All relationships can be difficult at times, but they should not be destructive to our well-being. Learn the difference between a destructive pattern and a difficult season with this free resource, “Is This Normal? 15 Red Flags You May Be Missing in Your Relationships.”

Unrush Me

Ever felt like you’ve set your life to the rhythm of rush? Me too. Sometimes it takes stepping out of the rush to see things. Recently, I went to the Holy Land. It was a trip I’d longed to take for years. But as the day to leave marched closer and closer, I wished I’d...

An Invitation To Come Over?

For years I’ve wished instead of sending my blog out through pixilated letters that I could just meet you at a coffee shop and chat. I just know we’d have the best time! And while that might be a bit complicated for most of the coffee shops I frequent, I think I’ve...

It’s Almost Here… “The Best Yes”

Every time I release a book, I go through this intense time of fear. It’s a bit like standing in front of the whole world with a bathing suit on which is scary on so many levels. I package my heart up, the good and bad, in pages and release it into the world. It’s...