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Thank God for Smelly Shoes

November 27, 2013

Hi friends! I’m so glad you’ve joined me for week 3 of the 4-week series I’m doing to speak to fragile mama hearts everywhere. (Click here if you missed week 1 or click here if you missed week 2.)

In my motherhood journey, how many shoes will I pick up and put back, only to pick them up and put them back again…and again…and again?

One day, when my children were younger, I remember counting more than 14 pairs of shoes that were just within eyesight of where I was sitting. I was frustrated that these shoes weren’t where they were supposed to be. Visions of chore charts and consequences for leaving things out started dancing about in my mind.

I even went so far as to think that this was yet more evidence that my kids are not as thankful as they should be. Kids who were truly thankful for their shoes would care enough to tuck them into their closet shoe racks.

But as I mentally chided my children for their ungratefulness, I felt God gently give me a piece of my own reprimand.

Was I modeling thankfulness in this moment?

Scattered shoes are a normal, everyday thing with a hidden treasure about them. It’s all in how I choose to look at these shoes that will determine whether I feel drained and frustrated or filled up and thankful.

I stopped and thanked God for this evidence of life. Some had grass and dirt on them as proof that our kids were healthy and strong enough to run and play. Some had scuffmarks from one too many dances on the concrete outside. Some had teeth marks from our beloved dog, Champ, whose favorite pastime is chasing kids, balls, and stray shoes. One had paint on it from a school project. But all were well worn, broken in, and definitely used.

These shoes tell stories of life, if only I make the choice to listen.

Maybe you’ve felt a little frustrated with the shoes scattered about your home as well. But the next time you pick them up, instead of letting frustration whisk you away, listen carefully to the story they tell. Listen carefully and thank God for each and every precious soul who wears those shoes.

Today… let’s look at it all through the lens of thanksgiving. Instead of seeing a mess and frowning, let’s see rich evidence of life and smile.

I want to see it all through the lens of thanksgiving...

One commenter will win 4 signed copies of my book, Am I Messing Up My Kids? – one copy to keep and 3 to give away to other mamas in need! Leave a comment below telling me who you would give the 3 copies away to, and why.

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  1. Intentionally Katie

    This is such an easy answer! I would give the three copies to my closest friends: Ali, Julie and Jessica. We talk about being intentional with our kids and wonder if we’re doing right by them CONSTANTLY. We have 12 kids under 9 between the four of us and they are my on-Earth lifeline to mama sanity. Ali, Julie and I are in an accountability group and are going through our 2nd book of yours and loving it! (first Unglued, now What Happens When Women Say YES to God) Your transparency is such a blessing to us and so many others. THANK YOU for all you do!!!

  2. Jenny

    Great reminder about how beautiful and messy being a mom is!

  3. Can I Put Anonymous? :)

    One, I would give to my best friend of 25 years, Staci. Since that first day of the 6th grade when she politely asked me (the weird, new kid) if I wanted to sit by her, she has been such an amazing source of strength, unconditional love, and inspiration to me. I am grateful to God every day of my life for her friendship. She is more than a bff, she is the sister of my heart. The second would go to mymom, who desperately needs the peace and reassurance about her parenting. The third would go to my sister, who could also use a good dose of kind reassurance. The fourth would be cherished by me. My teenage daughter, who has tried to commit suicide multiple times, has just been released from a mental hospital and diagnosed with a debilitating condition. My ex husband, her father, has custody and we have been in a battle about this for almost seven years. It has been a constant struggle just to be allowed in her life, in the smallest of capacities. I am exhausted and my heart is broken- for her, for me, for what she has been through, for what the future may hold. Long story short, I would love some uplifting news and Christ-centered guidance right now. But, I would happily settle for just some prayer, too.. Thank you for all that you do.

  4. Leslie

    I would give them to Hannah, Rebecca and Sharon. All precious friends with young kids and I know we all struggle with these feelings at times!

  5. Esther

    I’d give copies away to the ladies at my MOMS group, because we are all most definitely messing up our kids 🙂

  6. Cheryl Mikesell

    I’d give them to my friends who are single moms with kids. Its challenging to raise kids on your own. I think some words of wisdom from your books would great appreciated.

  7. Shawna

    Let’s see…I think I might need the book more than any of my friends! My husband is very low with an incurable cancer and my biggest fear about the situation is losing his wisdom, calmness, and insight in raising our four precious children!!! I am not that great of a mom and I’ve made boo-koos of mistakes, but he is so good…As for friends, I’d most likely give the books to Jessica (who is just as insecure as I am in this parenting thing), Vicki (my dear OCD friend who is expecting her 2nd baby soon), and Lynette (a cousin of mine whose insecure mom is a sister to my own insecure mother). Thank you, Lisa for your care for us moms and for expressing so well what we so often feel…God bless you!!

  8. Donna

    I would give one to my hair lady that has two young little girls; one to a sweet young lady at my bible study who has a 15 month old girl, and one to a precious young Christian that I am mentoring who called me just today when I was walking upset that she was fearful that she was messing up her 5 year old son. She was praying and crying and I told her satan was filling her thoughts with lies; that he is the author of lies and confusion and God is a God of peace and not confusion and that she is a good mother and her son has already accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior and I worked on giving her some feedback on how to stop satan in his tracks when he attacks her mind. She receives P31 devos so she is familiar with the good input from all you ladies, the webcasts, your wonderful ministry to women. I told her God loves her and to hit restart and God is a God of second and third and more chances and He gives grace. This book sounds wonderful for her and for a group study for these women.

    Sweet Blessings to you for all you do. (Fifteen of us saw you in Dallas at Women of Faith in September. Had an awesome, blessed time!!)

  9. Jaime

    Oh my goodness. This sounds so much like something I could use. We have recently increased our family and see myself in these posts. I have a few friend that are raising their children and could also use it

  10. Sally

    I’d give one to my sweet Emmy, my younger daughter, who just adopted daughter #2, Georgia! Emmy is an amazing mama to her biogical son, Beau, and her two sweet girls, Penelope and Georgia! She has a heart for adoption, which she shares with all. The other copy would go to my older daughter, Molly, who is the most precious worshiper of Jesus! She has a heart for His Word which she passionately shares with her children and with all who are seeking. Finally, I’d give one to Brooke, who is like a daughter, who is raising two amazing children! She and Emmy were at one time typical snotty middle schoolers, who became such godly mommies! All three are a tribute to the grace of God to all mommies!

  11. Tracy Foster

    I would give one to my beautiful, courageous daughter LeAnn who, in spite of all obstacles, brought a delightful, precious grandbaby, Kaidynce, into our home. The other two would go to her dear friends Melissa and Lacey, who have shared the motherhood journey with LeAnn and together have provided laughter, love and encouragement to one another on those messy days of raising babies. When I look back at raising my own two kids, I don’t want these young moms to miss a moment of joy because all they see is the mess rather than the precious gift these wee ones are … from a glorious and forever loving Father God.

  12. Donna Waldrop

    Loved the devotional! Very timely! I would love to win the books! I would give one copy to my daughter who is in the mist of raising three kids under 8 and lives 6 hours away from me. We talk most days but she needs encouragement from other sources and I think the book would do that. I would give the other copy to my sister in law who is also raising 2 kids of her own under 6 and a step daughter. They have a very poor life with not a lot of joy. She needs to see and know Jesus and how he has blessed her. The last copy I would give to my neighbor who is about to have her third child. She is a soldier and a very busy mom and wife. And after I read my copy I would give it to my church library for other young moms to read.
    Thanks for all you do!

  13. Kathryn B

    I love it when you do a giveaway within a giveaway like this! I would give one copy to my sister, expecting her FIRST baby in Dec., a fairly new Christian and pretty convinced she’s gonna mess it up! One to my friend Shannon who has 3 teenagers and a four year old at home (and is a lawyer going to nursing school! Huge admiration for her but know she’s afraid she’s messed up & messing up her kids). I would give one to my friend Marianne. She’s hosting a mom’s bible study group at our church for young mom’s and I would love for her to be able to gift one of her special mama’s!

  14. Jacoba

    This was great to read after I was just despairing of having to clean up the same old things AGAIN and AGAIN and wondering just how many times I was going to have to do this. I bet that I’ll be sad one day when they have all moved out and I don’t get to clean up backpacks/after school stuff anymore…so trying to be thankful for these chaotic times. I would give a copy to my sister with two little ones, my friend who has recently been blessed with twin girls (kid #4 and #5!) and a friend who is struggling with depression and parenting issues. Thank you!

  15. Sue

    I would give them to my daughter and two daughters-in-law. They are not believers and they are focused on their troubles, stress and mess; and not their blessings. What a wonderful re-focus for ones’ life you present! You can teach them through your books of life and love in ways that would never be received from me! Thank you for your precious vision so beautifully expressed!

  16. April

    Wow! It’s 2am and I truly needed that wake up. Thank you. I would give a copy to my 3 besties. Amanda – a “new” full time teacher, mother to 3 adorable children who struggles with having “too much”. Paige – a widow with 3 teenager daughters who is struggling to find God in anything right now. Finally, Angela, a mother to accidental toddler twins, my daughter’s best friend Anna and Andrew. Shoes shoes shoes. Thank God for smelly shoes. I love it!

  17. Leah

    I was just going to go on about how much I needed this book after how much I got on my sweet 7 year old son today but then read Shawna’s post – praying for strength and your husband ! And the posts from all of you beautiful Mommies ! I pray you all win ;). Happy THANKSgiving!

  18. Pam

    As a Momma who used to get unglued at the shoes and other things that were “left behind” in what my kids called the drop off spot. Now that the youngest is a senior in college and the other two out in the world, I will be thankful this weekend when my now empty drop off space is again MESSY!

  19. Twylene

    I so need this perspective with three toddlers in the house. The messes far exceed the energy I have! 🙂 But I’m so thankful for the gifts they are and for a faithful, Godly husband…thankful for the messes because it means we’re blessed!

  20. Brandy

    Nicole, a brand new mama! Diane, mama to two and adopting for the first time. And Casey a first time mama going to Poland in December to meet her little girl

  21. Ginger Griffin

    Our Church has been doing the When Women Say Yes To God Bible Study. The group has been a mix of young women and older “seasoned” wise women of the Church. Although there is an age gap, 1 would go to the oldest member 94 that has lost a son and husband to cancer, the next would go to a young Mom whose son is graduating High School this year and the next would go to our Pastor’s Wife who is leading the bible study and has many changes this year. Although I would love to keep one, the fourth would be shared between myself and my friend Pam who I also co leading the Bible study. Thank you Lysa for all that you do and how your words and teachings have worked/touched my life and the lives of many, many , many others.

  22. christa

    I would give them to my three sister’s-in-LOVE! They all have young ones (as I do), and we would all GREATLY benefit from the wisdom the Lord has given you! Thanks for this post! It’s a great reminder of being thankful!!

  23. Dianne

    Thank you for this series. Seems like I’m always coming up with lists but nothing helps, then I’m frustrated with the way I’m acting. Seems like a never ending cycle. You’re encouragement and real life examples open my eyes. Your book sounds great and I would gladly pass them on to friends needing encouragement.

  24. Christina Collins

    What a fantastic new outlook on the daily mess! I truly appreciate this series and look forward to reading the book! I can think of a few mommy friends that would truly love it as well! The difficult part will be narrowing it down to 3!

    Hope that you and your family have a happy thanksgiving!

  25. Cindy Gipson

    What a great message today. As I was reading I was thinking about how often I worry about the adults my kids will become based off of if they put their shoes away or look people in the eye when they are talking to them. I am almost always sure I have screwed up and my oldest is only 5. And then a message like this reminds me that there are moms in the world who don’t have time to worry about who they will be when they become adults because they aren’t sure if they will ever make it to adulthood…and oh how they probably wish they could own one pair of shoes for their kids to leave laying around.

  26. Liz C

    I have always felt like my house was messy, I called it ‘lived in’. This gives me a different perspective on my ‘lived in’ house. I am going to start seeking those precious moments. One friend goes crazy every time she is around her kids, it’s like she is on eggshells. Becca would be my second choice. She watches me with how I parent the boys and uses it for her two, WOW, didn’t realize how influential I have been. The third is rough but I would consider giving it to Jenna, who is pregnant with her first child. Lysa, Thank You for all you do!!!! You are a blessing to me.

  27. Jessica Nelson

    I have some close girlfriends whome I talk about this stuff with all the time! We are convinced that we are surely messing up our kids! There would be just enough copies for each of us. 🙂

  28. Sandra Terwey

    Dear Lysa,
    I have one daughter, Nicole, and within the last couple years I have acquired 3 more from our church. I have always want more children but it was not to be, so God just keeps giving me more grown ones. Nicole, Jill, Jessica and Mel. These girls bring me such joy and I them. I send them your posts quite often by email with a few words of encouragement. They are between the ages of 32yrs and 38yrs. They all have families and you are a great encouragement to them also. I would love the books, not for me but for them. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Because of your words we are all encouraged to be Thankful.

  29. Susan M

    I would give the books to 3 of the young moms from church probably with the caption ‘been there, done that’!

  30. Samantha

    I would give one to my friends who are struggling in this journey of raising children as well as my sister.

  31. LINDA

    Oh my does that hit home!
    I would give one to my sister and one to my niece and one to a dear friend of mine.

  32. Bree

    Smelly shoes & socks… globs of toothpaste in the sink… half-filled water glasses everywhere… so thankful for these gifts!! <3 It would be such a blessing to give a copy of this book to ALL my friends! I am struggling to narrow it down to three. So, I would keep them in my Bible bag and hand them out in response to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

  33. Kerri Ann

    LOVED this devotional! I have 3 daughters, and the amount of shoes and boots around my house, not in their “proper” place, tends to make me a little crazy. Thank you for this most needed perspective. I would share the books with the women of my Friday morning Bible study. We share our struggles, but more importantly, pray for each other in our daily lives.

  34. Caty M

    I love the sweet gentle reminders and eye openers that God gives us. 🙂
    I’m a group leader for our MOPS group and would love to share your book with my mammas!
    Happy Thanksgiving Lysa!

  35. Beth Brown

    I would give the three copies to my friends and fellow working moms Temesia, Dawn, and Kim. We are all on the mom journey together trying to do the best we can with what God has given us.

  36. Bernadette

    The first book I’d give to my friend Krista. She is a single mom struggling to do what is right just like most moms. Then to Chris. She is who taught me to be specific in my prayers and has faith like nobody else I know. She’s a mom to 6 kids and is very patient and kind. The last I’d give to Lindsey. She reads a lot and is a mom to two boys. She to has a ton of faith. I would share my own copy as well:)

  37. Tracy E.

    I would give them to my friends Erin, Teri and Heather because we have all discussed having feelings of am I messing this up?

  38. Mary Weiss

    I have been so been the Mom complaining! I did not realize how quickly they would grow up and be gone!
    I will try to remember and take more time to just enjoy my 6 grandchildren running, laughing and screaming through my small house full of love tomorrow!
    Thank you

  39. DeAnn Huxman

    What wonderful words to take to heart. I need to be more thankful and grateful for what we are blessed with – including the blessing of having the shoes to be scattered. I would give the 3 books to the moms that are doing a book club with me reading “Unglued” – Crystal, Christy, and then another good mom friend Emilie.

  40. Landon

    Great post!! It’s so easy to be ungrateful, and I am particularly like this when it comes to a clean house. 3 friends come to mind: my pastor’s wife who has 5 kids, 3 of which are adopted. I know that she struggles with this question, in particular with her adopted children. Her sister, also my good friend, has 5 children – 3 of which are adopted. She’s an awesome mom!! Lastly, my friend Tami has 12 kids and is currently struggling with her older children and their bad life decisions. She is trying to remember that their carnal nature is an affront to God and not to her & the way she raised them. Another GREAT mom. Thanks again, Lysa!

  41. nancys1128

    As usual, you appear to have visited both my home and my headspace. Thanks for the attitude adjustment about things not being picked up, put away, and just plain laying around. I would give the three copies to Dee, Christal and Barb. They are friends from three different areas of my life, and this book would benefit each of them in very different ways. And I would dig into my copy, highlighter in hand, ready to get a grip on stopping any messing up I’m doing with our youngest.

  42. Jessica Lucas

    So true and a great reminder! this goes for everything we pick up daily…
    Toys! Crayons! Clothes! spilled milk! goldfish! cherrios! blessed to be a mom!

  43. Nikki

    I would give the copies to Lisa, Ashley and my aunt Anna!! To always keep in front of them to find the joy treasure in the messes 🙂

  44. Bev Blair

    If were to receive the gift of your books the women/mothers that I would share with would be through our churches out reach mission program(s) who work with women/mothers to recognize there is a better way! The programs are centered a relationship with Christ for themselves and mentor(s) to assist them with daily living.

  45. Rebecca

    I read the lsdt devo in the 60 day Unglued book yesterday. Before I even get out of bed, I wanted to be in God’s court. I started with this blog site and this devo this morning is wonderful. I will be working with my 3 teenage sons today getting our house ready for a family thankgiving meal this weekend and was worried about having an “explosion”. I started praying yesterday for the grace-filled, mercy words to come from my mouth. Thank you for this perspective. It’s what I needed this morning before my day even gets started.

  46. Kathy

    Your posts are perfectly timed for me. I just yelled at my kids for leaving their shoes out of their cubbies….again. Yes, I yelled….again….yuck. Help me Lord. Some days I do have the right perspective and my heart in check. Other days…not so much. I would give the extra copies to my sisters-in-law Anne, and Kiki, and to my dearest friend, Melinda. My copy would become part of my morning routine.

  47. Janet Dolence

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!! We all can use a reminder like that!!

  48. Beccalou

    What A beautiful perspective on the gift that our children are.

  49. Mary @ The Calm of His Presence

    There have been too many times in the past when I have responded the same way. But with God’s help those moments are few & far between. Now I’m able to stop & thank God for my health active children. I would give a copy to my bff, my sister & sis-in-law.

  50. donna

    How ridiculous is it that I’m sitting here at 7:30 in the morning crying about shoes. Lysa, I’m pretty sure you and I live in the same house! I currently have 4 shoe trays in my home – 2 at each entrance. Nothing burns my insides more than seeing my husband’s shoes on the rug NEXT to one of said trays!!! Are you kidding me right now??!! Seriously you can’t get them on a tray? That is the whole purpose of the tray!! He should be arriving home in the next 10 minutes – after working the last 12 hours at a job to provide for our family while I am at home looking at said shoe trays. When he walks in the door and leaves his shoes on the rug – not the TRAY – I will be thankful that I have a husband who loves his family, regardless of where his shoes are!

    If you think of it, please pray for my husband (his name is Joe). He’s not saved and my sons and I very much want him to know and embrace how much he is loved by the One who created all.

    p.s. – I am also glad to know that I am not the only mom who envisions charts and procedures and consequences when a perceived crisis arises!!

  51. Jodie

    So true!! I remember, while I was an au pair last year for a family with 6 kids, the mum became frustrated often, and told me so once, that the boys would bounce around upstairs so that the walls and floors would thump. I want a big family of my own, and I remember thinking, ‘I’d just be thankful that I have healthy children who can run around and play and make thumps in the floor and on the walls.’

  52. Megan P.

    Thank you for this reminder! Shoes could easily become one of the banes of my existance – right up there with laundry! It helps to know I am not the only one. I would love to give the copies to my 3 closest girlfriends. We are on the journey called life together and this would help us all! What an amazing Christmas gift that you could help m to give them. 🙂

  53. Kelly

    I would give them to my friend Emily, Annette, and Heidi. We often have conversations about our struggles to be better moms. I am asking for this book for Christmas but it would be nice to give away 3 copies to my mama friends in need as well! Thanks as always for your complete honesty. It makes me feel like I am not alone and of course so do my conversation with these other struggling mama friends!

  54. Stacy

    Thank you for the reminder that mess brings life. I needed that today. I would love to give your books to thee dear friends who also question their abilities in mothering. We could all use the truth that God brings through your books. Thank you.

  55. Amie

    I just love your style of writing, Lysa. I know this will be no exception. I’ve been known to laugh out loud at them or they can just completely touch my heart. Thank you for that. I would LOVE to win a copy of this book. I am a homeschooling mama who constantly questions herself and needs to just listen to the Lord more about everything! ! I would share the other copies with a few other moms in our homeschool group that need it as well. God bless and Happy Thanksgiving!

  56. Laurie B.

    Funny! I think you read my mind as shoes are a constant nagging item in my house. Yet, Eucharisteo is what I preach…thank you for the perspective adjustment…forgive me , Father, for my nagging ungratefulness!!!
    Off to pick up shoes…

  57. Julie

    Love the way the Lord speaks through you, thank you for being obedient with your books. I would give these to my sweet daughter in laws and a few mothers in my small group at MOPS. The Lord has allowed me to be a mentor mom this year and I love it

  58. RR

    What a great post! I dislike this time of year because of all the I wants and gift giving. Not because I don’t want to give gifts but the expectation everywhere you go that we need to spend more than we have on useless items on everyone we know. I want to give gifts from my heart and be thankfull for what we have. My favorite Christmas was the year that we gave gifts of service. Everyone wrote down what they were willing to do for someone else. I want to be thankful for those shoes laying around the house instead of looking to get more new shoes.
    I have been trying to be thankful for those things as I have been reading these blogs. Thankful for my family’s health, for jobs that demand much because they provide, for bickering because we are not alone, for boring meals because we have full bellies. It changes how I look at the instances in my life that used to drive me crazy.
    I’m most thankful for a God willing to send His Son at this time of year to be born, so that He would live and die as a penalty for ME! I certainly don’t deserve that. But God seems to look at my shoes laying around and says “She’s worth it” and He did it.

  59. Beth

    I needed this! I work full-time and am I married “single” mother raising a beautiful, very strong willed, doesn’t like to sleep, high energy, 5-year-old! She was very sick around her 2nd birthday and we weren’t sure what our future held with her! Praise God she is here and healthy and full of lots of energy! She has struggled with some developmental delays, and I struggle with my own health issues, sometimes I have to really make an effort to not let the stress of all my responsibilities overshadow these little every day blessings! Thank you for the reminder that all those toys, shoes, crumbs and crayons everywhere mean I have the blessing of my precious daughter in my life!! I would keep one copy for myself 🙂 and the other copies would go to a friend of mine who just had premature twins, another friend of mine with a child with special needs and the other would go to my church library for any mama that needs it!!

  60. Angela

    My pastor’s wife who needs reassurance that she is a wonderful mom. My sister who needs guidance from God and needs to rededicate her life to God. My friend Jen who has four kids and a fulltime job and alot of self doubt.

  61. Elaine Segstro

    I just LOVE reading your post! I would give the 3 copies to my friends who love Jesus and who love their kids: – Trudy, Carol, and Rachel!

  62. Stacey

    I would give them to my sister and my friends T and A, all of us who have at least one child we’re surely messing up! 🙂

  63. Jennie

    I would give three copies to the ladies in our moms group, we all have little one’s. Just yesterday I was grumbling for picking up shoes and socks, thank you for this!

  64. Joyce

    I would love to win the books and give them to my granddaughters, who are just starting to have my great grandbabies. My memories tell me they could use these books. Thanks for sharing.

  65. Sadie VK

    I would give one copy to my sister who is struggling with a rebellious teenager and the other two to my friends in my Bible Study who are raising toddlers.

  66. April

    The first person I would give the book to would be my friend Allison, she is a new Mom and to my friend Kelly who isn’t a Christian, and lasts friend Jennifer because mostly needed for me I feel like a failed mom often like I don’t patience and a lot of times felt like I have no clue if I am doing enough to please God about my kids so this would be great your minstry is always a Blessing thank you.

  67. Kirsten

    I own this book and love it. I’ve read it several times. I would love to give away all four copies to friends who are new moms because I think it would be great for them to have some truth to fight the lies our culture is constantly feeding us.

  68. Tristi

    I would give them to my friends, Jaren, Kristyna & Lisa because they are the women who walk close beside me in this life together and I know we’d have honest conversations flow from it.

  69. Kimberly

    Love your blog posts…looking forward to reading the book (have requested for Christmas!). I would give one book to a new friend with 3 young children…we are building a relationship and have begun talking about child-rearing issues. The other two would go to life-long friends with very young children…both moms are doing a great job and just need the encouragement (like all of us!)

  70. Melody Placker

    I would give one to my sister who is a single mom right now, one to my friend Wendy who suffers from depression and could use the encouragement, and the last one to my sister in law who is raising 3 kids two of which are twins all three are under the age of five.

  71. Polly

    I SO needed to read this message this morning as I clean my messy house for a crowd coming for Thanksgiving. Thank you for sharing your experience and wisdom! I’d love my copy and I’d give the other 3 to my friends Kimba, Connie and Karen. They are three close friends who are amazing moms, but second guess some decisions as I do.

  72. Missy

    I needed this today. This one small thing seems to frustrate me more than any other “misplaced” strewn object in my home, especially after I have just tripped over another pair of shoes. Our entryway is littered with shoes, but now instead of seeing a mess, I will see the blessing in that our home is full of healthy, loving individuals who are blessed to have a place to string their shoes.

  73. Tara Germano

    Lysa – This is so true. I often lament the shoes all over our house and appreciate this new perspective. My kids will be off to college in six years, and there won’t be a pair out of place. So I’ll enjoy it while I can. Thanks again. TG

  74. Cindy

    this gives me a totally new perspective on the messes around my home. I’m too am going to choose to be thankful as I’m putting things in their proper place. For example: The power tools that were used to put down new flooring in our house: So very thankful for my son who did the work and my hardworking husband who paid for the supplies. PTL

  75. Sasha Carroll

    This was just what I needed to read this morning to quell my tidy frustrations of my dining room being turned into a Doc McStuffins hospital, complete with a cute little teddy bear being “surgically” repaired with kitchen scissors and bandaids! I would relish the opportunity to glean wisdom from your book abd ahare it with a friend who has a new baby, a cousin who is expecting her second child and a friend who is in the midst of raising two barefoot and wild princesses!

  76. Amanda Harding

    I am a single mom so I definitely need this book. I constantly worry that I am messing up my kids. And, I have three women in my life who walk with me and support me as I support them. I think I have had this conversation, “Are we messing up our kids?” with all three of them at one time or another. I know they would benefit from this book too. Toni was a single mom with four kids. She walked along side me when I had no one else when my now ex-husband left. She is now remarried and together she and her husband have eight kids! We still support each other in this journey of life and raising kids. Andrea is a single mom with two girls. She and I can relate with a lot of the struggles that single parents face. I know she would benefit from this book. And finally, my friend Cathi. She is a mom of three adult children, however, she has just taken on the role of mom to her grandson. He is now 20 months old but she has had him since he was a newborn and she and her husband have officially adopted him just this past summer. They are now also fostering another baby. I commend them for stepping up to take care of “J” and I think they are doing a great job. But, we all doubt our abilities and decisions now and again and I think this book would be great for her as well! Thank you, Lysa, for your encouraging words in your books and your blogs!

  77. Elise

    I just love your blog. You have an amazing gift for honestly sharing your difficult Mom moments and making us all feel normal. Thank you for helping me to see those moments in a different way. I would love to share your book with some of my friends who are busy Moms too.

  78. Rachel Q

    I would love a copy of this book and I would share the other copies with other mom’s in my life….homeschooling group, Bible study group and mentoring group. Thank you!

  79. Melanie

    I have a very close group of best girl friends and we call eachother Ladybugs…we have been friends since Jr. High! I would have to sahre the books with each of them, Angie, Amy, Debra, Brandy, Terra, & Deana. We are always talking about things our kids have done or struggles they are having and the question always come up, Am I the reason they did this? Sounds like we NEED this book!!!! 🙂

  80. Debbie

    Mothers,count those shoes as blessings now. My two little ones are in their 30’s now with their own pile of shoes. God loans us our kids for a short time,so choose your battles wisely..

  81. Carla Gasser

    OH MY STARS!!!! ********* Did I need to hear this today or what? I was just ranting and raving last week (yes, I confess, I came unglued!) about the 42 (forty-two!!!) pairs of underwear I washed, dried and folded for my 3 teenage sons! The ongoing battle of laundry and socks in my house wages weekly and I have tried various methods to combat and subdue the chaos, but to no avail. One of my techniques for getting through the mounds of laundry is to pray for each child as I fold their clothes. Let me tell you, the only prayer I offered up last week was, ‘Lord, please don’t let me hurt them when they get home from school!” So incensed, I took photos of my kitchen table covered high with piles underwear and texted each boy a photo while they were at school! It took me a few days to calm down and approach the situation rationally, but your post was such a gentle, kind reminder. I read it to my kids (I actually have a girl too, but right now her laundry seems more manageable) and apologized. So, thank you!!!

    I am a fellow blogger and would love to give copies of your book to my readers. What an encouragement and blessing you are to so many of us!!!

  82. kat

    Thanks for this. Next time I kick my husbands boots out of the way on the living room floor out of frustration, I will remember how hard he works for us.

  83. Kara McCullough

    What a sweet morning in Christ! A mere month ago, I was “too tired” to get up at 7am and spend time with God let alone go to church. I was “too busy” during my day as wife, school teacher, mother, and the other many “hats” I wear daily, to spend time with God. THIS morning, the day before Thanksgiving, I literally just finished your book, “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” with the study. Lysa, I sit here with tears rolling down my cheeks. God has spoken through you in this book and captured my heart! I have spent 12 days (hours a day), YES, I joyfully spent HOURS a day with God, reading, studying, journaling, and praying! I can’t even begin to tell you how many aspects of this book hit “home” in my mind and heart! The entire book is highlighted, written in, marked up, and I have index cards with your statements and scripture hanging all over my house!

    I was, like many, stuck at the gatekeepers of Acceptance and Rejection my ENTIRE adult life. But I always knew there was an underlying “feeling” that I was to be “MORE”. I knew since 2011 that I had a “calling” to teach at an international Christian school somewhere in this big world, leading people to the Lord who don’t know Him; and teach children all about Jesus. So, I strove for “more” (of this world, unfortunately). I have obtained the highest educational degrees, pursued careers working with at-risk adolescents as a counselor and now as a teacher, yet somehow I just kept “failing”. Through your book I have been awakened, reassured, and renewed that NO, I’m NOT a failure; I was trying to make a difference withOUT God! It seems every page of this book was speaking to me; pride, vision, self-control, worldly ways, sin, the enemy…(ok, you have 5 kids, a husband, and a ministry to run so I’ll cut this short). Radical obedience had no place in my life YET now I realize in a mere short 12 days OF radical obedience, how MUCH my life and relationship with Christ has changed! How much I’ve changed! How much I’ve been blessed! This “calling” is now becoming a reality for me even though it “makes no sense on how it will ever work”, yet that’s the POINT! It doesn’t have to “make sense” it has to “make God”! In this “downtime” of my career, I have stopped the busyness and am totally focused on my relationship with God using the tools you provided in your book to discern His voice, plan for me, and build an intimate relationship with him.

    Also in that two years, I have experienced some of the biggest “tragedies” of my life until I started talking with God about them was when I realized that God has placed His plan in my heart and YES He wants me to “GO”, but on HIS time. There was and are still things I must do here before I can ever be “ready” to witness. If I am not radically obedient and sharing the Love of Christ here in my own home, own community, then how can I share Him with people who don’t even speak the same language? Seems so silly,now. What’s more important, is God is in control and in His time, He will place me where HE wants me. All these “tragedies” are not indeed tragedies, but His experiences that He needs me to have before he sends me on His mission! Preparation for the journey!

    PLEASE know that as I sit down with my family for Thanksgiving tomorrow, I will be so thankful for YOU and that you followed God’s plan for you, are radically obedient, so that you can “make a difference” in the lives of others through Christ! You’ve made a difference in mine.
    His servant and yours,

  84. Jennifer

    I feel like your posts are always written specifically for me, and it’s very comforting to know that I’m not alone in feeling all of these things. Through you, God always has a way of shifting my perspective and leaving me with a smile on my face and peace in my heart. It was easy to think of three very special women that I would share these books with. One is my dear friend Roxi who has championed through many trials, including colon cancer, but lives every moment to give her 5 children (2 of whom are still school age) and 3 grandchildren a full, fun life. The second is a woman I am honored to call my friend, but who is also my pastor. Having come from an abusive, highly dysfunctional home herself, she struggles with knowing how to adequately raise her own children in a loving, safe environment, and just juggling being a woman, wife and mother, with being a pastor. The third is my dear friend, Lorrine. She has already raised her children, and is now raising some of her grandchildren. She struggles to find the energy to keep up with them and dividing her attention between the roles of grandparent and parent. Thank you for answering this call from God, Lysa, as you reach out and touch the lives of so many women just like me. God bless you and your family, and may you have a very blessed Thanksgiving!!

  85. Brittany B

    Oh how I would love to be able to share this book with 3 friends and have one for myself! I would share one with my sister, my friend Amber, and my other friend Katie. I have mothering conversations with them all very frequently! We are all trying to figure this thing out and not mess up our kids! 🙂

  86. Angie

    I have 3 friends in mind, and we all ask that question “am I messing up my kids?” from time to time. I love the shoe post. You should see my entryway right now. But I thank God for each of those big and little feet that fit into those and can run, play, dance, and live life fully. They’re a blessing!

  87. Delores Payseur

    I would give one to my daughter who is a 1st time mom with a 22 month old whose favorite word is NO! She is very much a perfectionist who sometimes thinks life is all about schedules. The second one I would give to my co–worker and best friend who is a mother of two with one child with anxiety issues. The other copy I would give to a woman at our local homeless shelter who has a 10 yr son. We just started volunteering there and even though I don’t know her well, I know she must need lots on encouragement not only as a mother but as a wife, daughter and woman in general.
    Thanks Lysa for all you do to help us Mothers feel less guilty and more grace-filled!

  88. Kathy Harmon

    I would love to give those books away. When I was parenting my children, there were very few helps that were encouraging and uplifting. Most of them were “don’t do this”. Young (and older parents) and grandparents need encouragement and love in helping parent their children. Your posts teach gratitude and appreciation for children not treating them as beasts to tame. I will gratefully share the books and enjoy one myself in dealing with grandchildren.

  89. Pam

    Thank you for this reminder Lysa!! I often get overwhelmed with frustration not over shoes but things…. Things laying around where they are not supposed to be, and “messing” up the areas I have to look at!! My daughter is especially trying, and some days I think she revels in it! I find it very difficult to parent her and just as soon as I “mess” up by yelling, getting upset, does she turn around and do the exact same thing. I usually think, “thanks Lord, for pointing out my faults, again!”. I would be very honored to receive your gift of books, but will be purchasing one either way!! I know she needs me to change and I am searching for something that will help “click” it all into place!! Bless you 🙂

  90. Charity DeVries

    I would give copies away to my friend Amanda-because she is a wonderful mama to 4 boys! My friend Kimberly who can be too hard on herself at times and is a wonderful mom to two little ones, and one to my friend Cassandra who is another wonderful mama and needs to know that!

  91. Melody Byrum

    I would love to get this book and share it with 3 of my friends. I live in Oklahoma and most of my friends are far away. My friend Becky and I have been friends for 12-13 years.She lives in Indiana and she has a 1 year old daughter and I would love to mail her a copy to help her out. And then my friend Sarah would love this book too. I know that as a stay at home mommy with 2 very difficult kids, she would appreciate this book. And another I would mail to my friend in California. She has 2 kiddos and has adopted a child too and she is working on a project called Eban. Her mom and my dad met in college and became friends and her sisters and my siblings all grew up together, even though we always lived in different states. SHe lives in California now and I keep touch through facebook, so this would be a great way for us to have even more to talk about. Her family was the first Christian influence in my life and when I think about Christians, I think of her first. She is so loving and good and even with difficulties, she has so much love to give. But everyone needs a little help now and again.

  92. Michelle Cervantez

    Thank you for reminding me to be thankful. So many times I find myself frustrated by the shoes that are left all over the house. I’m going to make it a habit not to become focused on the mess, but rather on the blessings of each of my children and be thankful for them and the things that God has given me.

  93. Julie

    Thank you for this post. This post hits home as I have a dear friend who lost her 4 year old less than a year ago. When I get overwhelmed at the shoe piles, or the messes my children leave throughout the house, I simply think the mothers who have lost a child and know that they would give anything for the smelly socks. It has been such a great reminder of how every single moment of parenting is a blessing and a gift. Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to your and your family Lysa!

  94. Cindy

    I would give the first book to my sister Kacie. Several years ago her husband decided he didn’t want to be married anymore and asked her to leave. Living 3 hours from her family she packed up her then 5 year old son and came home to be with her family. At the time she was also 4 months pregnant and working about 50 hours a week to support her family. She later found out that he was seeing someone else and she was completely devastated. Things definately got worse before they ever got better, but God has truely been working in her life. As a single parent I can see her often struggle and question herself as a parent. I think she is doing a great job and I am so proud of her!

    I would give the second book to my friend Julia. She and her family are going through some financial troubles and on top of that she has Crohn’s disease so she has medical problems that she deals with on a daily basis. She is such a strong lady and such an inspiration to me. I know the financial troubles they are going through are really taking a toll on her and her family. I know she could use some assurance that this too will pass and that her family will only grown stronger from this.

    The third book to my friend Brooke. She is our children and youth director at our church and is always there for all of us. Often I find she is taking care of others and doesn’t think of herself, which is why I love her so much. I would love to give back to the one person who is such a good role model and friend to my children and not to mention the support she offers to all of us parents.

  95. Jean

    This message couldn’t have come at a better time!! My husband and I are retired and really enjoy the quiet time we get to spend together but also enjoy visits from our 6 children and 17 grandchildren. However in the last 6 months it has become necessary for a daughter and her 2 teen daughters to stay with us for a short time and a son, his wife and 2 small children to also come and live for a short time until they find a suitable home after moving here from Texas. Both are temporary living arrangements and we love them and are happy to be able to help out.
    However the past couple days the hectic pace of 9 people living here (with 1 bathroom) has been taking it’s toll on my aging body and mind. Although they are all great about caring for themselves and their belongings “the shoes” by the door and the book bags on the floor and jackets that didn’t quite make it to the hangers but lay on the closet floor are challenging this OCD grama who has become accustomed to quiet and order.
    Your reminder that I need to see the blessings in the challenges and be grateful! Grateful for family that are close and care for one another. Asking God to help me focus more on the blessings than the challenges and to embrace opportunities to show His love in the middle of it all. And to strengthen this old weak bladder when I have to wait my turn in the bathroom!! 🙂
    Thank You and may your Thanksgiving and Christmas with your family be a time of blessing !

  96. Lynn

    A much needed reminder of God’s greatest blessings. My 3 beautiful, healthy children. And the giving of thanks in all things.

  97. Liz W.

    Just this morning my daughter couldn’t find the “right” boots for her outfit. She was far less bothered about having to substitute than I was. Thanks for the reminder to pick gratitude rather than frustration. Giving 3 books away…well I have a friend who has 7 kids. I can’t imagine the piles of shoes in her house. I’m currently investing in encouraging a young mom of a strong willed 3 yr old sweetheart from the “been there” viewpoint. (Mine is now a strong willed but successful and wonderful 17 yr old.). The 3rd would go to another young mom of 4 that I am blessed with the opportunity to mentor.
    Thanks again for this super timely reminder. Now I need to go look for some white furry boots. 🙂

  98. melleb

    Thank you for the encouraging words as I trip over shoes every day in my house! Most of the time I am not sure if I should yell, throw the shoes away or hold them so tight as I know one day they will not be on my floor anymore. I would give your books to my sister, who is parenting this road with me ,shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart. I would give one to my best friend as she is struggling watching her oldest daughter take on “middle school” and all the heartaches that come with middle school girls and their wisdom. I would give one to a dear friend of mine who is parenting in the trenches right now. She is struggling in her marriage, husbands loss of job, raising 6 Godly girls and finding out that one is taking the wide road and choosing all things worldly. Her shame and guilt is overwhelming her as she tries to cling to Christ, yet sometimes the grip is slipping. I believe that this would be a great encouragement to her . Thank you again for your living out loud for other mothers to see- it is not about perfection, it is all about redemption.

  99. Tina

    I use to get so aggravated at all the shoes parked at the door. One morning I realized that it became a habit for me to look to the entry way to see if my teenage boys were home. Home from late night movies with their friends, home from late hours of their jobs, home, safe and sound in their beds. The stress at the door is an immediate remedy for any stress in my heart. Wishing you and yours, a very wonderful Thanksgiving!

  100. Jessica

    These words were medicine for my soul. This summer my husband told me he wanted a divorce after 17 years. When I read your book I felt like we were lost sisters. Some children are raised while others are born. I was born. I never knew the baggage I allowed to seep into my marriage and sometimes carry over into my mothering. My heart is broken and my world is shattered. I long for your updates because they bring me peace and I know not all mothers do it so “perfectly.” I do my best and love my child but sometimes I raise my voice and that does not make me a terrible mother. Thank you-you may just have saved my life. I was really that far depressed before I found you and started walking daily with my Maker again each day.

  101. Shannon Lambert

    I really don’t have anything eloquent to say, just that this was exactly what I needed today. I have been praying God would speak to me. Thank you! I’m sending this to hubby to read – we are so blessed to have our miracle boys.

  102. Charlotte Hammer

    I have a unique perspective…with a 19 year old and a 10 year old I can see clearly how I have messed up my kids. And I’m so grateful that they offer me more grace then I often do for them. I am learning. I am becoming more intentional (great Christian-ese word!) with the choices I make, the messes I ignore, and the melt-downs I can see past and understand the heart of my boys. Would love your book…and would share the copies with three heart sisters I met at She Speaks this summer…Natalie, Lori, and new mom to be Brittany.

  103. Julie

    My homeschool friends and I have many questions. We/I sometimes think my kids will be on the therapist’s couch for years about “what Mother has done”!! Reassuring to know that God always shows Himself strong in my weakness.

  104. Amy M

    Oh how I need this book! I would give the first book to my sister. She is who I go to when I am having one of those days, and she calls me when she is having one of those days. She is such a blessing in my life.

    The second book would go to my sweet friend who is about to have child # 4 and almost right after she is going to Salt Lake City, Utah with her family to be missionaries.

    The third book I would give to my brother who is raising his two children on his own and he needs all the help he can get. His ex-wife is an alcoholic and has visitation only when supervised. He is in a hard situation and every time his son sees his mom he acts out for days. I know this book would be a blessing to him.

    And the fourth book would be for me because Satan is always feeding me lies that I am messing up my kids especially when I come unglued on them again. But it is imperfect progress I apologize and tell them how I reacted was wrong and I pray and get into scripture and try my best to do better next time.

  105. Kathy

    Wow! This is so me! I have 5 kids and shoes left all over the house drive me crazy! But why? They’re shoes! 🙂 I would give the three copies to my sisters my best friend. We all have little ones and need encouragement from time to time.

  106. Jody

    Thank you for this reminder of being appreciative. I mostly try to turn every thought from a negative to a positive. This is one of my biggest areas of struggle, as I like everything neat tidy and put away. My husband on the other hand likes things out where he can see them, because if he doesn’t see them, they don’t exist and almost always he either buys another of the same item or an argument happens until said item is found. I have 3 boys, actually young men, and 2 are like my husband and 1 is like me. I would give away good new toys to goodwill because I didn’t like seeing the things out…how sad for the boys that they couldn’t play and enjoy their toys and then just learn to pick up afterward and that I couldn’t just relax and be grateful that they were here and healthy. I would give a copy to their mates so they could maybe avoid all the stress and silliness of worries of having things put where they belong all the time and enjoy their families! I just attended your recent conference in Hershey PA and what a blessing. Thanks for your honesty and your love for God….you are reaching and touching so many lives! God bless and happy Thanksgiving!

  107. Lisa McDonald

    Wow, this is so difficult for me. Maybe because the kids are grown and out of the house. I’m finally at a point where I can have nice things and keep everything clean.
    I will ask God to help me with this because when kids do come over, I shudder at them touching anything. Unfortunately, their parents don’t watch them and I don’t feel it’s my place to tell them no. A serious struggle for me that I know I need God’s help with.
    Thank you for this message Lysa.

  108. Mary Lou Kleveland

    Great post…needed this reminder. I would give the books to my best friend of 34 years, Pam, to a friend who is facing a trial, Kerstin, and a young mom at my church – all are great moms but need to be reminded of that fact.

  109. Pam Finter

    Ouch! This post hurt, but in a good way. I had just berated my daughter yesterday on the way to school about shoes strewn about. But by the time we got to school, God nudged me into apologizing for my tense tone. And I did. And our relationship was restored. His mercies are new every day, and I’m still a work in progress!

  110. Kris Bardell

    Great reminder that our children are a gift from God and that they are just that children, they will not always do everything that they are asked no matter how many times we remind them. Then again, that means they are just like us, their parents, how many times does God have to give us reminders that He loves us and wants us to make Him part of our day and spend just a little time with Him. Thankfully He never gives up on us!! I would give the books to my friend that is a single mom of 2 little boys, my friend that recently went through a divorce and has a 10 year old daughter, and my friend that has 2 grown children, 1 high schooler, 2 step children, and is also raising her grandson.

  111. Tracy

    My goodness! I really needed that today! I’m trying to pick up after my 4 little ones to get things “perfect” for Thanksgiving. This is such a great reminder of all of the things that I have to be grateful for!

    If I were to win 3 extra copies of your book, I would give the first copy to my best friend Kim. She is in the same season of life as I am. We both have 4 little ones under the age of 10.

    I would give the second copy to my sister Ashley. She is a pastor’s wife, mom, works full time, goes to school full time, and basketball coach. She’s recently answered the God’s call in her life to be a foster mom. She’s in the beginning stages of getting her home ready and will start taking classes soon.

    I’d give the last copy away to one of my sweet blogging friends. They are always there to encourage me and this would be such an encouragement to one of them.

  112. Nkle

    Great article! I’ve had the same frustrated feelings about the shoes that pile up in our house, but love this new perspective. I would give the three copies to the three girls in my Bible study. We started as a strong group of eight, but that number has dwindled down to the four of us. People have gone back to work or moved. But the four of us are going strong! We have even done two of your Bible studies and loved them and also saw you when you were in Iowa and at Women of Faith. Blessings!

  113. Ann

    As a single mom to a 16 year old young man, I have found myself so often preparing to go to battle. I remember the toddler days which were joyfilled with moments of frustration, and often find that pattern is now reversed. While we struggle and muddle through the daily challenges I am most grateful that he loves Jesus and is growing in his faith. How often HE reminds me that I do not need to struggle with my child, HIS child. I can simply look to HIS word and parent as HE leads. My son may not appreciate my rules, but when I parent out of obedience and not feelings I find myself on the correct battle field and things like strewn wrappers, socks near the hamper, or oddly placed dirty dishes do not become WWIII events. They are learning opportunities which allow us to grow in obedience, understanding, and grace.

  114. Margaret

    Great reminder – not for my children’s shoes – they’re grown now – but for my husband’s that never seem to find their way into the closet. I’ll try to remember his work boots as a symbol of how hard he works to provide for me and his slippers of the comfort our home provides us both! Thanks so much for sharing. Happy Thanksgiving!

  115. Kristy L

    Happy Thanksgiving to you Mrs. Lysa and your family!!
    I would love the book. I would give the books to my sisters-in-law. We are all young moms and scared that we are going to mess our kids up in this crazy fallen world.
    Thank you!!

  116. Mackenzie

    Just the words I needed to hear. Thank you!

  117. Lisa M

    I needed this, especially this morning! Thank you for this post..

  118. DebMT519

    When I saw the title of this morning, it tugged at my heart so deeply. Our oldest daughter, Ellen, had the smelliest feet and shoes ever! The smell permeated any area whenever she would take her shoes off, poor thing! But Jesus brought her home safely on January 18, 1994, when she was just 16 years old, and her birthday is this Friday, November 29, and I’d just love to smell those shoes once again. You’re right, Lysa, thank God for the shoes, and the life they represent.

  119. Molly Higle

    Thank you so much for this. Perspective is an amazing thing. I seriously have this very problem and I let it rob me of my thankfulness and peace all too often. Now I can look at it in a very different way and also give my kids a little peace from the nagging momma.

  120. Stephanie

    Thanks for the insight…would love to share with friends & family


  121. Heidi

    I am a small group leader of 7 young families, and would give them to the other moms in my group. I am the “veteran” mom in the group, with the oldest kids (ages 11 and 9), but I am a mess and can smile and relate to almost every single post you write! It would be an honor and blessing to share this gift with other “messy” moms. Thank you. 🙂

  122. Tracey

    Thank you so much for this blog. I have been going round and round with my 13 year old daughter about picking up her clothes (you can barely walk in her room!). My stepmother told me to pick my battles but it continued to aggravate me. Now, I smile as I think about that heap of clothes and when I get home from work, I will look at them and smile and thank God that she has so many clothes to keep her warm.

  123. Sue Fawcett

    These are jus the words I needed to here. Thank you for allowing God to speak through you to us moms and encourage us.

  124. jessica

    I would give some to my BFF’s who are all in the thick of raising kids alongside me.

  125. Stephanie S

    This is such a great reminder to find gratitude in the messes! I would give copies to 3 friends, all with young children, and worrying if they’re doing it right, just like me.

  126. Bridgette

    Love the post! I would give a copy to my dear sister who has 3 little ones and then two of my friends who also have little ones, one is a single parent with twin girls (I have twin boys), and another that has twin boys just slightly older than mine. Between my husband and boys, and myself, we have shoes everywhere, CONSTANTLY! I love this change in perspective. Thank you!

  127. Meri Phelps

    What a wonderful post, and such a great message. I have a view from the other side of the fence, so to speak.

    Oh how I wish I could see a pile of shoes in my home. Stinky shoes. Muddy shoes. Shoes with broken laces. I would gladly take them all.

    My son Aaron is almost 6. He has type 1 SMA. His body is so weak that he has never been able to even hold up his head on his own. Slowly he has lost all movement except to be able to wiggle a few fingers. His mind is not affected, and he is as bright and as inquisitive as his peers in kindergarten. He once was able to wear shoes on his feet, although his feet never touched the ground. Aaron’s ankles are so contracted now that shoes won’t even fit. But God has allowed Aaron to be with us for longer than any doctor predicted and our daily joys come in sharing our love with him, making every day and every moment count.

    Many blessings to you. Your posts are always so inspirational and help to give me a new perspective on my life, and what I have been called to do.

  128. Katelyn

    Good Morning Lysa!!

    Love your blog! I would love to give the 3 other books to the women in my small group I have just started – the young women/mama group. I just moved and don’t know many people so I thought it would be good to get together with other moms with young kids. We are starting next week! There are six of us and four of us have kids. Thanks!!


  129. Lina Hill

    What a wonderful perspective change! It really IS all in how we look at it, isn’t it?

    1) I would give a copy to my daughter who was a teenage Mama and just about to embark on parenting a teenager herself.
    2) One to my sister-in-law who just had baby #2 and has a very smart first child.
    3) One to my sister who has twins that just turned teenagers.

    Thanks Lysa!

  130. Anne

    Lysa, your e-mails are always a delight to read. You’ve helped me see God’s blessings in everyday life. I thank you and the other Girlfriends in God from the bottom of my heart. Renee Swoop’s book, A Confident Heart, helped me through a critical part of young adulthood. And through your sharing of your emotions, you have helped me feel normal for feeling frustrated at everything (on those bad days!). After struggling with anxiety for 7 years, I finally feel comfortable in my own skin. And I feel totally loved by our wonderful God.

    Today, my co-worker (and mother of 4 beautiful children) is unable to enjoy this peaceful day at the office with me. One of her daughters is in the hospital. Another one of her daughters has not been able to walk for about 2 months, and no doctor has been able to diagnose her. I don’t know what it’s like to be a mother. But you’re blog today, (the one about shoes), sure made me think of my co-worker and her daughter. Every breath of life is a miracle, and so is every step.

    I just want you to know how grateful I am for believers like you who are able to encourage others through their words.

    I will look forward to reading your blogs and books (especially Unglued!).


    P.S. I actually know of 2 other mothers. They unfortunately had their children outside of marriage.

    1 is a single mom. She was nice enough to let me live with her and her beautiful 6-year old girl this spring. She and I learned about each other quite a bit. She’s not Christian, but I pray that someday she finds God and that someday soon I find the words to tell her about God.

    The other mom has 2 boys, each with a bubbly personality. This beautiful family lives together with their father. The couple plans to get married soon. Their youngest was born this past spring and started walking when he was only 4 months old. (I’m not sure if this is normal, but oh boy, was I impressed!) This mother is also not Christian.

    If I were to win copies of your book, I will definitely pass them along to my 3 friends. I pray that I can share my love of God with the 2 mothers that don’t know Him yet.

  131. LeAnn Creasy

    I do not have children, but I know 3 other ladies that would benefit from your book. I enjoy reading your work and am thankful you always keep it real for us!

  132. Hannah

    Yep. Straight to the heart right there

  133. Amber

    Thank you for the encouragement. These thoughts have recently passed through my mind, like “how I’m failing my kids” or “how I’m not raising them correctly”…when in all actuality, I give God thanks for blessing me with them. I have to remember that they are little, and one day they will grow out on their own….and I only hope that I’m half the parent I’m trying to teach them to be to their littles in the future.

    A book like this is what I need, for sure!

  134. Rachel

    Such good perspective. Thank you for sharing truth and encouraging us in Him like you do 🙂

  135. Mary McNally

    It is all about perspective. Thanks for the reminder to look at the big picture. I would share 2 of the books with family members and the other with a friend. Would also encourage sharing them with other friends and family.

  136. Stephanie McKay

    Day before Thanksgiving and I have already cleaned up the kids messes twice today and was about to do it a third time when I read this post. They are enjoying their cousins who we never get to see and it just hit me that the messes really don’t matter. The only one who sees it is me. Just like our Heavenly Father doesn’t see the mess I make daily either. He says it can wait while we visit. I think I’ll go study my Word now. The mess of myself and my house can wait. I have some visiting to do this am.

  137. Heather Denes

    A great reminder! My house always looks lived in. It never seems to be clean. I really need to take a good look around and notice how I have been blessed! Thanks for that reminder as my kids certainly are a blessing!

  138. yolanda

    I will give the copies to my mentor, my friend Yvonne,and a volunteer that help me at the office. they have blessed me before and I will like to bless them back.

  139. Christy

    This brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes. Smile at the visual you painted of the blessing of your children… and tears that my husband and I were unable to have children. I have learned to be thankful, even though I still grieve for the little ones that we didn’t have. God had a different purpose for our lives – that of caregiver for sick and elderly parents.

  140. Jan

    Once again, you’ve spoken to my needs. I’m so grateful for your encouraging words!! These books would come in handy as my Sunday school group is almost finished with our study of Unglued… We’ve been looking for a book to study next… We all love how encouraging and real you are!!

  141. Beth Lewis

    Wow – I needed this today! Thanks for being a blessing. I would give the three books to my best friend, a gal in my bible study, and my niece. All of us with preschoolers who would benefit from Godly encouragement!!

  142. Beth Ann

    This is so what I needed today! I don’t know why (except for an outlet for my ungrateful attitude) shoes just kicked off or thrown to the front door are a major frustration for me. Thanks for a different way to look at it, a way that hopefully will grow some gratitude in my spirit.

  143. Christi

    So thankful for the shoes scattered around my house! Just the reminder I needed to see today. Thanks!

  144. Stephanie A

    I have often found myself in this position as I clean up after my toddlers. I would love to give copies of your book to my “sisters” in my Bible study class. Bless you, Lysa, for using your God-given talents to encourage us.

  145. Annette

    I just want to say this is a great post, especially right before Thanksgiving. As I struggle with trying to make sure everything is in its place before all the family comes over, this will help me keep it in perspective. God Bless.

  146. Missy B

    I would share these 3 books with my ACT girls-accountability girls, Donna, Alicia, & Mindy. We all have children and 2 of us work in public schools who can always use a fresh perspective of looking at or own kids or kids we are around every day.

  147. Tina

    Love this post! Lysa, your reminders are always such an encouragement. Thank you!This was such an important lesson for me and one I need to continue to be reminded of! I remember how frustrated I would get doing dishes at 11:00 at night, after a full day of work, my schoolwork, their schoolwork, bedtime, etc. My husband was still at work and I was just bitter and resentful. And then I realized that these dishes are a sign that I am blessed with a healthy family, blessed with food to feed them, and blessed with a dishwasher to wash my dishes! Since, I have tried to always remember that my girls are blessings, my husbands job is a blessing, and I am thankful to have remnants of their presence in my life – dirty dishes and all!

  148. Shelley C.

    WOW…. what a great reminder today. Thanks for sharing and allowing God to speak through you! 🙂 I needed this today, especially!

  149. Nicole Jenkins

    I have ten children. As to can imagine, we have LOTS of shoes. Take a normal kid and multiplyby ten. I sspend most of my days picking up and cleaning. It can be so overwhelming at times. Over the years, I’ve managed to find joy in laundry, but have struggled with the shoes and random sock joy. This blog post put it in perspective. I love your writings and teachings. Made to crave is etched in my heart and helped me transform my health through no one but Jesus. I’ve led the study three times and am preparing to lead another group in January. Thank you for being you and taking the obvious and simple and helping us see Him!! Love from Georgia!

  150. Amy

    Thank you for the reminder. At our house it’s toys our toddler plays with for 2 seconds then moves to the next toy. I have to remember one day I will miss all of it.

  151. Twila

    I would give a copy to these three mama friends of mine…Jennifer, Missi and Nikki because being a mother is challenging, reading that we are not alone with these ever-so-challenging-day-to-day gifts of being a mother, knowing that others face the same things that we do meanwhile, learning to see the good in everything that we experience…learning to remember that everyday things are a blessing from GOD and there will be days that we will look back and cherish all, ALL, of the times of being a mom, while at the time, not seeming so “blessed” with the seemingly so “frustrating event” that just took place. Children are a blessing from GOD, so is Mothering those little blessings (that seem to grow ever so fast ;)…)♥

  152. Cher L.

    Yes! I need that today. Thank you for sharing. I would give a copy to my sister, and two of my best friends.

  153. Andrea

    I would give them to my sister in law and 2 girlfriends who are all in the same stage of life with little kids trying to raise them to know Jesus and doing it with a Godly attitude!

    • Dana Bandy

      Thank you for that. I have three boys and there are many days when I get home from work that I just want to shout at everyone of them to pick up everything they own and place it in their rooms. This is a true reminder of how blessed my husband and I are to have three healthy boys! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Lysa!!

  154. Jennifer

    Exactly what I needed today and to remember those blessings that God has given my family and yet we neglect or miss interpret. 🙂

  155. Ang

    I have tears in my eyes as I look at all the shoes by our door, overwhelming me with gratitude today! If my name was chosen to receive the books, I would give them to whoever God laid on my heart that day. 🙂

  156. Kristy Land

    Thank you for the words of encouragement.

  157. Cyndi Sanders

    Love your encouraging words. It is just a reminder to look for and find the positive in everything. God has truly given you the gift of doing that and allowing you to share.
    Keep on doing more of the same.
    Cyndi Sanders

  158. Jessica

    Another great post that i needed. If i had 4 copies of this book i would have one for me, one for my daughters best friends Mom, one for a Mom I do volunteer work with at my daughters school and lastly a friend who I’ve had my entire life who now has a daughter thats friends with my little girl. All very religious mothers who i discuss these topics with often!

  159. Jennifer

    I would give the copies to my Mom friends to help encourage one another.

  160. Ronda

    I am so blessed with my 4 children & possibly 2 more if we are chosen. I have really enjoyed you taking the time to share your journey. I could so relate. As moms trying to follow Christ, it is hard and satan wants to keep us from having & showing the joy of Christ. Especially to our kids. I have already shared your blog with several of my mama friends. It goes right with what we have all been talking about. Thank you again for sharing your heart.

  161. Lindsey

    I often struggle with the need to have everything in its place, to want my children to be thankful for everything they have and to control order…this may all come from me being a teacher to many kids who are very under privileged, or my guilt for not I stilling thankfulness as much as I should. One thing is for sure, I don’t recognize the blessings in our chaos. The evidence of love, happiness, and life that comes with the messes, toy piles, laundry heaps and unmade beds usually make me crazy but after reading your blog today I definitely look at them in a much more thankful way!

  162. Tonya

    Thank you so much for this. God’s timing is perfect. I just had a mental battle with myslef over the exact same thing.

  163. Cory

    I would love to win these books. I would share them with my 3 closest girlfriends (yayas). We’re walking this path of motherhood together. Some are at same stages and some are further along with older children. We all glean from one another and I know could ALL glean from you, and Gods wisdom through you, in this book. Thank you!

  164. Tabitha

    I would give these to my 3 best friends who would benefit and have anew outlook verses there oh my gosh I can’t leave the house until it is spotless ! Haha!!

  165. Emily

    This so touched my heart. We are a family who is always on the move. Our home and even our car are sometimes organized just enough to have designated piles for stuff. It’s so tempting to look at that “stuff” and be frustrated with my kids, my husband, and mainly myself. Even admitting that the piles exist is scary and can make me go to that dark, unworthy place that so many of us hide. So, today and the other days that darkness starts to sneak into my thoughts, I choose. I choose to look for blessings. I choose to live in light. Above all, I choose to believe that God gives me all the strength I need to look beyond the piles to the beauty of my life. Besides, there’s always Febreeze and well placed baskets!

  166. Karen

    Thank you do much for this post!! Everyday I wonder if I am messing up my kids. I get so frustrated with messes in our home. I really needed that perspective today.

  167. Jackie

    Somehow I have missed the previous posts so I just read all 3 of them. Once again, God’s timing is perfect. Thank you Lysa for sharing your heart with us imperfect mamas with imperfect children. Now, I have shoes that need picking up and I am so happy that I do.

  168. Lori

    This post was a blessing to me today! So often I find myself getting frustrated with the messes, but I want to be reminded of my “gifts” who made the messes instead and just be thankful!!

  169. Shiloh

    I think I would give 1 copy to a friend, another copy to a family member & I would hang onto the third one until I had the parenting discussion with a mom who truly needs to hear the message 🙂 The other one I would obviously keep for myself since I doubt myself & my choices daily! And I’m an adoptive mom to three beautiful children, a 14 year old son from Ukraine, a 7 year old daughter with cerebral palsy, and an almost 3 year old daughter who we’ve only had a few short months and are looking to finalize her adoption in March 🙂 I always wish I had more patience and I too am a work in progress & I truly enjoy seeing your perspective on the little things that bother me so much! I need to have a more positive attitude & be sure that my children KNOW without a doubt, how much I love them and more importantly, how much Jesus loves them!

  170. Heather Cockerham

    Lysa, thank you for your daily encouragement. There are many times I have taken the heart of your message & translated into something to share in class.

    I am 5th grade teacher in Colorado. I’m painfully aware that I am some of my students’ best or only positive role model and I work intentionally to show my students an attitude of gratitude in any circumstance. Sometimes at the end of long or especially tiresome day, I forget to be the mother I was designed to be to my own children. I cling to the reminder you write about in “Unglued” about His Grace and imperfect progress.

    My mama-friends who would be blessed by this book are mama-friends who bless my life with mutual persective checks: Stacy, a fellow teacher working with me in the trenches and loving her kids where they’re at…Colleen, a newly divorced (against her wishes) single mom who is swimming upstream to raise confident young women…and my cousin, Tina who is raising 4 children in an unhappy marriage and yet is currently with child as a surrogate; the bearer of a great gift.

    What I see, I mean really see, when I read earlier messages is that there is such tremendous need to lift one another up. A most sincere THANK YOU for your voice that reminds me of a godly call to service and thanksgiving and thus energizes to my day. <3

  171. April Leon

    Clutter really gets under my skin but you are right. Shoes and scattered toys are evidence of life,blessings, and miracles!

  172. Dana Meiergerd

    Too many of us mothers spend far too much time judging and comparing. We forget we are all joyfully different. We should spend our moments encouraging and living instead of gripping.
    Blessings to you!

  173. Laura Vandiford

    This busy momma would love these books! 🙂

  174. Jennifer

    Love this!

  175. Jenny

    For some reason this really tugged at my heart. So many things to do this morning that I was complaining about the little messes that everyone leaves laying around our home. Seems like I am the only one that it bothers…living in a house full of boys. I saw the picture of all the shoes and realized that I should be grateful for the shoes and last nights empty cups on the table. We lost one of our sons in a tragic accident a few years ago and are missing a pair of shoes and empty cups that I would give anything to have his stuff laying around. Thanks for the reminder!!!

  176. Rachel

    Bless your heart, Lysa! This thanksgiving, I am grateful for a Godly mother to follow. Who knows my heart and what fills it. Thank you for helping me on the journey to be a more Godly wife and mother. I’m grateful for your ministry that reaches so many women just like me.

  177. Jennifer

    Thank you again for framing things in a different way! I am very guilty of seeing a mess as proof of ungratefulness or as another sign of my failings as a mother (I must not h e taught them well enough). I work with special needs children & I know their parents would be over the moon about shoes that had evidence of “life lived to the fullest”. Thanks again & happy thanksgiving!

  178. melissa l. j.

    Fantastic post – great reminder, especially as I’m tempted to grump about the messiness of my kids today. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of your book.

  179. Becky

    What a great reminder of thankfulness. I often catch myself upset and even angry at the messes strewn around my house. Often I feel as if I am the only one who sees and cares. I am constantly chiding myself–it’s just a small thing. One day the messes will no longer be there and I will miss this time of my kids being home to make these messes. I needed the reminder to count my blessings now, as we all need the reminder from time to time to not sweat the small things.

  180. Tracy

    We have a family of 6 so there are always shoes laying around and that’s if there is just 1 pair per person. I used to get annoyed but now as my children are getting older and some are moving out it makes me sad to pick up my youngest shoes. I know they will soon be gone.
    Also I try to think of all the kids that that don’t have the proper shoes for the colder weather or even lucky to have 1 pair. And that’s in our very own city!

  181. Diane White

    I am a mom to three boys, smelly shoes everywhere! I have three sister in laws who are all younger than me. I was the mom first and slowly they have all followed me. I would love to share the books with them. It would help all of us in our struggle as mothers. I would love that encouragement.

  182. Jessica

    I am a mama of a 2 and 4 year old. I just love your blog and would love to bless someone else with your writings! I would choose my sister, a single mom of a 9 year old, and my friends Bethany and Ellen, who are also mamas of young children. Thanks for the giveaway!

  183. Cindy Wells

    I would give the books “Am I Messing Up My Kids? to the following:

    Valerie: A high school friend whom I have not seen since high school, but have reconnected through Facebook. I started a Facebook prayer page and invited her to join it. She is always the first one to post a response that she will pray for the need at hand. If it doesn’t sound too impressive, this is what I state: She has never had children of her own, yet is raising her two grandchildren from the marriage of her husband. She has a servants heart through prayer and I know that God has used Facebook as a way for her to use that gift, it has also afforded me an opportunity to show who God is to her in a realistic way through my every day life and my relationship with God. Raising her grandchildren has come with some struggles and I know that this book would give her the encouragement she deserves as she grows in her relationship with God.

    My second would be my friend Whitney: Whitney is an inspiration to me on a daily basis. She has been married to her husband for eight years and has been unable to have children of her own. She and her husband have adopted two brothers who came from a very bad home situation and they have loved these boys from day one. They are also in the process of adopting three sisters whom they have had for two years, who as well have come from a neglected home life. Both Whitney and her husband are Christians, and walk the walk and talk the talk, but raising five children under eight years old has a world of issues in their self, apart from dealing with the issues of neglect from their biological parents. I feel this book would encourage her even more to know that God has her on this journey for His perfect plan for their life.

    Thirdly I would give another book to my friend Michelle: Michelle as well, is an old high school friend whom I have kept in contact with via Facebook. Michelle’s husband died a few years ago and she was left to raise two children on her own. At a class reunion (Lordy we have been out of school since 1985), anyway, she meet her now, new husband. Michelle has asked for prayer many times on the struggles she faces being a step-mom to two children, and the issues that have risen out of this new journey she is on. I believe this book would provide her with some help and insight to encourage her as she is walking out this new phase of her life and hopefully encourage growth in her relationship with God.

    I just have to say as much as Facebook gets a bad rap sometimes it has been a source of ministry for this stay-at-home / home-school Mom. It has given me opportunities to witness, pray and just be open, humble and honest about my own struggles as a Mom and what I walk through and that being a quote ~ unquote “Christian” doesn’t makeyou immune to the struggles and issues that come along with raising children. That is why I love reading your blogs Lysa, – you give hope to me when I see that no matter where you are in life/ how many books you have written / how many people you have met or conferences you have given, you are a normal everyday Mom with normal everyday issues that all of us face.

    I truly love reading what God has laid on your heart.

    Thanks for being obedient to the calling God has entrusted you with.


  184. Petronya

    Love this bc I am always picking up shoes and putting them in their correct location, thanks for this nugget of truth. Love how God is using you to encourage me and so many other women!!

  185. Leigh powell

    Mom it 3 boys and 1 girl. We are always on the go with school and sports. I can always use a much needed perspective changing moment in the midst of our craziness. I would give the others to my friends missy, mArla, and Celeste. Each have lives very similiar to mine.

  186. tracy McCann

    The timing couldn’t have been better that I happened upon this. I have been throwing myself a pity party last few days. I’ve been feeling frustrated with my kids and the job I’m doing as a parent. One of my pet peeves are shoes. We as a family are like the woman with a thousand pair of shoes. Every room in the house seems to have a pair of shoes thrown in the middle of the floor. Generally I go around picking up after the other four members of my family and usually there is some grumbling and griping as I do it. Why can’t my husband and kids just put the shoes where they belong!! Is that so hard!! I have created the perfect spot right at the front door for all our shoes. A pretty table with a vintage wooden box underneath to keep all our shoes tidy and in one spot. Picture perfect. Except life isn’t perfect, My family isn’t perfect and I’m certainly not perfect. Thank you for this beautiful reminder. That life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful. Im so thankful for my healthy precious children and amazing husband who works hard to provide for us. The least I can do is pick up their shoes. 🙂

  187. Lori

    This is such a great message and one I need to hear and be reminded of each and every day. My daughter has moved away and with her many of the messes her friends when they would come about would leave behind. Messes I would very ungratefully grumble about…not realizing that one day they would all be gone and I would miss having around. Our house is much quieter now, I am learning and hopefully, much more relaxed about the messes our 15 year old son and his friends leave behind. Our son, Patrick, was a sweet blessing from above, we lost a son, Joseph, at birth the year prior to Patrick’s arrival in our lives. I have always said…God blessed us with Joseph so we could appreciate Patrick more. Patrick has blessed us in so many ways, a child we didn’t think we would have. Our children are gifts from God, lent to us only for a while to love and care for. Each day I pray for patience, grace and guidance so that I may do it with the best of my ability. This doesn’t include ungrateful grumbling about shoes left about the house. Thank you for this wonderful reminder. I would give the copies to my sister, a young mother at my fitness club with three young boys in tow and the local M.O.P.S. group as a resource for them.

  188. Ashley

    I love this post. And it echoes what I have heard from my mother in law for years. She has multiple sclerosis and is now wheelchair bound. In my early years of parenthood, I would call her to vent about how hard it is to keep the house clean blah blah blah. She would really make me think, reminding me that she use to be paranoid about a clean house, too. She spent too much time cleaning and fretting, and not enough time playing and enjoying the evidence of life. She wishes she had gotten on the floor to play, and skipped with her kids more, and now she can’t. She would get a copy, and two of my closest sisters in Christ, who help keep me accountable.

  189. erica

    Thank you so much for your gentle reminders–and your honesty! I’m looking around at the mess in my living room….toys on the floor, chewed up grapes my toddler leaves hidden in corners, and throw pillows scattered about…and I read your post at just the right time! I would love to share your book with my friends Kristin, Stephanie, and Amanda who also have little ones at home and could probably use some of your encouraging words as well! 🙂

  190. katie b

    Wow – what a beautiful perspective and how timely this is with thanksgiving! I wonder how many times throughout the day if I made a small adjustment like that how different life would be and how much more honoring to God.

  191. Tracy

    I just read through all 3 weeks worth. I started out laughing with a fond beaver home moment in my mind. And ended up in tears. Those shoes! I am so thankful and grateful for every thing in my life, it is so easy to slip up now more than ever! Building the firm foundation, one moment at a time! Thank you for sharing your stories, it helps to know there are others out there making mistakes and learning too! I can’t wait to buy a copy of this book!

  192. Jodi Burma

    I have 3 girls that are 4, 6 & 8 and often need reminders like this! Thank you so much for your wonderful blog…I love reading all of your posts about how you handle certain situations and gives me great ideas to use in my own life!! I was just at Women of Faith this fall and purchased the women of faith DVD to watch with some of my friends. We watched it last week and everyone loved listening to all of your inspirational stories!

  193. Mona A.F.

    I am so blessed by your gentle way of making me see my misgiving and my much needed change of perspective. We have been blessed with 2 beautiful daughters who will soon be moving on. Both young ladies are in school (freshman in college and the other a junior in high school who is considering colleges away from home). I would love to give each of the girls their own copies and the third copy would go to my wonderful friend, Wendy, a stay at home mom homeschooling her young children, who introduced me to your site. Just yesterday I was complaining to my family how I couldn’t understand their way of thinking leaving shoes in the middle of the den floor or just wherever they take them off, instead of putting them in the basket at the door, yet today I’m looking at the shoes in the basket remembering so many wonderful memories we have from events when we wore those shoes. I will now take your suggestion and think of these shoes more as memories and blessing than clutter and my inadequacy to teach them responsibility. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and for this wonderful give away. May God continue to bless you and allow you to continue to share your wonderful insight.

  194. Lori Langrell

    Thank you for a fresh look at my kid’s shoes! I felt I failed in teaching my girls to pick up after themselves, to somehow show them that a simple act can make keeping order in the home so much easier. How just picking up their shoes would stop the “mom where are my cleats” in the rushed morning. But you nailed it – I now look at those cleats, thankful for the abilities out great Father has given my child, and that she is healthy and that by running on that field all stress from senior year and college applications leaves her for 2 hours. I now see, and this has even carried over to other little things I am so thankful for.

  195. Andrea

    Thank you! As a mom of an incredible 13 yo girl I often not only see the mess but with it a whole line of expectations for the present and the future. I’m constantly “looking ahead” trying to guide and prepare her so that she can have the most opportunities and the happiest life that I often miss and forget all the great things in the present for which to be thankful. This was a great reminder on how to align my perspective so that I can be thankful in all things.

  196. wendy west

    Just what I needed today, the day before thanksgiving. Baking all day, and 3 of my own children and 2 cousins staying over….lots of messes, and noise, and chaos today! I always have this vision of a clean house for the holidays. I guess I should be thankful and enjoy, because one day they will be grown up.

  197. Misty D

    I have an awesome network of mama support. I’d love to have these on hand to give to a mama in need. There is always someone in my group of 90+ ladies having a bad day/week/moment who would appreciate this kind of blessing.

  198. Amber

    What a great perspective. My annoyance is with shoes in the car. “WHY CAN’T YOU JUST LEAVE YOUR SHOES ON? WE ARE ONLY GOING TO THE STORE 2 MINUTES AWAY. NOW WE HAVE TO STOP AND PUT BACK ON YOUR SHOES!” That was me a few months ago. I’ve been reading Unglued and working on my attitude and reactions! I have a 5 yr old, 3 yr old, and tomorrow a 3 week old! I would give the the 3 copies to three friends in my Christian mom’s group. We have a large group that meets every Thursday and we joke that you are our BFF because this is the second year we have gone through one of your books for the year and we all LOVE you 🙂

  199. Gretchen

    1 to my sister because she has 4 kids from college age to three and she would definitely appreciate any assistance and encouragement.

    1 to my walking buddy so that we could talk together about what we learned when out on our walks.

    1 to a dear friend who lives in a state of constant crazy who I know would love a change of perspective.

  200. Lauren

    What a humbling reminder of what true thankfulness is. Thank you for sharing. This too often grumbly mama needed some perspective served up today. Why is it so often I don’t model what I desperately want to teach them? Thanks for keeping the truth before me 🙂

  201. tricia

    Thanks for reminding me – I was down on myself today for being a loser mom…never a clean house, sleek accessories or candles burning to help soften the aroma and entice the weary soul to rest. I work fulltime, have a husband in ministry and 4 teenagers!! My life is beyond full and blessed and yes, filled with stinky shoes!!!

  202. Heather

    Just what I needed to hear.

  203. Michele Morin

    I would give the three books to Lori, Cindy and Tammy because we are all picking up shoes together these days, and talking about grace that keeps us doing it.

  204. Dee Ann Corey

    This is so good. I frequently blame myself for not teaching my girls better. If I did better teaching our home would be clean and organized. I need to see the mess as proof if a blessing and not my failure.

    pill he clean and organized. I need to see the mess as a blessing. . Thanks Dee

  205. Pamela North

    Love, love, love this post! I have stinky shoes scattered all around my house from 3 very active boys. The shoes will be a forever reminder of all that I have to be thankful for each day! The 3 copies would go to my friends, Trish, Heather and Lisa. We all could use a dose of how to simplify our crazy busy life with boys!!! And more importantly, learn to turn to Him for the strength and wisdom we need each day!!

  206. cindy

    yup… so focused on making the holiday ‘happen’ I lose sight of what it is about..
    thanks for the reminder Lysa!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours~

  207. Connie Moreno

    Wow this is convicting….I love this perspective…I don’t have a lot of stinky shoes but there are times I get irritated or frustrated about other messes or even questions my girls ask and just the other day my oldest daughter mentioned that she didn’t ask me something because it might irritate me and it made me sad…I told her a few days later that I don’t want my girls to feel that way about me….I would give a copy to my friend april, my daughter Mariah, and my friend Rose

  208. Connie Moreno

    This is convicting but I love this perspective. I don’t have a lot of messy shoes but there are plenty of other messes that frustrate me that I can sure find a good story to. I would give to my friends April and Rose and my daughter Mariah.

  209. Connie Moreno

    This is convicting but I love this perspective. I would give to my friends April and Rose and my daughter Mariah.

  210. Linda

    I would give them to my three kids, so they will know this at the beginning of their parenting years.

  211. Lisa R

    The first one might just make a family better…you have no idea how we need to appreciate misplaced shoes.
    Book 2 to my church library to help that person I don’t know yet.
    Book 3 to my best friend who us about to pop with boy number 4.
    Book 4 to my neighbor who has a young baby…so she can be prepared!

  212. Wendy

    Lisa, I have to say. . .my children are all grown, but I have to practice this exact thing with my precious husband. Then again, aren’t they all still children at heart :). Thanks for allowing God to use you.

  213. Gabrielle Rodrigue

    Thanks Lysa for a great reminder! I am mommy to 5 kiddos and I, like you am tempted to want perfect order and cleanliness but when a friend of mine lost a child to cancer I was reminded that she would’ve given anything to have that child leave dirty shoes laying around or to have to pick up toys at the end of the day! It’s all a matter of our perspective! I appreciate so much your willingness to talk anout what God is saying to His girls! So well written! I am thankful!

  214. Robin Cantu

    I will begin to see. ‘The mess’ in a different light! I would love a copy of your book !

  215. Amy Wicks

    I’ve really loved these posts. Thanks so much! I would love to read this book with a few of my girlfriends- it would be perfect to give them a free copy!

  216. Jolene

    This post was perfect today! I had just had my own moment of frustration with “stuff” out of place. I would give copies to my sister who is the mother of two boys, and my friends Caitlyn and Jenn who are also moms to multiple boys!

  217. Moriah

    Thx for the post & the giveaway. I’d give one to my friend Patty as she’s raising 3 very active little ones and needs to know she’s a good mom, one for my sister who is a single mom (nuff said) and the other to sister-in-law who has 5 kids with a blended family.

  218. Sandra

    Thank you for this new perspective on the dirty shoes scattered around my house. There are so many blessings these shoes have hidden in the dirt and grass stains on them (though I am having a little trouble finding the thankfulness in the dog mess my son stepped in yesterday and tracked everywhere, I guess the fact that my son is healthy and able to play and use his imagination in the backyard is something to be thankful for….now does anyone have a tip on getting dog poo out of the tread of tennis shoes….)

  219. Sarah

    Was seriously thinking of getting a garbage bag for all my kids toys today…as they are scattered all over the house. Needed to read your blog today. Should be thankful they are played with and enjoyed. Would love to share your book with my friends who are also home with little children. I’m sure it would encourage me…and them!

  220. Kristen

    Thanks again for a switched perspective! Definitely thankful for the lives lived in those shoes!

  221. Pam

    I appreciate this reminder to see my children’s belongings, scattered all over and mostly not where they should be, as blessings. I lead a homeschool fellowship group at our church and would love to pass these books along to a few of those moms. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  222. Adrienne Reeder

    2 boys in my house and this momma likes to buy them shoes (or at least wear lots of hand-me-downs)… This speaks to my ever crazy heart and home! I have so many friends that need to hear this message, we would probably need to pass these copies around 🙂

  223. Joan

    I remember those days–oh, so well! Four kids meant LOTS of shoes by the door! Yes, it was a challenge to remember to be thankful for the mess, but it was worth it.
    I would love to give your books to my daughters and daughters-in-law, who are now raising my grandchildren. 🙂

  224. Milisa

    Love love love!!!! Learned this lesson as my oldest moved to college. I miss smelly football pads and sweaty hugs too!! 🙂

  225. Janel

    I love this! I have 3 kids age 5 & under (plus a husband that doesn’t put shoes away). They are are wonderful and I need to be grateful that I have a darling family to pick up after! Thanks! I would love to read your book and share it with my sister, sister in law (to be) and step sister so hopefully we can do a little better than our parents did (who tried to do a little better than their parents did)! 😉

  226. Michelle C

    Thank you for these encouraging and challenging thoughts! I would share copies of your book with my friends Mel, Erin & Caroline.

  227. Elizabeth

    I thought I was the only mom that sat and counted shoes and got frustrated. Thank you for the new perspective. I would share the books with my sister and 2 sister-in-laws.

  228. Christy Davis

    Love this post and I’ve been wanting to read this book! I’d share with my two sister in laws and sister because we often are encouraging one another in our parenting.

  229. Diana stokes

    I would give a book to my pastors wife. They have four young children and shoes are everywhere. The next few books would go to a friend who owns a daycare and my other friend who is a single mom struggling to make ends meet but always keeps her faith!!

  230. Amy

    This post came at the perfect time! after a rough day, and scattered mess, i feel frazzled – I need to change my perspective! i would love to read a copy of this book….and am part of a book club, where i happen to know four other moms in the midst of raising children who would love to ‘fight over’ the other three books 😀

  231. jennie jackson

    I would give one to my daughter who is raising my precious 3 year old granddaughter and to her 2 friends that are also new moms… these girls need all the wisdom and encouragement they can get in the days we live in!

  232. Angie Pairan

    Lysa Thank you Thank you Thank you! I have been trying to teach myself the lesson of Grace and Thanksgiving! And reminding myself that one day there will be no little ones to make a mess (as my oldest just got his temps). I would give the extra copies to my Bible Study Buddies. Jen, Jessica, and Kristen all who have little children.
    Many Blessings and Happy “THANKSGIVING”

  233. Amber Barney

    I’m a single mom of 4 kids…two boys, two girls. I work long hours and it’s easy to come home and get frustrated with the messes and piles, but my babies bless my life so much. I can’t wait to read the book. I often worry how good of a job I’m doing on my own. Iam looking forward to some words of encouragement.

  234. Melanie Purdy

    hello, I am grateful to have met many beautiful moms this year. I will be so happy to receive 4 of your books. I am a mother of 3, and for the first time a stay at home mom. I was a single parent for 7 years, and blessed to have known God to carry me through those difficult years and now. However, I find myself questioning myself on how I am raising my two boys and guiding my oldest son who is 12 year old. I would share one with my friend Cristina “Mom with tots” group who is a new mother and away from her family, but is finding others mothers to bond with. then, the second book will go to my friend Amy, from MOPS ( mothers of preschoolers) where we talk about ways to stop yelling or raising our tone to our children. Talking about taking a time out or counting to ten, to redirect them a different way besides yelling.the third one will go to my dear friend Cyndi who is a single parent who calls me crying asking if she’s doing a good job raising her little boy. This will be. Great gift to share, thank you.

  235. rosemary

    Hi Lysa, thanks for your encouragement and perspective. We have 4 children in our house. It sure is easy for , me to loose sight of the blessings that i have, and instead focus on the more easily replaceable.or.cleanable.materials. my 3 friends- sue, has 5kids,amanda, 3kids, and kim, 4 kids. We are all in the same small group and just finished unglued. Weve swapped storiea like… im so sick of yelling at my kids, why dont they get it, to, i was hiding from my kids in the bathroom and pretending not to be there, because i couldnt take their bickering anymore to, i got mad and yelled when one kid peed on the other. As you can gather.. our stories can be pretty funny, and weve asked each other if were hamdling it in the right way..or are we messing up our kids? happy Thanksgiving!

  236. JJ

    Thank you again for giving me a new perspective on things!! You always put a smile on my face!! I’d love to do that for others by sharing your books! 😉

  237. Mary T

    Lysa, I have so enjoyed these posts! They give me pause to look at many things from God’s perspective. If I were to win the books, I would give one to each of my daughters to bless them as they raise my grandchildren. I would give one to a friend from school, recently divorced, who seems to be extremely concerned about her children’s every move. The copy for myself I would keep in my classroom to share with other staff to remind them of God’s focus for us regarding our children or if they wanted to borrow it for life at home. Thanks for the opportunity! A blessed Thanksgiving to the TerKeurst family!

  238. Brandi

    I would keep one for myself, of course, as I have a rambunctious 3 year old boy and more often than not, I feel frustrated and/or exhausted. This combination never plays out well in real life. I would give the other 3 copies to 3 good friends of mine who are also young moms. I believe the more wisdom and resources we have, the better!

  239. Jen S.

    Thank you for adding perspective to every day life and to remind us to be thankful for what we have and to count our blessings rather than to focus on the difficult moments and constant struggles/daily battles we as moms face on any given day. I would gift the books to moms in my MOPS groups. We are all in this motherhood journey together and are great at sharing our books too, so it would spread to more than just 4 of us I’m sure.

  240. Priscilla Adkins

    I am so blessed to have 5 children who leave their shoes a mess. Thank you for the positive spin! If I win the 3 books – I would give them to 3 mothers in my church that I am sure struggle with the complexity of raising children in today’s society. Thank you in advance!!

  241. Christie

    We were just talking in my MOPS group yesterday about how we can be thankful for things that don’t always appear so great. Like messes. I’d share all these books with that group.

  242. Priscilla Adkins

    As a blessed mother of 5 young children – who leave their shoes a mess almost ALWAYS :D, I enjoyed reading this and looking at it in an different light.

    If (when – gotta have faith) I win the 3 extra books – I would give them to mothers in my church that I am sure struggle with the complexity of raising children in today’s society. Thank you in advance.

  243. Courtney

    I would give a copy to my sister and two best friends becuase we all could use a little encouragement in parenting…now, if only the books came with a side of extra time for reading 😉 ha! thank you!

  244. Crystal

    I feel like I am always asking myself (and God), am I messing up my kids? Have I done something today to change them in a negative way instead of a positive way? I would love your insight and would like to share it with my sister Tiffany, mom of 2, and my sisters-in-law Marci and Stephanie. I think we all question ourselves daily.

  245. Toni

    Oh my goodness…. Thank you for being real! So nice to know it’s not just me!
    I would give the copies to my 3 nieces. Between them they have 7 children and one is expecting her 4th this spring! Her oldest will be 4!
    What a gift for young moms!
    Thank you for sharing your gifts with us…. Your wisdom , honesty, and oh so wonderful wit!

  246. Kerri Lord

    I am so thankful for this reminder of the importance of staying thankful even in the chaos! I would give my extra 3 copies to my friend Angela who is the mom of 2 sweet babies, 2 and 1, my friend Heather who has a 7 year old and almost 2 year old twins, and to my friend Jessica who has 3 children who are 8, 5 and 1. Hope I win but look forward to getting this book along with Unglued very soon!!

  247. Nicole Reichert

    I love your perspective and I love your writing 🙂 Thank you so much for reminding me to be thankful for the little people who destroy my house everyday 🙂 They really are a blessing 🙂

  248. Cassandra Jackson

    In July I started a group of “Praying Moms” with ladies who were drained by teenagers who seemed to always “know it all.” What began as a potential group of 7 moms whose paths have crossed since our Seniors were in kindergarten, turned into a faithful group of 4, myself included. The Power of a Praying Mom was the book God showed me to start our monthly book club. From this came emails of encouragement and incorporating a dedicated “one day of peace.” As we come to a close I would love to continue our monthly time of fellowship using this book.

  249. Sherrill

    Thanks for your blog. For me, it’s not the shoes, it’s the leaves, sand, and dirt that are present on my tiles and carpet, no matter how much I sweep and vacuum. But when I look closer, they represent a happy boy who got to play in dirt, a husband who has been adventuring, and many guests who have entered through our door that I have the privilege of serving and pointing to Jesus. I don’t know that I ever saw dirt as a blessing before, and I hope I will never see it as “just dirt” again.

  250. Brooke Harper

    Wow, hits so close to home and actually brought peace in my heart. I am a single mom that struggles everyday with patience and sanity. I constantly feel like a failure but reading this lets me know I’m not alone. There are other moms out there that struggle and make mistakes. If I was chosen I would keep for myself and give two away to each of my sister’s. Danielle and Andree and then give the 4th copy to my bestfriend. Thanksfor sharing

  251. Ashley

    I would love to read this! I have a lively 5 year old daughter who acts just like me…faults and all.
    My friends Allison, Sara, and Leah would get a copy as well. They’re the type of friends who call for advice about their children…and I call them for advice about mine. Parenting is such a journey!

  252. Deborah

    I would give the three copies to my coworkers. We all work the weekend shift in the OR so we can be free to be available as wives & mothers during the week. At times we feel we are a dying breed and living opposite of the majority of our culture. These 3 friends have been a great support & encouragement and they have varying levels of knowledge of Truth, and I hope this book would serve them well in their spiritual journeys !

  253. Cheryl Dillistone

    As I read the article about the kid’s shoes, I looked and saw my youngest child’s shoes stacked up by the stairs. My other children are off and driving. My oldest is in college. It is amazing how “time flies”. I can remember “wishing away” important milestones…..(I wish they could talk so they could tell me where it hurts…..I wish they could drive so I could just stay home….etc) Wow!! How time flies and then you are looking back wondering if you did ok as a mom???? I would give these books to moms in the midst of it! I have young friends who are already “wishing away” the time….wondering how they are doing as a mom. Thank you for writing this type of book!!!

  254. Mindy Young

    Where no oxen are, the trough is clean; But much increase comes by the strength of an ox. (Proverbs 14:4 NKJV)
    This is a verse God uses to encourage me. I have 5 children ages 17 to 6. Those messes are evidence that God has blessed me to raise and train 5 He can use to do His work! Evidence that He also still desires to use me to increase His kingdom. Had to share the verse, even if it’s a day late!!

  255. Vicky

    I just went thru a divorce so it would be most timely to win. 2 copies would go to two if my friends also on the divorce path. And the 3rd copy I would donate to the local Domestic violence shelter

  256. Jolene in Michigan

    I’m a mom to 3 girls aged 12, 9, & 6, plus one little boy who’s almost 5. My little book club of girlfriends went through Unglued last summer together. I’d love to be able to share this one too.

  257. Lisa Warren

    Wow! What a great reminder of just how full my life is. As an adoptive and foster parent, I worry about the house so much because of the ateady stream of social workers and therapists that come through. This gives me a whole new perspective and I hope to “let up” on the kids just a bit 😉

  258. Kristin Strickland

    I needed this especially now. I would give the first copy to my sister. We lost our mother to cancer in February of this year and it seems without her guidance it’s hard to feel like we are doing anything right some days. I would give the other two copies to my sweet friends Amy and Peggy. My oldest son was diagnosed with Autism a little over a year ago. These two women( whom I know God put in my life) also have boys with Autism. We have shared highs and lows. Let me tell you when you are in the deep lows and you react you feel just like you said “am I a horrible mother?”
    So thank you for this and all your honest words of Godly wisdom.

  259. Audriana

    Would love to have this book! I am constantly think those very words!

  260. lrf

    As I was reading I heard my boys laughing together:) Your reminder was timely b/c I could have scolded for being so loud and getting a bit wild but I thought no I should be glad they are happy healthy and,at this moment, getting along! The same is true about shoes and clothes -I can see a blessing and gently teach or I can be frustrated or upset b/c I’ve stumbled over the shoe…again. Too often I choose frustration but must pray and ‘repent of my attitude and choose thankfulness and love for my two adorable boys who are quickly growing up-do I want them to remember a frustrated mom with sharp tongue or a loving g mom who gently taught them.
    I choose sharp too often and God led me to each of these blogs and I am learning slowly but surely to do and say right but many days I do wonder if I’ve messed up my boys. That said, my sister could use this book in her mothering journey and I have a cousin I’d give one to as well. The third I would share with a mom at church who is seeking God but feeling defeated in her mothering journey. I think I would read mine and then share it with others ( I would want it back k though -hope that’s not selfish:) I know could use encouragement. Happy Thanksgiving (I’m a day late reading this week’s post:)

  261. Sirron Ritchie

    Thank you for this reminder and post about our motherhood journey. I would enjoy the book and give the other three copies to three of my close friends that have young preschool children. I have at times contemplated chores and charts to complete with my young girl, but then I am reminded of how important it is to see the evidence of life with each pair of shoes or each toy scattered throughout our home. Next time I see a pair or shoes I will be reminded of the love, life, and memories the pair carries.

  262. Jill

    We have 3 boys, and their stuff is EVERYWHERE!!! Thank you for reminding me to see their things as evidence of the great blessings we have…and not three slobs

  263. Nancy Swanson

    I have been living my life in frustration because of the message my kids make. Reminding them continuously of how they aren’t following the rules. As I read this article, it truly convicted my heart and I have to apologize and change my perspective. I only have them for a little while longer and I need to start appreciating every moment. Thank you Lord for revelation.

  264. Debby Pierpoint

    I am the director at a Christian preschool and would love to share with some of my struggling parents.
    Thanks for your words of encouragement.

  265. Tamara

    I just came across your blog this Thanksgiving morning. I think God works in mysterious ways and knew I needed something to shake me from my darkness. I am a single mom of 3 wonderful kids. I work 2 jobs, volunteer at school and have never missed a sporting event or performance my kids were in. I feel torn in a hundred directions but feel the great need to be the “everything” for them as their father picks and chooses when he is present. Recently being taken back to court and having child support lowered and not knowing how I’m going to make ends meet has made me grumpy, sad, scared and irritable with my kids. I find it very hard to see the joy in simple things and so want to! I don’t want to be the mom with the bad attitude who is always snapping “no” to her kids when they ask for money to go do things with their friends. This is the time they should be able to do these things, but I just don’t have the resources anymore and it breaks my heart. I don’t want to be the person who is consumed with this divorce. I have let it define me and I so want to break free from that! Stumbling across your blog this morning was no accident. God is helping me to find a new attitude. One of gratitude – this has been a huge year for me personally as I celebrated turning 50 and 5 years cancer free! If I can’t find being thankful for that, then something is wrong. I’m walking the planet!!! I have hope for a better life and most importantly a better attitude and way of living. I don’t just want to survive or get through each day, I want to live each day to the fullest. Thank you for the reminder of this and for what I think is just the beginning of my spiritual healing journey. I would love to read your book and share it with my sister and 2 dear friends.

  266. Susan

    Thank you Lysa, I take pleasure in reading your posts. This is veracity and i have experienced God speaking to me through several of your posts..thank you once again and continue to be a blessing! 🙂

  267. Julie Sunne

    What mother hasn’t asked the question that is the title of your book, Lysa? I would love to be able to share your book with my readers, a special friend, and my sister. Blessed Thanksgiving to you!

  268. Jennifer K.

    Oooo…I am so guilty of getting frustrated by the shoe piles! I would give the copies to three other moms in my weekly Bible study group who are going through similar struggles.

  269. Dorothy

    How practical and the timing is perfect. I nearly always have shoes scattered all around my front entrance. I’ll have to remind myself to think of all the blessings those people, who wear them, are to me. Thanks!! My friends Margie, Evangeline and Kelly would all enjoy your book. I’m carrying your book Unglued around in my purse right now and I have been blessed.

  270. Theresa

    Thanks for helping me see the other side of my often too-negative thoughts toward my children.

  271. Amie

    This was much needed!! Thank you!!! I’m a mom of two boys and two girls. We are a family that is on the go daily. Everyday frustrations seem to always creep into my mind as a mom, but I really needed something that helps me understand that it’s ok, and to remind myself of the love and memories our family is making!! I would give books to my boss; she’s a mother of 7, runs a daycare and is always needing a kind reminder. Then there is a woman named Nicole, she’s raising two girls and would love the book, then I have a friend named Kelly who is a single mom and definitely could use the encouraging words, and then there that one lady who us always self doubting her calling as a mom.

  272. Shalena

    I would love to win these to pass on to my 3 bestie mammas!! I suffer from an autoimmune disease that my medical doctor has said is lupus but not confirmed by a rheumotologist yet. My mamma friends are my supporters and fans. No matter how bad I feel they share God’s love and encourage me to never lose my joy!!!

  273. Priscilla

    First I would give my best friend a copy. A single mother of 3 (2 boys and a teenage daughter) she lost her identical twin sister this past May. They were so very close and it never crossed Kell’s mind not to take custody of her sister’s teenage daughter and raise her as her own. That is exactly as she’s done, and as crazy as it has been she’s never looked back.

    Second I would give a friend from church a copy. She is such an inspiration to me. She has 3 boys (age 9, 4, and 1 years old) and homeschools the two oldest. She is one of the most amazing women you’d ever want to meet. On our church worship team, always willing to help out anyone in need, and her family is so important to her. I would love to run my house the way she does.

    Third, I would give the last copy to my friend and our Children’s Pastor. One of the most amazing women you’d want to meet she is a widow and fights everyday to beat cancer. She has two preteen daughter’s and is raising them to be so Christ centered. She is helping me to raise my own children to be the God loving children that they are.

    Last it would be an amazing gift to not only be able to give each of these ladies a copy of this book, but also to receive one myself. Having just suffered an early miscarriage and the break up with the father I have truly struggled this week of Thanksgiving with being able to put into words today (on Thanksgiving) what I am thankful for. Yet it is my children above all else… and when I get angry with my son for the mess he leaves in the living room or my daughter for the way she leaves her drawers out, I have to really stop myself and remind myself of the alternative.

    God Bless!!

  274. Danielle Lee


    I happened upon this post from you while doing a research article for my master’s degree in professional Christian counseling. I was looking up some scripture and this came up. It’s so humbling and awe-inspiring how God moves in our lives every day. I have read two of your books that have completely changed my life, “What Happens When Women Say Yes to God” and What Happens When Women Walk in Faith.”

    I don’t have any children of my own, but I know many mom’s who could really benefit from your wisdom and love of God. One of the women I would give a copy of this book to would be my aunt. She is raising 3 beautiful girls. Her oldest has recently made some poor choices, and my aunt has definitely asked the question “Am I messing up my kids?”. She is looking for something to help her grow and learn that brings God’s word to a relevant place in her life.

    The second woman I would give a copy to is my supervisor. She is the mom of two young children. Her husband is lost, and recently God has been working in her life in very evident ways. She has been asking questions, coming to church, and searching for something to help her. She is a bit of a “control freak” when it comes to where things go. She shared a story about something similar to your shoes story just this past week. I believe one of the hardest things for her in her walk with God is letting Him have control over the things she is desperately holding onto. I know she would love some encouragement from another mom, but one who is grounded in faith and love of God.

    Another person I would give a copy of this book to is my mom. She is currently raising my nephew due to some unfortunate circumstances. She just turned 50, and my nephew is 5. With all her children grown and in their late twenties or older, she is extremely overwhelmed with the task she’s been given. She also has “lost her way” so to speak. Over the years she has fallen further and further away from God. I know she feels as though there is no hope of her recovering from the mistakes she’s made, but she wants to do right by my nephew. I think under the guise of being about kids, she would read your book and it could be helpful to her in raising my nephew.

    Lastly, even though I don’t have children of my own, I am very involved with the youth of my church. We have a mentorship/discipleship program, and it can be overwhelming at times to know the right thing to say and do especially since they aren’t my own children. I also am very involved with my family. I have 6 cousins under that age of 16, a younger sister and a younger who I have invested a lot of myself in.

    I appreciate all you do, and your obedience to God in sharing what He has done in your life. You are a blessing to me.

  275. Meg

    I would give the books to my Bible study ladies.They are so precious to me!

  276. Mary Davidson

    I would give one copy to my sister in law (we have read all the Lysa TerKeurst books together and struggle through parenting together), and one of my dear girlfriends who is really burdened by motherhood right now.

  277. Karen

    I would give my copies to my friends Kristen, Deena, and Lisa…all have a house full of littles like I do, and could all use some mommy encouragement. It’s tough work in the trenches of life with little ones…thanks for the reminder to stop and realize how blessed we are to have a house full of life.

  278. sandra harley

    I have so many friends that are single moms and could use this book that it’s hard to pick who I would give the copies to….however, whomever gets the books will b truly blessed..i received my made to crave book yesterday…cant wait for obs to start in jan!!! Proverbs 31 ministries is such a huge blessing to me. The ladies there have changed my life!!

  279. Kristi

    I would love to have a copy, to share two with the moms I get together with weekly to pray for our kids and the last with another mom from school whom I compare notes with frequently….these ladies remind me often that we are not in this alone

  280. Hope

    I would probably donate them to our churches foster/adoption ministry Thrive – they could give them to parents who are in need of a resource to encourage them.

  281. Katrina Lloyd

    I would definitely keep 1 for me because I am constantly asking myself that question – am I messing up my kids??? I struggle daily with a blended family that is not so blended. I have to tell myself not to OWN their choices & consequences as they get older. I would share the other 3 copies with my neighbor and BFF who also has her own parenting issues & insecurities. The other 2 I would donate to my church library/pastor to give as they feel led. What a blessing it would be to other mamas who feel like they are alone and always making mistakes! Thank you, Lysa, for all that you do for us!

  282. Lucy

    What an incredible perspective! Wish it came more naturally:)

  283. Jennifer Buell

    Thank you for that. I’m the mom you met at MOPS convention whose husband just died, leaving me with four kids to care for and nurture. Today I’m having trouble with the thankfulness, though God is being so good at providing for us. Just a hard morning. I’m also the leader of a MOPS group. I would give three copies to moms struggling in our group. Thank you for your ministry. I’m glad I’ve discovered it. You encourage me.

  284. Annabel

    Thank you from the depts of my heart, for having the courage to just write what is lead by God within you. Thank you for writting this piece. I am at work and stopped long enough to read “THANK GOD FOR SMELLY SHOES.” I am a single mom of three beautiful boys and I fail in this section miserable. I want the house to be clean and my sons to put their things where they belong, which is not a bad thing. But it is how I relay the message and the perspective I take in the big picture. And most important how if they see God’s love in me. Thank you for reminding me to stop and thank God for my healthy and wonderfully made boys!!! Pray over my life wisdom to live a life that is pleasing to God. A life where I am a great example to my children of how amazing it is to live for God. Thank you so much! Blessings to you, your family and crew in the ministry. Esta Luego beautiful sister!!!!
    Annabel Lopez

  285. Stefanie

    I absolutely LOVE this story about the shoes. At my house, it is dirty socks everywhere all the time. I have two boys – three counting my hubby :). Just this past weekend, I let the devil in and let the small incidents of the day ruin my outlook on my family. Why are they always fighting, why can’t they listen, why do they have to ruin family time? I prayed to God to change my perspective and soften my heart. Thanks Lysa!

  286. Beth Mincey

    I love reading your devotions & blogs. Your words always hit home & encourage me. I am a single mom with epilepsy & depression. Satan really uses this to make me feel like a failure. You are such an inspiration to me. Please continue to let God use you in such a powerful way. Thanks for all you do!

  287. Jennifer Thomas

    One to my soul sister in DC, one to my neighbor, and one to my sister in law 🙂 And I would pray that the sharing multiplies. Good stuff!

  288. Angie Weitzel

    The first book I would give to my dear friend Erin. I have known her since she was 8 years old. She was my oldest sons (now 15) first babysitter. She means the world to me and my 4 children. She is now married and works full time with two active boys only 13 months apart. They are 2 and 1. She struggles with working full time because her mother didn’t and I did not. I think she is doing a terrific job, but biblical reinforcement can speak more powerfully than I can. The next book would go to my new friend, Jennifer. Just like me, she had her 4 children in 5 years. The oldest is just in kindergarten and the baby is 3 months. I remember those days. I was always thankful for Godly advice and guidance. The next book will go to a friend that recently went through a divorce with two boys ages 12 and 13. Finally, I will give the last book to Brenda. She runs the local food pantry and I am sure she knows of a mom that could use encouraging words.

  289. Emily Meyer

    Hi Lysa! I recently heard about you when I was invited to a Bible Study at our church that was based on your book What Happens When Women Say Yes To God! I fell in love with God even more and my perspective changed. My family wrote their Christmas lists, including me, and every book of yours is on my list! I would be honored to receive these books as a Christmas gift and gift one to both of my sisters as well!
    I am a mother of four kids, two from my husbands previous marriage and two of my own. I feel so blessed to have all of them! They are all teaching me how to rely on God daily :). We are blessed with a 15 year old, 12, almost 4, and 6 months! As you can tell my husband and I are going through every stage at the same time! We need all the help we can get. Thank you!

  290. Rachel Serna

    I would also keep one for me since I am one of those too who worry if i am messing up my two kids (a daughter-8 & a son-3). I would then give one to a friend of mine who is married and has a young son and is at a loss for maternal advice since her mom died when she was a teen. I would then give the other two books to my younger sister-in-law and adult niece or my younger cousin or to whomever the Lord directed me to give them to.

  291. heather

    I am a mother of two girls 13 and 11 and a 5 year old boy ; I can totally relate and take to heart this devotion, thank you so much. I would give my books to two of my close friends who are mothers , one of five and another mother of 3 . I believe they would cherish them and know that they too feel blessed but also get caught up in the business of our worlds and the pressure of the outside world to be perfect and all put together.

  292. Joyce C.

    I would give them to my friends Sarah who is a mom to 3, Christina who’s a new mama, and Ana, mom to 3. Why? We all need encouragement that we are doing ok as moms and Godly wisdom and counsel.

  293. Amy

    Wow! I needed this today! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I would give copies of this book to my sister who has 3 young children, my best friend of 27 years, Jenny, who also has 3 small children, and my friend Amber who is about to have 2 little ones under the age of two. We are all women who love God and love our families. The struggle is just in the details and I think this book would be a great encouragement to us all. Thank you!

  294. Jill

    Great perspective! Can’t wait to share this with my husband. One day there will be no more shoes throughout the house and I know it will be bittersweet.

  295. Amy

    Haha. My pastor and his wife came over last night to pray with me before today’s court hearing with my daughter’s dad, and I felt the need to apologize for my messy house. I have to remind myself over and over again to enjoy the toys, shoes (and lately, glitter!) that my daughter has scattered all over the house because someday I will be a lonely old woman who doesn’t have a little girl at home to do that anymore.

    As for the books, the first would go to a friend who has raised her own two girls, but is now raising two foster children who were abandoned by a relative of hers. The second would go to a friend who lost an adult son to a drug overdose and has two special needs children under age 6 (one is adopted, she is amazing!). The third I would share with the world via the little public library in my little town.

  296. Hannah

    I have been following you through Klove for a few months now and as a new mother of a 3 month old, I look forward to hearing you more and more. God has used your teachings in my life in such a beautiful way. I am so excited to find this APP! 🙂 I look forward to many pairs of dirty shoes and little messes

  297. Sherrana

    Thank you Lysa!! This article couldn’t have come at a better time. I was just feeling so defeated tonight, by piles of dishes and clean laundry, that I can never seemed to catch up on. Now I see them in a new light 🙂 I would give the 3 books to: my sister a business owner with 2 small kids, my other sister who’s son is fighting Infant Tay-Sachs disease and my best friend who is a single mom.

  298. Ann-Marie

    These words have been such a blessing to me. I have a three-year-old and thirteen-year-old. Between the two of them, some times I feel like I’m failing. I think, how can I be in two different worlds and be successful with both of them?! Your message helped me to see that I’m not alone, I’m not messing up and every experience is God given. Rather than thinking I’m a terrible mother, I can now try and look at things from God’s perspective. Thank you! I can’t wait to read this book and share it with my bible study group. We could all use the reassurance!

  299. Connie

    I have borrowed a copy of this book and absolutely love it! I would love the opportunity to read it over adn over again, be able to hhighlight in it, laugh with it and cry even!!! You really touched me with your stories. I would give out the other 3 books to: 1 my sister, she is a mother who strives to do everything and looks down on herself when she can’t, 2 my best friend Marcy, a single mom of 2 kids that has raised them both on her own for 12 years after having her oldest while in high school and still graduating at top of her clas, and the 3rd I would donate to our church library for other moms to check out and read!!

  300. Erin

    I have 4 kiddos all very close in age and I nanny 4 others. I love being able to stay home and be with my kids but sometimes the constant feeling of never keeping up on little tasks…like shoes…is discouraging. I strive everyday to let nothing “steal my joy” and sometimes it is hard. I have a small group of mommy that I get together with and I would share/ do a study with them and be refreshed together with these books 🙂 I will continue to remind myself I m blessed beyond measure and some mothers in this world pray for shoes!

  301. Cherie

    Lysa – Thank you. I see these posts and think. Wow. The complaints, the murmuring, annoyance – all cover the blessings freely given by God who loves, nurtures and protects. Thank you for removing those scales that prevented me from seeing Him and His love.

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