in Mark 14,34, I can almost touch the sorrow and the pain.
This picture of the olive helps me to understand a little bit why I have to suffer and through this so very hard season.
Thank you so much for being Gods vessel and for serving Him so that I could see and know Him!
I’m crushed that after fighting the Lord’s Will for 11 years, I have finally surrendered and yet cannot make sense of the rejection and pain that came with the surrender. I know He loves me and will not forsake me in my obedience – but it hurts.
Oh, I loved this devotional today! Such some great reminders of truth my soul needed to be nourished with today! Thank you Lysa!
I picked up the book thinking I would get nothing from it. I had none of these issues, I’m a fairly confident person, then I stated reading! I felt like you had climbed into my mind and knew me far too well. I gave my book to a friend and bought several friends the book for Christmas. I am amazed at how God has used that book to uncover and heal hurts in my life and the lives of my friends. We would love to have the videos to watch and get together and do the study together with.
Thank you for sharing your heart. My husband and I lost our baby 2 weeks before Christmas this last year, it has been so very difficult, and this reminded me of where my faith is, and who it is in,when I needed it most.
I have been in this olive pressed season for almost 2 years and I felt my heart growing bitter and callused. I have felt so alone in this process and kind of angry with this sudden, extended change in my heart and spirit. It is only recently that I have opened up to some close friends and family about how I have been feeling so overlooked by God, which has been hard. It’s been 2 years of wrestling with my faith and hope in God’s ability to be my provider. Anyway, I share this to say, thanks Lysa. Thank you for this posting. It has given me some hope and good prospective on the purpose of hard times. Enduring both the east and west winds is something I have never heard about; what a way to look at that part of Jesus’ story. You always bring such great wisdom and perspective.
As a young Christian, I thought I needed to. Pray for the Refiner’s fire to break me and make me what I should be. I didn’t realize what I was asking for. Since then I have faced many many difficult situations, sometimes leaning on God’s word right away…..and sometimes trying to fade them alone and my way. As I allowed God to take these times and walk me through them….however crushing they were….I made it through to the other side. I know I couldn’t have gotten through the Refiners fire with Him.
Yesterday was a crushing day. My father who has dementia was moved to rehab with a broken leg, work is challenging and we are in the midst of our busy season and I received a note that my sever year old son had bit another child at school. Crushing yes, but I know these times are refining me and preparing me to be of use, something more than I am now, holding one and Trusting Him.
Exactly what I needed today.
Thank you, sincerely.
As a young Christian, I thought I needed to Pray for the Refiner’s fire to break me and make me what I should be. I didn’t realize what I was asking for. Since then I have faced many many difficult situations, sometimes leaning on God’s word right away…..and sometimes trying to face them alone and my way. As I allowed God to take these times and walk me through them….however crushing they were….I made it through to the other side. I know I couldn’t have gotten through the Refiners fire without Him.
I needed this today an old friend Is dying, and I feel crushed.
I see from others’ comments that this has hit a “tender spot” for many, as it has for me.
At the beginning of this blog post, I read this line:
“After all, we don’t snap pictures of the crushing times and post them on Instagram.”
It seems like the comments on this topic are providing those “pictures” of the crushing times, and in this, we share one another’s burdens.
I needed this good word today! Thank you, Lysa!
oh, thank you, Lysa! I needed this encouragement. I have been experiencing crushing for a while now. This reminds me to persevere, and now I’m looking forward to what oil God will produce from me!
My husband and I are currently being “pressed”, although it feels more like destruction at hand, from all sides, for the both of us, in different situations. I DID FORGET!!! And I am quick to start declaring, get behind me satan! And in that, the Holy Spirit recently led me to soak in the book of James. It has reminded me, I will win, and by the grace of God, we will win! Thanks for writing and sharing this. Speaks volumes about the Lord’s processes. I liked the east and west winds analogy with the olive. Your posts are always on point for me. I’ll send this to my husband later tonight to edify him, too.
As my husband battled cancer in 2016, there was much crushing…BUT God blessed us throughout the year. The crushing brought glory to God and His story continued through us. Our story throughout the year shone His light even in the midst of the trials. So enjoyed your post today Lisa. Just purchased Uninvited. Would love to do the whole study with DVD. You are a blessing and I want to thank you for all your wonderful previous books!
Just -Thank you.
Your posts speak to me.
Re: The Crushing Times {Lysa TerKeurst}
Patricia Edwards Today at 3:23 PM
Lysa TerKeurst
Message body
Dear Lysa, I would love to win a copy of this, you have touched my heart to the very core. You came to me with this email at a time I absolutely couldn’t have asked for a better time or answers. I know it’s in 1st Corinthians a lot, but for the last year or so, The Compassion of the Lord Isaiah Chapters 54 and 55, stand out to me. The last 2 1/2 years have been rough to say the least. My heart has been longing for a Gethsemene of my own. For example, chapter 54 vs 10 ” For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the LORD who has compassion on you, then 55 vs. 7, now you’re email, BAM!
I think I may have sent you the link I’ve got our family and home on go fund me for foundation repairs, but between repetitive belief, prayer, and then the desire to find that place , this “rock” Jesus shed tears of blood, I would love to find that place of tears, and just know to touch or be near that place, it’s where my savior wept, he prayed, is it the rock he cried on, is that the tree he touched, oh how my heart longs for it.
So to go along with you as to why I would be honored to have your gift, it would mean the world to me, but I hope I haven’t blabbered and lost you. 🙂 I’m just blinded with tears and excitement, most of all, HOPE that you sent this email when I was already in tears of despair. I truly pray for you Lysa, everyday, I’m so thankful God has placed you in my life. I love the extraordinary womens conferences. I’m just a well, 44 on Sunday the 5th wife to a good husband, 2 beautiful children, one special needs, and a God that is always there. Thank you for not giving up, you do make a difference, and what you do matters. I love you, your sister in Christ, Tricia Edwards Salem, Virginia
Email number 2-Sweet Lysa, I am enclosing another email that may go to your spam or somewhere just letting you know, this is the song I was listening to in prayer this morning, and has been my hearts cry. Tell me what you think. Love Tricia Edwards Salem VA. Bill & Gloria Gaither – Have You Had a Gethsemane? (Live) hope this comes through for you.
Bill & Gloria Gaither – Have You Had a Gethsemane? (Live)
Official video for “Have You Had a Gethsemane? [Live]” feat. The Homecoming Friends Download on iTunes here: htt…
Last email before I found comments. love you, Tricia
Lysa TerKeurst
Message body
Click here to support Edwards Family Foundation Repair by Patricia Edwards
Sweet Lysa, I know you just went through an incredible bad health time too,so I’m just asking you to read and please pray and pass this along, for me, the whole Gethsemane today, again I can’t thank you enough. I have hope in my heart where it was cracked much like this foundation. I hope I win 🙂 (your contest) ha ha. I know I’ve won the battle on the other side already. Love you, Tricia Edwards Salem, Virginia
Click here to support Edwards Family Foundation Repair by Patricia Edwards
Well here is the beginning of the nightmare we didn’t have a clue would get this bad so quickly, 12 years. T…
Wow, I’m daily struggling many years now in a hard marriage. Every day. Every breath. This encouraged me that God is also making this transformation in us. And it takes time and sorrow and pain, sometimes. Often times.
I’m being crushed right now. I’ve just gone through a year of a broken relationship with my son and daughter in law, after years of having a close relationship with them and my adopted granddaughter. A couple weeks ago they accused me of some theft from them, and shared their plans to press charges against me. At that time they also stated they no longer wanted a relationship with me, and I would not be allowed to see my granddaughter nor the child my daughter in law is pregnant with right now. We’ve spoken to a lawyer and found out the charges have no merit. But my heart grieves over the loss of relationship with my children and grandchildren.
At the beginning of the year, I summarized these three points and posted them to Facebook because it helped me articulate how I was coping with the crushing of 2016. Thank you for sharing your insight and wisdom, Lysa!
I have read many of your articles, and all have spoken to me. But today, this pierced my soul. Overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. It seems that way sometimes. But I know that this is all part of my process. My path to find preservation. Thank you.
Lysa, in the midst of going through my divorce where I feel alone, trapped, stranded, I found your Facebook page and this very vital blog read today. I feel crushed, in complete sorrow and heart broken for my kids and I as I continue to unfold and uncover the hidden secrets that were kept from me for some time. The memories I have with my husband date way back to us being high school sweethearts. It is hard to ndertsna s the reasons why he decided to cheat and find “love” elsewhere when he had a loving wife and 3 beautiful children who called him dad, hero, and their best friend. ? As I struggle now in my most difficult time as a mother and individual, I can find myself relating to the Olive Tree. (I love olives and olive oil so it makes an even stronger love grow for the tree knowing what it must go through in order to be loved by another.) being crushed now, doesn’t mean it’s forever. This too shall pass. I shall persevere and crawl out of the darkness I find myself in and remember with bad, comes good. Thank you for this blog read today of all days.
I would love to own this book and guide. I am currently selected from my husband but we are counseling and trying to work through our marriage. I am constantly searching for things to read and listen to that will give me that reassurance that” God’s got this”.
Hi Lysa,
I just want to thank you for writing “Uninvited”!! Your book really spoke to my soul.
Your words resonated with what I am going through in my life.
I just found you on Facebook, and I signed up for the Bible study-“Finding I Am”.
Unfortunately, I don’t have that book. I did receive “Uninvited” from “Faithbox”, which I absolutely Love!! I would love to win this giveaway for the “Uninvited” bible study and DVD.
I don’t have the extra money to purchase the book “Finding I am” I will be able to participate in the bible study for “Uninvited” if I win this giveaway.
Anyway, thank you for wonderful words- you inspire me!
My girlfriends and I are doing the “Becoming More Than a Good Bible Study Girl” study and had just decided to do Uninvited next. So I have been watching the FB page more recently and it seems like every time I do, the word is completely timely and God is speaking to me through it. I have had in the last few weeks, several friends who have been diagnosed with a range of life-threatening illnesses, from MS to cancer. I have felt so hopeless watching others be crushed by life. I have my own issues, but they pale in comparison to what I have seen others thrown their way. Reading this today, I was encouraged not just for myself, but for my friends. I will pray they are reminded of the olive tree, and I’ll be sharing this amazing word with them in hopes it gives them encouragement like it has for me. Thank you for the ministry and work you’re doing. It affects so many lives and is an amazing testimony to what God’s done in your life.
This isnso relevant for me right now as my child and I are going through a host of health issues. It really gets to me somedays, but this helps me remember this too shall pass and we will be better and God will see us through! Thank you for sharing 🙂
This past year has been one of much pressing and crushing. It has been painful and so challenging, but that beneficial oil is beginning to seep out. Slowly, but surely, God is bringing healing to my life and showing me what he has in store for my life. I am learning that I must lean on him at all times, whether I am experiencing the harsh east wind or the life giving west wind. God is good and I can rest in the shade of his goodness.
I’ve been so crushed. Broken into a million pieces beyond what I thought for a minute could be put back together. I’ve gotten on my knees and have asked the Lord to pour his strength into me. I believe me reading this would give me strength and insight into God’s plan for me and how I can use this as a testimony for his Glory.
Our church is being crushed right now. We are waiting (& waiting & waiting) for a new Lead Pastor. It’s been almost 2 years since our former pastor retired. We had a “new guy” for a few months, then he had an affair with a staff member & was dismissed. The Interim guy has been here over a year now. Does some things well but is creating tension & discord in other areas. Search committee doesn’t seem to be working well together & have offered position to a man, who turned it down. Same thing may happen this week. We need to remember that God is allowing us to be crushed but He won’t allow us to be destroyed!
It reminded me even though when I go through hard times God is in control and that he has got this .
This helped me today as I am being crushed financially. I have let overspending take over my life. I need to learn to balance and let’s God fill my worth!
Wow! This hits so close to home as I struggle with bitterness as I deal with my sister and feeling like I am doing most of the traveling to see our parents, One lives in New Jersey and one in Alabama. I am now in South Carolina as she is in Pennsylvania. I am the one burning up the road to see them. God is good keeping me safe but it gets old always being the one traveling. I feel that I am always giving of my time and resources to see them. I have been praying that God would help me in my bitterness cause I don’t like feeling this way. To find out that it is a process and I am on the way as the olive tree is a freeing feeling cause I have been asking God to take out the hardness of my heart. Thank you!!
Okay literally that was so good and this book has changed my life!!! I gave 6 copies away for Christmas to my teachers friends and family! I have recommended this book to everyone I know and read it twice (reading it for a 3 time now). I am blessed with it and would not be close to a God right now if it wasn’t for this book and it’s wisdom! Thank you!!! If I won this would mean the world to me!
It would be fun to do this with the Bible study group I’m in! I have a book, but not the rest of it.
Lysa, you are awesome! I love your daily encouragement. Uninvited changed me and Finding I Am is changing me. I just signed up for my second trip to She Speaks and cannot wait. I pray God stays close to your heart and continues to infuse you with the joy, peace, and perspective you need for each day. It is my DREAM to be a part of your ministry. P31 has changed me and inspired me, and I would love to join your journey!! Hugs!
Thank you for your words. The Lord has gifted you with such prose to speak to our hearts…To know His heart! And give is faithful reminders. For the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Thank you for the regular reminders!
It’s so encouraging to know, the pressing I’m going through will bring the best from me. And it will be the best for me from God. Thank you Lord for your promises and for being the most faithful promise keeper!! Amen.
I am reminded that tough times are a process–not a forever.
This was very timely in my life. Of course God knows what we need. We have been through a lengthy dry season in ministry filled with attacks from the enemy. We are hopefully because we trust in Jesus and the prophetic word He sends us. I know he is just taking his time to prepare a place for us to flourish in him just as it takes many steps to prepare an olive.
Being crushed with my son’s diagnosis of epilepsy this now gives me hope.
I disciple student College women and I love how you talked about Jesus teaching them under the Olive tree and I love to hear it is not the end and the wind needed from both sides. My daughter and I both read “Uninvited” over Christmas break from her college and it ministered to her greatly as well as myself. It helped her get through a crushing time and myself since it was crushing watching it be so for her. Thank you for your words of encouragement. She said her Pastor told her about the book and it is funny because he picked up his wife’s book and expected it to be a women’s book and ended up reading the whole thing! I had it here and that prompted her to devour it over Christmas break. Thank you because sometimes we just need encouragement and to know it is normal to experience this pain.
I have a hard time with bitterness. I didn’t realize it took time to get rid of it. I also have a hard time with pain. I know in my mind that there are hard times and bad. It is hard for me to reconcile this in my mind. I’m impatient person but it does take time. I’m working on getting a better mind set so I can fight bad thoughts. I’m spending time in the Word with the “Finding I Am,” Study by you. I also learned by this blog is crushing getting rid of the parts of me that needs to change. It is a good perspective.
Just went through a season of trials and these words were balm for my soul. Thank you. I will look at olives in a whole new light.
God is teaching me to view His provision differently. It doesn’t always come in bills being paid when I want them to or through the job I have. But through relationship and through faith and through believing He is who He says He is. The valley is not just a place of dry bones but a place where the good times can be viewed from a right perspective. It’s all unearned and undeserved and it’s heart-wrenching to recognize the beautifully grace-bought “good times.”
Crushing reminds me of how He suffered for me.
Oh how I feel crushed! The pain, the grief and the steady stream of tears down my cheek! That’s how I felt in September and October. November I was still numb. December brought the bittersweet memories of Jeffrey and Christmas past! Through all this pain I kept hearing “I will never leave you”. Through prayers and reading my bible and following your daily devotional I was able to get through my day without giving up! I know I have a long way to go yet, but with the strength from Jesus I know I can keep going. Thank You so much for sharing your heart with us ❤
This teaching today brought to life even more why we go through crushing times. I was really focused on the processing part because right now I feel like I am in the waiting period. Waiting, waiting, and waiting some more. Waiting day after day for that one email back from an interview can be a crushing moment. But it’s during these times that we learn to trust God even more because He is working things out. Thanks for your passion to teach others.
It helped me with work situations where some tried to tear me down. It helped me react in the best way and still be loving even when others don’t show love.
I signed up for the online bible study and am already behind, and had been having a bleak January so I decided to watch the intro video hoping for some direction or inspiration. This was the first I had heard of you, that was Monday. Tuesday on my lunch hour with my long to-do list go things I did not want to do, I ran into an arts & crafts store for paper, I flew past a new rack of books one of which had a name that I recognized – yours. I opened your book ” the Best Yes” and so many things jumped out at me, I felt I was being led to the book by the lord. I was very excited when I got back to work to share what happened with my coworkers where one immediately said, I’m just so angry with God I don’t want to read anything like that. In my eyes she had so many blessings that the anger she feels isn’t warranted, but it is hers to feel. I just didn’t know what to say, I talked about the wonderful things she has, though not perfect, they are better than most. I decided to not share with her anymore because I was getting angry thinking she was being ridiculous. until I read today’s message which you have stated in such a beautiful way that may help her understand or deal with some of the things she is going through, I will share, I will try.
I feel so blessed today to have followed Gods guidance, which has led me to your teaching, thank you for your work.
I went through this “crushing” when my son was diagnosed with LCH, a rare cancer. He was 5. I felt my world (and his) spun out of control. I believe that God was with me every minute and God healed him. I persevered. I was held. Thanks for this message and for the generosity of your giveaway.
Wow, thank you so much for this. There’s not a day that I don’t read a chapter in Uninvited that it doesn’t speak directly to my circumstances and what I need to work on. I would love to step out of my comfort zone and be able to lead a study through Uninvited win girls on my campus. So thankful for God’s Word spoken through you in this post, your book, and elsewhere. This struggling college girl has a full heart because of it.
The Truth continues to crush me. I am learning to trust the process from a hopeful heart and am so grateful for your insight. Thank you!
This book changed my life. I was walking through a time of deep sadness and rejection when I happened upon the book on sale at Barnes & Noble. I asked my husband to get it for me for Christmas. He said to just “Treat Yo Self”. I am beyond happy that he did. I bought it and immediately began a process of healing. I have been able to bring comfort to a couple of friends because of what the Lord taught me through it. God LOVES me and that is my foundation. My Rock. My comfort.
Thank You for opening your heart and writing this book. It has changed my life and if it was only for me know that it was worth it all.
I’ve just started this book and it’s helping me work through the issues left behind after my mothers death and my fathers abandoment. I just signed up to lead devotionals and small group studies for my mops group and would love this resource!
I cannot put into words the help this study will be! God knows all of my uninvited crushing issues I am facing right now, I have no doubt that He will speak to me through this study. Please choose me so I may be guided to listen to what He is trying to tell me!
I’ve never really thought about that with the olive tree and having to be processed before it’s ready. I’ve said many times, both to myself and others, that in order to have the flowers you have to have the rain. Guess that’s the same concept. I have to remind myself often of that though. Thank you for bringing it to us through biblical passages.
God is just starting to give me the revelation of why all this stuff is happening. Seems like a weird time in my life but now the light is starting to shine through and I am starting to count it all Joy.
I try to remember sometimes God puts certain people/situations in our lives for a reason. If they turn out to be people or circumstances that are not always comfortable it is most likely because we are supposed to grow from the experience. If we learn from it and go through it with heads held high, we pass the “test” and show our trust in God.
I resonate so much!! Have felt the sting of rejection as long as I remember and yearn to be free!
This past year has been a really tough one for me with more to come. It helps knowing Jesus fought battles and understands my pain. I’m currently reading this and would love to share it and have the DVD to add to it. Thanks Lysa! I’m also loving the Finding I Am study. It has come at such a perfect time for me ❤️
So many times I feel crushed, but thank you for reminding me that this is part of the refining process. I am crushed but not destroyed. Praise God! Thank you for your inspirational words.
Thank you for this lesson, it helped paint a picture of the truths we know deep inside. I will be thankful and hold on to His promises when I feel crushed because I know God is preparing me to be used for His goodness!
Hollywood gives us the perception that life is supposed to be easy. Marriage is supposed to be easy, finances aren’t supposed to be a problem, careers are handed to you… blah blah blah. And when life isn’t easy, Satan makes us feel as though we’ve failed. What a year it has been, and a lot of it I let Satan take from me- but I’m thankful for the constant reminder through friends, my husband, and influences such as your blog posts that remind me why I should never give up. He’s always there, and Hes always on my side. Thank you for that reminder! I am a co-leader of a small, young women’s community Bible study and would LOVE to be able to read this book together and study through. We are all so different, but so alike in that we simply need Him.
I would love this. Your posts have been especially helpful to me as my family is going through a trying time. I am waiting on God but sometimes it is so hard!
Thank you for this reminder that being crushed leaves us more open to hearing God and growing in faith. You have such a gift; it seems you often have a way of bringing His message to me with a new perspective.
Shows me that sometimes I need to be crushed to get the best out. God will not destroy me though! Thank You, Jesus, for the hard pressing when we need it!
Thank you so very much! What a comfirtimg blessing! Being rejected for so many years by the ones that should love you most has been devastating. Thank you! May God use you and Uninvited for His glory and oyr healing.
You helped me to realize that I am an olive in the process of being preserved even though it tremendously hurts.
I have been crushed on so many levels. I am in the middle of reading this book right now! What a tremendous help your book has been thus far. I would love to have a copy of the book to pass along to my aunt whom could really benefit from reading it at this time in her life. She is going through so much right now. I’d love to have the study guide and DVD to further help me as I struggle with feeling loved. Your ministry has been such a blessing to me during this season in my life.
I can’t wait to share this with the ladies I lead on Wednesday nights at church. Thank you for this teaching.
I have learned so much from the book! I am entering because I want to lead a group of girls thru this. But as far as today’s study, the processing time speaks a lot to me. I have dealt with rejection and I now realize that God has/is sar me apart for a bigger purpose. Sure, I felt with grieving over this relationship but now I can process it fully because I am not learning on that friend, I am 1 leaving on God and my husband! God is showing me purpose in this setting apart season. I can see unhealthy boundaries and expectations. But most of all, I can live loved!! This book is changing me so much!! We are also in the process of adopting 2 girls that we took in 2 yrs ago. This season that came from rejection has opened me up to more time with all 4 of my kiddos and husband. I could go on and on! I would love to do this study with some high school youth and a then ladies the small group that my husband and I lead.
Oh my gosh at the typos!!
Leaning on God not leaving God!!
I love these truth reminders. Daily life seems to override these at times by default, even when we know it shouldn’t. Thank you for reminding us where are hearts need to be!
I have been walking through a long season of healing. Going to a class and counseling once a week. There have been a few things I have gotten stuck on and haven’t been able to overcome. This is one of those things and your blog couldn’t have come at a better time! Thank you for all you do for the kingdom.
This hit right on the mark today. I just came from a visit with a friend who was talking about this very book, as we were discussing how we are in such a weird season right now. A season of being prepared, or preserved, as this says. We so badly want to be useful to bring God glory, but we need to remember this preparation that needs to happen first. It’s an odd season, but an exciting one. How encouraging to remember that the pressing and crushing is not the end!
Last year I was going through my own crushing time. I started reading Lysa’s book, Uninvited, and I felt like she wrote it just for me. I read it through twice last fall and have told everyone I meet that they need to read it. Everyone has those times of crushing and the story of the olive really spoke to me at my deepest place of brokenness. I would love to lead this study as a small group because I think so many women struggle with rejection.
I’m feeling overwhelmed and heartbroken in my life right now. Your teachings and how to combat this problem have helped me so much. It’s a daily struggle and I honestly don’t know how this will turn out but I’m trusting God will see me through! Just lots of emotions! Thank you for your daily teachings and FB posts they help a great deal!
“The crushing times are processing times…For the olive to be edible, it has to go through a lengthy process that includes:
sometimes salting,
and waiting some more.
It is a lengthy process to be cured of bitterness and prepared for usefulness.”
It has never occurred to me in almost 40 years that it’s ok if it takes awhile to process the bad or be ready to move on and persevere until I read this part of the blog.His work isn’t done in us yet!
When I read this in Uninvited, it really ministered to me as I felt like I was being crushed. It’s a few months later and I’m wondering why I still need to be crushed or am being crushed again. But, I trust God is preserving me.
Thank you so much for this reminder… after 15 years as a single mom and no Christian man in sight, I feel crushed and disappointment at every turn… I want to feel useful…loved and cared for….
I’ve always struggled with feeling worthy, loved, and wanted. The uninvited book was amazing and eyeopening. I was so moved by the book, I prayed about who I could pass it on to that would be blessed by it. So, I passed it on. I really would love to do a small group study with this kit. If selected, I vow to use it with much prayer to help others see their worth and value as a Child of the King.
I loved this book! Such an amazing revelation to realize we are INvited.
We do have to be crushed in order to be salt to others. We wouldn’t be able to relate or feel for others is we didn’t experience crushing times. It breaks my heart that the crushing time I’ve gone through with a family member has been witnessed by my children. But through this God has shown us how to love, forgive, and look beyond ourselves. The hurt has stayed with me but I pray I will be more like Christ when all is said and done. Thank you for your open heart and sharing your life.
This hit home because it seems that I or a member of my family are constantly being slammed with struggle after struggle. It does make you feel defeated and worn down. This teaches us that we may struggle, but God has it under control – whatever our “it” may be- and with him we’ll make it through the struggles. This is the best analogy I’ve read- such a wonderful explanation. Thank you ❤
I am going through rejection with a really good friend and it’s so good to remember my identity is in Christ, not in what others think about me.
Lysa, my sister is going through crushing times right now- a debilitating medical diagnosis, a son who has moved across the country to live with his girlfriend, financial stress, and (yikes!) turning 50 tomorrow. I was going to buy this book for her for her birthday, but would love the chance to actually participate in the study with her. I haven’t helped her as much as I could because I face my own crushing times. This would motivate us to grow together as sisters in life and Christ. Thank you!
Sheri Nelson
Your words are comforting and reassuring that I am loved and I’m not alone.
So needed this today..somedays I feel so crushed and this book has been an incredible blessing to me.. I would love to do a book study with a few of my friends so we can all find freedom!!!
To always look to God for guidance.
Such an amazing reminder of keeping eyes focused on who God wants to be for me during crushing times. Good is good all the time.
Lysa, thank you for these words, The Crushing Times. I’d love to continue with the bible study as I’ve been struggling with finding reasons for these hardships that I’m going through. Thank you for your words today, God bless.
Ugh, the crushing! Thankful that God is always in control. Thank you for thoughts.
I loved the olive tree analogy. How beautiful that God can use our down times for His glory and to minister to others!
I enjoyed your teaching. I struggle with “the process” and how it can be long and trying to change for the better. It seams as though we take a few steps forward and fall back. But it is he getting up and dusting ourselves off and trying again and again that really helps me push through the not so instant results. And that since it is a process it won’t last forever either.
~God bless.
Thank you for sharing your heart with us through your books. Our ladies at my church have done two of your bible studies so far and will be starting this one Feb 11. I have struggled with rejection my entire life. As a pastor’s wife and mom I would like to lead other ladies in breaking free and seeing themselves as Jesus does. Your books/studies have blessed me tremendously. This giveaway would be such a blessing to our small church, ladies ministry.
I love this so much! Sometimes in the midst of our heart we think we are forsaken by God and this post was a reminder that we are not. Sometimes God lets us go through hardships and that’s okay. I like to think of it as the process of the refinement of silver as mentioned in Malachi 3.
Thank you Lysa,
I am emerging from one of those crushing times. I read your posts and books daily. They have helped turn my focus on Him and not the pain. Thank you for your ministry.
The example of the olive tree is very insightful. We all struggle with the ‘why’ of suffering. But it does have its purpose.
I’m thankful you always have a way of helping me feel invited ~ thank you
Bless you
being wounded in deep places happen
Oh just those 6 words how they hurt. My wounds are so deep right now and the pain hurts so bad. I know all the Christian answers as to why and how and what to look toward. But in honesty I hurt and it stinks.
What a timely devotion pack. I could really use this pack to lift me closer to the lord, and share with others…Amen
In this particular moment of my life, the significance of the pressing of the olive is important. Not only am I being pressed, but I believe I must also press in. Life has a way of handing us a conglomerate of excuses to live by “going through the motions” , relying on what we know, instead of pressing in to seek new and let the Word fall fresh in us.
This is just confirmation! Thank you!
With my mom in the hospital for 3 months and 6 surgeries, death of my father and diagnosis of our son’s autism after months of bullying, I have felt empty many days. But I look at all that I’ve learned about love, loss, tolerance, forgiveness and understanding – then I realize that these have been lessons on my earthly journey and I fill back up with the Holy Spirit.
I’ve never looked at the perspective of being crushed to help preserve us. I know every battle and every hardship strengthens us, but preserving us is another great reminder that we are not alone and we just need to trust. Trust in Him to carry us through, to know He is already at the end of the battle, and to always keep an open heart.
I don’t mind the washing or the soaking for that matter fit it’s the breaking, crushing and the salting that gets me. I don’t want ythe pain I want a nice process. I’ve been in this process for four years and realize it’s my risistance of the pain that keeps me here. This so speaks to me right here right now. 2012 I went to SheSpeaks and coming home I met some hurt and just can’t seem to get through. I feel abandoned, rejected and just about everything I attempt has failed. I’ve cried many tears, coupled with many sleepless nights. Last night was one of those. I feel lost, confused and just tired of trying anything. Reading this I realized it’s because I ‘m resisting my process. Thanks Lysa.
“It is a lengthy process to be cured of bitterness and prepared for usefulness.” Wow! Just. Wow. This is where I’m at. And nobody wants to be here. But after five years as a pastor’s wife in a small church, in a small town, in the middle of no where, 12 hours from any of my family….. I feel lonely, used, hurt, broken, crushed, defeated, and yes, bitter. And I’m just crying out to Jesus to be useful again! But I’ve got work to do and he’s got work to do in me – maybe before he can do work through me again. I’ve got so much growing to do! But I’ve got to get rid of this bitterness! Thank you for this message today. Gives me much needed hope!
It’s been years struggling with depression. I feel so crushed… but only God knows how much I am trying to not feel that way.
I have been facilitating this study at my church and when it ended people asked to do it again, that’s amazing!! Others want to join and I can’t wait to share these truths with them! Thank you for putting this together.
Lysa… thank you for articulating, writing, speaking my heart. I thank God for your ministry and for Pastor Steven Furtick. I attend his services and events online from my home here in California. I have been crushed… all my life. But not destroyed. Your series “uninvited” … I cannot get enough!! Sometimes as I’m reading I just get overwhelmed with wanting to meet you face-to-face and to thank you from the very very core of my being and the bottom of my heart. I am alone… And last night I was laying in bed telling God what an epic failure I am. I’m 55 years old… And nothing… I mean absolutely nothing… is as i hoped. Your book tells my heart and spirit, but I’m not alone. It’s not that I would wish upon anyone else not even my worst enemy this feeling of desperation and fear and loneliness…. but it helps to know that I haven’t been singled out entirely. Thank you for walking me home.
I just want to say that I’m very grateful for your book ‘UnInvited’
My daughter who is struggling to find truth is reading it, enjoying it and I’m praying she come to know Jesus more and more, she is such a beautiful soul and at this time in her life (early 20s) like a lot of us then, is sifting out what this life is all about for her, she’s had her tender heart broken, I know Jesus is pursuing her and I’m praying she will open her heart to Him? So Thankyou for your honestly, vulnerability and most importantly your love for Jesus and obedience to share what He is revealing to you??
Beloved. Really knowing that and declaring that is a daily “crave for”… Blessings to you all.
I remember this teaching on a previous P31 bible study and a daily devotional. Every time I go back and read about the stages of the olive and the symbolism of Jesus and his disciples meeting amongst the olive trees amazes me as if it was the first time learning it.
It’s a great reminder, especially since I am in a hard work situation. I just need to keep in mind this a growth opportunity.
Lysa, I found out about you because my sister read your book, Uninvited. She was in the middle of a difficult season in her marriage. Your posts and blogs have been a constant help in the past months. Today, this blog helped me have hope. My sister’s marriage ended…..not in divorce, but due to a drug overdose. The pain of the loss and betrayal cuts deep. As I walk with her through that, I also face my own hurts. Two years ago, I lost a dear friend…..not to death or a move….but because of what church I attend. It still hurts. I know your study will be a huge blessing and help as we look to Christ for healing.
A friend bought me your Uninvited book and I recently just finished reading it. It is such a good fit and was a wonderful read! I normally can’t stay focused in reading, but YOUR book had my attention, because it spoke to me! I would have loved to have the video and study guide to go along with the book itself. Soon I will be buying more of your books and handing them on to people who need to hear your story. I thank God for my friend giving me your book. I feel so refreshed after reading it. There are many times where I’ve felt “alone”, even when I’m surrounded by tons of people. I’m that person who sits by myself when I’ve been invited to sit among others. Your story has helped me so much and I want to pass it on to others! Thank you!
Wow…Just wow. I’m so needing to hear this today! My husband got one of those calls from his Dr. Last week. Thank you for sharing!
This teaching touched me today and further instilled in my mind how important the trying times are in our life. That each type of trying time is meant to mold us and bring out the best in us. Each pressing and crushing time is the best time that God reveals what’s on the inside of us– how we are made and who made us. From bitterness to good produce– we are transformed daily by the constant renewing of our minds that these times are not really bad things but stepping stones to perfect us in becoming who God made us to be. ? Amen. Thank you, Lysa, for this wonderful message. God bless you with more wisdom and compassion to reach more brothers and sisters of ours and bring them to God’s Kingdom. Amen.
So many in my circle are facing so many crushing issues this would be a great way to help each other through the process!
The crushing is preserving. I love this perspective on suffering.
I am being crushed for my preservation. Seperated from my husband by God’s command. He is a porn addict. I am finally being broken, healed, and a true Follower of God. He promises restoration, but while I am waiting, He is here in the valley with me, transforming me, teaching me my worth only comes from Him, trust, how beautiful brokenness is, that I am beloved, to walk in faith and not sight. I am a single mama of 6 kids, four in the house, two with special needs and all are blessings. God is so good, and I am doing your Finding I am study right now. But times are tight since walking in obedience to tithing. I woukd be profoundly grateful for this study. God bless y’all!
I’m grateful to be reminded that God will redeem the hurts of my heart. I may be perplexed, and feel cast down, but I am NOT destroyed. Thank you for this encouragement!
A great reminder about how God brings us through even better.
So often I seek to rush things. To want to fix things. This reminded me that I must quiet myself in those times, abiding in His love…abiding in His truth.. He is doing a good thing in me, even though it might be painful and uncomfortable! Lysa thank you for sharing your spiritual journey with us. The Holy Spirit often uses your words as a healing balm for my scarred heart. Sister – you are a treasure!
“Its bitterness would make you sick,” really strikes a chord with me. Bitterness really can steal your health, both physically and spiritually.
I love this! I had the opportunity to go to Israel in May & pray in the Garden of Gethsemane. 5 days after I got back, my whole world flipped upside down. Family health problems & a break up that ripped my heart out let me feeling so confused about how to follow Jesus through this pain that wouldn’t lift. Jesus has used your book in such real, healing ways for my heart! I am continuing to learn to fight for light in the midst of darkness & fight to remember that I should CHERISH this horrible season because of the way that I will know Jesus deeper than most get to know Him!
This post reminds me that no matter how despaired I feel, God is with me and He will never leave me. My part is to make sure I allow Him to strengthen me and lead me to the correct path.
“when I feel so utterly incapable and unable and afraid”
Yeah, that’s me right now. I so, so needed this post today. It’s full of truths I forgot. Truths I stopped pressing into. This process may be very painfull at times, but there’s a purpose in it. God knows how to bring out my best, and He’ll use these times to do that. Thank you for that reminder miss Lysa ♡
It’s so hard when you’re in the midst of that process. We so want it to be at the end stage, but He’s still pressing, still refining. For me, it’s a deep ache for friendship. Not thr beginning stuff, not the superficial, but the genuine let’s live life together stuff…
Thank you Lisa- seeing the perspective of the olive tree is helpful. Everyone at one point in their lives will go through this process. I love how Gods word never fails. He will never leave us or forsake us and therefore we will praise him in “everything” we do. 1Thessalonians 5:18
this indeed spoke to me , I had a terrible accident over a year ago, I am in a wheelchair fighting hard to walk again, with therapy and prayer I try to stay very positive, I sometimes have bad thoughts that my therapy is not going as well as I want it too, but I push on shake those negative thoughts out of my head and keep pushing ahead. So now I like the idea of being crushed for preservation . Thank you for lifting my negativity today. I dreamed of myself under the Olive tree.
I feel like my life goes through repeated crushings in the regular. I’m so thankful for Jesus and the hope I have in Him, I am so in need of Him daily. I have victory and am learning to truth in Jesus name! Can’t wait to read this book ?
I have been through so many seasons in my life at only 34 years old. I have been pressed many times, and each time I come out closer to God than I ever was before. I have brothers who are non believers and I pray that as they see me get through the hard times, all the while praising Jesus and thanking Him; that they will one day “get it”. This post reminds me that no one has it easy and all we need to do is to love the Son of God and remember what He went through for us – AMEN. Thank you Jesus!!!
There’s been so much devastation in the last several years. Repeated infidelity that came to light. Chronic migraines that are now daily. I feel crushed.
I would love this study!!! I have past hurts where I was rejected and they seem to surface in today’s problems that I struggle with.
I love this blog from Lysa, it speaks such truth and straight to my heart. The Olive tree example is incredible! And I love what she said about being crushed is for our preservation. So. Very. True.
Praise God for knowing way more than we can see because being here on earth is tough. Seriously, hardcore. Praise our Lord God above that He is in control and sees the whole picture when nothing makes sense to me. ☝
Sometimes Gods light shines most through our weaknesses!
This is no exaggeration-you seem to always know what I need to hear. I’d love complete this Bible study. May God bless.
I am feeling alone, sad, confused, and at times even hopeless. This story gives me an inspiration. I hope I can read the book and enjoy this study.
Hi Lysa, I bought your book last month and I love every moment of reading it! I have been going through much refining these past few years! God has shown such compassion and grace; I know I am held in His arms as I hurt and He is teaching me how to depend on Him in different areas of my life. Thank you for writing this book! I am excited to use it one day encourage young women I meet who are also struggling in this area. xx
I’m feeling pretty crushed by a relationship right now. Thank you for the reminder that God can use the crushing process to produce something wonderful.
It is difficult to write what these readings communicate to me – writing is not my gift 🙂 However here I go – I believe it states that all trials and experiences are meant to form us and prepare us to serve as Jesus intends us to serve others. It is important to ask for the grace to endure these difficult times and trust the experiences are meant prepare us to be whom God knows we can be – even though we may doubt ourselves during these times.
Thank you!
I’m feeling so overwhelmed with so much in life. More than anything, knowing I’m not alone and having your words of truth seep into my heart means so much. Blessings to you as you continue to be a voice of truth to our world today.
This is difficult for me to share this publically. I have went through a very dark place in my life over the past several years. I grew up never knowing my biological father and just came into contact with him about 7 years ago. (Im am now in my late 40’s) Simultaneously, my mother chose to disown me and hasn’t spoken to me for the previous 7 years. I’ve struggled these past years trying to find my identity in life. Even though my mother is alive, I have deeply grieved her as if she had died. It’s been extremely difficult and painful. This past September, my biological father passed away from an aggresive form of bladder cancer. During this difficult time of my life, I have grown much closer to God than ever before. He has shown me that I am forgiven and loved by Him no matter what mistakes I have made. He has shown me so many other blessings that are right in front of my eyes, that I had never seen before. I got to witness my father coming to Christ prior to his passing. What an incredible blessing that was. I still struggle with the rejection of my mother and brother, but I know that God loves me and He will forever be my Father, and I will be His daughter. I would be ever so grateful for your books. Thank you for your ministry. It’s been such a blessing in my life. God Bless!
“pressed to the point of being crushed but not crushed and destroyed.” My daughter came back home last night. Her boyfriend of 5 years, and room mate of 2 broke up with her. She is CRUSHED, heart-broken, but not destroyed. As a Jesus-following-mom, who has been praying for my prodigal, I know that being crushed has the potential for a beautiful & amazing mending, but right now all she can feel is the painful rejection. I pray that God can comfort her heart as He guides her away from this closed door. She has indeed been uninvited by a man, but I pray she hears the invitation of her Savior. Very timely read — good, encouraging reminder for this mom’s heart. <3 Thank you.
I’m currently leading this with a group of women. The importance of finding your identity in Christ alone and being rooted in Him is such a beautiful concept. To also be reminded that Jesus Himself was rejected reminds me how He can truly relate to the pain of rejection.
I like the analogy of the process of the olives. As the olives, we also have to go through this crushing process to come out stronger, Godly women. Not an easy, quick process but a necessary one.
Going through the motions and the process and knowing the end result of what God wants for us can be hard. Especially if time is involved, more time than we can put in or want to put in or the waiting…. thank you for this beautiful message! I appreciate you and your kind words! ❤
I feel like I’m being crushed … again, but knowing it’s a process of getting to the better (not bitter) end of things it what keeps me holding on.
Oh how I needed this! It seems as if I have been in a stage of crushing mentally lately. I am glad I read this & that I have my faith to hold on to. If I didn’t know where I would be. I can’t wait to read this book! It’s on my list for 2017! I’m excited!
This object lesson very helpful to me right now. I’m going thru a season of being pressed that has had me on my knees seeking God for Guidance and things like these blog posts are answers to prayer. I read Uninvited recently twice because of all the good nuggets of truth that pierced my soul.
I have so been feeling uninvited lately and praying for deeper relationships with God and others. I recently signed up to be a small group leader at my church and I would love to lead a study on this book…God’s timing is always perfect!
I forget the things that have crushed me are in the same instance the times that I hung tightest to Jesus. Thanks for this encouraging message.
The whole thing ministered to me as I am feeling so much confusion in the political world and the Church. We all need this reminder. Thank you.
This just reminds me again how far Christ has brought the broken little girl and that He continues to heal my heart. I know that the good, bad and the ugly are for a purpose…His purpose…and it makes it worth it.
But being real…sometimes it just stinks! But I know I am not alone!
Thank you thank you for this teaching. I once prayed for God to show me what breaks His heart. And boy has He shown me! I’d be so grateful to have a copy of this to share with others going through the same thing
Wow that totally gave the olive tree a completely new a different perspective to me. It was a definitely whhhhhhhat moment. I loved it so much Im going to share it with others! If this was just a taste of what uninvited is … then yes! I would like the study guide to share with other women and come together.
The naturally bitter olive must be crushed to to be useful…wow. Such truth. I’m feeling the pressure of the crushing to the people all around me. The enemy attacks my heart and mind through my past, but the Lord prevails. I see it in many of my friends and women around me…would love to bring this study to them, to minister to their hearts.
Crushing = preserving.
Loved this book. I really want to present it as a ladies study.
It is in our darkest times that we need the light of Jesus in our life…yet it is the time it is sometimes the hardest to see the hope and love and peace that comes only through him. This was wonderful to read as a mother to toddler twins, I know many more times are ahead where I will feel crushed and pressed….may studies like yours and the Word itself remain my constant companion!
It’s very easy for us to forget that God has to bring us to a point that we can be fruitful. Just as the olive tree goes through the process, the olive goes through the process, we have to go through the process so that we can bear the very best fruit. God wants the best for us, and out of us. Sometimes it doesn’t take long, other times it seems like forever. I know that I have to remember that when I am going through difficult times, that God is bringing me to be the very best. The best for Him, the best for others, the best for myself. Look at the beauty of the fruit after its transformation.
“It is a lengthy process to be cured of bitterness and prepared for usefulness… “So true, yet not so fun…. His grace is sufficient…
I have been crushed by many and with out God I would not have the Joy I have. I spend more time with him these days. Im reading the book Crave and doing the bible study I am. Im loving both of them!!
I feel like I am being crushed now. My daughter asked for your book for her 21st birthday as she has repeatedly been deeply wounded. It is helping her. I know she’d love the entire package and I would like to learn to better deal with life. Failing miserably at the moment.
Thank you Lysa for being so authentic and relatable. That seems to be such a rare gem in these days where everyone wants to pretend perfection. And though I’ve never considered olives in the way you’ve explained, I assure you I’ll forget it now. God Bless!
My whole life is falling apart: financially, career-wise, my love life. The past few months have been total devastation with frequent tears & lonely nights. I am working through the I Am Bible study right now & it’s helped so much. I’ve been reading about this book & study & just know that it would carry me even further into God’s love and to live the life He has planned for me. This book has been speaking to me, would appreciate it so much!
3 days ago I had a seizure & now my life is flip turned upside down. I’m a single Mom & cannot drive for 6 months and pray that medication prevents more seizures. I love your studies & this one would be such a blessing to me.
I am currently reading the book and would like to dive deeper with a study. As a person who is always positive, can find the good in any situation and usually always has a good attitude, I have had family and friends turn their back on me for either unknown reasons or reasons that are their doings. Uninvited has been a great read do far, I can so relate. Your writing is appreciated by me and sooooo many others.
It reminds me that no matter what the circumstances, God is in control and had a plan.
I love your imagery! What truly spoke to me was the fact that even though the olive is crushed, it’s not the end. Just like we have to go through the process (sometimes a “crushing
one”) to be molded into who God wants us to be. Amen, thank you!
Oh how i’d love to have this set. My mother in law just finished this in a small group and she said it was fantastic!!
This is just what I needed today
I am reading the book right now. And many of your words, thoughts, insights….speak to me as I was forced to end a 27 year marriage becaise my now ex husband chose to have an affair. It has been crushing. But I am working on it…on me..through Him.
Oh my word! All your points are right on target! !! Sometimes I think you’re writing just to me. There’s been so many seasons of rejection in my life from my parent’so divorce to my own later in my own. From being new every other year at a new school to trying to find the right church family in my adult years. From dealing with my child walking down wrong paths and trying to not feel judged by other parents in the process and serve in ministry. The Lord has been good to me, faithful and patience while I go through the process of being pressed. Thank you #TheProcessOfThePress
We see people all around us that are feeling pressed, and perhaps crushed at times, but for those of us who are not experiencing that season right now, we can bring hope to others by coming alongside them with comfort and reminding them that this is a season…not forever and God brings good out of those trials.
There are so many beautiful stories on here that I’m sure mine doesn’t compare.
See, I met Jesus late in life. Made a mess of everything living the world’s way my whole life. The person who pursued me and never rejected me was my big sister, Leah. I was a hardcore atheist and she INVITED me to church every.single.Sunday.
Long story short, I finally gave in and that same Sunday I encountered God, He shattered my hard heart and mended the pieces with His rich grace. He’s put me in the fire to temper me and continues to refine me, but I am completely and utterly new because I was pursued, loved and invited.
But my sister.
Since that time she’s suffered 18 miscarriages and a still birth.
Her broken heart and brokenness has made her believe God doesn’t love her anymore. That she is not worthy. That she is Uninvited.
I would love if she won this study. And maybe God’s infinite love could shine through it and proclaim loudly to her how dearly He does love her, that He has always been there mourning with her and she has not been rejected. And that our greatest pain can become purpose.
I so often feel like I am the only one with these feelings. My bible study group is reading this book and it feels so good to know that I am not alone.
I was laid off from my job the 1st week of January. I felt crushed at first but I prayed about my situation and have peace about it now. I know Jesup has a plan for me.
Reading Uninvited right now! Love love love! It as ministered to me in so many ways! I am being shifted sifted crusted and reformed by the potter! My husband and I lead a couples groups at our church! I minister to a lot of the ladies one on one! I would love to share your book with them! To help them see they are not set aside but set apart for such a time as this! Thank you!
I’ve known that crushing of my heart quite often over the years and it is only in retrospect that I’ve seen the growth and results of both crushing & pruning. Past hurts, marriage issues off & on and being the mom of four boys.. two with special needs, I’ve had many failures but in it all God has shown me many facets of his grace and love. Hopefully, I am also growing more like Him. I have recently started working through the book on my own, but would love to do it in a group with these resources. 🙂
Good stuff! A reminder that “all things work together to those who love The Lord and are called according to His promise”. Troubles will happen, hang on tight to The Lord and you will come out on the other side.
Thank you Lysa for this visual of such good counsel.
I tend to forget in times of disparity, when I cannot breathe or think or move forward in my life, that God is there with me and taking me through the crushing to change me into the version of myself that he is calling me to be.
I resonate so much with this right now as my company has just let go over 700 employees and my job is changing. Not knowing what I am going to do or being invited to do what I truly want to do is terrifying. But I know the Lord’s bigger than all of it…. and I will be ok.
Great lesson. Sometimes we have to be in a uncomfortable situation for the good to push through. Like a Olive in the press. I feel like I am being processed and starting to get crushed. My husband of 16 years just said he wants a divorce cause I’m not enough to make him happy anymore. My teenage is getting better but still stressful at times. And work and kids and no friends to support me here, feels like to much sometimes. I need to get this study even if I don’t win it. I think at this point to it is essential.
It is a time such as this that I have been prepped for. I say this because the description of the olive’s processes speaks to me about my issue with self confidence. The Lord is working out a lot in my heart. Yes at times I am resisting but more today than in the past few months I am seeing how he wants to heal. Deep healing. Healing that will help my marriage be more rich. And healing that will bring me to a place where I fully (maybe I will still struggle at times) believe his love and that in him I am beautifully made.
Thinking about the olive’s process makes me think maybe that is my process. Long and extensive but worth the aging.
Also our small group is prepping to start our studies for the year and we would as women who desire to grow, benefit from your study.
We are going to meet seperate from our husbands And this would be a perfect study for us.
Feeling crushed. Actually just bought the book because I walked by it and kept standing out to me. I feel God is calling to look deeper and feel his love. Rejection has always been an issue that I don’t deal well with.
Crushing is a blessing! It draws us to Him, it has a purpose. I love this analogy of the olive.
This is a good reminder of what God provides to transform me. Winds come from the east and west, and I need to recognize, both are necessary in my life to produce fruit. Also that difficult times are times to preserve.. or obtain the best of my self for His glory.
Feeling much like Sarah. Tired of waiting, crushed for a long time on many fronts. Would love this.
Thank you for knowing, for understanding, for encouraging. Thank you especially for always pointing us to His Truth which dissipates every fear in our circumstances. So needed, thank you for your vulnerability and honesty!
I can relate, my heart has been crushed…I have come out on the other side stronger. Reading this lesson hit home, also reassured my soul.
I have been struggling with my marriage. It has been falling apart and I feel Satan just atracking me from all ends. We live in different states and I have our 4 kids. I feel abandoned by who was my church family and just trying to make it day by day.
Thank you so much, Lysa. I am going through a crushing time right now. I have printed out this article to remind me of God’s provisions during this time.
I really needed this today. I have been crushed and damaged all my life because of my dad leaving me and going to prison and I have felt like he doesn’t love me. I also just have been dealing with a foot injury the past 2 years and had surgery this past week and will have a long recovery of 3 months and then I have to do my other foot. My mom and step marriage isn’t so good. There is a lot of brokenness in my family. I need some encouragement to lift my spirits. Sometimes I feel alone and like I should give up. So what you said really spoke to me . I would love to read this book and the study would help me feel that love again.
We all having crushing times, moments, and maybe a long season of it. I’m experiencing a long season of crushing. He is removing the dross until He can seen His reflection in me. I started by skimming the article then was intrigued by the explanation of the olive tree, so I had to find out more. I’m glad I slowed down to absorb these words and concepts. I need both the east winds and west winds to be fruitful! This blessed my heart! Thank you Lysa for the encouragement!
You are so inspirational and such a positive role model especially for women! I recently went through a divorce after battling a long term chronic illness, ulcerative colitis. I had my colon removed along with other related surgeries and that’s how I found you when reading other stories about GI surgeries. I didn’t have a strong support system and struggled alone for a long time. I’m feeling well and have faith things are going to get better. Thanks for your encouragement! I would like very much to read your new material!! ?
Sometimes I can read something and think… wow.. this person was speaking directly to me. They seem to understand everything I am facing and currently going through.
I never could have thought I would ever be compared to an Olive, but I certainly feel like one after reading this.
Two years ago I lost my 36yr old fiancé to heart disease. Since then it has been one trying thing after another, including losing my job, issues with my children.. losing friends because they decided they no longer wanted me in my life.. I could keep going..
but… in the midst of all of the bad.. God has made HUGE changes in my life spiritually speaking.
I would love nothing more to read further on this subject.
Thank you for allowing God to use you to speak to women like me. I am so grateful I came across your ministry page.
A beautiful reminder for the hard times that God will not allow those things to destroy us, but will use them for our good.
Knowing Jesus’ heart ached reminds me of why He is the one I need to turn to when my heart aches. Your writing style and experiences are very relatable to me and so many women! Thank you for sharing your gift with the world ❤️️
I definitely have been feeling like I’m being crushed. This is an interesting concept, and I’m hoping that I will find hope in this and your Finding I Am bible study.
I feel as if Im in a crushing season right now. But honestly the words in your book and FB posts have kept my craziness at bay. I know has a plan for this trying time….its just keeping my heart focused on God can be tough somrtimes. You’re a big help to nudge me back to Him. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing your story and showing Gods love and grace thru all of it.
I would like to have a more positive outlook on life and a different perspective on things only the Holy Spirit can facilitate.
I just started reading this book yesterday and I can’t put it down! It is wrecking me in the best possible way! I feel like somehow it was written just for me because it addresses struggles I’ve tried to suppress for so long and issues I tried to forget. I am so thankful for Lysa’s God given wisdom!
I just went through this study with our mom’s group. It is phenomenal and life changing. If I should be blessed to win, I would give it to my sisters who live together. They really need to hear this message. Lysa, Thanks for pouring yourself out for women worldwide to know truth.
If there is one thing in life that I’ve struggled the most with…it would be rejection. Words replay in my head. Moments replay in my head. I withhold my true self just to be accepted. I really need the Lords healing in my life. This article has been an encouragement to me. The Lord is with me. He is walking with me. And nobody understands better than our Lord about rejection.
This spoke to my heart !!
I’m dealing with a situation now and I have so much unforgiveness ….
I’m so ready for God to help me to let go and let God..
I know he can do a work in me and help to live to my full potential and take me to heights that I’ve never been..
I’m ready for God to fully lead in my life..
I would love to have this study
God bless
This helped me to remember to not lose hope. Even though I feel like I’m stuck or not able to see through the struggles, God is doing his work. Squishing out all the bad to reveal His good in me for others that might use my story.
I had not heard all of these things about the olive/olive tree. Wonderful teaching to meditate on and see where God is currently applying it to my heart and life!
The pressing of the Olives that produces the oil remind me of the character that is developed and the person that is developed as we get pressed. I also think of the oil that is released and it reminds me of Isaiah 43:18 “forget the former things do not dwell on the past see I am doing a new thing!” The oil is a new thing and it cannot go back to being an olive it goes on to something new but it had to be pressed to move forward. Lysa, I cant tell you how beautiful this book has been for my book club of 3. The intimate discussions are those that have brought 3 strangers together to become sisters. This book has already been passed on to a single mom doing it with her single mom group. At the same time it has been passed along to 2 mom’s doing it with their high school daughters. Thank you for keeping it real and bring so transparent. Uninvited is truly a gift of invitation for all of us to Live Loved and to know we are all invited
I have been crushed for over two years now can’t seem to have the drive to do anything. I am a pastors wife and we moved to our new church 5 years ago in 2012. I thought everything was going to be great but six months after we were here I found out that I had breast cancer. Went for reconstructive surgery and had 8 other surgeries in less than two years. I have prayed and believe that I would start feeling better but that’s not happening. I know God is with me but I feel alone. I still have health problems from all the surgeryies. I’m ready for something to change.
Thank you, Lysa, for this inspiring teaching on a subject so many people are going through. I have been good through a crushing season in my life, and have learned so much, especially that it’s a necessary process God uses to produce and increase the anointing in our life. This is an on time word to so many women! I would love to share this study with so many other ladies. Thank for getting to the heart of the matter.
This teaching has taught me to keep pushing through these crushed times
I’ve gone through seemingly a life time of being pressed and going through this processing time. I know God has a purpose in it all but sometimes it’s hard to trust the process is worth the end result. But I know He is with me through it all.
This has helped me to just let go and not worry about other people’s approval or harbor hurt feelings towards others. It has helped me to let go of all the emotional baggage and focus on my relationships with my family and Him. It is a slow process that has not been easy. It is okay to take 2 steps forward and then 4 back but in the end I have moved forward. Embracing the process. Thanks for sharing. It is nice to see that I am not alone and that these feelings are normal.
Thank you Lysa,
I facilitate a ladies bible study (I don’t like to say “lead” unless I say “I’m the lead follower” I have so much to learn)
I’d love to use this material for our next study) Right now in my life – the east wind has me ready to give it all up, anxiety and depression threaten to overwhelm me. Thank you for your encouraging words.
Insecurities about my self has been an on going battle all my life since being a young teenager now in my early 50’s, The Lord is getting a ahold of my heart about things! This book has been such a treasured help for me. I’m right now in the process of reading it and can’t put it down. What a joy and blessing it would be to do be able to dig deeper into this study. I would love so much to have the other recourses to do just that. Thank you Lysa for this study! I am always so blessed by your books/bible studies! God bless!!
Oh, how this touched my heart. Life seems to be crushing me and I need a ray of hope & light. Thank you for sharing your message.
“We are pressed but not crushed”.
Such a remarkable reminder of the olive tree and its fruit. The purpose and process, from bitterness to cured. Thank you Lysa , I needed this to encourage me this morning.
I feel like I’m being crushed in my marriage. My husband has health issues that make it hard for him to keep a job and makes him very irritable. It’s so hard for me because I tend to feel like it’s never gonna end…even though I try my best. Today’s post helped me see that God will also use this for my good even though the actual situation doesn’t feel good…and I will glorify Him for it.
Lysa, thank you for being so inspirational. You really have a way with Gods words to touch our hearts. I’m going through severe anxiety and depression and getting through it by pouring into Gods word, seeking Christian counseling and medication. Reading your posts reminds me every day that even when I don’t feel him, he is here with me. Instead of feeling rejected by him, I know he is with me through the storm. I will be stronger because of this. Thank you! ?
Oh how I always do my very best to avoid the pressing and crushing…but as again I walk through a time where this is truly necessary for God to refine me into more of His likeness, you have reminded me that we are not without Hope.
And His name is Jesus.
Learning in new ways through health challenges, family brokenness, and recovery and healing from past bondage and sin, that His grace really is sufficient – even when my mind and heart tell me I’m so undeserving.
Lysa, this is awesome! I have lived most of my life with these feelings of rejection. I am just now beginning to understand, just a tiny bit, God’s love. I want to share this study with other women. There are so many that feel this way. I hope to bring this study to our church soon. Keep them coming! Love your posts! You are such an inspiration!
Beautifully said , The crushing times is well explained by experience. By the Grace of God after he changed me and i became a born again i didn’t had that experience until Last April,2016. It just brought me to a whole new level of myself. It hit me so hard when i was not expecting with such a blow it hurt me so much emotionally. The friends whom you thought were the God given Family show their true self to you.It was one of the time i never thought would come and pray Jesus that he would please not let me go through that heart brokenness again.I went in to bitterness , like you said Forgot the reason of this experience. Im still in the process of being fully transformed,renewed and chisled and pruned making me in to everything Jesus wanted me to be.Im having hard time to Forgive them,but i can do it with Jesus’ help and im choosing to forgive and Forget that memory and start loving everyone with the same Love Jesus loves us. Its hard . I was Pressed, but not Crushed. Please pray for me that God heals that broken part of my heart and make it as if nothing happened and i want to forget that memory in Jesus name and start loving and seeing people through the eyes of Jesus. Thank you for letting me Vent here. I bless you and all the people who are sharing their experiences here. I pray that Jesus would touch each and every one of us with his loving kindness and refresh our hearts and souls in Jesus name.
This was a timely message for me today. Thank you for blessing others with what God has shown you!
This is so true. Without the hardship and struggles, we truly don’t appreciate all the good in our life. We need to be thankful all of lifes struggle because without them we wouldn’t grow into the person we are today. We are all one of God’s masterpieces.
My husband recently became senior chaplain for a chapel service on an Army post. We love the members of the congregation and are so happy to be serving with them.
One family was not so happy. We found they had been going behind us, attempting to plant seeds of discontent. This same family has always been very loving to our family, so to hear what they had done was very painful. I eat very angry, in my hurt.
“When I’m being processed, I forget it’s for the sake of ridding me of bitterness.”
I need to step away from my pride and reach out in love. It is clear the wife in particular has been hurt before and is likely action game out of that place. I have the chance now to show love and grace or to show hurt and bitterness. I will choose love and grace.
There is purpose in the pain. Nothing is waisted in God’s hand!
As a child of God, I know the peace that comes because I identify with Jesus. I don’t need to figure out who I am. I am His. I exist to glorify Him. I fail. HE forgives. HIS mercies are new each day. Joy comes with daily struggles. Yet I wrestle with the rhetoric of others as I do not want to judge. How do I face the sword of conflict. He came to bring a sword! Conflicts rise up daily between believers! We follow Him but disagree. How can this be? We both identify with Jesus but think we offend each other. It is 2017 and a time much like the time of the Romans. Christians were not invited guests in the early days of Christianity. Followers are not invited guests in specific countries today. In the USA, we should be! How can so not invite non-believers into my circle? How can I ignore a store employee who singles out a woman dressed in a burka and accuses her falsely? Each situation presses on me. Each circumstance I can either ignore or use to press on. I have been to the Garden. I have seen the ancient oil press. The olives were pressed three times. How many times do I need to be pressed before so surrender to His will for me? If I am “me” focused”, then repeatedly. If I admit to my weakness and humbly accept the pain as needed pain (refiner’s fire), then I will grow in my endless sanctification and final purification. The olive does not asked to be pressed. Jesus did not ask to be pressed. HIS pressing He endured for you and me. Simon told Mary there will be a sword through her soul. Mary heard. I want to hear. And not just for me. I need to hear as too many friends face struggles. Do I mention the death of too many spouses the last 14 months? How can I help them as they are pressed? Do I mention children who are lost, forgotten, stolen? With the endless troubles and distresses in my little world, I welcome any comforting guide. Right now I am reading Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller. I have led small women groups at my home. Perhaps if it is God’s will for me to gather a group together to work through your resources, then we will. The group that met last summer was multi-generational. We study His Word and grow in knowledge and in our walk with Jesus. By prayer and His grace, may HE direct my steps and yours.
(I did not reread what flowed above. I am an avid editor of what I write. This time I will let it be.)
I have read this book twice. It spoke to my heart in many ways first as I was going through a divorce with my husband of 24 years and second when my dear grandma went to be with the Lord. Love, love, love this book!! Would love to offer this as a women’s bible study at my church!!
I have been in a rejection situation for a couple years. In September I was crushed. I did not understand why. I searched over and over for this answer but there was none. It seems in your teaching that God uses this time to shape us. I look forward to learning more…
This message was so helpful to me today. It’s such a rough season with a husband that’s filed for divorce due to his lack of “feelings”, a parent with stage 4 cancer and dementia, a career at a standstill and small children that need me to be strong. I know Christ is with me as I’m pressed to my betterment, but it is hard.
I used to let things crush me. Then I read uninvited and it totally changed the way I think about everything!!! I got my life back on the right track with God and started seeking Him First and leaving it all at his feet. My marriage has improved, life has gotten so peaceful. Thank you for your gift of writing this book.It changed my life!
I am going through a divorce and the past few years have been tough emotionally. Thank you for writing an amazing book
The process is so tough it His end result is always worth it!
Thank you for this. I feel as though I’ve been crushed as we’ve lost our home, belongings, savings and my family. I’ve contemplated killing myself and have never thought until this today, that God may be pressing me to get to the best part of me.
WOW! ? Thank you for sharing this truth! My heart needed to hear it… the crushing times are necessary times. This book has been on my to read list for awhile and I can only imagine how much more fruitful of a study it would be with the dvd and study pack! ?
I am most definitely in the process of being rid of my bitterness. Recently divorced, adultery was the death of my marriage. I have had so much bitterness running through my veins for the past year and a half. Bitterness towards my ex, bitterness towards the women that knowly took interest in a married man. I don’t want this feeling, I hate feeling this way. This message spoke right to my aching heart. Thank you so very you much for helping me see that the process of preservation will ultimately be a blessing in disguise.
In my season of pain and crushing rejection and abandonment. I want to be set free and need the LORD help. Today’s devotion was filled with hope in my trial.
Desiring to learn what Gods word teaches me.
Since July, I have really struggled with my daughter having had a seizure. In august my 15 yr old was diagnosed with epilepsy. My heart was crushed. She is literally teaching me how to handle living with her diagnosis. I may be poor by society’s standards but God has richly blessed me beyond measure.
Today has been an especially crushing day. I just felt like leaving work, going home, getting under the covers, and crying. Several negative things have happened that makes me want to have a pitty party. But I have to put on a brave face. I think this study would be good for me. I have felt uninvited most of my life.
Its hard to go thru the trying times. I have to remind myself daily to give it to God and understand that I can’t control everything that comes my way. Giving my life to God gives me hope.
This reminds me that Jesus went through it first, before me and for me! HE will get me through the crushing.
Oh, does this ever speak to my past two years (exactly today). But, hopefully it’s coming to an end in two weeks! I have definitely grown, and felt a peace only God can provide.
Reading and studying I Am has kept me anchored the past couple of weeks as our situation is finally, FINALLY coming to an end (hopefully).
This book is on my list!
I feel the crushing pressure of life upon me so glad to know that just as the olive must go through this process to be useful in many ways and to produce not just food but a oil that can bring healing that the process can produce fruit in my life as well.
I would love to learn more through your book and study guide. I need to remind myself that it is all in God’s hands especially in times when life gets overwhelming. It would be a true blessing to receive a copy.
As I read these words, my thoughts go back to the year 2015. The hardest year of my life. I stumbled along in the wilderness wondering where the God I loved so much was. I just couldn’t understand why my spirit had gotten so crushed. I lost a lot that year…
Our family had an organic poultry farm. It took a lot of family members to run it. Ten family members lived there, happily. Then my husband had a heart attack and he became another person. He left our farm for someone else. When he did, my world changed. His children and parents who lived there moved to another state. My son could not run the farm on his own, so he and his wife and child went back to where he grew up. The granddaughter I had custody of went back to be with her mother……
I couldn’t run the farm by myself so I had to close it down and move back to my hometown. I was bitter, I was crushed and I was angry and I was trying to figure out where God was.
When I was holding on to my faith by a thread, He was holding me in His arms. But I didn’t see that for a long time. I am finally beginning the journey of healing but I still feel lost at times. I still feel the sting at times. But now after reading your words I have a better understanding of how God has been working in my life through all of it. Your books have been a blessing Lysa. I am looking forward to this one. God bless you for the hope and inspiration you have given to so many women.
Thank you Lysa for this today; i feel as if i am being crushed now and have been for several months; job – family struggles – finances – my uncle diagnosed with cancer yesterday…. But i like the way you told the story of the crushing of the olives was not the end – it was thru the crushing that it was preserved and made into something edible. I feel like an olive sometimes; but know that thru the most difficult seasons in my life; God has a plan and he will see me thru if i just continue to trust him with all my heart.
I am new in Christ. I was baptised last year on Mothers Day. I am recently married as of 12/2. I am dealing with anxiety and panik attacks and i always feel uninvited. I hope that this series will better equipped me with the tools I need to overcome my fears and grow stronger in my walk with Christ
I am newly baptised, newly married, dealing with severe anxiety and feel i would benefit from this series
Thank you so much for this teaching. I don’t even know how I happened upon it….wait….yes I do know…it was God’s leading!! Thank you for allowing God to speak through you about such important issues!!
Thank you for your beautiful message. This season of trial and tribulation has lasted longer than I ever imagined. Some of the times have truly been harder than others. However, battling this long has left me feeling “crushed” recently with no way out. This message reinvigorated my spirits and is a true reminder of our amazing Father in heaven and the sacrifices paid on our behalf.
Im so tired of being crushed. It’s almost never ending. Just when I think it’s over, nope something else happens. I know in my heart that God is working but I don’t know how much longer I can take it.
I have been on a my personal journey of loving someone who is chronically ill and fighting “fear”. I found that through these years of fighting to overcome and believe for healing we experienced criticism, abandonment, and it led us to isolate. Recently in my prayer, I really embraced that faith for others begins when we overcome fear, first. The Gethsemane story speaks to me because sometimes we have to push and press in and pray…all alone for what we know we are battling. Our friends may not stand in the gap, but Jesus already knows what that is like and he is able to carry me through that so that we like him can carry others through our faithfulness in God. This teaching of being pressed has not been as real for me as it became when it was just me praying…no one in agreement – except Jesus. He overcame fear, and I am trying to learn how to do the same. As I travail in labor of sadness, he gives me a reprieve and speaks through his words to push and have faith for what comes after the “pressing”. I am really enjoying Finding I Am with our bible study, and would love to be a blessing and share Uninvited. Thank you for continuing to share these teachings!
Wow! what a fitting and perfect analogy for crushing times. Just lost my job today after many years of service. It has been a trying time of feeling hurt and pain. I am also inspired and encouraged to know that this is the part of my life where the refining and processing is taking place and I can just wait patiently for that beautiful end result of being poured out from a broken vessel and spilled out for Him.
Thank you Lysa for your anointed words of truth and the Holy Spirit guiding you all the way.
Hi, I just “found” this post on Facebook today. I love how God works in our lives. This helped me with refocusing my perspective, to turn toward Him. Thanks Lysa!
I’ve felt uninvited And rejected since I could remember. I’m a product of a blended family which lead me to unhealthy thought patterns. This books life giving encouragement and discecting of scripture changed me from the inside out. I feel free, loved and accepted by the One who conquered all. So grateful for this book and can’t imagine where I’d be without it.
Thank you for this reminder today Lysa. My beautiful mother lost her battle to cancer just after Christmas and some days I feel so crushed I can hardly breathe. But I’m clinging to Jesus and believing this time will refine me.
This is awesome! Thank you for this wisdom! I am coming through one of the hardest places I have ever been in this respect and what an eye opener…wow. I could always say it must be for my good and for
His glory in all that I have come through but this one took the wind out of me. I am so thankful to see this. It has helped me to see these are as I have said but you sharing. This has brought understanding!… I will be sharing this with others….thank you so much Lysa, you are truly a blessing. ♥
In time of rejection,pain and hurt is when drawing closer to God helps me get through it. I could never make it all alone.
I have been reading this study and truly enjoying it…I am beginning a Bible study group tomorrow night with a group of women and have even encouraged them to do it with their daughters 16+…and this will be our study…I am so excited to share this study with them
Your post helped me today because I too forget… & it was no nice to be reminded by someone who genuinely cares & has felt the same forgetfulness.
I really needed this today… Thank you!
The crushing. Hurts the most but so beneficial for our sanctification.
When the sorrowful winds of the east blow, I forget they are necessary.
When I’m being processed, I forget it’s for the sake of ridding me of bitterness.
And when I’m being crushed, I forget it’s for the sake of my preservation.
I am definitely in a season of being pressed and crushed. God has given me the strength to keep pushing through, but it is not easy. I do believe He is using this time of hardship with my son to draw me closer to Him, to depend on Him and Him alone. For that I am grateful. I will praise Him in the storm. I know He has a purpose for me and for my son.
Have always struggled with feeling “uninvited” and rejected. I want to live in God’s truth and not Satan’s lies.
I could definitely instantly think of times in my life when I felt that crushing weight, as I read this.
Today, because of a visit with a new friend of mine who is in an almost unimaginably difficult situation with no seemingly no way out, I am thinking of those times when we struggle to be related to and struggle to relate to each other. I wish I could somehow convey to her this message of the olive tree in a way that doesn’t seem like I think that I can imagine what she’s going through, or that I believe this is supposed to just fix everything eventually the way WE imagine something to be fixed. (I think this is where she is caught right now) I can only pray God would fill her heart with the ASSURANCE of this absolute reality–that God is in and around all these difficult, difficult things. Thanks for sharing from your heart. Encouraged hearts make for encouraging conversations with friends which in turn makes more encouraged hearts 🙂
Although I have much joy and good in my life, in the world of work I am definitely being crushed. I absolutely love what I do(teach), but my heart hurts right now. I definitely needed to read this today.
Encouraging reminder that Jesus is right there with us through it all!
This book is so amazing and helped me so much in realizing that as long as I know in my heart that God loves me…that’s all I need! I have lived a life of rejection and have always felt as if no one has ever loved me and this book helped open my eyes to stop searching for love in others and be content with really knowing that God’s love is enough! I would love to have this pack to read and study deeper through this book with the study guide and DVD! Thank you so much for the blessing of your ministry Lisa! Praying for you everyday!
Definitely being crushed right now too. But I have learned through hardships before that because of them I am being conformed to be like Christ Jesus. These times are necessary for growth. I had also learned the toughest lesson through hardships; trusting the Lord. So, anyone that is going through a tough time, I say-embrace it and learn from it; seek the Lord and oh my, He will reveal Himself to you in such a beautiful way, you’ll be blown away!!!
A Eye opener
Would love to have this study to share at my church
This spoke to me in a variety of ways. Im still in the messy phase of processing but the following snippets are all jumbled around in there. 🙂 “What consumes my thinking will be making or breaking my identity.” #motto. Keeping this idea at the forfront of my thoughts opens the pathway for the rest! Showing grief and sorrow is strength and vulnerability when we are seeking clarity in complex situations. The low points help you view your life and what your value. #dontwasteyourvalley
I can’t speak enough about how
“These words that move me are treasures.”
Thank you for your words. I am experiencing a “crushing” in my life that has been going on for years now, but has become really tough the last three. My relationship with my dad has slowly been deteriorating. My parents divorced more than 35 years ago (when i was four). I have always been a daddy’s girl, and he and I used to be close. But it all kind of started to fall apart when my first husband and I divorced nearly 14 years ago. Since then, every decision i make in life just doesn’t seem to be good enough or is another disappointment to him. This whole thing has literally tore me up. However, through this process, I have had to learn that I have a Heavenly Father who loves me, and no matter what i do, will always love me. I may falter at times, but I have learned that He will not turn His back on me. I have found comfort and strength in knowing that.
Thank you Lysa!
I’ve struggled with severe anxiety & depression more than half of my life. Then 2 years ago, I very unexpectedly became a young widowed mom. Trying to raise my kids, deal with the grief and overwhelming loneliness, keep us financially stable, and fighting Satan’s vicious attacks on my peace and self-worth is a constant battle. This article was tremendously helpful. It’s a great reminder that just because my circumstances seem to be crushing me, God is actually strengthening me so He can use using me to glorify His name!
This makes me hopeful and grateful. I love that there is scripture for every moment of your life. Crushed like an olive or pounded like wheat, God is there to make us better. Reshape us and mold us to honor him. Thank you for sharing your stories with us.
Thank you for sharing this!!! I must be an olive then have had both east and west winds. Would love to use this to go through with my group of baseball moms.
My life was turned upside down about 6 months ago with my mom’s sudden passing. I thought I was strong, I thought I was prepared, but my heart was shattered more than I could have ever imagined. I felt scared, betrayed and alone. But out of this darkness, my faith is being restored, my faith stronger and God has showed me so many things I needed through scripture, preaching and fellow believers. Out of the ashes, there will be beauty again in my life! This study affirms what I have been shown…that healing will happen, that joy is there, that life will be beautiful and I am reminded that I get eternity with my mom and won’t have to say goodbye ever again!
I loved this! I needed to hear it and I thank you for preparing my heart for the impending pressing and processing I know is around the corner. The doctor calling to discuss the results in person struck a chord with me as I await test results and am searching for answers to my ailments. I would love to win this!
I recently had a very frustrating work incident occur that left me feeling hopeless. It threw me in a downward spiral all through the month of dec/Jan. I still praying daily God will
Open a new career path for me to follow so I can feel relieved of the pressure. They only thing that has help me through this difficult time are two things. One, the fact that I know God knows my heart and the truth of the situation and second, this book. I have loved reading every second of this book and would love to dig deeper, “take me deeper than my feet could ever wonder”.
Thank you so much ..I cannot tell you how timely this Word from God is …we are feeling totally crushed at the moment BUT our wonderful God is with us upholding us in Hos righteous right hand ….to Him be all the glory.
It has helped me very much. I have struggled for sometime with that uninvited feeling. Not feeling like I am enough. I would be able to share this with others. I feeling it will be a great tool for others who may feel the same.
I love the analogy with the olive tree. I feel so many times that my suffering must mean I’m doing something wrong. This is a reminder that we endure hardships and our hardships and suffering have a purpose.
“My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,” (Mark 14:34, NIV).
I am here. Overwhelmed.
Crushing is not the olives end. This will stay with me.
I have read this book and have felt like it was all me. I suffered with some of the same discouragements and disappointments. I am now sharing this book with my daughter. How awesome it would be to be able to share with the young women I am surrounded with. I felt like you wrote this book for me. Thank you so much for being a blessing
I was crushed dealing with my bipolar son but after 8 years and finally letting go completely and handing it over to God I felt relief. Now when I go through my difficulties I look back to that olive tree and smile knowing that God has it all under control.
God brings us through these times & it is he we must rely on. Persecution drives us to our knees & I then realize it has to be more of you Lord & less of me.
Lisa, love to read & go though this study. This past year been very hard faith shaking roller coaster. Think this study would help me and my family out a ton.
It would be a huge blessing to win this right now!!! I wait on Lisa’s posts everyday and they are always spot on! She has helped me in the toughest season in my 50 years of being here. Thank you!
Simply, this teaching reminded me to draw nearer to Jesus. In a season where there’s many more questions about my life in my head than answers, this reminds me that the only answer I need is knowing beyond knowledge that God is good and won’t let me be abandoned, crushed, or destroyed. I’ve struggled with identity for about as long as I can remember and I believe the importance of knowing who we are in Jesus is a message God has given me to impart with my life…And I’m still walking through it myself. 🙂
Reading this reminds me that I am not alone with my struggles. That no matter how crushed, bruised, bent, and scarred I am I will never be broken! God is faithful! I will hold on to His promises. He is sovereign!
I love the analogy of the olive tree to what we go through. This helps me to view hardships in a different light. Praise God for his preservation of my soul.
Thank you so much for being real enough to share what you’ve been through. It so often relates to where I’ve been. yes I’ve been crushed but have made it through !! Praise God!!\
I have been in the Garden of Gethsemane and seen the amazing olive trees. Three years ago, I was crushed in a way that I never dreamed would happen. I am in a period of waiting and healing and hanging on to the Lord’s hand, even if I am sometimes shaking my other fist at him. I trust this experience is for my growth and for my continuing transformation into the person that God wants me to be.
I’ve felt like there have been a few times in my life where I’ve felt ‘crushed’ 7 years ago, we lost our first daughter at almost 38 weeks of pregnancy. 2 years ago, both my parents died within months of each other.
Reading this reiterated to me that there is a purpose in my pain.
Wow. This is deep. I’m currently training to be a support worker for people with complex behaviour and intellectual disabilities at a respite care centre. The topic we were talking about today was stress.
It seems to me that the most potent way of managing stress is how you perceive the stressor.
I can see how having this perspective on ‘crushin times’ can help some of the people I will be working with, but also myself, when I am going through crushing times. And to be honest, aren’t we all?
Also, I feel like olive oil is a symbol of victory. It’s like, that’s the final product after the crushing!
This post is honestly an amazing & valuableinsight. Thank you for sharing.
I cannot even begin to say how this blessed me. A little over a year ago, my husband lost his job due to finances no longer being available. We have been serving in full-time ministry since he graduated from Bible college in 2009. He was laid off and we had a month to find a new position or move in with family. God provided with two weeks to spare. We packed up our lives and moved cross country to serve in full-time ministry again. We were thrilled. Then, our kids threw up our entire first week in our new apartment. My daughters and I missed the first MONTH of church because of various illnesses that were unrelenting. I found out that my youngest was not hearing and needed surgery. My middle daughter had to have a mole removed that ended up being precancerous. Our (praise God empty) van was hit by a drunk driver and we took on a car payment that we were NOT expecting to have. My mom was in the hospital for a week due to debilitating pain (while I am a 10 hour drive away). My dad is facing a second open-heart surgery and I found out yesterday that my uncle has been diagnosed with prostate cancer (a cancer my dad just beat 18 months ago). It has been one exhausting and overwhelming thing after another.
I keep asking God “WHY?! I know that we were obedient when we moved here. We have given up our lives to serve You full time and THIS is what happens?” I KNOW that God is stretching and growing me, but man is it painful and I am getting weary. I needed this uplifting reminder (especially as I am missing church tonight due to another child being sick).
Lysa, your ministry and books have blessed me in ways that I could never fully express. Seeing the love between you and your children gives me hope while we are trudging through these hard young years. Your encouragement always comes at just the right time.
The end result of the entire process is the precious and most valuable OIL. God used oil in so many ways and even now we have so many medicinal “miracles’ that come from all kinds of oils (teatree oil and oil of oregano have helped us tremendously, to name a few.) Yes, a fantastic reminder that the crushing is indeed for something wonderful in the end!
I read this book and it was by far one of my favorite of all times. I I am feeling called to start a small group Bible study and having this set would really help me to take that leap.
i myself feel as if im going through a crushing season and i have some bitterness at timea i just want feel whole again. this made me realize its a process i need to go through to be a better person to myself and those around me and for those who have hurt me.
I get the ‘a-ha’ moment. I felt that as I was reading this. Oh, so that’s what YOU are doing, Lord. So thankful HE is with us in the process.
Process away my sweet and powerful God. Truly I do not understand what I need.
My despair lately has been a big part of my life. This study helped me realize God is always there no matter what my feelings are. I would love to have this study.
WOW! Reading this today made me see things differently. I am recently divorced with a six year old little boy. We live day to day. I can relate to everything you mentioned. This book was suggested for me to read by a dear friend. I plan on purchasing it very soon.
and it was an olive branch the dove brought to Noah….Thank you Lysa for this teaching. It speaks to my heart. God is Good even when we don’t understand why we are going through a difficult situation.
I too have been through the crushing….more than once, and most recently have questioned God over and over about what I’ve been doing wrong. It’s helpful to be reminded, that the answer may be “nothing”, it’s simply the process of being processed and preserved. Thank you!
It’s definitely difficult to go through the hard times, & remember that God had a perfect plan for it all, & is always here with is. He will never leave us, or forsake us. He is a loving God, & wants the best for us. I have to stop, & listen to what God is trying to teach me through it all. I think this would be a great study!
Well when you put it like that! I look forward to the day I get to enjoy my hypothetical oil that is being crushed out of me know. I cant even imagine where i would be right now if it weren’t for my amazing support system of family and friends who have been in similar crushing scenarios. They remind me that though it hurts now, it will pass and you will be stronger for it.
Letting go and trusting
This study is going to be great. We must go through the good and the bad times so that we can bear fruit(grow). The bad times are what strengthens us and helps us grow. Although it may feellike the end,it’s really part of preservation and transformation.
This teaching helped remind me that we all go through things but how God uses those tear stained, heart broken moments for His glory.
I actually started reading this book last week. I had been feeling the rejection of my husband for almost a month, and I decided to pick up your book to help me process and gain some perspective. Friday, he told me he was filing for divorce. Sunday, he moved out and emailed me the separation agreement. Had I not been reading this book, I might not have been able to draw closer to God and His love through the last few days. I would love to go through the book again now with the study guides, as I anticipate to read it several times until I fully believe I’m capable and confident in living loved. Even if I don’t win, thank you. God has used His truth through your words more than I can express. I needed every page, for so many more reasons than just this divorce.
My husband and I have been in the ministry for nearly 17 yrs. We are heartbroken again and again when members left the church without a word. The leaders then put the blame on him. He has decided to leave the ministry for good. Very crushed by the situation. Thank you for the message. I was encouraged by it. I will share the article with him.
This message really spoke to me. I have been struggling for so long… Being pressed financially, physically, emotionally, in relationships, (including my marriage and with all of my seven children) and spiritually… Although I’m 31 yrs old, I am a beginner in my relationship with the Lord… My family and I were struggling so hard last Fall. I called out and reached out to several different people, including family members and friends… But no one could seem to help or understand what we were going through… I finally turned to a local church. The members of this church were so kind, loving, and compassionate. I told them about our problem and I never once felt judged. I was completely at ease talking to them and expressing my family. I have never felt that at ease with myself before, not even with family… They helped my family out with our problem, (it was financially) and then they went beyond that! I asked them why they were so understanding and the began to tell me about living a life with Jesus! I was completely taken in by their stories and their actions! I wanted more… I wanted to know him and live my life they way they did… So I began studying the bible, watching TBN and listening to Christian music. I was looking for devotions to study and that’s when I found you and Proverbs 31! I instantly fell in love with your writing! I love that you are so honest! I love that you always seem to know exactly what I is I need to hear. And I love that you wrote it in such a way that even I, a beginner, can understand and relate to! I ordered your “Say Yes To God” journal and devotional booklet and it completely changed my prayer life! I wanted to order your uninvited book but I haven’t been able to find the extra cash… I would really love to win this set and see what kind of new ways your words and Jesus can speak to me! But even if I don’t, I will still choose to Yes to Him each and every day! I love the way I can sense and see myself changing as my relationship with him continues to grow each day. With each new day I learn and discover something more and it makes me fall deeper in love with Him! I couldn’t even imagine a life without Him now. Thank you Lysa for your inspiring and honest words. I pray that continues to use you and speak through you in such relatable ways. And continues to inspire others through you and ways. (By the way, I am now a proud member of that church and have been since October). Yay!
This book was such a help to me coming off of 9 month separation from my husband and having started this study shortly after he moved back home. Would love to have the study pack to share this with others.
I am in the processing part of my crussing time. This totally makes sence to me how we go through different stages of “crushing”. This artical spoke deeply to me. Thank you for your openess and writting this. 🙂
Maybe, I should buy an olive tree, so I can be reminded more often of God’s love and not the feelings that come with rejection. It is humbling to know how much God loves us and our focus should be on Him.
I would very much like to share this with a group of ladies in Bible Study, in fact this lady at church told me I should do a Bible Study and your book was one I thought of first. And yesterday I saw your book and recommended it to some ladies…I have not finish reading all of it, but if I get another copy I will give as a gift for whomever comes to the Bible study. I do not have the video, but I bet it is good. My husband has been to the Holy Land, but that was before we were married, so I missed out. Thank you for all you do for the Lord!
Yes i and people close to me can very much relate. Often it helps to know that others feel the same and have come through it. Ultimately God has everything in his hands. God please give me the faith to always know this truth.
I have gone through a season of rejection. It hurts so bad but it has also helped me to realize my identity was not all in what Christ says about me. I m working on it.
Gone through a crushing month of January. I had an unexpected and unexplainable illness with some of the worst pain I’ve had in my life. (And that is saying a lot because I’ve birthed four babies!) Dinalky found out I needed to have an emergency surgery to remove gallstones from the bile duct and then have my gallbladder removed. Recovery this past week has proven difficult as well– My entire family came down with a stomach bug and I’ve had to do more moving around than resting. I’ve most definitely relied heavily on Jesus and on community. I’m not usually one to ask for help, and I’ve been seeing more and more reasons for all this happening the way it has, especially the timing. God has also taken care of us despite the many hardships. It could’ve been worse.
This was a great reminder that there is always a purpose for the pain.
I too forget that the “crushing” is ridding me of bitterness. Thank you for reminding me that I should praise God in my time of despair instead of doubting.
This study will help me in so many different ways. Because no matter what I do it’s wrong or not good enough or compromise due to circumstances. Sometime I feel like I don’t fit in anywhere. This will help me.
Being able to have God’s message delivered to me in a way that I can connect to and understand. Lysa’s books and devotions have helped me grow in my faith and I have been able to forgive myself for my mistakes. I have been able to get out of myself and begin sharing my faith, God’s love and grace to people that I meet. I know through all of my trials that God is with me and is so much BIGGER than anything I will deal with. I offer my whole self to Him and ask that His will continues to be done through my life. With the help of Lysa’s books and devotions helping me grow more, I know I will be armed to stand against anything.
I recently purchased the book and look forward to reading it. We are in the waiting time while by sister awaits a liver/kidney transplant. I am trying to see God in all this struggle of hers. She is such a testimony. Apart from a miracle, she will be in heaven by winters’ end. Meanwhile my unsaved 21 year old openly shared questions this morning as once again I gave the gospel as God led the conversation. Though he does not believe in his own heart yet, he asked, “Why doesn’t everyone know this (the gospel)? ” I shared that it is our job to tell them. He is stuck on why God allows my sister and others to suffer and that God must be mean. Praying God gives me the words to respond. He is searching for God and I am searching for the words to share.
My husband left me this past November and it has been an extremely difficult time. I saw and talk with him today for the first time in a month and it was definitely a crushing time! So when I came across this, it really made me feel so much better and helped me understand that my Almighty God is working in my life and that everything will be okay- one way or another! I just Love how God works!
I participated in the OBS. It was amazing! I would really like to be able to experience this again and delve into it more deeply. Thank you !!!
What a great picture to help us understand why struggles, rejection, and disappointment comes our way. The Bible is very clear about believers bring refined into the image of Christ and although we know it, we don’t want to endure it. As the mother of two children with special needs children and the facilitator of a support group for mom’s like me, it is always my desire to help ladies find God’s grace in the midst of a long and very isolating walk. God’s ability to transform our bitterness is something I treasure and long to see in the lives of these precious ladies. God bless!
Beautiful – thank you!
A great reminder that everything we go through with the Lord has a greater purpose.
Such a great perspective! The crushing brings about what is needed most. Wonder what that is for me?
Thank you so much for this. This has really help me better understand 2Cor. 4:8. I admit I am the bitter part but I need to remember that there is always a something better after the hardships.
Oh being press to take away the bitterness…you hit the nail on the head. I hate rejection to the point most of the time avoid the situation. I never look at it as another way of God growing us. To be a Christian is to be Christ like after reading this it only seems right that rejection be apart of that. Thank you for sharing.
I have recently been going through a very hard time of transition in my life. I feel as though I have lost friendships because of a difficult decision we made for our family. In reality, this decision only really had an impact on our life, and somehow we ended up being collateral damage as well. This is helping me to work through the process of the pain. Thank you Lysa ❤
Great reminder of living through the past, which I shared little with my testimony the other day. We need to let down so to speak to be brought through. It has been a rough time for many years for me to continue to learn this lesson but God has always been there-in more than one way.
I loved this! Such powerful truths. They are filled with hope and really spoke to my soul. My favorite part was:
“When the sorrowful winds of the east blow, I forget they are necessary.
When I’m being processed, I forget it’s for the sake of ridding me of bitterness.
And when I’m being crushed, I forget it’s for the sake of my preservation.”
That is something I want to save and read everyday. There is so much beneath and beyond our circumstances.
I’don’t be so blessed to win this! Thank you!
Crushing times are a preservation time. Thank you for the beautiful comparison to the olive tree. So many words and images in God’s holy word to bring us much needed comfort.
Definitely in a trying time with husband and teens. This article spoke so well to me today. Exactly what I needed to read. Thank you for sharing it!
I love how God not only gives us His word for truth, but also His creation. He speaks through creation and His word. How many times I have been inspired and encouraged through the beauty and behavior of nature because I know the One who made it all! Loved all the truths you pulled out of the olive tree, Lysa.
Sometimes it’s hard to remember that sanctification is a process and not like an over night miracle cream. Asking the Lord to make me more self aware these last few months has left me vulnerable, hurt, completely broken and lonely at times. In these difficult times I must keep reminding myself that the Lord is and will continue to bring me through this nonsense. That He has my best interest at heart and that it’s in these muddy waters when we can’t see clearly and that we feel we can’t go on anymore that we grow and learn the most- that He is refining us and making us whole. Thank you Lord for these sweet reminders.
At Being crushed , i too forget that its for my perservation. Being reminded that i can gain so much more then what ive had in my prior season is such a joyous reminder. To seek God in that moment of pain is to know his everlasting faithfulness to me his daughter !
Today is the 20th anniversary of my father’s suicide. I just got off the phone with my mom, who is still grieving. Today that east wind is blowing full force. But I know tomorrow my mom will get up and carry on and that west wind will cool her face. She is the only caregiver for my 98 year old grandmother. All other family help has faded away over these past five years. My mom is homebound with my grandmother and cares for her alone with some help from hospice and my sister who comes over to let my mom go to the grocery store and pick up prescriptions or run other errands. It is hard living three hours away from my mom, but I try to visit at least once a month so my mom can have a day or two of relief. I know this study pack would be a gust of west wind for my mom. I would love for her to be able to read and study God’s word through your beautiful writing. Thank you!
Thank-you for this teaching. It’s a hard one to hear but it is good to be reminded of the role hard times play, even if their reason can be oh so hard to see when you are in the middle. Thank-you for these reminders that He had been there and He gets it.
My sister shared this with me and she knew it was something I needed to read. My marriage is currently headed for divorce, but reading your blog post has given me a glimpse of hope that this is in God’s plan and I have to trust him, even though I’m feeling beyond crushed right now. Thank you for sharing this message.
Your uninvited teachings have really given me strength at work. I have a boss who I do not get wling with. She is constantly coming fiwn hard on me ,can not do anything right for her. Your teaching reminded me in my crushing times I as m not alone even when I feel like it . I am so greatful that God used u to remind me of this.
This teaching, and your book which I recently read, remind me that I can take those hard moments and turn them into times to meditate on who I am in Christ. Thank you for sharing your heart in your book. I was able to apply the truths you shared shortly after I finished it when a hard situation came up.
Yes, Lord! When the stress of trying to be everything for everyone else around me feels too heavy of a burden to bear I am reminded that Jesus has already won and the victory is mine. He is only preparing me for what is to come.
WOW did this ever speak to my heart! It’s coming from the spot I’m standing in right now. Knowing God has a plan and purpose for the pain. But also, just wanting it to be over. However, I have a friend who’s feeling rejected, dejected, almost beyond belief at times. She has one of the strongest faiths I know. As much as I would LOVE to do this study, she truly needs it. Thank you so much for speaking so passionately. I listen to you on the radio and sometimes I feel like you’re speaking Just. To. Me. It really gives me a chance to reflect on where I am and more importantly WHOSE I am.
This spoke to my heart. My son and his wife stopped me from seeing my two baby granddaughters 3 years ago. There is no justification or reason and the pain never stops. Crushed completely but my walk with my Father is growing stronger and stronger and the Olive tree analogy makes total sense. This makes everything bearable when you know that Jesus really really understands.
A neighbor <—–complete stranger to me, posted on our neighborhood FB page that she was going to host this study in her home this past fall if she had enough interest. She had SO MUCH interest that she did an AM and a PM group!!! So I walked into a complete stranger's home with a room full of complete strangers and we did this study together.
And. It. Was. AWESOME!!! I loved it so much that halfway through I talked with the leader of women's ministry at church and said we HAVE to do this study. …We start the first of June. 🙂
I thought I was going to be relieved of my crushing time teaching at a very rough middle school when my previous position at the elementary school became available (finally, no more stares of unadulterated loathing from pre-teens!)…and then the new administration did not hire me. CRUSHED. Since God got me through my first two years at middle school, I know he still holds me in his loving hands. I am being refined but not destroyed.
” We need both winds of hardship and relief to sweep across our lives if we are to be truly fruitful.” All of this makes so much sense. We have to go through stuff to become stronger and wiser. Thank you so much for your words. I always wonder why we go through things and how can we get past it. But after all is said and done, we made it. We are stronger. We are wiser. And Jesus knows what we need before we do. Amen to what you made me realize. Thank you for being so amazing.
Reading that Jesus said, “my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death” was an encouragement to me. It’s been a difficult season, but Jesus felt this way, too.
Thank you Lysa for these truths. I often think I’m anti social, a loner, or feeling I have few friends, etc. Never really fit in normal groups – mom at 15, divorced 3x, near bankruptcy a few years ago. Then you remind me Jesus was feeling “forsaken” and that aloneness brought him ever closer to His father once It was finished. Bless you Lysa.
I’ll spare you the long version of the past few years of my life. After turning 50, losing my dad, being diagnosed with breast cancer which endured 8 surgeries, and losing my job of 24 years all in a year and a half really took the wind out of my sales. It seems to be a real struggle these days for me to regain my bearings. Trying to start over with a career at this stage in life has been a true challenge. I feel the crushing is all for a reason but sometimes I’m just so,overwhelmed by it all I really do not know where to turn. The aspect of depression is often knocking at my door… a door I don’t want to answer but often time I’m not sure where to turn. I’m sure this teaching would be a step in he right direction. Lysa I always love your perceptive and so does my husband who obviously is by my side walking this road.
This is such a beautiful analogy and picture to what we endure through the storms and difficult situations in our lives. I’m a visual learner so this really helped me to “see” the process of these difficult times in my life, what they are doing for us, how God is in complete control, and how God will use these difficult things for us. Thank you for this lesson and for ALL you do!!
I can relate to this on so many different levels. However, a little over a year and a half ago my sister went home to be with the Lord after her 15 month battle with cancer. She was young. We miss her terribly and are still feeling the brokenness of it all. We have definitely witnessed the blessings through her journey and battle, and the many blessings that followed. However, we are still learning how to deal and cope with it all. I appreciate this teaching because it serves as a good reminder that we are never alone, and He is our salvation.
This is such an important subject you wrote about. No one wants crushing times, but we all have them. It’s how we go through those times that we need to focus on. Thank you for your vision.
I wonder, ask even at times, how many east winds I need to go through. Questioning if when I reach that point of preservation, that is when I am worthy of going home to be with Jesus.
Thankful that I typically forget those trials unless asked and greatfull that each time I have been given the mighty hand of my Lord to walk with.
The Olive Tree story gives me visual balance of my journey. Of all the things I would never have believed I could walk through, “we” have. I need all the reminders , every last one when it is happening and I add this to my arms of strength.
This book was an answer to prayer while shopping in a Bible book store for Christmas presents. I immediately shared with a precious friend. We have texted passages since late December almost every morning since, based on scripture and this book. It’s been life changing. Thought today, ‘I’m freed up for other better-suited assignments tailor-made for me.
And neither of us gets caught in the wake of weird emotions stemming from me feeling rejected and bitter.’ Ch9 Freedom to live life fully in Christ. Thank you. Thank you for this book.
This is such a new analogy for me — the idea of thinking there must be more to the need for me to endure the excruciating pain and heartache of watching my husband turn his back on me & our 3 daughters and file for a divorce. I know God does what seems impossible for us so I pray without ceasing. Yet the divorce somehow continues to move forward while I do nothing, remaining still and knowing that HE IS GOD. I have such difficulty understanding ‘Why’ this continues. What more does God want me to learn or go through before He answers my prayers..? The pain is completely unbearable. I just want to see a speck of light at the end of this cold, black & ugly tunnel.
To live loved has been my motto while the sting of rejection is fresh and real big. I am His and th