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How To Really Adore Him This Christmas

December 25, 2016

Oh come let us adore Him.


Jesus, this is the cry of my soul: I want to adore You. This Christmas, my desire is to…

A– Accept You into that place of my heart grown distant and resistant.

D– Decide to reverse the script of old by saying: Yes, there is room for You here, Jesus. Move in. Change me. Rearrange me. Heal me.

O– Order my steps toward forgiveness and away from bitterness.

R– Renew the lovely and beautiful inside of me. Jesus, whisper reminders of life, humility, grace, gentleness, and the assurance of Your forever love.

E– Even when circumstances beg me to grow cold, Lord, help me keep the flame of my first love burning so brightly that people are forced to consider how real You are. And as they walk away from me might they dare think, Now there’s a girl who has spent some time with Jesus.

It’s been a year full of extreme highs and lows year for my family. So these reminders are good for my heart to soak in this Christmas. And I hope they speak to you too. I’m praying that you experience the love of Christ more than ever this season.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours!

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  1. Edith Fragner

    Thank you Lysa! This is my hearts cry too! Merry Christmas to you and your family! So blessed by your writing and thanking God for your ministry!

  2. Annie

    Merry Christmas and thank you so……..much for this encouragement . This is exactly what my spirit needed . It’s been a long , crazy Christmas season . I love Christmas, I need quiet time with God , with my Jesus . To be reminded of f who I am to Him , to let Him fill all those empty places . It makes me so very sad to see how my flesh can ride up so quickly. God Bless you . Annie

  3. Corena

    Merry Christmas Lysa
    Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that the Lion of Judah born in a manger over 2000 years ago is King of kings and Lord of lords!

    A song to Jesus
    Born in a lowly manger
    Love came down to our human race
    To live a life of no pomp or wealth
    To die on a Cross He knew me well
    My Savior came that Christmas day
    And in my heart He is here to stay
    For nothing can ever take His place
    A love so pure and full of His grace.
    My wish this Christmas is for our world
    To know the Lord not just His birth.
    For in Him I ask to live this life
    That He has ordained and paid the price.
    My Messiah came to save us all
    He loved us then, He took the fall.
    He loves us now so we must live
    Gratefully content He loves us still
    That baby born so long ago walks on this earth today to show
    The Lion of Judah will never fail
    He showed us love and it will prevail!
    From my heart to our world His words I pen to say Happy birthday Jesus this Christmas day!


    • Patti Wooten

      Ms Lysa,
      I came across your 10 ways to pray for son’s and daughter’s from Pinerest. They touched me, as I pray for my full grown adult daughters and son daily. God just led me to you.
      Merry Christmas, I feel it is never too late to say those words and it is Christ filled everyday.
      Lord bless you and keep you and yours

  4. Leigh

    Merry Christmas, you have such a beautiful family!

  5. Nancy DeLine

    Dear Lysa, My sister, Barbara Fassnacht sent me your Christmas message. It was beautiful & left me with some beautiful thoughts. I hope you & your family have a very healthy & happy New Year,

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