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Why I’m Breaking Up With My “Quiet Time”

June 3, 2014

Today I’m linking up with my sweet friend, Bonnie Gray, on her “Finding Spiritual Whitespace” blog tour. We’re sharing ways to feed your soul and strengthen your relationship with God. To learn more and join us, click here! Here’s how I’ve been finding spiritual whitespace…

I’m taking a break from having a quiet time. Because sometimes I can get in a rut. Even with good things. And having a daily quiet time is a good thing. Until it becomes more about routine than actually connecting with God.

When God becomes routine rather than revival, it’s time to switch things up.

Otherwise, I might start seeing this time as less important. It becomes the second or third thing I do. After other things. Seemingly more pressing things. Before I know it, it’s been days since I connected privately and personally with Truth.

And then my soul feels a bit off and sluggish. Like when my stomach has been denied food, a desperation starts creeping over other parts of my body. That happens with soul hunger too.

Only the triggers for stomach hunger are much more apparent. My brain quickly reminds me, “You feel awful because you need to eat.”

Sometimes my brain isn’t as quick to pick up on soul hunger. So I just lumber forward but wonder, “What’s wrong?” I think of a list of reasons … I’m tired, I haven’t had enough fun, or my butt looks big in these jeans.

And while some of those things may be true—it’s not why I feel off.

I need more time with God.

Not more quiet time.

More listening time. Like the writer in Psalm 63:1 needed. “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek You; I thirst for You, my whole being longs for You, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” (NIV)

Recently, as I sat with God with nothing but willingness to listen, three things popped into my mind. I can’t say “God spoke to me” but it felt right. I need to do some new things as I listen.

Study wisdom by reading a chapter in Proverbs every day.
Ask God to reveal “my verse” for the day and think of ways to apply it. I listen.

Read something from someone I admire.

I need to study leadership in this season of my life. So, I pick up a book written on this topic by someone I admire and glean from their wisdom. I listen.

Read something from someone I trust.

There’s a book I’m reading right now that is whimsical and grounded all at the same time. It makes me feel like this writer gets me. They get my struggles and offer up advice I know I can trust. I listen.

Maybe you think all this still sounds like a quiet time, but to me it’s different. It’s a listening time. A time to shake things up a bit and get outside my normal routine. A time to listen to God speak. And He does speak … through His book of wisdom, through someone I admire, and through someone I trust.

And this morning? My soul felt that thrilling and comforting full feeling. Complete. Satisfied. Deeply nourished.

findingspiritualwhitespace_bookI’m giving away 5 copies of Bonnie’s new book, Finding Spiritual Whitespace: Awakening Your Soul to Rest. In it, she shares her inspiring, heart-breaking journey to find rest. I suspect maybe that’s something you can relate to. I know I can!

Leave a comment below telling me how you’re seeking nourishment for your soul. 5 winners will randomly be chosen from the comments. I can’t wait to hear how you’re finding spiritual whitespace!



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  1. Donna Willard

    I just read about finding spiritual white space. I need to listen and hear God’s voice. I am going through a dry and dark period of my life. My mom is very ill with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and my dad has dementia and doesn’t get around well. I help with the caregiving for both of them.

    Yesterday , I had to give up my toy poodle of 3 years because of my anxiety disorder, Benny became anxious when I was anxious and started snapping and biting at me. I am confident the previous owner will find a home for him. In addition, Benny needed someone to walk him and give him what I could not give him right now. i spend many hours at my parents house caring for them.

    It is dark now outside; however, I will walk soon just as the sun comes up. I see God in the beauty of the green grass, the orange sun coming over the mountain, and the cool air I feel on my face. These are the pages of my life right now.

    I, also, hear God when my friends tell me they love me and are praying for me.

    My God is my everything, but I cannot find him in my devotionals right now. I will continue to seek him and hope to not only find him, but, also, to feel his presence in my soul.

    I just sat down to do my quiet time and I just read words. I want to hear his voice in my soul again. Thank you, Lisa, for your comments on “breaking up with my quiet time.”
    I would love to have the book you are giving away on finding spiritual white space. God bless you and your ministry. I would appreciate prayers for me. Thank you,
    Donna Willard

    • Marty

      I’m anxious to check out bonnie grays new book. Sounds like something I could use right now.

    • Traci

      I will pray for you Donna. Being a caregiver is never an easy task & I think it’s harder when it’s people we love – our parents – because we don’t want to see them hurt or suffer in any way. I, too, suffer with anxiety issues and have recently been repeating & reciting out loud 2 Timothy 1:7. God speaks to me through others and am hoping He will speak to you now. As He tells is keep seeking and you will find Him. I truly hope you will have a peaceful & fulfilling day!

  2. Chantal

    My soul really longs for more worship time with God to find His rest – we live in a hectic city in South Africa – between life in the ministry, work, school, chores – I just need to feel God’s embrace as I worship!

  3. Sarah Msipa

    l at time take a day off reading motivational books, bible and offer a prayer every hour and allow myself to listen for a feedback after praying.

  4. Ginger

    I have been getting up just a little earlier in the mornings to pray and read.

  5. Kathy pool

    I am in need of changing it up. In the busyness of caring for an elderly parent, raising children and all other mom tasks I am at a dry, barren place. Thank you for speaking to my heart through this blog. May God pour out His blessings on you.

  6. Katrina

    I have 4 children, who each have their individual needs. I love them and spending time with them, I feel so blessed but it is also exhausting. It can be hard to find time to spend alone with God, that quiet, quality, listening time. I manage to spend time each morning with Him in His Word and in prayer but at times it feels dry. I find it especially challenging to just be. Be quiet. Be silent. Be calm. Be listening. To truly listen to His voice & His promptings.

    I would love to learn how to find spiritual white space. To just be. Be with God. Be me.

  7. M. McConchie

    My dear Mom (age 88) just passed away last week into the waiting arms of Jesus’, and I need extra nourishment from God and others to sustain my walk through the days ahead.

  8. ruby

    Nourishment for my soul… grabbing my laptop and reading several translation of the same chapter while I am reading from the word…then take a break from the laptop and listen to bible studies by Jon Courson on the same chapters I am in…

    I also journal as I go along…and God gives me a devotion to write for almost everyday as I am expectant, ready, and prepared to listen and write what the Spirit impresses upon my heart…not sure if I will ever publish anything or even blog…but HE has provided so much healing and filling… to the point some days where I need a time out to just be in prayer on my knees…my favorite place to be!!

  9. aleksandra

    I played “Pay it forward” game and received a devotional book from someone. I read it every morning and spend some time praying how it applies in my life and relationship with the Lord.

    On the weekend, when my ex takes the kids, I love to listen to a sermon or two on line. I feel like I am eager to learn new things about the Bible and the Lord.

    I meet with my girlfriends whenever we can and we pray together and share some words of wisdom we have gained since the last time we have met each other.

  10. MissyT

    Thank you for this reminder. I was finding nourishment by listening to a study book “on tape”. I was getting nourished and things were better. That was at least 2 hours every day that I just listened and God worked some things out in my heart. The book is over and I’ve lost all my nourishment. I am having major issues in my marriage this week, I was failing one of my last 2 classes before getting my degree, I have a new job but haven’t been able to wrap thing up at the old one or prepare for the new one. I am falling apart. Thank you so much for this. I’m about to find me a new book for my morning ride.

  11. Lorato

    The past nine months have been the worst of my life I’ve been married for 11 years my husband wants a divorce. We are still staying in the same house but he doesn’t talk to me at all. I am in need of spiritual feeding I am reading a bible more now, praying more & learning to love myself more. I am so grateful for people like you. You are amazing.

  12. Kellyn

    Thank you for this post. I’m constantly looking to nourish my soul. Much like my body, my soul needs to be replenished daily, but sometimes I forget to “eat” or I make poor choices. I try to read different works daily, looking for an inspirational quote to tweet out every morning, but I’m going to incorporate (steal?) your ways of listening to God. I think that making an effort to listen is a great idea because often my quiet time, meditative time is just time to clear the noise to talk to Him about my hopes, desires, fears, supplications. Nothing’s wrong with talking to Him, but there should also be dedicated time to hear from Him, to let Him do the talking.
    Thanks again.

  13. Carrie Knight

    I too am struggling to find the right combination of reading, listening, and memorizing at this point in my life. I am getting up early – before the rest of my brood anyway – and trying to focus on what God wants me to learn that day, but I find myself distracted in a thousand ways. I am still coming away with more than I was before I began this practice, but I still feel like there should be more….

  14. Annette

    I totally agree regarding everything being off when you aren’t being spiritually fed! I was recently given a book about surrendering to God and revival and I’m hoping this will shake it up for me!

  15. Susan Nash

    Thank you for this post. It is just what I needed to read this morning. As a mom of three young children (ages 6, 5, &3) and working part-time from home, quiet time with God doesn’t always look the way I think it should. Many days, quiet time as I envision how it should be doesn’t happen at all. I’ve been learning that in this season of life, my quiet time with God may not be very “quiet” at all. It may be catching part of a message on the radio in between dropping my daughter off at school and going to the grocery store. It may be while reading a story to my 3 year old daughter who just wants to be held at a moment when it seems like there are 1,000 other things to be doing. It may be in taking the time to write a note of encouragement to a friend who just had surgery and who lives far away, praying for her healing as I write it. It may be in picking up some extra food at the grocery store and dropping it off at the food pantry at our church and thinking of the families who will be going there for help. It may be listening to a favorite CD (Christy Nockels right now) in my kitchen while doing the dishes or folding the laundry, both of which never seem to end! It’s when saying our morning prayer together in the car on the way to school or after bedtime stories at night. It could be reading for 10 minutes a book I’ve had on my shelf for two years with every intention of starting a lot sooner, but just never seem to be able to get started on (just started reading “Made to Crave” last week, with a goal of finishing it over the summer). It could be reading a verse or two in my Bible or a devotional like this before checking my work e-mails in the few quiet moments before the kids start waking up. For me, it’s learning to accept the fact that my quiet time may not look like anyone else’s or, in fact, be very quiet at all. It’s learning to listen, to hear God’s voice, to follow his leading in my life and to remember that he is with me and always by my side…in every season of life…even this one!

  16. Pearl Watson

    Thank you Lysa, I have also been having a dry spell myself, so I can appreciate your advice. I think I’ll do the same. I have a dear friend who is battling depression right now and I would appreciate prayers for her. Her name is Sherry. Thank you very much.

  17. Pat T

    Your post hit home this morning, I need to change up my routine of spending time with God, because that is what it is, a routine. He deserves more than that after all He has given to me. This book sounds like a good place to start my search.

  18. cori

    I am in deep need for a new way to connect with god each day- i feel like you did, it’s been more an obligation lately than a early seeking Him….

  19. Annette D.

    I’m in a stressful season of marriage.. I find sometimes when I am way stressed out, I seek God less than more… My journal hasn’t been written in for a week. I’m hurried with my devotions, rushing to the next thing..
    I need to remember God is first for my nourishment and guidance.
    Have a blessed day

  20. Deb

    I think this is so true that we don’t have our time with God,our lives,are missing something .I try to get up early & read devotions, the Bible & pray. It’s hard with my youngest one being an early riser to get it all done some days. Also,some days it can feeI like I’m in a routine. think I too need to read this book. God deserves so much more from me !

  21. Krystal Roebuck

    I have been scrolling through my facebook news feeds (which I have purposely filled with christian people and blogs. Something always catches my eye and leads me to Gods word. Before I know it, I am in his word digging deeper! I still end up in the Bible but by taking a different approach.

  22. Mary T

    Lysa, interesting that this post is right here upon my waking…late for my “quiet time” this morning. Went down for coffee and there reading the Bible is Mike. I think about what he is telling me he is finding in Psalm 22 and 23 and consider skipping my time with the Lord to talk with him about the Lord…but in the end I run up to talk with God alone. Maybe talking with someone else could have been a great experiencing of my Lord as well…different yet filled with love and His Presence…a missed opportunity which will remind me to keep my eyes open to other opportunities that may come today! I would love to read this book! Thanks for sharing! God bless!

  23. Gloria

    I was a caregiver for my Mother for 4 years and she just went home to be with Jesus in mid February. The last 6 months were extremely difficult and during that time I was drawn so close to God, from His word, devotionals, music, prayer. Isn’t it awesome that in our most difficult times, He draws closer as we draw closer. I’m so thankful to have Jesus in my life to be my strength, when I don’t have the strength. As I have lost the role as caregiver to my Mother, I am still a wife, mother, and grandmother, teacher. I am now watching and waiting on God to reveal the next step, work that He has for me. I feel i’m in a slightly dry place spiritually, I guess in the valley….so to speak. During the last 6 months, I also have moved my membership from one church to another. Going from an extremely small church to a very large church. It was the change that I needed, a change from the ho-hum routine of going to church on Sunday. I no longer sit in the pew, watching my clock, thinking about what I need to cook for lunch, and never really learning the word or worshipping and giving my all. But I am struggling thru the week, staying on track with reading the word, or devotionals and enjoying the joy that comes from hearing Him speak to me. I would love a new read and new perspective, while waiting on God. And maybe this new book you are offering could be just what I need. I enjoy and read most all your posts on Facebook and find they speak in a real way. I love your transparency and willingness to share, in real life struggles. Don’t stop sharing, as you have touched many lives…….

  24. Mary Boswell

    Oh how I understand the need for spiritual whitespace. I tend to have the same quiet time each morning but from time to time I either go for a walk or sit outside on my deck and wait to feel God’s Presence lead me into either prayer, worship or studying His Word. It’s on those days when I change things up a bit that I “hear” God more clearly. Thanks for sharing the opportunity to win a book.

  25. Trudy maves

    “Notice me” is what I hear God speaking to me. In the small things, in the everydayness of life. I look up and around during my daily woods walk with my 3 pups, and while I commute by bike to work. “notice me”. He is beautiful.

  26. April McMichael

    Have been feeling this way for a long time, and feeling guilty because of it. Thank you for listening to His spirit to be trueful in posting the same feelings. Sometimes there must be a change up to be changed from the inside out!

  27. Sherrie

    I have been making myself do quiet time in the morning because I should. It is so freeing to not have to have my quiet time at a certain time everyday. I want to hear from God because my heart is in my worship…….not because I HAVE to pray. I would LOVE to read this book to help me learn to pray.

  28. Nanci

    I was just talking about this very subject with a friend yesterday — how to get out of a spiritual rut. I do two things. The first is act with intentionality. I may be doing the same thing … getting on my knees to pray, reading a favorite meditation book, journaling. But, I’m doing it more consciously. I even dialogue with God about it. Like, an outside observer watching the process. When I do that, I’m very alive and conscious of the presence of God. The other thing I do is meet with a friend. I find God and peace in meaningful conversation. Sometimes we meet to walk and talk; or have coffee and talk. We talk about rich and lovely things. I leave those interactions with a full soul — energized and inspired. I know it’s been a sacred time and God was with us through it.

  29. Ellen

    Lately, I feel like the proverbial hamster in the wheel. I’m doing a lot of things…but I don’t feel like any of them are getting the attention they deserve. This is especially true of spending time with God. It gets checked off my To Do List, but it doesn’t really feel accomplished.

  30. Tiffany

    Breast feeding has been the most difficult emotional trial for me! I am such a multi-talker, while I am sitting I think of 7000 other things that need to be done! I started making my sessions, my go to God time. I sit with my Bible, my devotion and a lysa book 🙂 I also have to have a notepad, because I will always think of something else “to-do”!

  31. Kimberly

    What a wonderful writing. I am routinely fulfilling my times set aside on the calendar as opposed to fulfilling my soul. Thank you for the reminder to actively break the cycle to find/fill that white space with purpose and meaning again.

  32. Beth

    Right now in totally spiritual warfare and I am weary. I like to read the word in the morning.

  33. Nic

    I am seeking nourishment from God. I need His control in my life at this time that I feel so out of control. I really want to hear Him speaking and guiding me!

  34. Maggie Roesch

    I always get up earlier than i need to and talk to God first thing in the morning. My mind is clear, I’m rested and it dorects my day. Yes, i read my bible and some devotionals, but I always justsit quietly afterwards and just listen. I have also opted to att some classes on supernatural healing this summers. A 3 week intensive, looking forward to them. Never have taken any classes, just to be with God. Amen and God Bless.

  35. Janet D

    wow wow wow!! You hit it perfectly on the head! Square between my eyes!! My morning “routine” has become just that!! Can’t wait to start my new “whitespace” with my Lord and Saviour!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!

  36. Susan Kintzel

    I am amazed this morning as I woke up and felt the desire to step away from my “usual” time with God into the “unusual”. Then I read your blog and I am inspired! My usual has been to read a devotional and look up related scripture, then write in my journal. My “unusual” is to open my windows, listen to nature and then read some of the prayers and scriptures that I have written in my past journaling, hearing again the intimate, personal relationship I have with my Lord King Jesus written over my life.

  37. Scarlet

    When it’s dark outside and I feel a tug on my heart, I know the Holy Spirit is reminding me that I have not had that much needed “God Time” throughout my day. I take a moment to talk to God. I ask him to hold me throughout the night. When I wake I can feel a warmth in my heart. It keeps me going that day. It reminds me to talk to My Abba all day long. HE wants to be involved with my daily routine, my quiet time, and my whole day. Taking time to acknowledge ” tugs” on my heart is how I fill in my up my quiet time.

  38. Patty Williams

    This is so perfect…God placed on my heart to teach on Time, Place and Plan with my small ladies home group…confirmation and thank you
    Lysa for your wisdom on this…I have not read the book…but surely need insight on taking the time with God set a place and plan it daily to encounter my destiny with God…

  39. cindy

    I am doing the OBS and trying to listen and allowing the Lord to guide me in this study. Could you do a listing of good reading materials like you are talking about in your lesson today? Thank you for allowing the Lord to lead you as you help so many of us in our daily walk with him. Praying for you and your team.

  40. Sherry A

    This spoke to me today. I long to be in that place where I know God is speaking to me. I know to give Him my time. I am slowly learning to be more aware of His speaking in and through other moments and events of my day.

  41. Rhonda

    I grew up in a performance-minded church. For years, I yearned and searched for something more. During the past year, especially, I have discovered that God does not want my ‘works’. He wants my heart. When I open my heart, He speaks. I have discovered that being on a steady diet of His wisdom (through His Word and books written by people who are sharing His Heart) strengthens my heart and faith. Experiencing His love and forgiveness was a life-giving moment for me. I had heard about it my whole life, but until that moment, I had never felt forgiven. I had always thought I had to be perfect, which I always knew was impossible. Now, I know I only need to seek His heart and yield my will. Yielding is easy when you begin to understand how much He loves you. Love changes everything.

  42. Alysia

    I understand the rut of quiet time! I am finding soul nourishment by partnering with a close friend who lives across the country and we are reading a book together and keeping each other accountable and having daily discussions about what God is teaching us through the process.

  43. Carol Finlayson

    I love to spend time in my yard gardening and bird watching. Now that the weather is warm I love sitting outside in the morning looking at all God has created and that keeps me focused on Him. I quietly praise Him and listen to what he has for me that day while seeing His creation in front of me.

  44. Jill

    I’m hoping to stay on our normal schedule this summer. I want to have the house to myself in the mornings. If not, I also enjoy quiet time at night after I get the kids to bed.

  45. Kathy Thompson

    i love the term “nourishment for my soul”! I’ve been really feeling lost since my mom passed away a few days before Christmas. I was the caregiver for her and my aunt, who passed away at the end of July. I don’t know who I am anymore and feel like I’m just going through the motions of everyday living and trying to get things settled on both estates. Most days I just feel the need to stay in bed cause I don’t have the spiritual energy I used to. I need something to change…tire of being lost and am ready to be found!

  46. Michelle Eigemann

    I am practicing finding Joy through all my circumstances. My son has special needs and he started having seizures about 2 months ago that doctors can’t seem to explain. As I continue to seek answers from medical professionals I know that God already has this situation under control. I walk through this with an amount of faith and trust I never knew I had. I am only able to do this because when I have questions and need answers I find what I need in the word of god.

  47. Jean

    I have been feeling a bit off with my quiet time as well. Right now I am seeking nourishment through doing the OBS through Proverbs 31 Ministries and will be meeting a friend of mine to do a one on one bible study for the summer. I do need to refocus and get back to finishing reading through the bible. Suppose to be a year but it has been two and I really miss it!

  48. Sabine Brennan

    I was actually just praying about exactly that before I read your devotion this morning. I feel like I am stuck in a rut, and I am trying to figure out how to get out of it and really reconnect with God again. I feel like a lot of my quiet time stays in my head and doesn’t quite make it to my heart, and I yearn for my soul to find rest in Him again. I started to read books in the bible and journal about it, and it really does help to write the thoughts down. I am also trying to be more conscious of God’s fingerprints all around. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings on this. It really helped me see and understand mine a lot better. Especially how a soul thirsty for God is easily misinterpreted. Thank you and God bless you!

  49. Erin O'Grady

    God used you this morning. I don’t always read the emails with your blog post, but today I read it on my phone before I even got out of bed. God reminded me that I need to do my QT absolutely first before any chores or my shower or anything else I try to fit in before I leave for work. Thank you.

  50. Gloria

    I am reading a book that is different from I usually read. God has been opening my heart and eyes to see people as he sees them. I was wanting to have a deeper relationship with Him and I believe he is doing that with this current study and book I am reading.

  51. Kathie

    Getting outside and being in God’s creation is one of the ways I feed my soul. Reading and putting into practice some of the exercises from “Water, Wind, Earth, Fire: The Christian Practice of Praying the Elements” was an invaluable resource for me when my soul was feeling sluggish a couple of years ago. A friend and I read it together, met periodically to talk about it and then led a retreat from it with 8 other women. I still return often to some of the material from that book when my spirit needs a jump start.

  52. Donna stellal

    I read the proverbs 31 daily devotional email to get my day started and focus on my spiritual side and God. I do well for a while then things get in the way and I realize it has been many days or weeks since I started my day that way. There are so many demands on my time and I need sleep and can’t see! To get up as I stay up too late to get things done at night. Thank you for your message today. It really hit home.

  53. Wendy Weidman

    I pick a new bible verse each day to use to pray back to the Lord with Praise and Thanksgiving.

  54. Leigh Anne Hutto

    Having young children, I still have trouble keeping a “quiet time” at the same time everyday…but I have started “going for my Bible” rather than other books/technology a little more often each day. It might only be a short passage or few verses at that time, but it’s a “Little Jesus” when I need it!

  55. Heather

    This has been something I have been wrestling with God over the past few months. I never want my time with God in the mornings to be one more thing I check off my to do list; often however I feel that is what it is. I work in ministry full time and I am so blessed to spend my days with other men and women who love God and want nothing more than to follow Him and share His light in a dark world. But being in ministry I sometimes find that having that daily time set apart with God, blurs with my day- becomes less ….set apart. I have just started a new Bible reading plan to focus me in the Word, I have also brought home Mark Driscoll’s Who Do You Think You Are? Although I haven’t opened it yet :). Today…..definitely today.

  56. Traci

    Studying a verse and or section of the bible. I have recently thought to start reading proverbs daily and now that I read your blog, I believe the Holy Spirit led me to read proverbs not that “I” thought of it on my own. Thank you for all of your posts- God has used you as well as a few others to speak to me.

  57. Kaylee

    For me, this journey of seeking rest, white space, began in January. When I finally listened, God encouraged me to take a sabbatical from my calendar. I knew that God was telling me to say no, let some things go. I was doing a lot of things, good things, just because they were good. They were ministry, and my friend we’re doing them. But they weren’t for me. The weight that lifted from me as I began letting things go was breath-taking. I am still trying to figure it all out, and find the balance.

  58. Helen Dening

    What a great post! Sometimes we do get in a rut as we continue to do the right things in the same, predictable manner.
    About four years ago I asked God to show me a verse to be my verse to focus on for the year. I figured a year would be long enough to learn all there was to learn about that verse and then I’d move onto a new one. I went through the intellectual study and God was patient as I worked through it all, until I was ready to listen with my heart. I am still learning much from my verse and the depth of His love. He’s not ready for me to move to a different verse yet. May He lead you to a verse that will be transforming.

  59. Brenda

    THanks Lysa for this post! Yes, I have switched up my quiet times in recent years, and have found it so beneficial. God SPEAKS all the time, but it takes BEING STILL to listen and hear from him. That’s been my theme in the past 3 years, “Be still and know (experience) that HE is God.” He has helped me break out from many lies and restricting boxes I have lived in my whole life. You and your ministry have been a part of that FREEDOM/HEALING. Thank you for following His call on your life! Blessings all!!

  60. Heather

    For the last 3 months I have not been nourishing my soul. I’ve been so busy (with all good things of course) that it has taken all of my time and energy. I feel God telling me, now that my season of busy is over to stop doing and start just being. Being with Him, with my family, and giving my soul the nourishment that I need. Yesterday I had a glorious time reading and sitting. It’s time I focus on what is most important!

  61. Melissa

    Yes, seeKING The Lord for His wisdom, as His presence is with us. I love how He promised Moses in Exodus 33:14; “My presence will go with you, and I will give you REST.” I am internalizing REST as:

    R [Renewed, Radiant, Revelation]
    E [Encouraging, Energizing, Endurance]
    S [Sovereign, Stabilizing, Strength]
    T [Triumphant, Truth, Trust]

  62. Perri

    I’ve been writing in my journal that I need to listen more to God. I’m so quick to read my devotional and fill in my time with God that often times its becoming just a rote thing to do. This blog came at perfect timing ( gods timing) I’d love a copy of that book. Thanks again for all you do

  63. Kristen

    I get up early before my kids and go for a run while listening to praise and worship music.

  64. Angie

    I am struggling and go through seasons of struggling. Many times I read the bible and satan attacks me right there with doubt. I have even sought Christian counsel on what to do. It is a battle and I will continue to fight with Christ at my side. This book sounds like a wonderful help for me and winning a copy would be great. Thanks for this ministry. God bless you and all the women in this ministry for their diligent work to help other women on their walk in this world.

  65. Lorraine Haemel

    I’m trying to think outside of the box when it comes to quiet time. Our minister recently challenged us to listen to the same 5 worship songs for a week. Once the challenge was complete, I revised it to 3 worship songs a day. I try to listen to them each day while walking to work. These songs are grounded in Scripture so I feel like I’m listening to the Bible musically.

  66. pamela duren-browne

    I enjoy my early mornings with Jesus. At some point though it did become routine and I felt I went into a spiritual slumber and my early morning practice became rote in action. Our spiritual space can take on many forms- Listening to others spiritual journey can be most effective as well as inspire and jumpstart yours, I believe when try to carry out our spiritual life like we carry out our “regular life” we miss the mark. Sometimes we truly do need a spiritual makeup. Try listening, singing, even dancing all these will give you a new spin on how exciting our spiritual whitespace can be. Paint a canvas each day, add some color too.

  67. Ann Worley

    My husband and I recently moved to a mountain top in the woods of East TN, a remote area where we are the only ones living on the mountain top. Without many of the benefits of city life which we left, we have found a new connection with God and with each other as we build our log cabin, while we are living in it!, and work together with HIM. We have found a new sense of peace we have never experienced before in getting quiet, listening and looking at God’s beautiful creation, yes, even with scorpions, wood hornets, and snakes! Praise God for his revelation in our lives, At 63 years of age, we are both just now beginning to know who HE is!

  68. Christine Foster

    I don’t want to oversimplify-but I MUST schedule & plan deliberate quiet time. This has been key for me as there have been seasons of life where I have had to plan more quiet time before The Lord in order to hear from Him or to be refreshed.

  69. Catherine

    Change can be a challenge in our routine lives, but the beauty of change is that growth occurs. I love your idea of developing new spiritual habits. The past two years stand out as being some of the toughest years I have experienced in my life. There are so many wonderful resources to assist in strengthening the most important relationship in our lives…with our Father and Creator.
    As a Catholic, I have been visiting our Adoration Chapel at Church to spend time in quiet prayer. Honestly, there are days that I just kneel and absorb the awesome peace that comes when surrounded by the beauty of this chapel. I am blessed to have our children at a parochial school beside our church and can make my visits before carpool….this mom is making the most of carpool duty!!

  70. Charley

    I’m reading Walking with God by John Eldridge for nourishment right now. His books have given me a new perspective on listening to and hearing from God. It has been amazing to hear God speak to me during this time! I would love a copy of the book you’re giving away! I’ve also been learning a lot about spiritual warfare that has helped me break free of some major strongholds in my life! God is amazing and following Him brings true freedom

  71. Jan Foss

    I get up in the morning and read a devotion from a devotional book then read from scripture until I think something touches my heart for the day…I journal my thoughts and pray. Mornings for me is the best time, I love to start my day with God. Then on my way to work I listen to praise songs so by time I actually start work I feel like I’ve been grounded for the day and ready to face whatever comes my way!

  72. elke swofford

    To find that non routine, not have to place with Adonai…to be still, to listen to His whispers…Thank you for this reminder.

  73. Gina

    Reading through some if the comments makes me realize how different our lives are and how we all need the same thing. Time with our Lord and Savior. I work at my daughters’ school and we are out for summer break. I thought this would be a great time to extend my quiet time in the morning. However, that had not been the case! We (they) have become early risers, after it was like toucher to get them up early for school!! I am also going through a fight with my husband who has been a cancer survivor for 3 years and still going through treatments. My quiet time is so needed!

  74. Saundra Robertson

    This year was suppose to be my year. In the last 7 months Id changed jobs, moved to new town to be near family, became engaged after bein single 14 years. Eveything was good. Then my engagement broke up
    With physical abuse, and my storage unit was robbed. It only contained items of value to me. Things my kids
    had made or given me while growing up, things Id
    saved from my deceased mom & dad that were not of
    value except to me. I had tried to thank God when
    things were good and listen for guidence. But now I
    couldnt hear anything. Just my brain screaming why
    me. I read my Proverbs 31 and try to apply it. Then today I receive my email from Lysa TerKeursts blog and realize im making my quiet time to much about me and complaining. Thanks Lysa

  75. Michele Morin

    Practicing the presence of God in the daily-ness of my duties. The routine tasks can become pretty claustrophobic, but meditating on scripture, praying for loved ones, holding onto an awareness of God during the day gives everything purpose.

  76. Kathy W.

    Several areas of my life seem out of sync at the moment. My husband and I are caretakers/with help to an invalid brother and up until December, his elderly mom(she passed away). I started having anxiety issues which were being addressed by a physician, but just felt something wasn’t right…spiritually, so I cleared out a decent sized closet where we were storing his mom’s clothes,etc. and made me a place to go be by myself with pictures of my grandchildren(5) sewing and art books, sewing machine and a small table and chair, and of course, my Bible and devotional materials. It is carpeted, so I sometimes find myself in the floor on my knees praying to God….it is my space where I feel I can get away even if for just a few minutes to spend with Him. I would love to add this book to my bookcase in my closet for reading and studying. Thanks for your ministry.

  77. Rita

    Only recently have I been spending time with God. I grew up with the idea that the more time you spent in quiet time the more spiritual you were. It became part of a check off list. I knew that is not what God wanted nor what I wanted but then I found myself not spending any time with Him. A crisis in my life has brought me back to Him as I felt that I had no one else to turn to and I knew He knew all things and was always there. I started out just praying and pleading for answers. I do have a couple of great friends but knew that God was the only one who could be there at any time day or night.
    When I started spending my time with God, this is what it looked like. I first started with praying, praying out loud and even writing prayers down like a letter to God. Then as my friends gave me verses, I would look them up and read the whole chapter and more. A dear friend loaned me her cd collection of Beth Moore’s Believing God. God has used that Bible Study to increase my faith and to start claiming God’s promises from His Word and praying His Word back to Him. I receive proverbs 31 and your email devotions and I would read those. I would take the verses in there and read them and the whole chapter. I just recently started reading topical reading plans on a Bible app I have. I also am reading a book my friend gave me that has been very helpful.
    Through all this, God has given me strength, peace and confidence in Him that I never knew I could possibly have. I truly believe that if we seek God, He will be found.
    ‘You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.’ (Jeremiah 29:13 ESV)

  78. Bekki

    I find my self in that “dry and parched” land right now. Changes in my life that are difficult for me to handle, and I know God is using this time to refine me…but it’s not easy!

  79. Anne Weisman

    Thank you for this. I get so irritated when my husband or a friend interrupts me when I am doing my devotionals. Can’t they see I am worshiping God and that they should be doing the same. Not a good attitude when trying to commune with God. I need to remember that time spent with my husband and friends is a form or worship and one that is so fleeting.
    It’s all in the little things and the opportunites He gives us and we need to be aware and listen for Him.

  80. Libbie Kucel

    Thank you Lysa, and everyone at Proverbs31 Ministries, for the incredible blessing you are to so many. May God bless you richly, for your efforts to please Him. 🙂

  81. Jane Austin"

    “It’s quiet time” became a part of our daily lives. It is an open door to receive Jesus’ gifts of grace, beauty and guidance.

  82. Elaine Segstro

    During the year I am in a Bible study group where we have 3 different studies in the fall, winter, and spring. I love being with my sisters in Christ and being accountable to them. Now, alas, no group, and it’s SO easy to slide. I appreciate online Bible devotionals but want to do a Bible study on my own – I have many books and just have to choose one! Today is a day off for me, so I’m going to spend time choosing one. Reading the Bible keeps me grounded! Also, devoted, intentional prayer time, rather than praying on the run!

  83. Marsha Byers Etnier

    Lysa one way that I spend my ‘listening’ time is sitting on my carport watching the spanish moss swaying with the breeze, the little squirrel chasing each other up and down the tree trunks and just listening to the sounds of nature as I also watch the clouds so peacefully pass by. it always amazes me to think that all this is the work of my Father. Thank you Lysa so much for your encouragement to keep me aware of all that is going on around me. Blessings to you today. xoxoxo <3

  84. Debbie Grandizio

    This book is one that I would love to read! We just said “goodbye” to our youngest son yesterday at the airport! (gut wrenching!) If there was ever a time that I need to “change things up” it is now. Thank you for pouring life into women and allowing them to be “real.”

  85. Jennie

    I am not the best at finding a rest, but work in progress. I enjoy reading, studying the Bible, listening to KLove, and journaling.

  86. Kim C

    Growing up in a Christian community that emphasized quiet times – this was a new perspective for me. I think it’s awesome! I often switch up my quiet times by listening to podcasts.

  87. Tiffany Leverett Rogers

    I sit here this morning in the middle of upheaval that I feel I have no control over and God says to me, I’m in control, and I realize from the beginning of time ahh there has been is upheaval from a fallen world…Thank goodness we can rest in Him! Thank you for the reminder in this post

  88. Laurie Addie-Sarnella

    I totally agree with you Lysa. While I enjoy my daily quiet time with Him, my feeling these days is that it feels too routine. I still get up ( automatically) every morning at 4 am. I start with a quick but effective prayer to get my day started. It seemed my quiet time with Him was too much about me and not enough about Him. So , I switched it up and started listening to Him. After all, He knows me, knows my needs and what I was going to repent and pray about anyway. Now I simply ask Him what He would like me to read in His Word(s) that I can study and absorb and see how the Word(s) He gives me relates to my life or the life of someone He knows is on my heart. I’ve been doing this for only two weeks but I just wait for Him to tell me what I am to read. Without fail he gives me a chapter and only one powerful verse for me to study and do a daily devotion. Ironically, once He reveals that verse and I read it over and over again the Words He has given me apply directly to things I’ve prayed about in the past or the present. It makes the devotion I write become clear as a sunny day. I now know how much He wants me to LISTEN instead of asking. This one simple change I made my life easier to cope with and I can really wrap my head around what He has been trying to tell me all along. I repeat these steps on the evening and write another devotion. Often times when I post my devotion on my FB page one or several people will respond back telling me how much that devotion meant to them and it was just wha they needed to read. This is just another way I know He is speaking directly to me. As the Bible says, He knows our every need before we do. I look forward to seeing you at my yearly attendance at the WOF in Denver.

  89. Sharon

    I’ve always struggled with quiet time, mainly because at times, it feels routine and I feel like I’m not meeting with God the way I should. Sometimes, at lunch, I’ll close my office door, get out my bible that I keep at work, read random verses, and then just sit there holding His word close to my heart, soaking in His presence.

  90. Hannah

    I have been getting up a hour early to read my bible, pray, and read a book by someone I admire as well. Right now, I am reading Made to Crave 🙂 I found that it was becoming more of a routine to so I wouldn’t get up if I was to tired but than I found myself missing something throughout the day so now I’m back to doing it everyday!!

  91. Ellen

    Lysa, thank you for your post this am. It’s exactly how I feel about my quiet time. You just gave me permission to scratch my routine and listen for God to speak to me about a new approach. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  92. Sattie

    I’m so thankful for this post. Its just what i needed. I’m feeling especially tired today. Im raising three kids and working and God is my strength. But I’m in a season at the moment where i just needed to be reminded to listen for His voice. Thank you.

  93. Debbie

    I try to listen and find Gods promises in every thing I do all day. He gives us opportunities in every moment to connect with him. Teachable moments arise in every situation. I try to use scripture to help me through daily tasks and look for his beauty in every thing he had made!! We can connect with him through every person he has placed in our journey. I ask myself when problems arise or joy comes my way. What would Jesus do? I wear something tangible everyday to remind myself to pray for my family and friends and strangers I might feel the gods tugging on my heart strings to give a little encouragement to! Tiny beaded bracelets are my favorite! God gave us a world full of joy and beauty to lift each other up. Find him in the trees, clouds, wind, birds chirp, flowers, your child’s laughter, your spouses hug, your friends smile or frown , and even strangers eyes. Find gods love in everything and spread it gracefully:)

  94. Delia

    I so need some time to be with the Lord….daughter getting divorce and moving and my dad in and out of hospital struggling and my mom with alztimers…and I have a full time job. I struggle each day but continue to have faith.

  95. Carol

    This word is so to the point of where I am. I have had a major lifestyle change about six months ago and am no longer where I can attend “my church”. I am now where I can take my Mom to her church – and am finding real God loving, God fearing people there. It is such a blessing. But it still does not feel like I am at home, even though for the summer we are living where I grew up many years ago. I have no real routine and no personal space in the MotorHome that is our home now. My unbelieving husband and I are together all the time because in addition to our time in the MH, we also work together almost always. Please pray for me that I will find a way to have quiet time/white space, on a daily basis, in which to nourish my spirit and listen to the voice of the Lord! Thank you so much for this very important word!

  96. Debbie

    I get caught up in the day to day life and the next thing. This is such a great reminder to leave some white space. I definately need to find some white space. I look forward to reading Bonnie’s book.

  97. Tinia

    I have gotten into that rut! My quiet time has my mind wandering and looking at things other than looking for God.

  98. Kim C.

    I spend time in the Word and in Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest. Then I go for a long walk to meditate on what God wants me to learn from it all. That listening time happens for me most powerfully outdoors in nature.

  99. Colleen Beebe

    Thanks for this today! It is true we definitely can get in a rut! I am constantly mixing up my quiet time, I so crave it whenever I can get it! I believe the days are getting shorter I believe , His return is soon, I want to be ready!!

  100. Laurie

    After having a disabling accident that broke me both physically and emotionally and left me with many more health issues than the broken bones, I found myself with a lot more time on my hands than ever before. Finally I decided to use that “down time” to draw the strength I so desperately needed, from God. I start my day with scripture reading as well as content from blogs that I follow, sharing their own revelations from God. In the afternoon, I have to lie down and rest to let my body regroup for the rest of the day. While doing this I plug in my ear buds and listen to podcasts from pastors/teachers that I respect and spend time in meditation over the message delivered through them. It has literally saved my life and renews my spirit so that I can face the continuing medical tests and treatments. It’s allowed me to open up and begin my own blog and writing myself. As crazy as it may sound, I’m grateful for the things that have happened. Even though I lost a lot, according to worldly understanding, I have gained so much more than I’ve lost.

  101. Christy

    I’ve been wrestling with God over something and have gotten to the point where even reading a chapter a day from the Bible is a struggle. I want to spend time with Him, but it turns into me weeping and feeling worse than when I started. So I’ve been listening to praise and worship and trying to really “listen” to the lyrics. I’d love to read this book

  102. Brandae

    I’m walking everyday and have a morning routine when I’m up before the kids to read a devotion or two and journal. Huge helps!!

  103. Susan Rinard

    I, too have had the feeling and thoughts that my times of devotion are just going through the motions…like I can say “I’ve had my devotion today”, then can’t remember what I read, let alone pray with feeling. I am in a rut so to speak.

    God bless you and your ministry!

  104. Dayna

    I desperately need to relearn how to “connect with god” rather than just have quiet time. I totally relate with this. The way I feel most nourished is during private worship times at my piano. I feel the lords closeness during those times and always walk away encouraged. Those times need to happen more often for sure. I’d love to read this book.

  105. JulieW

    I’m not sure how I am seeking nourishment for my soul, but I so desparately need it. 2 years ago I was contemplating divorce. I reached out to members of my church and joined the best small group. They loved me and cried with me and prayed for me and they loved on my kids! They were there for my family when we needed them. Today, sports and vacations and other churches and other priorities have pulled our small group apart and I am so very sad. I am struggling to move beyond sad to thankful that they were there when I needed them. Thank you for this beautiful devotion today!

  106. Jill

    I am reading your daily emails, and listening to chapters on my bible app. It’s 4:30 a.m. And I am awake worrying about my son who is once again trying to recover in AA, and my daughter who needs a big brother, but rather finds him verbally abusive. We all work together, and I do not know how to handle a recovering addict adult child. My husband has Parkinson’s, but for the most part does well with his medications, however, the stress of the current family/work dynamic is taking a toll on him too. I need prayers for all of us. Thank you in advance!

  107. Michelle B

    In this season of life, my quiet time becomes more about the quiet of “no kids” and less about listening for God. I have definitely hit a rut. I am going to focus more on reading and listening than just the quiet.

  108. Amanda McClain

    I haven’t been seeking nourishment for my soul, not for months. I’ve been angry with God and not wanting to listen to him. Bit then two weeks ago He dropped a Huge blessing and answer to prayer right in my lap. Totally unexpected. So I am coming back around again to the Love I know He has for me bit sometimes just cannot accept and believe. Your message today was timely and from Him. For months I have been filing them away, not reading yours or anyone else notes about what God is doing in their life. But today He has my attention again. Today I am willing to listen, learn, and accept His love.

  109. Theresa Walker

    I’ve been listening to scripture on my phone (love being able to hear the voices capture different characters in the Bible!). I have also been using to pray specifically for my children/husband.

  110. James

    Both my wife and I work and due to her hours our roles have reversed in the traditional sense. I make the lunches, get the kid up and take her to school and to tennis and back home and then make dinner and then……….so I need to find the quiet time in the morning before the chaos starts and some time during the day to give me that boost…….

  111. Bonnie

    My last child at home is getting married June 28 this year. I am having a really hard time letting go of her. She is the last child I have at home. I am divorced, not my will but it is the way it is. The closer it gets to her getting married, the harder it is for me. I am glad for her. It just hurts letting her go. I am trying to let the Allmighty take control of everything. I know He will. I think the book would be good for me to read. Thanks

  112. Sheilah

    Simply love the idea of spiritual white space and I need it find me some! As always, thank you for being so real in your posts.

  113. Bisi

    Thank you so much Lysa for sharing this.,,,,Just the perfect antidote for the restlessness I’ve been experiencing these past months.
    You see, I’ve been struggling with not making my personal time with God a “daily routine, nor letting His Word” become common to me. Now I know why, and see it is coming from not “listening” to what He has to say through several outlets. He is always talking, He never stops talking; but I’m always busy grumbling in my spirit that He no longer cares nor pay close attention to my cries for help. And I let the enemy whisper lies that it’s some “gigantuous” sin that’s separating me from the Lover of my soul! What a joker……

    Right after I read your blog this morning, and before leaving this comment, two songs played back to back on my stereo about “LISTENING”, and how His yoke is easy to bear. How such infallible truth escaped me befuddles me, but I’m done fretting, and heading on to the “LISTENING” throne room where the “Great Physician” has been awaiting my arrival! Those two songs and your inspirational writing was just the confirmation I needed.

    Blessings Lysa…… You are simply priceless!

  114. Kathy

    I am a teacher and now that school,is out for the summer, I am looking forward to having more time to spend in my quiet time. During the school year, I often feel so rushed to get in my quiet time. I get up at 4:00 am as it is so I started changing my QT time up be doing my praying in the car on the way to school after doing my bible reading before leaving the house. Music in the car also ministers to me and God has used words in songs to speak to me. I look forward to reading this book.

    • Jenene

      I love the very idea behind this post! We tend to be creatures of habit and it can be so easy to slip into a routine and check off our “to-do” list rather than passionately seek Christ! Thank you for creative suggestions to help us not fall into this trap!

  115. Gilda Everett

    I am in a new season of life called retirement. Now that time is not as structured with work responsibilities I find it hard to reorganize my slower pace of life. Working on the “to do” that has back logged I find moments of quiet to listen to God between activities. I am learning to sit down on the porch and just listen.

  116. Debi T

    I need to learn to totally let my mind be quiet. It races constantly with all the things of life, even in the middle of the night. It would be wonderful to be able to “rest” in Jesus for a little while.

  117. Rachiel

    I have been listening to podcasts by pastors that I enjoy and learn from. I’ve also been reading a book by Joel Osteen’s sister. I am trying to listen to God.

  118. Vicky Fields

    I am 62 year old preachers wife so burden for a prodigal daughter. Praying, begging pleading with God. Thank you for these words of encouragement I receive from you everyday. I need to be quite and listen to God!

  119. Becky

    Thank you for that message. I, too devote quiet, devotion time with God each morning. I sometimes get a feeling that I may not get connected. I take a walk and talk to Him, and when I outside in His creation, I listen for Him to speak to me. I want to get better at closing my day in His Word or through reading. I am always looking for books that will teach me how I can be better at this. This book looks like it would be a great read and direction. Thank you!

  120. Elizabeth

    Wow…what a wonderful way to begin June 3…reading from other sisters in Christ who are up early and seeking the Father! My day is blessed in just knowing that God is still calling women, moms, grandmothers to begin their day with Him.
    Lord, give each of us teachable hearts today as we seek to hear from You.

  121. Jennifer Newkirk

    Love This, Lysa!!! Thank you for all your inspiration!!!

  122. Stephanie

    “Quiet times” do indeed become routine. I am yearning to be a true listener of God.

  123. cherie smith

    I was so needing this in my grief journey of losing my husband 8 months ago to cancer. I daily seek Him to get through my storm. BUT your words today reminder me to switch it up and listen instead of searching and pleading for mercy in my pain! I so needed to know that if I take the time to feel his presence, then I will come to a new understanding of that presence in my life! Thanks for sharing that!

  124. Lisa

    I’m in a season of life right now that’s probably the most difficult I’ve ever been through. Yet God, in His great mercy, reveals Himself to me each day in both the large and small things. I’m seeking nourishment for my soul by expecting to hear from Him and He never disappoints me. I look forward to the new and creative ways He offers strength, hope and encouragement. What an awesome God He is!

  125. Pam

    I understand about the morning ritual becoming routine. I’m trying to make my time with a God a priority by feeding my soul through reading articles like yours, always reading my Jesus Calling and then other Christian writers. I have one dedicated Christian friend who shares tweets with me and I with her. We follow many Christian people on Twitter and throughout the day we are reading their tweets and forwarding them to each other as encouragement and reminders. But I need to work on my “white space”, sitting and being alone with God and just listening.

  126. Kristi Davis

    I need nourishment daily… constantly… but especially right now. My adult daughter’s soul is being challenged by the enemy. I’m restless for the Lord to save her. I sometimes can’t even find the words to pray so I often sit in silence. I desire deeply for the Lord to nourish my soul that I depend ONLY on Him and His love for her. I know who holds her future but I’m also a mother who longs to spend Eternity with her.

  127. Jen Hartmann

    I post verses various places within my home I know I will see them throughout my day. I also post one at the top of my to do list since I seem to want to look at that more than my verses around my home. I also listen to praise music any chance I can, some days are harder to stay connected to God through the noise of 4 kids 🙂

  128. Kim s

    Music I try to have music playing when mornings
    Are hard. I also try to get a walk in. Some
    How when I start a power walk, prays start coming.

  129. Holly S

    I have been so dry and thirsty lately, longing for more of God. Wondering why I couldn’t find Him, why He seemed so far away. Then it hit me…almost like a 2×4…if you want to love someone more and know them deeper, you gotta spend time with them and listen to them. God says I will find Him when I seek Him with all my heart. So far I’ve had 2 quiet times. Then I’ve missed some days. Again. But today is a new day….

  130. Kelli Hembree

    After reading your devotion about finding your “Whitespace”, it really made me just stop and think…How could I find my “Whitespace”? The past year has been a real struggle for me. I lost my father a year ago with whom I was extremely close to…dad had battled cancer for 4 1/2 years. Prior to losing my dad, I really did not have a quiet time so to speak…but I lost my dad and then 2 months later was blessed with a new job at a Christian University. It was during all of the trials and making a career change that I learned not only what quiet time really was but learned how to really talk to God. After reading your devotion, I will not only talk to God every morning as I come to work, but I will now listen more to see what he has to say to me. Thank you for your devotions…they are truly inspiring to me.

  131. Lauren Ramsey

    I am going to soon be a mom (in just about 3 months). With currently working and juggling the work stress and coming changes of staying home (hopefully for longer, as my husband and I have been praying for the Lord to provide a way for me to be a stay-at-home mom), I am trying to find rest for my soul now before the baby comes. Further, I want to seek to put the Lord first and develop the right perspective on rest so that once the baby is here, my soul can rest and trust in Him alone as I embark on this new stage of life. Thanks!

  132. Celeste Pridemore

    I am in a new season in my life called single mom. It is difficult to have time for everyone that needs my time without slighting someone. Sadly, I often slight God. Thank you for your post!!! This really spoke to my heart about getting back to the important things!!!

  133. Becky M

    I cram in stolen minutes whenever and wherever I can. I never leave home without a book (currently, ‘Live So That’) and my iPad (So I can access the Bible I downloaded onto it. Then, I can jump in while I’m waiting for a child to be picked up from an activity, waiting at the orthodontist, even backstage at dance recital between numbers. I may not be able to get super-focused, but at least I can keep my head in the game and my heart in the Word.

  134. Yolanda S. Young

    I have been out of work since August 2013 after 35 years of working. During this time I have been reading more devotions and my Bible more every day. I am praying more and want to read everything possible to have an even closer walk with God. I would love to receive the book please because my goal is to do everything that is pleasing to God. Thank you very much.



  136. Tricia

    Excellent blog entry today about ending quiet time and engaging in listening time instead. Proof that we need to be God-focused and not just quiet time focused. I will engage in prayer time and listening time to let the Spirit move me in the direction I should go. It may be to connect with nature, read from my Bible or a devotional but I know that the Holy Spirit will guide me if I allow myself to be open to Him. Blessings!

  137. Cindy

    I too have found a need to shake things up a bit recently. I use to go to the park, sit and listen to God speak to me in the quietness there away from my home. But that was in the fall and winter ,its not quiet there anymore now that its spring! Now I am sitting praying ,praying ,reading here at home, and I feel like I am not getting through to God. Maybe I have not allowed Him to get through to me. I feel after reading your post that maybe I need to listen more to God . Thank you so much for the reminder to listen. Being still before our Lord is not something we should do in a hurry. I feel like there is a glitch in my spiritual time with the Lord right now and I need a jumpstart.. I would love to have a copy of the book you are giving out to 5 women. Please consider me as I search for that filling of God which only He can satisfy. Bless you for your ministry.

  138. deb normandin

    I am seeking nourishment for my soul by including reading Proverbs every day. I was making my way through Exodus. I keep hearing that you should include Proverbs everyday and felt that it was a message being delivered to me.

  139. Genevieve

    Thank you for being so honest about quiet time becoming routine. I felt so guilty when that happened! I love reading the Book of Proverbs, the chapter number matching the day of the month.

  140. Tanisha G.

    I am in my place of growing with God. I am seeking God and seeking anything that can help me draw closer to HIM. I have read Proverbs and so now I am starting on Ephesians. I also participate in the online bible studies that is offered through Proverbs 31 and I am growng. I think this book will help me try to put somethings in perspective by helping gain more insight and wisdom .

  141. Lori H

    I too struggle with this, balancing a quiet time with they chaos of life. I don’t want my quiet time to get routine or be done by habit and routine. Thank you for sharing the changes you are making.

  142. Joyce

    I watch Joyce Meyer’s, then James & Betty Robison while doing stretching exercises upon rising. Do my devotions book and scripture reading. Then I get my bible, and seek the Lord for how all that applies to my life and what He has for me that day. Always looking for new and fresh ways and advice to deepen my journey in life and walk with the Lord!

  143. Julie A

    I feel stagnant in my relationship with Him right now. I am praying for a renewed spirit and desire for nothing above Him. Thank you, Lysa and the Prov 31 team, for your daily devotions that point us to the only One who can quench that thirst.

  144. Ana Fernandez

    I have been dealing with anxiety which cause my mind to wonder into areas of thinking where that can literally cause me to panic, I have been praying and reading the word meditating on the word to keep my mind at rest so that I dont allow this to take over my life and my mind. I dont want to take medication for this as I know and believe God has always been there to heal me when the anxiety tries to take over, I know that stress and sudden issues can bring this on, but I also know that God is in control. I truly need rest, to keep me focused to stay in a peaceful mind set. Thanks for your words of encouragment today, I just started reading Proverbs for this month, and feel this was a confirmation from God, thanks so much and please keep me in your prayers.

  145. Brenda Zahnley

    I work at a funeral home giving out comfort and sompassion to people every day. Sometimes I forget just how much I need comfort from my Savior to restore me daily, to renew my strength, to just relax in the arms of Jesus and have Him pour in to me. HE is the Ultimate Healer and even though He is using me as His instrument, I need to be reminded, that without HIM I can do nothing!

  146. Angela Davis

    My new morning routine consists of exercise at 5:00 then I try so very hard to do my quiet time alone in the next room. Of course throughout the house I hear my 6 year old being the active little boy he always is, my husband getting ready for work and of course the TV to entertain my 6 year old all while my 2 year old is still sound asleep. I can’t even talk and pray with God w/o being distracted. I think the ONLY quiet time I get is in the shower and then I get distracted by thinking through my day. HELP I need something to calm my mind and fears. Thanks for all your encouraging thoughts and words. It does ease my mind on a daily basis to know that I am not the only woman that goes through this.
    Have a great day!!

  147. Lynn M.

    A scheduled Quiet time … I’ve been trying to set that up for years! (Just like physical workouts, LOL). I’ve made all kinds of helpers to motivate me that last a little while and then fade. God speaks to me often in the shower; ideas and thoughts that can only be from God come to me there (and then I must remember because I can’t jot them down!) Here and there throughout my day, but I just cannot seem to establish my morning, noon or evening routine. I think the Lord has forgiven me for that years ago.

  148. Gerri S.

    I’m pretty convinced that we all need this…. Help us Lord!

  149. Nancy Johnson

    I am in a season (a long one) of learning to totally give up control of my children to God. Our 25 & 20 year olds continue to make poor choices. I need time with God so he can work in my life & theirs.

  150. Victoria

    I often struggle with this very topic….I feel alone & wonder why am I feeling this way. It is bcuz I have lost track & focus of what is most important in life to sustain me….I have been starting the day with prayer with my children…They have been helping me start our day setting our minds & outlining our day focused on Jesus

  151. amy

    Such a perfect name for a book to draw us into the quiet hum and pulse of Him.
    (and unplug the pinball machine that has taken residence in my head ;-))

  152. Tikoya

    Thanks for such a timely reminder! I’ve been contemplating this myself lately

  153. Cindy

    I found myself so completely understanding of today’s post. I’ve spent many years in my early morning quiet time, yet often it feels more like a routine than a special time with the Lord. And as I think back, taking breaks and picking up a different format, has brought the closeness back around. Thank you for these words and I think I will taking a little time to refocus my heart.

  154. Diane

    I desire to spend quiet time with my Lord. I struggle to be still. Praise and worship music helps. Also, being among nature reminds me of how big and awesome our God is. It all shouts how only God could make this happen. Thanks for your ministry. God bless you!

  155. Trisha Margarone

    The hardest thing to address with quiet time for me is quieting my mind. I tend to settle in with the best intentions to seek God’s Spiritual word; but, my mind runs a muck making to do lists, grocery lists, honey do lists. I have to find a way to turn off that portion of my mind so that I can tune in to what is most important.

  156. Theresa

    Oh how I needed this today. “Feeling off” has become so normal for me that I have failed to recognize the signs. My sweet daughter is graduating and heading off to college. I have lost my priorities in the emotional sea that this significant, life changing event has brought upon me. I need to refocus, reprioritize and carve out some listening time. THANK YOU!!!

  157. Catherine

    I rise early each morning and go to the Lord in prayer, but sometimes my prayers seem to be routine. I get hung up on repeating and memorizes the things I wish to say and forget to listen.

  158. Brenda Kelley

    wow. I really needed to read that this morning. I totally feel like I’m stuck in a rut in my spiritual life. I ‘m going to try reading Proverbs and other books from people I trust. I need to listen to God but I find it very difficult.

  159. Jessica

    As a homeschool mom of two and wife my life can get crazy. i’ll admit I don’t read my bible as much as I should. I pray that God will put that desire in my heart. My husband works away from home, that can be hard at times. At times I’ve taken a lot of what i have through( The anger,sadness,and frustation)and take on my kids. I pray that God will forgive me for not being a good wife and mother. Lord, work in me a good heart. a forgiving heart. please give me the desire to just slow down.. And to remember who IS in control… NOT ME!!!
    Thank you

  160. Pam

    My job is very stressful but I am fortunately getting ready to go part time with less responsibility. My husband recently retired and we are wanting to move closer to some of our children. My quiet time has not been the best but I do have one most every day. I want very much for the quality of my quiet time to be much better.

  161. Brandi Rennemeyer

    Oh I needed this little chat today!! I have Ben in a rut of doing bible study homework as my quiet time and now that my bible study group is off for the summer I find myself easily distracted with the trappings of life. I think I will make a point to start praying and worshipping with my iTunes!

  162. Kellie Westover

    I am relieved to see that I am not the only one that the quiet time needs to be more for, I know that there are other moms out there walking a path similar to mine. In this season of our lives I have been driven to deepen my relationship with God, to find an authenticity there and to reveal it in everything I do. I woke this morning and realized that I need to glean info everywhere as we are being attacked from all sides to prevent us from deepening our relationship. The year started off with a knowing that it was time to take some time off from my work in the field of Equine Assisted Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, a distinct knowledge that something more would need my energy and time that was normally put into my work. WOW, was that knowing right on, in January my mother who is in Stage 1 dementia was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, I made several trips from my home in Vermont to my parents home in Oregon to facilitate and coordinate her care with the doctors and to support my dad. Upon returning from one of my trips an ex-girlfriend of my oldest son (18) had filed charges of abuse against him, none of which where substantiated but there was still much stress and attorneys involved, a journey I don’t wish on any person. Our middle son, there are 3 boys, continues to struggle in school, as many other mothers know, countless hours of advocation and time spent in the school, on the phone with teachers and administrators and then at home with the children is spent handling this. These are a few of the struggles the evil one has put in my path to challenge me this year and it is all added on to the normal daily routine of financial management, managing our construction business, managing our “ranch” with the 8 horses, cattle, dogs, cats, bunnies, etc., managing the non-profit and working to be an all natural mom that raises her own food and has a plan for dinner; leaves my quiet times in high demand and hard to come by. I do my best to take them in the morning as I know I can get up and spend time then, however I find that recently I come with a list of needs which makes it tough to hear His voice. Today I am recommitting to a hearing time, picking up those books that I have been convicted to buy, hearing what is being said when I listen to my favorite speakers on the radio and not just listening, being intent on what His message is and not what I feel I need to hear, laying open my heart and waiting for Him to speak into it. Thank you Lysa, for posting this today, you are a blessing to many and I am thankful for your honesty and willingness to share.

  163. Melanie @ Carmel Moments

    Just recently I stopped reading my bible plan. GASP! I’ve been reading through the bible every year for the past 3 years.
    But it’s been a great thing. No longer am I focused on a goal. Now I’m such focused on God and what he is speaking to me. I’m studying deeper into the book of Ephesians and also reciting a few key verses over and over.
    I’m focused more really getting it in good so it’s here to stay.
    Sometimes it’s the greatest blessing to switch things up!

  164. kathy rigdon

    It seems to have taken me a long time to get into the obedience of having a set time to spend with God. To read His Word, to pray, to read the ideas of others, and just to think of our Lord and Savior. I have also found out that if I am not careful, things become so routine that I can go through the motions without it living in my heart. I don’t want that to happen, I want the fire to keep burning, to be with and to listen to my Father in Heaven. I want to grow and to mature. I ask for prayers that the Lord leads me, I am a potter, and with a friend, we have been sharing our testimony while I demonstrate on the wheel how our Lord, chooses us, prepares us, shapes us, ever changing us for His purpose. Sharing this is another way for me and others to grow and learn, we are all in this together, and need to be there for each other. I pray that each one of us choose the joy that our Lord has to offer and surrenders to His Hands to be forever changed.

  165. Nancy

    I love the warmer weather and being able to sit out on our deck in the early morning listening to the birds “converse” with one another. I wonder now as the cardinal is speaking…. is God trying to get my attention? Birds do exactly as they were created to do… glorify their Creator! Why do I struggle to do so? God speak to my heart this day and grant me grace to obey and thus glorfy You.

  166. Katie H

    Trying to get any quite time around here is so hard, so when I do I cherish it. Having two littles under the age of 5 (one 4 and one 1) and a husband who is gone from training, makes for some stressful days. So being able to just sit for a few minutes and soak up the Word in any way,shape and form is just such a blessing. I’m hoping that it helps release some of the stress that is building up in me.

  167. Stacy D

    I am seeking intimate time with God instead of “quiet” time. My young daughters and I have recently expanded on our bedtime ritual. My five year old reads to my 8 year old daughter and I from a book of childrens devotionals. If we have time, we listen to a corresponding song on the CD player and dance together if we feel moved to do so. We usually do. 🙂 Then my eight year old reads a prayer of her choosing from a book of childrens prayers. Finally we pray together about whatever is on our hearts. I can’t imagine a better way to end our day!

  168. jan

    I too find I need changes, new and fresh ways to experience God. I have been exploring contempletive prayer with a group of friends and a book on centering prayer by J. David Muyskens. Some days its not easy to be disciplined but that’s how I learn and grow.!

  169. Jillian

    I get it. My quiet time has become so rushed and routine….I keep piling devotions up and just trying to read and “check them off” my list. I’ve come to realize lately that I don’t even remember what I’ve read. I’m not listening. And I’ve stopped praying like I should. It’s time to stop checking things off the list and have REAL time with God, time that I will remember. Time in HIS presence. I’m setting aside my devotional books for a while and going straight to HIS word, my Bible and seeing what HE has for me instead.

  170. Tammy

    what am i doing to nourish my soul…i would love to say that i sit every morning with my Bible and journal to hear what God is going to say to me…but honestly it doesnt happen. small group ladies are doing a summer lectio study on psalms and the gospels, trying to read bible through in a year, reading a book with one of my 7th grade youth girls, leading my staff through a book on invitations, trying to stay a float with my own spiritual desires.

  171. Suzanne R.

    Finding my Spiritual whitespace in the current season, much like Lysa is…
    I am reading a Proverb-A-Day, connecting with someone I admire here in this blog 😉 and I am doing a 30 day study (from someone I trust) on the Names of God!

  172. Ashley

    I speak to God while worshipping with music. Usually the songs I’m listening to coincide with how I’m feeling and I just offer them as prayers and I know He is lifting me up and covering me in love.

  173. Bobbi Peppin

    I’m going on a vacation to the mountains of northern Idaho and plan on sitting by the lake & both read from His Book & quietly listen to all the wonderful sounds & creatures He created.

  174. Rita

    I am retired but now that summer is here, I have my 3 grandchildren almost every day. It’s going to be a challenge to have quiet time. Please pray for me to figure out something that will work & not become too routine. Thanks!

  175. Nicole Meredith

    I have made it a habit, or routine, to read the bible for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes at night. Like Bonnie described, I felt like I was in a rut, only doing it to get it done. Over the last two or three weeks, my mom and I have started running in the morning. I have found that running is a great time to pray, listen, and really connect with God, especially before the rest of the world awakens and its still, quiet. Since the weather here in Michigan has finally started to become summer like, I have also started kayaking. Kayaking is a way for me to connect with God deeper and leaves me in a sense of awe because of his beauty. For me, being on the lake in a kayak, with nothing but a paddle to get around, leaves me feeling small, in a good way. A reminder that this world and this life is not about me and it is so much bigger, so much more about God!

  176. Kathy Stephens

    I have been doing Bible Studies for years, but I frankly don’t have a specific way to connect with God. And I miss that. help me!

  177. Tammy R

    My quiet time seems to be get noisier the more I try to be quiet. Lately, I can’t seem to settle on a chapter, or verse which in makes me wonder…how do others connect with our Creator. So, this week I’ve joined hearts with others through a Email prayer for 7 days. I’m on day 2 and so far, so good!

  178. Amanda Schrieber

    This post deeply resonated with me. The “end of the school year craziness” time…a hectic schedule, a week of being under the weather, and many other reasons (excuses) have left me feeling depleted physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I completely understand this “soul hunger” she is writing about, as I, too, have felt a bit “off” and disconnected. My morning quiet time with the Lord has been cut short, brief, and unfocused the past couple of weeks and I am paying for it (as are those around me). An incident yesterday with my littlest was just enough of a wake-up call to remind me that I needed to get back on track and change things up a bit…for surely there is nothing good in me without the Lord and the less time I plug into Him, the more of a mess my life becomes. And the “ugly” in my heart bleeds through to all around me in horrid shades of irritability, impatience, grace-lacking, envy, and even insecurity. I have been desperate for the filling of His Holy Spirit, His peace, and His presence in my life over these past couple of weeks. I’ve been reading through the new testament during my daily morning quiet time since the first of the year. This morning I felt a pull in my spirit to just lay my Bible aside and lay my heart before the Lord in the outpouring of prayer in my prayer journal. It has been almost a month since I had done so. Though I hadn’t gone a day without praying, my prayers lately have been short little snippets throughout the day scattered here and there. This morning, I knew God was asking for me to just sit down and have a long heart-to-heart with Him. And so I did. Confessing and repenting of all the ugly I am aware of within me. Searching and asking Him to reveal the ugly I am unaware of in my heart as well, and to change it into one that is like His. And as I poured, confessed, and searched, I could sense His peace covering me and His presence drawing near. There is nothing wrong with reading and studying my Bible daily…but as the author mentioned, we can get caught in a rut of routine. God wants our raw, authentic hearts laid out before Him. For me, this meant changing things up a bit and writing in my prayer journal. It’s often in these moments of slowing down with pen and page that I hear Him best…speaking right into my circumstances and my heart, guiding my thoughts and my steps. This was just the nourishment I needed today and it satiated that soul hunger leaving me feeling full, revived, and eager to bear much fruit for Him today. Lord, may I crave You and Your presence each moment of each day and be intentional and fully present during my time with You. Surely, better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere!

  179. Dottie

    Thank you for your help. Even though I have time alone with God, I feel dry and empty. It seems the older I get the further from God I get and I know it should be the opposite. Pray for me as I begin using your ideas. God bless you.

  180. Mary

    Quiet time is something I have been struggling with lately. I will pray my life verse before my feet hit the floor in the morning, but then as my day proceeds, it is hard to settle my mind. I need to be more intentional to commit myself to quiet time.

  181. Pat W

    With my daughter now home from college, we have set up a time to do Our Daily Bread as a family each day. We read the Scripture, sometimes from different translations, discuss what strikes each of us, then read the ODB devotional, and discuss that. It’s been so cool to hear our now adult daughter give us her view, because her faith has matured so much while at college

  182. Diane Witt

    I’ve been noticing my life going in a direction that is excited for the nicer weather (since the Midwest has had a winter that just wouldn’t end) but has been using my quiet time for everything but time to be with Jesus. I need to refocus to make my free time attached to connecting back with Him so my soul sings again…thank you for sharing that I’m not alone as I feel so unworthy when I get like this.

  183. Nancy J Mason

    I am going through a devotional written by our former senior pastor. He is someone I trust and a very good writer. I was also just given a Hallmark book entitled God Always has a Plan B for Women which gives practical ways for you to make a difference in this world.

  184. Karen

    I can so relate to what you have said! I read through the Proverbs daily and have been working currently through Paul’s letters but only reading a chapter or two at a time for examining my heart. Proverbs are nice little bits to wake up to while drinking my coffee in the morning! Sometimes I will read scriptures to my husband just before we go to sleep. Last night it was 1 John 2-3.
    I have been reading a couple different books: Keeping a Quiet Heart by Elizabeth Elliot, (for a faithful older women’s perspective) A True Companion: thoughts on being a Pastor’s wife” by Nancy Wilson (for a faithful long-time Pastor’s wife perspective) and Intimate Conversations with God by Alicia Chloe.
    Alicia shared that she would put “quiet time” on the top of her to do list for the day and the Lord showed her that it isn’t about making God first, but central. He is not to be “checked off” on our to do list like a task, He is to go with us and be our constant companion throughout the day. Everything flows out of the relationship. This really woke me up to examine my thoughts about my relationship with the Lord. It can’t be just a routine in my schedule.

  185. Jacqueline

    Before I start my morning, I have my quiet time with my devotional bible and prayer. I think I do a lot of talking more then trying to listen for God. So, every now and then I will sit and just think about what it is that God is telling me, sometimes I get overwhelmed with my thoughts that I can’t sit still enough to know what my Will is, I don’t think I know how to listen for God, I don’t want to lean unto my own understanding, in all my ways I want to acknowledge the Lord and he will make my paths straight. I want to learn how to just listen for God’s voice and be still.

  186. Lee Ann Wright

    I get up early enough to spend time in God’s Word and read the same chapter for 7 days straight. This week is Ephesians chapter 3. After reading I just sit in the still and quiet and let the words sink in to my heart, mind and soul. It is amazing the truths that have jumped out at me as I have sought to sit still and listen instead of just reading so that I can check that off my spiritual “to do list.”

  187. Eleanor Crance

    I’ve found as I reflect on my life (at 79) the one thing that has seen me through is knowing His Word! He promised to never leave nor forsake me, He would go before me and make my ways straight, He would never allow more than I could bare, His grace IS sufficient, if I hide His word in my heart that I will not sin against Him, and on and on but the one verse I hold to is Heb 11:6 Without faith it is impossible to please Him and the one who comes to Him, He rewards! God bless!

  188. Karen Anderson

    It’s so true isn’t? Sometimes we just need to be, we need to just listen, we need to just look, we need to just find God. Sometimes I believe we just try to hard. I’m a card artist. It took me a long time to realize that I don’t have to fill every space on a card I make with “stuff”. More often than not, what is called “negative whitespace”, can add such beauty to a card by making the colors and embellishments pop. I believe the same is true with “spiritual whitespace”. When we allow ourselves to just be with God, not constantly filling our time with stuff, our spiritual life will come alive and pop with God’s presence.

  189. corrine

    Every morning I get up and pour coffee and sit on my recliner with classical music on.I start with my prayer praising God and I bow before Him.Then I start my readings.I send out a devotional prayer to about 30 friends and family members.I eagerly can’t wait to jump out of bed to spend my first hour with my Lord. also have learned from feedback that Gods Word mesns so much to them. They look forward to my Text everyday.

  190. LeeAnn Toner

    I have the radio on in the mornings..
    Listening to my favorite Pastors.

    Late evening I sit with God.. right before bed time

  191. Wyn McDonald

    I seek nourishment for my soul because I’ve gotten in a rut and need to get back to where I was in my relationship with God–the place where I see Him in everything around me, within me, influencing my daily tasks, and showing others Himself through me. The world and its busyness has overcome my special place with God. And I want that back. I NEED that back. Not only for my benefit, but for those around me as well.

  192. Marcella Snyder

    I am doing what you suggest. I use several devotionals and change them out at year’s end for different types of devotionals. I have good devotionals that I use over and over but I try to add something new each year. I have the time to read several devotionals but for the women who have limited time (and I use to be one of them) I suggest just read something that is short but gets you into God’s word to start your day.

  193. melanie

    I like that…white space….it sounds pure and refreshing and something I always need…I love to hear God’s voice to me and I have been learning to hear it more often the last 2 years of my life through the many trials and blessings in my life..Thanks for the devotional

  194. Amy Booth

    The Word says, “Seek me and you shall find me.” I have learned over the past few years that every physical sense we have can be used in a way to seek the Lord! After pondering and meditating on this I have begun to see and hear God more. Even more than that….taste his goodness! I have learned the importance of quiet time and for me it is non-negotiable. But I understand the rut! I read proverbs also because there is 31 days of proverbs so you can read one everyday. I do a lot of reading but I must say that meditating on things I have read or things he has spoken has changed my life! It soaks down into the depth of my soul when I meditate and ponder. Quiet time in nature is good also—God can use all things to speak to us. His creation, movies, books, friends and we can’t put him in a box. He is God Almighty. The key it to train our senses to be sensitive to him. Well I’m just blabbering on! Lysa thank you for taking time to post on your blog. It has helped me so much!

  195. Latisha

    I am trying to find whitespace by being still. It isn’t easy to quiet my mind, but I am trying.

  196. Clair Herrera

    I’ve been reading devotionals, but I’m looking for something a little deeper right now, a different way to hear from God 🙂

  197. Myra Parnell

    I am so trying to change things in my life i am 63 years old and it’s time for a change. I am seeking God at this time to guide me in the next chapter of my life. I need more time with him and my mother who is older and not in good health. So i am looking toward retirement so i can be more available for her and my family. I want to do more work for God in voluntering in different ministries. So i am praying for guaidance as i make changes. Thank you and what a blessing you all are to me.

  198. Joyce Marion

    This is my 3rd year of reading the Bible through since I was in high school/college. I am digging so many nuggets out of the Word as I just continue to read it cover to cover. I am also reading other books on various topics – parenting, etc. Currently in my Bible reading I am in Proverbs. Monday night a verse just jumped off the pages at me. It totally related to a situation in my life. I plan to continue to dig deep and read commentaries on segments of the Bible as well.

  199. LuAnn Fischer

    Man OH Man could I use some rest for my soul!

  200. Gail VanHoy

    I agree with you Lysa. My quiet time is when I finally get to flop across the bed and let out this huge sigh. I actually call it my alone time. But I need to change that, like you said, in to my listening to God time. I am following the Limitless Life bible study and making myself turn the TV off to actually read and study. I’m not even a “Good Bible Study Girl”. I have ordered the last 3-4 study books but haven’t even cracked the books. (I have saved all the emails to do at another time) But will that time ever come? So, I am going to work harder at turning everything off except God. Listen to what He is trying to tell me and following through. Thank you Lysa for everything you do.

  201. Patti

    You are so right about quiet time becoming routine. How blessed we would all be to stay connected to God at all times, and to know at all times that He is with us, ready to answer, no matter what is happening in our lives at the time.
    Look forward to reading the book!

  202. Jeanette

    I too feel that I get in a rut with my quiet time. Reading a book by someone I admire has been a wonderful source of recharge and renewal in my life. I also did my first proverbs 31 online bible study and found it to be quite refreshingly different from any study I had done before. I loved the videos, the blog hop and the accountability wasn’t bad either. I think that we beat ourselves up too much if we are not doing “traditional Bible study.” Then we have to remind ourselves that God is not a check box in our day. God desires our heart. Our daily call is to live in Him where my hearts desire is nothing other than to live and move and have my being in Christ alone.

  203. Tammy

    I am feeling like a am going through the motion during my quiet time. Thank you for sharing about listening for God! I am in a new season of life…empty nest after mother 4 bio children and 13 foster children. Feeling like I don’t know what God has in store for me now and I have been searching instead of “listening”!

  204. Mona

    Great words. I can always tell when I miss my time with God and I need to just be alone. As an introverted personality the time with other people zaps my energy far to quick so I have to seek time by myself daily and it usually involves something godly – music, books, or just listening to the birds fight at the birdfeeders. Thank you for the insight.

  205. Rachel Fisher

    I have been reading a devotional by a local author. She is a cancer survivor like me and when I read it every day, my soul smiles. She reminds me that God is good all of the time!

  206. Annie

    I have spiral bound notecards that I write bible verses on that speak to me or are special. When I am feeling blue or struggling I flip through the verses and one after another God’s promises are revealed again and again!!! I’m learning not to stress on memorizing all these verses but living all these verses!

  207. sandra Ashley

    I am just doing word studies and letting my curiosity take me. As I read a verse and something catches my attention or I think “what does that mean” I follow the reference trail, use the dictionary or Vines, to help me understand what I am trying to get a hold of.

  208. Peggy McGinnis

    I totally understand the “routine” part of this discussion. I find also that when I routinely read my Bible each morning it becomes just that – another book to read a designated number of chapters in so I also believe it is good to change things up. Listening for God’s guidance is sometimes much more important than talking.

  209. Alyssa DR

    I have been trying to listen to God through my private devotions in the morning before I start my day. That way, I can stay grounded throughout my whole day by starting the day off right, with God.

  210. Meagan Snide

    I have 4 children, ages 6.5, 5, 3.5 & 1.5. I am homeschooling our oldest. I have struggled with finding quiet time for several years now. I know exactly what the soul hunger you describe is, and I want to really listen to the Lord more. I would love this book.

  211. Lori

    My quiet time with god is during my exercise, even if I am at the club I can tune everyone out and leave my phone and computer behind and really have some prayer time with the Lord! I want to find a way a place and time to increase my time in the word.

  212. Melanie

    I needed this! I have been troubled with becoming distracted with wandering thought to problem solving when I am trying to spend time alone with the Lord. It helped me to shorten my list of “must pray fors” on an everyday basis and make a written reminder of MUST PRAISE FIRST! Such a silly thing to have to do but once I start having to think of what And how I will give praise and thanks, everything else comes together

  213. Melissa I.

    I just started reading Made to Crave this morning, and it’s speaking to me in quietly profound ways. I appreciate the honesty and authenticity.

  214. Tiffany

    I saw a picture the other day that had a guy crying out to God saying please speak to me & God’s hand was reaching down out of heaven with the Bible. Remembering that God does speak to us through His word.


    I really seem to connect with God more in the music I listen to. I have had many times that I could listen to a paticular song over & over but then at a particular time; I can be in tears listening to that same song. I know I want to connect with God in other ways & with the season of life I’m in right now; I so want & need to hear Him speak to me in a new & refreshing way!
    I appreciate so much the encouragement I receive from the ladies at Proverbs 31 Ministries! Words just can’t express how many of the devotionals have touched my heart in some way & always at the right time!!

  216. Ericka R

    Sometimes I go to my “prayer closet” to seek & hear from the Lord. Also from time in the Word, devotionals here & there. But what I find I really really feed off of is my sweet friend/sister in Christ, she’s helped guide me in my walk & me to stay on track. God bless!

  217. Misty Haight

    This hit home for me so much today. Thank you! I pray The Lord continues to bless and favor you in many ways!

  218. Jennifer

    I honestly haven’t thought much about this dilemma in my life… it’s there, don’t get me wrong. I guess I’ve just muddled my way through until I’ve reached that place of refreshment when I open my bible, but that method often results in many, many days of simply muddling. I am very intrigued and would love to read more about how to handle the “whitespace” moments.

  219. Sylvia

    Daily, I open God’s Word, read my favorite devotions or listen to a message from Christian ministers and teachers. A sweet, quiet time with Father. My heart is to stand fast to His word and promises. Desire to PRAISE our GOD in the midst of daily life. Rest, truly rest in the Lord and trust in Him for all the heartache that has taken place in my life and those I love. This walk has been a journey. My girlfriend recently lost her husband. She shared with me, “God is so close” as we cried together. Trusting and resting in Him. Hebrews 4:9-11.

  220. Kathie

    Truthfully, I am in a dry place right now; hoping and looking for a re-connect with the Only Source that can refresh my soul. Any prayers coming my way are appreciated.
    And so I am grateful for this post. Thank you, Both!

  221. Allie

    I have been trying to give God first fruits — being more anxious to check His word than Facebook; and booking little mini-retreat listening dates with God

  222. Michelle

    I can’t say I have a routine for nourishment right now. I am in the “kind of floundering” stage. I follow my daily devotions and am participating in a Beth Moore Bible study as we just completed one of yours in our ladies’ Bible study. But I am looking for more – I am looking to be inspired, motivated and enthuiastic. I know that this is my problem, not God’s. He has opened all these opportunities for me and am just stuck. Please pray that I will get back my enthusiasm and my drive.

  223. Kristina S

    I go through highs and lows in my quiet time. Since becoming a mom 16 years ago my quiet time has come in different ways. Quiet is sometimes nonexistent in our home 🙂 I definitely know that busyness, noise, distractions and more keep us from true quiet time. Sometime we can be afraid of what God might tell us in those true quiet moments. It’s easier to just check off time with God and go about our day. God desire true communion with us. I have noticed in my own life when I give true quiet time with God my day is better. This book sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing your heart Lysa!!!

  224. Lynette Norris

    I enjoy following your words, so anyone you recommend would also be someone I would glean from.
    Lynette Norris.

  225. Rosa

    My season right now can be summed up by one word. REST. Rest in Him in the midst of the storm that swirls around me. Rest in Him, with my family. Rest in Him with my Everything. So this book, seems like a place that I would be able to REST in Him as I listen to His whispers.

  226. Tree

    Going through a really tough time and the only thing I CAN do is listen to God. I am so overwhelmed I can’t even focus enough to read or journal right now. My young children and I fled our home and domestic violence. We left behind our abuser, but also our life as we knew it. We are so happy the three of us sharing one tiny room in our new home, but grieving. Listening to KLOVE radio has been a way to worship, study, and listen to God speaking to us. He loves us. He protects us. He will never leave us. He is our healer! Thank you for your words today! Sometimes all we can do for our quiet time is be quiet and listen!

  227. Robin

    Lately, I seem to be going through a spiritual valley. I always have my quiet time in the morning and I am a very routine-oriented/task-oriented person. But I am also struggling with keeping my mind focused on God during my quiet time because my thoughts seem to be on so many other things so I find myself putting my list of things to do ahead of my time with God. Maybe God wants me to see that I can spend time with Him in other ways, too; like going for a walk and being aware of the beauty of His creation or spending precious time with my family, etc. I watched the video on the Faith Barista blog and wept. Maybe God is showing me a different way to connect with Hiim. My prayer is to totally surrender to Him and to be fully devoted for in spending this time with Him my soul will find its spiritual nourishment. God is good all the time!!

  228. Courtney J

    Lately, my time with God has been routine. I used to have my scheduled hour first thing in the morning to just meditate on God’s word and just have a converstation with Him. Then life happened and I am required to work two jobs. I found myself using my scheduled time for extra sleep. Now my time with God consist of reading my devotionals when I first get to work, listening to praise and worship music in the car, and Sunday service. I need my time again with my Savior!

  229. CarrieC

    I’m currently seeking spiritual nourishment by the typical Bible reading and prayer, but also by trying to be more aware of God’s Presence with me throughout the day.

  230. Susan Meriwether

    I nourish my soul by sitting in my backyard under the trees and talk with God and listen to him!

  231. Linda

    Wow! Ps. 63:1 has been speaking volumes to me recently. I have been praying for a deeper and more intimate relationship with my creator and your devo gave me insight and tools as to how I should begin that process. Thank you for such a timely blog!


    I describe myself as a unconventional Christian. I don’t like rules and I cringe at to do lists. It took me three decades to learn that God made me this way so instead of trying to conform to others’ view a of quiet time, I gave myself the freedom to create my own. Every morning as I muck my horses stalls, feed and care for them, I listen to God. He speaks to me among the manure and the hay. In the quiet barnyard, my quiet time exists, and oh how glorious it is each morning.

  233. Amber B.

    I’ve read God’s word a few times a week in the past, but now I’m focusing on getting into it daily. I’ve been blessed by doing this and it helps me to focus on my readings and it helps my days go much more smoothly. I still have days when I’m so busy that I push reading God’s word to the back, but I’m trying to make sure I read a little every day. The more I get into the readings, the more I realize how they help me get through my days.

  234. Missy R

    I can relate…I feel like my “quiet time” has become more routine. My morning is mapped out and if I don’t have my devotional at a specific time then it doesn’t get done! I would enjoy learning ways to rest in Him.

  235. Audrey

    My last 2 years has been a whirlwind- harder than anything I’ve ever imagined or dreamt. Not the life I envisioned. Not even close. As I lean in to Jesus, trying desperately to feel him and hear him, there is no way I could without mentors in my life. My spiritual mentors. My advisors. I need guidance in how to move forward. I need support. I need truth. I am gleaning wisdom from those who have gone before me in life’s journey- those who have knowledge and who have learned lessons taught from Jesus himself. To sum up the way I nourish my soul in the last year(ish)- along with my own listening and own quiet time…I am gleaning and leaning and soaking up as much guidance from those ahead of me in their spiritual walks!

  236. Jackie

    I am desperate for nourishment from Gods word. I try to read from the bible daily, I read daily devotions daily and pray throughout the day. I should be in a season of rest and looking forward to retirement and being an empty nester, as our youngest child is graduating from high school. Sadly our oldest is now living at home, unable to work, drive and is having legal troubles we are trying to help him thru. I’m trying to wait on Gods timing but all I am is sad………oh, and I am the only one in our immediate family who prays…….

  237. Jody Mallonee

    I have just been feeling this way too. I have reached the point where reading through the bible is just an obligation and not a learning process. Even the OBS study I am in right now, although good, isn’t what I feel I am needing. I need MEAT in my diet, not just milk, so I am seeking new ways to learn more and get a deeper more fulfilling understanding of what God truly wants me to know.

  238. Rebecca B.

    Thank you for this post. It is continued confirmation of what I have been praying for. Six weeks ago I found out that, after over a year of trying and thinking we couldn’t have kids, I was finally pregnant! However, as any mama knows, that has left me feeling very nauseous all the time and no energy or focus whatsoever. Prior to this, I had been reading through the Bible chronologically this year and LOVING digging into the Word. Since then, however, I have not been able to pick up my Bible once (talk about a dry spell). I have been praying for a renewed hunger for the Word and my time with God. Then, in perhaps the quickest answer to prayer ever, that’s exactly what the message was on at church this past weekend! And now this post! Perfect reminders that God meets us where we are and cares for every little detail in our lives 🙂

  239. Laurie G

    I am seeking to nourish my soul this summer with a devotional book that is all about Jesus… 90 days with the One and Only. I want to spend time with Him, learning about Him, deepening my understanding of Him, and loving Him. It’s a different type of devotional/bible study than I typically do – needing to “change it up” a bit here, too.

  240. Cindy

    Dry. Parched. Sad. Sinking. Yep this mamma is ready to hand in her stripes. Trying hard to swim upstream but ohh so hard. Thanks Lord for the gentle reminder to come to you crawl in your lap and find rest. Yep pretty sure I could use this book. Blessings

  241. Wanda

    My quiet time seems to have becosme really familiar and routine. I got married 2 years ago and am finding it very hard to mesh. I will be trying what you advised Mrs. Lysa. Thank you for sharing

  242. jodee gaines

    I’m nourishing my soul by making my third trek to nashville for a faith to fitness retreat! After caring for my parents the past year! Looks like a great book to read to help nourish the soul. Thank you for this opportunity!

  243. Mary

    Seeking quiet time. Hard to find the time. Too much going on. Need the quiet with God.

  244. Nikki

    Resting in Him and reading the word more.

  245. Jocelyn

    I am seeking nourishment for my soul. Early this year, my husband and I found out we had a miscarriage. Losing our first pregnancy has been harder than I could imagine. I keep thinking “I will get over this… I won’t feel like this for long…” but I am getting the sense this will be something we will bear for the rest of our lives. I lead praise and worship at our church and my soul feels a bit dry. I continue to trust and rely on Jesus each day because I could not live my life without Him, but in order to lead His people well in singing praise to Him, I know somethings in my life need growth. So I press on, leaning on the Lord, and taking steps to grow in Him each day.

  246. Noa Towner

    This book looks so good. I totally agree with you about listening and your new approach. Thanks for you blog.

  247. Lara H

    My soul is in desperate need of nourishment. I don’t feel that my soul is adequately nourished. I mean….I attend church on Wednesday night and 2 times on Sunday (which definitely nourishes my soul) but it is the every day that needs nourishment. With 2 teenagers I find it difficult to find rest. I do spend time with God but I don’t feel like it is soul nourishing time. I would love ideas on how to help me find my spiritual whitespace.

  248. Christylee

    I struggle with the routine of connecting with God as well. Your blog hit home for me today and was exactly what God has been trying to tell me. I need to thrust for that time and crave that time with him and not just add it to my to-do list sort of speak. I have started waking up earlier than normal everyday so that I can spend that special time with our lord. I read off my bible app and from p31 ministries that I get delivered to my inbox each morning. I thank God for all I have and then offer up my intentions. It’s a great way to start off the day!

  249. Karen F

    My soul is hungry! I have been so overwhelmed with recent responsibilities to family and work that I am not feeding myself. I long to spend time in His word and the fellowship of my Sunday School girlfriends. I pray that He guides me in providing that time – quiet or praising Him loudly.
    Thank you for diagnosing my ailment that I feel deep within my soul.

  250. Angela Klein

    I try to take an early morning walk with my dogs each morning and spend time thanking God for all His blessings. I think that after reading this, I want to spend more of that time listening to Him speak to me. One of my favorite verses is “be still and know that I am God”. This eArly morning time is perfect for doing this.

  251. Denise Lusk

    My family and I within the past year have been very fortunate to be a part of a new church plant. God is doing amazing things! I am seeing a spiritual awakening within myself and I am so excited! I do however, feel I need more individual growth with The Lord. I am seeking wisdom and guidance. This book looks like an excellent source!

  252. Debra Bicker

    I definitely related when you stated your quiet time had become routine; something I had to do as soon as possible because many on FB were searching for the devotions and scriptures God had provided. I am pleased God is using my devotional posts to speak to the hearts of many, however, I need revival in my personal time with The Lord! I want to thank God for your faithfulness Lysa and the encouragement you and your ministry are to me! I thank God for your obedience!

  253. Marie

    I am grasping to find that reconnection with my Jesus I used to have. My job has taken its toll on me spiritually which has led to physical. I read HIS word almost daily and pray but I feel there is still something missing. School will be out in 2 weeks. I am hoping to find that reconnection when the demands of my supervisor and district do no drive my life as I weed and work in the yard at a more leisurely pace. Thank you Lysa for your truthful insight I look forward to your honest posts.

  254. Carol Eichel

    Your comment this morning about quiet time made me think. Am I also in such a routine that I don’t take the time to listen for God’s voice. I don’t want my quiet time to just be a routine thing that I can check off my daily to do list. I want it to be a meaningful time. Help me Lord to listen, really listen, to what You have to say.

  255. PLC

    When I don’t take the time to be silent with the Lord I feel alone. The emptiness is scary. I feel so much better when I sit in the quiet with him. Although there are times when that ah ha moment doesn’t take place in the quiet. I know it’s he who is listening to me and sometimes that’s when I feel his love the most, because he’s listening not really answering.

  256. Ashley Ingram

    I try to spread my quiet times out throughout my day. Before I roll out of bed in the mornings I read my devotional email that I have received from Proverbs 31 Ministries. I was listening to your Mothers Day Service where you said “Share whispers with The Lord before you share shouts with the world!” So every morning I swap social media for Jesus and it has made an incredible difference. I spend my drive to and from work listening to a local Christian radio station and use that time to really let the lyrics sink in and speak to my heart. During my quiet/study time right now I am trying to learn as much about the Bible as I can. I am really trying to study and I am working my way through a 365 day Bible reading plan. I also try to watch a message from NewSpring on This is what is currently working for me and I am benefitting spiritually from it! But I love how you pointed out that sometimes change is needed!

  257. Kindra Szarka

    I end my prayer time each morning with “Your day, Your way God!” This helps keep me on track to seeking Him in all I do…including finding time to be still and rest in His peace and wisdom!

  258. Pam

    I am really struggling to reconnect with God. Unfortunately I let everything else in life get in the way. I need / want this book so much!!

  259. Kathie F.

    Your comment about “listening time” really grabbed me. My devotions had become routine.
    I am a teacher and even though school is done, I woke up today with a sore neck. I thought that having some time off would help me but I realize, that Jesus is the only real help that I need. Rest is so difficult for me. But I really pray that this time of “listening” and waiting will help me give the total control over to God.

  260. Kimberly Parker

    My quiet time never looks the same or never at the same time… I do struggle with be still… Not a very good listener…..

  261. Amy

    What a thought provoking piece. I tend to fill up my quiet time with music and my own voice, I am really asking the Lord to help me listen. Thank you for sharing your heart

  262. Innes

    hi Lysa

    Just read your e mail and it always so inspiring.

    I live in Cornwall in the Uk and take my husband to work every morning early and then I go down to a beach nearby and just walk and sit and I really find God on the beach and my heart just overflows with the wonder of His creation, the sighing of the waves, the blue sky and green of the cliffs nearby and His Spirit just overwhelms me and this really is a spiritual whitespace for me.

    I even have a special rock on which I sit, provided the tide’s out!

    I would really love to read this book as it would be very special.

    May God continue to bless your ministry.


  263. Stefanie

    I have been feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and unhappy. Even though I recently did the OBS for Made to Crave I still cannot get motivated to eat right and exercise. I just had a birthday and I went to try on clothes – big mistake. I left the mall feeling even worse! I struggle to find quiet time as well. All the activities of the day with the job, kids, husband, house, etc. I cannot find time to take care of myself physically or spiritually, but I feel so exasperated. I feel like a failure – like why can I not get it right? I know what to do why can’t I just do it! Please pray for me.

  264. Dora Etheredge

    I have really been struggling with finding my peace and quiet spot for the last two years. I thought when you got to my age it would just be so much easier, but it has gotten worse.

  265. shawn heeney

    Love this post. It us where I am at with my quiet time. I need a change up. I have my time, because I know its important. But I breeze right through it. And I come up empty. I have slowed down, worshiping first ( with song), then pray for guidance from the spirit. So when I open up Gods Word, my heart is open to listen. Then I journal what I have learned. Nothing formal. Just writing down scripture(helps me see, listen, and remember), then my thoughts on how to apply. These little steps have helped Gods Word to be heart felt. This book looks good. Will put it on my reading list.

  266. Michelle B

    I’m definitely in a rut right now. Trying to read the Bible, pray more and looking for guidance from other Christians. I know He is in control and I’ve got to let go.. Just struggling on how to do that. Thanks for your blog-such a blessing!

  267. Mitzi M.

    Would love to be one of the winners of this book! I’ve recently done away with the traditional quiet time. I am reading trusted authors… searching for where I’m going wrong and letting that dictate what Scripture I look at that day. But, admittedly… I don’t get it done everyday. Life takes over and well… that’s not really a good excuse. Spiritual whitespace… an intriguing idea.

  268. Charlotte

    I know it is so hard to nourish my soul as the sole parent to a 9 year old growing boy. I know for my sanity I must feast upon the Lord’s mercy and goodness to avoid a famine in our home. It is so hard on most days as I find myself worn out so to keep focused on the Lord I carry my book bag with me as my purse everywhere. I holds my Bible, joy journal, pens, highlighters, devotion, notebook for prayer requests sticky notes, other odd and ends and it is NOT light. it’s weight reminds me what I chose to carry physically to help me give the emotional weight over to the Lord. when my son would have a come apart we would give him a weighted backpack and that weight would help shift his body and redirect his mind as well. that is my hope as I leave my home with my back pack and sit with it at my desk and in my car and all around town I make stops.
    last year I reached my 1000 gift goal and started again this year and have reached 800 to date. that has been such a life changer for me.
    I love to take walks for the hour my son is in therapy 3 ties a week and breath and sing and thank God for the moment in life I can be with Him, just He and I.
    I leave my blinds open at my desk to catch the birds in and out of the bush and the squirrel up and down the tree. the small moment so life that make me wish for a camera.
    I love your posts and that you keep us like minded unglued women together in a community to lift each other up and remind ourselves we aren’t alone and we are imperfect creations of the One Most High.

  269. Karen Jantsch

    I get the same feeling when I miss Church on a Sunday. The week doesn’t go as well and something is missing. I know it’s because I didn’t make it to Church and for some reason nothing replaces it. Even starting my work day reading Proverbs 31 Encouragement for Today, I look forward to it and usually something in it hits home in one way or another. I miss it if I don’t get to read it right away. There is always a longing, or thirst, to get more. Thanks for the wonderful inspiration you give to so many!

  270. LaVerne C

    I have been looking & still working on finding quiet & listen time for God I try & can’t get in a routine or schedule time to just spend with God. I start make it a couple of days and then I let the business of the day take over or fall back into all habits. I pray & give thanks to God but really struggle with the listening part and keeping my mind focus on His Words. God Bless to all & Hugs & Prayers .

  271. Lydia

    I am so hungry that I do a lot of things to feed my soul, I read daily devotional’s in the morning as well as listen to teaching cd’s on my drive to work. Then I read different books as well as blogs and face book pages. I always make sure I have something in front of me at all times. I also watch a few morning programs that are on in my area.
    When I remember to fast, I also try that to have more of God and less of me.

  272. Diane Rullestad

    I recently went through a battle with breast cancer. Father prepared me spiritually for this battle and I went through it with a great attitude & confidence in His hand on me. I was told I’d my attitude helped my family & friends feel better about it. Now, I feel like Elijah after the great victory God brought him against Ahab & the Baal prophets. I’m weary, struggling to connect and feel defeated. I know those things are not truth, but I want to feel it & not just know it in my head. Thanks so much Lysa for being transparent and encouraging!

  273. Renee MItchell

    I so look forward to reading your devotionals Lysa as you seem to speak exactly to what is going on with ME! I was recently told by a very good friend that if I want to gain wisdom, read Proverbs! And here you are confirming just that! I love how God uses those around us to confirm the path we should be taking..thank you for what you do. I appreciate your obedience 🙂

  274. Elizabeth

    Your words really spoke to me today as I having been coming and feeling unglued lately.
    I have also been feeling my time with the Lord has been becoming routine lately.
    Everything for my daughters and myself seems to be falling apart. Just this weekend we were in a wreck where our only paid for car was totaled I am at a loss as to what to do now and how we will get back and forth to work. I would love a copy of the book that might lead met some suggestions on how to find rest. God bless you Lysa.

  275. Kelli Moore

    Quiet time? Listening time? I just need time with God. Soaking Him up. Feeling His love. Believing again that He has answers for me and a plan. It’s not that I don’t believe, not that I don’t love and revere. It’s that I’m confused. What’s next? What am I doing wrong? Or is this just a season where I need to search? Or a season where I need to accept that I’m in a desert and eagerly await the refresh of His Spirit when my heart is ready. I need something to guide my time with God, something to reassure me that my time with God is being used by Him, that I’m really focused in the right direction. That my time with Him is with Him and not just empty time.

  276. Melissa

    Our whole family is being fed this summer by memorizing a new “verse of the week” each week for the summer. My kids are all about it and are even using the Word to help each other through conflict!

  277. AmyJo

    I have been wrestling with having a scheduled quiet time for a while now. I was so relieved to read your post today because it confirms for me that I can listen in other ways besides just reading scripture. I know I need a scheduled quiet time but now I feel I can surrender my perfectionistic attitude about it and allow God to speak His will for my quiet time.

    My favorite way to nourish my soul is with praise and worship time. Also, almost every day on my lunch break I like listening to Dr. Charles Stanley, and Focus on the Family Broadcasts on the radio.

  278. Sharon

    I have always found that listening to Christian music soothes my soul. I have been using Mark Harris’ ” Come to the mountain” for quite awhile, to begin my quiet time, but recently realized it was just part of the schedule..If that makes sense. Recently, I have been playing it over and over again until I can truly feel myself ‘relaxing’ with Him. I was just looking through my books the other day to try something new to study. I love you word picture of whitespace and I love your sharing!!

  279. Robin Bunting

    Wow, change what I do???!!! Now that is an idea. Sure would love a copy of this book about Spiritual Whitespace. Sounds as though I am definitely in need of a change. Thank you for the opportunity to get a copy of this book from you. love your stuff.

  280. Megan

    I am seeking spiritual white space by trying to take a Sabbath from fri evening to sat evening each week. I am also trying to seek God by reading His Word and Jesus calling each morning before my baby gets up. Also, this might seem unrelated but for me it’s not… I find that only looking at social media twice a day ( which I know still sounds like a lot but it’s imperfect progress for me) really helps to keep my mind in truth and out of the comparing rut.

  281. Cheryl New

    Breaking Up With My Quiet Time was my “hearing from God” today! Lately I can think of a multitude of things that are making me unhappy – and it is really because I am not being nourished with Spiritual food every day!! I will begin reading The 5 Love Languages again, to strengthen relationships within my family, reading Proverbs daily for wisdom, and I really need to know about the “white time” as I seek God’s best for our lives!!

  282. Robin

    I live in the Rocky Mountains. The mountains and views are majestic. It is a great feeling to get lost in these mountains (also dangerous so you need to know what you are doing) and spend time with God. Reflect, keep quiet, praise and pray.
    I would not trade it for the world.

  283. Tracy Larson

    Praying first thing in the morning and last thing at night… Finding time between activities to listen for guidance…

  284. Carolyn B.

    I just moved from one state to another to be closer to family. I am my husband’s caregiver. Between caring for him and trying to settle into a house that is half the size of the one we moved from I am exhausted and feel isolated from my support system. Every morning I have my quiet time with The Lord, but I am in a rut, and have to really focus to get anything from what I am reading – my mind strays to all that is ahead of me to do each day. I need new “nourishment” and ideas of how to hear His words for me. He spoke to me through your “Made to Crave” study in a powerful way- friends I haven’t seen in years don’t recognize me. Now I crave more of Him, in a new way of using my quiet time. Thank you for your blog!!!

  285. Annie M

    I am struggling in this area. I am seeking to live more balanced. Even when I do nothing I don’t feel rest. I know this is an internal “spiritual” issue. I would love to win this book.
    Thank you~

  286. Amy Looney

    I feel so blessed to read this today! I’ve had the same feeling about my “quiet time” for a few days…I feel like it’s become more of my morning routine than time to spend with the Lord. I’m reading Lysa’s “When Women Walk in Faith” right now and a book of daily hymn devotionals, “Near to the Heart of God” and reading the Psalms. I’ve been so bogged down in Isaiah lately that it’s been wearing me down, and I feel like the Lord has been pushing me in a new direction to spend time praising Him. Thank you for posting this today. God speaks!

  287. Leigh

    Thank you Lysa. Regularly your posts seem to speak right to my heart and I am encouraged. Yes, God is ready to meet us right where we are; we must seek Him. “Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour our your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.”
    Psalm 62:8

  288. Virginia

    Thank you for your inspiring writing……and oh, how I needed this today. My journey has taken me through the desert for a while, and I recognize that it is because I haven’t taken time to listen to God. He gave us two ears and only one mouth! I yearn for a spiritual revival in my own heart! I love the analogy of a spiritual whitespace!

  289. Grace

    Lysa, thank you for sharing this encouraging message. I love your honesty, especially the part about our quiet time becoming more routine then actually connecting with GOD.
    I have a scripture devotional calender that I read every morning. I also read the Proverbs 31 devotions. Listen to worship songs. Would love to read this book.

  290. Jane Wood


    Thank you for today’s devo! I need to reexamine my quiet time. I would very much like to have this book!


  291. Kelly

    Quiet time is inconsistent. It can happen first thing of a morning or while I have time throughout the day. That is usually in the car while waiting to pick up a kid. 🙂 I am not so sure I have ever done well with finding rest. I am a worrier. I try to give that to God, but it keeps creeping back. Would love to read to this book and hear her story.

  292. Barbara Metreyeon

    oh my gosh this is so what I needed to hear today thank you Lisa for your words of encouragement I’m going to turn to proverbs right now

  293. Brooke Brown

    I am trying to learn how to slow down and listen to God’s voice…

  294. Wendy

    I have been in a desert place for years. I have finally crawled out on my hands and knees to soak in God’s Word. I read His Word, I read authors that make me answer hard questions. I talk with my husband who has a heart for God like no one else in my life. I am blessed and I know God has big things planned for me.

  295. Julie

    Oh, to make the commitment and follow through with more time with God. Thank you for your encouragement today and everyday. I pray for this and will continue to pray for this specifically. Blessings.

  296. Kim

    Omg Lysa this is so absolutely crazy! You would not believe how many times your posts identify with my situations! Why should I be surprised God knows exactly what I need! I am so in this place right now with my quiet time. I feel myself slipping away from it even getting bored with it & I straight up ashamed! I so need to just Be Stiil & Know, ya know! Thank you for sharing!

  297. LeVelle Calbat

    I am endeavoring to remove things from my plate. There are so many exciting things to do for the Lord that I find myself overwhelmed. I need to Be still and know He is God. I need to wait upon Him and seek the direction He has for my life. One of my volunteer jobs is Church Librarian. This is a book that I know we need in our library as many women are dealing with this issue..

    Thank you for your ministry.

  298. Maureen Pavlik

    I have this exact problem. I keep putting off my quiet morning time with the Lord. I don’t have the same focus in my mornings and I want to get back to it. Hopefully this book will help me resume that quiet time because I miss it and don’t understand why I am procrastinating.

  299. Carol

    I want more whitespace!

  300. kam

    Each morning I have my quiet time by reading my “Life Application Daily Devotional” that is emailed to me from Tyndale Publishing. That Devotional has me reading thru the entire Bible (NLT Chronological) in 2 years. Many times as I go thru the reflection part of that devo God does speak to me. I also read a Joyce Meyer devo daily, and really like how God uses her to speak to me! But my favorite place to get my spiritual nourishment is out in nature where I can get away from everything and connect one on one with my creator!!! Thank you, Lysa, for your post. I love your writing and how God also speaks to me thru you!!! I agree we all need to change things up from time to time, and I do need to listen more to what God is speaking to me.

  301. Chavilah

    I have been a believer all my life, but have never managed to be consistent about devotional time and focusing on study of the Word and having true quiet time with God. I have been in and out of bible studies, churches, even Christian recovery groups and they all were wonderful, but it seems so easy for me to lose track, get distracted, get lost, pull away, etc… Now at the age of 35, God has fulfilled my greatest desire by blessing me with a pregnancy – and I find myself in a panicked state because if I have not yet learned to focus on Him consistently, how will I ever impart an attitude of obedience to God to my child?? I need help/prayer/wisdom/guidance. Thank you for your blog. I feel like finding Proverbs 31 Ministries is a step in the right direction. I’m trying so hard to listen everyday, to be mindful of things God is trying to show me and teach me, and to allow His Grace and Mercy to be my comfort, and let go of my fears..

  302. Cathy McCoy

    I’m searching for direction and needing discernment right now. I feel God’s presence so much more than I ever have and want to be able to “hear” Him clearly each and every day. I’m also praying and believing and asking for doors to open regarding a job opportunity

  303. Amelia

    I agree with the idea of quiet time becoming another chore or item on my daily checklist. I am working on this and look forward to learning more on how to get closer to God.

  304. Irene West

    I am seeking nourishment from my soul by going to a weekly women’s bible study. We do studies that have us do homework on a daily basis. This is how I seek nourishment to my soul on a daily basis. I then go back to my quiet time if we are taking a break.

  305. Heather

    I am making an effort to remove things in my life that distract me from spending quality time with God. I always feel so rushed and before I know it a day has went by – I am exhausted and have spent no quite time at all.

    I would love to have a copy of this book – its sounds like a good reminder of what I’m sure so many of us need in the busy, crazy world we live in. 🙂

  306. Janice S

    I need revivial and need to find that spiritual whitespace. I need to sit and listen to God, but am struggling with the change in school and work schedules since it is summer break. Need to figure out a way to set aside time to reconnect with my Lord.

  307. Margaret

    Wow! In my quiet time this morning, I prayed – more like cried out, really – to God that he would give me a thirst and hunger for Him and His Word like never before. How awesome that I read this today! This sounds like a great book. And you offer some great words here as well. Thanks so much for sharing! Have a blessed day!

  308. Treasure

    I recently got a new devotional from Celebrate Recovery. I’m using it to start my day!

  309. Keli

    I’m seeking to completely and fully lean in to God. In intention and hopefully some unintention ways – intentionally through the Word in my daily readings and then unintentionally, through randomly sharing portions of that Word to people in my sphere and ask for their feedback in how it spoke to them. I love the direction that God has taken these conversations and discussions to bring light to new perspectives around His Truth for me. It’s been refreshing and inspirational.

  310. Christine Minardi

    I have actually read a book that suggested I make a “to do” list that included God through out the day. I actually have listed the steps of my personal needs; read a proverb, worship, read a devotion, prayer. I have tucked a few “reminder to pray” through out my day so I don’t wait or put off. It is harder than I thought but it has helped me to get on a new normal, where I am being deliberate to get quiet. I sometimes starve myself of God and wonder why I am drowning in confusion and chaos. I need Him more than food and it cannot just be as I am walking through the grocery store, I have to be quiet and have His fingerprint on my heart daily. That does not come if He is always second to the “squeaky wheels” in my life. He is my power, I just have to invite Him!

  311. Brenda

    I, too, am seeking to LISTEN to Abba rather than run through my list……
    It is sad to me that I get into a rut in my quiet time. That makes my heart
    hurt. We have access to the Holy of Holies through our High Priest, Jesus, and yet
    I fail to spend time just simply listening and being still before Him. Thank you for reminding me.

  312. Mavis Tipton

    I too just today gave in to my souls need to be refreshed with God’s Word in a time of quiet. I like doing the on-line Bible studies, but as it was said you get into a routine and sometimes you are not gleaning all the benefit you should. So I took a break, but oh I miss those times, therefore I am beginning again, so I appreciate the helpful hints how to keep that time fresh and not just a routine I have fallen into.

  313. Samantha

    Thank you I thought I was alone. I listen to Joyce Meyer everyday. It helps . I would love that book

  314. Pam

    Thank you for sharing yourself with us. I too struggle with my quiet time. It seems to be on my to do list…doesn’t seem very personal. I also have trouble listening. I want to hear His voice and Hus plans, not my voice or my plans. I do read several devotionals and pray, but sometimes it isn’t enough. Then there are times the silence speaks to my spirit man.I pray to have that hunger for the Lord and His Word. I will continue yo love and serve Him and share His love. Again, thank you for being you! You show us we all struggle!

  315. Apryl

    Every morning (or most every morning) I sit down and read my bible – sometimes I catch myself not really reading though and that upsets me. I want that quiet reading time to mean something – not just doing my daily reading. Thank you for making me think of this so that I can do something different to help.

  316. Pamela Burr

    How happy I am to share this with you; I’ve been on a wonderful path, seeking out Scriptural promises and praying them aloud and daily, for my benefit and for the benefit of the loved ones in my family. What has happened as a result of this discipline is I have developed an intense awareness of these truths as they play out in our lives — I am recognizing God’s good hand in our life events, and it has made Him ever so much more real and present in my life!

  317. Renee Calvo

    I yearn for that life fulfilling goodness of the.Lord. I have allowed things of the world to get in the way and disturb that relationship with God. I made a promise to myself and the Lord last night that I would put away the phone, the iPad and just focus and meditate on a passage of scripture. Every morning before I get out of bed, I will listen for God’s voice. In the night before I go to bed, I will give Him my thoughts, and listen for His voice.

  318. Erica VG

    They way I find my spiritual white space is to be deliberate about taking a few minutes a couple times a week and spend it outside in my garden. No weeding and no chores. Just a time to sip a cup of tea, listen to the birds and observe Gods beautiful creation. I feel I am closer to him during this time. My brain shuts off and can enjoy everything around me that he so wonderfully made! Its a very good time for prayer too. It’s amazing how much more I appreciate when I just slow downtown take this time.

  319. Linda Builta

    When I seem to be going in circles and getting nothing done I stop, I like to go out side and listen to the birds and for God’s voice. I pray and thank God for his love , protection and all I have and this reminds me that God has my back when I FEEL VERY OVER WHELMED. iT IS SO AWSOME to feel God’s presents.

  320. Christel

    This totally resonates with me! I often get into a funk where routine becomes meaningless. Some of the other ways I connect with God is through music or listening to a sermon by one of my favorite preachers. Sometimes a worship song becomes my mantra for the week. I can spend an entire day savoring the chorus of a song. Other times I find God speaking to me through a sermon I am listening to online. It’s fantastic that we have so many different ways to connect with our Lord and hear His call!

  321. Nancy

    I am working at taking a step back from all the busy in my life and to take a breath and listen to what God has in mind for me. I find that I miss times to be quiet and know that God is near. Reading “Whitespace” may just be the answer to my wanting to be better connected to God and those around me.

  322. Carol

    I’m seeing seeking nourishment for your soul. My soul just has this hunger for a deeper walk and understanding. I would love to be selected to win the book, finding spiritual whitespace! Thank you!

  323. Betty Sazama

    I need “listening time” in my quiet time…thank you for your message today!

  324. Michele

    I just love your blog posts and in general everything you write. It all just speaks to me so you are my #3 (Read Something from Someone I Trust). The last couple of years have been especially hard for me and so I have sought out different ways to feed my soul hunger (love that visual). I have found a lot of peace and growth through Proverbs 31 online book studies. I am currently doing my 5th one and I love my small group. And then I also listen to sermons from Pastor Alan of The Ark church in Conroe, TX. I can listen to them in my car and stream it through my radio. Listening to sermons at will just really brightens my day. He is such an amazing speaker and pours out his heart and soul. I know with God and being close to Him through the rough times, I am not sure what I would have turned to. But I know it would have been bad. So I try to keep filling myself with good stuff and participating in the OBSs is such a good fit for me.

  325. Lindsey Edwards

    I started just this week reading a chapter in Proverbs a day. It truly is full of wisdom and that’s something I will always need to work on.

  326. Cheryl

    I totally relate to this post. We’re so busy “doing” that we forget to just “be” with God… enjoy His refreshing presence… listen.
    Sitting down for a quiet time is a beautiful thing and an important discipline but there are so many other ways to enjoy His presence…..a walk on the beach, a hike in the mountains, holding an infant in your arms and just praising Him for His amazing of creation. His word says to “Be still….cease striving and know that I am God.” Ps. 46:10.
    Take time to ENJOY Him today Ladies:-)

  327. Kristy Sturgill

    Wow! I have been thinking about my routine lately, too! Little changes like now I write my prayer list on my bathroom mirror so I can pray continuously(who knew I walked in the bathroom that often!). Reading books of the Bible that I shy away from. It’s amazing how I find those minutes throughout the day to praise God.

  328. Tamara

    I was raised in a Christian family with God always prominent in our life. I feel it wasn’t until a few years ago when a light went off for me and I realized I didn’t really take ‘the time’ to ‘connect’ with God. I have learned/enjoy my morning time of quietness and connection. I feel then all through the day I constantly ‘listen’ to God and His guidance. I still am learning, still discerning and finding peace and joy in ALL circumstances. God bless you –

  329. Sarah

    I woke up this morning thinking I needed to speak less and listen more. This book seems like it would be enlightening and encouraging. Thanks for sharing!

  330. Kimberly

    I never fail to be blessed by your posts Lisa. A couple of years ago, I began your Made to Crave study…it was wonderful and brought me freedom I had not known before. Since then, my family has gone through a tremendous season of loss and hardship. I feel physically, emotionally and spiritually drained. I have cried out to God to help me come to a new place in my walk with Him. My quiet times have fallen away and I now feel such deep emptiness and hunger, but also such weariness that I don’t know quite where to start. My prayers have simply been…Help me Lord, Help me! Thank you for this post today…I feel a little less alone and a lot more understood.

  331. Janet

    During the school year, I lead a CBS Core Group and that keeps me close in touch with The Master; today I’m starting Beth Moore’s on-line study of I and II Thessalonians, Children of the Day!

  332. Veronica Lopez

    If I don’t make time to read God’s word and meditate on it, my life gets very quickly unbalanced. I have to keep my self care and my soul care in check or the crabbiness factor goes way up:)

  333. Heather simonelli

    I have to confess I have been guilty also of not taking the time to listen. I love your devotions but often I will put off reading them till later, which never comes. So glad I stopped and listened today:)

  334. Sarah Jo

    I’ve been seeking spiritual whitespace (because I had reached a point of not being able to hang onto a thought for more than 5 seconds, and that’s my mind and soul’s version of hunger-pains) by not multitasking, especially while studying Scripture, and by limiting computer time – and trying to replace it with time spent praying and reading!

    • Jean Bird

      Wow Sarah, I can sure relate to what your saying here. Thank you for being willing to share this.

  335. Jacqueline Hand

    It’s not easy caring a mentally challenged brother and a 76 year old mother. Days, minutes, seconds go by and you don’t have time for you. You’re so exhausted, mentally and physically drained, but God manages to send you a message via verse on a church marquee on your way home, facebook or during Sunday morning service. This is where the energy to say “Thank You” breaks through.

  336. Julie

    I love how you differentiate between quiet time and what you are doing now, it IS different. I would love to have Bonnie’s book. I’m struggling so desperately right now for an answer to a huge marriage problem. And I’m trying to immerse myself I’m the word, in the wisdom of others more mature than myself, and at the same time just rest and listen. I’ve gotten a few very close trusted prayer warriors praying with me for an answer, it’s either yes or no, but none know the question but me. I don’t want any emotion or influence to interfere with Gods will. And I will wait and pray for His guidance, wisdom and direction. I just need help finding it and listening.

  337. Jean Bird

    I have always been a morning person and morning devotions and quiet time worked best for me (note the “for me”) But due to the arrival of six unexpected (but loved) family members in our home for three weeks that time has been interrupted. I find myself going in for prayer and meditation on God’s Word in my room in the evenings. In this time I have been able to have time for praising for the blessings of the day (sometimes just for getting me through the day) meditating on His word.God and listening for Him to speak. I have found a fresh awareness of God speaking to me through His word and in the very early hours of the morning I hear His voice and it gives me strength for the day. I believe the break in my “routine” has been God ordained and given me a renewed sense of God’s Word being living and active in my life.
    I will probably go back to doing some devotions when the company is gone (because I am still a morning person) but will not give up that time of quiet meditation and listening for God’s voice in the evening. Isaiah 55:6 – “Seek the Lord while He may be found,
    Call upon Him while He is near. “

  338. Amanda Evans

    Spending time with godly women, reading & studying the Word and faith-based books, building up my marriage and getting my priorities in order! I’d be blessed to win this book!

  339. Vicky D

    I am in a real dry time in my spiritual life. Would love to read this book!

  340. Karen McDaniel

    I have been nourishing my soul be reading through the New
    Testament. It started out as a 40 day challenge before Easter.
    Well I am very slow, so actually today I finished it. I’m excited
    because I have never done it before. So now I have a few good
    books that I want to read Ben Carson’s, One Nation, at the top of
    the list. I will for my daily Bible reading pick up where
    I left off in the book of 1 Samuel.

  341. Barbara Robbins

    I could identify with what you said about our time with God losing importance, becoming the second or third thing we do instead of first priority. I read that after I had done exactly that this morning.

    I seek spiritual nourishment in several ways: by reading a chapter of Psalms and Proverbs every day, but doing the Proverbs 31 online Bible studies, and by doing Bible studies on specific books of the Bible (often online with Precepts of Life studies).

  342. Giovanna Arnold

    Oh I get the needing to change the routine, and get out of the rut of life. Some days I just want to sit and not be the wife, mom or minister. So I know that need to take a walk in the quiet of the woods and sit with God … just a fresh breath of space with out any wants or dos on the list…

  343. Whitney Brooks

    Lately I have been struggling with doubt and unassurance. I am getting married in four weeks to the most amazing man. He is so loving, kind, slow to anger and a God fearing man. But instead of focusing on the good qualities, I am focusing on the bad habits of his and nagging at him all the time. I am always asking God to help me quit that but my soul is restless and I am not relying on him any more. I am always trying to take control of everything and always stressed out. I am needing guidance to help me trust Him and to choose my battles of with my future husband. I am needing peace in my heart.

  344. Margarita Solis

    I needed to hear this morning because I’ve been in the rut where I do all these things and quiet time doesn’t fit in not because I don’t want to spend time with God but rather sitting down tends to me doing something else. I seek Him in things that I am involved in, with my internship at my church and remembering that I’m doing this for Christ. I also get emails from Air1 where I get a daily Bible verse that reminds everyday

  345. Brenda shepherd

    Been meeting with a friend now for several months just listening and sharing and just loving on each other through our good weeks and our not so good weeks. It has been so refreshing and has brought new perspective to the relationship my Father God desires to have with me. This post was perfect timing because I was feeling a little quilty from getting away from my usual routine of studying and praying the same everyday. Thanks Lysa for being so real to all us other real ladies.

  346. marilyn

    a life time of opportunities-a life time of failures.
    a life time of fear- a life time of not understanding.
    a life time of not listening-a life time of unfaithfulness.
    help me Lord-still my heart & mind so that I can hear You.
    I want to feel You Lord guiding me for the rest of my lifetime.

  347. Jeanie

    Definitely in need of some rest and help finding ‘whitespace’. Feeling half crazy all the time with working full time, going to school full time right now and trying to raise a teenaged daughter on my own. Even as I type this, someone just emailed me asking me if I have had any ‘rest’ in the last few weeks. Sleep escapes me and has for many years. But it is not sleep I crave, it is REST. I feel like I am an upside down basket case most days and am so lucky to remember my name! Clinging to God’s provision, strength and promises daily to sustain me.

  348. Kathy McAdams

    I agree with your insight on “quiet time”. I too feel that I am missing something! I crave the connection with God and need to do more listening!

  349. Alice

    Hi Lysa!
    Thank you for this today. I so need a fresh approach to starting the day with God. And I need it to be simple and doable. The Proverb, Admire, Trust formula sounds perfect for me right now,
    and I thank you so much for sharing it!

  350. Cynthia

    Hi Lysa: I, too, put my time with God after I do things thinking they must come first. Thank you for suggesting Proverbs. A lot of wisdom can be found in those writings and I will make it my daily reading.

  351. Linda

    I have been a believer all my life, but have never managed to be consistent about devotional time and focusing on study of the Word and having true quiet time with God. Since I have discovered Proverbs 31 online ministries and all you wonderful ladies, I am getting into the Bible and becoming so, so close to God. He is my all in all, I am finally realizing that, and that knowledge carries me through the trials in my life. Thank you Lysa for your ministry.

  352. Kris Ballard

    I have been leading a weekly women’s small group through my church for the past five years. I have so enjoyed the community and friendships that have been built while God is working through this group. However recently, I have felt frustrated and overused. I live my morning time with The Lord, but feel a staking up is overdue to allow me to say yes again with new determination and light.
    We have so enjoyed your DVD what happens when women say yes to God series!
    Thanks for listening to His plans!

  353. sarah

    I love my family, I have 3 noisy beautiful healthy energetic sons and a wonderful husband. I have a full time job that I enjoy and a small business on the side. Time is precious. When I am working I wish I was home with the boys, when we play outside I worry about the house work that is not getting done. When I sit down to have quiet time with my Jesus, the voice in my head reminding me of all the things that need done is so deafening it’s hard to concentrate. I am trying to relax and find rest, I am happier and I know that I am better for my family when I am resting in Jesus’ arms, but so many times that rest is disrupted and I find myself struggling. I want to always have that peace.

  354. Linda Gulledge

    Lisa, I am struggling to feel God’s presence in my life. I recently loss my 2 day old Grandson, and my Mother within a month of each other. I know that God is there but I don’t feel the closeness I once had. Maybe this book could point me in the right direction.

  355. Lynda Andersen

    I have taken a sabbatical from all my friends for a month now. I felt some were just there for their own agenda, and didn’t have a shared commitment to our friendship. Some even made me feel worse about myself when time was spent with them. As you wrote my energy level was starving. I have been finding myself talking to God more and I am slowly regaining my energy for others. I pray those who truly are friends will float to the top and be there when I am strong again. I am beginning to hear myself again, and it’s baby steps to trust what I am hearing, it’s been too long since I listened! I want that back! Lynda

  356. Melanie Hoth

    over the past..month I believe, I have started a routine that is not quite a routine. I start off with a set of specific scriptures, (reassurances, work of art, reminders) and finish with the full armor of God as I picture myself donning each piece of armor. Then I have my prayer time, giving myself enough time to pray, petition, and then wait for an answer. I think the waiting is the hardest part, sometimes you can wait for days, weeks, months, but always giving time and listening for God to speak! Then I finish off with a section of bible study (Living What You Believe right now ) and then to devotions on facebook and in e-mails. The WONDERFUL thing lately is that each source has been corresponding with the others! This is how I know He is leading me somewhere, or to action in a specific situation!
    To make this less of a routine, some days I will go to a whole chapter from one verse, or seek out similar verses to add/change the set of scriptures I soak up! This has been an AMAZING journey, and I am so glad that He quieted me to listen and obey 🙂

  357. Connie Boyd

    Your post just made everything click for me. Over the past 3 months, I have been consistent with my quiet time, with ‘time’ increased, been doing my Bible study homework, reading 1 Proverbs a day AND going in to prayer time as soon as my girls go down for nap. In the last month, however, I realize I haven’t been feeling the presence of the Lord. I’m doing more and feeling Him less. I hadn’t thought about switching it up…Today I will go on a walk outside and enjoy the sunshine, gorgeous weather and the birds going from tree to tree. I too will do something new as I listen to the Lord today. Thank you!

  358. Angie Alexander

    I am in a dry place right now and I have truly been on a roller coaster with my emotions. When I get quiet before the LORD it is so amazing how I can feel Him lovingly drawing me to Him. I feel so weak but when I just sit and meditate on His word I can feel my strength rising up in me. I go back over the other dry times in my life and my favorite scripture Eccl. 7:13-14 msg comes to mind Take a good look at God’s work.
    Who could simplify and reduce Creation’s curves and angles
    To a plain straight line?

    On a good day, enjoy yourself;
    On a bad day, examine your conscience.
    God arranges for both kinds of days
    So that we won’t take anything for granted. So I continue to look to GOD who is with me and He has promised to never leave me or forsake me. Truly the joy of the LORD is my strength.

  359. Sue Danhoff

    I just completed the first year of being a full time caregiver for my 90yr old mother in law with dementia/Alzheimer’s. Did I say MOTHER IN LAW? hmmmm…. While Mom D has always been a very sweet person, dementia is changing her. She has become snippy and critical. She gets offended at even the most casual and innocent remark, takes comments and situations completely out of context, has delusions and hallucinations and gets mad that you don’t see it too. I seem to be the one she is most easily offended by, yet I am the one caring for her. Simply put, each and every day is emotionally stressful. You’d think that would send me running to God on an hourly basis, but what i find is I don’t have the emotional energy or physical time to be alone with God like i used to. I just finished leading the Made 2 Crave studies with a small group of women and even with that I struggled to find time to just BE with God. I need a spiritual kick in the pants, a fresh longing for God. The desire is there but somehow everything else gets in the way. Its like the little booklet “Tyranny of the Urgent”. The URGENT gets in the way of the IMPORTANT. I need help!!!

  360. Evelyn

    I understand that it isn’t about the quiet time, but for me, I have to set some time aside daily to just focus on time with God. I finally this year determined to read through the Bible in one year, so I am now about halfway through, and am really enjoying it!

  361. Gindi

    This concept so resonates with me – you’re seeing more and more about this written in secular leadership literature like Thrive too – people are craving room to breathe. As a full time career mom with preschool triplets I can see how critical this is for both our physical and spiritual wellness.

  362. Christina

    Having quiet time is not something that is routine for me due to lack of space. I find I have more time to connect with God while in the shower listening to praise and worship music than at any other time

  363. Beth S.

    I have been so blessed to grow up knowing be experiencing the the importance of quiet time and connecting with God. This so resonates with me. I’ve had a hard time getting back into a “routine” perhaps it is time to change things up rather than work on routine!

  364. Tara

    Living in America we are bombarded with so much stimulation, negative stimulation. We are told “we are most important”, “your body needs work” and “take what we want”. Made to believe if we seek ourselves first we will have a wonderful life and everything will be perfect. I chased that and it caused me to run further and further away from God. What I needed to hear was put God first, God made you with to be just the way he wanted you, and give to those around you. Not only money but love, time, hope and the nuturing of others souls. In order to accomplish this I need to nourish my soul with words that will keep me focused on days where I wain. To help not let the devil in to speak discouraging words and stop the progress God has planned for me. Thank you

  365. Caroline Dean

    I need my heart to be filled with peace. My mind seems to wonder when quiet time is upon me. I could def use some help learning to fil my soul with some filling quiet time

  366. Julie Thompson

    I have had a change in schedule that is making my normal meeting time with God more difficult recently. When I do find the time, I feel like I am rushing through and checking it off. Not waiting to hear and be directed by God. I am looking for those windows that I used to find when my kids were babies. The windows that just are open and you have to take them when you can get them. God is good and meets us where we are and when we stop and listen for Him.

  367. Tiffany Speake

    This has been my struggle for so long. Trying to not make routine my time with God. He is anything but routine. So I sing and listen.

  368. Jody Watts

    I was recently faced with a major surgery that could have had grave consequences, however “PRAISE GOD” I am fine. During that time, my brain took over and even though physically I am fine, mentally and spiritually I am struggling. I fell like blinders were removed from what I thought was a pretty good relationship with God, only to realize in my desperation, I was pretty shallow. I am (truly) seeking His will for my life, prayer, reading scripture, listening to christian speakers, I have trouble quietly waiting , but I’m working on it. Thanks for your inspiration!!

  369. michelle h

    i’m listening to podcasts of sermons when I’m too weary to focus enough to read. the extra dose of the word and some great preachers spurs me on!

  370. Paula Hoyt

    Hello Lysa,

    I am a compulsive overeater and have been for most of my 59 years. I have been seeking nourishment for my soul for about the same amount of time.
    Seeking, seeking, seeking. What am I seeking? I’d like to say it’s God, direct, and there’s some truth to that. But mostly I’ve been seeking an answer to my “hungry” soul – trying to fill something that I had no idea what it was.
    Peace, joy, something….
    One time when I was at a low with my weight, I had a few weight loss programs I was thinking of going to AGAIN, and I couldn’t decide. I really wanted to know what God’s will was for me. I really wanted to do His will and told Him I would do whatever He wanted – just show me!
    I did that child-like action of opening up the bible randomly, and kind of closing my eyes and pointing to a scripture (that was going to be God speaking to me about what to do).
    Well, God certainly does have a sense of humor. I landed on Psalm 63:5:

    “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods;
    With singing lips, my mouth will praise you.”

    Well, I knew from this scripture that putting God in first place was my answer and the First Place program was one of my choices, so I knew what I was to do (especially with my mouth – lol). It was awesome knowing God was really with me – that He loved me by revealing this; and that combined with my willingness to do whatever He wanted made it easy to “know” what I was going to do.

    That’s my favorite seeking story. But I have to say, the seeking goes on and on every day, I don’t think ever to be filled. I think God likes to keep Himself a mystery, because it keeps us interested. The reason we keep watching a movie is because we want to see how it ends. I really don’t think that will ever happen with the Almighty God – Creator of the Universe and all it holds – Creator of us human beings! That’s amazing just in itself.

    I read something recently that said, “God is so big and has made us each so differently because He wants to be uniquely expressed in each one of us. What a wonderful thought – it kind of gives me permission to be different and it gives me permission to accept others differences. And it helps me not be afraid to be who I am, even if it’s unpopular! And the best part it reveals to me is “Christ in me, my hope of glory.”

    Colossians 1:27
    “27 To them God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

    So how am I seeking nourishment for my soul? One of the best things I do is to keep focused on renewing my mind by reading, writing, listening to music. And when I’m feeling negative, I think about what I’m thinking about (awareness of feeling negative) and then I’m at a place to make a choice about what I want to think about – and I want to think about God and His love for me and His love for others and I want to see His love for others too, cause that makes me want to love them too. And when I’m filled with His love, that fills everything else I need. I guess I have to say the bottom line is – His love is my nourishment.

    Thanks for letting me comment.

  371. Rebecca

    I have been caught up in a performance mindset for so many years. I always have felt like I need to do more to be loved, needed, wanted, appreciated. My whole sense of self worth was blindly wrapped up in my need for perfection in deed. I am now learning to carve out time for listening and being still. I am learning that God wants me wether I am performing or not. That His love doesn’t require my perfect performance of more tasks. He only asks for my presence in our relationship. He just wants me the way that I am.

  372. Lori Mason

    Woke up this morning feeling overwhelmed and as if everything in the world (or my life) was wrong and broken and feeling guilty for not keeping up with Quiet Time. I need a whole relationship not another scheduled item. I think God directed me here. Even if I don’t win the book, thank you for using words to speak to my heart and helping me to see that my butt doesn’t really look that fat. 😉

  373. Lou

    I retired the beginning of the year and I was very faithful doing daily Bible studies before each work day began. I carried that on into retirement and I enjoy the time spent BUT something is missing. I ask the Trinity to enter my head each morning before my feet hit the floor and something is missing. Gladly I keep seeking as I don’t know what the “missing” is but something is missing. I ask God for a “Closer Walk With Thee” but something is missing. I’m still working on it just not sure if I am just not listening or God is working within. But as I travel this journey I am not quitting.

  374. Bonnie Galloway

    Girl you so spoke to my heart today! This is exactly where I have been & I really needed this perspective change. Thank you for reminding us to stop being so busy “doing” & get back to “being” in His presence!

  375. Ruth

    I can resonate with this post. “Be still” has been a theme for me over the last year and I’m trying to practice that. I have been making white space a few times a week by literally having a time to sit and be quiet, without an agenda. It’s a time to just listen to Him. It has been good (and hard!).

  376. Linda Brooks

    To be honest I didn;t know what the term whitespace met..(lol) until i read further and realized its what I don;t have listed in my calender nor in my life because of the busyiness of everyday life. To busy to even be able to squeeze God in at times and when I do its the left over at the end after the world has beat me up. So this space is what I need to be more mindful of because after all He is what give me the Grace to do everything I do that I no one else put before Him. As I am typing I am asking God for forgivness and to reevaluate my time, and my life

  377. Michelle

    For the last number of months the Lord has been speaking to me about rest… Matt 11:28-30 has been popping up over & over… He is faithful to draw us and show us… thanks for the continued reminder!

  378. Kim S

    The world throws so much at us that we feel like we have to do and be all. Sometimes we just need to stop and listen. Refocus on the basics.

    • Nico Smith

      What a wonderful God we serve! I ♥ just how awesome God is. No matter what circumstances my husband, Ron Smithith and I may be going through, God has the ability to help us ov…ercome whatever challenges we may be going through together. “I’ve been amazed at what a difference it makes to wisely choose our reactions to problems. I DO have a choice. And what I choose not only affects me, but those around me as well…

      How are you choosing to have better reactions?” ~Lysa TerKeurst I ♥ this thought-provokn question. How so very incredible God is! There’s nothing I enjoy more than spending quiet time in God’s presence at all times. I ♥ enjoying nature, admiring the beauty that God has tken care antime to create. “I’m taking a break from having a quiet time. Because sometimes I can get in a rut. Even with good things. And having a daily quiet time is a good thing. Until it becomes more about routine than actually connecting with God.

      When God becomes routine rather than revival, it’s time to switch things up.

      Otherwise, I might start seeing this time as less important. It becomes the second or third thing I do. After other things. Seemingly more pressing things. Before I know it, it’s been days since I connected privately and personally with Truth.

      And then my soul feels a bit off and sluggish. Like when my stomach has been denied food, a desperation starts creeping over other parts of my body. That happens with soul hunger too.

      Only the triggers for stomach hunger are much more apparent. My brain quickly reminds me, “You feel awful because you need to eat.”

      Sometimes my brain isn’t as quick to pick up on soul hunger. So I just lumber forward but wonder, “What’s wrong?” I think of a list of reasons … I’m tired, I haven’t had enough fun, or my butt looks big in these jeans.

      And while some of those things may be true—it’s not why I feel off.

      I need more time with God.

      Not more quiet time.

      More listening time. Like the writer in Psalm 63:1 needed. “You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek You; I thirst for You, my whole being longs for You, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” (NIV)

      Recently, as I sat with God with nothing but willingness to listen, three things popped into my mind. I can’t say “God spoke to me” but it felt right. I need to do some new things as I listen.

      Study wisdom by reading a chapter in Proverbs every day.
      Ask God to reveal “my verse” for the day and think of ways to apply it. I listen.

      Read something from someone I admire.
      I need to study leadership in this season of my life. So, I pick up a book written on this topic by someone I admire and glean from their wisdom. I listen.

      Read something from someone I trust.
      There’s a book I’m reading right now that is whimsical and grounded all at the same time. It makes me feel like this writer gets me. They get my struggles and offer up advice I know I can trust. I listen.

      Maybe you think all this still sounds like a quiet time, but to me it’s different. It’s a listening time. A time to shake things up a bit and get outside my normal routine. A time to listen to God speak. And He does speak … through His book of wisdom, through someone I admire, and through someone I trust.

      And this morning? My soul felt that thrilling and comforting full feeling. Complete. Satisfied. Deeply nourished.”~”Why I’m Breaking Up With My “Quiet Time” by Lysa TerKeurstKeurst
      Wow! I ♥ this powerful thought! I ♥ how wonderful God is. We need to spend more time in God’s presence whenever I possibly can. God is so incredibl. Nthig could make eel more complete. See More

  379. Paola

    I am seeking nourishment for my soul by appreciating the now, living in the moment. Being thankful to God for the smallest blessings that I encounter such as being able to hear and see the beauty of Spring! Then I am reminded to dwell more in His Word and find as Lysa stated a “revival” time in my quiet time with Him.

  380. Heather McDaniel

    I find nourishment for my soul through reading and prayer. I love it when I hear God and he fills me with the Holy Spirit. It is wonderful. I have come to understand that life is so much easier with God then without.

  381. Ronie Langston

    My husband and I are going through a hard time right now – a trial of sorts. He’s a Pastor seeking a church and we are seeking God’s desire for us. As strange as it might sound, God has me in Job and I am finding encouragement and wisdom. I may not understand why the Lord has placed us in this situation but I know I can trust Him in all things, including healing for our family.

  382. Courtney

    I find my quiet time with God when I run or walk. I call this time my pralks or pruns (prayer walks or prayer runs). During this time I have dedicated time to shut out all the noise of the world and really listen to God’s messages. These times are so precious to me. I get inspiration, clarification, direction and assurance that God is meeting all my needs.

  383. Leslie

    I’m working on trusting God in the midst of challenges and changes by slowing down and appreciating each day – and seeking what He has for me in each of these situations.

  384. Lori

    A very timely post for me personally. I was pondering the quality of my quiet time and attention to God over the last two days.

  385. ginger

    To find my spiritual white space I am focusing on feel, awareness, self control and to stop being a doormat personality. I’m reading books, doing devotionals throughout the day, praying as much as I can through out the day and I am making sure to have a morning devotional which begins before I even get out of bed. I make myself say something positive about myself and give God thanks for at least one thing.

  386. Cathy

    I love being outside in my flowerbeds in the spring. I appreciate God for the miracle of new life he blesses us with. I could use some good reading material, though, to focus on God’s spirit.

  387. Charity

    I’ve been trying to listen more.

  388. Carla

    I am seeking nourishment from God in the little things I do. Being a mom of three young girls, there are many little things in my life. I like being reminded to seek God’s wisdom in the proverbs. It’s simple enough that I can squeeze it in my day.

  389. Judi

    I am so desperate to see the Lord touch our home in a new way. I have had 3 surgeries in less than 2 years. My health has been impacted; my family has been impacted too. We need the Lord to reveal Himself to all of us in new ways; financially (more than ever before), emotionally, spiritually, physically. I’ve been reading books about God’s Word … and other books that cause me to focus heavenward. Our family thought my journey with surgery would be a one-year chapter … but it began in 2011 and we are worn out and need new vision and HIS provision in everything.

  390. Phyllis

    I find my spiritual “whitespace” by taking my beloved dog for a walk at the crack of dawn on a “Rails to Trails” former railway roadbed that meanders along a local creek. At that time of the morning the birds are singing their loud praise – the deer are scampering away to the deep woods, a gentle dew is falling all around and my dog becomes the great African Lion Dog hunter God created her to be. It is my soul’s deep connection with God and his nature. Often He speaks to me of His love for me there. It is a glorious sanctuary for mind, body and spirit and I praise Him for it!

  391. Diane Payne

    I know how you feel Lysa. Lately I have been feeling the same way except that when I start to spend time with the Lord, reading and studying His Word, many other thoughts get in my mind and I have trouble concentrating. I really want to spend time with God and enjoy our times together. I look forward to it but then I cannot concentrate. Any ideas?

  392. Amy

    I would SO love to win a copy of this book. Sounds like the perfect way to ‘Shake things up’ in my morning quiet time! Thanks for the chance to win.

  393. teepee

    I want to find quiet, listening time, but there have been a few health-related problems in my life, so this book could help me get “back” on track. I need to hear from God, either through the ways you mentioned, or just sitting and waiting.

  394. Lori H

    I absolutely must take time to stop. Stop what I’m doing…because I ALWAYS have something to do! Make time to focus on God’s goodness and greatness.

  395. Kate Semer

    I love the outdoors and in NW Ohio spring has sprung and summer is upon us, so I am in my gardens every day. This is a time I feel closest to God, to His beauty and I bask in this time with Him. And in June sunrises come earlier so I can enjoy them before work, around 6am, after a good workout, blessings from the One who loves us so much. It quiets me to hear.

  396. Louise Saylor

    Wow! I am at a point in life where I MUST have divine direction/motivation or I will sink. My world fell apart just before Mother’s Day when I lost my employment (church secretary) and my church family. We were heavily involved in our church for 17 years and over a matter of just a few months everything changed and our membership was terminated, with no explanation. We are still walking in a fog trying to find God in all this, and direction for the next step. My “whitespace” definitely needs rejuvenation – I have buried my nose in Psalms and Proverbs, but I am seeking that still, small voice…………that speaks just to me…..

  397. Lisa

    I seek nourishment for my soul through bible study, although I agree this can become routine, which is not neccesarily a good thing.

  398. Kate Collins

    There are many different ways that I seek to nourish my soul. One I am focusing on right now is authentic relationships.

  399. Pia

    I normally seek nourishment for the soul through reading devotionals and listening to podcasts. Although, nothing beats the fresh ‘bread’ revealed by the Father when you completely shut off everything that’s going on in your life and simply just focus on hearing from Him. When I feel like really wanting to hear, I would go to a park, read my bible and journal my prayers and the word I receive. This way, I don’t lose the ‘treasure’ God has given me at that moment. It’s always nice to read it later on and it still refreshes your soul.

    Thanks Lysa for sharing your blog.

  400. Chris Carter

    Productivity is my idol. My greatest barrier. And Satan’s strongest tactic to keep me from having ‘revival time’ with God. I have ‘so much to get done’ never really stops. I MUST carve out time for the One and Only. How dare I put everything else first?

    Listening. Ah yes. My greatest prayer time is silence.

    Thank you for this reminder Lysa. You have once again spoken to my heart. And I hear God calling my name…

  401. Charlotte Orth

    I am trying to find wisdom in what other women say to me. I want to learn from where they have been with God whether they are younger or older than me.

  402. Kim Phillips

    I’m seeking nourishment in so many areas. I spend my quiet time while running in the morning and I have been doing bible study for about 6 months and that has truely been a blessing to me. I have been following your blogs and love your Proverbs 31 posts. I have read 2 of your books and felt so much better about myself. I truely feel you have helped me and anything you suggest can’t go wrong. Thank you.

  403. Jaimie

    I am feeling very much in a rut–like I am craving connection, but the things I used to do to get connected (church, Bible studies, etc) are actually frustrating me and NOT making me feel connected. I am wondering if I just need to soak, change my routine, something…..

  404. Julie Morgan

    I have decided to become allergic to the terms”quiet time”, “devotions” and other such spiritual terms. It’s about listening to God’s voice throughout my day, looking for the common thread in the things I read the people I talk to and reading God’s word throughout the day, not just once a day.

  405. Sorina Constantin

    I am still new at finding pockets of still time with GOD and giving Him all my attention. I definitely need something innovative, something that will spark my soul and jolt my spirit to unite with His. A book like this could be exactly what I need at this time in my life. Thank you so much for doing this.

  406. Joni G.

    About a months ago, God led me to a refreshed way to spend time with Him. For many years I have used the same bible to study, and it is well used, heavily marked, and very worn. I have started using a new bible and am finding joy in noting new things, marking and making notes as I go. Rather than the struggle I’d anticipated, it is pure delight.

  407. Debbie Cardwell

    As I was reading this post today; I kepth thinking, “WOW” Lysa is reading my mind! We just finished our staff meeting and I had shared how difficult it was for me to have my time with God. I guess you could say there is a little bit of tension in my relationship with God at this time. Let me explain. Last year I had a heart attack, I am doing much better so I thought 2014 would be a much better year. My brother in law was placed under Hospice care. During this time we found out that my father in law , who has luekemia also has a very aggresive form of Lymphoma!! I live in East Texas. I have been traveling to Houston for the weekend or longer since February 9th. My brother in law passed away on my anniversary, May 14th. My father in law has started chemo and is having some issues with the treatment. This past week a friend mine was killed in a car accident
    and his son is on life support. They are monitoring him for brain activity, not looking good. He has two other children that were also injured.

    I am struggling with these issues so my quiet time. I wonder why I am still here and am still loosing family and friends. I was about ready to give it up until I read your post today. I need to shake things up and get out of my routine. I know that God loves me and is always with me. I want to hear him .

    Thank you for all the encouragement you send to many. Your ministry is truly a blessing.

  408. Stacey Dale

    How am I seeking nourishment for my soul? That’s a GREAT question! I’ve recently gotten back into the habit of reading His Word and a devotion first thing each morning. I’ve also started something NEW: taking inventory of what I’ve seen Him do throughout the day! On my bed, I remember Him… And I need to do that more and more as this drought in my life continues. Thanks for asking the question so I would remember.

  409. Sasha

    I seek nurishment a lot through Christisn blogs, websites and music. I need the comardary telling me I’m not alone. I also see a Christian counselor to help me process stuff too.

  410. Alicia

    I’m a wife, grad student, friend, business professional, a friend, family member, and a Christian. This post was so good for me because I feel that in the midst of my chaos I feel obligated always have my daily devotion. It’s nice to hear that while having daily devos are important, it’s less about the obligation and more about connecting. I think sometimes I am more connected after reading a blog, or a Facebook post, or listening to a song than when I read my bible and check the box on my to do list. Thanks for the dose of reality.

  411. Marisa

    I am starting a new routine, different from what I have been doing.

  412. Bonnie

    Thanks!! This is what the Lord has been speaking to may heart also….quit going through the motions of time with Him and be still, be quiet and put down the checklist……just listen!

  413. Stephanie

    I’m looking for new nourishment with The Lord…I’ve found myself in a rut too….I read early every morning, but I’m finding myself feeling very empty. I’ve decided I might need to change up my scheduling, maybe reading more Christian books? Would really love to know how other women connect with God!

  414. Julie

    I agree when it becomes a routine, one in which no thought is given, you need to shake it up. Love the idea of spiritual whitespace. Space to breath, regroup and listen to the Father. Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy

  415. Danielle R

    I know I was meant to read this post by Lysa today.I have been wanting to be more intentional about having quiet time with the Lord which included being in His Word daily. I keep saying that I am going to start with tje book of Proverbs and work through that book. How awesome it was to read this post and see that the book of Proverbs came up again! I do not believe in consequences. I believe everything happens for a reason. God is behind it all. I believe that God lead me to this blog post today. He is really trying to get through to me. Maybe today I will finally listen. That I will be more intentional. I make sure to make time for others and other things than I should make time for Gid. He needs to be first before anything else. I know this. I just need to follow this.

  416. Lenda

    I am trying to minimize the amount of stuff we own as it takes away time managing them that I could spend loving on friends and going to BSF. I am mentoring a sweet girl which keeps me so very accountable to The Lord. Otherwise I am not sure..I am reading ann voskamps Christmas devotional each day!

  417. Terry C

    I seek nourishment for my soul by quiet time, journaling, reflecting, thinking, writing my prayers, taking the unnecessary things out of my life. Making room for only the best things.

  418. Lisa Edney

    I’ve gotten out of being consistent in my time with God and just started leading an online bible study. It is such a blessing, but doing my best to serve these amazing ladies means I’m not always listening to God as I should. He needs to be first and anything that encourages me to get there is a treasured gift!

  419. Colleen

    I am struggling with being still, putting down my smart phone and daring to listen. Remembering that it is possible to hear The Lord while I am feeding my baby and my toddler is crying because she can’t get the lid off of the play-doh container. I want to learn how to find rest when there is no quiet.

  420. Jennifer

    I am seeking nourishment for my soul by trying to be present and aware of ways He is speaking to me – even if I don’t get a lot of reading time, if I am awake and aware of His presence, He always finds ways to touch my heart – and I love that! Also, I do this by reading His word, reflecting on it, and just talking with Him…which I love that we can do no matter when or where. 🙂 I have actually been dealing with a lot and just last week I was in shut-down mode because I was so overwhelmed. This week, my motivation is back and I am just trying to soak Him in at my own pace – yes, I am reading books and trying to participate in studies, but no more letting it stress me out – I just want to soak it in, in His ways, and in His timing….oh, and music…and simply taking time to hear the breeze blow and the birds sing – and feeling the sunshine on me….So many beautiful ways to be nourished!!! (And I always need more of it 🙂 )

  421. Jenna

    I just discovered Bonnie this week and would love to read her book! I can absolutely relate to your thoughts on “quiet time” in this post, and I am endeavoring to discover my “whitespace” by having more listening times as well ~ rather than rote or routine.

  422. Stephanie G

    Focusing on the good in my life, the positives. Putting one foot in front of the other, every day … It takes courage to get up and be a wife, daughter, parent … I just try to do it a little better than I did the day before. I don’t beat myself up as often.

  423. Rachel Harriman

    I am struggling with unity with my husband. I feel like I do well spiritually for awhile and then I get in a rut. It is difficult for me to have a set quiet time every day because I work full time and have three kids 8 and under. My husband also works alot and I get frustrated with his absence. He does not feel the same way I do regarding many spiritual issues like tithing, serving, and giving. He loves the Lord and we share the same morals, but because he works so much, I feel like we get so little of what he has to offer. I worry that this is the way things will always be. I know I need to trust and have faith that God will give me peace and hope that things will change and if they don’t, God will give me strength and joy no matter the circumstances.

  424. Kim

    I am seeking God. I actually yearn for Him to speak to me, but when I stop to listen I hear silence and then my own rambling thoughts.

  425. Rose Moon

    I need something! This past Sabbath, I went up and asked for prayer for peace and joy. About 5 hours later, my youngest son called me…….from jail. I was hosting a gathering with friends from our congregation that evening in our home with my husband and did pretty well till prayer time, when I blubbered through the whole thing. I received some wonderful prayers and great advice but I need something to hear Him better myself!

  426. Mary-Margaret

    I am stuck in a rut and want to be more intentional with my quiet time. Lately when I sit down for quiet time, I am so easily distracted. I need to be still and listen, but that is so hard!

  427. Elaine Kirkpatrick

    Lysa, Thank you so much. I so needed to hear this. I have been dealing with this very issue. God never ceases to amaze me. Bless you.

  428. Kacey

    I want to experience something new…I want to be uncomfortable about my walk…so I can grow and change and be a better reflection of Jesus!

  429. Jennifer C.

    My goal is to read God’s Word daily and let it penetrate me from the inside out so I can share it with others. Intentionally.

  430. Kalyanie Hartzog

    On Monday, June 2nd I was lead by the Spirit to take a 5 day break from all Social Media Networks and only allow into my spirit things pertaining to my spiritual growth and walk with Christ. I felt my soul needed some extra nourishment and God directed me and the Holy Spirit is helping me.

  431. Mandy

    I’m seeking rest by having soul-deep conversations with good friends and making time for painting on a huge canvas.

  432. Grace Cho

    I’m finding rest in literal silence and reading. The noise throughout the day leaves me begging for quiet at the end of the night, so that’s what I do. I sit. I read. I relish the silence.

  433. Dottie

    Renewing my calling to ministry by focusing on reading through the book of Ephesians and identifying the heart connections that touch me.

  434. louise

    I’m seeking rest by saying no to more volunteer work at church. That might sound bad, but I love to volunteer until I get to the point where I am on overload. I am now just focusing on one Bible study with my group on Tuesdays and not feeling guilty about not doing EVERYTHING that comes along. I feel more at peace and not overwhelmed. I am still on 2 other committees at church, but that is my limit. I think God is speaking to me.

    • LindaN

      The very sweet and funny Patsy Clairmont (from Women of Faith) calls it a “holy no” which is so appropriate at times.

  435. Sheila

    I’m engaging in a Precepts on-line study for the first time. It’s entitled “Influence” and is teaching us about mentoring. There’s a section called “Digging Deeper”. I’m ready to “dig deeper” with God. So I literally have been in my garden digging really deep to get rid of these nagging weeds that have a never-ending root system. I get so much pleasure when I can pull them all the way out. I thank God for my garden, for spending time with him while I’m working in my yard. There is great satisfaction from digging deeper. At night I’m enjoying your book “Unglued”. Thank you and thank you for visiting Melbourne recently.

  436. Lisa E

    I am seeking rest during this season of my life by staying connected to my spiritual leaders, and by working on my artwork. I am a textile artist and make traditional wool rugs. It is during this quiet time that I feel close and connected to God.

  437. Tammy Cease

    I am trying to remember to walk in gratitude every day. I notice when I do my day is so much better :):):):)

  438. Connie Gomez

    First off. I love not just you but Bonnie Gray! I have been following her blog for years! SO exciting that you get to tour with her!!!

    The way I seek to nourish my soul…my mind and my by seeking a good healthy balance of life, faith and my passions. I am constantly looking to better myself and yes sometimes I too eliminate quiet time. I get too caught up in trying to hear God and His word that I miss it… but recently I am pursuing my passions a little more intensely and God is right next to me!!! 😀

  439. Maggie Ward

    I’m desperately seeking nourishment for my soul. I’ve been seeking happiness and peace in money, love, travel, and success. Lately, my only peace has come from journaling my prayers. I write, cry, and pray. I either pick a random clump of scripture, or I find a book relative to my current struggles. Interestingly, I also have to turn off the TV. Watching mindless, violent, and even inappropriate shows leads my heart to depression and my soul to a craving other than Christ.

  440. Kelly Smith

    Boy you hit the nail on the head. Thank you for this giveaway. And congratulations on anyone who wins it. I love getting closer to God. And I found Proverbs 31 book studies with made to crave because I’m always craving to get closer to God. And thank you for that book because I did stay closer to Him, it was such an easy read, but it was so profound. And I have gotten so much out of my small group I can’t believe it’s only for a year, you’ve got to extend that but that’s a whole different subject…. In January I started so many different things and just a whole new walk with God, and daily Bible reading, walking 3 miles where I listen to my Christian music and it’s time with God that I spend meditating and praying, and I just really listen to what He has for my life, and setting my alarm early so that I pray in the morning before any decisions or thoughts are made or I run into anybody and interact with anyone before God gets inside me to make His will be done not mine… And from the beginning a lot of it was not emotional, like most of my life has been with God’s changes and His seasons, they’ve been very spiritually emotional this was more obedience and through it I’ve seen the growth and I have seen that the benefits. It’s been a very rewarding journey. And I have matured so much as a Christian through this. And I have been under some severe attack and my life is gone through some severe changes. To say the least. I’m still wondering how God is walking me through what is going on in my life. But I’m excited to see where I’m going at the same time. Praise God. Big things are happening. Devil get thee behind! But right now it’s continuous attacks! Anyway, since February I’ve been praying to be at rest, and to find rest in the Lord, and there are days or maybe a week that I will feel at peace and feel at rest with God, but I’m not… For some reason I keep feeling like I need to pray more or I need to be trying to get more papers ready for court or I to be worried more if I should be trying to control something in some area. Because I still am worried about my child… I know that God has his future and his life in his hands. And I know that God works all things for his good. And In my mind really that’s all fine, but when it comes to the daily grind I still don’t let it completely go and rest and enjoy the moments that I should be spending hanging out, my head worried about what chores need to be done, if I need to be filling out court paperwork or calling the police to do well checks, and I need to let things go…(or do I?, do I need to be taking appropriate steps to make sure that my child isn’t in danger? LOL) that’s where I try and sit back and let God actually tell me exactly what steps to take. He usually does. And I usually listen and I’ve let a lot of things go and I’ve taken action on some… It’s just the stress in the meantime that steals my time. That I want the rest…
    I find that having the routine I’ve had too many changes after six months and put a little bit of difference in my day so that me and God I talking to each other and having a relationship and not just a routine… Because I’ve had a relationship with him since I was four, but I had never done the act of obedience. So in the last six months that was new and that was a nice gift of offering to Him. But I have found that it can become monotonous and it can steal part of that relationship flavor away… Balance and following His flow will lead us right where we need to be with Him… I have faith in that. God will guide my steps!

    KellyS91709 grp# 58

  441. Loresa

    I love your ideas Lysa. I first discovered with made to crave and I’ve been a follower every since. It had a huge impact on me. My library carries some of your books so I’ve been fortunate. Anyway I will try to do what you described above that your doing now. It sounds like a great idea. The book mentioned intrigues me I’m not sure I understand the white space though. God Bless you Lysa your faithfulness to the Lord has changed my life. I intend to stay with the Bible Studies and contribute when I can. Thank you. <3

  442. Elwin

    I get in my car in the morning to go to work and instead of turning on the radio, I drive while imagining I am sitting at God’s feet and listen to him speak.

  443. Kristen S.

    I am now seeking nourishment by carefully and slowly pouring over Scripture, looking for all the things I have missed in other readings and making sure I am grounding myself once again deeply in the truth of God’s Word. It’s amazing how much He has shown me in this slow and careful reading!

  444. Ellen Hatlen

    Amen! Its like somethings gone wrong or I’m waiting to go home and realize I am home.

  445. Marcie

    Oddly enough, I’m finding spiritual nourishment by spending less time actually eating. Or at least eating to fill needs and satisfy desires that only He can fill. Let me explain:

    It started when I began what I thought would be a 40 day complete fast on April 21st. I broke the fast becasue I came down with a horrible throat infection and severe head cold.

    Though completely out of sorts post-fast, I’ve been able to maintain what I call a fasted lifestyle, staying away from sugar and other dangerous trigger foods and instead really spending time seeking Him in prayer and devotional study.

    I find that being in a less than “full” or “stuffed” state physically leaves me more open and vulnerable to the Lord to minister to my deeper need in any way that He sees fit. And yes, I too am really trying to spend more quiet time just listening as well. I’m tired of 1-way conversations with God and really do want to spend more time hearing what it is that He is saying!!!

  446. Carol Graft

    What a great sounding book! Soul hunger.. Yes I think I am starving.:-(
    Studying some for teaching, leading. But it doesn’t seem filling enough you know?,So I can’t exactly tell you how I’m feeding my soul because I don’t feel like I am. 🙁 Don’t think I’m completely burned out but…rest would be nice.
    Love the title of this book. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

  447. Gwen

    Whitespace, rest – it all sounds so appealing and it is so much what my soul needs. Likely I’m reading this article just after I spent even just the shortest amount of time hanging up laundry, I kneeled down in the quiet of the closet today. Nothing to read, nothing to write just quiet and listening.

  448. Melissa May

    I’m going on a retreat for returning missionary families and hope there to find some whitespace in the middle of crazy returning to the US. And I’m trying to remember to breathe. 🙂 And nap when needed. I have a long way to go… And need to get my hands on this book!!!

  449. Angie West

    I am a young pastors wife, trying to seek wisdom as I am personally going through some spiritual warfares. Quitting is never an option but I do fight it daily. Thank you so much for all of your encouraging posts. There are some days that I don’t feel that I can go on, then you post something that’s on your heart and I know that I am not alone! May God continue to bless your ministry!!! 🙂

  450. Elizabeth Parris

    I am seeking nourishment by reading a promise every day, writing it down, and then watching & waiting through the day to hear God give me confirmation of His love. He is faithful, so sweet & sooo soo personal to each of us and he never disappoints me. I am falling more in love with him through His personal attention to my needs.

  451. Kathy A.

    Thank you so much for this post. I often feel that I am just doing my quiet time. I can get up from that time feeling just a dry and when I sat down. Sometimes I feel it is me not doing something right.
    Thanks for the new perspective. We can’t hear God if we don’t get used to listening.

  452. Kathy

    My quiet time is during the early hours when I can read my “Morning Revival” and then pray the verses or for my burdens of the day. I try to have some blogs that meet my spiritual needs during the day. Proverbs 31 Ministry definitely helps me and gives me new perspectives on how to live a godly life focused on the Lord. The Word is our salvation and keeps us growing in grace, so I try to have a verse nearby to meditate on when on the computer or near my place at the kitchen table. Listening is a skill I want to cultivate and hearing God’s voice is such a reward.

  453. Teresa Hyde

    Oh how this is my life pursuit to seek His rest…the whole” be still and know that I am God” is a challenge and I so desire to get to a place in my heart, mind, and soul of this type of rest. I seek Him in worship, reading His word and various studies that encourage me to take the courageous steps into the unknown of trusting God with the little so He may do the big in and through me 🙂

  454. Marie Bride

    I am seeking rest like the deer seeks the brook for refreshment!
    It has been a long journey and a longer winter this past season as my parents are aging and I seem to be the only one doing the day to day.
    Speak to me Lord.

    • LindaN

      You will be lifted in prayer today. I also took care of the day-to-day as my mom’s physical and mental health declined (my dad passed away years before), and it can be emotionally exhausting. Support groups for care-givers are usually available free of charge (check with assisted living facilities, hospitals, local mental health centers) and are a great source of information, help, and a sense of not being alone. It is important to give yourself care as well, and I will be praying for you.

  455. Valyre Gates

    I had an accidental fall, breaking my pelvic , 8 ribs and my clavicle ! I was two weeks in the hospital , a month in a rehab facility and 6 months of physical therapy! God slowed me down completely… 45 days in a bed !!!
    I’m learning that the God in the midst of the trauma is the gift !!! Not loving the hardship of it but embracing the intamacy in it!! I need this book I still struggle with how my life has changed and what God has for me!! I do know that everyday is a gift and God is good!!!

  456. Rita Haverman

    How am I seeking spiritual nourishment??? Good question. I talk/think about stopping/quieting myself to listening to God but by the time I am ready for that it is late in the day and I am tired. It is always cut short by thoughts of “rest” before the next big day starts. The hunger for refuge continues. I would love an opportunity to win this helpful little book. Thank you for your offer.

  457. Jodi

    I seek nourishment for my soul by reading my Bible and looking up related cross references. I read my utmost for his highest each day, and john piper’s online devotional ap, and I like to journal 3 thankful things with the ideas from ann vodkamp at A Holy Experience. I am also reading No Ordinary Marriage by Tim Savsge and discussing it in a moms evening Bible study. I’m also reafing Revolutionary Parenting by Barna and discussing with other couples from our Sunday school class. I nourish my soul by spending time outside in nature, going for walks, sitting in the sunshine, walking through wet grass after the sprinklers have been on, I nourish my soul by getting good sleep and exercising and eating in moderation. I nourish my soul by spending lots of time with my husband, children, parents and friends. I nourish my soul by daily listening to worship music and praising God. I nourish my soul by using the spiritual gifts that God had given me to use, because when I use my gifts, I feel his pleasure! I nourish my soul by acknowledging God’s presence in every day, that He loves me enough to communicate to me in even the little things. When I am aware of Hos work around me, I can more easily join him in what He is doing, and take advantage of the opportunity to participate in His work on earth. This nourishes my soul, to be doing what He created me to do: being and living for His glory!

  458. krytondra mamou

    I am just now starting on the convicted path over that sacred everyday time. There really is nothing like it to start and fill my day right!

  459. Tania

    I lost my job in October (it was also at my church of 9 years, so I lost that too). It has been a very unsettled time ever since. It has been challenging to clear my thoughts to connect with God. For a period I literally could only connect through worship music. I’ve just recently been able to read again and actually connect with what I’m reading. I’m excited about that because my too spiritual pathway is through study, but I lost that during this trauma and loss. I only knew that my goal was to connect with God – not to “do the right thing” – if I couldn’t through my usual way I searched for any way that I could. I’m still struggling, but trying to live free!

  460. LindaN

    Currently I find myself in a place of being engrossed in several studies from which need to take a step back as times. When I feel like I’m on overload, I like to take my cup of coffee, sit outside while it’s still early, take in the little blessings of nature and marvel at the creativity of God. I may only need one morning of this to feel refreshed or a couple of days before I’m ready to jump back in my studies. So I guess my favorite “white space” is “green space.”

  461. Vickie

    It is so easy to get busy and forget to immerse ourselves in the Word. God tells us to “be quick to listen, and slow to speak” in James. I want to get quiet and listen. Thank you Lysa for encouraging woman to become the woman that God wants us to be.

  462. Hayley

    I wish I could say I’m diligently seeking quiet times…when I do, and consistently, everything does seem to fall into place better. When I don’t, I feel like I’m swimming upside-down in a raging river, and then get frustrated that my 4 minutes quietly praying doesn’t seem to change it all back into a peaceful calm. I wish I knew how to do it all! :-/ (And yet, obviously thinking I could EVER do it all is my main problem, LOL)

  463. Lori Regan

    Lysa, thank you for this post. Very needed. I was feeling empty, so I stepped onto my back porch to sit in nature quietly with my Lord. My soul was hungry. Your post encouraged me in what I was doing! Bless you!

  464. Kelly

    Joining a women’s bible study group for accountability.

  465. Jaime Albaugh

    I’m still studying and reading Living So That from the Online Bible study this spring. I’ve just been soaking in it and have gained a quiet time like I have never had before. It has been nourishing my soul…that’s for sure. I couldn’t keep up the pace of the study but God and I have been enjoying the time together and my faith has been growing. Thank you, Lysa, for your ministry and your encouragement.

  466. pjmendy

    You’re so on que!! I never thought about reading Autobiographies in with my daily devotional or my bible time, but you’re right sometimes I need to “shake” things up a bit to come away from my time with my Papa to say, “I don’t want to leave!”. I do miss those tender moments with Him, thanks for the encouragement!

  467. Michelle Callahan

    I’m seeking spiritual nourishment these days by intentionally looking for God in every day things: like the ‘helicopter’ seeds falling from my tree (I love the “playfulness” of God I see there) or the sound of my neighbors bull frog in the evening (is he ‘singing’ his praises?) or the laughter and squeals of the little girl in the store this afternoon. I’m in a season of extreme activity with 3 graduations and a wedding in my immediate family this month! so noticing God, paying attention and seeing where He’s at work is keeping me sane 🙂

  468. Sharon Oriordon

    Thank you for being so transparent, Lysa. That’s what I love about you and your devotionals.
    I’ve been seeking spiritual nourishment by not leaving my bed in the morning before talking to Him. I love also having my time with Him after sending my son off to school, and before I have to leave for work. When I can’t have that time, oh, do I ever miss it!

  469. Heidi

    This post really spoke to me. I have felt in the same rut latlely. So I have been listening to worship songs during the day to listen to God and draw close to Him.

  470. Lois

    I have always struggled with this. When I am reading through a reading plan I start to feel very burned out at times. Hard to not feel like it’s a check list. I’m not a check list person in any other area, so it really doesn’t feel right. I finished reading through the Bible but it took about 16 mo instead of the 12 it was “suppose” to take. Realized that’s just not my reading style — I don’t think the typical quiet times would work for me. So this all really resonated with me! I want to read His word but I want to get what God has for me in it. I want to learn to listen more.

  471. Diana Abanto

    5 things I’ve been doing to seek nourishment,
    1. I have been meditating on a scripture and learning to apply it
    2. Having silent time as well to commune and listen to the holy Spirit
    3. My worship time with God
    4. Learning to loving others in front of me (my Mom, my Dad etc,.)
    5. Keeping a thankful heart 🙂

  472. Diana Abanto

    I really liked what you said here Teresa 🙂 it is very encouragimg, May God continue to grow your passion for Him!!

  473. RJ

    Getting away from work and out into nature!

  474. Nancy

    I decided in January my word for the year would be ‘listen’ but I haven’t done a very good job of actually listening. My life has become so out of balance. So I was thrilled to have the privilege of attending a silent retreat this past weekend — 40 hours completely focused on listening to Jesus. I so needed that and would love to have this book to help me keep. Life is already starting to crowd in on me. Thanks for everything you write Lysa. You always seem to have the perfect words to put everything into perspective.

  475. Janene Case

    *****I’m raising 2 boys! One is 19&1/2 and on the verge of leaving the nest! The other is 11&1/2 and going through a new phase of boyhood that I barely lived through with the first one! (Chuckle…sorta). I could really soak up the wisdom that this book surely imparts!!!!!

  476. Diana Harness

    I am seeking rest by memorizing Scripture so that when difficulties come, rather than becoming anxious or giving into despair, Scripture is foremost in my mind.

  477. Judy

    Singing new songs about Jesus & focusing my heart on one thing about God to adore Him for ever day.

  478. Michelle

    I am talking to a trusted friend, reading blogs from awesome Christian writers, and walking to help figure out direction for my life. In this, I am prayerful God will calm my anxious heart and speak loudly to me. Thank you for your encouraging words.

  479. Jennifer

    I am feeling so physically spirituality and emotionally drained right now. I am needing whitespace and space and rest. I don’t know how.

  480. Shannon SImmons

    I am on a desperate quest to hear the whispers of God. My day is filled with so much noise (inside AND outside of my head). I used to be very legalistic in my ‘quiet time’, as a single. Once I married and started having children; that changed. The following unshakeable and unbreakable truths about God have freed me from feeling guilty when I don’t have a traditional QT with the Lord: 1) I’m saved and have a blessed assurance that I will live eternally in Heave with my Heavenly Father, 2) God loves me and there is nothing I can do to make Him love me any more or any less and 3) Regardless of any trial or circumstance I go through, God is STILL good. These three truths are my lifeline that I cling to when my intention to spend a traditional QT with the Lord are drowning in the ocean of work, house chores, wifely duties, mothering, and volunteering, I seek nourishment of soul in those few quiet moments that I am able to capture when I hear God whisper my name out of the noise of my life.

  481. Kristy

    I am saying no and giving myself time to heal from a grueling year that hurt, overwhelmed and had us in full on crisis mode. I am exploring more deeply prayer and am reading more about the spiritual disciplines. And I am reading more with my children. We all need it and love it.

  482. Donna

    I have had wonderful quiet times with God where He has directed me to wisdom and conviction on what I need to work on in my life (stop talking badly about my husband, etc.). But because I have problems with severe chronic depression, sometimes quiet times lead to quietly laying in bed and worrying about everything, even made up things. I definitely need guidance on how to make these quiet times productive and not a time of withdrawing from the world and people around me. I don’t know if that even makes sense?

  483. Shelly

    I am seeking nourishment for my should through learning to chase what matters!!!!

  484. Lisa

    I’m looking to be more intentional in my prayer. But also being more spontaneous in my prayers. Does that make sense? Intentional by planning who/what to pray for ahead of time and spontaneous by asking God to give me words of prayer for what He wants.

  485. Isis

    I’m trying to find a balance in every area of my life. And when I go to God I don’t listen much and I know He will like to speak to me more in a much broader spectrum than He has before.

  486. Dee

    Routine, how does life become soo routine. I try to change things up but it’s no real change of the routine. I have to do this for “me” and stop doing for others.. I know it’s in me I just need direction. This book would be awesome gift!

  487. Julie Sunne

    Seeking to learn how to be still. I’m beginning to wonder if I can really do it.

  488. Liane

    I’m finding my spiritual white space by connecting with God in prayer. This is not something I am good at. I’m a throw-up-a-prayer-when-I’m-desperate kind of woman. That is not the prayer life God intended for us to have with him. Yes, we should come to him when we are struggling and need his strength, peace, and guidance, but we should also go to him in everything else too. So whether it’s to tell him thank you for something simple, asking him for forgiveness, or praying for another, I am working on praying to him for all things and in all things.

  489. JoAnn

    Thank you for the encouraging word. This article really spoke to me. I’ve been feeling guilty not motivated to do Quiet Time and I just don’t know why. Thanks for letting me know I am not alone.

  490. Margie

    “I am WITH you.” I speak this out many, many times a day, even throughout the work day – sometimes in a whisper, sometimes in a louder audible voice if I’m in a room alone. When I do this and ‘feel’ the meaning of the words, I experience a peace, in the midst of noise and constant chatter…..I work in a school of 1000 middle school students!

  491. Hope L.

    I’m laying in bed at 2:36 am composing this in the dark. I’ve been lying awake here for over two hours. I am in the largest growth spurt of my life, both professionally and personally. The question that was posed is “How are you seeking nourishment for your soul?” I’m so thankful this was asked. God and I have been discussing this for the last half hour. I’ve come to the end of formulas and rituals that have worked in the past to appease the void in communication. At this point, it’s sheer desparation. I know I cannot shake the dust of a single day without getting alone and transparent before Him and mentally seeing myself dwarfed in His bigness. I am seeking nourishment for the depths of my soul in the place of honesty, commitment and wisdom that’s only provided when I’m exposed in His presence. That place is becoming quieter and quieter as I realize I don’t need to explain anything when I’m there.

  492. Rhoda Carter

    I’ve recently switched up my time with God. It was after I got the kids off to school, but with summer time I found that I’m a busy Mommy at the usual time. So I’ve gotten myself up earlier to get my devotions done before my workout, and my kids get up. Today, actually I felt like I was really connecting, and the workout got pushed to the evening. 😉

  493. yamiya Scott

    I now recently wake my self up in between 1@ 2am to spend time in prayer thanking him and praying in my heavenly language. I long to know his voice. I do my pull ups and arms also quite moments,and read psm 119. On Tuesday mornings at 9am I go to church prayer lifting up family,friends, any prayer requests and are determine to mediate in my word day and night. I have two small children so I recently bought a poster for kids the ten commandments,also how to pray from Christian book store determine to teach them also:-)

  494. Kathy

    I just need to learn to listen – to really listen.

  495. Lisa

    Thanks so much for this post! This is exactly where I’m at right now…really needing to switch things up. I find that when I sit outside on my back patio to read and pray I feel more connected and less like it’s just a part of my morning routine. I feel like I can slow down more and not be distracted by things inside my house (the computer, tv, piles of laundry, etc.).

  496. Ellie Mitchell

    These past 2 years have been the darkest and alone I have ever felt spiritually. I don’t know what is going on. I am currently seeking God through a Beth Moore Bible study and hoping He and I connect.

  497. Jill Goodgion

    I was challenged by the question how does the image of God that I have reflect my ability to rest in him and then I saw the word rest in this book and I am thirsty to figure this out and help and understanding of how I need to change my image of God so that my soul can rest

  498. Noemi Aguilar

    Where to begin! I wish I had a list of things I am doing daily to seek God, but the truth is an other. I feel at times as if I am lost. However I am thankful for a bible study based on your book Made to Crave. I enjoy reading all of the books in this series, but the devotional is one that I enjoy the most. I find myself praying daily for most everything. Thank you for opening your heart and allowing me to see things thru a different light.

  499. Janet

    I am seeking nourishment for my soul by reading a devotion morning and night and being part of a Not. A Fan bible study. But life often times gets in the way. I need this book right now and will get it. Thanks for your posts. They give me hope in this crazy busy world.

  500. Adoption Mama

    My hubby and I have started to get up in the wee hours of the morning…4:30…to read and pray together. Nothing does for a better marriage than that. The Lord has woken me many times during the night lately and my mind goes immediately to praying for those on my heart. I am also incorporating praise music into my time in the word.

  501. Lydia S

    I am trying to find nourishment without the distraction of others.

  502. deb b

    I like your idea of a break from your quiet time. It is a great way you plan to do it. Thanks for the insight.

  503. Patricia Klein

    A New way to look at quite time and I realized I need to do that too. Thanks Lisa for sharing your spiritual journey with us, Blessings, Pat

  504. Teresa

    Seeking nourishment for my soul….for the last 6 years I have been passionately pursuing God every am (I am NOT a morning person) because it became a passion. I learned how to hear his voice, learned about his goodness and how to trust him. These have been years of finding myself- of knowing who I really am – as a daughter of the king. I have read books, studied being led by the spirit, and the Bible has finally come alive! I hit a plateau recently and realized I had gotten away from God. I started letting fear tell me what I couldn’t do for Jesus. I began listening to CDs of Graham Cooke and picked up your book “what happens when women say yes to God”. It reminded me of my commitment to say yes in 2014 and to live with abandon. Thank you for the gentle push. I’ll be using the book for our fall study!

  505. Jennifer R

    Thanks Lysa for your encouragement! Quiet time is what I’m working on personally right now and my desire is to have my heart right with God because I can get so legalistic in my time and lose out on the relationship with God!

  506. Jessica Arney

    Lysa, I would really love to have this book. So often our christian culture makes us feel like if you do this or that ie.. disciplined quiet time, that everything will be better. I do believe that it is important to read scripture to get to know gods character better and in those hard times to be able to pull gods word’s to encourage one another, but that being said my home is in a season of making sure that the kids have something in there tummies, that they are not going to school in there underwear and that they have matching shoes! With mommas quiet time I would get all excited. I would get my coffee. I would get up super early before kids got up. Get my comfy blanket. Open my bible and read. Just waiting for something togive me what I thought I needed to take on the day!! Allot of times I would just sit there and nothing would seem impactful. So you saying that it becoming a routinue rather than connecting with god makes allot of sence to me. Thank you for always being so honest and bold in your blogs. You are a blessing to us mommas who feel so out of control and that someone could do it better!

  507. Krista J

    thank you for this post, sometimes I feel like I’m in a rut with my quiet time too yet I feel guilt if I don’t carry on. I just need to switch it up a bit.

  508. Wendi Nix

    This was meant for me today! I havnt had my quiet time wth God since school let out in May- I’m a teacher. Every morning Iv been struggling wth finding time to do this ,and usually it’s my first thing I do right out of bed with coffee!! But it has been feeling just as you put it- one more thing on my list to do!!! And usually I look so forward to it every morning! So yes, I need refreshed- renewed- change of course!! So thank u!! I’m gonna change it up– and find time and ways to listen to God!!! Thanx for making me listen this morning!!! 🙂

  509. katherine m

    I know what it feels like. Sometimes you open the bible just because it is the right thing to do. And you leave feeling that you didnt do it right because you dont feel better or dont feel faith rising in you… but God remains faithful…

  510. Terri

    I’m reading until I feel like I’ve heard Him speak to me personally. Sometimes it’s a verse, sometimes it’s 2 chapters, but it’s so satisfying to read and wait for the ‘word’ or direction that’s MINE, my take-away into the day or kiss good-night!

  511. Jennifer C

    Making the time to sit quietly and listen to the thought of God and blocking out my own. Refreshing!

  512. Miss Rachel P.

    Beautiful post…and on a topic I myself have been pondering over this week. So it was so timely! Thank you!!

    Well, after 10 years of a family physical and finacial trials, I’ve been seeking healing and renewal – yes, the being still and listening part. I need to fall in love with Jesus all over again and not just know in my head, but know in my heart all of Who He is. This book sounds like it would be so wonderful to read to to begin again with a fresh start in my devotional times and my personal life. 🙂

  513. Tonja Herbel

    I’m trusting in Him to give me strength through the trial my husband and I are enduring.

  514. Judy

    The hardest thing for me is putting aside preconceived ideas about what God is doing and wants to do. I need a desire to move beyond what I already know and believe. Not that truth will change, but my understanding of truth can/will change. God doesn’t live in my preconceived notions box!

  515. Elaine

    I need to do more than reading a devotion.

  516. Alicia Johnson

    I am a recovering disordered eater, having had to finally have weight loss surgery after gaining a “ton” of weight after my daughter died. I now know only God can fill my emptiness. I am so grateful He loves me so much

  517. Wendy

    Hi Lysa, I just finished your book Unglued. Thank you for writing it! I was dealing with some situations that were making me come unglued and your book along with God’s Word helped me have the right perspective and get through it. Thank you!

  518. Samantha

    God spoke with me the other day about trying to be too perfect and trying to place Him in a box in terms of what and how my time with Him should be defined and the change has made a tremendous change in me. I too would religiously wake up at the crack of dawn for “Seek ye first the kingdom of God” time, but found it to be much talking, worrying, to-do-lists-being-made and me-falling-off-to sleep time which left me frustrated. But now I find myself speaking to him and listening for Him throughout my day, simply connecting and abiding in Him. I believe it is the beginning of finding my whitespace, if I can define it as such…God bless.

  519. Paula Ramirez

    During the last few months I have found myself praying constantly. I have recently discovered how much I really love to pray for others. It is something I feel led to do. After reading your post, I started thinking: I sure do spend a lot of time talking to God, which is great but how much time do I spend listening. Thanks for sharing your ideas about “shaking it up” a little.

  520. Amy

    I’m trying to find nourishment but I find life SO busy. I need white space in my regular day and my spiritual life.

  521. Amy

    Ahhh! This was so meant for me to read especially since I feel like I have been skipping over so much lately and placing things in front of my quiet times. Schools out and life is just down right busy and lately I have found myself in that “rut”. What an unhealthy feeling for my soul. VBS and Student Ministry camp is coming up which I am so excited about, but lately I am finding myself stretched at the beginning and at the end of the days and my times are not intentional. I want to be more intentional. This has left me yearning for the upcoming week of God, God and more God, at camp, because I am seriously seeking the nourishment my soul needs. I need to be still and listen.

    Thanks Lysa for your continued encouragement! You speak so much truth into my life and I am forever thankful for you.

  522. Pat

    I would love this book as my quiet time too has become routine-just a task to check off my to do list. Thank you for this giveaway offer and your encouragement.

  523. Amber

    Right now nourishment for my soul is morning prayer, reading through Ezekiel to find more of who God is in His I Am statements, and counting a variety of blessings doing the joy dare.

  524. Becca Webb

    When it is time for me to rest in the Lord, I close the bedroom door and close distraction. Other times I get outside, preferably some place breathtaking with nature’s beauty. But sometimes that is in my backyard. And you’re right. Mostly it’s about listening. Plain and simple.

  525. Joyce Watson

    I really enjoy Bible studies, but also just reading a book that I can learn from others. I like to underline things I especially want to remember.
    There are times I just sit and underline words in the Bible that stand out for instance I noticed: like a locust, like bars of iron, like stubble, like a pot of ointment, like a breach, like the breaking of the potter’s vessel, etc. Another thing I like is phrases: Is the seed still in the barn? Haggai 2:19 and wanton eyes Isaiah 3:16 that is flirting eyes. His hand is stretched out still-mentioned over and over in Isaiah. This is a little funny: For the bed is too short to stretch out on, And the covering so narrow that one cannot wrap himself in it. Isaiah 28:20.
    There are so many interesting things in the Bible. My quiet time varies and I like my hazelnut coffee, place where I can be relaxed and usually it is when my family is gone and I am alone at home when I enjoy that time with God.

  526. Kelley Reeher

    Thank for encouraging me that taking the time to slow down and listen is just as important as my quiet time where I’m doing all the talking. I walk around the lake near my house several times a week and take Klove with me. As I walk I meditate on the lyrics to the songs and how God wants me to apply them to my life. It is 40-50 minutes of uninterupted time where God talks to me through the words of others. I cherish that time and He has used it frequently to help me work through issues I’m having.

  527. Karen Summer

    I am finding a new quiet time experience on my morning or afternoon walks in the beauty of nature ( see Job 64 questions). I love your idea of switching it up when it starts to get routine.
    Blessings to you,
    BTW Bonnie’s on my email

  528. Beverly Solomon

    I could write a story of where I am right now but I will spare you! I am looking for a book from someone I trust to read and since you suggest this one I would love to have one!!! Thanking you for the offer and your encouraging words!! Blessings!

  529. Natalie

    Wow! I needed to read that today. I have been forcing my morning quiet time/ reading the bible time and keep drifting off and not connecting. I need to reevaluate that time! Thanks for sharing!

  530. Jenna

    I am trying to remember to take just 1 day at a time in the midst of my busy summer schedule.

  531. Cheryl Brockman

    I am posting 5 different devotionals daily on Facebook, which causes me to go through each of them first and listen to the Spirit about any comments I should add. It is how I start my morning, and I am blessed enough to be able to do this on my schedule.

  532. Patricia

    Thanks for shaking things up. I think we can take our relationship with God for granted like any other relationship. I would love to read this book. Thank you for your post.

  533. Judi Smith

    Why I need this book — for my dear medical missionaries in Carrefour, Haiti. Mickey and Liz often work 24/7. This week four babies died on one day.
    When I visit them we have devotional time, Bible reading, and prayer.
    I try to encourage them to take a day of rest –re energize, refresh, renew, regroup, and more “re” words. Sometimes it may be an afternoon in a 2 week time span. Thank you and thank you for your daily gems you give each day,

  534. Allison

    Having 2 babies under the age of 3 quiet time is hard to come by in this season of life. I tend to work God on when comvenient and I know I need to reprioritize

  535. Gerda

    Hello Lysa. I stumbled accross your blogpost and was so gripped by it. I feel so lost and inadequit in my spiritual life. I believe with all my heart, but in doing what I believe in my heart of hearts is the task God has laid upon me to work with special children, I am just too busy and too exhausted to take time out of working with these angels – which has completely taken over my life – to spend quiet time with God. I desperately need advise/guidence on how to get a balance between the task God laid upon me to do and not to be totally absorbed by it – to such an extent that – can’t find time to spend alone with God.

  536. Fran Zhanel

    My white space is at 5 am. It’s still dark out and my mind and heart are fresh and rested. Thanking the Good Lord.

  537. Kristie Talbert

    Every morning I have my quiet time with my morning coffee. I read my daily bread and the scripture that goes along with it. Then on my drive to work I listen to KLOVE radio station.It’s a wonderful start to my day, every day

  538. Lise

    Thank you for expressing how I felt last year. No plan felt just right, but when I grabbed a devotional book and just pondered one verse a day it was indeed refreshing. This year I’m back to a glorious year reading thru the Bible and enjoying being taught by God. Celebrating.

  539. Pamela

    I seek nourishment by having quiet time, but I never stopped to realize that I don’t always listen. I have a lot to say to God, but sometimes we need to understand that God had a lot to say to US too!

  540. Kelly H

    I am seeking more for my soul because I have found that I have recently lost a lot of my excitement towards spending time with God because of too many obligations in my personal life. I am working towards getting that joy back and would love to win this book! God bless!

  541. April

    I’m seeking nourishment by connecting with another young mom. Together we pray for each other and are open about our walk with God. When I connect with friends who are on a similar walk as me, it reminds me that God has placed certain people here for me and through them He gives words of wisdom and encouragement. I find it hard to sit quietly and hear God’s voice sometimes. But when I’m with God and I “think” I feel him talking to my heart and then later have my friend reaffirm that voice, my soul swells!

  542. Dawn Beaver

    Spending time in the sun sitting in my favorite chair being still before God…. listening.

  543. Kim Hiemstra

    I’m in a season of praising God through scripture and songs. It leads to thankfulness and sets my soul on fire.

  544. Erin

    This is so good! If I don’t switch it up often, I get into ruts (or, too often, sadly, I neglect time with God altogether, absently believing the sneaky lie that being in the Word “doesn’t work”). Lately I am reading a chapter a day, pausing after each chapter to summarize it in writing, in my own words. It keeps my mind from wandering, and it helps me “chew” and meditate on what I’m reading. I’m getting tons more out of it, and the Lord meets me there. I am hungry for the word again. First time in a long time.

  545. Shirley Rosario

    Thank you Jesus! You speak and direct my heart through this article.

  546. Lori

    I’m beginning a new walk with God now. This is a new chapter in my life and I want to start it well and right. I am going to church, doing your online bible study Limitless Life right now, and praying more. I would like to learn how to open myself up more to God and this book sounds like something that will help me. Thank you for posting about it!

  547. Leslie Crysel

    I love your point about God becoming just a routine. That’s where I am right now. I’m a pastors wife and it seems I can let so many things clog my brain and I get bogged down in the everyday and before I knw it God is just God and not something special. Nathan’s so much for all of your encouraging words.

  548. JulieAnn Wynia

    It’s been a hard year…a 55 year secret of sexual abuse has come out — abused by my brothers when I was young…so that relationship (which was VERY cLose) has gone ‘south’…..and our son-in-law, after months of illness/surgeries, has died…I am searching for some peace and quiet and comfort. God IS Good, I will continue to profess that – of that I’m sure!! But the day to day grind wears me down – am ready for some quiet times of refreshment!

  549. joy davidson

    Thank you for your post! I have been feeling like my quiet prayer time was more a thing to cross off the to do list but I felt guilty stopping. I realize now I just need a change of pace or even scenery!

  550. Shelly Nickle

    Thank you so much God has really been working on me that my time with Him needs to become more personal not so scheduled. Blessings to you.

  551. Esi

    Lately, I have been listening to sermons on youtube by Joyce Meyers and reading Captivating.

    • Lu

      Thank you for this encouragement in this way. I’ve always wondered about having a routine quiet time, about how that can get ‘routine’ or even a ‘religious’ feeling. I just read Megan Gover’s book about comparisons and joy and man what a refresher to stop and actually read and soak up the goodness this book had to offer! So happy to hear that it’s ok to forgo routine quiet times and indulge in something to read from someone I trust and admire!

  552. kendall

    I really liked this post. I am struggling with the “have-to” of morning time….Then, I begin to almost feel like it’s something to check off. Lately, I have felt God calling me to a thankfulness….to be in conversation with Him throughout the day….and to be the first thing I think of and thank in the morning…and the last thing that I talk over at night. Lighting a candle when praying is a sweet reminder of our time together…the scent…the burning down reminds me of how I have savored and spent my days.

  553. Christine

    Really curious to read this, believe I could definitely benefit! “Whitespace” is such an interesting concept, and this is a little complex to figure out….have gotten away from a structured ‘QT’ (incl. journaling, etc.) and in trying to focus on “pray at all times” admit I have been not allowing time for God to speak what I need to hear. I do believe He speaks to us through others as well, and even this posting on your blog ties in with the same message I’m hearing from Sarah Young in “Jesus Calling”. 🙂

  554. Kim Garner

    I have been reading, studying, and memorizing the book of James. It’s amazing what stands out to me each time I look at the Scripture! I am one who needs to ponder what I read so this has been a good plan for me right now. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.

  555. Jennifer Lopez

    Being a wife, a mom to small children, and having a career as an RN leaves quiet moments for me too far too few & in between. I am trying to make a very conscious effort to unplug when & where I can & make the most of the quiet moments that I do happen to have to myself by doing things like turning off the radio in the car & reading on my breaks at work. White space sounds very refreshing in this very busy season of raising kids & I would welcome the help on finding rest for my soul.

  556. Gricelda Posada

    Gosh I am just in awe of how the Lord directs my steps! I just finished reading your book, Made to Crave, and wanted to tell you how hopeful I am. (Thank you for dedicating it to me, btw!

  557. Jennifer Arnold

    Not sure if too late to enter to win but regardless thanks for this article. I need to learn to listen more and better. I felt the need for a bible study or book study. I’ve never done this before but I started my own meeting group for one. Also reading a book about prayer and finding God speaking to us even in “Sacred Echo” finding a message from him in other ways but still based and sound scripture. Hearing repetitive themes. It’s interesting. Like I remember The Lord telling me to just REST except I didn’t know how. Still learning. And yes we can get in ruts and then it can become stale like stale bread instead of fresh daily bread. Gods word or our time with Him shouldn’t be stale but we have seasons and some are deserts and some are wilderness and some are mountains and valleys. Thanks

  558. Sherry Campbell

    Love your book Unglued! I am buying a copy for each one of my three girls, who are young adults!
    Would love to read the book about white spaces. I, like you, wish my brain could have a white space!

  559. Charla Skinner

    That is such a great idea and something we all need to do when we feel stuck in a rut. Change things up a bit so that we don’t feel obligated to spend time with God, but desire to spend time with Him!

  560. Emily

    As the mom of a pre-schooler and a newborn my days are full. I nourish my soul by reflecting on the blessings they remind me of every day and by praying with my preschooler as I teach him about Jesus and his Father. Thank you for your offer of generosity!

  561. Kay Hehl

    I can so relate to your message about quiet time becoming routine. I feel like I too am in that rut now. I need to reconnect with my Creator I need to seek His face and fall in love again with Him!! I crave Him but have not allowed our time together to be what it should be…quiet time to hear His voice. I need to listen more to the Holy Spirit in me and get back to some good old one on one time. I love to journal my prayers and I need to get back to it…thanks for this post and allowing me to be honest with myself….This book looks like a must read!!

  562. Kim Davis

    Thank you for your wise words. I’m reminded of my need to listen!

  563. Beth Hall

    I am seeking to really hear God’s voice instead of talking all the time during my devotions and throughout my day. I need to learn to be still before God and stop trying to “make” Him act like I want Him to.

  564. Lisa Muniz

    Thank you for this message. I really needed to hear it. I know I need more God connecting but I feel like I’m floundering trying to get there. If I don’t do it first thing, I allow all the other things in my day get in the way and I’m left wandering aimlessly, I feel. But some days I’ll get my discipline on and read some verses of my bible and/or open up the bible study I’m working on and get into that. Still I need help connecting.

  565. Kris

    My bible study group is going through your book “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God”. It has led us into such good discussions about how do we hear God and then how do we act upon it. Just a couple more chapters to go! Thank you for what you do – you seem to verbalize so many of the things that we are all dealing with!

  566. Lindsay Firzlaff

    I’m trying to find nourishment in this particularly difficult season of my life by surrounding myself with faith-filled friends. Being in their company has been so good for my soul!

  567. Michelle Funke

    It is so neat how God uses different ways to get you to understand what He’s trying to tell you! Last weekend, I went on a retreat hoping to find some clarification in what He would have me do now that I cannot work due to my MS. Instead of guidance on my future, I felt like He was telling me to *rest*. Since then, I have had many online devotionals bring up rest as a topic, and now, a potential give-away of a book on REST! Thank you, God, for being so repetitive that even a dingbat like me can hear You! 😀

  568. Paula

    No more children living at home means that I have been enjoying a truly quiet time each morning. My husband leaves early and I spend 30 minutes to 2 hours (depending upon my plans for the rest of the day) hanging out with God. I’m an avid reader. I facilitate women’s studies and am frequently studying for something I’m in or that is coming up. Last month I felt as you described, like it had become routine and I was turning it into a discipline rather than an intimate time with my Lord. I began spending more (sometimes ALL) of the time in prayer. Beyond setting myself straight with the Lord and praying for others, I began just talking to Him, sharing my heart. It feels good to slow down and just dwell in His presence.

  569. Amy

    I am so routine right now in my quiet time. I am certainly not connecting right now they way I would like too. I just don’t know how to get out of this rut and connect again. Love the daily devos from proverbs 31!

  570. Wanda

    I find myself sitting down to have time with God just to instead find myself checking Facebook or allowing my mind to wander from the main focus of His Word, I am reminded that it is important to “train” our minds to focus on the person of Christ. Training our minds to focus sounds like it would be easy, but the truth is it is a very hard thing to do. Sometimes the distractions sneak up right In the middle of reading the Bible or even during prayer. One minute I’m talking to God, the next I’m thinking of something that I must do. This really shouldn’t be too surprising to me, after all distraction is satan’s way of keeping me from the blessing of an intimate fellowship with my Lord. At the moment I realize my lack of focus, I confess and ask God to help me put him first. Building a relationship is hard work, but the reward is eternal!

  571. Angelina

    I’ve been listening to just instrumental soaking music and listening to God speak.

  572. Beth Courtright

    Hi Lysa! The reason I’m writing wanting a free copy of this book is not because I’m looking for freebies, it’s because there’s been alot of chaos in my head and I’m needing Whitespace right now. Everytime I seek and persue quiet time with the Lord the noise in my noggin keeps coming back at the same time. When I read the back of Bonnie’s book I felt instant peace and I knew I just had to have this book. I thank you in advance. I know other people will be reading this and will probably be thinking things I don’t know. Let them think. I’m speaking from my heart and God knows it, and I hope you do too. I love Jesus with all my heart Lysa and He loves you and everybody reading this post. God bless you and everybody reading this post.

  573. Debbie

    My morning routine is sometimes coming 2nd or 3rd…not having the priority it use to. Sounds like this book would be perfect timing for me. Thanks!

  574. Morag

    I have just come out of hospital after a car accident where I fractured my neck – C2. According to the fireman who cut me out of my car I would have died had I not managed to steer away from the car in front. God has arranged downtime. I need to listen. At the moment I’m listening to Steven Furtick podcasts. And rejoicing in being alive.

  575. Miriam

    I have been struggling a lot in the past nine months with many different health issues and losing my baby, through this time my emotion have been in many differnt direction! Through everything that has been happening I find that I NEED that time with God everyday, and through spending more and more time with God I am slowly but surly finding his precious peace again!

  576. Amanda

    As a mom of three it can be challenging to fellowship with God, but I make it a priority every night after the kids go to bed to read a passage in the bible and pray.

  577. Maria R.

    I have nourshiment from god. I am a liver transplant recipient. I am truly a miracle. God has given me life twice. This journey to recieve my liver was a year of sickness and 10 days to recieve. Dec 22,2013 – Jan 2 , 2014. Now i must seek his plan for me and spread my faith and my story. I have just now found my church. And any reading and insight along with other peoples stories i grow closer.

  578. Teresa

    I still do my quiet time, but it feels more like a chore right now. It’s gotten pushed back in the schedule and instead of looking forward to that time, I’m sighing and telling myself to just get it done anyway. I miss the feeling of “can’t wait to see what I can learn today. ” Thank you for this post! Gonna try tp shake things up a bit!

  579. Melissa smith

    I Have been struggling with a lot of things in my life lately. My husband is a recovered alcoholic that fell off the wagon and drinks now worse than before. He also was laid off a while ago and being home all day worsened his attitude. It’s been tough and I have contplated even getting a divorce. But my wedding vowels didn’t say till I can’t stand you anymore. I do love him and want him to get back to the place he was before. He finally started a new job and said he feels like such a burden had been lifted because he’s contributing to the household agsin. I am constantly searching for things to lift my spirits and guide me in the right direction. Your post are always so uplifting to me. Thsnks!

  580. Sandra Weber

    My renewed spiritual journey began yesterday. I knelt beside my bed and confessed my sin and asked for forgiveness. I also asked for God’s strength to do what I’ve never been able to do alone.
    For the majority of my life, in spite of many times of spiritual highs and His profound closeness, love and care, I have struggled with meditation, personal devotions, etc. My lack of discipline, worrying that I wasn’t doing it “right,” caused me to fail over and over again.
    Through Jesus, His love and patience and strength, I now have a new focus, a new attitude. My weaknesses will be strong through Him. Praise Jesus!

  581. Brandy

    I have been convicted to have my quiet time first thing each morning since you spoke at my church on Mothers Day. Would be interested in this idea.

  582. Sheri

    I have “matured” from quickly reading a Proverb each night — wait, does rushing through the verses like I’m in a Bible sprint game count as reading?? — to actually craving to spend time to soak up God’s wisdom. White Space: the place to find it and scribble down my thoughts, as this brain can be a sieve. 🙂

  583. Tomi Johnson

    I’m anxious to find out how to rest…. I’m learning, but I haven’t quite grasped the concept yet…. GOD spoke to me and told me that is what I’m called to do this season, but I don’t know how…

  584. Donna

    I’m a teacher and summer vacation is coming soon. I’m looking forward to not having to watch the clock during my morning quiet time – just let the Lord “do His thing”!

  585. Dawn Byrd

    Counting my blessings, slowing down to appreciate
    The simple real God given blessings we often overlook and His Word.

  586. chaley clark

    I am always finding that I put my devotionals and reading my Bible on the backburner because of my two children with autism. I struggle with getting fed by the Word lately and have seen me drift away.

  587. Cyndi Sanderson

    I am not entirely sure what made me want to read this but as I started to it was like I was reading my own thoughts. Lately I have been in a rut and I couldn’t explain it to everyone around me. I told them I know God is working in my life but I was still in a rut and these reasons are why like I read. I haven’t spent quality time with God. Just me and Him and me listening. I do my Quiet Time but it has become routine and I didn’t want that. Now though I just find myself going on small walks and just talk with Him. Reading through the Psalms also really helps me.

  588. Linda Read

    Thank you for speaking so much to where I am in my journey. I love your tips on spending time building a closer relationship with God.

  589. SUE S

    I been in a stand still since the beginning of the year (my mom passed away in January) and it’s been difficult to get back into God’s word. I’ve wanted to get into his word and rest in His Spirit. I could really use the book to get into a stronger, full relationship with God. I’ve been struggling for quite some time and would like to develop a closer relationship to God and His Son, Jesus.

  590. Debra

    Lately I’ve been speaking out loud into the atmosphere God’s word making sure that I not only read it but that I make sure I’m hearing it as well.

  591. Corletta Barbee

    As I have gotten older (mid fifties), I realize the importance of stopping where I am and “being still” and knowing that He is God. When I feel overwhelmed at work and/or home, I try to stop, praise and listen to Him and be thankful in that moment. He then becomes my Presence which I realize more and more that’s what I need most of all.

  592. Pattij Peterson

    This was meant to be, your post. I want a closer walk with Good and I feel so automated when I pray to him. I feel empty and unfulfilled. I miss him and I want Father-Daughter time!

  593. Pattij Peterson

    This was meant to be, your post. I want a closer walk with God and I feel so automated when I pray to him. I feel empty and unfulfilled. I miss him and I want Father-Daughter time!

  594. Kelli L

    I definitely seek nourishment for my soul through food. Im learning how to change my perspective through prayer and scripture and fun blogs like this. Thanks!

  595. Carla

    I so needed this. . . Feeling pretty parched in a dry and dusty land. In the morning when I rise, the things of life get in the way. I start to read the Word and am distracted by so many other things. One of the things I would never want to happen is to let my love for Jesus grow cold. We own a small business with 10 employees. So many stresses over finances, business, and never enough money.. . taxes. . . and now my husband have little to talk about. We are not seeing eye to eye on most issues. For the last couple of days, I’ve watched him put up appearances and be nice when others around, but doesn’t speak to me when we are alone. I really want to listen to HIM to get back on track.

  596. Jules

    Wow Lisa I can so relocate to your thoughts. I have a group I email daily and today I just wanted to be nourished myself. I felt the need to refill myself so I could be a better encourager and reading this posts. Just what I need. Thanks

  597. Melissa Waters

    Great post. I never thought of taking a break from quiet time or changing it up. Guess that says I’ve been in a rut and didn’t know I could change it.
    Thanks for posting.

  598. Diane

    Lysa, thank you so much for this post. I am purposing to find those listening times –
    I want to say more and more “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening…”

    I have 5 grandbabies 6 years old and under… I am purposing to spend one on one time with them to let them know how special they are. It takes intentionally setting aside times to make this happen. So far the rewards have been fabulous! I am truly blessed among women… Keep speaking God’s truth to us Lysa… we are purposing to Listen!

  599. Aubrey Carpenter

    Interesting thought!

  600. Amy Tapp

    I am trying something different, also. This season of my life is a good time to listen since I’m a public school teacher and I have the summer off. I bought a book yesterday from an author that I admire and I look forward to how God speaks to me!

  601. Deb Tonack

    I have a plaque in my living room that says: Make time for the quiet “listening” moments, as God whispers and the world is soooooooo loud. I so need more “Be still and know that I am God” time and would love to learn how to open up more “white space time” to listen to God. My sense is my life could be so much more peaceful, content, and “at rest”, rather than fearful, anxious, and driven.

  602. Shalena Douthit

    I’ve seemed to have slipped into the “I’ve forgotten how to get to my quiet time” realm. I feel as though my comfort zone is just being able to get through the day on the strength I have and keeping the kids bathed, fed and clothed. Thank you for this encouragement!!!!

  603. Debbie

    Thank you for this. I have been feeling like having my quiet time in the morning is almost part of a job, not something I look forward to, something I really want to do. This makes me believe it’s okay not to do the typical “quiet time”, but to spend time with God. Not 1 OT chapter, 1 NT chapter and 15 minutes of prayer…but quality time with my God. Thank you for that.

  604. Tessa

    About a month ago I decided to start studying the bible from the very begining. I have never taken the time to read AND understand the whole Bible. I’m still in Genesis but it has transformed my thinking, my speaking, my loving and most importantly my relationship with God in a huge way. I look forward to that time with Him every night.

  605. Bethany

    I’m pretty sure you and Wendy Blight have connected minds on this topic! I read her post about redefining time with God last night and just happened to come across your post today!

    A year ago, I remember posting to my online Bible study girls that my “quiet time” with God was impossible and frankly, I had given-up. I am a wife and mom to three young boys. I’ve been known to run to the bathroom in an attempt to refocus only to be greeted by little curling fingers under the door.

    Yea…quiet time. Mommy needs quiet time!

    This past year has taken me through quite a journey. I now know that my kids had nothing to do with my struggle to come to God. I had major heart issues. I didn’t trust Him to hold me…thus, I couldn’t stop. Then He stopped me.

    After going through “Made To Crave” I started running. I now run with Him three times a week. Sometimes listening to audiobooks. Other times finding new worship music. Once a week I run in silence…it’s amazing just listening, soaking up His voice. I can’t quit smiling! The idea that He wants to be with me…with us…it’s just too overwhelming and it’s now a daily reality. I love this new relationship and for me, it’s anything but quiet.

    Thanks to you and others from Proverbs 31 that have posted on this! I can’t even begin to tell you how God has used this topic to show me His fingerprints in a big way!

    Heading out of the bathroom now…

  606. Annette

    As a daughter, sister, wife, mother and Nana, I am in deep and desperate need for “quiet moments.” My roll as Nana has taken me to moments and memories of which I never would have imagined. My gift of intuitivness has been passed on to my sweet and precious Zara and every chance I get I fan that flame for God in her life. Those moments to me are when God stops me and tells me to listen. Those are the quiet times when I see God at work in our lives, and for that I am greatful.

  607. Debra H.

    I recently wrote about leaving blanks in our lives. Some call it margin. Others call it white space. I’m eager to read this book and have it on my wish list. This is such an important concept – even modeled by Christ. We need rest. We need intentional breaks in our busy lives! Without these breaks, I know I am less likely to listen for God, to hear His voice, to trust Him and rest in Him.

  608. Carine

    Hi Lisa, I’m glad I found you. How good is God, sometimes my prayers and my questions are answered threw his holy spirit in brothers and sisters in christ. It’s funny how sometimes the understanding and revelations are not directly given to you but they are given to you threw the body of christ. My quiet time is spectacular. I am always filled with the presence of God. I can’t see God with my eyes, but I can’t deny his presence. I believe I see him with my spiritual eyes. How? In me I sense it! It’s indescribable, perhaps I will finally find a verse that can explain how I feel. This is how I do it: I go in the temple spiritually. In the old testament, there was a God given specific way to be in the presence of God. But now, we are the temple. I start from the altar to the laver and the holy place on the left with the 7 candle stick that represents the holy spirit which is the spirit of wisdom, counsel, understanding, might, knowledge, fear of God and holiness. Then I go to my right and find the two types of bread, the levas and remas. I am convinced I misspelled the breads name. Lol. The word of God and the inspired word of God in your life. And then I go to the middle to burn incense spiritually so that it smells good to God. I forgot which verse in the new testament but I know it’s in one of Paul’s books. That praise smells good to God. And then I go in the holys of holys where the mercy seat is and there in the strong presence of God I pray. But sometimes I’m tempted not to because I just want to sit and enjoy his presence.

  609. Julie McKenzie

    BOY does this sound like a book I need to read right now. Margin in physical life as well as spiritual life. But when I have margin I fill it up again. Speaking of margin, it’s past time for me to get to bed!

  610. Dawn

    Dear Lysa,
    Last week I picked up the audio version of Unglued at the library. Audiobooks have become a great way to pass the time while traveling to see family that live out of state from us. I picked up Unglued because I recognized your name from something someone posted on Facebook and the title was catchy…and reminded me of my mantra during this past year of teaching…I’m spiraling out of control and ready to lose it…a.k.a. come unglued. I wasn’t sure when I would get a chance to listen to the book so it has been sitting in my car waiting for the next long drive. Little did I know the drive would lead me to my hometown for a funeral. An unexpected funeral for my cousin’s 14-year old daughter who seemed to be so happy but, as we’d discover on June 2, was coming unglued…to the point that she took her own life. I’ve shared a lot of words with God over the past few days and a lot of questions. I’ve been searching for the right words from the Bible for comfort and wisdom, but I have struggled. This morning was the funeral service. It was brimming with tears, some fond memories, and more tears. Lots of tears from teens who are trying their best, at the beginning of their teen years, to comprehend and deal with the tragic loss of their friend.
    So as I began listening to your book on the four-hour trip to my folks’ house yesterday and finished it during my return trip to my husband and children today, I laughed out loud to myself and I reflected. Your words were my feelings and I could make a direct connection to some of the things your children have done (placemats at restaurants…my two kids always wanted to take them home, only to leave them in the car and send me over the edge) and things I have done that have made me look like an absolutely crazy mom.
    I’m telling you all of this because I have found some peace. Peace through your words that have made me feel less crazy. Peace through your words that have given me hope that I will be okay. And peace through your strategies that I can use when I become unnerved. “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus” with some deep breaths will be definitely be used frequently, I suspect. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you read your book. It was like a good friend keeping me company during a long drive; making me laugh and steering me straight. Straight back to where I’ve needed to be more on a daily basis, through the happy and the stressful.
    Thank you, Lysa. God has used your words to reach me and set me in a more positive path. I’m hoping to use the next few weeks to build a better habit. (It takes 21 days to make a hanit, ive heard.) A daily habit to find quiet moments with God at the start of every morning before my feet hit the floor, before my to do list takes over, and before the day takes off running. Thanks again!
    Truly thankful for you,

  611. Dawn

    Right now I can totally relate. With a brand new job where I am working 12 hour days, having my mother suddenly pass away without a will, anything, school events going on for the kids, sports stuff, and then house stuff. There isn’t a second of my day left for me, and my mind never rests, even during sleep. Overwhelmed and need something to change things up.

  612. Mary Kay

    Beautiful idea! The saying goes everyone has 24 hours in a day, but when you have five children and a husband, time flies by quite quickly. I need to make more time for God and me.

  613. Christy Angliss

    I know what you mean by your quiet time getting in a rut. Just reading a different devotional by a different author can give me a boost. And I love the Proverbs idea. Have done that before. There’s a chapter for every day of the month.

  614. Julie

    Memorizing scripture feeds my soul.

  615. Karen johnston

    Seeking quiet time with GOD to listen has been my daily goal for the past months. I was reciently laid off and my one true goal is to try and hear Gods plan for me. Its been really hard and I made a goal to experience more of Gods word through reading. I attended my first retreat and I received craving Jesus as a gift at the retreat along with a few other books. I’ve read all of them the last few months in my quiet time. I really enjoyed craving Jesus and it has connected with me on several levels. (Plus I’ve lost 7lbs in over the last month while reading the book. Just when I think Its going to be a bad day God shows me something special. I just feel I need more help on how to listen and turn everything else off. Im in a tissy now as I received an offer and then got a call at the same time for an interview with another company that would move me back to the south. What does God want me to do. Pray for me please that God will reveal his plan to me so that I know what to do. And pray that I will learn to listen and follow Gods plan and not my desires.

  616. Samantha waters

    I see nourishment because I am in a season for the first time where I am learning how to have an actual personal relationship with Jesus. It is not about offering prayer but seeing myself speaking directly to Jesus and listening to His reply. I am currently reading captivating and it has opened up my mind so much to just sit and listen. Talk to God like He is right in the room with you. For the first time, it’s personal! And it’s changing all areas of my life.

  617. Jeannie

    I am stopping freaking out about the world and the 24/7 news cycle of terror and war and and and! I am stopping and listening to God and to the people He has gifted to share His word, and His peace, and His encouragement.

  618. jillian

    I would love the book because truthfully…we are awaiting the call if we are matched to adopt twin boys! The wait is hard so I need to keep my mind busy and a book about nourishing my soul would be perfect!

    bless you all!

  619. jillian

    I would love the book because truthfully…we are awaiting the call if we are matched to adopt twin boys! The wait is hard so I need to keep my mind busy and a book about nourishing my soul would be perfect!

    bless you all!

  620. Anji

    I would love to read this book. I find it hard to clear my mind of all the day “noise” which makes it hard to listen when God speaks. It is truly something I struggle with daily. When I say my prayers each night I find my mind wondering off to other places. I get so frustrated with myself because I can’t seem to focus on HIM!!

  621. Janet

    Such a revelation on “quiet time”. What I thought was quiet time has really just been “me” time. I will now use true quiet time to listen and communicate with God; seeking His guidance in many areas of my life.


  622. Madison Herman

    I want you to know how essential your email devotions have become to me. As a young married woman with a full time job and a side business, it is so had to find time to connect with God. Your devotions ensure I have those 5 minutes in the morning to prepare for the day. Thank you!

  623. Elizabeth

    I was so glad to read your email today about Whitespace with God. That is exactly where I am at with God and your encouragement helped me not to feel as if I were failing in my time with God.

    Thank you very much.

  624. Sarah Pinault

    I love this! I have been having an allergic reaction to the term “quiet time” for several years now. Right now, I am reading along at Bloom with Pursue the Intentional Life. I just finished reading Notes From a Blue Bike and am dipping into so many other things. I feel like I am bringing intention to my moments and finding God everywhere. This book is on my to-read list right now.

  625. Naomi Johnson

    I am asking the hard questions that I have been putting off until there is a “right time.” I am learning there is never a “right time” I need to do this now. I am going through steps to determine what is keeping the walls up in my relationship with God. I am doing this because I feel He is calling me to it and ultimately to propel me towards greater intimacy with Him. I started journaling again and also been reading leadership books.

  626. Lori

    I’m seeking nourishment for my soul by limiting my time on FB. This may sound strange, but if I am not intentional I end up spending too much time on FB and my “quiet time” is affected by it.

  627. Brooke

    I usually find “quiet time” with God while I’m either cleaning or doing dishes and listening to music. Music is the easiest way for me to have time with God. True quiet time is hard with 3 young girls.

  628. Brooke

    I usually find “quiet time” with God while I’m either cleaning or doing dishes and listening to music. Music is the easiest way for me to have time with God. True quiet time is hard with 3 young girls.

  629. Jana

    I have been trying to take time every day to pause before God and say to Him and myself: “I am giving away power.” What I’m really giving away is my illusion of power, my MO that operates like it’s all up to me. Consciously reminding myself that God is really the one in control and in the lead, and I just need to keep my eyes, mind and heart intent on following Him.

  630. Kelley

    I find quiet time with God early in the morning before all the kids start making noise. Light devotionals don’t work for me – I have to read verse from the Bible – then ponder them. Or at least that’s for now. Getting in a rut is easy, so I do change it up some.

  631. Kerstin

    I’m pastor’s wife on long island in the midst of transitioning to a new church that is in desperate in need of the gospel.

  632. Jessica Charles

    I am 20 years old living in Calgary, Canada (I actually just interned at Elevation Church in the Fall of 2014 and saw you there!) and have been struggling with this topic for the last little while. You nailed me to a tee when you said, “When God becomes routine rather than revival, it’s time to switch things up. Otherwise, I might start seeing this time as less important. It becomes the second or third thing I do. After other things. Seemingly more pressing things. Before I know it, it’s been days since I connected privately and personally with Truth.”

    I feel like I have been blaming other areas of my life and feeling discontent/disappointment because of my lack of true, sincere connection with my God. And honestly, the concept of listening does not come first to me. I like to speak, and sometimes I don’t know what to do with silence. So that is what this blog has inspired me to do. I love how you are looking for wisdom proactively too. I would love a copy of this book so I can continue to learn and grow in this specific area. Thank you for sharing your heart so vulnerably. It’s powerful!

  633. Krista Ramstad

    Balance and restoration for heart, soul, mind and body is a daily work in progress. I have been part of a leadership team to bring First Place 4 Health program to our community of Faith over last three years. I am working thru the Made to crave study for the second time digging deeper. When I read this book description I think of those I love who are working on grieving the loss of a loved one and wrestling with allowing God to heal their pain. I’m not sure the content of the book applies to this process but would be blessed to read it and share it with others.

  634. Emily

    Dear Lysa,
    I am a wife and mother of two who works full time and is struggling to hold on to The Lord in my day to day life. I feel so overwhelmed and inadequate on a daily basis and I don’t know where or how to start to get things back on track. I was so close to God while I struggled with infertility ten years ago but since having my two children I have not felt Him that close again. I feel like my walk with God, my marriage, and my parenting are all a big mess and I don’t know where or how to start working on these relationships. I would really appreciate any help or guidance you can give.
    Thank you,

  635. Melinda

    I normally listen to worship songs, daily devotions and journal writing 🙂 I find God talks to me through my writings and through spontaneity of thoughts.

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