Stop carrying the weight of holding everything and everybody together and surrender what you’re most worried about into God’s fully capable hands with my free resource, “Am I Trying To Control the Uncontrollable?


Why you must not silence your writing dream today

October 12, 2015

Have you ever been inspired to write down an amazing lesson you learned or record a wondrous experience you had with God? But then you put pen to paper and your inspiration dissipated as your words seemed tangled and flat.

What if I said you could become a writer who knows how to express their experiences with deeply impactful words that can help others…

Would you, could you dare to believe me?

I distinctly remember the day my dad brought home a typewriter. His office had gotten these new machines called ‘computers.’ Something within me stirred and went wild at the thought of possessing a typewriter.

I loved the way it could strike and fill a page of nothing and make it something.

Maybe, I could one day write a book? The thought came and delighted me until I placed my hands on the keyboard. And the only words that came to me were all the reasons I couldn’t possibly write a book.

The dream was silenced.

The same thing happened to me when the high school choir director announced we’d be doing a musical. I got so excited. I could see myself playing the lead role. Until I heard my friend practicing with bold assurance and booming accuracy. Suddenly every note I sang felt painfully hollow.

The dream was silenced.

And then in my mid-twenties I dared to tell a friend of mine I thought I might want to speak at the women’s event we were planning. Originally, I was just going to help plan the event. But the stirring to speak wouldn’t leave me. So, I gave voice to my crazy thought.

She just tilted her head and said, “No. I feel certain you aren’t supposed to speak.”

The dream was silenced.

Has this ever happened to you? Voices both internally and externally remind us of all the reasons we’re incapable.

Oh how impossibility loves to scream into silenced dreams.

Your writing dream might seem impossible now. But let me be the friend who whispers some encouragement to you… you. can. do. this!

I’ve put together a FREE video series to help you push through the impossible parts of your writing dream. Sign up for it today and you’ll be equipped to:

– Avoid the trap of tired, typical writing by learning practical ways to develop messages that truly stand out and influence positive change in your readers.
– Gain motivation to further your writing and enjoy the journey to becoming an author.
– Learn how to make writing a priority in your busy schedule by understanding the habits of a successful writer.

Click here to sign up.

You don’t want to miss this. Because inside every impossible is the word “possible”… if only we dare to see it.

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  1. Debbie Simler-Goff

    Thank-you for this! You have no idea how much this ministers to me today….

    • Jennifer Pettiford

      Dearest Lysa,
      I am so blessed by your loving kindnesses. This posting today has really inspired me not silence the writing in me. I’ve attended your weekend seminars in Charlotte, NC in July, 2008 and July 2009. And I even had the privilege of dinning with Cecil Murphey… He gave me some very good encouragements, however fear has kept me stagnate. You are a blessed woman but more importantly you are a blessing to each life you touch personally through your Ministry. Thank you sweet sister. In His Love

  2. Tabitha Dukes

    I have put my words on paper and not saying that its perfect because I have never written anything published, but I know that one of my writing could help others. I just don’t have the money to pay someone to publish my work. I was hoping one day the Lord would open the doors so it could be reviewed and maybe published without me having to pay someone to do it. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

    Thank you
    Tabitha Dukes

    • Joy

      Have you considered self publishing through Amazon? At the bottom of the page there is a link to self publishing. I believe it’s free, you just give up a bit of the royalties. I hope this helps and you are able to finally publish your work.

  3. Sally Ferguson

    Every writer needs new life infused, daily. No matter if you’ve been at this for awhile, or you’re a newbie!

  4. Jenni DeWitt

    I can remember vividly the first time I whispered into the sterile hospital room, “I think I might want to write a book.” My son was battling leukemia, and even whispering this dream — the most private and secret desire of my heart — felt vulnerable. But my husband and our counselor encouraged me, and one word after another I did write a book. Then I wrote another and an entire blog. For years I was afraid to say, “I’m a writer.” I actually had to practice saying it out loud, because it always felt like I was a fraud. Dreams are tender, private things. God bless you for guiding us along on our path to realizing them!

  5. Rita Stevens

    Wow, Lysa. You cannot guess how this has spoken to the deep places within me! I wrote some of the same thoughts…in a not so beautiful way…this morning. I have just “found” you but I intend to know you more and be known by you. Thank you for putting your heart out there.

  6. Lorraine Furtner

    Does God ever make you chuckle? Does He bring things to your attention like a friend you know is right, but you keep on ignoring until they do something crazy that makes you smile and say, “okay, okay I get it!” That’s what happened to me this morning. Short version– it is evident that my recent layoff from work is an answer to a prayer 21 years old. I prayed in 1994 for the chance to stay at home and write. I became a stay at home mom, but the words were few and far between. Then in 2010 I had the opportunity to work for a small newspaper. I was writing but not staying home and not writing what I wanted. Now since I’m laid off, it seems I’m so busy and I ticked off my to do list in my head— maybe I will write tomorrow. Maybe I will read Lysa’s blog tomorrow. But I opened it anyway and right there in my face is “Why You Must Not Silence Your Writing Dream Today.” Thanks for being God’s poke in my ribs today and for posting the free video series. It is EXACTLY what I needed to hear today!

  7. Kristen

    I thoroughly enjoyed the eBook you recently put out. However, I am hoping for some practical advice on the comments below that were in the eBook. How do I find these people? I have a wonderful group of talented friends, but no of whom fit this description. I would LOVE a mentor to help me in this process! When I google tips on writing and publishing I usually just end up feeling overwhelmed. I would love to be able to sit across the table from someone and ask all the questions and glean wisdom from their experience.

    “…finding a team of unofficial mentors to learn from and
    guide in the ways of writing, publishing, etc. was invaluable.” – Jeff

    “Discover a network of writers and editors and agents, because this is the
    team who loves words like you and who become your colleagues in
    your calling.” – Suzanne Eller

  8. Sarah Beth Marr

    Lysa, thank you so much for this post! I literally came to your blog just now to seek some direction for my writing journey. I am literally…in the wait….waiting to see if an agent will take a chance on me. The hardest part for me is hearing over and over….”your platform is too small.” It can be so disheartening. It has tempted me to give up. It has tempted me to silence this dream…because it feel so impossible. So your post just gave me a boost. Thank you so much! I hope to meet you someday, maybe at SheSpeaks, and give you a big hug! Thank you for encouraging us!

  9. Jannelle Sanchez

    It’s pretty crazy to me how on point this is to my life. I’ve been wanting to launch a blog but because of the negative thoughts, I haven’t.

    I’m literally at my college library procrastinating , but man, this really just lit a candle inside my heart.

    Thank You!


  10. Esther Linton

    You have no idea how much this encouragement means to me! I’ve been putting my dream to write on the back burner for over ten years now and I have finally decided to put pen to paper (well, fingertips to keypad) and it’s been such a blessing. So many days though I wonder, “why do I bother?” “who’s going to care about what I write anyhow?” Your encouragement was so timely. May God continue to bless you-your writing has inspired me for many years.

    Blessings, Lysa!

  11. Melanie

    Lysa: I have been encouraged to write my life experiences (my family experienced a ‘tragedy’; ‘I was in a coma for 6 weeks while my sister was in a coma for 10 days, same experience we lost both of our parents and dog and they were buried while we were in the comas in 1979 before they did any physical therapy on comatose patients. I was ‘trached’ and lost my voice and hearing for a month and then graduated from college and then put my first husband through pharmacy college and became a nurse.’) I have no idea where to begin; the idea of a book is a great one; PLEASE HELP!!! I am reaching out…………..

  12. Cara Gabrielse

    thank you so much for your generosity and sharing your wisdom. you are spurring others on to good deeds!

  13. Sweet Joy

    Lysa, thank you for posting this. I can’t wait to watch and learn from your video series. The Lord has spoken to me about writing since last year and now he is using you to provide free resources! How awesome is He! Thank you for your obedience. This ministry has made such a big impact on my life and so many other women. Thank you, thank you.

  14. Sara Young

    With a few books already written, I struggle with the overwhelming process of self-publishing and marketing. Thank you for your inspiring message. Wow! God is rarely early and is never late; He is always right on time!

  15. Deborah Stevens

    Enjoyed the first video, but accidentally deleted the email so I do not have the series. Will try to click for the video series again. Just want you to know why I am doing it again. So enjoyed it. Showed up at just the right time. Feel it is building me up as an author just when I need it. Thanks!

  16. Caryn Candia

    Lysa, I watched your interview with Michael Hyatt at his Influence & Impact Summit last week, and it was the final push I needed to finally “unsilence” my dream of helping people through blogging. And now this!! Thank you, thank you for all you do!

  17. Kimberly

    The downloadable PDF that comes with the first video? My. Goodness. What a gem! Prayerfully sitting with the Lord and with the wisdom shared on that page this morning. (And encouraging all of my writing friends to sign up for these videos.) Thank you. So much.

  18. Harmony

    Seriously timely! Thanks for posting this!

  19. Victoria

    Thank you so much Lysa for this, I’m really looking forward to getting stuck in ❤️

  20. ramona

    Lysa i always wanted to write and actually i wanted to go on the article i have a perfect comeback, and clicked to this instead. I forgot about this dream and beside i guess were to start was were i always got stuck. and even if one does write this book what then how and who will publish it. But God is amazing in this way i definitely signing up thank you mys sister for your encouraging me.

  21. Jennifer Dougan

    I’ve so appreciated your two free videos here. Thanks, Lysa, for your heart to equip and encourage others. I forwarded them on to others also.

    May our words be worship to our Artist God, huh? 🙂

    Jennifer Dougan

  22. Yvette


    Thank you for the resource. It’s an answer to my prayers. I missed the offering by a day. Is it possible for me to still gain access? Thank you for considering.


  23. Michele

    Hi Lysa,
    I want to thank you so much for this, this ministry, your timely life event stories and everything. One day in my in my past I to have had all these thoughts and then been silenced for one reason or another. I wanted to write and tried because my dad was my inspiration being an high school English teacher. I have been silenced. I have wanted to sing. I have been silenced. So many things just have happened I wondered what God has had planned for me. I honestly have loved how by just how God is using this ministry and how I feel more confident in my relationship with him. Just because of this I see him using me to share with others. I am still looking for my words, my voice, my calling but I know that that I have found something and I thank you for that.

  24. Holly

    Thank you so much for putting together the webinar. I just published my first book, and would love to write more books. However, I can’t afford to sign up for the Compel Training at this time. I really appreciate you creating this video with so many valuable writing tips.

  25. Ruth

    Thank you.
    Just. Thank you.

  26. Jennifer

    Thank you for the webinar!! it was wonderful!

  27. Crystal Holdipp

    Thank you for this encouragement! Your words definitely spoke to me!

  28. Annika Sailer


    Thank you for your honesty…as a mother, a writer, a sister in Christ… This year has led to me finally starting a blog. I have stacks upon stacks of journals starting from childhood. Through prayer and friends who dare to dare me, I’m laying down my fears of rejection and lost dreams at the feet of the one gave the gift of writing in the first place. My blog, is all about real prayers prayed to a real God in search of stirring up his kind of rest in our lives. Thank you for you motivation and continual encouragement!


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